CAIM 2014 Bookofabstracts
CAIM 2014 18th–21st SEPTEMBER, 2014 BACAU,˘ ROMANIA BookofAbstracts Organized by ROMAI “Gh. Mihoc- C. Iacob” Institute of ”Vasile Alecsandri” University of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Bac˘au, Faculty of Sciences AOS¸R Mathematics of Romanian Academy Sponsors: The Municipality of Bac˘au, AEROSTAR S.A. Bac˘au, ISSSCO Bac˘au, Softescu Bac˘au, GRAFIT INVEST S.R.L. Bac˘au, METALBAC & FARBE S.A. Bac˘au, COPANEX S.R.L. Bac˘au Scientific Commitee Mihai ANASTASIEI (Ia¸si), Nuri AKSEL (Germany), Vladimir BALAN (Bucure¸sti), Constantin BACUTA (U.S.A.), Wladimir-Georges BOSKOFF (Constant¸a), Dumitru BOTNARU (Moldavia), Vasile BRANZˆ ANESCU˘ (Bucure¸sti), Tassos BOUNTIS (Greece), Daniel BREAZ (Alba Iulia), Sergiu CATARANCIUC (Moldavia), Adrian CARABINEANU (Bucure¸sti), Victor CHEPOI (France), Ovidiu CARJˆ A˘ (Ia¸si), Acad. Mitrofan CIOBANU (Moldavia), Sanda CLEJA-T¸IGOIU (Bucure¸sti), Acad. Constantin CORDUNEANU ( U.S.A.), Adrian CONSTANTINESCU (Bucure¸sti), Piergiulio CORSINI (Italy), Ion CRACIUN˘ (Ia¸si), Matthias DEHMER (Germany), Narcisa APREUTESEI DUMITRIU (Ia¸si), Angelo FAVINI (Italy), Gabriel DIMITRIU (Ia¸si), Vladimir GERDT (Russia), Ioan DZITAC (Oradea), Bogdan KAZMIERCZAK (Poland), Constantin FETECAU˘ (Ia¸si), Victor LEPIN (Belarus), Paul GEORGESCU (Ia¸si), Boris LOGINOV (Russia), Acad. Marius IOSIFESCU (Bucure¸sti), Nenad MLADENOVICI (Great Britain), Gabriela MARINOSCHI (Bucure¸sti), Andrei MOROIANU (France), Acad. Solomon MARCUS(Bucure¸sti), Gheorghe MOROS¸ANU (Hungary), Acad. Radu MIRON(Ia¸si) Lidia PALESE (Italy), Ioana MOISIL (Sibiu), Mihail POPA (Moldavia), Costic˘aMOROS¸ANU (Ia¸si), Maido RAHULA (Estonia), Titus PETRILA (Cluj-Napoca), Kumbakonam RAJAGOPAL (U.S.A.), Constantin POPA (Constant¸a), Liliana RESTUCCIA (Messina), Vasile POSTOLICA˘ (Bac˘au), Ruggero Maria SANTILLI (U.S.A.), Vasile PREDA (Bucure¸sti), Dana SCHLOMIUK (Canada), Ioan STANCU MINASIAN (Bucure¸sti), Kiyoyuki TCHIZAWA (Japan), Mirela S¸TEFANESCU˘ (Constant¸a), Ioan TODINCA˘ (Moldavia), Dan TIBA (Bucure¸sti), Vladilen TRENOGIN (Russia), Acad.
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