QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Their thinking has become clouded by anger; their vision impaired by rage.”

—Betsy DeVOS, Republican Party chair, describing the opposing party’s leaders. Michigan Information & Research Service, Inc.

Weekend of May 21-22, 2004 Web Site: http://www.mirsnews.com Volume XXII, Issue 098

Capitol Capsule “We need some geographical diversity,” said one state official. Hughes Unseats Wise Visibility also became an issue among some As Committeewoman delegates, with several complaining that they (GRAND RAPIDS) — Holland-area activist never saw Wise working for them, recruiting Holly HUGHES unseated National Committee- candidates, raising money and helping at the woman Sharon WISE of Owosso by a couple ground level. Wise’s focus had been more on hundred votes on Saturday in a spirited race at the voter integrity, basically recruiting poll monitors. Michigan Republican State Convention that Wise also took her role in Washington D.C. very secured the state party’s three top posts for the seriously, something the grassroots-level folks Westside of the state. didn’t always see. Although lacking the support of much of the This perception was evident in the support top state Republican power structure, Hughes rode each candidate received. Wise’s supporters in- the rock-solid support of West Michigan and cluded Party Chairman Betsy DeVOS, Attorney staunch conservative ground-level support to General Mike COX, six members of the Michigan unseat Wise, a seven-year veteran of the post. Congressional leadership, Senate Majority Leader Ken SIKKEMA (R-Wyoming), Speaker Rick Hughes notched a 1,011-818 lead with 14 of 15 JOHNSON (R-LeRoy), all three GOP U of M precincts reporting when Wise stopped the vote and Regents and most of the Republican members of offered a concession speech. She then proposed that the MSU Board of Trustees. a unanimous ballot be cast for Hughes. The results of the 10th District (basically Macomb County) On the other hand, Hughes’ biggest names were never publicly announced and the official were Secretary of State , U.S. record will have Hughes winning unanimously. Rep. Pete HOEKSTRA (R-Holland) and National Committeeman Chuck YOB. But Hughes’ lumber “Failure isn’t falling down, it’s not getting up, came in the number of district chairs and county and I will work for this party until the last breath I officials and local activists who propelled Hughes have,” said Wise, a former State Board of Educa- over the top. tion member. The race between Wise and Hughes was seen a few different ways. Some likened it to the 1998 MIRS Inside Scott ROMNEY-John SMIETANKA attorney 2 State GOP Opposes Tax Hikes general nomination in terms of it being a leader- 3 Anderson, Hubbard Get Into Regents Race ship v. grassroots West Michigan battle. 4 Schwarz: I’ve Got 8-10 Years Left In The Tank 5 ACLU Seeks Ruling On MATRIX Participation Others saw it as a strictly geographical issue, 6 IRS & State Treasury Join To Stop Tax Evasion the conservative West Michigan folks again 7 Medicaid Cuts May Kick Million Off Rolls flexing their political muscle, as if having the state PUBLIC ACTS chairman, national committeeman, Secretary of HOUSE COMMITTEE SCHEDULE State and Senate Majority Leader weren’t enough. SENATE COMMITTEE SCHEDULE

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Hughes won a majority of the votes in the 2nd, State GOP Opposes Tax Hikes 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 13th, 14th and 15th districts. Wise st th th th th th (GRAND RAPIDS) — The Michigan Republi- took the 1 , 4 , 7 , 8 , 11 and 12 . can State Committee overwhelmingly voted Satur- With the nomination of President George W. day for a resolution against any tax increases and BUSH for re-election a unanimous slam-dunk, the against anymore pauses to the income tax rollback. Wise-Hughes race gave the hungry Republican activists The party also voted to support the partial-birth something to chew on Friday night and Saturday abortion ban and oppose gay marriages. morning. Both candidates spent around $100,000 in The most immediate vote issue is the tax issue, parties, stickers, T-Shirts, signs, literature and assorted however. The House nearly voting on Wednesday campaign swag for a position that doesn’t pay anything. to support a 75-cent increase in the cigarette tax The politics were hot and heavy the night and anxiety is rising around the Capitol about before the vote, too, when mostly Wise supporters somebody proposing to re-pause the income tax on the Republican’s Rules Committee attempted to rollback past July 1. change the state rules to move the Hughes-Wise The resolution approved today defined a tax vote to the far back of the agenda. Their argument ‘pause’ as a tax increase since it’s a scheduled cut. was that they didn’t want delegates leaving during It said it’s important that the Legislature “find the keynote speech of Colorado Gov. Bill OWENS ways to help businesses create new jobs and and the special televised message of Bush. increase revenue without increasing taxes.” The Hughes folks saw the proposal as an With “one-man, one-woman” marriage peti- attempt by the Wise backers to thin out the caucus tions circulating through caucus rooms, the state crowd before the vote, thereby giving Wise a Republican State Committee also supported voting better shot. The Hughes folks won out, defeating on a U.S. and state constitutional amendment to the change by an unconfirmed committee tally of ensure marriage as an institution involving only 19-11. As predicted, a steady stream left the one man and one woman. On the state level, there DeVos Place as Owens made his speech. is a petition drive that would put this question Hughes knows where her votes came from and before the voters in November. thanked them after the vote. The party also overwhelmingly urged that the “The grassroots are awesome. They’re hard Legislature support the citizen’s petition drive to working,” she said. “All their hard-work paid off define birth as the moment any part of a fetus’ and they’re going to make a difference with body exits the woman, a creative way to ban the (President George W.) BUSH. You gotta have a medical procedure “partial-birth abortion.” ground campaign to make it happen. You can’t just get it done with money.” DeVos Comes Out Both Guns Firing Asked about the geographical divide and the appearance that the power structure is in West Michigan Republican Party Chairman Betsy Michigan, Hughes said, “No, we’re all from DeVOS blew apart the National Democratic Party as Michigan. I’m from Michigan No. 1.” being a gang of angry hate-mongers, who checked their civility at the door for malicious name-calling. Asked what she is going to do in the new posi- tion that Wise didn’t do, Hughes said, “I’m not going DeVos called former presidential candidate to speak ill of a fellow Republican. We’re going to Howard DEAN’s “uncontrollable screaming” in work hard together. Once the race is over, it’s over his Iowa concession speech as something that with. We’re going to work hard for President Bush.” “was bound to happen” and Michael MOORE’s comments that Bush is a “deserter, election thief, To prove her point that she expects no bad drunk driver, liar and functional illiterate as blood, she said she is already working with an- ‘unbridled hatred pouring out from one of the other former committeewoman candidate, Sandi leaders of the Democrats.’” KNOLLENBERG, on an Oakland County event. Weekend of May 21-22, 2004 MIRS Capitol Capsule Page 3

“This is not the voice of the loyal opposition,” required to collect the same 1,000 signatures she said. “This is the voice of venom. Their Kilpatrick has to gather considering the Republi- thinking has become clouded by anger; their can congressional candidate in this race has never vision impaired by rage.” earned more than 15 percent of the vote, he added. DeVos’ other examples were the Movon.org “This is a political ploy,” Jacobson said. “I television ad that compared Bush to Adolph don’t understand why they’re so scared of Cynthia HITLER. She also mentioned the St. Petersburg in a race they are going to win.” (Fla.) Democratic Club full-page ad in an alterna- tive weekly newspaper that says: “And then Caucus chairman Tom McCLEARY said there’s (Defense Secretary Donald) RUMSFELD he’s referred the matter to the caucus’ attorney who said of ‘We have our good days and our for his review. bad days.’ We should put this S.O.B. up against a wall and say ‘This is one of our bad days,’ and pull the trigger.” Hardy, Har, Har, Har “What a difficult and embarrassing time to be Colorado Gov. Bill OWENS broke up an other- a Democrat,” DeVos said. “But not to worry. wise stock keynote address Saturday with a couple There is plenty of room in the Republican Party well-circulated pokes at the French, who, obviously, for Democrats to join us. Our doors are wide open still deserve mockery for opposing the Iraqi War. and we welcome them.” “Why does the new French navy have glass- bottomed boats?” Owens asked. “So it can see the GOP’s 13th District Backing Cassell old French navy.” The Secretary of the Republican 13th Congres- “Why did the French plant trees along the sional District Caucus called the state Democrats’ main streets of France?” Owens asked. “So the recent challenge over the petitions of Congres- occupying armies could march in the shade.” sional candidate Cynthia CASSELL “bullshit” and questioned why Democratic Executive Chair Mark BREWER is putting the effort into counting Anderson, Hubbard Get Into Regents Race Cassell’s signatures. (GRAND RAPIDS) — Two common faces Caucus Secretary Curtis JACOBSON said around the Capitol are jumping into the race to he’s canvassed elections in the city of and become the state’s newest regents on the University admits there are probably a few bad signatures in of Michigan board under the Republican banner. the 1,111 signatures Cassell sent to the Secretary Patrick ANDERSON, of the conservative of the State. But, surely, there are not the number Anderson Economic Group, and Sarah HUBBARD, of errors Brewer and the Democrats are alleging in of the Detroit Regional Chamber of Commerce, their challenge to the Board of State Canvassers. made their intentions known this weekend at the Cassell is running a steep uphill battle to Michigan Republican State Convention. defeat U.S. Rep. Carolyn Cheeks KILPATRICK The two join four other Republicans seeking (D-Detroit). Last week, Brewer challenged the the two available nominations. The seats are signatures. He said that by his count, there are currently held by a pair of Democrats, Martin only 1,095 valid signatures, and of those, 152 are TAYLOR and Olivia MAYNARD, which would no good. The signees either didn’t live in the explain the large amount of interest from the GOP district, aren’t registered to vote or didn’t com- side. The board’s composition is currently 5-3 in pletely fill out the petition. favor of Democrats. Even if Brewer turns out to be right, Jacobson Anderson said he’s getting into the race to said it’s ridiculous that Brewer is putting forth the rescue a university that he says has gone “adrift” challenge. Also, it’s ridiculous that Cassell is since the institution opted to defend all the way to Page 4 MIRS Capitol Capsule Weekend of May 21-22, 2004 the U.S. Supreme Court an admission’s policy that Meyers has been campaigning for this seat since gave minority candidates an automatic boost. football season and has a good bit of support in Oakland and Wayne County. Mason is cut from the “This university should be a beacon of hope conservative Macomb County cloth. Diaz is a and learning, that gives great respect to our state,” relative newcomer to the state who has ties to the Anderson said. “It usually does. But the effort state Hispanic community, but could be hurt by the that has been wasted on the affirmative action fact he didn’t graduate from the University of Michi- battle and a need to have more accountability of gan. Brown is a pleasant, long-time university elected officials drove me to get in.” fundraiser, but looked comparatively under-prepared Since January, the conservative economist has as she shopped herself around the caucus sites. been talking to delegates about the post and already has the support of seven congressmen and 38 county chairs. Schwarz: I’ve Got 8-10 Years Left In The Tank The surprise entry into the field is Hubbard, a (GRAND RAPIDS) — Former Sen. John former staffer for former Sen. Bill BULLARD (R- “Joe” SCHWARZ (R-Battle Creek), told the Highland) and long-time Republican activist who Republican 7th Congressional District Caucus has listed the support of 14 Representatives and tonight that he is “physiologically” term-limited, five senators, which isn’t a bad tally considering but pledged to serve in Congress at 110 percent for she got into the race last Friday. as long as he’s able, which he predicted to be eight-ten years. A U of M Alumni Association Board member, Hubbard said she targeted this weekend to offi- Schwarz, one of six Republicans seeking the cially enter the race, meet delegates and get her party’s nomination for the 7th Congressional District message out. The eight-member Board of Regents nomination, joined two other candidates in speak- consists of four women, but three of them are ing to about 125 caucus members Friday night at Democrats. The other more prominent names in the Michigan Republican State Convention. the race are all men, so Hubbard sees this race as The former senator and former Battle Creek an opportunity for some young, Republican mayor turns 67 this year and brought up the self- female representation on the board. imposed term limit subject on his own, noting that She hit all 15 Congressional caucus rooms on he’s asked repeatedly on the campaign trail how Friday with a short, to-the-point commitment to keep long he plans on serving. The lively Schwarz tuition increases low, academic standards high. She drew a chuckle from the crowd when he referred opposes the preferential treatment in college admis- to himself as “physiologically” term-limited. sions and doesn’t like the idea of using taxpayer Constituents are curious, obviously, because money to fund a “How to be Gay” class. the only reason Schwarz and the other candidates “Even though the other candidates have been are running is because U.S. Rep. Nick SMITH out there, people have been receptive to my (R-Addison) is living up to a pre-Congressmen message,” she said. “I’m pragmatic in that I pledge to serve a maximum of 10 years and is understand how government works and how to stepping down at the end of 2004. bring about change.” How long will the other candidates serve? Smith, Other Republican candidates making their case whose son, Brad SMITH (R-Addison), 44, is one of to the delegates this weekend Dearborn investment the other five candidates, told MIRS that he predicts firm executive Carl MEYERS; Macomb County the winner of this race will serve 16 years, which he Attorney Gerry MASON; Sixth Vice-Chair of the said is “at the higher end of being effective.” Michigan Republican State Committee and House The only other candidate present at today’s Communications staffer Victor DIAZ; and caucus, Rep. Gene DeROSSETT (R-Manchester), Kalamazoo activist Susan BROWN. followed Schwarz to the podium and made no commitment as to how long he’d serve. Weekend of May 21-22, 2004 MIRS Capitol Capsule Page 5

Also in Schwarz’s brief 3-minute speech, the ACLU Seeks Ruling On ear, throat and mouth physician also mentioned that the nation’s health care system needs a com- MATRIX Participation plete overall by a Republican administration and a The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Republican Congress, not “Hillary” care. of Michigan on Thursday requested that the Department of State Police to formally explain Congressman Smith added that his son is a why it believes lawmakers didn’t need to OK its “dedicated conservative” whose attorney-like participation in the “Multi-State Anti-Terrorist debating skills could sell his position among Information Exchange” (MATRIX). Congressional members. The state’s Interstate Law Enforcement Intelli- Speaking on his own behalf, Brad Smith ran gence Organizations Act (ILEIO) requires lawmak- through his five top issues — being a “devil” ers to approve Michigan’s participation in an when it comes to cutting spending, “driving a interstate intelligence organization and that a citizen stake through the heart” of the nation’s tax code, oversight body supervise such participation. picking up his father’s social security torch, ending frivolous lawsuits and going after those The MATRIX is a project involving five states. “liberal, activist judges.” The State Police has begun a pilot project of the system that was described to the Senate Appro- A self-proclaimed “pro-business, pro-profit” priations Subcommittee on Corrections as a candidate DeRossett asked the caucus to take a look database project (See MIRS, April 23 edition). at his history of building a successful business from the ground up and how, as a state representative, he The system brings together a number of made constituent relations a top priority. disparate facts about individuals into a quickly searchable database. He pledged to take that approach to Washington D.C. and to push legislation that improves the lives “We are asking the state police to explain why of the men and women who get up everyday to add they believe that they do not have to comply with their part to the state and national economic engine. this law,” said Kary MOSS, Executive Director of the ACLU of Michigan. “We know that the state “I’ve lived the American dream,” DeRossett has provided a number of databases to MATRIX, said. “I saved the money to start a business and I which is run by a private company, and yet it built that business with my wife’s help [by] one remains unclear what data will be compiled, who customer, one contractor at a time, and I make no else may have access to it, or what standards would apologizes for being good at what I did.” trigger the creation of a dossier on an individual.” Rep. Clark BISBEE (R-Jackson) opted to stay Lt. Col. Tim YUNGFER, of the Michigan in his district after the heavy storms beat up south- State Police, rejects that conclusion. ern Michigan. Instead, aide Chris FISHER told the caucus that Chamber-backed and Pro-Life-backed “I don’t agree with that assessment. It’s not an Bisbee has the best chance to win in November. intelligence system, it’s an information gathering system that allows us to review information more Former Rep. (R-Tipton) quickly,” said Yungfer. “There’s a world of dropped off some literature explaining his strict difference between an intelligence gathering and conservative views, but didn’t attend the caucus or sharing system and what MATRIX does.” have someone prepared to speak on his behalf. The ILEIO Act was enacted in 1980 after it Also missing from the caucus meeting was was learned that the Michigan police had com- long-shot candidate Rep. Paul DeWEESE (R- piled “red squad files” on thousands of Michigan Eaton Rapids), who neither had literature or citizens, according to the ACLU. The law was someone ready to speak for him. meant to prevent unsupervised and uncontrolled access to information about individuals. The “Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit” (LEIU), like Page 6 MIRS Capitol Capsule Weekend of May 21-22, 2004

MATRIX, had a legitimate law enforcement IRS and State Treasury Join Forces To function. However, LEIU also engaged in politi- cal intelligence and collected information on non- Stop Tax Evasion criminal activity of U.S. citizens. Promoting the potential to recover millions of dollars in lost revenue to the state, State Treasurer According to information revealed in the Jay RISING signed an agreement with Internal answers to Freedom of Information Act requests, Revenue Service (IRS) executives in declaration of Congressional testimony and news reports, the the promise between the two entities to share infor- ACLU believes the MATRIX creates files on mation that would prevent tax evasion in Michigan. individuals, using government databases and private-sector information about individuals. IRS Small Business/Self-Employment Area Federal and state law enforcement officers can Director Jeffrey BASALLA called the cooperation then access those dossiers, at a cost. In addition, between the state and federal government an the MATRIX program combs through millions of important step in ensuring that each Michigan files in search for “anomalies” on people who resident pays his or her fair share in taxes. have never committed a crime. “Abusive tax avoidance transactions are The ACLU said at this point, Michigan has undermining the voluntary tax compliance sys- provided information to MATRIX, including tem,” Basalla said. “They affect honest taxpayers credit histories, driver’s license photographs, who pay their fair share by increasing the overall marriage and divorce records, Social Security taxes for law abiding citizens.” numbers, dates of birth, and the names and ad- Specifically, the arrangement targets abusive tax dresses of family members, neighbors and busi- avoidance transactions (ATAT), or the offering of ness associates. information that would allow an individual to cir- The ACLU is concerned that citizens are cumvent tax obligations. Examples of this informa- vulnerable to inaccurate data collection under tion include strategies for illegal investment, plans on MATRIX, much like they were under LEIU, with how to obtain tax benefits not allowed by law, ways even greater risks as a result of 21st century to misrepresent self-employment income, and ideas technology. MATRIX has no citizen oversight on how to generate distorted facts to reduce tax board; it maintains records which are not relevant liability. Basalla said the new cooperation will stop to a criminal investigation or within the scope of the state and federal government from producing an authorized law enforcement activity; it may duplicate information on these schemes. contain information describing how an individual Rising said he could not produce an exact exercises rights guaranteed by the First Amend- number for how much money the agreement would ment; it has no procedures for reviewing files for allow Treasury to recover, but said he anticipates accuracy or legality; and there is no stated policy the addition of millions of dollars in revenue. for assuring the purging of outdated information. Michigan joins 43 other states in making an Yungfer argued that MATRIX doesn’t contain arrangement with the IRS to improve ATAT investi- information that isn’t already available to law gations. Most prominent among the other states is enforcement officers. Data compiled by the California, which IRS Lobbyist Joseph ACETO system includes drivers record, criminal histories, said had recovered almost a billion dollars after sex offender registries, and other data that is enacting an agreement less than a year ago. contained in computer programs that can be bought at Sam’s Clubs or Wal-Marts. “I would be happy for a fraction of that,” Rising said. “We take issue with [the ACLU’s assertions, they are] inaccurate,” said Yungfer. “It does not When MIRS asked whether this agreement accurately represent the MATRIX program in would help catch individuals who are guilty of what it does and what it will do.” crimes other than tax evasion, Basalla said that the state and IRS could now also more effectively Weekend of May 21-22, 2004 MIRS Capitol Capsule Page 7 deter illegal money transfers such as the ones done Humbug Marsh Will Remain Home To with off shore credit accounts. Only Bugs And Birds Basalla said that taxpayer privacy protections Enhancing the country’s first International will remain as stringent as before even under the Wildlife Refuge, Governor Jennifer combined efforts of the state and IRS. GRANHOLM this week permitted the federal “We treat taxpayer privacy as a top priority,” purchase of Michigan’s Humbug Marsh, which said Basalla. “The information shared under this lies near Trenton and Gibraltar. agreement will be strictly limited to that pertaining The governor’s decision will allow the federal to abusive transactions.” Migratory Bird Conservation Commission (MBCC) to consider in June the addition of the 410-acre marsh to already protected lands around the Detroit River. Medicaid Cuts May Kick Million Off Rolls Granholm described the potential purchase of Gov. Friday said a the land as a victory for environmental protection. federally proposed $2.2 billion cut to Medicaid would be damaging for more than a million of “Placing this permanent protection on Humbug Michigan’s most vulnerable citizens, collapsing an Marsh will be a final step in what has been one of already fragile and underfunded program. the hardest fought and won environmental battles in Michigan,” Granholm said. “Humbug Marsh will The cuts recently called for in a House budget be widely recognized as the crown jewel of resolution, equate to a $160 million cut to America’s first International Wildlife Refuge.” Michigan’s Medicaid program. Programs such as Michigan’s home and community based waiver Granholm Press Secretary Liz BOYD said the and the entire adult benefits program cost $100 purchase of the land is important for Michigan’s million and $120 million, respectively. environment because even though the marsh serves as a fish hatchery and a home for migratory birds, “The adoption of any proposed cuts to Medic- developers have considered building on the land for aid would be disastrous for Michigan,” Granholm the past four to five years. The governor’s office said in a recent letter to Michigan’s entire congres- called the marsh one of the most ecologically signifi- sional delegation. “These Medicaid cuts would cant lands in the Detroit River and Lake Erie basin. affect Michigan physicians, hospitals and health systems, nursing homes, and most importantly, In 2001, U.S. Rep (D- low income citizens.” Dearborn) set up the initial part of the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge through a federal law The State of Michigan has been aggressive that allows the MBCC to purchase land on the about containing Medicaid costs, but the caseloads American side of the Detroit River and certain parts in Michigan for the program have increased around Lake Erie. However, the Michigan gover- almost 30 percent since 2001. The state’s rising nor must consent to these purchases. caseload also has caused an $80 to $120 million hole in the Fiscal Year (FY) budget, she said. Last year, Granholm approved the inclusion of 153 acres in Monroe County as one of the first “Our Medicaid dollars provide needed ser- purchases of the new refuge. vices to 1.36 million Michigan Medicaid benefi- ciaries, primarily senior citizens, disabled people, pregnant women, and children,” Granholm said. “Cuts to this vital program could increase the SBC Poll: Residents Support number of uninsured and negatively impact Company’s Offer Michigan families and communities.” Defending their contract offer to workers who Granholm also pointed out that a majority of are now engaged in a four-day work stoppage, SBC the nation’s Governors - Republicans and Demo- Friday announced that a survey of the 13-state crats - are opposed to federal cuts to Medicaid. territory it serves, show consumers overwhelmingly Page 8 MIRS Capitol Capsule Weekend of May 21-22, 2004 believe the company’s current offer on health care Resch said that Michigan is home to 11,000 SBC and job security is fair and reasonable. CWA workers who are engaged in the stoppage. Friday was the first day of a four-day strike by Over the four days, Resch noted that Michigan the Communications Workers of America (CWA). operations are not staffed to the levels they nor- According to the CWA, the stoppage by its mally would be on Friday and Monday, but over 100,000 SBC worker members began at 12:01 AM the weekend with the management employees Friday morning and workers will return to their stepping in the company will have a higher staff- jobs Tues., May 25 at 12:01 AM. ing level than it normally does. Among key issues in the contract dispute, CWA members are seeking to strengthen their employment security, including gaining access to Governor Signs New Bondsman Law new jobs in growth areas of the company, and to Gov. Jennifer GRANHOLM on Friday signed preserve their health care benefits. into law legislation that makes it easier for out-of- state bail bondsmen to start up in Michigan, over “We appreciate the hard work of Federal the initial objection of the Office of Financial and Mediation and Conciliation Service Director Peter Insurance Services (OFIS). HURTGEN in helping us try to work out an agreement on these issues, but unfortunately these Currently, a bail bondsman needs $7.5 million efforts have failed to achieve a settlement,” said in the bank to open shop in Michigan to cover the CWA President Morton BAHR. losses caused when a bonded criminal suspect skips town and can’t be tracked down. The alleged “We are making this a limited job action right problem is that this high threshold is a disincentive now to drive it home to SBC that our members are for out-of-state bondsmen and at least one Michi- serious about securing their future at SBC,” said gan-based holding company, according to the Bahr. “We know that a prolonged strike could cause House Fiscal Agency. a loss of major customers and do significant damage to the company, and hopefully that can be avoided.” HB 5281, sponsored by Rep. Mickey MORTIMER (R-Horton), lets companies only According to SBC, 90 percent of union house- have $4.5 million in the bank as long as they have holds in the 13 states surveyed said the SBC $3 million in bond guarantees and securities in health care proposal was fair. In total, nine of ten another state. survey participants say the company’s health care offer is fair and reasonable, after learning more The industry claims it doesn’t have a problem about the proposal and comparing it to the average with the lower threshold because losses are low, American’s health care coverage. anyway. Unlike other insurance companies, bondsmen typically demand land or a house as On job security, SBC’s survey found 70 collateral before they give someone bond. percent of respondents believe the company’s offer is fair. The poll was conducted by Baseline In House committee, OFIS spoke out against and Associates and has a margin of error of plus or the bill, saying Michigan citizens would be better minus 4.9 percent. served with a $7.5 million floor because it protects taxpayers from fly-by-night, under funded bonds- According to Matt RESCH, spokesman for men. OFIS in February said it doesn’t accept SBC, service in Michigan shouldn’t be affected at all. guarantees as a matter of doing business, having “We’ve been planning for it [a work stoppage] been burned by them before. OFIS also claimed it for a year, because we knew the negotiations were didn’t like setting two different sets of standards going on this spring,” Resch said. “Upwards of for out-of-state companies. 4,000 management employees have been in Also signed into law was SB 653, sponsored training to fill the critical jobs to make sure our by Sen. Burton LELAND (D-Detroit), which network is maintained and protected and to be sure reinstitutes a brownfield development that had our customers don’t feel the effect of the strike.” Weekend of May 21-22, 2004 MIRS Capitol Capsule Page 9 sunset in 2003 for one more year. The $750 fee Fri., May 28, 2004 goes into a separate fund that is used for pollution clean-up at brownfield sites. 10 AM, Press Conference - Michigan State University and Mid Michigan community leaders Granholm also signed SB 1026, sponsored by agree on medical school enrollments, 4/17/04 Sen. Michelle McMANUS (R-Traverse City), which sets aside the second Friday in May as 10:31 AM, Senate Natural Resources and Michigan Manufacturing Day. Environmental Affairs Committee Meeting, topic: presentation by the Michigan 4-H Conservation Council, 4/27/04 Michigan Government Television 11:38 AM, House of Representatives Session, 5/19/04 The following is the broadcast schedule for Michigan Government Television (MGTV) for the week of Mon., May 24, 2004: On This Day In Michigan History On May 21, 1696, hoping to cut costs and Mon.,May 24, 2004 influenced by the Jesuits who want to christianize 10 AM, Conversations with Sen. , the Native Americans without the negative influ- Senate Democratic Floor Leader, 5/20/01 ences of the fur traders, King Louis XIV orders France’s western outposts closed. The king’s 10:30 AM, Conversations with Gloria Jeff, director orders are largely ignored and within a few years of the Department of Transportation, 5/21/04 the French found Detroit. 11 AM House of Representatives Session, 5/13/04 conclusion — Source: Michigan History Magazine Tues., May 25, 2004: 10 AM, Senate Session, Live 12 PM, Senate Session, 5/20/04 1 PM, House of Representatives Session, Live Wed., May 26, 2004: 10 AM, Senate Session, Live 12 PM, Senate Appropriations Judiciary Subcommittee meeting, 4/27/04 1 PM, House of Representatives Session, Live Thurs., May 27, 2004: 10 AM, House of Representatives Session, Live 12 PM, Senate Education Committee Meeting, topic: replacing the MEAP test with the new Michigan Merit Exam, 4/22/04 1:30 PM, TBA

"Providing balanced, objective coverage of the daily proceedings of Michigan's state government and quality services to our many customers." MIRS, Inc. staff: John T. Reurink • John H. Reurink • Jack Spencer• Jerry Crandall •Laurie Mwakanandi •Chaunte’ Piernas •Kyle Melinn •Tim Skubick © 2003 MIRS, Inc., entire contents copyrighted, all rights reserved. Any unauthorized reproduction, transmission or use in any manner without the express written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited.