Plants of Mcelmo Canyon

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Plants of Mcelmo Canyon Plants of McElmo Canyon (Sand Canyon), near Cortez, CO [Montezuma Co(s), Colorado] Observed on CONPS fieldtrip, 5/13/1995 to 5/13/1995 Leader(s): Leslie Stewart, Sue Komarek; Recorder(s); Leslie Stewart Scientific Name Synonym Common Name 1. Achnatherum hymenoides (Oryzopsis, Stipa) Indian ricegrass 2. Adenolinum lewisii (Linum lewsii) Wild flax 3. Alyssum parviflorum (A. minus) Wild alyssum 4. Anisantha tectorum (Bromus tectorum) Cheatgrass 5. Aristida purpurea (A. longiseta, A. fendleriana, A. wrightii) Fendler’s three-awn 6. Astragalus calycosus Torrey milkvetch 7. Astragalus ceramicus Painted milk-vetch 8. Astragalus molybdenus Colorado milkvetch 9. Atriplex canescens Four-wing saltbush 10. Calylophus lavandulifolius Lavendar leaf primrose 11. Castilleja chromosa Desert / common paintbrush 12. Ceratochephala orthoceras (Ranunculus testiculatus) Hornhead 13. Cercocarpus montanus Alder-leaf mountain mahogany 14. Chorispora tenella Purple mustard 15. Delphinium andersonii var. (D. scaposum) Anderson larkspur scaposum 16. Draba cuneifolia Wedge-leaved draba 17. Echinocereus triglochidiatus Claret cup 18. Elymus elymoides (Sitanion hystrix) Squirreltail 19. Ephedra viridis Green ephedra, Mormon tea 20. Eriogonum ovalifolium Cushion wild buckwheat 21. Erioneuron pilosum Hairy tridens 22. Erodium cicutarium Storksbill, cranebill 23. Fraxinus anomala Single-leaf ash 24. Hesperostipa comata (Stipa comata) Needle-and-thread grass 25. Heterotheca villosa (Chrysopsis villosa) Hairy goldenaster 26. Hymenopappus filifolius Fineleaf hymenopappus 27. Lepidium montanum 28. Leucelene ericoides Sand aster 29. Mesynium puberulum (Linum puberulum) Plains flax 30. Oenothera albicaulis Praire evening primrose, gumbo lily 31. Opuntia polyacantha (incl. var. trichophora/juniperina) Central prickly pear 32. Oreocarya flava (Cryptantha flava) Yellow borage 33. Oreocarya flavoculata (Cryptantha flavoculata) Roughseed borage 34. Oreoxis bakeri Alpine parsley 35. Packera multilobata (Senecio multilobatus) Uinta groundsel 36. Penstemon eatonii Eaton penstemon 37. Penstemon ophianthus Snake-flower 38. Physaria acutifolia Double bladderpod 39. Pinus edulis Two-needle pinyon 40. Plantago patagonica (P. purshii) Woolly plantain Southwest Chapter fieldtrip to feature plant communities. McElmo Canyon (Sand Canyon), near Cortez, CO - May 13, 1995 to May 13, 1995 Scientific Name Synonym Common Name 41. Poa fendleriana Muttongrass 42. Pterogonum alatum (Eriogonum alatum) Winged eriogonum 43. Purshia stansburiana (Cowania mexicana) Cliff-rose 44. Rhus aromatica ssp. trilobata (R. trilobata) Skunkbrush 45. Rhus aromatica var. (R. trilobata) Skunkbrush simplicifolia 46. Rumex hymenosepalus Canaigre 47. Sabina osteosperma (Juniperus utahensis) Utah juniper 48. Seriphidium tridentatum (Artemisia tridentata) Big sagebrush 49. Streptanthella longirostris 50. Streptanthus cordatus Twistedflower 51. Tetraneuris ivesiana (Hymenoxys acaulis var. ivesiana) Stemless woollybase 52. Townsendia incana Silvery townsendia 53. Tragopogon dubius ssp. major Salsify, Oysterplant 54. Yucca baccata Banana or datil yucca 55. Yucca harrimaniae Harriman yucca -2-.
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