Xempare this paper with Compare this paper,wit^ other local papers other local papers We court comparison THE GLENGARRY NEWS We court comparison VOL. XXX No. 47 ALEXANDRIA. ONTi^O, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8. 1»22 $2.00 A YEAR Crepry Commission St. Inilrew's Consenrative Wins Post Office Heads iieial Visit of Have You Paid Your Sits at Cornwall sd Success Gofltast in Lanarh In Session D. D. G. M, hlv Subscription ? At the last session of the Ontario Notwithstanding;^ Vî:^clemency of Lanark county in the bye-electi9ns During the curren^ week a Postal R.W. Bro. A. D. McRae of Vank-f Legislature a Commission known as the weather, wht<| doubtedly pre- for the, Dominion House,* held on conference between repiresentativee of le^ Hill, D.D.G.M. of Eastern Dis-t the Gregory Commission was ap- vented a large from attend- Monday, 4th inst., remains in the the Governments of and of trict No. 21 A.F.'&A.M. paid Alex- For some time we have been trying to convince subscribers pointed to inquire into Hydro mat- ing, the St. Andp ^^all given in Conservative column,. Hon. D**. R. the United States was held in the andria Lodge an official visit onf of the necessity to pay up their subscriptions to The Glengarry ters all over the province. This the Armouries, Glengarry F. Preston defeating David Findlay, Hoiuse of Commons, Ottawa. Tuesday, the 5th inst. A large nimo.-* News and keep the subscription in advance. So far the response Commission has been sitting at Chapter I.O.D.t : an unquali- the Liberal candidate, by some 1600 The American party is headed by ber of visitors were present from has not been as good as'"e would have liked. We would ask various places and on Friday last it lied success, somei tiundred i)eo- majority. While the majority of the Hon. Hubert Wotk, Postmaster Gen- Vankleek Hill, Lancaster .and otherf our subscribers to look carefully at the label on their paper. If sat at Cornwall wh n all who had pie being present,| walls and late Hon. J. A. Steviart was - Up- eral at Washington, and jconslsts of places. The third degree was exem- the date on it has passed, then the subscription has expired and any complaints to make were invit- balcony were mosi jveiuiiy decor- wards of 2600 the Liberals had hopp- W. Irving Glover, Assistant Poat- plified in an efficient manner by W.; we would ask for an early remittance. Two dollars or two ed to be present and were given a ated with flags the Seet- ed to cut it considerably more than master General; John H. Edwards, Bro. E. F. Shanks and the otheif dollars and a half as the case may be is not a large amount in hearing. Alexandria was represented tish National fla he lion ram- they did but different circumstances Solicitor; Edwin Sands, Superinten- officers. After the regular meeting itself, but when that is multiplied by one thousand or two it be- by Geo. Simon, Mayor; Dr. H. L. pant occupying a?,g nent place played a part in the result. dent of Foreign Mails; Peter Schardt the members sat down to a banquet comes an important mattèr and the total represented in the ag- ('heney. Chairman P.U.C.; T. J. along with shid ^d evergreens The one big accomplishment of the Superintendent of Railway Mail Ser- at which the usual toasts ^ wereif gregate is a very important one to the newspaper publisher. Gormley, Reeve and Clarence Os- the whole L most fitting Liberals was the reduction of a vice, and Charles, Riddiford, Post- drunk and speeches wore delivered trom, Commissioner. setting for the pous beautiful majority J of 1174 in Perth town to office Inspector, by many of the brethren present. Am It costs a great deal of money each week to issue The Glen- The principal bone of contention garry News. People have to be paid to write it, and to set the gowns of the ladw 114 although majorities in other The Canadian members of the con- unusual toast was one proposed to# and one which occupied most of the The Tempest ference are : Hon. Charles Murphy, type to print it, to mail it and they have to be paid every week. Orchestra of towns also were reduced considerably the prosperity of the Irish Freer Paper, ink, metal dealers and others demand pa>ment every 30 time was an issue between Corn- Montreal supplié felUnt music they fell far short of the reduction Postmaster General; P. T, CooUcan, State whicli came into being thaU wall and Bro.ckville in which Corn- Acting (]leneral Superintendent of 1 days. We would ask our subscribers to kindly bear these facts j throughout the and were in the county seat. On the other day« ■t in raiitd and endeavour to keep their subscriptions paid up. wall representatives claimed that imost generous ini ling to en- hand the United Farmers went back Postal Service; B. J. Underwood, .1 the Hydro Electric Power Commis- j cores. to their forpier party and in Lanark R. H. MacNabb, H. E. Atwater. A. Please look at your label. If your subscription is paid up sion had diSvTiminated against Corn- From a fmancia ndpoint the the old allegiance for the United Webster, F. E. JoUiffe, W. J. Glo- : this notice is not intended for you. If you are in arrears we wall in favor of Brockville when it ; success of the bia j^.most grati' Farmers is apparently with the Con- ver, G. C, Anderson, and B. J. Le- Canadian Hacon i would very much appreciate a prompt remittance. had quoted prices for a block of jfying to the mem take this servatives. maire, with E, L. Newcombe, K.C., 4 power to J c delivered to the Eugene opportunity O^ ning their The passing Provincial success ol Deputy Minister of Justice, as legal Is losing Favor f Then. Another Matter Phillips Co., of Montreal who were thanks to the nittee, to the Progressives in Lanark has left adviser. ? A dinner tendered by the Domi- •4 While wc are talking about keeping the subscription-in good looking for a location in Eastern Mr. D. Mulhern dly loaned a no mark on its two-party politics of Ottawa,. Dec. 5 — At the present* standing, there is the matter of payment for Job printing and ad- Ontario and who finally deciced- in piano for the. OQ nd to all today. Liberalism in this election nion Government to Postmaster time Canadian Bacon on the British^ vertising payable on presentation of accounts. favor of Brockville. those who assislji in any made great strides, but received no General Woirk was held, Monday market is losing, rather than gaim evening and attended by the Prime The Gregory Commission seemed way to obtain Eîéctive. support from the Progressives, who ground, was one of the tverti** Minister and hia colleagues. the to be of the opinion that even if were expected to give more support nent statements made last aigut by; We Thank You in Anticipation I.eador of the Opposition, and other Hydro Electric Power Commission to the party of common ideals.. Dr. J. H. Grisdale, deputy ministoiï Pri\y Coiuucillors, resident in Otta- had favored Brockville they were The Lüjeral party fought a strong of agriculture, at a, banquet tender— . wa, and Sir Henry Thornton. Presi- ^justified in doing so because Brock- Canadian Fa( battle in a constituency part of ed by the department to the seniorj dent of the new Canadian National Glengarry News vilie, as a hydro town, has assumed which has never elected a Liberal ofiicers of the live stock branch, as4 Board. a great share of the cost of the since Confederation and the other sembled here for conference from alii Wi i Honors On Tuesday evening a dinner was lines in the St. Lawrence System part of which was usuiflly Conserva provinces of the Dominion. given to Hon. Mr. Work at Govern- j.nd would even be respousiijle for ' Chicago, Dec. • da won the tive. '■While . in appearance Cana l.ani ment. House by their Excellencies the its .share of the line into Cornwall ^bip at the bacon on the British. market I oats-growing chi Governor-Gen ral and Lady Byng of to sorv'e this prospective customer Hay Show equal to that of England anl Irs- I International G^ Vimy. whore.is Cornwall which is not a r,W. Big- land, it is considered to be below BIG WORiD EYlNTf: I tonight. The en^ Some historic dates in the devel- hydro town was under no obligation won the Tlie Ingleeeuk British requirements. Hog grad«ri#f I lands, of Lacomi opment of postal reciprocity between ^THEIR SIGNIFICANCE. •in case of loss and the Gregory field of (By G. Wattj Smith M.A.) will undoubtedly restore to Canartal j sweepstakes ove^ Canada and the United States have WALKING IN THE SPIRIT her lost prestige on the British mar- Commi.ssi,..n felt that Brockville American and B an growers teen set out on the printed pro- by ^^1111011x13011115: There are very few people who ket, the only export outlet for Cau4 should h:l^e be n favored in quoting competing for tf 60 in Cash gram, and th?y are of deep interest. rat s for power. The rates quoted prizes offered by fiCago Board have not had at many periods of adi. n bacon,” ho said. Greece is furnishing to the world i was no friend of Britain. He was FRANKLIN STARTED IT. were Cornwall $33.00 per H.P.. ! of Trade. Bigla pple weighed life the d.sire to live in away that The deputy ministrr congratulate li nn outstanding example of a nation ] mainly responsible for the over- In 1763 Benjamin Franklin opened Brockville $35.00 per .ÏI.P. would commend them to the scrutiny the members of the live stock bran'*h| • tnat antagomsos its friends at the [throw of Venizelos and the backing l40^ pounds to tS iy postoffices at Quebec, Three Rivers The repro.«entatiVfs -from Alexan- ! The Beard of || Bup was aw- of the e:?e of the All seeing God and responsible fbr the excellent r.-iputav moment it needs them most. The. ex- j gii en to King Constantine as ag- and Montreal and established the dria brought up the question of a j arded to Bi*? , Luseland, thereby exert the highe.st influence tion enjoyed by Canadian eggs o*n epution 01 former Premier Gounafis ainbt the allies at a cruicial period first postal ëî-rvice between Montreal flat rate per H P. for the whole 1 Sask., for haV , the best on their fellow creatures. Not a few the British market as a result oÇ and ÛVO members of his cabinet,'t>VQ j in the great wal*. When King Cons- and New York via Lake Chamxflain province and advanced the claim wheat p^oduQ^I '{^continent have tried to put the desire into the.standardization for export. He# r .«r. threp/of whom had a'lso oociÿpi^i W99 called to;* the ftnd .ljpakfe, George. In 175^2 the first that- wi 1%'a W'X'v ^icr

oped, for the beneflft of those They were tried before a court mat- Gr^k cabinet: when the crisis <^er there was the postîu convention j li,Ving nearl y but should he dis- by G. W Er>artA)e\^ozwt»am. from as a fantasy of an impossible piet- tial oil a charge of treason, to- the war against Turkjpy resulted in twe- n Great Britain and the UUited ! tributed throughout the province at C. Mitchell.^-of .Da^ndn, i3ask. ism which practical people would gether with a number of army and a revolution in Greece and the ab- States pro^id'.ng for conveyance of j Brief reference was made to CaM approximately the same rate for Glenn Pharea^> 18 jfOars old, of not long entertain. Yet it has its navy officers, the verdict of the dicati^on of King Constantine. * mails exhan^^ed bi.tween Canada and j ^da's trade in daiiy products in Dr.» everybody. This started quite a dis- bhelbyville. Ind.. : wl|o carried off bearing upon the most practical af- court meirtial was confirmed by the Great Britain, and stipulating that cussion and was supported by near- high honors in the jumor contest, fairs of life. Who is ' there who has and stipulating Grisdalc's address,, in which before^ present government, and those con- In addition to a break in diplom- letters and newspapers exchanged | ly all the representatives of Eastein will he awarded a s(>çcial silver cup not met with some saint of God, saw a big develppment provided Ca-^ demned to death soon faced a firing atic relations with Britain over the tetween Canada and the United 1 Ontario b’ t although the Commis- added to the list of atrophies and preacher or jpriest* more often a nada'a commodities are better ad-4 squad which did its work efficiently. political executions for which it is State'4 should be subject to the sion. did not commit themselves oue prize money by the Board of'Trade. righteous father or a holy mother, vertlsed abroad, and produced andlT Several min who were tried and es- responsible, the Greek government combined postage of these itwo coun- would judj,e that they were unfaver- The first four prizes in field peas from whose influence we have never marketed with a view to meeting caped the death penalty were sen- has given its enemies at the Lau- tries. In 1875 another postal conven- I able to such a scheme. Alexandria went to , with J. B. Hill, of been able to escape? If we did find the exacting taste oi the BritisM rtenced to long terms of imprison- sanne conference on Near East pro- tion between Canada and the United 1 also brought up the question of .n^ Lloydminster. taking r primary hon- ourselves passing into a state where consumer. ment. The chief argument used av blems, a fine handle with which to ors« States was concluded providing for minimum bilk for lighting customers, the haunting name had lost its mu- Reference wns also made to thdl .«.inst the condemned men was that beat their way to more concessions. Saskatchewan carried off the hon- exchange of mails and that corres- 7hey prole-ted against the increase sic we trembled to think about our removal of the* embargo and the tre-» by a system of terrorism they stifléd The Turks were quick to; point to ors for hard red .spring wheat, first pondence of evey kind should be from $1.00 to $1.50 in the minimum lost,condition and held that we had nendous opposition presented in thalf adverse public opinion and planned the, reports of the execution as a place going to R. 'O.-Wyler, of Luse- fully prepaid at the domestic rates bill of domestic customers claiming got to the point where we must re- regard as relating to the beef cattlsi .«n oflonsive against Constantinople confirmation of their charges of land. Ontario ’ was represented by of the countries of origin. In 1881 that it affected the poor man only form >ud repent. Is there any one industry. Dr. Grisdale announced which resulted in the counter offen- Greek excesses in Asia Minor, while t>vo exhibits, but did not secure a additional articles of agreement be- and that it was unfair to expect who does not respect the character that it is the intention of his do* sive against the Greeks by the Tur- the Russians declared that such ))lace. Manitoba. Saskatchewan and tween the two countries were sign- the J poor man to assume more than of men like the late W. E. Gladstone partment to give serious considera-^ij kish Nationalists. This resulted in a things were shocking beyond belief. Alberta secured 19 out of the 25 ed# and they provided for the for- his share of the burden. The Com- who‘never failed to attend the de- tion to the possibilities of the de-i\ ^ •Tout for the Greek army and the The Tuijks will now bé more insis- awards. \ warding of Insufficiently, paid letters mission promised to consider this votions of his church however the velopment of a chilled meat trade* •Capture of thousands of its mem- tent than ever on further territorial In the Durum wheat division, Sa- and report later. affairs of state might crowd in upon and for the collection of deficient realizing, however, that expanslonj: bers. One is rather inclined to the demands at the expense of the muel Larcombe. oS Birtle, Man., postage. Seven years later another Previous to the sitting at Corn- his precious time? Is there any one m that direction rests largely witl4 •] view that the desire to find scape- Greeks, VenizejJos, the great Greek took second place while Alberta won who does not see. in the religious postal convention covering the en- Canadian packers. goats had more to do with the exe- wall, Mr, Drewry, representing the four out of the five prizes offered for i statesman, who has been represent- obse^^ance3 of David Lloyd George tire mail service between the two J. A. Ruddick, dairy and cold atoo cutions and other punishments than ing his countrymen at L/ausanne, is H.E.P.C., visited Alexandria and field peas. some serious explanation of his countries was effected. This was rage commissioner, made the impotd^ well based belief that these men placed in a most delicate and try- straightened out a number of things 4 ^— that there was a misunderstanding unique qualities of statesmanship, amended in 1907, and .again In 1908. tant announcement that after ApriB were traitors. When the war inaug- ing position. If he persists in the even of the manner in which ho —r~*—^— 1 next it was proposed to grade aU| uarated against Turkey was pro- view that his usefulness is now end- upon and showed through figures that our load was steadily increas- Queen's SgiiaH Has Lears himself in his political rev- dairy products for export. , .. greasing satisfactorily, the Greeks ed there and does not go Into the ing and that'if we could induce our erse? were deaf to the advice of friends at conference to stay, Greece will be a ittraclne Church in manufacturers to take an addition- Strenuous fear The holy apostUi Paul told the homo and abroad. Their ideas of ter- greater loser than is yet apparent. most aggressive Highlanders of the ritorial expansion knew no bounds. al hundred H.P. that there would be Otttawa Winter Fair Iffl' a reduction in the rates to both After a twenty-nine-year vigil the New Testament, the Galatians, that Fhe Crew’s lest Pass But as soon as matters begai\ to go There was a good deal of express- S — ■they wre to walk in the Spirit and against them they sang another ed opposition in France to the Am- power and lighting consumers. Queen s University rugby players It is high time that prospectif ♦ have triumphed in a Dominion final then they would not fulfil the luata Tbe Journal, published at Cole- '^tune. It is not yet certain that the erican tour of George Clemenceau, axhlbitors at the Ottawa Fair weç» and for the next twelve months are of the liesh. He had no doubt that man, Alberta, had an itran of inter- •^defeat of their armies was not as ‘‘The Tiger”, before that redoutable preparing to got their exhibits safely ensconced as Canadian cham- they had some real control over est to many of our Glengarry sub- much due to skilful Bed propaganda old man started on his pilgrimage. scribers describing as it did the erx- seeds ready. The holiday season fas B. H. E. ta Free pions. Whether they will ever again their own destiny. As a patter of in tl^e ranks as to military prowess The opinion at the back of the op- ten:lve renovation of the CJatholic approaching when there are so man^ hold the Dcuninion la.urels is now the fact we can cultivate in ourselves a on the part of the Turks. Military position seemed to be that the only Church there, of which Rev. Neil Mc- things occupying one's time thad question that is .uppermost in their ; naturef Not so veiry long ago obeervera from other nations are result of his lecturing trip would be The Glengarry Chapter I.O.D.E, Cormick is Pastor. A new heating one is apt to forget about the ex— will hold a Christmas Tree in the minds, for the as a whole have were thousands cultivating said to have expressed this view to create unfriendliness. But while plant has been installed and the hibitfon amd the preparation of th# found that to go* through an inter-| might be termed the Khaki » several times. Clemenceau is stirring up some feel- Armouries, Alexandria, on Thursday sanctuary completed. New electrte epchibits until the Fair time has ar^-i ing in the United States by the evening, 21st December, for all the collegiate series ànd then a heavy ^ nature. Remember what it was. fixtures will be installed and the rtved when it is too late to put on; blunt, almoAt savBge criticisms of ch Idren of the town under 16 years schedule of eliminations, which takes i civilian enlisted he gave Church will be beautifully and to^ some of the finishing touches. Iff The British government did its the attitude of that country, the of age. them well post the ©ad of Novom- “P clothes which to a large ax- tefully decorat'd throughout thus you haven't received a prize list aski ber, is too strenuous a programme gave him his individuality am- beat to save the former Premier French government is taking action (Contributions will be most grate- ensuring it being one of the moat at- for one early so , that you can see^ fully accepted by the members. Any for a university team with Christ- ong his friends. A ,man is known by Gounaris of Greece and bis friends that is not calculated to give the tractive churches In the Crow's Nest about those classes and entries yo.i^' mas examinations not far removed. his clothes. A c>"nic has said who had been in his own and pre- country any better standing. It is. person wishing to donate a gift to Pass. Rev. Neil MeCormick when are likely to be interested in. While no eftfinite decision has been “clptht's is the man’''. There is 6iome vious governments, from execution in brief, preparing for the forcible any child may do so. Clearly mark possible enjoys his summer vacation Nearly every year it occurs thalt the name of the child to whom you made and the matter has not been truth in it. Then he gave up hia by firing squads of their own coun- collection of the German repara- visiting Glengarry relatives amd In some classes of seed grains therd^ formally discussed at Queen's, it was name and got to be known in all trym.n. In their hour of national tions. Premier Polncarre and his ca- are Binding and leave the parcel many friends all of whom are only are not enough exnibits to everff • the general concensus of opinion official records by a number. As peril the Greeks had no better binet colleagues are firmly convinced with Mrs D. U. MacDonald, or with j too pleased to note the above take up the prize m This plan involves the seizure of the a khaki nature. It was strong am- without Portfolio in the Nova Sco- opponents, according to practically! the sheer stupidity of it at a time Ruhr region with a nomt^lly inde- fntçrtalnment to all who at lend. Re to the Inter-collegiate solely. In this ong, our men. So we can cultivate a tia Government to enter the Federal complete figures. With a total of when the British government is pendent regime'on the left bank of member the dates Dec. 20 and 21. they would foDow the lead of Me fighting the battle of Greece, as well ;;; —f—— / OUI, who in tto-nuare recent years \ nature, under the command of orena, was elected Monday to repre- 017 votes h§ led Joha J. jpoWer,, K,» the Rhine. Prance obviously does sent the Halifiuc constituency in tbe as its own. at the Lausanne confer- Book of Psalms. Bibles, Te.stam- that they have taken intercollegiate , the living God and the dreo*n of it 0,, Independent Liberal, who poiledl not consider the German people as Fédéral House by a clear majority 4,877, and James J. O'Connell, ence, should havb been taken into capable of any reeistence to such a ents. Hymnals, Book Markers, Etc., honors have withdrawn from the |Will come true a^,lead to the best championship eliminations. I results. of 1,768 over the combined votes of bor candidate, with 2,372. i ■consideration at Athens. Gounaris (Continued on page 8) at Will Simpson's, Ale.xandria. V

sLighs. To S’-ipplying the need for Year. This will add g-eatly to the and no doubt will, - as money is Ontario Farmers Flear fodder the farmers are now turning cost of providing, as. freight charges more plentiful with them. Farmers Double action—Goe$ farther—^Try it and will eat up much of the value of their whole attention. can give in the way outlined above, Railway News Mr. Morrison’s letter reads as fol- shij^ments. Therefore 'we are again, you’ll be delighted with the results. which will be just as valuable and Urgent Call for Aiil to liortli lows : e. en though yoü^ have responded Philadelphia.—The Canadian Pa- “H is two months since the ter- noLly to all requests, asking for do- much le.'s felt than if.tl^oy 'v^ere icific Railway has opened Us new J. J.‘ Morrison has issued another Wfifices here in the Cross Building at rible fire swept over the Timiskam- nations of these’ more bulky pro’J- Called on to donate money.,»We want call lo farmers of Old Ontario^ to the corner of Locust and 15th ing district and the burned-over ucts. Manj' farmers can co.ntribute a to'prove our dignity as self-respect- assist the burn-out settlers In the ■Streets. Growth of the /company's land is now covered with snow. To few tons of hay oT straw. Ibusiness and the, gradual movement North, in a l.tter broadcasted Fri- ing, g nerous and bmevoUnUy dis- «f the city’s most important busi- the credit of h imanity% may it be “The trouble of pressing this is E6G-0 day l.'St to U.F.O. mo-pibers and far- po.-:ed citizens, anxious to stand by uess institutions in this direction .said, little suffering has been expe- mers g< neraUy the Secretary of the the greatest obstacle to the gift, the unfortunate in our industry, were responsible for this move into rienced. True, great discomfort has but this can be overcome by getting -larger quarters in the heart cf the United Farmers made a plea for that no sulÏÉ-ring be endured. We Baking Powder I.e n en-dure:l, but the evidences 'Of ^ hotel, theatre and business district. generous donations of foodstuffs and your local hay baler, whether he trust that immediate steps will be sympathy from the outside world The office.^ which have been hand- stock Led. While congratulating the presses by the ton or as a dealer, taken to put a drive in motion to ORDER FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERTT tfiomely fitted, accommodate both and the natural buoyancy and en- fanners on what th.y had already- to establish his press for a. few days sc-c re these necessaries. Commitlees •freight and passenger officials on thusiasm of the s.-ttlers have made at a Convenient point on the rail- iCanadian Pacific rail and ocean done to assist the North, Mr. Mor- should be appointed and the wy Christmas or the New lities will be uii^d to give money, land engine service, whose duties imay require them to be absent from ’the classes one week, will have the lopportunity of taking the instruc- *tion later on as the classes will con- itinue throughout the yenr. E. T. .'Wright, C. P. R. storekeeper at Lon- I ;don, is chairman in charge of the committee, which is looking after the iformation of first aid classes on the . iLondon division.

, Montreal.—Judge Choquet’s warn-. ' ting issued some time ago threaten.- )jng to fine the parents of boys caus- , ling damages in any part of the city I Iwas put into effect when he con- ’tdemned fifteen mothers of arrested 3ads to pay $3.72 each for the acts ;of their offspring. For some time there has been 'daily reports from the C. P, R. of •destruction to cars and fixtures by youngsters who run wild through jthe yards and use the cars for play- ing hide and seek. « The most seri- ■ous accusations were laid against ^oyo . '^’ho were caught throwing Y, «tones at passing trains, endanger- *.

ttiîst Un itjje ' Give’’-l chance ■ -ta. ' g^t - , *f '<ètrange wo'HdMaboBlnhknji 'He was ion his way to his uncle, Frank (Sallni, at Virginia, Minn. Temporary relfêf niList go on. We must net ‘ , The lad^ '-recently became an or- ■®han, anahis uncle wrote to friends pn Helsingfors that he would take Winter—the relentless foe Temporary Relief Until Spring All for One—One for All jcarc of the boy. Salini was unable Coming as this terrible fire did, in the autumn, i Here is a portion of our Province in ruins, >to go to Finland for him, so little In the name of humanity we must see these 1 Veikko was tagged ' artd placed in with the harvests in, with the townspeople fellow citizens through until Spring opens, up the and for the sake of the whole Province as well .^charge of the Canadian Pacific. He already preparing for the rigors of winter-r-the as for its own sake, this section must be restored land and general business activities are resumed. came from Heisingfors ■ to England, complete destruction wrought is the harder to to prosperity and happiness. We need the North, ; -where he was placed, on, board the overcome. Money must be forthcoming from the citizens we need its vigorous, pioneering spirit so one S.S. Melita, and carefully looked cf Ontario, from municipalities, industries, soci- and all, let’s “give a hand into tke saddle”—• after until his arrival at Montreal. Thousands of people at first had literally no.-; Still a ward of the company, he was eties, public bodies, lodges, churches, etc.—not and do it NOW. place to lay their head, little to wear and nothing sent on to his destination.. In all he for rehabilitation or re-ostablishmerft, but for the . travelled about 9,000 miles, and ap- to eat. They had to be taken care of at first,' Money is neédèd. The Relief Com^ • jpeared to he as happy as a cldtn; somehow, and then, desperately as the days went supply of bare necessities, “temporary relief” mittee can buy in large quantities, by, and the cold gtew more intense, rough but in fact, to the stricken North. , get big discounts, and often free , Parry Sound.—Parry Sound, On- serviceable standard shacks, 16'x 20* gifts of merchandise-from the many jtario, waa last week the scene, pf the. manufacturers who are - generously jlatest ,of ,a series of railway acci- have been replacing tents, old strfeef The Brighter Side cf the Picture tdents that seem tp indicate a ^grow- . cars," packing boxes and sheet iron—à co-operating with the Committee. jing carelessnes.5 on the 'part ' of regular food supply has been eè!- Everywhere throughout the fire swept district The exact needs are now: known.. imotorists; It was another case hf tablisbed, and rough clothing is being one hears only a strong, manly note of confidence, Ithe motor car hitting a moving train, distributed. The Northern Ontario Fire Relief ..land there . ^-as about the event all of resolution to go forward, to “stick to the ithe usual evidences of gross, fool- country” if body and soul can be held together, Committee jhardy disregard of danger ■ that What can , a man-do with Imarlcs most of these' so-called acci- his house à blackened hole to make good once more, to restore the hundreds has been enlarged and now is thoroughly represen- Jdents, in the ground, his barn a of burned farms, to rebuild the eight or ten tative of the Proyince of Ontario. The Provin- i' The engine was ewilching at the charred heap, his work cial Government is co-operating to the fullest destroyed towns—And it will be done if the " jtime, and was moving at about five shop a twisted pile of extent and is doing everything that a Govern- imiles ah hdur. The engine bell was rubbish—and a northern stream of temporary relief from Old Ontario ment can properly do ^5 assist in temporaril3^ ’'-'ringing, and the whistle had' sound- led just before the engine whistled blizzard raging over ail? does not dry up! relieving the fire sutférers. - iat the crossing. A motorist who ;’>was giving thought to the import- To give immediate relief the Committee must secure actual cash without delay. If es^ch municipality or 'lant fact that he was; approaching a county would devise some means of raising an amount equal to one half mill on the total assessment the relief can railway crossing could not have , jmissed the warnings %iven, but in be -continued, The, raising of relief funds could be undertaken by public spirited citizens, clubs, churches or jthis case the auto rolled merrily on councils and provides a mosjtideserving cause for Christmas giving. Now it is tip to every community in Ontario I and - struck-' the side of the. engine, to help a neighbouring district in its hour of trial. Make cheques payable to— i«nd naturally came off second best. iFortunately the occupant of the car .escaped injury for which he need The Northern Ontario Fire Relief Committee, Royal Bank Building, Toronto 'Waste no thanks on his own watch- jfuinesB and careful driving.., It COMMITTEE V might be a good idea to leave, all W. H. ALDERSON (ChairmanJ cEO. S. MATTHEWS, Brantford. K. W. McKAY, St. Thomas , j approaches to level crossings uti- Ontario i . lynching or the punishment of those Exceptional Opportunity to secure your Christmas Groceries at tage, in .small groups, seveji to nine Chopped Stuff. • - who tako part in such action. ' The in a clump. These are planted about A little crate feeding will make the extremely low prices—^Bring in your list and we will deliver your 0. bill n')t oul3»’ propo.sea to punish three inches deep, and the same dis- chickens more valuable and ensure order, promptly.—Quick Service—Satisfaction guaranteed. * lynchers 'but to penalise state gov- Swedisli 'inventor tance apart in the groups. Another a more ready sale. ' 0 trmnenls which fail to enforce the very pretty spring flowernig Dulb is The''farmer who has not got a the fritillaria or Crown Imperial, and silo shoüld build one. It's a safe pro'- 0 law against lynchers. It is the lat-r Has Hew Oil ligfit # ' should be included in the above, list. tection and wise investment. Terms for this Sale—Strictly cash or Farm Produce 0 tor idea that gi\es the gentlemen It is cheaper to plah -even the s from the South their chance. They Claims Whiter and Much Cheaper Light Dividing the Hay Stack. smallest building on paper first than o taken same as cash. 0 Than Electric or Gas. j it is to tear out after it’s partly ® ^ • - stand on the grefund of state rights, Sometimes it is desired to cut a : 0: ! Edison enabled us to enjoy the benefits j built. and have refused to budge. ^ The very stack of hay so that it may be di- ® i of electric light, Count Welsbach’s man- ; vided betweeu the owner and the Australia has agreed to put up I introduction of such a measure is tie made it possible to have the incandes- renter, or so that one end may be buildings at the British Empire Ex- ■ talùn by s'me observers to indicate cent gas light, but it remained for a used at a time. The easiest way to hibition which will cover 150.000 ® Swedish engineer named Johnson, now do this is with a team and a barbed square feet and cost $1,250,000. ® o an arou.sed nubile opinion in respect Alexandrie'e Lee[li!ii iepartniental ta ® living in Montreal, to devise a lamp that wire. The w.ire should be a hundred A Chinese species of ladybird, to an evil that has flourish'od in the ® would burn ordinar}', everyday kerosene yards or more long. Pass it over the beetle has been imported into the ® T'nüed States for a long time. oii and produce a light said by the many hay at the point the stack is to be United States by entomological ex- ® Opposite Bank of Hochelaga Whatever tbe provocation lynclwng scientists who have seen it to be whiter cut in two. Tie a heavy weight to one perts, to prey on the San Jose scaie. * 1 ® than electric. The lamp is as simple to ® \ will continue ro be plain muder and end; a rock will do. Then hitch a J. A. C. HUOT, Rroprietor, operaie asthe old'style oil lamp, burns team to the other end and pull the Dairy Cows Ai*e Improving. ® •, with all due respect for the {views without odor, smoke or noise and is wire over the stack. It will cut down Dairymen in the 45 cow-testing'as- of those who hold that in regard to proving a sensation where oil light is into the hay, dividing the stack. It sociations in the nine western states needed. ' , *® s®®®*®*®*®*®'’®*®*®*'®*®*®®®*®®®*?'®®®®*® •®*®*®*®*®*®*®*®*®*®*c ®®a® certain offences it ’ is the only sure may be necessary to Pull the wire now own 9,4S4 cows that have made Mr. Johnson offers to send a lamp on a back and forth several times. more than forty pounds of butterfat punishment, it may be doubted ten dales’free trial and will give one to in a month. Not many years ago a whether it is ne.irly so effective a the first iKor in each locality who will Holstein Top-Xotcher, 40-lb. cow was a' rarity. There is helpintrodmeit. A letter addressed to deterrent ns the process of the law much room for improvement, how- N. S. Johnson. 210 Craig' St. W., Mon- Agassiz Sègis May Echo, the great Carried out witli dignity and in reci- Holstein-Friesiau cow, owned by the ever, in the general run of herds in treal, will bring full particulars about all parts of the country. sona’.le time. Without adOj)ting a this wonderful new lamp. He has an Dominion Experimental Farm at interesting' agency offer, too. 47-1 Agassiz, B.C., lias produced in record Subscribe for The Glengarry News, ' holier than thou" attitude one may 3f performance test over 16,000 Have Collai’ Fit Properly. •point to the fact that the delays of pounds of milk in 167 days, with an A properly fitted collar is one that tl 0 law and its frequent failure to CREOSOTE FOR TOE LUNGS. average fat test around 4.5' per cent. lies snugly along the sides of the neck with room enough at the bottom punish, are r spomible for many of Some people require Cr^iosote for To date she has a considerable lead (0 allow a hand to be passed through. thvir lun-8, this is now quite easily la butter production over-Bella Pon- Have it sent to you every week and keep the. Serious troubUs of our,neigh- tiac, the present world’s champion, Î-ÎÎ eat pads are necessary adjust bors across the line. There were 9,- obtain- d by .asking at RIcLeister's for an equal number of days. the collar to different horses and are 500 murders in the United States Drug store for the Elixir of Wild also made necessary by the loss of Dirty fence corners are not found flesh; a collar that fits,perfectly in last year which was 500 more than Chrrry wi h Crèosot’^ Ç’:^00 per on clean farms. the spring may be too large by falL in touch with the doings of the district. in the ye.ii’ before. StaU-stics this boule. Glengarry News character were chosen and the tw'o nun who would have made his in- heme. fir^t bars played on the piano. 'The fluence flit in any s.^ here of life in 'The funeral on Wednesday, from Municipality of Alexandria company had to write down the first which his lot might have been cast, her late residence, to St. Alexander Terms Cash Terms Cash (Friday, l)ocem]>er 8th. 1922). lino of tho'.hymn. Only eighteen were he belie.ed in infusing into life all Church and cemetery, was largely VOTERS' LIST 1922. set down correctly and that by one the happiness and sunshine it was attended. Rev. Ewen J. Macdonald Notice is hereby given that a person only. The .competition went possible to command. chanted the Requiem Mass. The pall- Court will be held, pursuant to the on to the popular songs when five W’ith full Masonic honors the re- Simpson’s bearers were Messrs Alex J. McMil- Ontario Voters’ Lists Act, by His CQUiTY NEW8 got all the twenty right. mains were buried on the 25th Nov- lan, George Ross, John A. McGillis, Honor the Judge of the County The Mission band has met to hold ember in St. Andrew’s Cemetery, John A. Kennedy, John A. McDon- Court of the United Counties of iîfi^ annual me.jting and has elected and his we"^! merited popularity was ell and J. R. McDonell. Stormojit, Dundas and Glengarry, Alexandria’s Greatest Store attested by the very large number Maxville to the ofiice of Superintendent Mrs. Spiritual offerings wore received at the To'wn Hull, Alexandria, on who availed themselves of the op- Masses Cora liCaver and Pearl Mc- I). D. McGr gor and to the offices of from Mr. and-Mrs. John A. McGil- Wedn. sday the 20th day of Detern- Every Monday Bargain Day. portunity toi do honor to bis mem- 13wen of Ottawa, spent the week Secret ary and Tr.'asurer Miss Ktta lis, Mrs. Jane McGillis, Miss Mae ber, 1922 at the hour of 11 o’clock ory. The b..’re>\ved relatives have the ■end at their homes h^re. Cameron and Miss Ethel McIjCau. McGillis. Miss Rae McKinnon in the foron;oil to he.ar and deter- . ^-4 deepest simapathy of the Craft. Visit our toy department—largest Mr. J. R. McDonell. mine complaints of errors and omis- Among the brethren present from assortment ^and lowest prices in For the past eight years the de- sions in the Voters’ List of the Mu- McLeod & Huot’s’ High Class Dunvegan surrornding Lodges were R.W. Bro. years—McMillan’s., ce.\se McLean, Finch; Bro. J. D McRae, j Miss Géorgie; Rooertson were guests ithe property of Mr. WTQ. Dousett. A THO.GHTFli., SENSIBl.E W.M., Avonmore. -* j oi Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson, Miss Ma' el McKinnon who spent a on Wednesday, 29th ulto. brLf holid.iy w.th Maxville friends GIFT FOR AW MAN. | His widow, two sons and four sis- After the work is over for the day ;ters most deeply mourn their loss. The hotel license of A. Latulippe lias return d to Kin;'ston. Don’t Forget i,nd a follow can get into a loose I father ,in Thy gracious keeping. l.as been tran-:ferred to Nap. Ge- Mrs. W. E. Sparham and Miss neau. ' lo nge ro 0, put hs tired Let in l.ea\€ we now Thy servant sleeping. that you are a Canadian so A’jola M.'xNaughton w- re guests of Air. D.'in Lefebvre has purchased you might enjoy the Holi* side a pair of ' coTufy" slippers, fill ^Ottawa friends on Saturday. the house formerly occupied and days more so. up a. Jimmy pit e and sit by the fire Maxville friends learn with regret Lancaster owned by Mrs. Donald Cameron, and read,—ihal’s solid comfort for îthat the condit on of Mrs. A. .1. Mrs. Jas. McGillis and son Stew- Fast Afain St., and Mr, Dai^ (Mc- Don’t Forget the avexage man. Make him hH.]>py Kcnne ly, New LislsC.trd, shows no art s.Jcnt Sunday in ^ Montreal. (. ool) AlcDonald bought the \Payne that Candy is a necessity th's Christmas. Get them at ' Will Mr. F. Fitzpatrick spent the week and always appreciated. improvement. property. ■ ; Simpsons. .Watermans Fountain Pens for end at his home here. On Saturday morning the Trick Don’t Forget X^hristmus Gifts at McMillan’s. M*i?s Nell Barry is the guest of fam.Iy left for a day’s visit with that Candy is the sweetest A very cordial welcome was ex- Lancaster friends this week. Greenfield Air. and Mrs.- James Shields, Co- of all gifts. Miss Fdith Ra\s'de was the guest ftended to Rev R. A. Macdonald of Rev R. A. Macdonald of WilHams- teau Jct.^ spending the week end of hf r sis'.cr, Mrs. Jas. McGillis re- /*Win:amHtown , who spent a*few hours lown paid Gre nîîcld a Hying visit with relatives -ht Howick, Que. They Don’t Forget (vjntly. In. town on Monday. on Saturday. will leave ifeloiitreal on the lOth that we are STRICTLY Tee euchre lust Tuesday was a in the Candy business. ■While emulating the Queen’s Rugby Rev C. F. G.-iulhier spent a couple inst. for their.'home, Regina, Sask. s ccess socially and fman- team in bucking the line a couple of days in Montreal this week. ' Mu-s iiilic '’'MePhee of Ale.xandria Don’t Forget of juveniles placed the plate glass The ladi. s of Qreenfield parish are IS at present -visiting her parents, that we have a very large fin the south wind.^w of McMillan’s Mrs. P. Fit'^.palrick moved into Air. and Mrs. .'Sandy MePhee, preparing for à B.-t^aar to be held on selection and STRICTLY .1. B.Ahunc house on Oak St. re- AIiss Edith Robinson is at present JBlock hors de combat on Saturday the 20th and 21st instants. Fuller FRESH. cenlly. visitjng relatives in Montreal. ^evening. ' particulars lat r. Mr. F. G. H irkness of Toronto The Oipcning of a dental parlor by Mr. J. L o McDonald of Ottawa, Mrs. E. Proulx and, chifdren of Don’t Forget was in town recently and received Ottawa, are -guests of Mr. Willie Dr. El. McMillan adds another to j is at proseit visiting relatives in the that our prices are as low the glad h;nd from his manyfriends. Jto )ertson. Main street. as possible. ftfaxville’s professional men. Dr. vicinity. Mr. Howard Sutherland of the Miss Jennie Rickert is at present McMillan who ^ is a Maxville boy is a Mr. .1. X. OlulT, Maxville, has pur- Ch’sholm Welluge Co. arrived home visiting Belleville friends. graduate of the Dental College, To- (Chased the b'.sh on the fairm of the Saturday wh re he wJl spend the December -2nd and 3rd—it started ronto, and has his oflice in the Me- ! Misses Susan and Sara McDonald, iôiiies. wint r. snowing, yesterday morning still at Millan Block. ' and h'HS a gang taking out the tim- 47-2 Alexandria Mr. S. J. Precious of Ottawa It but don t be fooled and place Mr. Eddie Cameron is laid uji by I ber: We understand Mr. Cluff has sre'it the,past wc.'k end the guest of vour wheels ajyay just yet. ian attack of tonsilitis. | al o height the Greenfield sawmill. his father-in-law Mr. Jos. Larocque Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Grant and fa- He is the right man in the right «♦o#o^o^o^o^o^o^o. and Mrs. Laroc5. at McMillan's. man in the ])t»rson of Mr. Wm. Fih- on the Canadian market without exception- Miss Doiothy J. Sutherland spent ,, After visiting his father, Mr.* lan of this place. We have in stock for immediate delivery model coats of Monday at the Manse on ( her way Suit or ^ Sjlj. Elnjo,, foiT some weejîs, His maAy Gre.vnfield friends regret Persian Lamb, plain and trimmed. back from Montreal wherô on Sat-’ t^h€T?iQws of^the death of Mr. M^- .. McDO Hudson Seal, ' Agftds Chapal^Seal,

agà.uir>t McGill on the subject; ''Re? McllOineUjk'^i^f^ter. of ^r*. and Mrs. I!’ ■ Wallafiy andCooSr- 'f-r-.. On Thursday of last week, Mr. W. Overcoat Perfect Satisfaction Assured. . 1 .' - r h solved tliat Oriental Immigrants 6 iLester who had been a.s8istant at Stewarts Glen Afexande^w J,^^McDoneU of 31-5th Ml', and Mrs. Sam Dixon and fam- should be prohibited from entering Y ^ Yours sincerely, the G.T.R. for some time wa I.ancasteEj The funeral was held on 0 The winter weather is here and ^ ily of Pendleton visited the home of Canada”—Quoin’s took the affirmat- îtransferred to Arnprior. He is an Tuesday,- Sjtih inst, to St. Raphaels Y reminds one that soon the stormy ♦ Mr. and Alrsf K. W. McRae, last ive. This is the first inter-Collegiate A1 fellow and carries*with bim the Church and cemetery. ^ blasts will be blowing and good ▲ week. debate that has be;n held in Can- .Ibcst wishes of his mtiny Maxville warm clothing will be required. C , Mrs. Gordon F. rguson of Bridge- ada .between the ladles' departments «friends. He is, succetided by Mr. Fer- 0 of the two institutions, ' Afinuai Meating h villo, spent the w. ek end with Mrs. Why not give some member of ♦ McLeod Huot, iland. J, P. McKercher, Rev A. Govan willlpreach in Knox your family a Suit or Overcoat, $ Successors to John Simpson & Son. . Monday evening, 25th December is .The Annufil Meeting of the High- Miss Fioren -e Philipps of Ottawa, (?hurch next Sunday and Rev. Dr. or buy both for yourself ? Q ithe dale chosen, for the Christmas land Chief j^'actory will be held in. spent Suhday at Mr. A. L. Stew- Sutherland at Summerstown. ^mtertainmont of the Presbyterian the Scho^ts pn Friday of Mrs S*ollock of Moose Creek while the Fourney and A. E. McNaughton. £ - • M. J. Stewart. Igroom is a nephew of Dr. Fronts, Among friends from a distance I Tuesday Evening, December 19th 1 Z Bargains for Men and Young Men ^inch. Tho^ many friends here jo were the Misses Edith, Mary, Ber- MILLINERY, MILLINERY. f ^n best^ wishes and congratulations. tha and Betty GReichling of Mont- Hats to suit any occasion in f In Overcoats, Suits, Overalls, Work Shirts, Mr. Duncan Christie, son of Mr» real. Alexander Hall, Alexandria | striking shapes and ntw trimming T Underwear, Boots and Shoes, Socks, Gnm Deter Christie, has joined the Max- ^^ i touches, all 'reduced in price. Values Iville staff of The, Bank of Nova Sco- Cams, I'm’^rellas, .Suitcases, Club X Rubbers, Gents’ Furnishings, etc., etc. up to ten tdoJars for $2.50 and Music, Refreshments, etc. Admission 25c. | Kbie, This Bank with it’s coast to Bags, Motor Rugs, Rain Coats, Etc. $5.00, Only two prices in this clear- ■coast service, branches in New York, at A7ill Simpson's, ‘Alexandria. ing sa*e of Millineiy. Mrs. J. A. IBoston and Chicago and many bran- f McDonald. Main Bt., Alexandria. All are New Goods fches in the West Indies is making a Bosamoad tetrong appeal to young Glengar- 4- Opened up recently MISS SARAH MoGILLIS /rians. Martintown On Monday evening, the 4th inst., t Grand Bazaar ♦ ‘ MR. H. ,S.;K:INLOCH ♦ there passed peacefully away to her > In the 8udden\death on Wednesday Drop in wbere Beal iiar§aifls are Pientiful eternal reward one of the most ♦ St. Elmo the 22nd ulto of Bro. Henry Kin- highly respected re.sidents of this Rev Watt Smith will be the prea- loch, the town of Martintown lost Christmas Tree and section in the person of Misa Sai'ah 4cher at Gordon church next Sun- one of its most esteemed citizens Î McGillis of lot 3I-4th Lochiel, at 4 Prices marked down the lowest in town on Way and will preach in the morning and the Masonic Lodge one of its HIGH CLASS- the veneralile age of ninety years on ♦ •ion “Walking in the spirit” and in principal pillars. He first saw the 4 every line. Visit our store now but any time the I fith July last. She was the last ♦ ^he evening on “The Grace of Ma- light of Masonary in Lancaster surviving member of a pioneer fam- Entertainment 4 you can come in we will pleased to see yon. jesty”. Lodge and was an instigator in ily and was bom on the homestead Silver Wedding—At Athol on the founding the A.F..&A.M, i Lodge in t. where she expired. Needless to say Under the auspices of the Ladies of St. Catherine’s Parish, ♦ first day of December 1897 by the Martintown where he attained the 4 Yours for service, the deceased lady was one of the IRer Hu|^ D. Ijeitch William T. Ar- rank of Senior Warden. His name Greenfield, Ont. ♦ most esteemed residents of this dis- 4 Jklbstall to Maggie Campbell. has been intimately associated with trict being held in high regard by Their friends dbngratula'te them. the Municipal life of the Township old and young. A few years ago I Abraham T. David The Literary Society met last of Charlottenburgh and also in the ; Wednesday and Thursday, ZQIIi and 21st Decemiier| she had the misfortune of losing her •/fl^eok whon the evening was taken up County Council. He wae Secretary 9 Alexandria. sight but nevertheless was happy 1^1. tt>y a musical entertainment under of the Rural Telephone- Company 4 and jovial and could relate interest- itlie direction of Mr. John Arkins- and filled a like position in the U, 4- £ Main Street, south of the Star Theatre snd o ing stories of over three score JCall. One of the features of the pro- F.O. of Glenganry-Stormont. His Keep the Dates Open. 4 £ opposite Glengarry Mills. ^ yeir.s. A truly Highland welcome 4- 4Ki^amme ; was a guessing competi- deep bass voice will be missed in was tendered all who entered her £o^o4o4o*o#o-^o4o4o4o#t>ao4.o#o^o4 jtlpti. Twenty hjTnns of a popular St. Andrew’s Choir. While ho was a For Sais Alex McDonald, Duluth, Minn., Mrs. Spring Creek Obituaries Margery Phillips, of Armstrong, B. Be a loyalist to your own home Kcgist^red Ayrshire Bulls, ranging C., Mr- John Archie McDonald, town. from 10 months to two- years old— _ MRS. JOHN H. MCDONALD. Butte, Mcnl., and Mn Duncan Mc- Mr. D. A. McLennan attended Mr. Donald o»f Bminn3ur, Minn. Apply to T^IEIIJ N, MCLEOD, BOX On Friday, Nov. 24th, 1922, Dan M.GiUivray’s sale on Wednes- What a Splendid L His eldest son Duncan Alexander 62, R.R.l, Dalkeith, Out. 47-tf. there passed to her eternal regard day. served in the late Great War ^giving Mrs. John H. McDonald, widow of Miss Maggie McLeod had as her his life for King and Country at •T HE housewiffe who uses Quaker Flour in all her halt. For Sale the late John Hughic McDonald, guest over the week end Miss Alma ing is justly proud of her bread, cakes and pies—of Vimy Ridge. who predeceased her some twenty- Robertson. their feathery lightness, their delicious flavour, their Two farrow cows suitable for win- eig”'.t years ago. The deceased whose Mr. A. D. MoGiliivray recently perfect te.xture and colour. ter milkers nt reasonable price. Ap- maiden name was Mary Curthbert .shipped a carload of pressed hay She enjoys consistent success in her baking because ply at once to ANGUS J. McLEOD, —— from Dalkeith to Montreal. every single sack of Quaker Flour is of luiiforra excellence. was a daughter of the late Archi- Box 16, Bunvegan. 47-lc. bald (/Uthbert and was bom^^ in Rules For a Long life Messrs S. McDonald and H. Jones Each day’s “milling” is tested in our owm bakery, and mptored to Vankle3k Hill on Wed- proven to be up/ to the Quaker standard—a standard May, 1831, on lot 30-3rd Lochiel. which is not maintained by any other flour. For Sale She was of a kind and genial dispo- (New York World.) nesday of last week, v The chemists and bakers at the Quaker Mills take sition and beloved by old and Dr. R. Nonnan Foster, ' for fifty Don’t forget the Christmas Tree Two cows due to freshen around the “chance” out of your baking if you use Voung. years' a practicing physician in Chi- and Concert to take place in our the 15th inst. Apply to JOSEPH cago, laid doiwn a dozen rules for school on the 19th inst. THAUVETTE, 1st Kenyon, R.R.l, The late Mrs. McDonald is Surviv- ed by one son and two daughters, longevity, declaring that observance Those from thip district who at- Apple Hill. 47-lp namely, George, 23-lst Lochiel, Mrs of them would enable him. to live at tended the St. Andrew’s Ball in ch* Quaker plour John O'Connor, 2nd Kenyon and least ninety years. That was ten Armouries, 'Alexandria, Tepot't an O. For Sale Mrs. D. H. Ross, Munroe's Mills, years ago. Recently he died—at the K, time. Always the Sanw-Always the Best three brothers, and one sister, James age of ninety. Here are his twelve Miss M. McRae of Brodie spent West ÿ SO and east i 31-8th Lo- and Donald, Moun,t Pleasant, Mich., rules : the we:k end with her friend, Mis.s Packed in ueunl sizes. Try Quaker chiel, comprising 150 acres — good Kory, Alexandria, and Mrs. Clark, 1. Do not eat too much. Sadie ' McCuaig. the next time you order flour. house and outbuildings—convenient Carthage, N.Y, also by twenty 2. Do not drink too much, espe- Mr. D. J. McMillatt" recently to school and cheese factory.— For THE QUAKER MILLS grandfhildrrn and five great-grand- cially of intoxicants. chased a couple of cows from Mr. further particulars apply.to ANGUS PETERBOROUGH and SASKATOON children. 3. Do not work too hard or too Donald J, i^cLeod’s herd of big A. M^MIELAN, Box 97, R.R.l, Dal- The funeral took place from her many hours. keith. 43-tf. testing Ho’steins fgr which w>î ua late residence, 13-lst Loichiel, on 4., Do not work too little; better derstand he paid a handsome figuv3. DISTRIBUTORS : Sundaj', Nov. 26th to St. Finnan’s to work for nothing than be idle. Farm for Sale ('athedîal and cemetery, Rev. Path, 5. Do wco*k that is for the com- ALBXANDIUA—.T. E. Leduc. MAXVILLE—Smillie & McDiarmid. ST. RAPHAELS—A. A. Macdonell. er Guinevan oificiating. The cortege mon good; all other is de.structive. GLEN ROY—R. J. ISIcRonald, ST. EUGENE—Eug. Quesnel. SANDRINGHAM—D. D. Cameron. Eot 8-7 Kenyon, 50 acres, all was a large and x*e;>resentative one. 6. Take just what sleep experience Ottawa WiateriFair 1923 clear, also part 10 and ll-7th Ke- The pall))earers were Messrs D. J. proves right. nyon, 116 acres, 2 miles , west of McPherson, Hugh Kennedy, Dan r. Use recreation not for its own (Continued i;rom page 1) ♦ Laggan, with crop, stock and imple- O Bri n, John O’Connor, D. P. Mc- sake, but for new vigor. There was a fine crop of plump ment B if desired—Half mile from grains all over this .province and Millan and Dennis Ijatulippe. 8. Do not always be in a, hurry. cheese factory and school. — For Among, the friends and relatives 9. Dress first for comfort, then for seed grain growers.^ m both Ontario terms and particulars apply to from a distance were Miss Rebecca style. and Quebec should S3© to it that FfNLAY CAMPBEIX, there will be a l^g© number of McDonald, Montreal; Mr. Laurence 10. Avoid worry; it enfeebles mind 89tf. R.R.2, Greenfield. McDonald, Tiijamins; Mr. H. Spratt, and body. i keenly conte-ted ssotions ' in the Maxville, Mr. and Mrs. John Load, 11. Shun all trespassers agaimst grain classes this yeap. Not only A Him to our Farm for Sale McCrimraon, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. the plain physiology of your exist- are t^erc good prizes offered, but in Ross, Miss Jean and Mr. Archie ence. X some clas.ses like: oats and barley Lot 82-9th Lancaster, 100 acres Ross, Munroe’s Mills. 12. And thus lay the surest foun- the pri o list is extended. Fifteen moré or less. A good quaiitity of Spiritual offerings were received dation for life of the spirit here and prizes arc given m 'the white oat Do not forget that Barbara’s Sale fall plowing done—will be sold on from Mrs. Ranald O’Connor, Mrs D. hereafter. class. easy terms. Apply to ARTHUR BIS- Ross, Mr. and Mrs. John O'Con- The Winter Fa^ begins^ on the SONNETTE, R.R.2, Alexandria. nor, Mr. Tom O'Connor,' Tinmiins ; 15th of January ^ and entries close 46-lp. Mr. John A. McDonald, Kirkland on the 4th Decembep:^ If you send your exhibits by freight allow a full STILL GOING ON Lal e; Mr. lAsurence McDonald, Miss Incluile [xchange week for them to reach acre. Priz.'; Notice Rebecca McDonald, Miss Allie Mc- Donald, and Miss Catherine McGil- lists may bo obtained from B. Phe- Banking institutions without ex- The Alexandria Woollen Mills will lis, Montreal. lan, Live Stock Bin^ch, Department te closed until the new machinr-y ception are insisting upon the pay- of Agriculture,. Otfoo^a. and will continue ment of exchange on all checks T. G. ^lûtYNOR, Will have been installed. .Notice of MR. RANA.LD A. McDONALD. the opening will be published w ten cashed on outside banks or their Superintead^^.of Seed Dept. At 246 Guy str;.-et, Montreal, on •verything Is ready. branches, no matter how small the Ottawa^ '30th Novl,i 'T922. i Sunday, 26th November, the death DONALD A. MACDONALD. check. Take for example a check for occurred of Mr. Ranald Alex Mc- 46'2c. Assistant Gen. Mgr. $2.00 on a Maxville Bank ‘ in the UNTIL DECEMBER 31st Donald. Deceased who was 74 years cashing costs us 15 cents exchange, McCOHMICK—At ’;;3f|f-5iKenjon, on of ago Was born on lot 25-lst Lo- the same were the check only $1.00 Saturday, Dec. 3n!j(;l.î922, Mr. Mal- ch lel. being a son of Alexander Mc- District Representative Wanted or 75 cents. To avoid such loss to colm McComuck, 67 years. In- Donald. His wi.e. Elizabeth McGillis Offering bigger and better bargains than ever. This store will us we must insist upon all checks terment at Lochi^rra^Tuosday, 5th For Alexandria and surrounding predeceased him some nine years being payable at par in Alexandria. inst. territory to represent the Old Heli- ago. Mr. McDonald was well known put forth every effort to satisfy and please every A ^cheaper way of remitting money '-eble FonthiU Nurseries. splendid Alexandria where he resided pnor would he.b;y money order or.postal^ ( person who calls on us. ^ , Tvs' ^ :j0,M infoi*matiQ2i write. STONE & WEL- news of his éeath called forth^muck' LINGTON, Toronto. 45-4c. sympathy. on main, street; 'Oécupémey The funeral took place from the on or ahojt Jan. ,3si. vl923. For G.T.R. Station here on Thursday, Girl Wanted particulars as to leiijis, etc. Apply 30th ulto, upon arrival of tne and an eye to the wants of the community at large. to DONAI.D DUPERÉON, Maxville, morning train from Montreal, to’ A good home is offered a reliable High School Ont. . 47-2C. Igirl about 16 years old, as mothers St. Finnan’s Cathedral and cemet- help “in a catholic home in Mont- ery, Rev. Dr, McRae officiating at Card of il^hanks real. "Write to Mrs. A.^G. Snell, 104 the last sad rites. Selby street, Montreal, v ' 4G-2c. The pallbearers were Messrs Va- Baza ar Mr. Angus Camoron wishes to ret- Read our last week’s prices and be convinced. lentine McDonald, Peter McDonald, urn his very sincere thanks to his Teacher Wanted Chris. McDonald, P. J. P. McDou- Saturday neighbors and friends for the kind- ell, Andrew McRae and D. D. Cam- ne..s and sympathy shown hini in his A teacher holding a 2nd Class cer- eron. recent sad bereavement, in the death tificate for S.S. No. 14 Lancapter. Among relatives from a distance 9th Dec. 1922 of his mother. Duties to begin Jan. 2nd. Light were his four sons and two of his Alexandria, Dec. 5th, 1922. school, conveniently situated with daughters, also Mr. John A. Mc- Alexandria Bargain Store excellent boarding house close by. Donald and Mrs. Rupert Berry and Card of Thanks Apply to D. D. MACDONEIAL, Sec’y, little son of Montreal. Fancy and Practical articles Tel. 60—12, Green Valley, Ont. Floral offerings were received from on sale, Candy, Housekeep- W'e sincerely desire to thank our 47-2C. Mrs. H. E. Suckling, and Miss B. neighbors and friends for their kind- Massie, while spirittial cards were èr. Baby and Doll also ex- h.ss and help during our recent sad sent by Mrs. John Mclver, Mrs. H. pnpils’ Booths. Geo. Barbara, Prop Teacher Wanted • bereavement, theld^th of our dear t Dickson, Mies M. McBride and Miss mother. t For S.S. No. 10 Kenyon, a Nor- E. Moore. Signed on behalf- , of myself and Near Ottawa Hotel, Main Street.] mal trained Teacher with some ex- The late Mr. McDonald is survived Chicken Supper sisters. DAN McDQNALD, Elgin St. perience. Duties to commence Jan. by four sons and four daughters West. 3rd. Salary $900. Apply to D. J. Donald, Isabel, Christena, Archie, served between 5 and 7.30 Alexandria, Dec. 5th, 1922. ICcPHERSON, Sec'y Treas.. Green- Margaret, Catherine,* Duncan and p.m., in the school. field, Ontario. 47-3p. Alexander all of Montreal, also by Card of' Thanks three brothers and four sisters, Mr. Price 50 cents. Cream Wanted Tenders Wantbd John A. McDonald, Mary and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. H. McDon- New Tailor Shop I Christy A. McDonald, Montreal, Mrs Keep the date open. ald desire to thank their friends and Anybody having cream to ship Sealed tenders will be received by ne'ghbors for the. kindness and sym- will find that L. A- Charlebois the undersigned up to December the pathy extended to them dui’ing their “Gem Creamery’’ St- Telesphore 38th at 6 o’clock P.M. for 100 corda recent, sad bereav^ent, the death of ♦ Having rented the store recently vacated by Mr. J Que., pays the highest price- You greer/ hard maple wood (cordwoid) his mother, Mrs. John H. McDonald. ♦ E. Lavergne (next to Hochelaga Bank) 1 am now in ♦ may ship by C-P.R- to Dalhousie to be delivered at the Power Ho ^se, Alexandria, Dec. 4th, 1922. 47-lp. 4 a position to do all kinds of tailoring at moderate 4 Station, Que-, dr Bridge End, Ont-, Alexandria, by Feb. 15th, 1923. Christmas Gifts I t figures. I^nits made to order on short notice. or by G- T- R. to River Beaudette. Further infonuation can be had ? Card of Thanks ^ Clothes pressed, cleaned and sponged. My experi- Que. Give us a trial and see for |trom ❖ That Are Useful yourself. For further information ^ ence of 20 years will assure you satisfaction. I S. MACDONELL, t I Mr. and Mrs. Alexander J, Mc- either writk L. A. Charlebois, R. Clerk of the Municipality. A Donel\ and family wish. ,to thank R. 1, Dalhousie Station, Que-, or t Stick Pins Dressing Combs in Ebony 4 Your patronage respectfully solicited. t their many friends and neighbors for call us by phone No- 98-14. Dec. 7th, 1922. 47-2*5. I Watches and French Ivory, all Wrist Watches prices their kindness and sympathy shown - GEM CREAMERY, Strayed i: Watch Fobs Toilet Wa'ters and Per- I them during their recent bereave- I J. A. DESCHAMPS, 47-tf L- A- Charlebois, Prop-- i Rings fumes ment in the death of their beloved ^47-4 Main Street, Alexandria. From Lot 22-8th Kenyon, two X Brooches Christmas Cards, 5c up daughter and sister, Chri^ena yearling heifers, Holsteins, one Watch Chains Christmas Stationery from which occurred on Dec. 2nd. black and white, the other white I ? Mr. and Mrs. Alex. J. McDonell. V Jewellery and Silverware 25c up ❖ •with some black spots i on neck. Any North Lancaster, Dec. 6th, 1922. Furs ! t of all descriptions Safety Razors from f 1 up tioüCormation as to their i whereabouts Waterman’s Fountain Pens Chocolates y iwould be gladly received by HUGH In Memonam Eversharp Pencils Hot Water Bottles y Dr. Elmer J. Charlebois The undersigned begs to an- A. MCINTOSH, BOX 2, R.R.I, Dun- Toilet and Dressing Cases. Hair Brushes in Ebony and ? In loving memory of our son and nounce that he will buy all kinds wegan. Ont. 47-2c. French Ivory, all prices Chiropractor Ï brother John p. McGilUvray who ofraw-fursat the highest market y passed away oh ihe 13th December, prices- Will also buy hides. live Stock Skipping 1921. For information please call on I In that bright and golden region REMOVED me every evening or on Saturdays- The Alexandria Farmers’ ;Co. Ltd., BROCK OSTROM & SON, With its pearly gates so fair JOS. MARLEAU, Agent, twill ship on Monday next,’ Dec. yI Up among the ha,ppy angels to new quarters i Main Street, Alexandria, Ülth also on the 18th Dec. and not Mill Square, Alexandria, Ont. y There was room fbr our darling son 47-4 P. O. Box 13 «again until Jan. 8th, 1923. Other there. Jdates will l>e announced later. WATCH and JEWELLERY’. Mr. and Mis. D. H. McGilUvray and One block north of Sacred Heart Church | REPAIRS D. McKip^NON, Ï j family. R-.R.l, Dunvegan, McCrini- Main Street, Alexandria. ^7-25^ ^ ^hippOT. mon. 47-lc. SyMe for Tie lews SDNNfNGJN WpiJAL STM W FEEDING I ABOUT SMT CLOVER Xov^rcoraé positively^ Oui^ Mural jpcmodà' fi'crmlinefttJy refltotré; _.^urawpcc)c«. Graduato pucdls everT-' How to Get the Best Out of a A Great Factor for Carrying Over l Hints Regarding the Cutting,tur- phare. Free advice and literature. Montreal.—Automobile accidents THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE are .«till cen^nuing railway cross- Hide. Live Stock. ing and Siloing. KITCHBNER, - . CANADA intrs despite all the efforts of the Skin While the Carcase Is Warm- railways to prevent them. In one in- Of Most Value When Cut Early—Oat Should Be Cut Before Bloomings— r.vaiice at KoUand Centre, Ontario, Have the filnife Sharp—Avoid Straw Best of the Cereals — Ofd tth aiilomobile drove up and stopped 'Wrinkling — Cut Carefully About In Pilling the Silo Tramp Well— and Musty, Straw Not Desirable on the main line of Canadian the Legs. Sonic Farmers Recommend the .Henry’s SMand School Pacific Railway. driver thougîit for Live Stbek Feedlna:. Use of Salt—Old Dobbin Steals a , fji 1) ! that an approa<'hj^ Hrath would (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) (Contributed b.v Ontario Department of March on the Tractor. iMve âiîothei' passing track. The Agriculture, Toronto.) Our cours* ibCludes Shorthand, driver^ realizing his mistake, tried (Contributed by Ontario Department of Diiriug the autumn season, con- Agriculture. Toronto.) .Typew^ting, Spelling, ■penmanship, Ip ?et his car out of the way of the The quantity of straw consumed by train. But his car was stalled. The ; siderable farm butchering is done, Eftgli*^, Correspondence, . Office the live stock of Ontario amounts to Sweet'cT’oVer should be cut for hay engineer was u’nahle . to stop the and in the operation mair}* good hides Civil Service, etc. many tUou-sand tons each year. It is j in the green sappy'state just before tral.n, with the result that the auto- are spoiled in the skinning. To do a important as a feed, but unfortun- blooming; If cut' for hay, ‘great-care ipuT, STANDXRP dl instruction be- mobile was smashed and three occu- good Job easily select a clean hard pants of the car were injured. ately its value fs frequently over- [should be taken to properly cure it. . ing 10 per cent, higher than any spot in the shelter of;a tree or in a .A.t a cro.'^sing on Aylmer Road, r.ated. Straws, the by-products of It would seem that the best method ■other, our graduates are preferred building if thé floor is good. A block near Hull, Quebec, an autothobile ran different grains, have different values. is to coil it in the field and dry it and given BBITEB pay. into a Cariûdian Pacific train. The and «tackle or other hoist arrange- The line of demarcation between thoroughly before drawing it to the Oiir teasers know what to teach driver was going tbo fast, to stop ment should be : rigged in a con- his automobile when he saw the hays, straws and fodders is not clear, barn. Wet, damp or poorly-cured «nd hpw to t^ch it, ail .having Teiiieut position. train. Two occupants of the auto- but generally sneaking,straw is. the hay provides' ideal conditions fOrUhe bè^.practickl stenographers. utobile .were, injured. Skin W'hile Carcase is Warm. by-prod act'oft ripehed grain or forage development of mould. ‘ CHENIER’S ’ it peiy* to attend the LARGEST The animal should be clean; if not plants, being made up of the dry A motor accident with all the As sweet clover Kay is difficult to .fcOh IBBST. :i ■ it will be difficult to keep the hide leaves , and dteims. The nearer, the thrills of a movie stunt occurred at cure under the best conditlbns a very the corner of Yopge and King and carcase in proper condition. The plant is to-the mature, condition^ at good means of preserving it Votild Santa Claus’ Headquarters .0. . streets, Toronto, when an automo- Bkiuuiug should start iu^uiediately time of harvest the lower the feed- '.O' ■ bile charged .into onfe of the King seeni to be iii the form of silage. the animal is dead, and the more ing value, b.Qca>^se of the, concentra- Comer Spaïiis* Streets. windows,of the Canadian Pa- The experience of the last v-year, For all kinds of Beautiful & Use- quickly it is done while tue kuiniai tion of the nitrogenous and fat pro- BS-tt. OTTAWA. cific Building, making a report that however, has revealed the fact that ful Xmas Gifts for both young & old sounded as though the gas' tank had is warm the more easily the hide perties in the developing and ripening exploded. will come off Make ajrre that the seed. certain precautions are neceésaty la The; car, according to the police, knife, is sharp. After stunning and making silage if it is to come out of Court of Bevision sticking the animal It should be sus- Straw Best When Cut Early. '':as coming.north on Yonge street. the silo green, succulent, and free pended to'facilitate bleeding. When The straw from over-ripe grain is Santa is coming through Alexandria and leaving with The signals were agnins* the car, from mould. TAKE 'NOTICE that a Court of which in its llight grazed a Belt In the suspended position the oper- generally hard in character, unpalat- us a fine and fresh assortment of Toys and nice things for Kevision will sit at The Womea’s Li;.e car gOiiig east^on King .street. ator should begin skinning the head, When to Cut for Silage. allhisdearUttleones- cheeks and face. When skinning over able and indigestible; while the straw Institute Hall in the Village of It continued to swerve right across from grains out on the greea side Sweet clover for,silage should b« “^he pavement into the plate glass the face leave the flesh on the head. We are now preparing to make a great big display for Maxviile at 7.30 o’clock p.m. of The presence of meat on the hide is E^re softer, m^e palatable, and gen- cut; aV the same time as for hay, l.o., front of the imposing C. P. R. office erally contairi^ à higher percentage of the little folks to see and tell Santa what he must bring them- th#» Hleventh day of December, 1922 building. Here, with a loud back- an objection. The head is removed just before blooming. The binder from the neck at the atlas joint, or digestible mhtiter. The "hard condition We have also a splendid range of choice and useful for the purpose of dealing with com- fire from the engine, the car su4- of some varieties of straw causes should be followed as closely as pos- ’cr.’y plunged its front wheels end of the spinal column. The horns XMÂS GIFTS for every member of the family,—Father, plaintes, if any, against the special should not be removed from the skull. such to ,be- almost useless, as a- feed. sible with the waggons and the àweet ‘■hronp;h the quarterdr.ch plate-glass Even if suefi, fodder, has,a feed value, clover put Into the silo at once. It Mother, Sister, Brother, Sweetheart, etc. assessment roll prepared in con- window. Being up against an im- With the head out of tne way the animal should be completely lowered that value cannot be satisfactorily ex- should not be left lying on the nection with the construction of the movable obstacle it naturally came tracted by the digestion processes of ground :for even a day, especially-dur- See our windows Christmas Week. following works as Local Improve- to a standstill. and 'placed breast up, being held in this position by a spiked stick be- our domestic animals. ing hqt,. dry weather. The knives of Come early and reserve your selections. tcents No one was hurt. The fender of Varieties of Straw: Fed, the cutting box should be set to cut ^bc c.'rr was ba^ly smashed up, the tween brisket and floor. The legs Main St. North Ccjvered Drain should then be skinned out and the The straws generally used for stock the sweet clover as fine as possible. right front tire torn off and the If for any reason the feed seems dry All parcels will be gladly held and ffom the centre of Mechanic St. -.car wheel badly damaged. The feet removed. feeding are, oat,, barley, wheat, pea and clover. Others such as timothy,- a stream of water should be run into delivered Christmas Eve- Northerly a distance of 1700 ft. .vindow was broken right across the Avoid Forming oFVyrinkles. tbe cutting box, for it is essential to whole twelve feet or so, and to a flax, bean and rye straws are some- On the East Side of Elgin St. After removing the feet the hide have the sweet clover well moistened height of about six feet in one point. should be ripped down the belly from times used, biit with indifferent re- sults. Oat stra\i[, the best of the var- so that it can be well packed in the from Catherine St. to the Grand The driver admitted that he was the slicking cut to the tall. The sides I silo. A. CHENIER, Trunk Railway. nervous at the time; he hadn't the should then be skinned by working ious straws ior teediug, carries , con- siderable feed value, as indicated by ; Clover Should Be Carefully Tramped, The 3i;cc al Arjs:.ssment Loll may ihgiitc.st idea of what was happen- forward to the brisket and then back , i.eg. 'chemical analysis, but unfortunately j One of tne most impoiTaiit steps in ^Markson’s Naw Block, Main Street, Alexandria. be examini d at my office and notice to the inside of the, hind leg, close to the tail. The free’liaud should be a large percentage of the nourishing ! the making of good silage is to be of intention to appeal must be serv- New r,iskoard.--The work of con- used to lift away, pulling outward and properties cannot be e^racted by the j sure that it is spread eyenly and digestion processes of our domestic ■ tramped thoroughly in the silo. ed on me at le.ist four clear day» •••tructing the northerly extension of upward against the knife. Care he C. P. R. ÏTom Kipawa to Des animals. What is true of.oat straw is I Seventy-five per cent, of the failures before the date fixed for the holding should be lakeu to prevent the form- Q’.unze is progressing at a good rate. ation of wrinkles uuder the hide as more pronounced 'with the other ; in making first-class silage last year of the Court of Revision. •;nd already the grading has been it is being removed. The hide should varieties of straw, the harder and j were due to insufficient packing. At drier such are the Mess the animals w. STERLING MCLEAN, ompletod on 35 miles of the exten- be skinned off nearly to the back I least two men—preferably more- can extract from them. are necessary to properly tramp Village Clerk. sion, with 19 ^miifcs of rails having bone, leaving it attached at the thiglis Announcement been laid. Oat Straw Is a Good Bulky Feer the construction of 70 miles of I edge. Neglect to properly pack the Cut Carefully About the Legs. the autumn and winter period to G.'aonfiald Station, where a full line of roadbed, the northern end termin- supply bulk and some nourishment I silage was quite apparent throughout High School ating in the vicinity of Des Quinze, For the out at the front legs start to the ration.,. Dry cattle can use i the country this spring, and it was Choice Groceries, Confectionery, Stationery one of the greatest serie.s of water- in the center, cutting the çkin well large amounts bf oat straw as a main- not always in ratio to the number Fruit and Flour will be founH- falls in Northern Cana.da. forward at the brisket and in aavance tenance feed. jHor^es that are not at of men in the siio. One farmer said 7'his extension places the C. P. R. of the front legs, cut back to the work can use pat straw, as a large he had two men in his silo while it Butter aad Eggs taken in exchange. on the southern outskirts of min- union of the fore lég and body and was being filled last summer, and he part of their ration. Straw is too Your patronage solicited; Bazaar • eral lands of big pro.spective merit on down the Insidei of leg to meet bulky for hors® at moderate or hard could not explain why one half of his the cut made when sKinning the shin. silage was rotten from the top to the iji tKat part of the Province of Que- 'ork. , ; Wishing ona knd all a Marry Christmas and a Happy New Year.^.^ bec-lying adjacent to the |;oid-n?^n- skinnina the \hind l^gs start at Barley; free from beards, bottom, and that on tbe opposite^de^ ^mg^-fields of On^aTm. AIt 4^,ikpo.wh the ceiiter , line, about six inches from ranks next' straw, as a feed, from the blower pipe. The condition.; that..the C. P. Tt. nas:also‘ carried the tail and split the skin in straight and may be ÇSjd a roughagéf but was easily explained, however', when Duncan Â. McDonald, survey work far into the new land line to the ^^ock. Skin over the rump it was realized that the two men had a good part ir the anim^ mainten- 47-2c Greenfield Station, Ontario* 'Dec"'1022 to the north. and thighs. At this stage it is best ance must come from some other stood on either side of where the cut to insert a gambrel above the hock source. ■ food was blown in, and had simply joints and raise the carcass so that forked it over to the other side and Moose .law.—The subway at the Wheat Straw Poorer—Also Rye. (’anadian Pacific Railway station is the shoulder will still rest on the did not bother tramping at all. Be- Fitrjy an I Practical articles .about to be put into commission. floor. Split the skin on the under Wheat straw has a lower value cause sweet clover has a hollow stem Ml six passenger tracks in the pas- side of the tall and skin out the tail than barley straw, and serves to give and has not the weight that cut corn Gn sale, Can iy. Housekeep- senger terminal are completed, and bone to the end. bulk and a spikll part of the required has it requires to be packed more the first four tracks are in operation. Skin Away From Tail and Legs. nourishment to the animal. Wheat firmly to prevent the development of er, Baby and Doll also ex- straw as a supplement to roots and The work of completing the.sub- Skin the hide carefully away from mould. Retiring Sale pupils’ Booths. ^ way is in full swing. The stairways silage in wintbr feeding plays an im- Some Farmers Recommend the Use the base of the tail and stfip from the portant part lia.the .maintenance of ■ire in place and the interior of the legs and back, using the flst or a of Sait. subway is lined with'^the -hiindsome ypung and diy ,-^tock,. . Rye s4“aw is EveriMy pan Have a Hand in it. blunt Instrument such as a knife generally so hard and indigestible as The use of. salt either in curing Chicken Supper glazed tile. handle, skinning stone or the back ’ the hay or in the silo is strongly re- I am*making every endeavor to have this When the .subv;ay is put into com- to be of little use as'à' stôck feed. of a cleaver. Be careful and do not Clover and otflériegùme straws whUe commended by some farmers, and if the Biggest and^^est Christmas .ever and mission the gen^af public will not cqt.the hide, since,each cut reduces the sweet'clover is not being handled am rightly proud in presenting siich a larçe served between .5 and 7.30 be permitted oi^'^;^he station plat- containing compounds Qt considerable the 'valüé^. When à^inned down to feed value ar^jjreqi^uently so hard and under the most favorable conditions and Varied stock of beautiful Holiday Goods p.m., in the school. form. The tick^t^s;._will be Jrtspected thé shoulders ..the ,^a.çcass is hoisted It would probably help in curing of* irf G!oW'afld‘SHvep, Cut Glasà .and .Fancy it the doors leading from'the wait- unpalatable That the animal can make Articjfss; all ideal Gifts, marked at. prices clear of thé floor and the skinning only partial of them,. Pea and the fodder. ■'•r to the subway. Passengers completed down over the neck. Split In conclusion, it may be well to that yo|t çan {afford* Price 50 cents. alighting from trains will descend vetch straws are generally the most the ears by cutting lengthwise and valuable of tl»*^legume straws. Dry sum up the four important steps that 'Wl^refyoUjÇpnie in as a shopper looking the stairs to the subway and then fold the hide flesh in. Tie for must be followed if the sweet clover for ^^uitaol^ Chustmas gifts is to call at once nass up the stairs into the depot, sweet ,or red straws oj: alfalfa Keep the dale open. shipment.—Ont^io Department of sterns, carr^y Aj^teed vajt^e that, Is gen- is «going to be ensilaged in the best aiid msüect'téis varied assoriment'of dèsir- Jhe completion of the subway will Agriculture, Toronto, possible manner. able gifts. • As we have stocked np anticipa- .rv.sh the building programme un- erally out' 6f rçaeh oi the average fàrÜi animaj’s^ibniach, unless these (1) It tfiouid be cut before blos- ting a jheavy, Holiday Sale any wants of •icrtaken by the company throe Cheap Ice For tlie Farmer. soming. i^rit, .quality copjibined with fair prices years ago. materials aLr.c Jaw.—Out of a total of Old (and Straws Are Not (3) It should not be cut fine. Our mo^tp ^ heretofore is a Square Deal of ice for cooling milk âud fpr house- Desirable., and Complete Satisfaction. ,On, a little farm away up north >1.317 cara of grain loaded at coun- (4 It should be tramped well.— '"v eipvfltors on the Canadian Pa- hold use next summer. The cost of Tom lived with hia parents and one harvesting. and storing ice is low Old, dry .and miisty straws have Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. Maythe coming Christmas be a brother. ; His father, well up In years, cific 'ine.s in the three prairie prov- little or no feed value, fresh soft and found himself unable to continue the when compared with tnè saving ef- ■ JOYOUS ONE. • hard work of farming, so Tom took i*U'C=', between September 1 and fected. Ordinarily, it is safe to har- clean stfaws'ho matter from what Old Dobbin Steals March on Tractor, up the burden. The Income was pot 14, 25;500 cars were loaded vest two tons of ice for each cow source can generally be used to good “Tractoc manufacturers and horse ; large, and the lad'signed up with a «•h- 52askatch'''*van, district. advantage byikll live stock if care lumber gang working nearby—sawing in the herd. This will allow for melt- breeders associations may urge the F. GROÜLX logs, stripping bark and driving the The total quantity of grain ship- ing and leave enough for family is taken to prepare such in a man- relative merits of tractors and horses teams. Altogether these tw'o jobs, ped on the Canadian Pacific lines needs. Where, cream only is- sold, ner that will *aid the animal organ- as sources of farm power with all Devei’ Block, Main Street. farmer and lumberman, kept his day '•p until October 11th. was 65,219,- ism to extract the nourishing ‘ ele- the ploquoqce of which they are cap- so well filled that ■ ho had time for '•u-*bc-!s. or an average of 1,455 about one-third of that quantity of litUe more than sleep. Nature re- ice will be needed. ments. Cutting/^teaming, or mixing able,” declares G. A. Pond, in charge ’ belling at this heavy burden—con- 'v.i-h'fis per car. with ocheih feqds to/fnerease palata- of the cost accounting section at Did you ever, try co-operation in bility apd digestibiUty is always sumption, clairaod another victim. S e idea of the enormous in- ice iiarvestiiig? It works like a Minnesota University Farm, “but the After trying various ways to over- advised.—L. Stevefisôn, ' Sec;, Ontario .Tease in the quantity of grain charm. Get one or two of your farmer who has both available keeps come hils piiysical weakness, he went Department of Agricultui’e, Toronto. to the Muskoka Hospital. His par- thi.s year, vn until October neighbors to go into such a scheme. his eye. steadfastly on the relative ents arc anxious about him, they send ' 1. ■'a compared with the amount One pond or stream and one set of prices of kerosene and oats and ad- the other son to see him often, ^or ip the same ne-iod in 1915 tools will answer for all. The equip- Vegetable Matter. justs his power supply accordingly.” they are old and feeble ami journey- • nd 1921. Ccan be obtained. from the ing is a hazardous undertalting to ment necessary for haiwestiug and Recently sumniarize'd .data collect- ® ..gurea fo;iowing: The advantage of matter in the them. Tom’s own troubles are uovor storing ice consists simply of saws, soil may be summed up as follows: ed showed but 298 hours of use per so real to him that he forgets others. B’-une’s Car's Bushels tractor in 1921 as compared with 415 ® Ho asks for those about him. lives V., Sh 0 I o rVe*«d. tongs, and iron bars for pushing the It aids aeration, retains moisture, .for little bits of news about his-hom- blocks of ice around. prevents faking, provides conditions hours the year previous, a decrease S and never faus to send this mes- .‘ryoo^ ‘^2.3;tr, 46 540 ono .....,^:-î.v,7o 409 pl.t A rou.gh board enclosure suitable for bacteria, aids decomposi- of 28 per cent. The use of horse lab- aftge back, “Don’t '^vorry about me. st. '.-n. N.l-..— 0*' tbo Bborp Line The fact tliat tractor fuel declined The death I’ate I'rvOm tuberculosis in !’\'ir-ion of the C. P. R the lavinio Inst twentv ■ >ezvv rrtant In Gliicken Yard. Elixir of Wild Cherry and Malt ly with a fork, then pour them into The health of our family depends I KEEP IN TOUCH. If you are not making money on :tract is very nourishing and par- ;i colander, saving the water. Pick largely upon the kind of feed that Is ®. . the farm, scratch your head and do given them and the way it is served. îulariy goôd ;for the lungs. this Subscribe for The GLa^any News out the empty pods, put the peas in • . some jirrd thinking. the strained water, and return ail to !—ha'e it sent lo you every week It is just a.s important to feed right BParàtion is very fattening, sold Keep feeding the hens or theyTl ;.Iie fire. Season as usual. You will in the chick'-'U yard. Have the right • and I'Cep in touch w:th the doings (f) 50c and £1.00 per bottle at llc- stop laying. Keep feeding the pullets have saved the sweetness from the kind of feed ami see that it is not O ister’e Drug Store, ' of the district. or tney'il stop growing. pods and much valuable time. tainted in any way. A'»* ®*®«®*®»S'e®«®»®«®»®is@o5;*®#$»$*$»®»®i*®»®*®«» TTTTSi f» f» *H in arm, chatting ^yly and laughing, •ferry' fell’a lotiësdftié feefin'^ cfëfeping SUCCESS :ANQ EAllllllE ,ov,er him., Never, before had he expe- Jerry Cur<^ of the rienced anything of the kind, and ha In Raising Young Pigs for Real icould hot fe.xplain It.' '' ' WailJerltiét ' “It'’can’t’ be I’m homesick,” ha Will be held in • Profit.; ' growled, and turned! from the - window, WIIU fCZEIII • - '■ ■ ' !"■ ,0 li. drawing the blind. Pithy Paragraplis Full of Facts AtÀnt Jerry, had. a lower berth In thé center :. S. Ho. 3 East, Lschiel Fee<^ng Tlicm — Fertilixers for By R. RfY,BiJ(KER ,.of the sleeper, but he faltéd, somehow “Fruit-a-tives” Cleared .to sléep well. . Things'didn't seem naf- On Tuesday Eye’g FAII Wheat .— Pregnant Ewes I. Require thé èest 6f Ctiro. urai to' this 'lovéf of adventure who ■ Her Skin (©, 1921. by McCluf«'S4vriiilit>»r.SyB41oiLt«.) was more at^ hémé on the trail than December 19th, 1922 '■ ■" BOJNTS ST. PIKBRS, P.Q. (Contributed by 'Ontario Department of “'The wanderiuSt is on'mè again,” in a house. Thé neifmomltig-he had Agriculture, Toronto.) “I suffered ïor three years with said Jerry FourwlndSi sitting before to change trains at a small town, and terrible Eczema. I consulted several /Causes of failure .and success la Fred Calder’s grate-fire. “I can feel also to .purchase a new ticket. He A good programme is being doctors and they did not do me any the feeding of young pigs are point- if -lugging, and .the. ' tug is stronger didn’t believe in continuous passai prepared for the occasion good. \ edly put in the following article: every siicceedlpg 4ay...j Don’t you ever .tickets, because he might wand to Then, I used one box of “Sootha-. Causes of Failure In. Feeding Young feel it^ypu who used to travel up and change his mind âbout fyhere' he was - : .Admission 25c. ■going.’ Sofvo”andtwo boxesof “Fruit-a-tives” Pigs. down and, across this ' old world with 46-2C^'5 . . i .1 ■ . me?” Soon he was ensconced 'once more ‘and my hands are now clear. The pain 1. No one on hand to see that everything is right when pigs are Fred shook' his head, and smiled as in the seat of a mshlng ooach., It was j i ^gone and there has been no return, born. he lighted his pipe. ‘ warm and he dlyested himself of his I think it is marvellous because no 2. Excess of fat In mother’s milk. “?Io mofe ” *?e ,.®*Khe.d, bùt the sigh coat. ; Later he went. to çhe. end ot Jl GRAND other medicine did me any good 3. Cold, . damp, uncomfortable was expressive of contentment. “Not the , car, to reipove sonjie , traveling Until I used “Sootha-Salva” and quarters.' sin'ee Hazel camé Into,my life have I .grime from his face arid hahàs, arid 4. Intestinal parasites. 'i' f S A-N.©- TFruitairtives”, the wonderful medidrte felt the calk . Yo|j; gho.uld be. married, when hé. returned lo' hfs'seit he was ;®e!ftëf tt^fs Meaii 5. Shortase of sweet skim.milk, at unable ,to 'find his coal. While he made from fruit”. weaning time. too,, and . then yoiij couid^ settle do\yn . ' was'‘ searAihg for It'tlie conductor ,. Madam PETER LAMARRE. ., 6, Ration out of balance. add,-defy ,tl(e fàfes Æat se^k, to send' Camfe along'calling,“Pdresi please.” . :]l|uiMngs Social Evening 60c a box, 6 for $2.50. trialsize, 25o. 7. Ration composed of unsuitaMs you to,faf.plaéea!.;.;i,llked the old life, It is a»impori)antfcijF.ypRito put e^good roof ,f >, ."It B At dealers or sent postpaid by grains. ■ -■ ■ • ■ the adyépfures’ wé ;ÿetik through to-. . “My ’ coat’s lost,;’ Jerry explained, 'Will bè heW m Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. g'.iLack bt mineral matter in food. gether. I^remeinfer spo|ts( in njy mem- arid grilled ‘ithè wM’stle.- cord. The 12. train étoppeiï and— Jerry wapr put Off, ,» , In J, this' teS^et Vulcanitô Roofings offer-Neglect to supply ample feed' Tuesday [venino, Dec. 12lh MONEY TO LOAN for proper development, regularly. ory,..becau^ oiç .thrills and com- . .. 13. Working.with poor stock, rade?Jiip connected ''ffitl\ them, but love ‘ protesting and fuming. In yaip. , „ evfxy style of ^bfiHg that is practical for farm ! Philpsophically, he, started walking WHEN YOU WANT A LOA^ i J4. Treating the pig as a general is I a greater .adventure than any. or all , buildingi Included âre asphalt shingles and scavenger.’ ' • : . 6Ï them. ' I'm sàtfsdéà and I thought the tiep, in. the direction froiri which Good Programme. Christmas Treei GJVE ME A CALL. I AM IN A both smôdth^èiûd Slate sUrfai^ foil’ fobfiiigs. Refreshments. Success In Feedlns Young Pigs. you were, too, now teat that very desiri ■ he bad come,, .About a mile' down the POSITION TO GIVE SPECIAL track his nostfils’ detected the odor ' ' Yoti çaflpoijpç^bly bujr a roofing'that has 1. Mother’s Inilk normaL able young lady has a place in your Three piece Orchestra in attend- TERMS OF PAYMENT TO BOR- of fryjng bac6n, and lie paused b*- mofe thojipnghly <|emonstiated lasting and ance. 2, Clean, dry, Ijright, comfortable- scheme of existence.. I’ll be /frank and ROWERS. I HAVE ALSO CON- .quarters. say that It ,wouldn’t, he.,a sgpare deal causé He wad' hungry. wéatheqprpef . .qii^dijties Ih^n' Vjilcanite Ropf- Admission, $1.00 per couple SIDERABLE PRIVATE MONEY ,, 3. Practice of disease preventive to go ..and Je^ve ,J(ér,'^npw, .when she A dirty-fa'ced man, garbed in tat- ' ings. Stop in ^(i ^ this line or haire us cal] ters,, sat beside the track preparing Programme 7-30, sharp. AVAILABLE. — ANGUS MC- measures. has come to, care for you. Besides, a and show yo^ samples; DONALD, ALEXANDRIA. 7-t-l 5. Ample yard room, protection roiling stone, you know, doesn’t be- food over a small fire he had kindled from hot sun and flies. come plastered with' greenbacks.” - from brush. , , 6. Ample clean drinking water and The flickérlng light of the flame |n . "Come and join me in my repast,” NGTICE TO CREDITORS .wallow, during hot weather. the'fireplace reached out and brought thé tramp invited. “Help me cele- A. L. McDERMID & CO., 7. MiiieraV matter and conditions brate my good fortune—tlié first In supplied during winter when on the Terry's face into bold relief. It was a All creditors having claims ag- soil conditions are not available. young face, with some lines, but other- ten years. 'Look at tliis,” and he held Âpple Hill, - - Ontario. linst yie estate ol Godfrey C. Gc- 8. Working with well bred, vigor- wise no evidences of cares. It was a up an object that caused Jerry to Clair late of the Township of I.aa- iu ous stock. good face, too, and handsome, with gasp.. The objyct was his coat. caster in the County of Glengarry, WESTBOUND : 9. Ample supply of green forage, eyes that burned 'with life. “Just my luck!” grumbled the ^ ^ such as alfalfa, red clover, sweet knight of the road, but good hu- Retired Farmer, deceased, who died “I’m sorry,” he said after a p-ause, 10.10 a.m, and 8.42 p.m. daily ; clover, rape and blue grass.—L. Stev- while he puffed on a calabash, “but moredly, when Jerry explained the DB or aboVt March 25th, 1922, .are enson, Sec. Dept, of Agriculture, 6.48 p.m. daily except Sunday for I can’t give up. . I think a lot of situation and proved liis rights to the ■^uired to send by prepaid post or Toronto. Ottawa and intermediate stations, Carrie, but I can’t resist the call of coat by indicating what the pockets Beliver to the undersigned Solicitor 10.34 P.M. Daily for North Bay. the long trails. Fm rightly, named. contained. “I’ve had misforfunes ever tor the Administratrix on or before ^ Fertilizers for Fall Wheat. since—sin.ee 1 lost myr^my sweet- EASTBOUND : Ihe f'jur winds have- woven a spell the 12 th day of December 1922, de- Fail wheat must have a strong about me tliat I can’t shake off. I’ve heart, lonAji.go. It’s a sad story, and Use “Reindeer” Flour tailed statements of tbeir accounts 8.17 a.m. tally lor Coteau^ Mont- well-rooted plant to withstand the kept this Job as 'an auto salesman for tliat’s no josli, ho.” duly verified with memo of the se- real, Cornwall, Toronto, Chicago. winter. To insure this there should two years, and that’s the record for me. “Let’s hear it,” said Jerry, as he be an abundance of all kinds of avail- d kome bacon and bread and It’s the Best. curities, if any, held ^by them. 10.10 a.m. and 4.46 p.m. daily ; I’ve saveu up some cash—anout tour able plant food in the soil. The two hundred doiiars—and Im going lo seated himself. After that date the Administra- 9.08 p.m. daily except Sunday for constituents the wheat plant has the Coteau Jet., Montreal and intenne^ Brazil.. 1 may not gather tne green- "vveil, I’ve always been a rover,” trix will distribute the estate am- greatest difficulty in getting out of declared the tramp, as he masticated diate stations. The 4.46 p.m. train the soil are nitrogen and phosphorus. backs, bm 1 11 have adventure, wnicii ongst tl-e parties entitled having uiy system requmes. l inousiiii once a nia mouthful of sandwicli, “but one has close connection at Montreal If the land'has been manured and Wholesale and retail Flour regard only to claims of which no- summer fallowed, or, if a clover sod I’d maiTV Came—if she'd nave me— I time I settled down for a spell and tice ^shall have been received at the with trains for Boston and other has been ploughed down there v/ill but it’s no use. 1 toiu her last nmiit I reir in love with a, girl. I was going time of .distribution. New Engl/nd points via Central Ver- probably be no need of purchasing a when I felt ner thpt.I was goin.g awa.v I to marry her, but the four winds of and Feeds treedom lured me away. Her love This notice is given under The mont Ry., Quebec and the Maritime further supply of nitrogen and an for a week, and - foolishly 1 iiiaiie an Provinces via Canadian National application of acid phosphate alone cngagement-with imr lor, a week trom wa.s so strong that I went back some rruslee Act. will probably be sufficient. It, on Railways, Sherbrooke, Portland, etc. tonight. Ill nave jio break tiiut en- time later, but she had married an- Cornwall, O.itario, November 11th, the other' hand, the wheat Ts to fol- otner man. If I’d stayed settled I'd Get the latest prices on via Grand Trunk. This train -^also gagement, that IS J have a favor 19221 low oats, or if thei-e is any fear that be happy now. I was a fool ; the four carries a through sleeper to New the plants will not. develop a good to ask or von, lU go to her the JOHN A. CHTSHOIJM, next day. after igagement that winus blow nothing but. sorrow tor*' HAY and GRAIN York via Coteau. Jet, - :i’V / top, then some form of readily avall- Dffleés, Ipidde^ Block, .Çitt o $;Çreét,, aable , nitrogenous feytiljzer may be X..won’j; kee; in.fùstkér W^at;: rolling . stones.” . ' ./ Gomwall, Ontario, Solicitor. for For^ ticlcets and' àlTinîqrii^tibtt used t(j -âdtaiitage. / a worthiéiS . jerrsri;, flblslied his. ïn^ii-ÿiéaltiaod t❖ the Administratrix, 44-4c. ply to Cereal crops have little difficulty 'There was:#f look 'Oh ijced’^ - handed His host twenty-five'dollars. It you need a new Separator or- J. MORRIS, / In getting their supply of potash» co-jntenaiice tffi it from the nre “For mÿ dinner-i—and some good ad- Town Ticket Agent. consequently it will rarely pay fo turned 1 attennoij'hh) mm. vice." he said, as he set (off down the CATHOLIC MUTUAL BENEFIT purchase a fertilizer containing this track. At the next town he bought Gas Engine, be sure it’s G. W. SHEPHERD. - “I’ll d( t it you insist. ■ ne said, "out ASSOCIATION OF CANADA constituent for application on the a ticket for IVaverly. Station'Agent. Alexandria. Ont. it's the •ong way;., .I'm uisaiioomteu An exclusively Ca- land to be sown to wheat. "A one-way ticket, please,” he told 'Ihe Department of Chemistry at in. you, 1 I onfess. but I m your mend, A DE LAVAL. tholic and Canadian of cours lust the :same. aha win try tne man at the window. “I’m: going •..•..•..s..#..»..*. • the Ontario Agricultural College has Fraternal Insurance found that an application of from to make saiistactery expiaimiioius. to stay there—the rest of my life.” Society, for Men and '200 to 400 pounds of acid phosphate You had letter tnmk it over, tnouan. Women. Incorporated and 100 pounds of ammonium sul- before you take tne step. " EDUCATION HIS LIFE WORK Right Now phate per acre has very much Increas- by Act of Dominion “I leave'tiSinorrbw'morning,” Jerry I D. N. McRAB, I ed the yield of wheat on the clay answered. “My mind is made up.” World Owes Much to Horace Mann^ ■Parliament. Adequate Rates and En- soils predominating in. the Niagara Is the time to get your wat- And he did. -^AiL^srly train bound Rea! Leader in the Improve- § Phone 14 (Station) Alexandria. ’ .> during* Plans. Over $8,000,OCK) Paid Peninsula and in the area lying along ches, cloks and jewellery re- tor the south t'ook^Jnlm out of Waver- ment of Schools. •to Families of Deceased Members. the north shore of Lake Erie., It is paired. probajile, however, that when the soil iy, his eyes shining; with the excite- f. DE LAVAL SEPARATORS ❖- For further Information address : I have in stock some fine contains/a ' kood supply of organic ment of once more '“bitting the trail,” Horace Mann, the founder of co- t education, was the originator of the XleoK S. Cuvillier, Grand Trustee, 59 jewellery, at right prices. matter, enough to furnish sufficient and perhaps a little with règret over •> Agent for factory and dairy machinery. % St. Denis street, Montreal, nitrogen, the ammonium sulphate some one he left béhlnd. bill bearing date April 19. 1837, where- Musical repair parts are also may bé omitted.—Chemistry -Dept., “No girl is, going -to tie me down,” by a state board of education was .♦..;.«X*d**X**X*d**X*d**X*d’'t**X**X*d**X*d*d**X”X**X**X"X**î”'t**>*î“X*<-W to be had here. 0. A. College, Guelph. Jerry muttered as he w'atclied the created in Massachusetts. Mann was outskirts of the pity flash past. “I’m a lawyer, a reformer and a philanthro- . Wm. SCOTT ! Pregnant Ewes Need Best of Feed pist, and w’as instrumental in having vïïIT: V < “î i * *, • I leaving Jus^ iri time, . She was getting Watchmaker and Jeweller, Î and Care. ! a pretty strong hold ' on me. Poor the board revise the scliool laws and éH?êCt ronte to Western Ca ^ Mulhern Blk, Main St. Alexandria. j Lambing time is perhaps the most Fred! lie's settled‘for’good.” to reorganize the common-school sys- -ada points, Winnipeg, Calgary, Vgv j important season of the year for the Jerry settled-'himee^f in the smoker tem of the state. Of this board he couver, Edmonton. Etc. j shepherd. A successful lambing per- and tried to.pass the time w-ith maga- was made secretary at a salary of ; iod helps to make a successful sheep zines, but somehow he couldn’t get in- $1,000 a year, and for. twelve years Tourist Cars leave Montreal ano j year. U then behooves every shep- terested ' in’thé ' printed page as he lie devoted all his time to-the’cause, Ottawa daily^ offering a cheap and , herd to have as high a percentage of often against the most bitter opposi- WANTED ! strong, healthy lambs as possible. used to when traveling. He was un- CKoice F AftRS comfortable mode of travel. tion. This was the great work of his RELIABLE SALESAGENT I The lambs, and perhaps here ^and able to account for this' disturbed con- . ; •/ F.”'... ■ , ' , Holders of Second Class Tickets cai dition of the mind, but finally de- life, for the work begun under his . For this distrldt to sell our I there a ewe, that he will save" by have space reserved for themselvM I good feed and care will amply repay cided it was the. two years spent with leadership was not confined to Massa- lu County of Glengarry Fruit and Ornamental Trees, chusetts, but affected the whole Uni- these cars, on payment of a amaJ Flowering Shrubs, etc. I him. his nose to the "grindstone, as he j If the ewes are to lamb before phrased it. He .woijid overcome it in ted States and led to the free public amount above cost of parage ticket i Exclusive Territory I going on pasture they should receive a short time, lie 'Was confident. school system a's it is known today. GOOD PAY F. KERR. j some grain about one month before ■' In the afternoon- the car became These r^orms w’ere instituted chief- FOR SALE Our agency is Valuable. The ] lambing. This insures a good, flow of crowded and JerrjS- shared his seat ly through his annual reports, of vyhich Stock we sell is grown in our ! milk. Oats and wheat bran, either there are twelve volumes, which, are Auto Livery , own Nurseries. Our list ot ! half and half or two parts of oats with a young traveling man. They Varieties is the best. (iiscu.ssed business and reconstruction noW considered, as classics, being re- I and one of bran, which is lower in printed in Europe and circulated At your .^service day or night. For parüctiîart wriu price, should be fed. Oue-haU pound and bolsiieviki and. 'other matters, and n j .icras, with nsw buildings, % of a mile from Pelham Nursery Co., ’oS**' before long the talk turned to personal throughout this country. In place of Phone No. 97. Marleau’e Garage. a day of this mixture for each ewe Station. Established 40 years - 6Q0 Acres should prove suflicient. ' matters. The traveling man seemed the .district, Mann sought to restore CHARLEBOIS BROS., It is also very important that suc- inclined to be sentimental, and finally the more centralized control of .the 20) a-ires, River Front farm, on Toronto-Montreal Bishop Street South, culent feeds, such as corn silage or admitted he was in a Joyful mood be- town, w'hich would give a broader pub- S4-tf. Alexandria. Ont. roots, be given pregnant ewes. These cause he was returning to his home lic support, a greater freedom from Highwiy, one of the best bargains onj the keep the bowels in good condition in the West and never was going to factional quarrels, a better fiu,ancial . market. Insurance Against Wind / and serve as general tonics and regu- basis, a better prepared and remun- lators. .Tlfe weight of the wool can leave it again. “At last my firm has given me a erated- staff of teachers and a better lOd aeres farm, miles from station, with' or also be increased by feeding good suc- equipment. ' Don t let your I beg to announce that I have culence. All winter long each ewe city territory,” he .said, “and now I without stock and implements. p^cured the Agency for the Nàtion- should receive daily from two to two can stay with my wife and kids. What Battery Freeze al Union Fire Insurance Co.—^Rates, and one-half pounds. After lanabing do you think ot th^?” Macaulay's Odd Habit.. 2)) iH’3 farm, well built, new barn, best land, new Town, 20c per $100 for 3 years ; this amount can be increased! It “Tliat’s tlie wife and kids,” he said Macaulay (like Shelley, with yvhom should be remembered that no frozen he had little else in common) was In store and shed, mile from Lancaster. See that it is Farms Ratos, 50c per $100 for 3 pi-oudl.v. “What’s the verdict?” silage or roots should be fed to sheep. “Fine!” said Jerry, with real ad- the habit of reading as he walked the Fully Charged years. I also handle John Doree, Either is very dangerous. The flock miration. The traveling man lapsed Loiidop streets. According to his l.-)7 ao ’os—12) acres clear, new barn,- small house, Dain Farm Machinery, T. B. Bissell should be supplied'with pure, fresh '^Rd.i down batteries freeze quick- into silence a'nd appeared lost in re- biographer, “he could neither swim, 2^2 miles from Lancaster. Silos and Waterloo Boy Tractors. water at all times • and barrel salt nor shoot.” He seldom crossed a sad- 'ly ; keep them charged up- should be placed within their reach llection. So was Jerry. N. J. McGILLIVRAY, so that they can get it at will. In the diner that evening Jerry sat dle. and never willingly. The only ex- BEST SOLID BRICK BLOCK in town, suitable Dry store your battery When you ercise In which he can be said to p It your car up for' the winter. Main. St, North, across.tlie aisle from a young couple, for Bank or Buiiness, across from P. O., late 40tf. Alexandria. Small Garden Will Often Pay Big. who continually SÎPiled at each other have excelled was that of threading Diucan Fraser property, corner Main and This prevents your battery from and patted each other's hands in what ^!ro\^res8 wish of Lord Breadalbane, Gavin, Marquees of Breadalbane, ment to the Literal party, was in opposition Lord Breadalbane was died at an earlier age than the had rocenily completed his seventy- hifl body was buried in a grave made March, 187*^, wh n still only 21, ere- principally occupied in the manage- ! majority of his predecessors. The first year, having bevu born at Fer- 1922 Victory Bonds ia a green sward adjoining the fam- attd Baron Breadalb’ane of Kenmore ment of his vast estates, which at ' first throe earla attained the re- ily mausoleum in which for 300 moy on April 9, 1851. He was the and appointed a Lord in Waiting, one time extended over 234,000 acres markable ages of 81, 89, and 85 elde.st son of Captain John Alexan- jrears t)ie Campbells of Glenorchy his new peerage giving him a seat in in Perthshire , and 204,000 in Ar- respectively, while the fourth, who der Gavin Campbell, of the 1st Roy- lutve becr^ laid. The coffin was re- thé House of Lords. His,party soon ^11, and were exceeded only by was raised to a marqUessate in his On and after Decem- al Regiment, who had succeeded his moved from Glasgow on Saturday went out of office, but on its ret- those of the Dukes of Sutherland ' 09th year, died actually on the eve own father, a few months earlier, in ber 1st, all branches and placed in the mausoleum, being urn in 1880 he was sworn a Privy and B'.iccleiich. of his 72nd birtday. the Perthshire estate of Glenfalloch, borne to the grave by tenants on Councillor and appointed Treasurer inherited from a certain William MARQUÉSSATE EXPIRES of this Bank will cash the estate. The Bishop of Argyll •of the Household, an oflice which he Campbell of GUnfalloch, an uncle of .and the Isles, assisted by the Rev. filled for five years.-He was then, in Lard Breadalbane leaves no child, the first Earl of Breadalbane, who for holders, without 0. Mackay, the parish minister ■July, 1885, crea-ted Earl of Ormelie and the marquessate again expires. Men Wanted died in 1648. at Kill in, conducted the service. ai i Marquess oi Breadalbane, choos- By a curious provision of doubtful *6.—#10. DAILY charge, principal and Among the large gathering were In November, 1862, the fifth Earl ing the titles previously enjoyed by validity, in the patent creating the and second Marquess of Breadalbane At once—we want 100 men right tenant farmers and Highland lairds, his [ kinsmen, the fourth and fifth Earldom of [breadalbane, that title, interest of the matur- died childless, and the vast estates now to train for big paying 'm^ck- aMuiy in Highland dress, and repre- earls. ' with the Viscounty of Tay and the —over four hundred thousand icres I anical jobs. If you are mechanically sentatives of public bodies In Perth- Before entering the House of Glenur^ hie [and Benederaloch Baro- ing 1922Victory Loan —of the ‘‘Black" Campbells, ,witu a ' inclined and like working around shire and Argj-ll shire of which Lord Lords, Lord B-eadalbane had mar- nies, is to expire should the patri- •string of Scottish titles, were laiin j automobiies and tractors, every day Breadalbane was a member, of the ried, in July, 1872, Lady Alma Imo- monial estate of Genorchy be alien- Bonds. ed'by his distant kinsman. Captain you put oŒ coming to us you are •Caledonian I^ilway Company, of gen I^eonara Carlotta Graham, ated, the less markedly territorial j Campbell of Glenfalloch. His claim 'cheating yourself. Never was there which he was the senior director, youngest daughter of the fourth titles of [^rl of Holland, Viscount was opposed by a cousin, but was ' such a demand for trained men. A amd of the estate workers. The pall- Duke of Montrose and of his fam- of Pentland, and Lord Ormelié and finally upheld by Lords Westbury ■ few weeks of time invested now wlU bearers were the Duke of Montrose, ous Duchess, and sister of the pres- Weick remaining. The heir to these -THE and Chelmsford (Lord Wensleydale give you a trade that will mean ia- Mr. Tain Campbell, who now suc- ent Duke. In 1892, when Mr. Glad- j Scottish titles is Mr. Iain Edward dissenting) in May, 1864, when Cap- ' dependence for life. Learn automo- ceeds to the earldom of Breadalbane stone for the last time took office, Herbert Campbell, the only son of Bank of Nova Scotia *tain Campbell duly became Earl of bile and tractor operating and re- the Marquess of GrahaSd, Colonel Lord Breadalbane became Lord j Lord Breadalbanc's brother, the late j Breadalbane and Holland, Viscount I pairing, tiye vulcanizing, battery liiord Malise Craham, D.S.O., M.C., Steward of the Household, and In Captain Ivan Campbell (who died in J. H. UTTCHEILL, of Tay and Pcntland and Lo>rd , building and oxy-acetylsne welding ESTABLISHED 1832 Cotneron of T^ochiel, Lord Greville, the three following years, as Lord yl9l7) and' of I-^dy Margaret Camp- jGlenurchie, BenederjtlocH, Ormelie, ' by the Hemphill practical system. A Manager, Alexandria, Ont. Colonel Campbell Heathcote (ne- H'gh Commissioner to its General ^ bell, who is:^ a sister of Lord Nor- Paid-DP Capital I 9,700,000 and Weick, in the peerage of Scot- , free emplojment service is at your - • 19,000,000 Branches at Maxville, Mnrtin- phew), and Major Bennet, secretary Assembly, he and Lady Breadalbane, manton- Mr. Tain Campbell is un- town. Dalkeith & Glen Robertson jland, and a baronet of Nova Sco- disposal. Write for free catalogue. • 210,000,000 «f the Argyllghire Territorial Force with conspicuous success, tempered marr!ed„'’and his heir-presumptive — tia. He did not long enjoy these Don’t delay. Get in line for big pay Association. The Duke of Argyll was the wird of Erastianism to the again a distant coasin—is Captain honors, for he died in March, 1871, and steady work. Do It now. Heoa- represented by his cousin, Mr. Ian Church of Scotland. In 1894 he ac- Charles William Boreland Campbell, ' when his son, who was still a min- phill Auto and Tractor School, 163 Obmpbell, and Lord Lamington was quired the Garter, and in 1907, after M.C., R.F.Al, whose father, thé late or, succeeded. King West, Toronto. 44-4. Everybody Attènds Simon’s Sales Have you had your share of The Greatest Sale in the Country and the Bargains ?

BELOW WE PRINT A FEW OF THE NEW PRICES BUT REMEM- BER EVERY ARTICLE IN OUR STORE IS REDUCED IN PRICE. Dry Goods, D®s goods, Gloves, Un- Gents^ Furnishings Hats and Caps ,Etc. WE TAKE FRESH EGGS, BUTTER SAME AS CASH, BUT NO derwear andll^siery, etc., for ladies. Men’s ail Wool Heaxy Ribbed Underwear, reg. price $2.00, side GOODS WILL BE CHARGED DURING THIS SALE from approved cus- price, per garment . $ 1.26’ tomers for an^unts over twenty-five dollars we will accei>t a note in 10- !^fe,,regular price #3.00, sale price, ' Men's Ail Wool Underwear4 a Better Quality, feg. price $2.50, size Piannt'llit;e Bli settlement'. ' WE WILL ACCEPT VICTORY BQNDS IN EXCHANGE per pair .. ..$ 2.20 sale price, per garment 1.76 SAME AS CASH. ' 11- price $3.50, sale price Men’s Penmans Fleeced4 Lined Shirts and Drawers, reg. price size Fiannellette.BlAi !■/ vM/^er 2.45 $1.75, Sale price, per garment 850 uIaFi>ipisiob $4.S0i sale price, ' Woolsp. Combination Underwear in Heavy Weight,' j jllsi f. ’jUf M .e ' 8l2S /isr ,7': jf|g. '.price $3v75j sale price..»..,'... . TEED PURE. ’ . • <1. 7 1 - . > HT- t“* ; .Ï..: 10 lbs Fmoi,t Granulated Sugar for « .81c Extra large size 10Û'p' •ooleu Blankets White, reg. Men’g Flne Woolen Combination Underwear, reg. price $6., 10 lbs Finest Brown Sugar for - 77® price $12,00, sale 8.25 » price, per set..., ,... 3.96 2 tins Finest Cream Corn for 25c All Wool Homespun tor and Suits in all the Newest Men’s Merino Underwear in Combination, r^. price $3.00, sale 2 tins Largest Size Tomatoes for ; 80c . Shades, reg. price sale Price per yd... 1.75 price, per suit 1.95 Boy’s Fleeced Lined Underwear, reg. price 75c, sale price per ■ 6 lbs Best Rolled Oats for .25c 64 inch All Wool Dress reg. price $2.75, sale price only.. 1.90 garment 65c 2 pkgs Shredded Wheat or Com Flakes for -25c 64 inch All Wool Dress Wdi;S in Sergea, reg, price $3.50, sale Men’s all Wool Sox in Heather and Black and • Brown Colors, 3 bars Comtoirt, Sunlight or Gold Soap for i25o price 2.25 3 bars Palm Olive Sotap for 25c reg. 76c, sale price per pair 46c Cotton Cashineretto for^ijldrens and House Dresses, reg, price 6 bars Castile Soap for 25c S- Men’s all Wool Sox in Heather and Lovett Shades, reg. price 75c, sale price .37*0 1 lb Best Siftings Tea for 29o $1.1((, for only, per pair. 66o Herring Bone Dress GoQi f^n Dark Shades Dresses, 1 lb Best Japan Tea for i 48c fot; House Men’s Best .Woolen Sox, in Heather and Lovett Shades, regular .87*0 lb Best Green Ceylon Tea for... .57c reg. 76c, for per $1.25, sale price 85c ds, reg. price $1.50, sale price,. Cans Pink Salmon 33c Wue Woolen Repp Dress .760 Men’s Pine Mfich a Wool Lined Gloves, in Grey or Brown, reg. lb Best Creamery Butter for ....U. -430 35c Pure Llnep Towel le price per yd .220 price $3.00, s^le price $2.25, reg. $2.75 for $2.10, rig, $2.50 for plugs or packages any kind Tobacce for 25c Ladies’ Fleeced Lined and Drawers, reg. price $1.25, sale $1.90. lbs Best Pearl Barley for 25o price, per garment .95c All other 11n s of Gent’s Furnishings at such Reductions don’t faU 3 lbs Best Pearl Rice 25c Ladies' Ribbed Shirts Irawers, reg. 75o each, for only .65c te see our stock. . , a lbs Best Tapioca for -23c Iiadiee’ Ribbca Shirts and(;T)rawer8, reg. $1.25 for, per garment.. .950 1 pkg Best ^Seeded waisqus for 18c 86 inch White Saxony Fl^dmeiletto, reg. 45c, tor only, per yd .240 Clothing Spices, Baking Powefers, and all Other Lines of Groceries at Simil- 32 inch White Saxony ï^fnnellette, reg. 30c, for only, per yd 21o CLOTHING FOR MEN, BOY3 AND LITTLE GENTS — the season's iarly Reduced Prices. All 32 inch Stripe Flanq^il^te, reg. pried 25 and 30c to clear at newest styles—the best values thai we .aver had and at such prices tbak FOOTWEAR per yd lÿii' .21o will mean very quick sales we cannot buy these goods ourselves for Footwear for the whole family at prices that will mean; very quick AU 36 inch Striped Flani^ettet reg^ 36 and 40c, to clear at these prices to^ay so act quick if you need a Suit or an Overcoat buy salca but space here will not permit the printing of them all come and only, per yd .Si’.;,.».— 24o at onee or you will be too late* visit our store and see the big bargains that ar^ here for you. 1000 yds of Dress Prints'^^ GinghaJns, reg. 35c yd. to clear 25 Men's all Wool Winter Tweed Suits, reg. price $18.00, to liadies’ Finest Rubbers, every toe and heel* régulas price $1.00, at per pair -.ÿ ; 22*c clear at only — », I 8.96 sale price ,.«.«» .85c 75 pairs Children Woolen Gloves ard Mitts, reg. 76c to clear at 100 Men's and Young Men’s Suits, regulars prices range from Men's Fine Rubbers, Sait Back, regulaa price $1.50, sale pr ce..$ 1.15 per pair 25c $13.00 to $30.00 to clear at $14.25 Men’s Fines RuWiers, S.A. Back, regular price $1.75, sale price.... 1.20 Women's Fine all Wool E^ather and Lovett Shadee of stockiags 75 Men’s and Young Men’s Fine^ English Worsted Suits, regul- Men's Black Leather Top Gum Rubbers, regular price $3.50, Plain, reg. $1.25, said, price ...»....4 - 90c ani values $35.00 and $40.00 to cleeic jvt .only ..^...... «....$27.75 sale price 2.75 Wemen's Fine all Wool Heather and Lovett Shades of Stockings 26 only Men’s Finest Serge and Worsted Soils, also Navy Blue Men’s Tan Leathir Top Snag Proof Gum Rubbers, regular price ribbed, reg. $1.85, side price » 95o Serges 20 oe. weights, all Hand Tailored, ovr Finest Goods $4.25, sale price 3.44 Women’s Finest Highest ^ade Heather and Lovett Shades ef rag. prke $45.G<) to clear during this sole while they last at 29.75 Men’s Low Laced Gum Rubbers, regular price $3.25, sale price.. 2.65 Stockings Ribbed, reg.V $1.85, sale price 1.49 Men’s High Laced Snag Proof Gum Rubbers White Sole, regular Boy’s Suits at from $4.75 to $9.65 and worth just twice these price»—the list is too long to describe here but if you need a' Suit for price $4.25, sale price 3.45 75c Cashmerette Stockings Black or Brown, reg. 76c, sale price.. .46o Mem’s Extra High Laced Shag Proof Gum Rubbers white sole, Heavy all Wool Stocking^ in all sizes, reg. 75c, sale price 46c your Boy—come here quick during this sale and beforO they are all sold. regular price $5.50, sale price .1 3.95 Ladies' Black Cotton Stockings, reg, S6c, sale price per pair.... .21c A Big Clearing Line of Boy’s Overcoats up to 36 size, reg. $15. Misses’ Fine Rubbers, sizes 11 to 2, regular price 85c, sale price.. .75o A41 lines of Corsets, Gloves, Underwear and Fancy Dry Goods of all to clear at only. $ 0.76 Child’s Pine Rubbers, sizes 6 to lOJ regular price 75c, sale price .65o de'^criptions at just such reÀiotions. • _ Men’s Overcoats to Clear, reg. values up to $35.00, sale price... 22.50 Boy’s Fine Rubbers, sizes 1 to 5, regular price $1.10, sale price. .90o Men’s Overcoats the season’s latest as are being so'd in Mont- Youth’s Fine Rubbers, 11 to 13, regular price $1.00, sale price 80o Ladies’ ready-to-wear coats and suits real and Toronto for $45.00, our sale price while they last.. 31,50 All lints of Ladies' Slippers in Brown, Black Strap and Laced, Men’s Overcoats, Regular City Catalogue Price is $40.00, our regular price $4.00 and $4.50 to clear at only $3.C5 per at pries that will mean very sale price is onJy '29.76 pair, every style and newest godds., . These last two Coats are 100 p.c. Pure Wool Irish Frieze 30 oz, Better lines at regular $5.00 and $6.50 values to clear at 3.95 quick sales weight in the Newest Grey and Lovett Shades—quarter lined and half A few lines of Oxfords, High Boots in small sizes only to clear lined with Tweed and Padded, these are the Moat Beautiful Coats Ever Ladies' Winter Coats with .Fur CoHarSz reg. price $45.00, sale at per pair 99c Bàowrm in Alexandria and are AU Hand Tailored. Men's Finest Black Gun Metal Boots, regular price $0.50 to price, only * i $29.69 MB nave Men’s Ooats as cheap as ^$14.00—come see them we clear at only per pair 4.65 Ladies', Winter Coats with Plain Coiiegrs, reg. price $35.00, sale have a Special Line of Men’s Pants in Bannockburn and Cornwall tweeds Men's Finest Mahogany and Brown Boots, regular price $6.50 to price, only .$22.50 space here will not permit the printing of a'l prices—come and see them clear at only per pai^ 4.65 A Big Clearing Line of liadies' Coats, reg. price $25.00 up to —we beat the world with those pants. All Our High Class Men’s Boots In Black and Bi own, all toes $40.00 to clear at only 19.00 and styles, regular values from $7.60 to $8.50 to clear at 10 Ladies’ Coetuma Suite hi Best Serges and Tricotines, regular during this sale for per pair..«.d 5.85 valuta up to $46.00 to clear at - 14.75 Next week we will here print some addition- All our Big Stock of Boys. Misses and children’s Leather Shoes and Hundreds of Good Bargains in t’his Department. too numerous to al prices on dry goods, clothing, overalls, etc. Rubbers at less than Factory Cost Prices in manyecascs and at prices mention—in Suits, Dresses, Coats, etc—Come and inspect our Stock and Get ready for the big event. that Cannot be Beatm by any Stare in the Province. see for yourselves. •

Don’t fail to get your share of the bargains that we have. Don’t be prejudiced no matter what store you have been dealing w'th. Come to Alexandria and make this ISAAC SIMON, -store your headquarters during this sale and save real money.' Opposite Union Bank of Canada, Alexandria, Ont. THE ANNUAL GAMP OF THE J Just Try an Experiment— Y Y ALPINE CLUB. OF CANADA 1 Special Meal Service Buy a packet of 2 —AT— Mount The Blue Room [Assiniboine in the Canadian Here you may secure at all hours' dainty lunchecns Pacific "SAUDA" and tasty hcme'cooked meals at reasonable prices- .Rockies, V BMr "" Our special lunch service is already in popular favor- and see if it is not tKe most We aim to satisfy our patrons- delicious Tea you ever tuisted. Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco, also Fresh Fruit. *‘Most Tea-Drinkers Think It Is.** Every variety of candy on display. Delicious Ice Cream, by the glass or in bulk form, Special Sundaes, In- viting Drinks of ail kinds-

j. j. MCDONALD Barns Are Proprietor. , The Blue Room Dollars Saved The Home of Sweets Phone 119 Alexandiia, Ont. The way to reduce co£t is to Jn- ...ease production. The stock or daiiyman cannot in- crease production without adequate Cl o ♦ plant in the way of good substantial 0 barns. Now is a good time to get ♦ 0 these matters shaped up to be ready lllexandria Central Garage ♦ 0 to go ahead when the weather gets a little better. ♦ 0 We can be of service to you. ^ Why pump jour tires ly hand M 1 ( n you can ♦ 4 use free air and tiie tester ? lleie IS alto water > Come in and see us. ^ hose for your radiator nipht aid day Battel ies 4 ^ tested and ....V,.filled -with distilh d V. {.in ii ( ( ct charge,^ 0 Carbon burned 60c per cylinder. Battnin repairtd.o 6 recharged and refilled. Ascetyline weldirg ard alio I The J. T. Schell Co. X kinds of automobile Iej airs. We also cany a large 0 Alexandria, Ont. 4 Hue of parts, tubes, tires and gasoiire. ♦ 4®4®4®^>®4<8)^<&4®4®4®4®4®4®4®4®4®4®4®4®4®4®4®4<9 ♦ Thanking you for your past paticnage. 0 4 Yours truly, 0 4 0 4 0 J. Roy IViacdonald, W. A. Brcnie,' 4 e Proprietor Manager. £ . t On the way to the Alpine Club Received Catherine Street, Alexandria. ♦ Camp, in the Palliser Pass. 0 O4O404OVO4O4O4O4O^O4O-4O4O4O4O4O4O4O4O4O^O4O- And opened up this week a fresh shipment of Ceylon, Japan and THE Annual Camp of the Alpine for Banff, and from'Mti Assimboine pile, used for odd purposes. Still Black Teas, extra quality, to b© Club of Canada held at Palliser to Banff, four tii^ week, cov further on tents were pitched for sold at lowest possible prices. You lies. Thesé the married couples. There were K®*®*®*®*®*®*®*®*@*0*@»®o®«®*®«®*®*®*®*®*®*® Pass this summer, in the heart of enng over one hupi^ camps of the •Rldmg tents for the cooks, tents for the * want to try them to be convinced- the , has made Tour whic*h ^weve* I»Vte^^are packers, tents for the handy boys of the quality. history in this region for . the yea,r permanent esmpjB who chopped ‘>vood and waited on Also 500 lbs of best Java and 1922. The site chosen was forty- table. ' A-; small interesting _ looking The Cow and ^ ■m. As$inibom$^(.ToG Mocha OoSte, in bean and 'ground - five miles from Banff, the head- conr^ortablé «,â<3 » ^at with' a-t;sign .“Guides”..outside ; quarters of this, mountairieerinig Mr. 'Whèeler tjiedt ict‘ i. of j ®.‘ life of the nortwestern division. We .address label.) Insure Safety | m- have no interest that ties iis natur- the Lakes ai*e concerned the agita- ^ in your remittance by using | A. J. McEWEN, Maxville^ Ont. ■®î ally to the southern part of Onta- tion is not a disinterested one, as I "postal note, money order or | they feel new Parliament Buildings | PHONE ®' rio. The resources are distinct, and registered letter. Have all re- | Res. — 18 GEO. A. LALONDE the social and economic life of the about midway between the Twin,Ci- | mittances payable par at Alex- | people are different. This difference ties overlooking the lake would be a ; andria, f Rough and Dressed Lumber. ® Phone 101 Main St. South, Alexandria. ^ice plum, for them. This, however, ! is even more distinct than that It takes more money today i Sash and Doors, Mouldings, Pine and ® which exists between the broad fields does not .dismiss the grqund for dis- ! than ever to keep a newspa- t of Saskatchewan and the level stret- content in the rest of the terri- | per going^ We have mailed out | I Spruce Clapboards, Lath, Shinglès, Root f Also a Sample Furnace on Floor che.s of Essex or Prince Edward.” tory.” a great many accounts of var- | ing, Tile, Brick and all other f can be seen any time. Therefore it argues that the true We freely admit that the size_ of ,ous amounts. The individual I r©:ne*dy is the creation of a new Pro- the Province and the ^stance of amount is small, but if every \ BUILDING MATERIAL. f ♦o4o>4o4 04 040404 040404004040404040 4o4o4o4o4o4 vince, which would become one of many parts from the Capital ; create subscril>er would remit the | the leading Provinces of Confedera- a problem w’hich must be dealt with. amount of his subscription at f Let us quote you on your silo material. | tion, and a link between East and Provincial Goyermnent^in Canada once, the aggregate would be j West. This contention would ,carry must be a different thing from State worth while, f 11s very far. Ontario is not the only Government in the neighboring Re- large Province in Canada, nor the public, where ail but a few States ! GLENGARRY NEWS. | I HOUSES BUILT TO ORDER.! largest. Quebec has 706,000 square tire comparatively small. But break- . »4..4..4»«4..4«»4M4W4M4».4..4..4»»4.«4..4I.4..0,.0I,^.^ ^ ®e®e®e®e®e®e®e®e®e®e®e^,g;, 000,0,0, Among r.-lativts from a distance large congr&gatk’-n of sympathising .were Mr. A. J. Chisholm, Saginaw, friends. . PERSONAL MENTION Mich., Dr. W. L. McDougald, Mr. A. The remains'were conveyed to Al- W. McDougald, Mrs. John McMar- exandria on Thursday morning be- We will be pleased to pubiish the names of your tin^ Montreal; Air. and Mrs. A.. L. ing, accompanied by her i^iHers.. and- Visitors if you will only send them in. Smith, Ml*. Her; ert Smith,. Miss co-sin, Mr. Jpsejh A. MacdoneU of Make out your list. Katherine McDougald, Mrs. D. R. New York, and the funeral took Meet Me Chisholm, Cornwall; Air. D. J. Mc- Î lace to St. Finnan’s Cathedral and Dougald, Toronto. cemetery, many prominent citizens Spiritual otîerings were . received Le'ng noticed* in the cortege. Rev, '-ON-— Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McIntyre of ■ Mr. Fred McMillan of Maxville, from Mr. and Mrs. Angus McKin- Ewen J. Macdonald celebrated the Apple Hill, were v’si^ors to town on did business in town on Wednesday. non, Mr. and Mrs. AI. J. Morris, Mas.s while in the sanctuary were Friday. !* Miss Victoria McMillan of Ottawa ATrs. Alary Chisholm. Mrg. JohnAIc- Revs Duncan Macdonald, Cornwall, Mrs. Peter J. P. McDonell and spent the week end ‘the guest of Saturday Martin and family; Mr. Donald A. A. L. M Donald, GLn Robertson, C. little son Master John P. are Mrs Angus McKinnon, “Hillmount", Mecdbnald, Mr. and Airs. D. G. F. Gauth er, Greenfield, Dr. J, E. spending Üje wce’c with relatives in yc-t”rning to the Capital Monday [Grant, Aliss Grace McAIartin, Miss McRae, Rector, Rev. D. D. McMil- Montreÿîî^r ^ evening, ‘ I Mery M. Donell, Aliss Joey McGilli- lan and Dr. Guinevan, Alexandria. Mr. I). Fid&er of Montreal spent Mi:S Annie Riley of Ogdensburg, j vray, Mrs. A. D. McGillivray, Airs, I'h8 pa'lbearers were Messrs J. J the 16th Sunday with relatives in town. N.Y. 3j>ent the wf*ek end at her j D. A. McArthur,,Mr. Jonn A. Alc- McMillan, John A. MacdoneU, J. R. Mr. and Mrs. Adair Macdonell, Mr. {>aren’al homo at Mnrt*ntown. Dougald, M s. H. Duggan, Miss Os- McMaster, D. D. AI:Donell, D. M. Ï*. J. and Mi s Jessie Wims of Mr. Geo T. Smith Of Toronto, paid I wald Moi*ris, St. Finnan’s Altar So- AlcAIillan and Jas. V. Chisholm. Montreal motored to town last Alexandria a short visit yesterday. Dear Children,— jcicty, while Floral offerings were Among the .very numerous spirit- week to attend the St. Andrew's Mr. Hugh A. Gauthier who spent ' Wreaths, Dr. and Airs. W. L. Mc- ual offerings received was a Mass of Ball and while here were the guests Several months in the Canadian West Dougald, Mrs. A. D. McGillivra3% Requiem from her old pupils now I will arrive on the lO.lC train Satur- of Mrs. Jas. Kerr. Upon their ret*- arrived home on Saturday. Messrs Edmund and Leoward McGil- resident in Alexandria. Numerous urn on Saturday they were accom- Mrs. R. A. Berry and little son day morning the 16th, and I want all the livray, Mrs. A. W. Hyde and Miss and beautiful .were the floral trib' panied by Mr. Kerr who spent sev- Maste r Clarence, of Ste. Anne de Edith McGillivray, Mr. D. G. Grant utes received. children of Alexandria and the surrounding .cral dajs with relatives in the Me- Bellevue, Que., while in town last end familv. Miss Grace AIcMartin ; Among relatives and friends from tropolis. week attending the funeral •'>f the country to meet me. We will then form a Crosses, Mis. John McMartin and a distance were Mr. Angus J. Mc- Miss Mary Cameron left on Mon- late Mr. Ranald A. McDonald w'ere family. Air. Archie McGillivray ; Donell, Miss Elizabeth Macdonald, grand procession and parade to day on a visit to her brother^ Mr. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Sprays, Airs. D. R. Chisholm, Miss Cornwall, Mr. W. F. MacdoneU, Ban Camei*on and Mrs. Cameron of P. McDonell. Katherine McDougald, Mr. and Mrs. Montreal, , Mrs. A. McMaster an l Pembro'-'O, Ont. Mr. A. M. Chisholm of Duluth, A. L. Smith and family. Air. D. J. Airs. W. C, Saunders of Ottawa and Mr. and Mrs. Gross who, had been Minn., spent the early^part of the McDougald and famih’: Air. Jf D. Macdonald of Haileybnry. COWAN’S on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. T. week visiting his sister and brother, Clark, McCrimmon, returned home Mrs. E. J. Macdonald and Mr. Jas. MRS. MARY CAMERON REV. SISTER M. OF ST. CO- last week. . ' V, Chisholm. He was accompanied LUMBA Big Gift Store to town by Mr. C. D. Chisholfn of Following an illness- -, of som^ Mr. W. J. McGregor of North The death .pi. Sister M. of St. Co- Uarcasier, did business in. town on Toronto. weeks’ duration the death took lum^ a which occurred at the Mother Monday. The marriage of Florida, second place at the venirable age of 88 . where I have sent all the best of my House, of th^ Sisters of Holy Cross, Miss Clara Goulet of Montreal was daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ga- years at her late rendence, Elgin stre t west, Friday evening, Dec. St. Laurent', Que., on Sunday morn- TOYS AND DOLLS and which will be with her i)arents, Mr. and Mrs. J. f’eau of Green Valley, Ont., to Mr. ing, 3rd December occasioned sin- Goulet, Kenyon St., over the week 1st, of a well revered citizeji in the my headquarters as usual. Ernest Harding Bishop, Montreal, P. cere sorrow, h^re- The departed Sis- end. Q. person of Mis., Alary Cameron. De- son of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Bish- ter who had', spent thirty-six years ceased was well known in town and, Miss Teresa Laurin of Coniwall op, Moncton, N.B. has been ar- in religion possessed rare qualities On arrival at Mr. Cowan’s Store, I will spent the latter part of last week ranced to take place on Thursday. district possessing many sterling quai.i s of heart and imind. She of mind and heart which spiritualiz- give a great big SORAMBLE and then with relatives in town. D ceml er 21st, at 2.?J0 P.M. in ed as they ^ere endeared her to the Was of a kind and charitable dispo- Mrs. Alex McNeil, Miss Reta Bell Green Valley. community and to a legion of friends hold a reception when I want all the little sition ever ready to lend a helping McNeil and Mrs. Robert Urquhart +- in the several places where she had hard in sic'ness and distress. She tots to bring me their letters, telUng me of Danvegt^n, were in town for a few labored* was a woman of deep religious con- hours on Satiurday. The deceased who was 57 years of what they want most this Christmas. victions and ht-r i passing generaHj*- Mr. W. J . Stewart of Ottawa Sun- ago was a daughter of the late regretted* dayed with friends here. Here and There Hugh R. M&cdonald Esej. and Mrs. To moLU'n the loss of a dev'oted Hoping to see you alb on Saturday Jjt. Col. D. J. MacDonald canie Macd- naldi'^Bishop St., Alexandria, mother, she leaves four sons and from Kingston to spend Sunday in Christmas Cards, booklets, tags, and besidiS^liet* Venerable mother morning, the 16th, ore d tughter,' Messrs p. D. Cam?r- town the guest of his mother, Mrs. seals, decorations, candles, etc., at she IS sùrviVcài by two brothers and on, Rooseve't, Minn., Alex Cameron, Your Old Friend, I). R. MacDonald, Catherine St. Will Simpson’s, Alexandria. three sisters,- Rev. 1). R. Macdonald Nelson, B.Cf, Paul Cameron, Fer- Mis rs D. Asselin and G. Lalonde P.lk, Glen ïïbvis. Air. Roderick Mac- n:e, our e^t emed fellow citiz- SANTA. were among the visitors, to Montreal GIVE PJCTLiRES. d nald, San *Diego, Cal., Mrs John en, Angus Cameron and Mrs. J. L. the' early part of the week. This Christmas give pictures o Sho.'han, Langdon, N.D., Mrs. A. Wood, of Buffalo, N.Y. ‘ Dr. Bruno Rouleau of Casselman^ beautiful election to choo.'^e from L. Bishop; ' ' Alexandria and Miss The funeral to St. Finnan’s Cathe- Sundayed at his home here. Ghmgarry's I^eading Furniture Agni'S MaCddiiald, Glen Nevis. dral and com.tery, took place on Airs. A. McMaster and Mrs. W. C. Hou.«e, McGilUvray s, Mill Square, The f-.inei^î: service took place at Sunday afternoon, at 2.30 and was Saundf rs who spent a f*tw days with Alexjindn St. Laureiii^b 8.30 Tuesday morn- in e ery way a re;^res?ntativo one. relatives hero, returned to Ottawa Macdonald, brother The liibcra was sung by Rev. Dr* , |A.H.S. BA'AAAK. singing thç Hass , of ^dbçe^i j A Christmas sale of woric .’and .G;u^wyaii,^/WhUq:Etev. I>r, A^eR^iÇ^' V present ! , In the' « «pyai; .chickeh^ supper* will be held -Hn the', ciated at » tho" ‘■ ‘'IfrtotAria Hospital, IVtoutreal; 'was High School, here, to-morrow after- The pnllboiirors, were Messrs John Jd\*:ahd X. fj, Gàm- able to return to her hexme at Loch- noon and evening. Do not miss it. R. AIcAlaster, John Boyle, A. A. Mc- :'A* A. McRae, St. iel, on Saturday last. Cormick, Archie Lothian, Charles — E. McRae, and J. Mr. K. J. McCuaig of Ste. * Jus- Get a man’s gift at a man’s store, McKinnon and Duncan Gray. W. Dulin, Alexandria; C. F. Gau- tine, was in town on Monday, the see the splendid assortment now at Friends from a distance were Mrs. thier Gromfleld and Dufresno, Chap- gtiest' of his sisters, Mrs. McCuaig Will Simpson's, Alexandria. G. St. Dm'S, Mrs. J. Hughes, Mrs. lain. end Miss McCîua g, St. George St. -4— E. LariJn, Mrs. R. Gibson, of Mont- Others présent were her mother Mr. Geo, Leroux spent Monday In STUDY THE ADSf real, and Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Mc- and sister^.'!! Mrs. Bishop and Miss Montreal. You will save both time and mo- Millan of Grrenfield. Macdonald' and several Rev. Sisters Mr. J. C. Hiimbleton of Glen Ro- ney if you read the advertisements Spiritual offerings wore received of Mary Vale. Abbey. Glen Nevis. bertson, was among the Newscallers in.this week’s News before setting from Mr. John Boyle, Mrs. Ailary The deceased was laid to rest in on Monday. out to do shopping. Fisher, Mr and Mrs George R. Mc- the little cemetery • of the Commun- Mr. ^ngus A. McMillan of Mc- Donell, Mr Donald A. Macdonald, iti". To t^e bereaved Sisters of her ST^ORE has pat on its Holiday Crimmon did business here oin Mon- Heaps of delicious candies, lus- Mrs. J. D. McDonald, Mrs. Paul Order, her tfamily and many friends Dress this week and the “Christmassy” look day. cious big ofanyes, nuts of fill kinds Ijauzon, Mrs. D. McKinnon, Mrs. G. we extend .^ympathv. R.I.P. and spirit is in evidence everywhere. St. Denis, Mrs.^ C. McMenniman, Mr. Neil Fraser of Vankleek Hill, yit Will Simpson’s, Alexandria. Beautiful Gift lines have been opened out and we are M)S. M. Jinkson, Mr. and Mrs. J. spent several hours in town, on Mon- MRS.'^LLiAM MCDONALD Hugh s, Mrs. E. I^arkin, Mrs. D. D. now ready to serve young and old. day. DO YOUR SHOPPING NOW. On Wednesday. Nov. 29th, at the Early shoppers are grtting a McMillan and Miss Anna McMillan. Mr, M. McRae of Greenfield, was a family residence. Elgin street west, Our Men’s Furnishing Department is overflowing with choice of complete stocks and are visitor here on àaturday. the death occurred of Margaret Me- everything that is good and useful and that men will having their purchases put away for MISS DOROTHEA M. MACDONALD Miss Parent of Rockland, Ont., Is Phee, re.ict of the lato William Mc- appreciate. the guest this week of Mrs. E. Rou- Christmas. After a short illness, at Brooklyn, Donald enid daughter of the late leau, Ottf^wa House. —¥- N.Y., on Monday, November 27th, Ranald MvFhco. Balhousie Mills, We have also some lovely things for the ladies includ- Mr, Hubert S, Alacdonald of Three 1922, the death occurred of Miss ' aged 83 yenrs. ing dainty Handkerchiefs, singly or in boxes, some ex- Rivers, spent the week end with his Obitvarà Dorothea M. Macdonald. She was Deceased^waa of a kind and gentle quisite Parisian Perfumes and Talcums, French Ivory mother, Mrs. A. G. F. Macdonald, the eldest daughter of the late Mr. dispositlon-t making and retaining Toilet Articles, Purses, Hand Bags, Baskets, etc. Alexander Macdonald and his wife Garry Fen. MRS. MARY McMlLX.AN her fr end^jwho were many. Despite Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lalonde The death of Mary Chisholm, wid- Jessie MacMaster. At an early age her advance years she retained her Our Toy Department contains a nice assortment of big Miss Macdonald took up the profes- spent Sunday in Montreal, visiting ow of the late Mr. AlUin McMillan memory a& laoultles till the end and little Dollies, Picture Books, Blocks, Games, Horses, sion of teach ng being on the Sep- their daughter. Miss Augusta La- uf Lochiel, took place on Wednesday dying a i^cefpl and happy death Dogs, Cats, Drums, etc., etc., for the children. arate School staff here and other londe who is a patient in the Royal even ng, Nov. 29th, 1922, at her [fortified by the rites of the Catholic points in the county as well. Some Our Candy and Fruit Counter is heaped with the most Victoria Hospital. late residence, Elgin street east, Church. ^ ... thirty years ago she went to Brook- Miss Jessie McGillis of Ottawa, following a lingering illness. The She is survived by one son, and tempting and appetising lines and every corner in the lyn entering St. Mary's Hospital as spent Monday the guest of her aunt, late Afrs. McMillan who had attain- two daughters, Dan and Miss Jessie storei speaks loudly of this joyous season. a nurse in training and was one of Mrs. R. AIcDonald, Dominion St. ed the venerable age of 90 ye^irs was McDonald, Eere, and Mrs. J. D. Mc- its fir t graduatts since whiqh time Alexandrians generally regret the bom at Fasslfem being a daughter Kinnon of^Ottawa. she practised her profession in the illness of Mr. <^. W. Shepherd, the of the late Mr. Ranald Chisholm. The funeral from her late residence city of her aioption deservedly tak- Santa Glaus’ Polegran No. 4 popular agent of the G.T.U. and Her husband met his death by to St. Finnan’s Cathedral and cem- ing a first place in her work being a e'ery, took^ pUce Friday morning, Am fiying along on my way to your hope to see him at his post shoirtly. drowning in Golden Lake, in 1861. town and expect to reach there Monday member of the Board of Examiners Rev Dr. Gpinevan chanting the Re- Miss Annie MePhee of Montreal Is Airs. McMillan was a woman of night, December 18th» about midnight, of New York State. She took an ac- and to meet all the dear children in xny spending the week with her parents. e.xcept'oaaUy fine charact<;r and in- quiem Mass. The pallbearers were tive part in all Nursing Conven- Messrs Anj^s McIntceh, John Em- Snuggery at WUl Simpson‘son TUES- Mr. and Mrs. Alex MePhee. variably displayed a keen interest DAY morning, DEC. 19th, at 10.30 tions. her o )inions and advice were Mias Pauline Huot is spending a in the doings of the day. She was a berg, A. A. McCormick, Chris. Mc- o’clock. Get everything ready. More frequently sought after and as fre- later. SANTA. few dajs with relatives in Mont- pleasing conversationalist, possessed Donald, A^igus McCormick and Pe- quently acted upon. She was also real. an attractive manner and her friends ter McDcnki. The above will, we hope, be good news to all the little folks prominent in social and charitable Relatives and friends from a dis- Mr. R. R. Macdonald, Ilochelaga were many not merely here but circles, particularly in seminary, aid tance included Mr. Robert MePhee, Bank, Sundayed at the parental throughout the county. work in BroolGyn. Glen Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. An- Surviving is one graudHon, AIv. D. And now to the older folk, may home, St. Telesphorc, Que. Miss MacdonaM was well known in j gus MePhee, Mr. and I? t O. Grant, of Los Angeles, Cal., al- Mrs. J. D. we again urge you to start your Air. and Mrs. C. T*ivcombe visited Glenrarry and her death came as a so two brothers and one aialcr, Mr. McKinnon, Miss Margaret McKinnon Christmas shopping at once. If Ottaw’a on Wednesdaj^ groat shock to b r many friends I and Master Gordon McKinnon, Ot- George Chisholm of I*o» Angele», Miss Drew and Mi&s MacGilUvray here. you look at the calander yon will Mr, A. J. Chisholm of Saginaw, j tawa. of Toronto, are guests of Mr. John She is srrvived by one brother,] Spiritual offerings were received notice that only |3 more shopping .A. Macdonell K.C., Kenyon street. 7ilich., and Mrs. A. D. McGillivrai", Mr. Donald Jos. Macdonald of Dul- horn a large number of friends. days remain after to-day. You will Rev. J. R. Douglas, Kirk Hill, L, Ottawa street. uth, Minn., and two sisters, Isabel, ^ 'McKinnon, Lnggan’s, G. A. Bradley The funeral from her late residence assist us greatly, see. a better as- to St. Finnan’s Cathedral and cem- of Paterson, N.J. and Christine, sortment, and get better service and J. H. M’tchell of this place at- with Rev. Ewen J. Macdonald, of etery, took place Saturday morn MdiM Obituaries on page S than if yon wait until the rush of tended a, meeting of th4 Glenr^o Lochiel. Presbytery held at AlaKviUe bn ing at 10.15. The Requiem Moss * the last few days. A Soleron Mass of Requiem was Tuesday. ' | was chanted by Dr. Guinevan while Mr. G. W. AIcDougald. Miss Anna His liordship Bishop Couturier as- chanted in All Saints' Church, Broo- Look to Your Eyes klyn, Wednesday morning 29th ulto, McDougald accompanied by their ua* sisted by Rev C. F. Gauthier of BeautifulÇyes, like fine by Mgr. Cohen, with Rev Fathers Teedi. Me t^ceMjrofCooKaac WILL. J, SIMPSON do; Mr. A. J. Chisholm, Saginaw, Greenfield, officiated at the grave. Cece. The «fly use of h^urinc Griffiths and Dillon as Deacon and ^ke$ Eye« Oear and Radiant. Mich., motored to Cornwall on Mon- < The pallbearers were Messrs .John Enjovabie. HannleM. Sold and Simpson Block, Alexandria, Ontario. •Sub-Deacon respectively. Mgr. O’- Rgeommended by All Druggbes. day and spent several hours with Boyle. John D. McKinnon. Geo. Hara was present in the sanctuary Mr. J. A. AIcDoUgald, Local Regis- Duvall, J. N. Gauthier, E, Ostrooi and t^e sa-'^rL'd edifice contained a trar High Court. ^|«nd A. G. F. Macdonald. ‘mm&t