Togethermagazine LIFE OF LUXURY TOGETHER IN CANNES Full reportage, photos and video coverage from cinema’s most glamorous festival

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW Commission Vice-President Margot Wallström bows out GOING PLACES Fantastic holiday ideas for summer COMPETITION Four illy Francis Francis X7 iperEspresso machines to be won EDITORIAL Crisis ? What crisis ?

Unless you’re a member high-maintenance lifestyles of some of an undiscovered South of the wealthiest women in Monaco. Shuttle service for great shopping American tribe, you’ll have Our doyen of the grape Alex Hewetson noticed that the financial gets misty-eyed over some very special on Saturday & Sunday* tipples, including Tokay – ‘the wine world is having something of kings’. of a bad time balancing the books. Naturally, As I’m sure you’re aware, luxury is not we at Together understand only about buying expensive things, Hugo Boss Hackett Scapa BCBG Rue that things are tough eating in good restaurants and the like out there, and that people (although these things won’t necessarily make you unhappy !) For some, luxury are improvising and comes in a different package. Jérôme G-Star Essentiel Samsonite Nike Furla economizing – even if the Stéfanski talks to Belgian master banks (or UK MPs) aren’t. choclate-maker Pierre Marcolini about his latest ‘Evolution’ (the best things Pringle of Scotland Calvin Klein Jeans come in small packages), and financial ith this in mind, expert Graham Reid assesses how we also best to maintain a luxury life in your Petit Bateau Diesel Björn Borg Leonardo understand that latter years. Meanwhile, Commission occasionally you Vice-President Margot Wallström is need to reward looking forward to the luxury of Kipling River Woods Olivier Strelli Wyourself, or simply to feel pampered retirement (at least from political life), and relaxed for a while. So, it is without as she tells Andy Carling in an fear that we bring you this edition of exclusive interview. Together devoted to luxury and the finer Marlies Dekkers Villeroy & Boch Versace things in life. As if all this wasn’t luxurious enough for you, we have our very own pictures and Our man in the Orient, Dave Deruytter, reportage from the recent Cannes Film Girbaud Levi’s Puma Napapijri Mer offers us a glimmer of hope for market Festival and some ideas on where you recovery, explaining how the emerging should be heading this summer. economies in China and India could put Discover over 95 boutiques of the world’s luxury fashion and things back on track with raw spending Don’t forget that, as ever, you can see power. See ? It’s not all bad. In yet more our exclusive videos and interviews lifestyle brands offering savings of 30% to 60%** all year round – good news, Martin Banks reveals how online at www.together-magazine.eu. and treat yourself to some time well spent the Belgian wizards of Indian cuisine at La Porte des Indes are performing As we now know that time off doing a task previously thought to be your own things is the ultimate luxury, Open on Sunday*** impossible – making airline food your Together team will also be taking E314 direction Genk, Exit 33. Free parking. appetizing. a short summer break. See you soon – perhaps sooner than you think ! * Until 30 August 2009, departure every Saturday and Sunday from the Hilton, “But what about the luxury ?” I hear Bld de Waterloo 38, Brussels at 10.15 am. Reservation required. you cry. Well, apart from our regular Please call OPEN TOURS at +32 (0)2 466 11 11 or +32 (0)496 40 40 00. MEMBER Temptations for men and women and, of course, all the fashions from For more information, please visit top designers, Together’s very own .MV. COS. international jet-setter Federico David Mc Gowan Grandesso tells us all about the Publisher ** SAVINGS OF 30% TO 60% ON THE RECOMMENDED RETAIL PRICE / *** FOR EXCEPTIONAL OPENING AND CLOSING DATES, DIRECTIONS AND ALL OTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE VISIT WWW.MAASMECHELENVILLAGE.COM / © MAASMECHELEN VILLAGE 2009 03/09 June - July 09 Together – 1


1 EDITORIAL 6 COMPETITION Crisis ? What crisis ? illy : No more daily grind 4 FORWARD TOGETHER 8 PEOPLE IN BRUSSELS In our sights ! Notable and notorious CALLING INTERNATIONALLY STARTING AT 12 BY THE GLASS 31 TOGETHER IN CANNES * The rare and the beautiful And the winners are... 34 The great and good dazzle 14 INTERVIEW for Belgium € Vision on ! 36 Party ? Cannes do ! 0,12 16 DRESS TO IMPRESS 40 WELL-BEING PER MIN. Pastels luxury Putting FUN 22 BRUSSELS ON THE MOVE back into fitness Lux living 42 TEMPTATIONS – Hotel Be Manos Silver and gold 24 INTERVIEW 46 GOING PLACES CALLING BETWEEN Stylish skies ahead Hong Kong : Ding dong ! 26 POINT OF VIEW 51 Divine madness ORTEL AND ORTEL FOR 56 The Club Med II : Happiness * The time, the kitsch is no longer a whim and the wardrobe 58 Monaco mademoiselles 28 INTERVIEW Marcolini : Between passion and ‘Evolution’ FREE

NEWS 64 INTERVIEW 76 EAT TOGETHER Putting the ‘mission’ RestoPass : Your passport in Commission to fine dining for less *Call set-up fee 15ct per call, for free calls between ortel and ortel * Maximum call duration is 10 minutes 78 Cuisine in the clouds for free calls between Ortel and Ortel *Free calls between ortel and ortel only within Belgium * For a summary 66 MONEY of all rates and for more information please go to: www.ortelmobile.be China and India : 84 THE PLACES TO BE Spending out of the slump Alive and kicking 68 Your pension : Whose life of luxury ? 86 FOR ART’S SAKE Clarke : Through www.ortelmobile.be 70 LEARN TOGETHER a lens darkly A new language : Live it, learn it, love it 92 DIARY Together’s ‘To Do’ list 72 Real Estate The Property Barometer 95 Le Chat Available at: Like the cat who’s got 74 FRESH OPENINGS the cream ! Six appeal !

2 – Together #13

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He’s at it again – Armand out the work of Sofie D’Hoore, Richelet-Kleinberg, our Fabienne Delvigne, Mademoiselle Jean, Elvis Pompilio, Véronique cameraman, IT wizard Branquinho, Olivier Strelli, Tim Van and roving reporter, Steenbergen, Edouard Vermeulen has uploaded more video (Natan), Didier Vervaeren (Delvaux) treats onto the Together and Christian Wijnants online. website, including exclusive coverage from ‘All about Cannes’ Together opens the door on some of the Cannes Festival. the festival’s hottest scenes...check out the guests, enjoy the Martini beach, sing along with a pianist, attend the BIOTHERM : opening of a prestigious boutique, take BEAUTY BY ‘LASER’ lunch by the sea and, finally, end your With its new ‘Celluli Laser’ range, day aboard a yacht with a typically Biotherm is offering ‘laser’care for your Belgian star-studded bash. skin – a high-precision treatment with quickly visible results. Together offers CRYSTAL ON THE CARPET a behind-the-scenes insight from At cinema’s most dazzling festival, a Biotherm expert. the stars weren’t the only ones shining on the red carpet. Swarovski Crystal, BELGIAN FASHION : for the tenth consecutive year, was also BMW Diplomatic Sales. MICKEY MANIA there – see for yourselves. Disney Paris has thrown down How fast can we help you? to gauntlet to a number of renowned To check out these and other Belgian stylists. Their subject ? Mickey videos, go to Mouse’s ears. Say no more, but check www.together-magazine.eu/videos.shtml For more information, please contact BMW Brussels’ Diplomatic Sales:

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4 – Together #13 Environmental information (RD 19/03/04): www.bmw.be

BMW9367-230x165.indd 1 25/03/09 10:13:59 COMPETITION illy : No more daily grind

Every day, around the stablished in 1933 world, more than 6 million by Francesco Illy, the company produces cups of coffee are prepared and markets a leading- using illy’s unique blend – quality blend of espresso we look at the story behind coffee, made using nine types of pure E coffee beans to prepare an excellent is extremely easy to use and, because one of the world’s favourite Arabica. From the balance of these espresso coffee, it needs only one there is absolutely no contact between brews, and give readers ingredients from South and Central bad bean to ruin it. For this reason, the coffee inside the capsule and the the chance to win one America, India and Africa arises the constant checks are necessary – from machine, the purity of each cup is unmistakable flavour and aroma of the supply, selecting only the finest assured and clean-up is kept to a of four state-of-the-art illy coffee, consistent in every cup illy Francis Francis X7 lots, to the processing undertaken by minimum. and in any part of the world. Currently, the company itself, during which the iperEspresso machines. the blend is sold in more than 140 product undergoes 114 checks before HOW TO WIN countries and is served in more than being packaged. illycaffè also has So, fancy winning a fabulous Francis 50,000 restaurants and bars. an electronic selection system for the Francis X7 iperEspresso, worth 349€ ? coffee beans, which makes it possible It’s first-come, first-served this time VIRTUOUS CIRCLE to evaluate each one at the rate of around – all you have to do is send us Sustainability, according to illy, is 5,000 a second, eliminating any that an email, marked Francis Francis X7 economic, social and environmental. are imperfect. Competition, to [email protected], The virtuous circle of sustainability with your full name, address and starts with the cup of coffee and goes THE MEAN MACHINE daytime phone number. In addition, back to the countries of origin that illy’s iperEspresso System is a by way of a ‘tie-breaker’, we’d like to provide the raw material, all in revolutionary way to prepare know what you think of Together so accordance with a precise strategy. true café-quality espresso at home, far – let’s just say that the most On the one hand, there is the stress thanks to a ground-breaking two-stage interesting (and genuine) responses placed on the outlet where the coffee extraction technology that creates will have a much better chance is consumed, to ensure an excellent an extraordinarily smooth, full-bodied of winning a prize, fair enough ? result everywhere, and on the other and intensely aromatic coffee with the care taken as regards the methods long-lasting crema. Designed by and locations of production, in order Luca Trazzi, the Francis Francis X7 And that’s all there is to it – deadline to highlight and increase the cultivation iperEspresso for all entries is 1st August, so don’t of the finest coffee. This is a long-term machine brings delay. Good luck ! process, in which technology, coffee- While it takes the very best out www.illy.com cultivation and the respect for man and 50 coffee of illy’s patented the environment play leading roles. beans to iperEspresso prepare an capsule, which FROM BEAN TO CUP excellent encloses a Espresso coffee is a complex beverage espresso complete made up of 1,500 chemical substances coffee, it extraction group (of which 800 are volatile), which must needs only that replaces the blend harmoniously to form a complete one bad one traditional process aroma, and over 13 chemical and of percolation with Models offered may differ from those pictured. physical variables, which affect the to ruin it Competition organised under the supervision of a bailiff. a two-stage Full rules available on request. correct preparation. While it takes 50 Organizer : Together Magazine, Boulevard Saint-Michel 47, extraction. The X7 1040 Brussels.

6 – Together #13 June - July 09 Together – 7 PEOPLE IN BRUSSELS

BAN KI-MOON Notable United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon visited Brussels on 23rd April, to push the climate-change agenda forward and to present a new global campaign, ‘Seal and notorious the Deal’. During his press conference, Ban said : “I have asked for the leadership of the European Union to play writers : Federico Grandesso the role of locomotive in the climate-change issue. We count on the EU’s continued and committed support.” Who’s been here, and why? A few of the famous faces to have graced Brussels recently.

SIR BOB GELDOF FRANZ BECKENBAUER The hellraiser was in Brussels (by rare coincidence on Franz Beckenbauer arrived in Brussels on 29th April to attend St Patrick’s Day, 17th March) to give a keynote speech at the the DFB LIVE event held by the Permanent Representation World Biofuels Markets Forum. Perhaps not too surprisingly, of Baden-Württemberg. In a packed conference room, the Geldof also took the opportunity to sample a Guinness in football champion was welcomed along with other key figures a hostelry near the Berlaymont with European Commission from German football, such as German Football Federation President José Manuel Barroso. According to Sir Bob : President Theo Zwanziger, Uwe Seeler, Oliver Bierhoff and “Biofuels have received far more than their fair share of Steffi Jones, the president of the Organising Committee negative press and yet there is tremendous potential for for the 2011 FIFA Women’s World Cup in . a sustainable biofuels industry to help Africa on the road Photo : © www.n24.de to clean energy independence without having an impact on food production.”

JOSEPH BIDEN DIDIER DROGBA AND RUUD GULLIT US Vice-President Joseph Biden visited Brussels on 10th Chelsea’s Didier Drogba (centre) and Dutch football legend March and met with EU Council Secretary-General and Ruud Gullit were in town on 11th and 12th May, for a gala CFSP High Representative Javier Solana. Biden also cereomony on 12th May, to present the ‘Ebony Boot’ award met Czech Foreign Affairs Minister Karel Schwarzenberg, to Anderlecht’s Mbark Boussoufa, honoured as the best External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy African player in the Belgian league (see The Places To Be Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner and NATO Secretary- on page 84). General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. Afghanistan was high on the agenda, and EU-US relations were also discussed meeting. Biden, in accepting Javier Solana’s invitation, was also preparing the way for a visit from US President Barack Obama.

HILLARY CLINTON JOHNNY HALLYDAY US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was in Brussels in early French singer Johnny Hallyday was back on stage at the March for meetings with EU officials and for her first NATO Forest National in Brussels on 19th May, to present his new foreign ministers informal meeting. She held a ‘Town Hall’ album Le Coeur d’un Homme, following his announcement discussion at the European Parliament with hundreds of that his next tour would be the last of his career. Together young Europeans called The Next Generation Takes the also met the French sensation in Cannes, where he was Floor – during the debate, while discussing climate change, on the red carpet as the star of Vengeance (2009), by she admitted : “Certainly, the US has been negligent in facing Johnnie To. up to our responsibilities ; we are making up the best we can for lost time.”

8 – Together #13 June - July 09 Together – 9 “Wealth is the parent of luxury and indolence, and poverty of meanness and viciousness, and both of discontent.” – Plato (427-347 BC), The Republic

“We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us happy is something to be enthusiastic about.” – Charles Kingsley, author, (1819-1875)

“There is a luxury in self-reproach. When we blame ourselves, we feel that no one else has a right to blame us. It is the confession, not the priest, that gives us absolution.” – Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), The Picture of Dorian Gray

“The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been kindness, beauty, and truth. The trite subjects of human efforts, possessions, outward success, luxury have always seemed to me contemptible.” – Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

“Luxury is the wolf at the door and its fangs are the vanities and conceits germinated by success. When an artist learns this, he knows where the danger is.” – Tennessee Williams (1911-1983)

Life of Luxury BY THE GLASS The rare and the beautiful


Our wine expert indulges wine world, I found a 1972 for around Tokay Aszu, you will find the Latin himself. £6. If you want the 1972 today, it will inscription Vinum regnum rex vinorum set you back nearer the 200€ mark, – ‘King of wines and wine of kings’. but you can still splash out and indulge The sweetness is enhanced by adding uxury – what is it ? Any yourself with a more moderate treat, spoons of grape paste or ‘puttonyos’ oaf can hang around as the 2001 costs around 25€. – the better the vintage, the more the lobby of a five-star puttonyos they add. If you can find a six hotel but, for me, true puttonyos Tokay, go for it – I found a luxury is indulging in CONDRIEU CHARMS 1983 around ten years ago, it must be somethingL rare and distinctive – in Now we head northwest to the Rhône at least 50€ a pop now, but you will be some way, it must always involve the Valley, where lies an AOC by the name drinking something very rare and senses directly. So allow me be your of Condrieu – the wines from this luscious. These wines will last decades, guide and let us travel to some exotic, appellation are soft, spicy dry whites even centuries – the great 1811 or almost unknown, corners of the world with notes of peaches, made from ‘comet’ vintage (referring to the Great and wallow in nectar known only to a the Viogner grape. In the heart of this Comet of 1811, which is also, for purists very few. region lies an even smaller AOC called known as C/1811 F1) is still going Château Grillet which makes the most strong, but don’t even think about EASTERN PROMISE opulent Condrieu. It is tiny (just 3.8 asking how much that costs. Fifteen miles north of Beirut in the hectares) and only produces 10,000 Beqaa Valley, a family toils to produce bottles a year; the 2005 is around 50€. Et voila – three wines that, for me, a jewel of the Middle East – it is not It comes in a very distinctive elegant epitomize my understanding of luxury. a precious stone, nor 24 carat gold, brown bottle and is best drunk quite But, wait a minute, I’m still in the rather, it is made from grapes. Its young ; the Viogner is not a grape that Carpathians and my canine teeth name ? Château Musar. In 1984, keeps for long. are growing – I feel the urge for thick, Serge Hochar, the owner, harvested bloodlike wines…and darkness is the grapes under Israeli gunfire ; British Château Grillet has been owned by falling… wine magazine Decanter awarded him the same family since 1830 – the vines Wine Person of Year for his dedication. are on average 40 years old, so grape Now, the Syrian army looms and the yields are low but the fruit intense. Migs Wines glint of guns once again threatens the This wine is scarce, in drinking it you Chaussée de Charleroi, 43 production of this little-known marvel. are joining a select group who relish 1060 Brussels its wonderful aromas and cherish the T. +32 (0)2 534 7703 The red wine, which is the most fact that its existence is known only to famous, is made from Cinsault, a few. Le Cellier Des Vins Carignan, Grenache, Mourvedre and Chaussée de Waterloo, 1469 Cabernet Sauvignon but, depending KINGS’ TIPPLE 1180 Uccle on the vintage, the quantities of each Now for a truly regal experience. On T. +32 (0)2 372 16 76 grape vary. It is deep and has profound a plateau in Hungary, very near the dark fruit notes, beautifully smooth Carpathian Mountains, a few dedicated Maxi Vins and can last for years. In London, wineries make Tokay, a dessert wine Avenue Prekelinden, 83 during the mid 1980s, shortly after it that has long been the favourite of 1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert was discovered by the pundits of the exalted leaders; on most bottles of T. +32 (0)2 735 32 00

12 – Together #13 June - July 09 Together – 13 ADV TOGETHER 165x230 2/25/09 10:39 AM Page 1

INTERVIEW Vision on !

writer : James Drew

Together took time for [pictured] – they're absolutely the a chat with David Rose, coolest glasses you're likely to one of Brussels’ best and encounter, with their New Orleans, trendiest opticians, about Belfast and Lisboa ranges (for men and women) absolute stand-outs. the looks that are likely to dominate the summer “Etnia Barcelona is what happens months. when you combine a young group with a passion for design and a yearning to create an eyewear stablished in Brussels’ collection that reflects their fashion Leopold district in forward spirit, a personal style, and December 2007, above all, an individual expression. davidrose is fast gaining They express their vision in a a reputation as the name brand that represents characters Eto trust when it comes to the very best of international style, daring and in spectacles and sunglasses. imagination.”

LOOKING CLASS Check out the styles for yourselves Rose's youth belies his experience on this page, then why not pay a visit in knowing how to find the right look to David's charming boutique ? You'll for everyone who walks through his be seeing things a lot more clearly. doors – so he's clearly the man to talk to about the trends likely to be on show davidrose as the year heats up. Rue de Trèves 16 1050 Brussels “This year,” he explains, “the feel is very T. +32 (0)2 512 66 10 much about Etnia Barcelona spectacles [email protected]

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Styling art production : Left : WWW.GEOFFREYMASURE.COM Flesh-coloured Model : silk robe MAJA GOTIC Ostritch feather : WWW.NEWMODELS.BE NATAN Photographer : Ivory bracelet : WWW.GAETANCAPUTO.COM SWAROVSKI Hair : Silver necklace : WWW.DAVIDBETTEGA.COM DELVAUX FOR L’OREALPROFESSIONNAL PARIS Make up : R i g h t : CHRISTELLE LAURENT Dress and knot @ TOUCH BY DOMINIQUE in cream silk : FOR GUERLAIN HOSS INTROPIA Handbag : For addresses, see page 96 GIVENCHY Borsalino hat : FABIENNE DELVIGNE Silk scarf : HERMES Bracelet : LES PRECIEUSES Blouse : OLIVIER STRELLI Dress : Trousers : PAULE KA TOMMY HILFIGER Accessories : Handbag : ROBERT CLERGERIE DELVAUX Dress : PATRICIA PEPE N e c k l a c e : Belt : LES PRECIEUSES HUGO BOSS Handbag : Watch : LOUIS VUITTON OLIVIER STRELLI Bibi hat : Jewellery : FABIENNE DELVIGNE DYRBERG KERN BRUSSELS ON THE MOVE Lux living – Hotel Be Manos hree hotels, each based rainwater for our plants as well as solar

writer : DANIELE DOSI on different concepts – panels to provide clean energy.” tradition, family styleand design. A total of 165 SIMPLICITY rooms, service from ‘Keep it simple’ is thus the motto, To be found but a few minutes away from the T65 skilled staff members, who a focus on space, light and comfort, Eurostar and Thalys terminals at Gare Du havemostly been ‘part of the family’ while respecting the environment at Midi, Hotel Be Manos is among the very best for more than ten years, and who the same time. But there’s more… of Brussels’ luxury experiences. We talk to the takevery good care of very demanding Be Lella restaurant, for example. chain’s director, Constantin Poulgouras, who’s customers. For whatever reason Allowing your palate to be titillated youend up in Brussels, either on by national dishes with a distinctive keeping it very much in the family. business or a short, relaxing holiday, gourmet flavour, such as tomatoes thefamily-owned Hotel Be Manos is stuffed with Zeebrugge prawns, definitely the place to be. antipasti of charcuterie gaumaise, mussels in wine or Ostend-style fish BEGINNINGS soup provided at luscious banquets It all began some 35 years ago, when on Pedrali tables is an unforgettable Emmanuel Poulgouras, nicknamed experience, as is time spent in the spa ‘Manos’, fled the Mobutu regime in – what could be more enjoyable after the former Zaire, to live in Belgium. a tiring journey ? He purchased a private mansion that he later transformed into a hotel – now, A power-nap, perhaps, to recover from the business is run by his strong- your jet-lag in one of the 60 deluxe minded son Constantin, whose latest is rooms where senses are stimulated Hotel Be Manos, which was by plush black carpets, majestic leather describedby prestigious Condé Nast headboards and heavy curtains with Traveller as being “one of the best wide black and white stripes. Special European designhotels”. Some famous attention is given to the comfort factor name designers who have contributed – everything, in fact, is geared towards to the décor : – Acerbis, for the low pleasure, from the spacious rooms tables in the bar and lounge (Italy), (40, 50 or 60 m2), the ultra-comfortable Karol Cohen for the photographs beds with their 30cm thick mattresses (Belgium), Le Labo Design for light and the sophisticated yet simple technical fittings and luminous Plexiglas (France). equipment that’s on offer.

And there are good reasons for You can be certain when staying here, Constantin to be proud of the that nothing more will be needed to Poulgouras family’s latest addition. ensure a productive business meeting As he explains : “Be Manos provides in one of the two meeting rooms something more than other similar available or, instead, a simply delightful hotels, since it is both ‘technological’ break. Be pleased, Be Manos. and at the same time very user-friendly – we wanted to avoid customers Be Manos Hotel not knowing which button to push Square De L'aviation, 23-27 to turn the light on because it was too 1070 Brussels complicated. Furthermore, it is very T. +32 (0)2 808 05 30 environmentally friendly – we even use www.bemanos.com

22 – Together #13 June - July 09 Together – 23 INTERVIEW Stylish skies ahead


Jet Republic, a new business aviation company, has placed the largest European business jet order ever – $1.5 billion for 110 state-of-the-art Learjets. A brave move in today’s economic climate? Not according to founder and CEO, Jonathan Breeze.

As companies feel the pinch, to make sure everything was just right, they still have a need for and that they could make them exactly executive transport and it how he wanted. It is this attention to makes economic sense to use us instead detail that puts him ahead of the pack. of bearing all the costs of having their “When Flight International magazine saw own jet,” Breeze explains. “With 24 hours the photos of our interior, they thought notice we can guarantee to fly them they were from a prototype of the next wherever they want and with a service generation Learjet !” that is unmatched.” The Jet Republic The Volvo DRIVe range. Smart for the environment and your economy. boss started out in the Royal Air Force Jet Republic offer two schemes – you flying Hercules transport planes, and has can either buy a share in an aircraft, moved into the private jet business, or use a card on which members can .41!$23.%%$1(2-.6(-2(&'3 climbing steadily up the ladder while purchase flying hours. Executives can acquiring a global concierge business. work throughout the flight in comfort and, thanks to the latest in communications, +.6$1.-$,(22(.-2 '(&'$1.-2 5(-&2 COFFEE TIME use their Blackberrys while the on- Now you can make even more of your position. Choose the low-emission Volvo V50, It all comes down to coffee. As we board concierge service makes all their sit in the hotel, I’m drinking some arrangements. In the past, private jets S40 or C30 with Start/Stop function and enjoy the official Belgian 15% cash-back unremarkable brew, while Breeze is were seen as a perk, a sign of prestige incentive* – on top of your Volvo diplomat savings and benefits. Find a uniquely sipping water. I’m glad about that, as and opulence. Jet Republic has he’s the sort of person who seems to calculated that, in leaner times, their rewarding drive on diplomat.volvocars.com be naturally caffeinated. When the order services are seen as more economic * Up to `4,350 cash-back on the purchase price of cars emitting less than 105 g CO2/km. was placed for the jets, they offered him time-use for business leaders. a range of colours and fabrics. Not good enough for Jet Republic : “The problem When the company was launched, with that is that the cabins were more bookmaker Paddy Power offered suited to middle America, we needed odds against the company still trading something more stylish, more suited to in January 2010. They’re no longer 5.+5." 12@ELHKI=P2 +$2/1(5(+$&$#3.2$15$8.4 Europe, so we redesigned the whole accepting bets. I’m not surprised. interior to make it more spacious, to fit in Anyone who bets against Jonathan ACB BRUSSELS 1930 Zaventem, Mr Jean Paul Van Hecke, Tel 02/712.60.23, [email protected] a flight attendant and to offer hot food Breeze is likely to lose out. }" ( >eTaXYbT

26 – Together #13 June - July 09 Together – 27 INTERVIEW

Marcolini : be frank, I wanted something more ; and white, by using dark wood, steel I wanted to ask questions of myself to and glass. The area was divided into push the brand forward. The Marcolini three sections – the first, dedicated Between passion customer always expects creativity, to product presentation on the right surprise and quality. Since 1995, when with the self-service shelves and, on I first opened my workshop in Brussels, the left, a sales counter. The second, I set these values for myself and have a wooden tasting area reminiscent of and ‘Evolution’ striven to push my own limits ever since. a jeweller's and, between the two, a counter reserved exclusively for pastries. writer : Jérôme stefanski Why did you choose Paris for the launch of your new chocolate ? How would you describe the Paris is a splendid city, but French experience you offer the chocolate Pierre Marcolini lways seeking innovation competition and favouritism are tough lover ? © All rights reserved. and perfection, Pierre – if you succeed in Paris, you can As customers select their chocolates, Marcolini never tires of succeed anywhere. To be on the city’s one by one, they are taking part in a re-inventing his range Right Bank, slap-bang in the middle wonderful experience – the Pierre of chocolates and of French history, was very important Marcolini experience. Their black box, Apatisseries, each more surprising and for us – a beautiful area. Here, we waiting to be filled, is the spirit of delicious than the last. And he has made wanted to create a space for creation adventure and, once they have made perseverance pay – in a little more than and expression. their choices, customers can leave, ten years, Marcolini has become an happy, with their beautifully packaged international chocolate reference point, And how did you go about creating creations. so much so that it is rumoured he needs this ‘space’ ? bodyguards when he visits Japan ! With I worked with the Belgian architect- Pierre Marcolini ‘Evolution’, Marcolini has turned a new decorator Olivier Lempereur. He Rue Scribe, 3 – 75009 Paris page in the story of Belgian chocolate, envisioned a 110 square-metre shop T. +33(0)1 44 71 03 74 and its success seems certain. with an emphasis on black, grey www.marcolini.com Belgium’s most celebrated A meeting with a man of passion… chocolate-maker has chosen Paris to launch his INTERVIEW latest concept, ‘Marcolini Evolution’. Together Together Magazine : How would you caught up with him at define ‘Marcolini Evolution’ ? his Brussels home, where Pierre Marcolini : To create this new range, I started with a very simple he explained his latest concept – specifically, that there is masterpiece. nothing more horrible than forcing yourself to eat chocolates that are too big. So now, our consumers can discover Evolution, a redefined, smaller form of chocolate, each weighing only 6 grammes. The flavours have also been revitalized, with more acerbic, sophisticated tastes and textures, which mix soft with crunchy.

Did your customers expect this ‘evolution’? The most important thing for me is : “Do I still enjoy my chocolates?” To

28 – Together #13 June - July 09 Together – 29 TOGETHER IN CANNES And the winners are...


Charlotte The stars gathered for the correspondent had to reassess his Gainsbourg and Michael world’s most glamorous forecasts in light of the unexpected Haneke with (but deserving) winners. the Palme D’Or film festival, Cannes, from 13th to 24th May. Guess © Chopard HAPPY HANEKE what ? Together was there, Indeed, I was very happy to see the you lucky people ! Palme D’Or go to Michael Haneke’s The White Ribbon, a black-and-white vision of a German village that forms udging by the press a microcosm for the violence of conference in Paris at totalitarism and racism that took place the end of April, held during the first half of the 20th century. to launch the 62nd Cannes Austrian director Haneke is a previous Film Festival, the list of Cannes winner, who scooped the Jnotable directors in competition gave Grand Prix Jury Prize in 2001 for The the impression that it was all going to Piano Teacher and Best Director in be sewn up by the big names. Wrong ! 2005 for Cache. Jury president, the Come festival’s end, your Together French actress Isabelle Huppert,

June - July 09 Together – 31 TOGETHER IN CANNES

R i g h t : presented Haneke with his award, while her role as a diabolical wife in the Helen and Martin Scorsese another controversially themed movie, Un controversial movie, Antichrist, by Lars Prophete by Jacques Audiard, won this Von Trier. year’s Grand Jury Prize. The film recounts the story of a 19-year-old boy of humble A Special Jury Prize for Lifetime origins who lives in jail and has to Achievement was awarded to Alain undertake missions to prove his worth to Resnais, who this year presented Les the leader of a criminal gang. Herbes Folles in Cannes. The Jury Prize Ex Equo went to Fish Tank by English ACTING UP director Andrea Arnold and Thirst by Meanwhile, the prize for best director Korean director Park Chan-Wook, and went to Philippine director Brillante Best Screenplay was awarded to Feng Mendoza for Kinathay, a ‘horror’ movie Mei for Spring Fever, which rounded dealing with urban violence. Another off a superb year for Asian cinema at award went Austria’s way, with the Best the festival. Actor gong going to Christoph Waltz for his role as a cruel Nazi colonel in Cannes was also graced by the Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious presence of Belgian director-brothers Basterds. The movie, very much in Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne, while the style of a ‘spaghetti western’, another master of film, Francis Ford tells the story of a group of American Coppola, opened ‘La Quinzaine’ with Jews, led by Lieutenant Aldo Raine his movie Tetro. Martin Scorsese was (Brad Pitt), who strike back against invited as guest of honour in the the Nazi regime. For Best Actress, Cannes Classics section and, for the Charlotte Gainsbourg beat fellow first time, an animated film, Up, by Pete nominees Penelope Cruz, Giovanna Docter, opened the out-of-competition Mezzogiorno and in festival.

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a good spot amidst the multitude of The stars shine on Our boys in Cannes the Warren Yacht report from a high-class microphones. JCVD confirms his love of © VIP Belgium Belgium, for the 'North See' restaurant, bash held in honour of les the abundant countryside and the Belges. ambience of Brussels’ old-fashioned eateries.

elgians in Cannes have After his intermezzo with the press, a reputation for being Jean-Claude took time to relax with very glamorous – and other guests – he was in Cannes this was certainly true representing the Rodin Entertainment of the guests at the VIP Company and his two current projects BBelgium Warren Yacht party on 21st May. – Karate and The Eagle Path. Once he had left, the party continued with a live Bringing together Belgium's beautiful performance from ‘Girl Group’ J.A people on the French Riviera, the Yacht, and a fashion show by Belgian party started at around 22h, with brand Smet, with models from champagne (with gold leaf) and the Warren agency doing their delicious chocolate from Brussels’ catwalk ‘thang’ on the bridge, with the ‘maison’, Duval. The music was mixed collection a mixture of street and sexy by special guest, French DJ Michael fashion, faithful to the brand's tradition. Canitrot – then, all of a sudden, the arrival of a Lamborghini brings And the party carried on to the next day the evening's special guest. Total – in a fabulous villa complete with pool chaos, as Jean-Claude Van Damme close to Cannes, all the guests enjoyed (JCVD) makes his entrance. After a VIP brunch. VIP Belgium will be a crazy photo shoot, he crosses the holding court in St.Tropez later this bridge to the 40-metre yacht, there summer, before heading to Marrakech to be welcomed by Alexandre Bodart for the international film festival from th4 Pinto, the event organizer. to 12th December.

MAN OF THE MOMENT To find out more about this fantastic As JCVD speaks with the press, our event, go to the videos section of our cameraman Armand manages to claim website at www.together-magazine.eu

34 – Together #13 June - July 09 Together – 35 TOGETHER IN CANNES Party ? Cannes do !


Opposite, Our boys taste the Cannes Cannes or Venice to organize fabulous left to right : (Top) party scene – all for your parties for the happy few on board Elizabeth Banks benefit, of course. his yachts Tatoosh and Octopus. Hilary Swank And people are still talking about the bash onboard Robeto Cavalli’s Isabelle Huppert irst, make sure that you boat, where the paparazzi went crazy (Bottom) over guests such as Mariah Carey Claudia Schiffer check out the Together wearing Chopard website (www.together- and husband . But let’s jewellery magazine.eu), for the head for land, and the festival’s three © Chopard show-stealing arrival ‘golden’ parties : Chopard, amFAR and Eva Herzigova Fof Penélope Cruz, star of Pedro Dolce & Gabbana. wearing Chopard jewellery Almodóvar’s Abrazos Rotos. We also rubbed shoulders with the beautiful CHOPARD CLASS © Chopard people of Italian cinema at the Vincere In keeping with tradition, Chopard Juliette Binoche party, in honour of the latest movie by threw its glamorous star-studded party th Italian master Marco Bellocchio. on 18 May at The Bâoli, a famous Croisette club and renowned hot spot AHOY, MATEYS ! for Cannes nightlife. Some 600 guests In the maritime-party stakes, Paul Allen, were in attendance – the theme of this as usual, made a very good fist of year’s event was 1980s glam-punk, things – the multimillionaire often visits and the venue came alive with vibrant 80s decor. Oscar winners Hillary Swank and (the Trophée Chopard winner in 2004) congratulated this year’s winners, Léa Seydoux and David Kross, alongside a host of other famous faces, including Chopard Co-President Caroline Gruosi- Scheufele, and Jury President Isabelle Huppert. Other guests included Asia Argento, Eva Herzigova (the face of Chopard), prima ballerina Eleonora Abbagnato, Italian actress Moran Atias, French actress Vahina Giocante, English socialite Peaches Geldof, French actor and director Guillaume Canet, American actress Evangeline Lilly, Francesca Versace, Roberta Armani and Lady Victoria Harvey. At the stroke of midnight, models Penelope Cruz presented the Haute Joaillerie ‘Red wearing Chopard jewellery. Carpet’ collection, uniquely created © Chopard for the Cannes Festival, before the

36 – Together #13 June - July 09 Together – 37 


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Left : guests danced the night away to hot many of the stars attending chose to Pedro Almodòvar dance and 80s music. wear Chopard jewellery. Eva Herzigova, R i g h t : for example, sported a magnificent ring Roberta Armani AIDS AID in rose gold set with a Burma ruby of © Chopard and th Dolce & Gabbana Another sizzler was the 16 Cinema 15.82ct and hoop earrings in rose gold Against AIDS gala event, organized made from 122 pink-brown asher-cut by amfAR (American Foundation for diamonds (22ct). Glamorous as ever, Aids Research) on 21st May. Strongly Claudia Schiffer looked stunning with committed to the fight against AIDS, her two-row platinum necklace consisting Chopard’s Caroline Gruosi-Scheufele, of 59 fancy-cut diamonds (80ct).  Located in the heart of Houlgate, authentic and preserved seaside who has faithfully supported amfAR resort.

for many years, presented for auction Finally, The Baoli was again the setting  Privileged location between Deauville and Cabourg. (hosted by Sharon Stone) a beautiful for the annual Dolce & Gabbana party  126 modern and comfortable holiday houses and apartments watch in rose gold set with diamonds (‘Glamorous Cannes’), with its celebration facing the seaside. on a chocolate coloured bracelet from of all things bling on 22nd May – revellers the Elton John collection, in aid of the included Carine Roitfeld, Kylie Minogue,  Innovative and modern Spa: treatment rooms, sauna, musician’s AIDS Foundation. Stone was Kerry Washington, Pixie Geldof, Olivia steam rooms, sensory showers...

also accompanied at the podium by Palermo and Cecile Cassel.  Heated outdoor pool. former US President Bill Clinton and Annie Lennox, who entertained guests There were many more parties, of with a memorable concert. course, but your faithful correspondents are exhausted at the end of our big Information and bookings: DOLCE & GABBANA red carpet – get thee hence to www.pv-holidays.com - 0900 00 009* For the first time, the gala took place at www.together-magazine.eu, and see

the Eden Roc hotel in Antibes and what you missed. Too chic ! Pierre & Vacances Maeva Distribution -11 rue de Cambrai 75947 Paris cedex 19 - S.A. au capital de 1 488 855� 314 283 326 RCS Paris - Licence d'agence de voyages n° LI 075 95 0182 - Garantie financière : B.E.S.V � 38 – Together #13 R.C. professionnelle : AXA - © Getty Images / F. Canu / E. Bergoend - *0,40 per minute from Belgium. James Géraldine Personal Trainer Endermologist WELL-BEING

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RDI9029-ExpertSolut_165x230_Together.indd 1 5/30/09 5:40:00 PM TEMPTATIONS


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42 – Together #13 June - July 09 Together – 43 TEMPTATIONS

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1. MAÎTRESSE 6. COPPER DIAMOND BY AGENT PROVOCATEUR SHIMMER BRICK Agent Provocateur’s ‘scent of BY BOBBI BROWN seduction’ – something they know Cheeks, eyes, or all over, this glimmering something about. powder can glam up your makeup in Eau De Parfum 100ml : 110€ countless ways. 44€ 4 5 www.agentprovocateur.com www.bobbibrown.com

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44 – Together #13 June - July 09 Together – 45 GOING PLACES Hong Kong : Ding dong !


Our publisher travels to address of the hotel where I’m staying, Hong Kong, to find out and have no idea if I’ll be able to get what all the hype’s about. around easily with only English. But there’s a good sign – all directions appear to be in my mother tongue as any of you may have well as Cantonese, and the trains into preconceptions Hong Kong city are very clearly about Hong Kong indicated. We rush for ours, as you – for example, is it frequently do when you’ve just got off really one of the a 12-hour flight, only to find that we’ve Mfashion capitals of the world, is it far missed it! But there are no worries, more advanced than Europe in terms a helpful passerby informs us, as there of technology and general efficiency ? will be another in ten minutes.

GOOD SIGNS FRIENDLY LOCALS Upon arrival in Hong Kong, you can And, indeed, precisely ten minutes later certainly feel the excitement. What will (our first encounter with Hong-Kong this huge city bring me, will I leave a punctuality), another train arrives. changed person ? I know only the We still have no idea where we should be getting off but, once again, we are back massage. The W Hotel has quickly assisted by some locals who the highest swimming pool in Hong happen to be picking up some friends. Kong – it’s on the 76th floor, and has “Get out at Kowloon,” we are told, “and a near-360° view of Kowloon. While then you may need to take a taxi to you’re swimming, take the time to your hotel.” Ours is the W Hotel – admire the wall fresco, which was our route takes us through one of the designed by Fabio Lugarato. Before most amazing galleries we’ve ever seen our massage, we are escorted into – Hermes, Channel, Gucci, a rest room, where we lie in a vibrating Tiffany, they’re all there... chair while admiring the breathtaking view of Hong Kong Island. And our The hotel is an incredibly modern back rub, provided by the famous building, with a very sophisticated masseuse Mama Letty is an uplifting design scheme. The welcome is experience – it sets the tone for the amazingly friendly – you can tell just by nightlife to follow. the smiles. And our rooms are among the most beautiful we have ever seen Here’s another great thing about Hong – the en suite facilities, with a TV and a Kong– the taxis. You can just about waterfall (!) are astonishing. hail a cab at any time and to anywhere, except if it’s raining, when everyone ASTOUNDING has the same idea at the same time, ACCOMODATION so catch one if you can. Most drivers There’s just enough time to unpack, speak English, they are polite and before we head for a well-deserved efficient, and their fares are generally

46 – Together #13 June - July 09 Together – 47 GOING PLACES

very cheap. For example, from our As far as nightlife is concerned, Hong HOTEL hotel into Hong Kong took around 20 Kong is a very lively, but safe city – if minutes, but cost only the equivalent you get the chance, go to Causeway The Peninsula Hong Kong of 3€. Hong Kong nightlife sparkles Bay, Wan Chai and the Tsim Sha Tsui The Peninsula Hong Kong is the perfect fit. With its and flashes with fun and frivolity, and neighbourhoods where you can find fleet of Rolls-Royce Phantoms, two private helipads it’s also a very safe city, which makes the likes of small local pubs, western and its decadent spa, the Peninsula stands as the embarking on adventures so much style wine bars and the trendiest clubs. vanguard of luxury hotels and has since 1928. For more enjoyable. And there’s so much more to enjoy the better part of a century, the hotel has catered to – museums, horse racing, natural those of a more discriminating taste, offering the PLACES TO VISIT reserves, even Disneyland. The city also utmost in service, comfort and discretion. Its rooms The New Lantau Island Experience : has a few small but perfectly formed could be considered as works of art themselves, in Take the Ngong Ping cable-car ride beaches around its islands, if you need their classic old-world style, harking back to Hong and, if you are lucky, you may even to relax and have a swim in the sea. Kong’s colonial days. Try the Garden Suite, offering get the new ‘Crystal Cabin’ with glass 24-hour butler service, a private Jacuzzi and a floors, to make the experience even During our stay, we also had the massive private terrace overlooking Victoria harbour. more exciting. Ngong Ping Village, privilege of staying in the very first hotel A beacon for all things fabulous, fashionable and the Wisdom Path, Po Lin Monastery to be built in Hong Kong : The Peninsula. classy, the Peninsula Hong Kong is the place for and, without doubt, the main attraction It’s paradise – there are around 900 those wanting the best that money can buy. – Lantau Island’s Giant Buddha. No staff, a ratio of three servers to every The Peninsula Hong Kong trip to Hong Kong would be complete guest. The attention is extraordinary, the Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon without a visit to the world’s tallest, service exceptional and, naturally, the T.+33 (852) 2920 2888 seated bronze Buddha, perched fleet of 14 Rolls Royce that are available www.peninsula.com serenely atop Ngong Ping plateau to take you from and to the airport are amid the spectacular mountain scenery an excellent reminder of just where you W Hong Kong of Lantau Island. Be sure to enjoy are – a prince (or princess) in your very With palatial modern styling, acclaimed restaurants, a vegetarian lunch treat at Po Lin own kingdom. and rooms straight out of the pages of today’s most Monastery. cutting-edge designers, the W Hong Kong puts a Hong Kong is a fascinating blend of new twist on luxury. Start your night with a drink Shopping : Jade Market, Sportswear East-meets-West cultural influences in two of the city’s classiest and trendiest joints, Street, AV & Electronic Street, Ladies that makes it a unique destination. the Fire Bar or Living Room, before moving on Market. The city has been called ‘Eastern to the great Hong Kong nightlife. If you are still V i e w s : Victoria Harbour, Kowloon, Manhattan, and they definitely have reeling from a night out, try the Hangover Herbie and Victoria Peak. Make sure you take a lot in common – two incredible in the W’s world-renowned BLISS spa, or spend some the Peak tram ! conurbations that vibrate like few others. down-time in their relaxing steam rooms. Also, feel free to take advantage of the W’s Whatever/ Be sure to not miss Hong Kong’s The main tourist season lasts from Whenever service, guaranteed to provide you with bourgeoning food scene. From September to November, but there whatever your heart desires, whenever your heart traditional Cantonese fare to modern are great events all year round, so desires it (within the confines westernized dishes, Hong Kong is why not schedule your trip when it of the law, naturally.) known throughout Asia for its cuisine. suits you best ? Sample a traditional Cantonese delicacy W Hong Kong like roast goose with plum sauce, or try 1 Austin Road WestKowloon Station, Kowloon T.+33 (852) 3717 2222 a traditional Sichuan-style hot-pot. Hong Kong Tourist Office www.whotels.com/hongkong Also, Hong Kong seaside location T. +33 (0)142 65 66 64 makes it a seafood lover’s Mecca, www.hongkongtourisme.fr with fresh fish never too hard to find. www.discoverhongkong.com

48 – Together #13 June - July 09 Together – 49 Maria Ad:Layout 1 4/6/09 10:52 AM Page 1

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June - July 09 Together – 51 going places SPA – 4,000 M2

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Why ? Because this spa is the most gorgeous in Marrakech and the hotel in which it is located is simply magnificent.

With whom ? With your beloved or your best friend (if they’re not the same person!).

How much ? Two days/three nights stay with spa treatment starts from 505€. The hotel The Palmeraie Golf Palace Hotel is located pools, each one set in a different in the very luxurious Palmeraie complex landscape environment, two discos, 12 in Marrakech, Morocco. Legend tells that, restaurants and snack bars mixing when they invaded the imperial city of traditional Moroccan and world cuisine, The Presidential an interior garden spanning 1,800m2 ; the two-bedroom/living room/dining Marrakech, the Barbarians ate dates, tennis, horse riding, golf, of course, the Suite an oasis of calm in the busy city centre. room suite offers 186m2 of living space, and left their seeds on the arid ground – spa and a mini-club for the children. © Kempinski The ground floor formerly housed five including a large terrace of almost and thus was born the Palmeraie (palm vaulted bedrooms, a master kitchen, 50m2, which commands a superb plantation), a true miracle of nature. Here, The spa utility rooms, stables and coach panoramic view of Prague’s famed there grow more than 100,000 palm trees Open since November 2008, this dazzling depots. The location’s original towers and rooftops. Since the suite spread across 13,000 hectares – it is new spa was developed by Susan Stein, splendour came to something of an overlooks the garden and is south 1,000 years old and a magical and international ‘spa guru’, who is known for abrupt end in 1834, when it was facing, it offers sunshine and absolute sumptuous location. An unmissable her Jari Menari massage centre in Bali. acquired by Count Jan of Lobkovice, calm even in this busy part of the capital. example of Moroccan luxury, the Stein has created spas the world over – in who decided to adapt the abandoned Palmeraie Golf Palace Hotel & Spa was Monaco, California, Mexico, the palace into a utility building. In 1924- The suite consists of two spacious built in 1993. It is set in the middle of Caribbean, Malaysia, Japan, Oman, and 1927, František Kavalír designed a bedrooms, both with en-suite a 70-hectare golf course, designed by South Africa. Located near the entry to the generous post-cubist reconstruction bathrooms, one living room with French famous architect Robert Le Trent Jones complex, the spa is spread over 4,000m2 for the Gremial and the Commercial windows (of which one half may be (who has 500 courses to his name) – the of luminous architecture in which, with and Clerical insurance houses. In this used as a dining room or boardroom 27-hole range offers a beautiful panorama fountains, swimming pools and Jacuzzis, state, as it was approved on 28th for meetings) and a separate guest in which fairways, greens, bunkers and water is omnipresent. The full treatment December 1928, it spent many years restroom. A kitchenette is fitted into seven lakes are in perfect harmony. range includes two hammams with hot with only minor modifications made the dining room area, and guests can Unquestionably, it’s one of Morocco’s and warm rooms, a heated swimming when it became a health centre. enjoy the stunning views and soak most beautiful courses, which can pool, large Turkish baths, two eight-seater in the Tahitian Jacuzzi, which is large accommodate pros and amateurs alike. Jacuzzis, showers, restrooms, and 15 And so, Kempinski Hybernská Prague enough for six, on the terrace. And, in the heart of the Palmeraie, the ‘care cabins’, including ‘couples’ and VIP is situated not only in the heart of hotel itself is an invitation to relax and enjoy cabins. In addition, there are ultra-modern Europe, but also in the very heart of the The entire seventh floor of the hotel, the serenity. A marriage between pure massage tables and, finally an city, in close proximity to major where the Presidential Suite is situated, Moroccan architectural tradition and the exceptionally well-equipped gym. Susan historical and cultural sites, as well as can be closed off to enable access comforts of an internationally renowned Stein selected her team from Bali – 40 key business and shopping districts. to private parties and welcome VIP establishment, this five-star hotel is young professional Moroccans, including entourages. Enjoy ! surrounded by exceptional landscapes; 20 masseuses. perhaps the most awe-inspiring is the The Presidential Suite Kempinski Hybernská Prague snow-covered peak of the nearby Atlas Palmeraie Golf Palace & Spa The Presidential Suite is located on Hybernská 12, 110 00 Prague 1 Mountain. A genuine nature reserve, Circuit de la Palmeraie the seventh floor, and is unique. The Czech Republic bougainvilleas, bay-trees, rose trees, 40000 Marrakech – Maroc largest apartment in the building, it is T. +420 22 6226 111 jacarandas and hibiscus, with its beautiful T. +212 524 36 87 04 decorated in dark walnut and beige – www.kempinski-prague.com scents, abound. There are five swimming www.pgpmarrakech.com

52 – Together #13 June - July 09 Together – 53 going places

YOUR CHILD’S BIRTHDAY IN BIARRITZ Where ? City - Wizzit At the Belambra d’Anglet Club, not far from Biarritz.

why ? From Brussels South Charleroi to Prague, Because the club is perfect for young people and parents who want to enjoy the pleasures of New! the Basque Country. Budapest, Katowice/Cracow, With whom ? With your son or daughter’s ten best friends, of course ! Warsaw, Bucharest and So a How much ? Around 1,500€ for two adults and ten children for three days/two nights

The club Basking in its exceptional high-altitude location, Belambra caters for everyone, with its all-inclusive from .99 holiday formulas for all ages. ¤9including taxes Belambra is France’s only holiday club the famous Atlanthal Centre nearby ? that offers professional supervision Enjoy golf ? You won’t be disappointed of children aged from three months to – the region has many world-renowned 17 years (3-35 months, 3-5 years, 6-10 courses. If you want to improve your years, 11-13 years and 14-17 years) and, handicap or simply discover the sport, with its team of devoted and dedicated we recommend you visit the Ilbarritz events organizers, you can enjoy your range – a nine-hole course offering break safe in the knowledge that your superb views of Spain and the ocean. child and his friends are in good hands. Built in 1970 and renovated earlier this But, let’s return to the little ones, as, One way price if paid by bank year, the Club Belambra has 210 rooms after all, that’s what your holiday is all transfer including taxes and and 784 beds and, another bonus, is about, isn’t it ? Your little angel’s non-optional charges. For other very near the area’s beautiful beaches. birthday ? The facilities are specially payment methods a payment designed to keep children of all ages handling fee will be applied. Why Biarritz ? happy, and the ‘mini club’ likewise Each piece of checked baggage Because it is THE destination for accommodates all age groups. With is subject to additional fees. summer 2009. Far removed from games rooms, theatres, ‘chill-out’ Number of seats at indicated the stress, strains and ostentatious zones, a park, swimming pool and price is limited. luxury of the French Riveria, it is a true sports areas, it’s an absolute paradise paradise to be found between France for youngsters. And, let’s not forget the and Spain. The delightful Pyrenees excellent restaurant with terrace mountain villages are a boon for hikers, overlooking the ocean, which offers and the Atlantic Ocean provides meals for large and small appetites ! a surfing experience for pros and beginners alike. Biarritz is also Great-value flights to the above locations world-famous for its thalassotherapy are available from Wizzair – check out treatments – why not try one offered by their deals on www.wizzair.com.

54 – Together #13 going places The Club Med II :

ince the end of the who has created an ‘interior universe’ Happiness is ‘mahogany bronzed’ era of onboard The Club Med II. holidaymaker, Club Med’s direction and motivations Sophie explains the inspiration behind have changed accordingly. her project : “I called it ‘L’Encre de Mer’ no longer a whim SinceS 2001, the company has stressed [‘The Ink of the Sea’]. The central theme its new perception of happiness… was startlingly obvious to me – and writer : ARMAND RICHELET-KLEINBERG out with the whim, in with the reality. I believe that the decor invites you to The company now offers holidays that immerse yourself in the great maritime are based more on living in harmony narratives, the poetry of Rimbaud, the During the 1980s, Club Med captioned its famous with an open, vast and varied world. magic of Melville.” blue trident with the line ‘Happiness, if I want it’. ‘All the happiness in the world’ thus marks a philosophy based not only Certain references are immediately By the beginning of 2008, the promise had changed on a commercial guarantee, but also recognizable – for example, the ‘Moby to ‘All the happiness in the world’. We take a look at on an opportunity to truly discover Dick Bar’, with a whale on its ceiling, or how the holiday experts have moved with the times, the world and its wonders. the ‘Magellan’ restaurant, decorated and how the company’s flagship has been given a with ancient mariners’ charts. Other complete makeover. And one of the most obvious indicators niches are more subtle, and are just of this metamorphosis is the new-look waiting to be discovered. On The Club flagship – The Club Med II. For three Med II, cruising becomes once again weeks, from October 2008, the huge an enchanted expedition combining cruise ship dropped anchor in the luxury, charm and beauty. You will find port of Genes, Italy, and was given a no gambling aboard The Club Med II – complete makeover by young designer- the casino has been replaced by decorator Sophie Jacqmin who now a Wellness Center, another Sophie has written a whole new chapter in Jacqmin innovation, transforming nautical history. notions of profit into client care and well-being. In addition, once anchor L’ENCRE DE MER is dropped, an 85m² nautical platform Who has never dreamed of plunging allows you to discover and benefit into the Pacific’s waves, as in from a huge variety of water sports, Alessandro Baricco’s fabulous novel, including water-skiing and kayaking. Novecento : Pianist ? And there’s space to enjoy aboard One could begin by telling you about The Club Med II, as well as time The Club Med II’s exceptional new – the 168 club cabins (each 18m²) features, including WiFi and Plasma all share a stunning view of the horizon, Screen TVs in every cabin, the free while port calls are punctuated by champagne that’s served from 18h cultural discoveries and beautiful every evening, the incomparable cuisine landscapes. Every day is a new on offer… yes, one could, but it seems adventure – when can you set sail ? more important to tell you about the beautiful spirit that has re-invigorated the ship’s very heart and soul. For more information, check out Armand’s The Club Med II video ‘THE INK OF THE SEA’ and interview with Sophie Jacqmin Designer Sophie Jacqmin is purely on the Together website : motivated by passion – a creator characterized by perfect intuition, www.together-magazine.eu/videos.shtml

56 – Together #13 June - July 09 Together – 57 GOING PLACES Monaco service ; true elegance for women with and Courchevel. Women adore our eclectic tastes, between the ages of gastronomy and wellness packages mademoiselles thirty and fifty-five. Quite often, we see and, as they can reach a spa or their women travelling with their partner, favourite restaurant in a short flight, it’s writer : FEDERICO GRANDESSO but they also travel alone or with a very easy.” girlfriend. We regularly host ladies’ events such as charity functions, We also bump into Claudia Batthiany, auctions and dinners. The high-class communication director at the Fairmont ladies who stay with us say that they Hotel. She tells us: “Women in Monaco want to enjoy privacy and not be are searching for surprise, extraordinary bothered by paparazzi, to be in the experiences and memories. What’s coolest area of Monaco but also free really great for them is the high level to stay away from the crowd and enjoy of safety we have in Monaco – a lady a safe haven.” can go out at night wearing her Van Cleef necklace, or lose the keys to Following our introduction, we looked her Rolls-Royce, and have them for a trendy eating spot, to spot some returned, no problem. In the afternoon, of Monaco’s glamorous gals. she can discover the latest fashion Apparently, the latest place-to-be is a and perhaps buy the latest Gucci new Japanese restaurant named Yoshi bag – women in Monaco differ greatly – the chef is the famous Joel Robuchon, according to their nationalities. and the atmosphere is ‘zen chic’, with Russian women, for example, want every dish on offer selected made by a everything – yacht, limo, spa, etc, committee chaired by Robuchon. while Italians really enjoy life without thinking about the future. And the HIGH LIFE Americans ? For them, everything must After a light and healthy meal, we be big and, even if they are 70, they returned to the heliport, where we met don’t miss a party.” Estelle Perez de Diego, sales director We pay a visit to discover helped us to discover the ‘leisure at Heli Air Monaco, who warms to the For more information about different feminine theme : “Our ladies are mostly national feminine traits, perhaps the the pleasures, the haunts queens’. First, the most important element is a well-located, beautiful from Russia and the UK, because fashion world can offer some advice ? and the habits of the hotel, obviously, as a meeting point it’s more in their culture to take a I go to Benedetta Bizzini, owner of the Principality’s glamorous for during the day or for something helicopter. Russians love to spend Eleven haute couture boutique : “Our ladies. more, according to Hotel Metropole more...English clients in general are glamorous clients like to spend their Director-General Luca Virgilio : more cautious, but they are very nights at Jimmy’z and, for this reason, “Women who visit are not necessarily friendly and faithful customers.” they are always searching for trendy ‘Flight AF 4573 staying with us – we welcome but exclusive clothes. The women we from Paris...’ many local Monaco women, ladies ‘We live “During summer, serve here are a wide range – we have A beautiful young lady with a bombastic of leisure, who take tea or coffee the club women are the Russian who spends easily, or the pair of glasses and a Gucci bag, followed or something stronger. We live atmosphere, more fashion- Italian lady who needs to have that by a little Chihuahua, heads for the main the club atmosphere, and our lobby and our orientated and particular touch just so.” exit of Nice Cote-d’Azur Airport. Direction is designed to make you feel at home. lobby is they love to go – the nearby heliport. In exactly six Women love that.” designed to St.Tropez (790€, Even though she may be tired after minutes, if no-one is on strike, she will to make 20 mins), Porto hours of shopping, our lady has to be land smoothly at Fontvielle-Monaco, and ‘SHELTER DE LUXE’ you feel at Cervo (5,100€, ready for the night. A spa session is thus her day begins ! “My clients are searching for a ‘shelter home. Women 1h55mins) and perfect. Marianna Heurtel, director of de luxe’ – a very discreet place, they love that’ Portofino, while Metropole Espa, gives us an insight into To discover what Monaco women don’t like to be over-exposed. We pay during winter her world of feminine pleasures: “My want, we met with professionals who particular attention to ultra-personalized they favour Geneva women guests are perfectionists, they

58 – Together #13 June - July 09 Together – 59 GOING PLACES

have time to relax and ask for all the details they need about every product. ADRESSES Half our female clients are Italian or French, and we have Russian and Heli Air Monaco English ladies who mainly require Heliport de Monaco specific treatments for body and legs, 98000 Monaco such as gommage, enveloppement T. +377 (0)92 050 050 or anti-cellulite treatments. They want www.heliairmonaco.com to experience new things, such as a massage with hot stones, or Japanese Hotel Metropole yoshiki.” Avenue de la Madonne, 4 Monte Carlo And there we have it – our girl is ready MC 98007, Monaco for a dazzling night out. In Monaco, T. +377 (0)93 151 541 there is no other. www.metropole.com

Metropole Espa Avenue de la Madone, 4 Monte Carlo MC 98007, Monaco T. +377 (0)93 151 515 www.metropole.com

Yoshi Restaurant, Hotel Metropole T. +377 (0)93 151 313 www.metropole.com

Hotel Fairmont Avenue des Spélugues, 12 Monte Carlo, Monaco MC 98000 T. +377 (0)93 506 500 www.fairmont.com

Eleven Monte Carlo Allée Serge-de-Diaghilev Place du Casino, Monaco MC 98000 T. +377 (0)93 257 313 www.elevenmontecarlo.com

Jimmy’z Avenue Princesse Grace, 26 Monaco MC 98000 T. +377 (0)93 067 068 www.sportingmontecarlo.com

60 – Together #13 Fact : On sail now… If you say the word “luxury”, many will immediately think of an ocean-going yacht, as sported by football-club owners and wealthy oil magnates. If you want to splash out and play with the big names in Cannes or Monaco, you may want to start saving your loose change – you’re going to need it. The Dutch-built Alfa Nero is not only in the top 25 of the 100 largest yachts in the world, but is also one of the most sought-after. Naturally, you’ll want to show it off to your friends, so its 82 metres will accommodate 12 guests in comfort, including en-suite facilities, private patios, hot tubs, steam rooms and, naturally, a pool. The crew area can reportedly hold 28 people – although doubtless not in such comfort. Still, you’ll always be able to get a sandwich. If you fancy one of these to get you about, the makers, Oceanco, will happily sell you one. They are very careful not to let on how much the Alfa Nero costs exactly, but the latest models to be delivered have cost well over $100 million. You want it as a last-minute Christmas or birthday gift for someone special ? Forget it. Waiting time is currently around six years for a brand new model. Some things, money just can’t buy.

Figure : 42.36$ That’s how much extra it will cost you to land on the Luxury Tax (taxe de luxe) square on an American Monopoly board. The original game levied a 75$ tax for landing there, while the firstB elgian version was a comparative bargain at only BEF 1000 (32.64$). In the French game, the stakes are raised – Luxury Tax would cost you the equivalent of 2006.77$. Back in the modern world, the European edition of the game sets the tax at a nice, round 1€ million – or 1,316,256.55$. Taxing times, indeed. NEWS INTERVIEW Putting the ‘mission’ communication and I had to build my As her second term comes to an end, own constituency. In the beginning it her thoughts for the future ? “I'm not in Commission was like shouting in the desert, nobody one for looking back; I'm a privileged had any expectations and there were person to have been able to deal with

writer : ANDY CARLING very few concrete ideas about of how such important things.” However, to create a better communications she does have some advice for her policy, so we had to go step by step. successor, if there is one: “They should argot Wallström One failure was that we didn't get choose a combination of tasks and has certainly communication in the new treaty, legislation, that you can also use the made an impact. we came in too late to make a newsroom as a platform because we A senior UKIP difference and to have that written in.” can see that the old guard of journalists figure told me that has no regard for this strange task, Mhe thought she'd done a pretty good CITIZEN POWER preferring the hard issues of trade, job, a European Commission official There has been considerable opposition commerce and so on. Communication is said she was the “Commissioner for to Wallström, as the commissioner seen by them as being something fluffy, sticking her head over the parapet”, is only too happy to acknowledge : “The so you need both tasks and legislation.” and a journalist friend whispered that member states who, for example, feel she was “the only Commissioner it is their privilege to control information She also believes that this ‘old guard’ who was an actual human being”. – we have to decide what is the role doesn't understand, or take a real Certainly, everyone agrees that she of the member states and what the interest in, the new media and internet is exceptionally hard working institutions should do, but at least we technologies Wallström has been and determined. As her time at the have tried several measures, and I think using : “It's not enough to write an As Margot Wallström, Commission comes to an end, she the Citizens’ Consultations have been article in the Financial Times and say agreed to be interviewed – a chance a great success in every member state you've been communicating.” And her Vice-President of the for Together, then, to talk about her and the next thing I want to see are concerns for the future ? “I worry about European Commission approach to her task of communicating citizens’ summits in parallel with political how we can ensure the things we've and Commissioner for the EU to its 500 million citizens. summits.” started can continue, sometimes it can Institutional Relations and take ten years for initiatives to mature. Communication Strategy, PLAIN SPEAKING She feels that consultation has improved This is why procedures are important, approaches the end of her “Communication is really about over the past ten years, and is pleased frameworks are important.” democracy, it has more to do with with responses to proposed legislation time at the heights of EU dialogue than just passing information. via the internet and by the national What next ? Not the Presidency, that’s political life, she speaks We've completely reformed how we offices. She is also advocating a for sure : “I’m not a candidate – after ten exclusively to Together work and put new people in position stronger role for women : “Can we afford years, I’d like to do something else, about her decade’s work and we try to use plain language, but not to listen to half our citizens ? Can we to have more time with my family and and hopes for the future. even that took a long time to get do without their knowledge, their I hope to find something at European accepted. We've also used the internet, experiences? This is about democracy, or international level. I'm tired of being with web sites such as Debate Europe, about empowering people and making a public person, to have everything to consult with people. Communicating them part of the Europe project. For too scrutinized. You have to accept that also means listening to people who long this project has been for a very in politics. What I miss the most is don't like the EU or who have different small elite and this has to change.” not having the time to read something views.” I don't have to read. I don't want to FUTURE CONCERNS complain, but you've got to find your She points to US President Obama's Looking back at the beginnings of the own time and sanctuary to recharge.” internet campaigns as being an EU, she sees changes in attitudes and inspiration and a vindication of her perceptions from citizens. “Now, people Anyone deserves a break after a approach. I asked her how well she are better educated, better informed decade in the Berlaymont – and few thought her own communication and want to have their say. You can no would bet against Wallström finding strategy was performing : “There longer just believe that people will trust new ways of putting her legendary was no structure for discussing politicians to do all the work.” energies to good use.

64 – Together #13 June - July 09 Together – 65 MONEY China and India : Spending out of the slump writer : DAVE DERRUYTER

With a GDP growth figure of 6.1 per the Chinese economy – March 2009 cent in the first quarter of 2009, it’s was its best month since the Beijing outshining the whole pack. Olympics of August 2008. If China can build on that momentum, the coming Best china quarters may show an even stronger How are they achieving this ? By economy and yield the much-treasured spending its government support 8 per cent GDP growth rate for the money in a faster and more efficient whole of 2009, which is the widely way than its rivals. In the current accepted threshold to avoid excessive economic climate, it is proving very unemployment and social trouble in efficient to have a state-controlled, China. state-steered economy, since then the state banks can be ‘ordered’ to BURNING BRIGHT ? lend money to companies, and And how is the other Asian giant, India, vast amounts of money into its state-owned manufacturing companies doing compared with the leader of economy. can be ‘ordered’ to increase production. the pack? Being the largest democracy The first stars are On top of that, if there is the money, in the world and still dominated by Luckily, opportunistic China has seen as China has, better and more efficient the caste system is not a recipe for the obvious win-win for its export appearing in a deep dark infrastructure can be built. speed. However, India’s ‘mini Enron sector and is willing to lend a helping night, says our Asian accounting scandal’ caused by Satyam hand with the financing. Furthermore, expert. There may still be This makes a lot of economic sense, has been settled, and Tata Motors’ next to China, the second-largest a lot of bad news on the since China is still a developing country. very cheap ‘Nano’ economy of the world Japan is also economic front around We are not only talking about bridges, As well as car is selling like willing to provide its support via the globe, but some good roads and railways, the country is also more and hot cakes on untied loans and the vast engineering building hospitals and wants to improve the domestic and building capabilities of its industrial news is sneaking in – its health-care system, including better roads, market. On the armada. That might just be the from China and India, in provision for its gigantic rural population bridges and infrastructure winning combination that Asia needs particular. of some 800 million people. The latter railways are side, there is still to bounce back from this severe should, at least in the medium to longer badly needed, enormous room recession to ever-greater economic term, have a positive impact on but India for improvement global clout. And who knows what ven in the US, there is consumer spending. This, together with has fewer – as well as will follow next ? economic data pointing increased investments by the private resources more and better to the bottoming-out of sector and a restart of the export than China to roads, bridges the very weak economy, engine, should take over the economic quickly pump and railways at least in some sectors. lead again from the government. The vast amounts are badly needed, EThe best economic news, however, is Chinese picture looks encouraging and of money into but India has THE WRITER coming from the third-largest economy there is more than a fair chance the its economy fewer resources Dave Derruyter works for an in the world, China, which is currently country will succeed in this exceptional than China to international bank and spent the brightest star in the economic sky. trick. The future bodes really well for quickly pump several years in Asia.

66 – Together #13 June - July 09 Together – 67 MONEY Your pension : Whose life of luxury? writer : GRAHAM REID

He’s back from lawn every month for the next twenty years you would certainly not accept. ‘demutualizing the Vatican’ Why pay now for a service to be (Together #12) – now, rendered years into the future without our money man examines even knowing if it will be provided for problems with keeping 20 years ? What if I do not cut it yourself in the manner to properly ? If you were not satisfied, how could you cancel a deal for which which you are accustomed, you have already paid ? once the gold watch and golden handshake have Now, let’s adapt this approach to the been delivered. world of insurance and pensions.

Many people who become expatriates trust readers will forgive do so to improve their standard of me for coming back down living, both now and in retirement. An to earth after my flight of element of that process is to contribute fancy in our previous additional money into a personal edition. pension plan to enhance one’s lifestyle paid these commission charges. They produce 811,000€. The difference is I in retirement and provide a few of those will remain there as a cost in your policy entirely due to the charges levied in the little extra luxuries. and you will never recover them. early years on the former. What happens MOW BETTER BLUES if they both lose their contracts and have If I were to come to your house and The type of international pension most What does this mean in practice ? to stop contributions after ten years ? offer to mow your lawn for 10€, you often sold is a long-term contractual Mabel will get 309,000€, whereas Abel might be inclined to accept if you felt plan for a period of ten years or more, ABEL AND MABEL will get about 265,000€ which will be the price was reasonable for the job. heavily promoted by offshore life Let us compare two expatriates – Abel, further reduced by other penalties for If I did so every insurance companies. Unfortunately, and his more savvy twin sister, Mabel not completing the remaining term. Long-term month for a year at they are usually a very poor deal when – two freelance IT contractors. contractual the same rate you compared with non-contractual plans. Unfortunately, Belgium abounds with would pay a total Abel commits to pay 2,000€ per month expatriate financial advisers, many of plans for of 120€. After ten Why is this ? Look no further than the for twenty years under a long-term whom are not regulated, deriving their a period of years you would commission structure offered to the contract. Mabel makes no such fixed income by selling offshore life insurance ten years have paid me salesman by the insurance company. commitment and just saves the same and pension products that are seriously or more… 1,200€ and after You can reckon that up to 12 months sum regularly over 20 years with no deficient in what they offer the investor. are usually 20 years it would of your savings will be paid in charges, contractual commitment to do so. The only justification for committing to a very poor be 2,400€. most of which is commission. We will assume that the rate of growth a long term contract is if major tax deal when is 5 per cent and that contributions are advantages are available – and few compared However, if I In other words, as in my lawn-mowing continued uninterrupted for 20 years. plans offer them. with non- arrived and asked example, these charges are based on contractual for the 2,400€ what you have promised to contribute The best long-term contractual plan we THE WRITER plans immediately, and in future and not on what you actually have found will only produce 740,000€ Graham Reid is director of Classic promised to come pay as you go along. If you do not at the end of 20 years at 5 per cent, Financial Solutions NV, 321 and mow your continue the policy, you have already whereas a non-contractual plan will Brusselsesteenweg, 3090 Overijse.

68 – Together #13 June - July 09 Together – 69 LEARN TOGETHER A new language : Live it, learn it, love it

Increasingly valued both in study, eat and socialize in an work and leisure, learning environment that is completely devoted another language is a life- to their chosen language. Thus, transforming experience. everyone is in the same boat and confidence grows – overcoming At CERAN Belgium, it’s confidence problems is key to all about total immersion, mastering another language.” as Quality and Product Development Manager COURSES FOR CHILDREN Marion Meurant explains. The principle is exactly the same for the younger students but, in gorgeous Spa where CERAN Belgium is to be found, he CERAN method – it’s full social, entertainment and sporting called QRI®, which stands activities are provided, to help children for Question-Response- learn in an environment that is not rigid Intonation, but there’s or ‘academic’. With six lessons per day, much more to CERAN in classes of nine students maximum Tthan mere method and dry grammatical (as opposed to nine lessons and four exercises. students for adults), the young people’s learning is set in the framework of COURSES FOR ADULTS a very enjoyable holiday. Targets are Just one week of genuine complete adjusted as students progress and, immersion gives you more than 30 at the end of their course, their abilities hours of lessons backed up by more are assessed again and compared than 30 hours of practical use of the with the targets that were set, with a language with tutors. Students take detailed report of the child’s progress control of the style of their course then provided. – you can choose from a week of small-group lessons, private lessons So, what are you waiting for ? Take the or a combination of small-group and first step to a new life now. private lessons. CERAN Belgium Says Marion Meurant : “I believe that Spa CERAN’s real strength lies in the fact T.+32 (0)87 791 122 that our students are able to take away www.ceran.com what they have learned and convert it to genuine, long-term language French, English, Dutch, German, Italian, application and use. Immersion means Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, Chinese just that – from 8-22h, the students and Japanese courses available.

70 – Together #13 Real Estate

Laeken Jette Neder Over Hembeek Ganshoren Berchem Bruxelles Ville Sainte Agathe Evere Koekelberg Schaerbeek The Property Molenbeek Saint Jean Saint Josse Ten Noode Woluwé Saint Lambert Anderlecht Saint Gilles Etterbeek Ixelles Woluwé Saint Pierre Forest Ixelles Barometer Auderghem In partnership with renowned free weekly newspaper Uccle Vlan, we are proud to present The Property Watermael Barometer, THE assessment of real-estate fluctuations Boitsfort in Europe’s capital.

This study is based on the asking prices of private individuals and estate agencies in their advertisements published in Vlan’s Brussels edition over a ten-week period (9,588 adverts). Obviously, prices at which properties are sold can vary. Check out thousands of adverts on www.vlan.be, in Vlan’s property section and in Vlan.be Immo Magazine – your real estate rendez-vous, twice per month, in 90,000 homes.

AVERAGE PRICE PER APARTMENTS HOUSES SQUARE METRE (Figures in red indicate former RENT BUY BUY average prices)

1000 BRUXELLES (CENTRE) 10.11 € ( 2 507.63 € & 1,717.67 € & 10.32 2,398.71 1,494.76 1020 LAEKEN 8.78 € & 1,912.18 € ( 1,728.01 € ( 8.76 1,990.45 1,774.78 1030 SCHAERBEEK 7.6 5 € & 2,172.46 € & 1,9 87.61 € ( 7.39 2,070.92 2,040.85 1040 ETTERBEEK 9.47 € ( 2,310.61 € ( 2,112.02 € ( 9.53 2,540.55 2,112.69 1050 IXELLES 9.99 € ( 2,722.07 € & 2,349.11 € & 10.02 2,552.72 2,057.51 1060 SAINT GILLES 9.01 € & 2,318.18 € ( 1,202.08 € ( All you need to know about banking 8.30 2,681.95 1,256.41 1070 ANDERLECHT 8.01 € & 1,710.26 € & 2,134.91 € & 7.59 1,706.26 1,904.01 services on arriving in Belgium 1080 MOLENBEEK ST JEAN 8.72 € & 1,924.21 € ( 1,528.31 € & 7.88 1,977.22 1,513.54 1081 KOEKELBERG 7.57 € ( 1,832.37 € ( 1,769.22 € & 8.01 2,032.57 1,672.65 1082 BERCHEM STE AGATHE 8.42 € & 1,787.41 € & 1,6 07.94 € & 7.83 1,761.52 1,576.37 1083 GANSHOREN 8.08 € ( 1,6 97.76 € ( 2,189.03 € ( 10.25 1,801.24 2,277.21 1090 JETTE 8.41 € ( 1,857.40 € ( 2,187.82 € & 8.65 1,890.54 1,970.86 1120 NEDER OVER HEMBEEK 10.58 € & 2,019.44 € ( 1,357.65 € & 10.04 2,332.81 1,330.24 Take advantage of our ING Expat Convenience Services 1140 EVERE 7.8 0 € ( 2,255.35 € & 1,965.75 € & 8.55 2,129.72 1,808.33 +32 2 464 66 64 - [email protected] - www.ing.be 1150 WOLUWÉ ST PIERRE 9.04 € ( 2,579.11 € ( 2,349.60 € & 9.78 2,602.00 2,180.95 Many banking services are available to expatriates Your bank accounts and cards can be ready for 1160 AUDERGHEM 10.20 € ( 2,6 47.23 € & 2,086.30 € & living in Belgium but there is nothing you need to you the moment you arrive in Belgium. ING’s Expat 10.45 2,424.54 2,032.37 1170 WATERMAEL BOITSFORT 11.13 € & 2,477.27 € ( 2,779.14 € & know about making such arrangements. That’s Services have 40 years of experience to help make 9.69 2,547.30 2,657.71 a task for the ING Convenience Services experts. your stay in Belgium as fi nancially smooth as possible. 1180 UCCLE 10.13 € ( 2,545.05 € & 2,246.67 € ( 10.27 2,395.63 2,246.78 1190 FOREST 12.31 € & 1,901.47 € & 1,845.23 € & 12.05 1,895.91 1,842.76 1200 WOLUWÉ ST LAMBERT 9.73 € ( 2,369.16 € & 2,322.66 € & 9.80 2,271.19 2,188.76 1210 ST JOSSE TEN NOODE 8.95 € & 2,158.61 € & 1,405.03 € & 8.20 1,831.50 1,366.70

72 – Together #13

230x170_ING_Expat_Bulle_UK.indd 1 2/26/09 10:32:08 AM FRESH OPENINGS 1 2 Six appeal ! writer : MARIE HOCEPIED

We open the doors of new From the outset, owner Mathilde or improved shopping hot- Danglade’s jeans selection take us spots – why not join us and straight into summer and, not far pose awhile ? from there, the beautiful ceramics 3 4 of artist Laurence Deweer set us a-quiver. And, one flight of stairs 1. DéPôT DESIGN later, check out the tableaux by Feeling a touch constrained ? Answer joint-owner Elena Barenghi. – expand ! Thus, Dépôt Design has grown from 2,500 to 4,000 m2 – Em72 happiness awaits in this huge arena Rue du Page, 72 dedicated to the very best in 1050 Brussels contemporary furniture at pleasing T. +32 (0)2 538 81 16 prices. 4. MON AMOUR Dépôt Design In the Châtelain quarter, why not Quai du Hainaut, 19 discover Mon Amour, a real Ali Baba’s 1080 Brussels cave. Here, and perhaps only here, T. +32 (0)2 502 28 82 will you find a blend of Cacharel 5 6 www.depotdesign.be clothes, bio Doux Me moisturizers, Kusmi Teas, Astier de Vilatte candles, 2. IKKS and much, much more beauty in store. IKKS offers Brussels a new fashion A shop to charm all preferences perspective in its beautiful Antoine and pockets and, moreover, owner Dansaert outlet, as it presents the new Anne-Catherine is only too happy Women & Men collection. IKKS Men to offer a cup of tea while you shop. greets you first as you stroll in, with Love, indeed. factory and living-room styles offering an exclusively male, urbane. Then, Mon amour the Women’s collection is resplendent Rue du Page, 36 in oak, metal and grey-white concrete. 1050 Brussels Dazzling ! T. +32 (0)2 537 70 31 www.chezmonamour.com IKKS Women & Men Rue Antoine Dansaert, 29 5. ROGGWILLER Diane de Maria and Carlos Falchi, wear, taking in household linen 1000 Brussels It began with a man, Philippe Roggwiller. to name but a few. accessories, nothing is missed out. T. +32 (0)2 502 66 48 Famous in France, he has now launched A product of the imaginations of sisters www.ikks.com a top-of-the-range female ready-to- Roggwiller Valerie and Alexia Berckmans – most wear outlet in Europe’s capital – a 90m² 99-101 Rue de Namur, 99-101 w e l c o m e ! 3. EM72 boutique devoted to haute couture 1000 Brussels And here’s a surprise in a small and exceptional leather goods. And Supergreen me package – amid the decor-styles of there are also more than a few exclusive 6. SUPERGREEN ME Rue Van Artevelde, 10 a well-maintained, swish apartment, marques on offer here – Kriss In the Dansaert district, a new concept- 1000 Brussels discover a new environment in Van Assche (Female), Cher Michel store built eco-bio principles has T. +32 (0)2 513 32 20 which art and accessories mix. Klein, David Szeto, Giuseppe Patane, arrived – from cosmetics to children's www.supergreenme.be

74 – Together #13 June - July 09 Together – 75 EAT TOGETHER RestoPass : Your passport to fine dining for less writer : james drew Eating out in Brussels doesn’t have to be “We chose the restaurants based on an extensive survey,” explains Jean- expensive if you have a Charles Malherbe, RestoPass founder. RestoPass – and you can “Those restaurants that people cited even treat your friends! most often as being their favourite recommendations are the ones we approached to go into RestoPass.” ere’s a great new idea for those of us whose “Restaurants don’t pay to be in,” regular enjoyment adds fellow founder Nicolas De Ridder. of Brussels’ excellent “That means our selection is much restaurant scene has more objective, based on what people beenH curtailed of late by the dreaded actually say they like.” credit crisis. RestoPass is a stylish little FLY FROM BELGIUM’S book, a passport if you like, that gives WIDE CHOICE you a 30 per cent discount at around The line-up of participating eateries is MOST ACCESSIBLE AIRPORT 30 of Brussels’ best-loved restaurants impressive, representing a wide range – up to a very generous maximum of of culinary styles, from gastronomic 50€ per table. through trendy to both traditional Belgian and exotic, the list takes in such EAT HEARTY favourites as Rouge Tomate, Cospaia, 61 The scheme was tested successfully La Manufacture, Le Mess, Blue Elephant, direct routes first in Singapore and has recently Les Larmes du Tigre… you name it! S T O P ! No traffic jams been launched in Brussels. RestoPass Time from entrance has the appearance of a passport, The nice thing about the RestoPass is LOSING TIME & MONEY to your aircraft seat: with one restaurant recommended on that it’s designed to be a desirable 12 minutes! each page. The RestoPass is available extra, not a voucher system. Almost on www.restopass.com, and is also sold bereft of restrictions or conditions, it Check out all our services on through various Brussels-based partners, can be used any day of the week, for www.charleroi-airport.com such as Filigranes, Waterstone’s, either lunch or dinner, and the discount Cook&Book and Sterling Books. is applicable to the entire table – excluding drinks, of course. So, rather It costs only 35€ so, if you do the than advising the restaurant beforehand arithmetic, you’ll see that it’s a very that you’re going to be looking for a good deal, representing an almost discount, you just produce your pass 50-fold return on your investment. But with a flourish when the time comes to what’s also great about the RestoPass pay the bill, and bathe in the admiration is that the participating restaurants are of your fellow diners. Bon appetit ! all well-known and well-liked by both locals and expats in Brussels. www.restopass.com 76 – Together #13 The friendly airport EAT TOGETHER Cuisine in the clouds writer : MARTIN BANKS

One of the world’s top airlines has teamed up They have proved a big success with passengers and now La Porte des with a leading Brussels Indes, a restaurant founded by Belgian restaurant to keep entrepreneur Karl Steppe, who also customers’ taste buds launched the international Blue Elephant titillated at 33,000 feet. Group, is looking to follow suit.

Known to foodies as the point of e’ve all experienced reference for Indian gastronomy it – that disappoint- in Brussels, Steppe hopes that the ment when faced cooking skills of his restaurant chefs with an in-flight Mehemosh Mody and Rajesh Dalaya meal. All too often, will also be appreciated onboard Jet Wthe food presented to passengers is Airways. dry and flavourless and, at worst, As far as the restaurant is concerned, “Our chefs have a tough job because virtually inedible. He said: “It is very pleasant to work with preparation of its in-flight catering for Jet Airways changes its in-flight menu a company such as Jet Airways which the airline has reached an advanced every month. Our people have 96 Well, one carrier at least is trying to shares the same quality objectives as stage. Most of the food will be prepared different recipes to choose from restore order by linking up with we do. at a workshop it runs in Tubize, on and each month the menu offered to a popular Brussels restaurant chain the western outskirts of Brussels. passengers changes, whether they in a bid to ensure its passengers get “The awareness of quality is exactly At present, it has a 27-strong team are travelling in first class, business top-notch cuisine on their long-haul what took our products to the heart based on the premises which, following or economy. flights. Indian airline Jet Airways has of prestigious institutions such as the success in recently entered into an agreement with Harrods in London, Les Galeries ‘There is landing the Jet Guillaumede Syon, a history professor the Indian gourmet restaurant La Porte Lafayette in Paris and Rob in Brussels.” also a great Airways contract, at the UK’s Albright College who des Indes, based on Avenue Louise, emphasis is likely to be has written about the history of airline Brussels, to provide its in-flight catering. His comments are echoed by Tejinder on hygiene, expanded in meals, said that the higher altitude Singh, a Jet Airways general manager something the near future. alters the taste of the food and the In future, all the Indian food available on responsible for catering in Europe. function of the taste buds. Jet Airways long-haul flights departing we regard as VARIETY from its Brussels hub, for first-, business- He explained: “Where service is particularly AND According to Syon, the food – traditionally and economy-class passengers, will be concerned, ‘good’ simply does not important HYGIENE frozen and heated on the ground before supplied by the restaurant. And it’s not the cover it and that also goes for our as we are The restaurant take-off rather than prepared fresh – may first time the airline has taken advantage of on-board meals, which will now be producing in Brussels is be dry and flavourless as a result of the Belgium’s gastronomic expertise. prepared by top-class chefs under meals to be run by Mr pressurization and passengers drinking the best possible conditions. consumed on Steppe’s son alcohol instead of water. FLYING GOURMET long-haul Kim, who says Michelin two-star Belgian chef Yves “In La Port des Indes we have found flights to that variety and Food safety is also of paramount Mattagne, who heads the highly- a Belgian partner who can perfectly Canada and an emphasis importance in the airline industry – regarded Sea Grill restaurant in realize our vision of Northern Indian India’ on hygiene mass food poisoning among Brussels, is already responsible for cuisine and convince even the most are the secrets passengers on a plane could have the continental dishes served on board. demanding of Indian guests.” of its success. disastrous consequences.

78 – Together #13 June - July 09 Together – 79 EAT TOGETHER

For example, in February 1992, food to help make a long-haul flight shrimps tainted with cholera were that bit more pleasurable.” served on an Aerolineas Argentinas flight. An elderly passenger died, Since its launch in May 1993, Jet and other travellers fell seriously ill – Airways really has proved something an experience that Kim Steppe and of a soaraway success. Recently his chefs will obviously be hoping named best domestic airline in India to avoid. in the 2008 TTG Travel Awards 2008, the carrier, Singh explains, “There is also a great emphasis on is constantly striving to find new hygiene, something we regard as ways of re-inventing and improving particularly important as we are its service to customers – not least producing meals to be consumed on on the culinary front. long-haul flights to Canada and India.” “We are very proud to have been He adds : “Our business has been awarded this contract,” says Singh A warm welcome to Belgium! inspired by the Indian cooking of “and I am confident we can live up the former French trading post of expectations.” We hope your days here are happy ones. At KBC we’ll be glad to settle you in by providing you a full bank and insurance Pondicherry and we aim to produce TFSWJDF-FP7FSIPFWFO ,#$&YQBU"EWJTFSFYQBUT!LCDCFt    traditional Indian food with a diverse La Porte des Indes touch. Avenue Louise, 455 1050 Brussels “Our aim for the airline is to provide T. +32 2 647 8651 fresh – repeat, fresh – individual www.laportedesindes.com portions of easily digestible Indian www.jetairways.com www.kbc.be/expats

80 – Together #13 putting people fi rst Member of the KBC group


Alive and kicking Présente

Together presents its customary round- up from Brussels’ recent party nights. Jealous that you weren’t there ?

LES NOCES ROYALES PLAYA NOCHE www.nocesroyale.be www.playanoche.com

Les Soirées Des Compilations Hôtel Costes www.lessoireesdescompilations.be

EBONY BOOT AWARD Chelsea’s Didier Drogba (centre) with Anderlecht’s Mbark Boussoufa (right), the winner of the Ebony Boot Award for the best African player in the Belgian 11 JUIN - 21 JUILLET 09 league, and Olympic Games silver- www.la-terrasse.be medalist Kim Gevaert, at a gala ceremony in Brussels on 12th May.

84 – Together #13 FOR ART’S SAKE Clarke : Through a lens darkly writer : COLIN MOORS photographer : Bob Carlos Clarke

The Bob Carlos Clarke retrospective is at The Little Black Gallery in London until 3rd July. © The Estate of Bob Carlos Clarke

Three years ago, the world of art and photography lost one of its most intriguing and iconic personalities. Bob Carlos Clarke, apparently very depressed over the death of his good friend and fellow photographer, Patrick Lichfield, checked out of the Priory Clinic in London and committed suicide.

86 – Together #13 June - July 09 Together – 87 FOR ART’S SAKE

nyone familiar with his giant dogfish in his lap, shows that the work could see that a photographer knew how to get the proportion of it came laughs, as well as getting the very best from a very dark place from his female subjects. indeed, but the allure Aand honesty of his pics always seemed In recognition and celebration of to shine through, and many were not Clarke’s work, The Little Black Gallery without their own brand of black humour. in London is holding an exhibition drawn from his 30-year career, Clarke photographed a wide variety of including some photographs never subjects, although he is particularly before seen. The exhibition coincides noted for his studies of women, from with the publication of his biography, The Bob Carlos the straightforward to the slightly Exposure : The Unusual Life and Violent Clarke retrospective is at The Little Black obscure. Marco Pierre White and Keith Death of Bob Carlos Clarke. Gallery in London Richards were subjects – and his shot until 3rd July. of Marco Pierre White, for example, Go to www.thelittleblackgallery.com © The Estate of Bob Carlos Clarke looking very James Dean but cradling a for more information.

88 – Together #13 June - July 09 Together – 89 FOR ART’S SAKE

The Bob Carlos Clarke retrospective is at The Little Black Gallery in London until 3rd July. © The Estate of Bob Carlos Clarke

90 – Together #13 June - July 09 Together – 91 DIARY Together’s

‘To Do’ list 3. ACTION IN EMERGENCIES photographs and drawings. Guaranteed To 28.06 in Brussels to amaze. writer : JAMES DREW Become a ‘Doctor Without Borders’ and discover the reality of emergency Musée Magritte Museum humanitarian action – witness Place Royale, 1 Medecins Sans Frontieres’ emergency 1000 Brussels 2 More to see, more to do humanitarian action in a travelling T. +32 (0)2 508 36 81 as summer gets into her exhibition, and dive into the heart www.musee-magritte-museum.be stride. Enjoy. of MSF’s medical interventions. In a ten-minute journey through real-life 6. STEPHAN visuals and sounds, you will deal with VANFLETEREN 1. SHUTTLE SERVICE : an influx of wounded patients and BELGICUM BRUSSELS- people displaced by heavy fighting To 09.08 MAASMECHELEN and truly get into the skin of a real Renowned Belgian photographer VILLAGE MSF volunteer. Stephan Vanfleteren presents 13.06 > 30.08 a remarkable selection of shots of A new service is on offer all summer, to www.acteursdurgence.be his home country – a truly personal take you to the shopping paradise that perspective, in black and white, on is Maasmechelen Village. With daily 4. TERRASSE DE lives and locations less ordinary. stops at key Brussels hotels (The Hilton, L'HIPPODROME A blend of the familiar, the strange, Hotel Amigo, The Sheraton and Hotel 12.06 > 21.07 the banal and the exotic – Belgium Renaissance), there’s no excuse Boistfort Racecourse is getting a new will never seem the same again. to miss out. look this year – it is being transformed 6 into a veritable oasis of pleasure in the Le Botanique Tickets cost 20€ for adults middle of Brussels. What could be Rue Royale, 236 and 10€ for children under 12. more agreeable than to sip a cocktail 1210 Brussels Booking is essential – call Open in the shade of a palm tree, with your T. +32 (0)2 226 1218 Tours on +32 (0)496 404 000 for more feet in the swimming pool after a www.botanique.be information. hard day's work? The Simply Better events team are making it happen 7. BAAF IN 1040 2. DE LA PLUME – an enchanting setting with golden 25.06 > 29.07 AU PINCEAU sand, gazebos, immaculate parasols, The organizers of the Brussels To 20.06 in Brussels hammocks and reclining chairs that Accessible Art Fair will exhibit the Renowned writer Paul-Loup Sulitzer are there to help you take it easy. work of leading artist Lea Shabat, (Money, King Vert, Cash !) and painter- from Canada, beginning on the last sculptor Juan Kiti come together in www.la-terrasse.be Thursday in June and lasting for an astonishing expo. Kiti takes as his a month. starting point Sulitzer’s 38 best-sellers, 5. NOW OPEN 9 which inspire a dazzling range of art MAGRITTE MUSEUM ! Vinotheque Les Terroirs work which, once the exhibition has left Magritte, the 20th century’s most Rue Charles Degroux, 37-39 Brussels, is bound for Paris, Rome, celebrated, surrealist painter, was 1040 Brussels Barcelona and beyond. born in 1898 in Belgium and died in T.+32 (0)486 634 676 Brussels in August 1967. Open from 2nd www.accessibleartfair.com Dolce La Hulpe June, the new Magritte Museum, to be Chaussée de la Hulpe, 135 found within walking distance of 8. FADING 13010 La Hulpe Grand’Place, holds the world’s largest 25.06 > 13.09 T.+32 (0)487 748 155 collection of Magritte (200 works) plus Concerning the topic of the ‘fading’ www.kiti.be letters written by the painter, image, this expo brings together, for the

92 – Together #13 June - July 09 Together – 93 DIARY Le Chat 10 11 Like the cat who’s got the cream !

Philippe Geluck’s feline hero reflects on the finer things. first time, the work of 45 internationally 10. BRUSSELS-ON-SEA renowned Belgian artists. Via the 90 18.07 > 17.08 (not mondays) works on display, Fading examines how Brussels-on-Sea, on the banks of the art, in confrontation with consumer Willebroek Canal, is a full-blown, albeit and multi-media information society temporary, seaside resort, to let you get pushes the boundaries of visual away from it all without even leaving the language, to test the limits of pictorial city. Straw huts and barbecues, oiled-up space ‘obliteration’. Among the artists beach beaux and bikini-clad babes are on display? Luc Tuymans, Hugo not what you'd expect to come across in Heyrman, Michael Borremans, Koen the capital, yet this tropical strip springs Van den Broek, Cindy Wright, Ronny up every year during Belgium’s Delrue, Jan De Vliegher, Dirk (somewhat temperamental) summer Braeckman, Jan De Maesschalck, season. Best of all, it’s completely free, Bert De Beul, Tina Gillen, Gauthier and that includes chaises longues rental, Hubert, Stephan Balleux, Peter concerts, beach sports, and even a team Weidenbaum… of professional masseurs who are on hand to knead beach-bums’ sunburned Musée d’Ixelles shoulders – Shiatsu, Thai or Swedish Rue Jean Van Volsem 71 style. Life, as they say, is a beach ! 1050 Brussels T.+32 (0)2 515 6422 Place Sainctelette www.museedixelles.be 1000 Brussels [email protected] 9. THE KRAZY MESS www.bruxelleslesbains.be GROOVERS (KMGS) 26.06 11. UNITY TAKES SHAPE No, you are not in Chicago or New 21.07 > 30.08 Orleans, you’re in Ixelles. But the Black, yellow, and red – Belgium’s national atmosphere, the fragrance, the warmth colours, but are they still the colours of and the music have the color of true, Brussels ? Fresh from celebrating the authentic jazz, and The KMGs are museum’s 80th anniversary, BOZAR no exception – a Belgian band based curator Jean-Marie Stroobants has placed in Brussels, they’re nine musicians the contrasts on the creative palette of an with jazz, rock, electro and funk impressive panel of visual artists, tasking background. Nice. them to draw inspiration to trace the contours of a new, contemporary Belgian Sounds Jazz Club identity. Will they succeed? See for yourself. Rue de la Tulipe, 28 1050 Brussels BOZAR T.+32 (0)2 512 9250 Rue Ravenstein, 23 – 1000 Brussels www.soundsjazzclub.be T.+32 (0)2 507 8200 www.thekmgs.com www.bozar.be

94 – Together #13 June - July 09 Together – 95 ADDRESSES D Delvaux Louis Vuitton Boulevard de Waterloo, 27 Boulevard de Waterloo, 59-60 B-1000 Bruxelles B-1000 Bruxelles CLEARLY +32 (0)2 513 05 02 +32 (0)2 289 28 28 www.delvaux.be www.louisvuitton.com NOT MOVED BY GOSSELIN Dyrberg/Kern N www.dyrbergkern.com Natan F Avenue Louise, 158 B-1000 Bruxelles Fabienne Delvigne +32 (0)2 647 10 01 Avenue Roger Vandendriessche, 25 www.natan.be B-1150 Bruxelles +32 (0)2 735 90 41 O www.fabiennedelvigne.be Olivier Strelli G Rue Antoine Dansaert, 44 B-1000 Bruxelles Gicenchy +32 (0)2 512 09 42 www.givenchy.fr www.strelli.be H P Hermès Patrizia Pepe Boulevard de Waterloo, 50 www.patriziapepe.com B-1000 Bruxelles The items you treasure most deserve the Paule Ka +32 (0)2 511 20 62 greatest attention when you move. They www.hermes.com Boulevard de Waterloo, 48 B-1000 Bruxelles are treated with the utmost care by those Hoss Intropia www.pauleka.teaser-hosting.com meticulous men sent by Gosselin, who hossintropia.com wrap them in that specific Gosselin R paper and move them in accordance Hugo Boss with the Gosselin master plan specially Avenue Louise, 43-45 Robert Clergerie www.robertclergerie.fr drawn up for you. Gosselin has over B-1050 Bruxelles 70 years’ experience in VIP treatment. +32 (0)2 538 03 63 S www.hugoboss.com Their service is so impeccable that Swarovski you will be moved when you see their L www.swarovski.com specialists at work. Les Precieuses T Rue Antoine Dansaert, 83 Gosselin was the first moving company B-1000 Bruxelles Tommy Hilfiger in Belgium to have achieved FAIM/ISO, +32 (0)2 503 28 98 Avenue de la Toison d’Or, 18-19 the international moving industry’s most B-1000 Bruxelles prestigious quality accreditation. With +32 (0)2 513 67 87 their 32 own branches across Europe, www.tommyhilfiger.be Central-Asia and the Caucasus, you will no doubt receive the service you have always To have Together delivered, subscribe at Managing Editors : www.together-magazine.eu James Drew & Colin Moors – ReadRight.be been looking for. T o g e t hm ea g a r z i n e We work mainly with national and international [email protected] / [email protected] advertisers. If you are interested in our rates, [email protected] / [email protected] please contact. Cover Credit :

Styling : www.geoffreymasure.com / David Mc Gowan : Models : Maja Gotic - www.newmodels.be / [email protected] or T. +32 (0)497 543 672 Photographer : www.yvessmall.com / Hair and makeup for Yves Saint Laurent and Nothing in this magazine may be reproduced in L’Oréal Professionnel - www.davidbettega.com whole or in part without the written permission Mirror-bag and jewellery : Delvaux / Brassiere: of the publisher. The publisher cannot be held Paule Ka. responsible for the views and opinions expressed in this magazine by authors and contributors. Writers : Together is neither responsible for nor endorses Martin Banks / Sara Brown / Andy Carling / the content of advertisements printed on its Dave Deruytter / Daniele Dosi / James Drew / pages. Together cannot be held responsible Federico Grandesso / Alex Hewetson / for any error or inaccuracy in such advertising Marie Hocepied / David Mc Gowan / Colin Moors / material. Graham Reid / Armand Richelet-Kleinberg / WE KNOW HOW TO MOVE PEOPLE Jeremy Slater / Jérôme Stéfanski / Belcrownlaan 23 | B-2100 Antwerp - Belgium Founder : T +32-3-360 55 00 | T +32-2-772 34 87 | F +32-3-360 55 79 Jérôme Stéfanski Together Media Bd St Michel, 47 Publisher : B-1040 Bruxelles David Mc Gowan [email protected] T o g e t h em r e d i a WWW.GOSSELINGROUP.EU | [email protected]

96 – Together #13

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