An Action Agenda For Enhancing the United Nations Program on Counter-Terrorism David Cortright George A. Lopez Alistair Millar Linda Gerber The Counter-Terrorism Evaluation Project is a joint research program of the Fourth Freedom Forum and the Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame. September 2004 Fourth Freedom Forum 803 North Main Street Goshen, Indiana 46528 800-233-6786 (outside the U.S., +574-534-3402) David Cortright:
[email protected] Linda Gerber:
[email protected] Fourth Freedom Forum Washington Office: 1875 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 1012 Washington, D.C. 20009 202-203-8190 Alistair Millar:
[email protected] Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies P.O. Box 639 Notre Dame, Indiana 46556-0639 574-631-6972 George A. Lopez:
[email protected] An Action Agenda For Enhancing the United Nations Program on Counter-Terrorism David Cortright Alistair Millar Linda Gerber George A. Lopez Acronyms APG Asia/Pacific Group Against Money Laundering CFATF Caribbean Financial Action Task Force CFT Countering the Financing of Terrorism CITCE Inter-American Committee Against Terrorism of the OAS CT Counter-Terrorism CTAG Counter-Terrorism Action Group CTC United Nations Counter-Terrorism Committee CTED Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate ECOSOC Economic and Social Council ESAAMLG Eastern and Southern African Anti-Money Laundering Group E U European Union FATF Financial Action Task Force FSRBs FATF-Style Regional Bodies GAFISUD Financial Action