
Kingsmead Technology College

Q1.Explain how the is adapted to:

• supply to the tissues

• remove waste products from tissues.










...... (Total 6 marks)

Q2.The circulatory system contains and .

(a) (i) Describe how the structure of an is different from the structure of a .




...... (2)

(ii) A comparison is made between taken from an artery in the leg and blood taken from a vein in the leg.

Give two differences in the composition of the blood.

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...... (2)

(b) During operations patients can lose a lot of blood. Patients often need blood transfusions to keep them alive.

The text shows information about a new artificial blood product.

Suggest two possible advantages of using the new artificial blood, instead of using human blood for a transfusion in .

1 ......


2 ......

...... (2) (Total 6 marks)

Q3.Figure 1 shows a model representing the human system.

The different parts of the model represent different parts of the human breathing system.

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(a) (i) Which part of the human breathing system does the flexible rubber sheet represent?

...... (1)

(ii) Explain why the balloons inflate when the flexible rubber sheet is pulled down.






...... (3)

(b) (i) During breathing, oxygen moves into the blood.

Explain how oxygen moves into the blood.




...... (2)

(ii) Figure 2 shows a head and .

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Fish absorb oxygen from the . Oxygen is absorbed through the of the fish.

Explain one way in which the gills are adapted for rapid absorption of oxygen.




...... (2) (Total 8 marks)

Q4.Blood is part of the circulatory system.

(a) (i) Give one function of white blood cells.


...... (1)

(ii) Which of the following is a feature of ?

Tick ( ) one box.

They have a nucleus.

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They contain haemoglobin.

They are small fragments of cells.


(b) Urea is transported by the from where it is made to where the urea is excreted.

Complete the following sentence.

Blood plasma carries urea from where it is made in the ......

to the ...... where the urea is removed from the blood. (2)

(c) The illustration shows a section through the human .

Structure X is a . If valve X stops working, it may need to be replaced.

A scientist is designing a new . The scientist knows that the valve must be the correct size to fit in the heart.

Suggest two other factors the scientist needs to consider so that the newly designed valve works effectively in the heart.

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...... (2) (Total 6 marks)

Q5.LDL is one form of cholesterol found in the blood.

People with a high of LDL in their blood may be treated with drugs called statins.

A high concentration of LDL cholesterol in the blood may result in an increased risk of heart and circulatory diseases.

The graph shows the effects of the treatment of one person with four different statins, A, B, C and D, over a period of 8 years. The arrows show when each new treatment was started.

Each treatment was continued until the next treatment was started.


Compare the effectiveness of the five treatments in reducing the risk of heart and circulatory diseases for this person.



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...... (Total 4 marks)

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M1.Level 3 (5–6 marks): A detailed and coherent explanation is provided with most of the relevant content, which demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the human circulatory system . The response makes logical links between content points.

Level 2 (3–4 marks): The response is mostly relevant and with some logical explanation. Gives a broad understanding of the human circulatory system. The response makes some logical links between the content points.

Level 1 (1–2 marks): Simple descriptions are made of the roles of some of the following: heart function, , named blood vessels, named blood cells. The response demonstrates limited logical linking of points.

0 marks: No relevant content.

Indicative content • dual / double circulatory system which means that it has higher blood and a greater flow of blood to the tissues • heart made of specialised (cardiac) muscle cells which have long filaments that can slide past each other to shorten the to bring about contraction for pumping blood • heart pumps blood to in so that oxygen can diffuse into blood from air in alveoli • blood returns to heart via pulmonary vein where muscles pump blood to the body via • oxygen carried by specialised cells / RBCs which contain haemoglobin to bind oxygen and have no nucleus so there is more space available to carry oxygen • arteries carry oxygenated blood to tissues where deliver oxygen to cells for and energy release • thin walls allow for easy to cells • large surface area of capillaries to maximise exchange • waste products removed eg CO2 diffuse from cells into the blood plasma • blood goes back to the heart in veins which have to prevent backflow • can vary according to demand / is affected by adrenaline

accept annotated diagrams [6]

M2.(a) (i) doesn’t have valves allow veins have valves 1

has a thicker wall or thicker layer of muscle

Page 8 Kingsmead Technology College allow has a smaller lumen ignore references to elastic (in walls) 1

(ii) any two from: • (artery has) more oxygen • (artery has) more glucose allow (artery has) more amino acids / fatty acids • (artery has) less • (artery has) less lactic acid ignore urea ignore reference to pressure accept converse for veins if veins is clearly stated 2

(b) any two from: • no rejection allow no matching required • abundant supply • low risk of infection allow named example ie HIV, CJD • longer shelf life allow less space needed for storage ignore side effects 2 [6]

M3.(a) (i) diaphragm accept phonetic spelling 1

(ii) (because) the volume (inside the jar) increases maximum two marks if no reference to correct part of model 1

(causing) the pressure to decrease 1

(and) air enters the balloon allow oxygen 1

(b) (i) (so it moves by) diffusion do not allow osmosis or active transport 1

from a high concentration (of oxygen) to a low concentration Page 9 Kingsmead Technology College allow down its / oxygen concentration gradient from the air or to the blood or (because) there is a high(er) concentration (of oxygen) in the air or there is a low(er) concentration of oxygen in the blood ignore reference to amount of oxygen 1

(ii) many gill filaments must be in the correct pairs to gain 2 marks 1

(give a) large surface / area do not allow surface area to volume ratio or thin (so) short diffusion pathway or good blood supply (to) maintain the concentration gradient or water continually flows over them / continually ventilated (to) maintain the concentration gradient 1 [8]

M4.(a) (i) defence against or destroy pathogens / bacteria / viruses / microorganisms do not allow ‘destroy disease’ accept engulf pathogen / bacteria / viruses / microorganism accept phagocytosis accept produce antibodies / antitoxins allow immune response 1

(ii) they are small fragments of cells 1

(b) in this order only 1

(s) 1

(c) any two from:

Page 10 Kingsmead Technology College • that it doesn’t cause an immune response or isn’t rejected / damaged by white blood cells • whether it is a long lasting material / doesn’t decompose / corrode / inert • if it is strong (to withstand pressure) • it will open at the right pressure • that it doesn’t cause clotting • that it doesn’t leak or it prevents backflow • non toxic ignore correct size 2 [6]

M5.A + B most effective (treatment) ignore descriptions of LDL levels 1

D is (the most) effective (treatment) D is the best single (treatment) 1

neither A nor B (alone) are effective allow increase risk of heart disease instead of not effective 1

can’t tell if C is effectiveORA + C is not effective 1 [4]

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