Word Final Schwa Is Driven by Intonation – the Case of Bari Italian
1 Word final schwa is driven by intonation – the case of Bari Italian 1 2 1,3 Martine Grice , Michelina Savino , & Timo B. Roettger 1University of Cologne, IfL-Phonetik 2University of Bari "Aldo Moro", Dept. of Education, Psychology, Communication 3Northwestern University, Department of Linguistics ABSTRACT In order to convey pragmatic functions, a speaker has to select an intonation contour (the tune) in addition to the words that are to be spoken (the text). The tune and text are assumed to be independent of each other, such that any one intonation contour can be produced on different phrases, regardless of the number and nature of the segments they are made up of. However, if the segmental string is too short, certain tunes – especially those with a rising component – call for adjustments to the text. In Italian, for instance, loan words such as “chat” can be produced with a word final schwa when this word occurs at the end of a question. This paper investigates this word final schwa in the Bari variety in a number of different intonation contours. Although its presence and duration is to some extent dependent on idiosyncratic properties of speakers and words, schwa is largely conditioned by intona- tion. Schwa cannot thus be considered a mere phonetic artefact, since it is relevant for phonology, in that it facilitates the production of communicatively relevant intonation contours. Keywords: tune-text association, epenthesis, intrusive vowel, Italian Acknowledgements This work was supported by funds for the Collaborative Research Center “1252 Prominence in Lan- guage” (German Research Council). Thank you to Mario Refice for his help with processing the speech data.
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