- More Than Just Colors “I Completely Forget Holi is one of the most festive, joyous holidays of the year. Family and friends come together to rejoice, rekindle, and repair their About My Body” relationships in a very unique manner – by tossing vibrantly colored The most precious thing we all value is our physical body and its health. powder and water on each other. Kids, adults, and youths of all ages From eating healthy to regular exercise, we ensure our body’s fitness take part in this celebration. But the roots of the Holi festival hold a and well-being. We take all the precautions to ensure our safety and unique significance. physical comforts. But would we ever imagine sacrificing our well-being or even tolerate pain to help others? When referring to Holi, the story of Prahlad naturally comes to mind. Hiranyakashipu was the father of Prahlad. Hiranyakashipu was an The day was April 28th, 1996. Guruhari Hariprasad Swamiji was at the egotistical king and encouraged people to worship him as a God. ‘Haridham’ temple (Sokhada, India). In just two days, Swamiji was going to depart for vichran (tour) in America. In turn, many devotees However, his own son, Prahlad, was a firm believer of Bhagwan eagerly lined up to meet Swamiji, to . This made Hiranyakashipu extremely upset. As a result, take His , and to get he repeatedly tried to kill Prahlad. Yet, Prahlad kept firm faith in solutions to their problems. Bhagwan Vishnu. After some time, several saints were One such incident is when Hiranyakashipu tried to burn Prahlad. performing acupressure on Swamiji’s Hiranyakashipu’s sister had a boon that granted her immunity hands and feet. Suddenly, one of the from death by fire as long as she wore her magical shawl. saints, Brahmavihari Swami, noticed black scars on Swamiji’s stomach. It was planned that Holika would hold Prahlad and sit in a fire. But Worried about Swamiji’s well-being and health, Brahmavihari Swami at that moment, a great wind blew Holika’s shawl onto Prahlad. In took a closer look and realized they were burn marks. Now deeply turn, Holika burned to ashes while Prahlad walked away unharmed. concerned, Brahmavihari Swami asked Swamiji, “These black scars look like burn marks. How did this happen?” The festival of Holi commemorates the victory of righteousness over evil and signifies the importance of prayer. On this day, people Swamiji was slightly confused by the question. Upon examining the His generally pray to be filled with such purity and devotion, just like stomach, Swamiji realized the presence of black scars, but still did not Prahlad, so that God’s divine protection is always present. respond. “But these scars were not there yesterday. It must have happened very recently. Please tell us what happened.” pleaded Brahmavihari Swami. Pondering for a moment, Swamiji said, “Maybe, it’s because I sometimes do shekh (using a heated water bag to relieve pain) on my stomach. If that bag stays in one spot for too long, I get burned.” Hearing this, Brahmavihari Swami asked, “Didn’t you feel your skin burning while doing shekh?” Swamiji very humbly replied, “When I am having a khangi (private conversation) Cool Fact with devotees, I listen to their questions You don’t just see colors, but you feel them. The and problems very carefully. At that time, I ‘Science of Color’ describes that different colors have completely forget about my body. I did not different effects on your mood, emotions, and even remember that I had a bag of hot water on urges. For example, red and yellow are stimulating my stomach.” colors that increase appetite and energy. Blue has Swamiji is a selfless, compassionate, and divine saint who lives beyond a soothing effect and encourages creative thinking. His physical body. He is so concerned about doing for His devotees White symbolizes cleanliness and purity. A cream and resolving their problems, that He completely disregards His own color promotes humbleness and tranquility, while health. a saffron color brings pious and pure thoughts. So next time you are painting your room or simply deciding your desktop background, choose your color carefully!

Swamiji participating in Holi celebrations and joyfully spreading colored-water. For free subscription to receive Outreach or send feedback, please email us at [email protected] Over 100 youths and Laugh-Out-Loud 100 families gathered to partake in a recent Atmiya PUPIL: “Would you punish me for Youth Conference held something I didn’t do?” in California! All of them made a firm commitment TEACHER: “Of course not.” to attend Atmiya Yuva Mahotsav. Furthermore, they also decided to make a contribution to AYM, which involves PUPIL: “Good, because I didn’t inviting all friends and family and making sure they also get do my homework.” showered with blessings in the divine AYM celebration! “You Illuminated My Footpath, I Will Illuminate Your Mind” Holi marks a very special occasion opportunity to please Gunatitanand In another instance, Gunatitanand in the Swaminarayan Sampraday. It Swami. So instead of continuing with Swami gave divine discourses to marks the birth of Bhagatji Maharaj, the crowd, Pragji went searching for devotees and went to sleep. After a who was born on March 19, 1829 in a watering pot. couple hours, Gunatitanand Swami the town of Mahuva, Gujarat. He awoke in the middle of the night to lived an inspiring life and became There were 300 mango trees in go to the bathroom. Unfortunately, instrumental in propagating the true the grove that required water, but there was no candle lamp available. glory of Bhagwan Swaminarayan and Pragji did not feel discouraged or overwhelmed. He truly felt fortunate Pragji was ready to take on a seva Gunatitanand Swami, collectively at any moment. So without any known as Akshar-Purushottam. for this opportunity to perform seva and fulfill Swami’s request. hesitation, Pragji ripped a piece of Bhagatji Maharaj (also known as Singlehandedly, Pragji fetched water cloth from his paagh (turban) Pragji Bhakt) was born into a simple from a distant river and poured four and made a candle lamp. darjee (tailor) family. Therefore, pots of water for each tree! Using light from this candle, society automatically destined his Pragji illuminated the pathway and future as just another simple tailor. escorted Gunatitanand Swami to But, his destiny instantly changed the bathroom location. when he accepted Gunatitanand After visiting the bathroom, Swami as his guru. Gunatitanand Swami exclaimed, “You rippped a piece of your paagh Pragji’s life exemplifies an ideal to make this candle lamp especially guru-devotee relationship, which is for me!” Pragji just humbly folded his built on unconditional trust, sincere hands. dedication and wholehearted seva (service). Even in insults and dire Gunatitanand Swami then said, “Oh hardships, Pragji kept unshakable Pragji, you illuminated the footpath faith and perseverance to please for me. Now, I will illuminate your Gunatitanand Swami. As a result, mind and soul with purity and take Gunatitanand Swami gifted him with you to Akshardham!” the strength to attain the highest What did Pragji do to receive these spiritual state of true bliss. But what immense blessings? Understanding steps did Pragji take to reach this the inner wish of Gunatitanand stage? Swami, Pragji devoted his time, One time, Gunatitanand Swami was possessions, and physical body in passing through a mango groove on seva. Most importantly, Pragji did the temple premises. He noticed this seva wholeheartedly, without the dry mango trees and remarked, any expectations and with a genuine “These mango trees will wither away drive to please Swami. if they are not watered.” A devotee saw Pragji drenched in Performing seva with the right The devotees agreed that someone sweat and asked, “Pragji, what are intentions is the easiest way to should water these trees, but you doing?” receive the unique blessings of a divine saint. Fortunately, just as they all continued onwards with Pragi replied, “Swami was concerned Gunatitanand Swami to the temple. Pragji had an opportunity to do seva, with the mango trees drying up. we also have the same opportunity. But Pragji realized this as a special So I decided to water these mango trees.” As the celebration of Atmiya Yuva Mahotsav 2015 is just around the The devotee questioned, “But did corner, Guruhari Hariprasad Swamiji Swami actually tell you to water has proclaimed that anyone who these trees?” performs any type of seva for this Pragji replied, “He did not have to celebration, whether it be physically, tell me. This was Swami’s wish, so I mentally, financially or spiritually, must do what pleases Him.” will be gifted with truly divine Pragji not only performed physically- blessings. demanding seva during the day, but he would stay up until late night, just for a chance to do more seva.

Lasting Thought “Every noble thought brings you one step closer to God. These thoughts are like a river, leading to the ocean of divine spirit.” ~ Guruhari Hariprasad Swamiji