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Taste of Entertainment Bake like Northern Lights « Hold julehjertet a winner åpent året rundt. » Film Festival Read more on page 8 – Jessica Archmint Read more on page 15 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 125 No. 47 December 26, 2014 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $2.00 per copy First Prairie Pastry Festival a success

Sleigh rides, caroling, and baked goods sweeten this fundraiser for pediatric cancer

Larrie Wanberg Features Editor

A steady flow of families enjoyed a nostalgic experience at the first annu- al Prairie Pastry Festival in Bismarck, December 9. Held in the historic frontier-town park of “Buckstop Junction,” the fes- tival featured sleigh rides, caroling in a village venue from the past, food and frolic, and old-time music in the 100-year-old Lewis Hotel. Families gathered for hot chocolate and goodies from a buffet table laden with pastries like grandmother used to make. In the large pavilion room, they listened to the toe-tapping music on stage with Bob TeKippe playing songs See > pastries, page 12

What’s inside? News 2-3 Oskoreia Business 4 Sports 5 Norway’s Wild Hunt Opinion 6-7 is a darker side of Jul Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 M. Michael Brady Roots & Connections 10 Asker, Norway Obituaries & Religion 11 Oskoreia is the Norwegian version of In Your Neighborhood 12-13 The Wild Hunt, an ancient European folk Norwegian Heritage 14 myth found in many societies across the Arts & Entertainment 15 continent. Its genealogy is unclear. But the repercussions of an event described in an Photo: Wikimedia Commons Back Page 16 entry in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle for 793 Nils Bergslien’s Julereia presents a somewhat cheery version of the Hunt, despite raging flames in suggests a Viking origin: the background. $1 = NOK 7.388 “In this year dire portents appeared updated 12/19/2014 over Northumbria and sorely frightened the famine immediately followed those signs, plunder and slaughter.” people. They consisted of immense whirl- and a little after that in the same year, on 8 The “heathen men” were Vikings. In comparison winds and flashes of lightning, and fiery June, the ravages of heathen men miserably 11/19/2014 6.7877 dragons were seen flying in the air. A great destroyed God’s church on Lindisfarne, with See > oskoreia, page 14 06/19/2014 6.1222 12/19/2013 6.1587 Photo: (horses) Ellen Schafer 2 • December 26, 2014 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter

Fant 12,000 år gammel hvalknokkel Mads Gilbert får Årets navn Under en gravejobb utenfor huset sitt fant Roger Lerstad fra Flekkerøy Gaza-legen Mads det som kan være en 12,000 år gam- mel hvalknokkel. Det var en grave- Gilbert (67) ble kåret maskinfører som fant hvalknokkelen til Årets navn for 2014 som antageligvis stammer fra istiden, ifølge Agder naturmuseum. — Jeg lot VG knokkelen ligge et par dager før jeg rengjorde den og tok en nærmere titt. — Jeg synes det er overveldende og vel- Jeg har i ettertid fått vite at å vaske dig sterkt å motta denne prisen. Jeg føler jeg den ikke var noen ide. Jeg tenkte at jeg gjør det på vegne av mine kollegaer i Gaza, skulle legge den bort, men så følte jeg sier Gilbert til VG. at jeg burde ringe et museum i tilfelle Lagt for hat av Israels myndigheter, den var av interesse, sier Lerstad. Nå nektet adgang til Gaza der han har reddet har zoolog og museumspedagog Be- menneskeliv i flere tiår, utskjelt og sjikanert ate Strøm Johansen ved Agder natur- av israel-lobbyen i Norge; ingenting biter på museum tatt over knokkelen. Hun ble den ustoppelige legen fra Tromsø. utrolig glad da hun fikk telefonen fra — Det leserne har sett og stemt fram, Flekkerøy-mannen. — Da han ringte er en oppofrende, engasjert norsk lege som Foto: Terje Bringedal / VG og sa at han hadde funnet et ben, dro gjentatte ganger setter eget liv i fare, står VGs sjefredaktør Torry Pedersen overrakte prisen for Årets navn 2014 til Mads Gilbert. jeg ut med en gang, sier Johansen en- midt i et blodbad i Gaza—og har kun ett mål gasjert. Hun har sendt leireprøver og for øyet: å redde livet til så mange barn han reddet dem på operasjonsbordet på akuttme- frem en verdig vinner. Tidligere har prisen benfragmenter videre, og skal nå finne kan klare, sa VGs sjefredaktør Torry Peder- disinsk avdeling. gått til blant andre Kong Olav, Thor Heyer- ut hvor gammel hvalen er og hva slags sen før han overrakte prisen til Gilbert. — Tusen, tusen takk for en uventet, dahl, og Grete Waitz. De senere årene har art som er funnet. Som fagmann, lege og omsorgsfull hel- overraskende og ærefull pris, sa Gilbert. advokat Geir Lippestad, båtheltene i Utvika, (NRK) searbeider er Mads Gilbert en av våre aller — Min takk går også til det norske folk Thor Hushovd og Magnus Carlsen vunnet. Dagen før Gilbert kom til VG, hadde han som har stemt frem solidaritet og klar tale. Mads Gilbert har grublet på hvem som «Tre nøtter til Askepott» blir vært i beste, tilføyde Pedersen. Jeg er og vil alltid være en opprører som vil skulle få pengene, og han har bestemt seg digitalisert — Jeg ser ikke bort fra at mange av VGs slåss for enb bedre verden og det gode liv for at de skal gå til Den USA-baserte soli- Neste jul kan du se Askepott, Jurášek lesere som har stemt på Gilbert også har øn- for alle. Prisen dedikerer jeg til mine tapre daritetsorganisasjonen «Students for Justice og Rozárka i klarere farger og skarpere sket å hedre ham for hans innsats som lege kolleger i Gaza. in Palestine» — som nå er etablert på rundt bilder. Den tsjekkiske juleklassikeren ved Universitetssykehuset i Tromsø i snart Dagen før Gilbert kom til VG, hadde 110 universiteter. «Tre nøtter til Askepott» skal digital- 40 år. Det er ikke få som har Mads Gilbert han vært i Dubai og mottatt Sheikh Hamdan iseres. Filmen er en av ti tsjekkiske å takke for at de er i live – enten fordi Mads Bin Rashids Awards for humanitært arbeid. English Synopsis: Gaza-doctor Mads Gilbert was filmer som mottar EØS-midler for dig- kom på utrykning med ambulansen, eller han Helt siden 1974 har VGs lesere stemt named VG’s Årets navn for 2014 by a solid margin. italisering. De ti filmene ble valgt fra en liste på 200 tsjekkiske filmskatter. Norge bidrar med 7.3 millioner kroner til digitaliseringsprosjektet, melder Regjeringen. Den tsjekkoslovakisk- Fanger til Museinvasjon i Norge østtyske filmen «Tre nøtter til Aske- pott», eller «Tri orísky pro Popelku» Nå som kulda setter som den heter på originalspråket, er en fast del av juleritualene for mange Nederland inn blir norske hytter nordmenn. — Det er fantastisk at Myndigheter underskrev Norge og Tsjekkia deler denne filmen og hus invadert av som en del av vår felles kulturarv, sier en avtale om sending av smågnagere prosjektleder Anna Batistova ved det 242 norske fanger til et tsjekkiske filmarkivet. I dag er filmen lagret på fem tunge filmruller, som til nederlandsk fengsel VG sammen er to kilometer lange. Nega- Aftenposten — I år er det veldig mye mus, hundre tivene skal renses, pusses, repareres ganger mer enn i et bunnår. Vi har ikke sett og digitaliseres. — Den digitaliserte — Vi har altfor få soningsplasser i så mye smågnagere på nærmere 20 år, sier versjonen kommer til å skape en helt Norge i forhold til det behovet vi har. Over seniorforsker Jørund Rolstad ved Norsk in- ny opplevelse for seerne, og vil ligge tid har kapasiteten ikke blitt utbygd. Med stitutt for skog og landskap på Ås til VG. tett opp til hvordan filmen fremsto ved denne avtalen frigjør vi 242 fengselsplasser i Vanligvis går musebestanden i sykluser, premieren i 1973, lover Batistova. Norge nærmest over natta, sier justisminister med et toppår hvert fjerde år. Men i år er det (Aftenposten) Anders Anundsen (Frp) til TV 2. ifølge Rolstad ekstra mye. Fengselet som er leid, heter Norgerhav- — Det er flere årsaker til dette. I tillegg Har importert 462 tonn med juletre- en og ligger i byen Veenhuizen, nord i Ned- til tilgang på mat, spiller klimaet en stor rolle. Foto: Pixabay belysning erland. Det skal drives som en underavdeling Dersom det er lite snø, og barfrost hele vin- I Norge skal mus kanskje invadere hus. Aldri før har nordmenn importert så av Ullersmo fengsel og får en norsk direktør, teren, vil mange mus fryse i hjel. Men hvis mye julevarer som i år. Rekordmeng- men med nederlandske ansatte. det er godt med snø, overlever gjerne 60–70 — Jeg har ti-femten feller stående, og der med julepynt har funnet veien til — Jeg håper at vi i løpet av neste som- prosent. Mus går ikke i hi som bjørnen, og der smeller det stadig vekk. I gamle hus som norske hjem. I oktober importerte nor- mer kan begynne å sende fanger til Neder- lager seg ganger under snøen der det er god ikke er tette kan man nesten samle så mange dmenn mer julepynt enn i oktober og land. Det er først og fremst personer med isolasjon mot kulden. man vil. Blir det fem til ti kuldegrader nå, november til sammen i 2013, nærmere lange dommer, hvor det ikke er aktuelt med — I et bunnår kan vi få én mus på 300 blir det enda flere mus i kjelleren, sier han. bestemt 1,400 tonn. Mesteparten av permisjoner ennå. Det kan også være uten- feller. I et toppår som nå kan det være 150 Forskeren sier det skal veldig lite til for julepynten kommer fra Kina. Det er landske personer som soner og som har et mus i det samme antallet feller. Vi antar at at en mus skal klare å komme seg inn i en Statistisk sentralbyrå (SSB) som kom utvisningsvedtak, sier justisministeren. det kan være rundt hundre mus på et dekar, hytte eller et hus, ofte gjennom ventiler eller med tallene for årets juleimport. Tal- Han fremmet forslaget om å sende nor- men dette varierer selvsagt fra sted til sted. sprekker i grunnmur og kledning. lene viser også at juletrærne våre vil ske fanger til Nederland i fjor, og i slutten av Rolstad sier at musebestanden kan øke Han mener finmasket netting på utsatte skinne som aldri før. I oktober og no- november bekreftet Justisdepartementet at voldsomt i løpet av noen korte sommer- steder, og rikelig med musefeller, er den vember i år har vi nemlig importert det pågikk forhandlinger om leie av fengsel. måneder. beste måten å gardere seg mot museinvasjon 462 tonn med juletrebelysning. Det De innsatte skal beholde tilsvarende — Siden mus kan få både tre og fire på. er over 110 tonn mer enn i tilsvarende rettigheter som de ville hatt ved soning i et ungekull i løpet av sommeren, mangedobles — Feller med en ostebit eller pølsebit på periode i fjor. Også mesteparten av norsk fengsel. antallet når høsten kommer. Når det blir er effektivt. Musene er veldig sultne nå. dette kommer fra Kina. veldig stor bestand, antar vi at mange blir (NRK) English Synopsis: Norwegian authortities have stresset og dør av det. English Synopsis: There are many more mice in Nor- agreed to send 242 Norwegian prisoners to a prison Rolstad har allerede fanget flere titalls way this year than usual, leading to mice invasions in in the Netherlands starting in the summer of 2015. mus i sin egen kjeller. cabins and houses as the temperature drops. Norwegian american weekly December 26, 2014 • 3 news page Half of Norway’s This week in brief Reindeer at risk Prime Minister: Falling oil prices will wait staff foreign force us to make changes Grazing land along Foreigners in the hospitality “We went to election because we think the Norwegian- sector keep Norwegians we need to adjust in order to protect our welfare in the future. That adjustment Finnish border could eating and drinking comes a little sooner than expected due become overgrazed to falling oil prices,” told Michael Sandelson reporters when she summed up the year The Foreigner at a press conference last week. Both oil Lyndsey Smith prices and the value of the Krone are decreasing. The Foreigner 47 percent of waiting and service per- Solberg has no doubts that the fall sonnel have a foreign background, accord- in oil prices forces the government to Land used to graze reindeer could be- ing to the report commissioned by Norway’s navigate in a more unstable landscape. come overgrazed. This could cause suffer- Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Fisheries. At the same time, the Prime Minister ing, or death in some cases. This was over twice the number working in was not pessimistic about the future of Grazing ground on the Finnish side of 2003—which was 22 percent in that year. the Norwegian economy, and under- the border has become grey due to overgraz- The report, compiled by Nordic Socio- lined that there is no sign of a crisis. ing. There is concern that this could also economic and Policy Consultancy company “All estimates show continued growth, happen on the Norwegian side. DAMVAD, also shows that 56 percent of but a lower growth than previously es- Researchers at Norway’s Northern Re- foreign origin and so-termed ethnic Norwe- Photo: Mats Andersson / Flickr timated, and lower than what we esti- search Institute (Norut) believe the amount Norway’s reindeer population must be dramati- gian staff are under 30 years of age. mated in the national budget,” she says. of food in this area for reindeer is record low. cally reduced to avoid overgrazing. Another contributor to the report was (Norway Post / NRK) The density and quality of land that can Economic Analysis Norway, a group of be used for grazing on Finnmarksvidda has Rolfsen told NRK. economists that perform analysis and con- fallen dramatically since 1987. There was 19 Last month, the Norwegian broadcaster sultancy work. Roger Bjørnstad, chief econ- Norway helps restore tropical forests percent available then, it is now down to as reported that the area had too many reindeer. omist at the group, tells the Foreigner why At the UN climate change conference in little as four percent, according to the Nor- Authorities warned they will impose he believes that there are so many foreigners Lima, Norway announced the allocation wegian Agriculture Agency (Landbruksdi- fines of between 10,000 and 140,000 Norwe- and young people working in this sector. of NOK 76 million for a new project to rektoratet, (Norwegian), Eanandoallodirek- gian kroner on reindeer herd owners. These “The sector is one of the remaining ones support the restoration of forests and toráhtta, (Northern Sámi)). financial penalties run until animal numbers in Norway with low recruitment costs and landscapes in the tropics. “The changes are dramatic over time. are reduced to pre-approved levels—18,288 which needs workers with low to medium- “This is a very important climate Now we’re down to the lowest level we by April 1, 2015, instead of 95,838 as of No- high education levels. It’s also one of the measure for the future,” says Norwe- have [ever] measured during this period [of gian Minister of Climate and the Envi- the year],” Agency Managing Director Jørn See > reindeer, page 5 See > foreigners, page 6 ronment, Tine Sundtoft. “I am very pleased to announce this new project. The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Possible spying under investigation Change shows that we cannot achieve climate targets just by reducing emis- sions. We also need to increase the False mobile base global absorption of greenhouse gases and actively capture carbon from the at- stations have been mosphere. Restoring forests is a climate measure that does just this,” the Minis- discovered in ter says. (Norway Post) Michael Sandelson The Foreigner ESA sues Norway for high levels of air pollution A new report shows that the air in Oslo “We’re taking this very seriously and is so polluted at times that people with doing our own analyses,” National Security heart and lung diseases die shortly after Authority (NSM) communications direc- days when the quality of the air is very tor Mona Strøm Arnøy told The Foreigner, poor. On Thursday afternoon it became Saturday, Dec. 13. She makes her comments known that EFTA’s surveillance author- following Aftenposten’s revelations that Photo: John Erling Blad / Wikimedia Commons ity (ESA) has sued Norway for breach- central Oslo-located false mobile base sta- Many of the false base stations were found in the vicinity of Stortinget, Norway’s parliament. ing the EU’s air quality directive. tions have likely been deployed to monitor “Numbers that ESA has collected top politicians and others. Journalists, who discovered a consider- customized Android devices, disguised as from Norwegian authorities show that Law enforcement and intelligence agen- able number of IMSI Catchers in the vicinity a Samsung Galaxy S3, constantly monitor the level of toxic emissions is too high cies use these so-termed IMSI Catchers (In- of the Parliament and Prime Minister’s Of- baseband processor activity. The device, in certain areas. Even though Norway ternational Mobile Subscriber Identity), to fice, made 57 journeys and recorded 50,000 which also detects and informs the user of has implemented measures to help re- eavesdrop on mobile calls and track users’ measurements over a 100-kilometer road baseband attacks and initiates automatic duce the pollution, we are not satisfied movements. They are illegal for sale to the distance (about 62 miles) in Oslo. They then countermeasures, offers defense-grade secu- with their progress,” says ESA’s presi- general public. Which persons or organiza- checked the data for errors such as signal rity, according to the manufacturer. dent, Oda Helen Sletnes, to VG. tions are behind their use in the Norwegian strength, bad or construction-hindered cov- The material journalists found was The report, issued by the Norwe- capital is not yet known. erage, and uncertain GPS positions. The passed to the Police Security Service (PST), gian Institute of Public Health, the Nor- To carry investigations out, Aftenposten mobile recorded some 122 “extremely sus- the NSM, the Norwegian Post and Telecom- wegian Roads Administration and the staff employed the German-made Crypto- picious” incidents, and indicated that suspi- munications Authority (NPT), the Oslo Po- Faculty of Medicine, has concluded that Phone 500 mobile to discover these facilities cious base stations were possibly in the area. the mortality rate in Oslo is at its highest between Oct. 10 and Nov. 21 this year. CryptoPhone 500s, highly-encrypted See > base stations, page 15 point three to five days after the air pol- lution has reached its peak levels. theforeigner.no is one of the top sources for English-language news Researchers have compared 50,000 There are no foreign and features from Norway. Subscriptions start at NOK 49 per month deaths in Oslo in a period of ten years. They have compared the mortality rates «lands. It is the traveler among people aged 50 and higher, and looked at the exact date for the air pol- only who is foreign. lution in Oslo from day to day. – Robert Louis Stevenson » (Norway Post / VG / Aftenposten) 4 • December 26, 2014 norwegian american weekly Business Business News & Notes Historic drop for the Norwegian Krone the Norwegian Krone is far from over. He re- A social guidebook The value of Norwegian Krone has not fallen fers to 2008, when the Euro was worth NOK this much against the Euro since the common 10.17. “The movements the past few months Julien Bourrelle, a Norwegian transplant from European currency was introduced in 1999. have been surprisingly similar,” Østnor ex- “We see a massive plunge of the Norwegian plains. Canada, has written a guide to help people Krone. This day [Dec. 16] makes history as The significant fall in oil prices will hit the one with a record-high drop in the value the Norwegian economy in 2015. The con- understand each other better across cultures of the Krone,” says Ole Håkon Eek-Nielsen, sequence will be slower economic growth, chief analyst in Norway’s second-largest fi- lower salary growth, and higher unemploy- nancial group, Nordea. ment. However, despite the drop, the conse- “From the lowest point to the highest, quences will not be too severe, DnB predicts. the price of the Euro has increased by 0.64 “We are moving towards a soft landing Kroner. This has never happened before, not for the Norwegian economy. However, the even during the financial crisis in 2008,” years ahead will be tougher than what we Eek-Nielsen tells NRK. have been used to the past ten years,” says According to the analyst, the weaker Senior Economist at DnB, Kjersti Haugland. Krone is most likely an impulse from a drop The economy is expected to grow by in oil prices, but the Krone has declined 1.1 percent in 2015, less than half of the ex- more in relation to the fall in oil prices that pected inflation. Unemployment will also what it has done before. At this point, a Euro rise up to four percent, according to DnB’s costs NOK 9.50. prognosis. Currency strategist Magne Østnor in (Norway Post / NRK) DnB tells NRK that the turbulence against Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (Dec. 19, 2014) Winners Losers Norsk Kr. 7.3881 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Dansk Kr. 6.0850 Petrolia 8.25 16.36% AGR Group 0.14 -22.22% Panoro Energy 1.72 12.42% Scana Industrier 0.80 -11.11% Svensk Kr. 7.7488 Weifa 0.73 10.61% Navamedic 11.00 -6.78% Islandsk Kr. 126.82 Reach Subsea 3.50 9.37% Archer 4.26 -6.58% Photo: Artur Wilczynski / Twitter Polaris Media 23.90 8.64% Seadrill 88.45 -6.10% Canadian $ 1.1609 Julien Bourrelle, center, with Artur Wilczynski, Lars-Kåre Legernes, and a copy of his book, at the Euro 0.8180 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. Canadian Norwegian Business Association Christmas party.

Rasmus Falck petitiveness of Norwegian businesses by Be our friend on Facebook! Oslo, Norway improving communication within multi- cultural environments. Moving to Norway facebook.com/naweekly Norway is a beautiful country full of has been by far the most challenging cultural opportunities, and challenges. Great peo- experience of his life. His message is that ple live here; however, Norwegians follow what you perceive, or understand, from what Business and individual unique norms and traditions when com- you see is highly influenced by your cultural tax returns; audits; forensic municating and socializing. A good under- background. Cultural intelligence is the abil- standing and awareness of unwritten social ity to understand the impact of an individu- accounting; financial rules and rituals is necessary for people to al’s cultural background on their behaviors. statement preparation; connect. That is why the Canadian Julien S. It is essential for effective communication litigation support. Bourrelle wrote an illustrated introduction, and for socializing within different cultures. Certified Public Accountants “The Social Guidebook to Norway.” According to the author, in Norway equality is not about equality of opportuni- 221 First Avenue West Suite 400 Lower Queen Anne location, easy parking. Bourrelle is educated as a rocket scien- Seattle, Washington 98119 tist. He has lived in five countries and speaks ty. It is about equality of results. The most four languages. He was the first foreign talented help the less gifted so that all end Phone: 206.292.1747 • Online: loecpa.com • Email: [email protected] board member of the Norwegian University up being average. Norwegians use quotas to of Science and Technology (NTNU) and sat ensure equality of results. Gender points are on the Norwegian National Research Com- given to enter programs at university. Lead- mittee. The book grew from his experience ership training is offered, often only for one living and integrating with numerous cul- gender. The wellbeing of society prevails tures. His work on intercultural communica- over providing equal treatment to everyone. tion attracted noticeable attention on the na- Do not worry. It is positive discrimination. tional scene in Norway. He is about to finish A good side of the Norwegian equalitarian his PhD at NTNU. society is that there is a good balance in soci- He wrote the book to help Norwegians ety. With similar social classes there is little and foreigners to better communicate, so- criminality, even if it may sometime feel un- cialize, and connect inside and outside the fair on an individual basis. workplace. It’s helpful for Norwegians to Equality of results and similar social learn about their own behaviors, how those classes brings positive aspects. People com- may be perceived, and how to reach out and municate better. Everyone has enough in- ENJOY ALL LIFE connect with foreigners. Foreigners learn to come. Norwegians are honest and trustful. HAS TO OFFER better understand the peculiar ways in which Do not worry if you leave your laptop un- Your family, your lifestyle, your dreams—all come Norwegians communicate, the local social attended in a coffee shop, or if you forget with changing expenses. Life insurance can codes, and the socialization logic that Nor- your mobile phone on the bus. The book’s keep pace with the way you live, offering protection today plus future tax advantages and a source wegians follow. illustrator does this every month. He always of potential income to help with retirement It might help employers benefit from gets it back. expenses later. diversity by improving communication at Visit Thrivent.com/na, or contact a the workplace, and provide a platform for Rasmus Falck is a strong financial representative to learn more or to foreign employees to contribute to their full schedule a checkup. innovation and entrepre- potential. It also provides crucial insight into neurship advocate. The INSURANCE CHECKUP some of the behavior that Norwegians may author of “What do the want to adopt when working on international best do better” and “The Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial, the marketing name for Thrivent Financial contracts and abroad. All levels of society board of directors as a for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available in all states. Thrivent Financial representatives are licensed insurance agents/producers of Thrivent. For additional important information, visit Thrivent.com/disclosures. can benefit from this increased understand- resource in SME,” he re- Thrivent Financial and its representatives and employees cannot provide legal, accounting, or tax advice or services. Work with ing; Bourrelle has even lectured for HRH ceived his masters degree your Thrivent Financial representative and, as appropriate, your attorney and tax professional for additional information. Crown Prince Haakon. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-847-4836 • Bourrelle wants to increase the com- currently lives in Oslo, Norway. 28145NBC R12-14 norwegian american weekly December 26, 2014 • 5 sports Norwegian skiers dominate the podium Norway starts off the ski season strong with diverse talent and an impeccable record

distance finals, with two topping the podium. Therese Johaug took the victory, and Marit Molly Jones Bjørgen got the silver. The Finnish Kerttu Norwegian American Weekly Niskanen earned third place. And just as the women swept the com- Winning nine out of ten races so far petition, the Norwegian men demonstrated this season, Norway’s skiers look even more outstanding performances in Davos. promising than usual. Six different Norwe- The gold in the sprint went to 24-year-old gians have taken home a gold thus far, with Finn-Hågen Krogh who, like Flugstad Østberg, 13 making it onto the podium. And several won his first World Cup victory in Davos. have won a medal more than once already, “I was extra nervous today, and with with Norwegians claiming 24 of 30 medals. good reason. I felt pretty anxious, even after There have been five races so far: the the semifinals. The plan was to speed ahead sprint and distance runs in Kuusamo, Fin- in the final and hope it keep it up,” said land; the mini tour in Lillehammer, Norway; Krogh to NRK after his win. and the most recent sprint and distance races “I finally did it, and it feels very good. in Davos, Switzerland. My form has been good the last couple weeks Both the women and the men thrived at and I was very determined to win today. I the World Cup races in Davos. went for it and kept it up the whole way.” The Norwegian women took over all The Norwegian men had four of six three spots on the podium in the sprint, with positions in the sprint finals, along with the 24-year-old Ingvild Flugstad Østberg in first Swedish Halfvarsson and Russian Petukhov. place. This was the first World Cup win for But the Norwegians topped the competition Flugstad Østberg, who also took home a gold once again, bringing home all of the med- in the team sprint and silver in the individual als. Behind Krogh, Anders Gløersen came in sprint at the Sochi Olympics earlier this year. second, and Eirik Brandsdal in third. “I have worked very hard for this and In the distance finals, Norway was rep- have been very close to a World Cup vic- resented by three of the six skiers. Martin tory many times. To cross this line first and Johnsrud Sundby claimed the gold, while alone was delightful,” said Flugstad Østberg Didrik Tønseth took the silver. The bronze to NRK. went to the Swiss Dario Cologna, followed Already in first place at the start of the Photo: ingvildflugstad / Instagram by the remaining Norwegian, Sjur Røthe, in day with victories in the sprint prologue and Ingvild Flugstad Østberg, center, was a big winner at the World Cup. fourth place. her heats in the quarterfinals and semifinals, “Norway has so many good cards. It is Flugstad Østberg was determined to achieve “She can ski long distances in both clas- son, who came in last after breaking her pole not just Johaug and Bjørgen but also Østberg her first World Cup win. sic and freestyle. She is probably one of the early in the race. Maiken Caspersen Falla and Falla who are ready to take over. Nor- cross-country skiing expert, next that can step up to win the overall World and Celine Brun-Lie made it to the podium, way has many good skiers, and they must be Morten Djupvik, was very impressed with Cup,” comments Djupvik. coming in second and third, respectively. good early in the season. The international Flugstad Østberg’s performance and expects Out of the six athletes to make it to the Marit Bjørgen in fourth and Heidi Wang in competition only gets tougher throughout to see more of her in the future, and in more sprint finals, five were Norwegians. The only fifth place followed. the season,” comments Djupvik, looking races than the sprint. non-Norwegian was the Swede Stina Nils- Three Norwegian women made it to the ahead to a promising season. Sports News & Notes MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE Norway lifts ban on professional boxing Bjørgen retains the overall and sprint The Norwegian Parliament has voted to lift world cup leaders bib, although Østberg is Attorneys and counselors at law the 33-year old ban on professional boxing just 18 points behind in the sprint standings. in Norway. The vote was 54 to 48. (NRK / Aftenposten) This means that Norway’s “Boxing Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, Queen” Cecilia Brækhus and other Norwe- Ski jumping: Victory for Fannemel commercial transactions and estate planning. gian boxers may fight in Norway, probably Norway’s Anders Fannemel (23) won the ski as soon as next year. jumping World Cup event at Nizny Tagil, (Norway Post / NRK / Aftenposten) Russia, on Saturday, Dec. 13. In Sunday’s 2501 NW 65th St, P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 event, which was limited to one round due to Cross Country: Clean sweep by Norway strong wind, Fannemel placed second. Ger- Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 Norway’s cross country athletes Finn Hågen many’s Sigmund Freund won. Krogh and Ingvild Flugstad Østberg record- Fannemel still leads the World Cup over- ed their first ever World Cup victories in the all, with 430 points, ahead of Freund with 361. men’s and women’s sprint races in Davos, (NRK / Aftenposten) Switzerland on Sunday, Dec. 14. Norway secured a clean sweep in both Handball: Hungary-Norway 29-25 races with Krogh joined on the podium by Norway’s women lost 25-29 to Hungary in Anders Glørsen in second and Eirik Brands- their last match of group play in the Euro- dal in third. pean Women Handball Championship on In the women’s 1.3km sprint final, Wednesday, Dec. 17. Hungary led 15-11 at which saw Stina Nilsson as the only non- halftime. However, Norway was already Norwegian athlete, Østberg crossed the line qualified for the semifinal, having won all first, ahead of Maiken Caspersen Falla and other group matches. Celine Brun-Lie, with Bjørgen fourth. (NRK / Aftenposten)

< reindeer than 22,000 square kilometers (over 8,495 From page 3 square miles), it is Norway’s largest plateau. Finnmarksvidda lies about 300 to 500 meters vember this year. (some 985 to 1,640 feet) above sea level. The Finnmarksvidda translated into English lowest levels can be found in the plateau’s is “Finnmark plateau,” or Finnmárkkoduot- eastern part near Karasjok (Kárášjohka) and tar in Northern Sámi. With an area of more Tana (Deatnu). 6 • December 26, 2014 norwegian american weekly opinion < foreigners An opinion column about current issues in From page 3 Norway and the United States gateways to Norwegian working life.” Workers from Asia represent the stron- Join the conversation! gest growth in restaurant, bar, and takeaway On the EDGE employees. “Norway is also experiencing A victory for the good folks of Lake Wobegon the highest immigration numbers in Europe compared to the size of the population.” will be able to contribute $1.3 “Moreover, it’s important to remember million to various party com- James Bruno that Norway is the country in Europe with mittees in a two-year election the smallest wage gaps, high relative wag- Washington, D.C. cycle. es, and relatively low unemployment. This And you can bet your gives people with low education and the un- Even in a time of elephantine vanity and lutefisk that this Niagara of employed elsewhere quite a high incentive greed, one never has to look far to see the campaign cash will whet to come and work here,” explains Bjørnstad. campfires of gentle people. even more the appetites of Extensive use of part-time and temporary ~ Garrison Keillor rich-as-Croesus plutocrats to labor, as well as a high proportion of non- play ambassador. The aver- Norwegian workers characterize the food and There is hope for American democ- age amount raised to buy the beverage industry, states the report. “While racy after all. Against a torrent of politi- choicest embassies has gone there has been little change in age and gender cal cash and the power and prestige of the from $800,000 in 2000 to distribution over time, the use of labor utiliz- White House, the Norwegian-American $1.79 million in the last pres- ing [people of a] foreign background has in- community has succeeded in derailing idential election. The new creased significantly,” the document reads. the appointment of George Tsunis as U.S. campaign donation allow- Successful Norwegian businessman ambassador to Norway. A Long Island ance, on the heels of the Citi- Olav Thon, and immigrant multi-millionaire hotel magnate who won the nomination zens United case, will make Tommy Sharif, have both slammed young after showering President Obama and Photo: C-SPAN the sky the limit. And our na- Norwegians’ lackluster work attitudes. key senators with over a million dollars George Tsunis in his Senate confirmation hearing. tional security be damned as “The food and beverage service indus- in campaign contributions, Mr. Tsunis foreign policy is sold to the try, like many other Norwegian industries, gained notoriety by parading his abject dia, news contacts, collaboration with like- highest bidders. experiences difficulties recruiting sufficient ignorance of Norway and its form of gov- minded groups and hard-nosed lobbying of So, let us salute our intrepid citizens numbers of skilled staff,” states the report. ernment during his confirmation hear- senators, they managed to get at least four of Norwegian descent, follow their ex- The Foreigner asked Professor Reidar ing before the Senate Foreign Relations Democrats (Klobuchar, Franken, Johnson, ample and implore them to fire up their Johan Mykletun, of the Norwegian School Committee earlier this year. He exceeded Heitkamp) to come out against the Tsunis Viking blood again to fight the good fight of Hotel Management at the University of even the disgracefully low standards of nomination. And no arm-twisting by the against the cash-fueled political corrup- Stavanger, why more foreigners than Nor- other Obama ambassadorial nominees, White House could reverse their positions. tion that is corroding our society. As they wegians choose to work in this sector. including the TV soap opera assistant The Norwegian-American activists even say in Lake Wobegon, “Sometimes you “Firstly, it’s the size of the salary; it’s producer Colleen Bell and Democratic reached out to me, and I was impressed with have to look reality straight in the eye— not very well paid. Then there are the unso- Party operative Noah Mamet, confirmed their resolve. It became starkly clear to the and deny it.” ciable working hours.” this week as ambassadors to Hungary dark politico-wizards in the Executive Man- “Thirdly, many of these jobs are dead- and Argentina, respectively. They won sion that they lacked the numbers to ram end ones. People would have to move to an- confirmation in partisan votes, having the nominee through the lame duck Senate James Bruno is a best- other sector if they want another job, which bundled millions for the president. as they had with Bell and Mamet. They had selling author. He has results in a high staff turnover. On the other To his credit, Mr. Tsunis told News- bumped against mighty Galdhøpiggen. been featured on many hand, the food and beverage service industry day, “Norway has been without an am- I, for one, find it amazing that one fairly national and interna- tional media outlets. is positive, because it provides an opening bassador for two years and the overarch- small constituency, one with very modest re- Bruno is a contributor for employment and pay. It’s good news, in ing thing should be: Let’s get them a first- sources, could win, like David against Goli- to Politico Magazine ath, against Big Money and Big Politics. It that way,” explains the professor, who was rate ambassador.” Indeed. and an instructor at the report’s third co-author. Not known for being rock-the-boat gives hope that grassroots organizing can still ThrillerFest. Bruno served as a diplomat Stavanger-based law firm Bull & Co. type people, Norwegian-Americans have have a positive impact even as our enlight- with the U.S. Department of State for twen- was the fourth contributor to the report. It achieved quite a feat. Incensed over the ened House of Representatives has passed ty-three years and currently is a member of was handed to Minister of Trade and Indus- president’s cash-driven nomination of an a spending bill that would increase allowed the Diplomatic Readiness Reserve, subject try Monica Mæland on Wednesday, Dec. 17. insultingly unqualified man to represent campaign contributions from individuals by to worldwide duty on short notice. He holds Saying that it “contains several impor- the United States in their ancestral land, tenfold. Once this becomes law, the current M.A. degrees from the U.S. Naval War Col- tant findings,” the Minister added that “I they quietly, yet meticulously organized flood of cash corrupting our political system lege and Columbia University, and a B.A. worked at an outdoor restaurant, cafeteria, an effort to oppose it. Through social me- will become a tsunami. A married couple from George Washington University. and in catering in my youth.” “It gave me valuable experience,” she The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. commented in a statement. God Jul This Christmas, give the gift of heritage $59 for new U.S. subscriptions Special Offer: $79 for Canada and $179 for Int’l subscriptions Sorry, not valid on renewals. Offer good through Dec. 31, 2014.

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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@na- Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly weekly.com • Website: www.na-weekly.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $70 domestic; USD $94 to Canada; USD $212 to Norway and all other foreign countries. norwegian american weekly December 26, 2014 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Write to us at Norwegian American Weekly, Letter to the Editor, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115, or email us at [email protected], subject line Publisher: Norwegian American Foundation Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity, or length. Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun [email protected] Copy Editor Harry Svenkerud [email protected] Lista vs. Lister Norwegian American Weekly Advertising Evan Deam [email protected] Dear Editor, Subscriptions Greetings from North Carolina. John Erik Stacy [email protected] As usual, I read the NAW immediately Photo(s) of the Week and ignore other mail until finished! I enjoyed Editorial Assistant Molly Jones [email protected] reading about the “Lister Ladies explore...” The article refers to ladies coming from the Contributors southwestern part of Norway. I have been Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. there several times, and the town of LISTA Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. still exists. I never saw a sign of “LISTER.” Carla Danziger McLean, Va. / Albany, Calif. Daughters of Norway Members Various Perhaps the ladies wish to change the name, Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. but the town remains LISTA—I believe. Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway Marit Fosse G geneva, Switzerland Sunny Gandara Beacon, N.Y. Sincerely, Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. Arnie Nelson Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Dear Arnie, Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. I haven’t been to that part of Norway Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. myself, so I’m certainly no expert, but the in- Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. Whitney Love Stavanger, Norway ternet tells me that “Lister” is the name for a Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C. region covering the municipalities Farsund, David Nikel Trondheim, Norway Roy Jorgensen Hopewell Junction, N.Y Hægebostad, Flekkefjord, Kvinesdal, and Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. Lyngdal. So one might not see a sign for it, Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. but it might still be a real place. David Moe S sun City, Calif. Readers, have I got that right? Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Barbara K. Rostad Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Sincerely, Daytona Strong Seattle, Wash. Editor Judith Gabriel Vinje Los Angeles, Calif. Norwegian American Weekly strives to make High gas prices its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Dear Editor, Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy, and/ Norway has the highest gas prices in the or space, and the right not to print submissions world, I read in the news. deemed libelous, in poor taste, or not suited for Cars contribute to global warming, ac- publication in this newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers cording to politically correct consent. Limit- are not necessarily those of Norwegian American ing Norwegians’ opportunities in buying and Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, using cars helps—in a small way and by gov- suggestions, and complaints about the opinions ernment extortion—save the whole planet! expressed by the paper’s editorials should be Norwegian taxpayers know full well Photos: Solveig Lee directed to the publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published weekly except the first week that bureaucrats and the government do not A Scandinavian Feast at Big Lake Bar & Grill: lutefisk, prime meat, meatballs, fishballs, pork of the calendar year, the week after Easter, the need that money! Accumulated wealth from loin, potatoes, and peas. Lots of Johnsons were in attendance—the first three tables were filled last week of July, and the first two weeks ofA ugust by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Please the North Sea could last for generations. with Norwegian and Swedish Johnsons whose Skagit heritage goes back to Conway Hill, Cedardale, and Fir Island. Larry Johnson (top) remembers all the early times in the history of send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. NE And ouch. The gas tax burden weighs Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription the area south of Mount Vernon, Wash. Bottom photo, left to right: Nils Haugen, Kathy Tarbox, heaviest on those who can barely afford the Cost: US $70 Domestic, US $94 to Canada, US Mike Tarbox, Howard Raf, Kathy Raf, and Ida Haugen. $212 to Norway and all other foreign countries. necessity of an old car for getting to work. Submitted by Solveig Lee. SINCE MAY 17, 1889: And in addition, causes higher transportation Formerly Norway Times costs and subsequent higher food prices for Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? Western Viking & Washington Posten everybody—again affecting that poorer part Email [email protected] or mail your photo with photo credit and caption. Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten of the population the worst! og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Posten, Norrona, and Skandinaven *** Please note: there will be no Jan. 2 paper! *** Gunnar Unnelad NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Edmonds, Wash. We will return on Jan. 9. Have the happiest of new years!

Han Ola og Han Per with new translations by John Erik Stacy

Do you hear Lars mouthing How long shall he sit off to you, Værmor? on top of the chimney? He’s gonna sit there until he behaves if it takes all winter. 8 • December 26, 2014 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway From the Prairie Pastry Festival to you Ready for a treat? Brian and Jason Jacobs share their family’s award-winning recipes

Photos: Ellen Schafer Left: Prairie Pastry Festival top prize was an Apple-filled Bohemian Bouckta made by Brian Jacobs from his maternal great grandmother’s recipe. The top ones in this photo are partially baked, awaiting finishing at the festival. Right: Runner-up prize at the Prairie Pastry Festival was Kolaches by brother Jason Jacob. The dough for Boukta and Kolaches come from the same recipe, but have differ- ent fruit fillings like apple or pineapple and are shaped differently.

Sweet dough for Boukta or buns Poppy seed Boukta filling

4 1/2 tsp. dry yeast 1 tbsp. salt 1 pound poppy seeds soaked overnight 2 1/2 cups sugar 7.2 oz. warm water 3 eggs (or bring them to boil in a microwave 1 tsp. cinnamon 12 oz. evaporated milk 5 tbsp. melted lard and let sit one hour) 1/2 tsp. salt 9.6 oz. hot water 8-9 cups flour 1/4 cup butter 2 tbsps. concentrated orange juice or 1 6 1/2 tbsp. sugar 3 cups milk tbsp. grated orange rind 2 cups raisins Soak dry yeast in warm water and add to evaporated milk. Mix in hot water, sugar, and salt. Add eggs, lard, and half of the flour and beat to mix. Grind soaked poppy seed. Add the rest of the flour—it should be a soft dough—then cover and let rise until double Add all the rest of the ingredients and simmer slowly until thick. in size. Punch down and let rise for 15 minutes more.

For Boukta: Roll dough to 1/4” thick and cut into 2” squares. Hand stretch and place 1-1/2 tbsp. of filling in center. Lift corners together and keeping Orange marmalade-pineapple filling one finger under the flaps pinch the four corners together (forming a four cornered pouch). Then lightly pinch the four seams together. Let rise 30-45 minutes. Bake at 375 degrees on middle rack until bottoms are light 2 cups orange marmalade 1/2 cup dark brown sugar brown, about 15-20 min. Brush finished Boukta with butter and sprinkle with sugar. 1 14-oz. can crushed pineapple, 1 tsp. ground nutmeg squeezed and drained of excess liquid 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper For Kolaches: Make a dough ball slightly larger than a golf ball, then stretch it into a disk with an indentation in the middle. Let rise 30 minutes. Stretch again, keeping the indentation For Kolaches, combine marmalade and pineapple and fill pastries with that. Mix spices in the middle. and sprinkle over Kolaches before baking. Fill center with 2 tbsp. of filling and let rise another 30 minutes. Bake at 375 degrees on For Boukta, combine all ingredients together before filling. middle rack until bottoms are light brown, about 15-20 min. norwegian american weekly December 26, 2014 • 9 travel Are you a virtual pilgrim yet? Walk Norway’s Pilgrim’s Route without the expense of an international flight

Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C.

At the beginning of this year, The Sons of Norway invited us to become virtual pil- grims and to walk the Old Kings Highway from Oslo to Nidaros (Trondheim). We could start at any time in 2014 but we had to complete the 623 kilometers (387 miles) by the end of 2015. If you haven’t started yet, you still have time. This is a wonderful way to see Norway and to learn about its history, ge- ography, and culture as an armchair trav- eler. To begin your journey, go to the Sons of Norway homep- age (www.sofn.com). Then click on Sons of Norway Virtual Pil- grimage under HIGH- LIGHTS. After you log in, the Pilgrimage will appear. Photos: (clockwise from top) Morten Dreier / Here you will find materials related to Wikimedia Commons, Wikimedia Commons, each stop along the way. But it is not only CH / Visitnorway.com, Wikimedia Commons a question of you reading at your computer. Above: Nidaros Cathedral in the winter sun. This You also have to walk! You will keep track is your goal. of the miles you actually walk on the record Left: A neo-gothic church in Kampen, Oslo, is card provided on the site. one of your stops along the way. Bottom left: A pilgrim has reached Nidaros. I finally began my virtual journey last Far left: A marker along the route. Only 488 km week. So far I have read all the materials for to go! the first part of Leg A and have walked 20 km (12.4 miles). My pilgrimage began in Oslo. I learned about Oslo’s history as Norway’s capital. I visited many of Oslo’s main attractions. I went to Gamle Oslo (Old Oslo) and vis- ited the Medieval Park (Middelalderparken). Next I went to Memorial Park (also called Ruins Park) where I saw the ruins of Os- lo’s oldest church, St. Halvard’s Cathedral, named after Oslo’s patron saint. I also visit- ed the neo-Gothic Kampen Church and two St. Olaf stands in front of the hotel. Gothic churches, Østre Aker and Furuset. In addition to learning about the places Find us online: www.marinamarket.com Then I went to the Stovner district in I visited, I also read overviews of the history the northeast corner of Oslo where I vis- of religion in Norway and the importance Home of the ited the Stovner Senter, a very large shop- of the Norwegian stave churches. I learned ping center with 100 shops. The last stop about the history of akevitt, too! Licorice Shrine was Gjelleråsen, a village just north of Oslo. I am now ready to go on to Checkpoint with over 300 licorices! Here I took a tour of the bottling company #2 of Leg A. Marina Market Arcus AS, the largest supplier of alcohol in I would love to hear from any of you 18882 Front Street • Poulsbo, WA 98370 Norway. who are going on this pilgrimage. It would Phone: (888) 728-0837 • Fax: (360) 779-4315 I spent the night at Hotel Olavsgaard in be fun to compare notes and encourage each email: [email protected] Skjetten. It is a very popular first night desti- other along the way. Contact me at cfmelo- nation for pilgrims. An impressive statue of [email protected]. We stock all your favorite treats and hard-to-find items from Scandinavia!

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10 • December 26, 2014 norwegian american weekly Roots & Connections

29. desember Jenny Hodnefield Mossbank Sask Canada 6. januar Arlene K. Brandal Coupeville WA Carl Bell Madison WI Leif Ekroll Seattle WA 2. januar Hilda Braaten San Diego CA Andreas Garnes Columbus OH Nikolina Dismore Manorville NY Lillian Bølstad Oviedo FL Louise Gehsmann Morristown NJ Olav Hoyven Salem OR Olga Hauge Seattle WA John A. Loken Bradenton FL Mikkal Mikkalsen Seattle WA Leif Herskedal San Bruno CA Karin Lima Løberg Edmonds WA Gunvald Vallestad Petersburg AK Martha Johanson Seattle WA George Vegge Poulsbo WA Rebecca McCreadie Bothell WA Colleen Ward-Dummer Cambridge MN 3. januar Bjørg Sørum Rognstad 26. desember Bernhard Bjornsen Plentywood MT Brumunddal Norway Olga Hellen Fortune ND 30. desember Marilyn S. Henriksen Seattle WA Wayne Thompson Tigard OR Thorleif Kongsberg Milford NJ A. J. Alberg Patterson CA Paul Loken Benbrook TX Tor Virding Vancouver BC Canada Sigurd Kristiansen Tacoma WA Martin Josef Andersen Wellfleet MA Jan Mark Lucas St. Paul MN Novia Chellstopr Werno Elkhart IN Thelma Mears Seattle WA Ben Brekke Madison WI Alfred (Fred) Mathisen Wilmington NC Lois Piontak Little Falls MN Annie Grethe Houser Phoenix AZ Dorothy Thompson Corning CA 7. januar Jim Plasik Shoreview MN Tina Lapham Edmonds WA Marie Dahl Staten Island NY Clifford Sjursen Marlboro NJ Mimi Nilssen Kent WA 4. januar Raymond Nereng Blair WI Jenny Pettersen Mountain Home AR Martha Solberg Bayne Seattle WA Otto A. Ofjord Titusville FL 27 desember Carl Slattebo Los Angeles CA Aase Brynestad Oak Ridge TN Malla Ofstun Soldiers Grove WI Marjorie Dexheimer York PA Hans Sonsteng Mission TX Anne Eliassen Ft Pierce FL Gerald Sime Duluth MN John Erickson Minneapolis MN Elsa Nilsen Thompson Albany NY Don Johnson Morra MN Bob Fornes Manalapa NJ Carl Lien Tacoma WA 8. januar Jørgen Høyen Chicago IL 31. desember Jennie Martinson Warren MN Thora Arneson Chicago IL Jacob Lange Santa Ana CA Helen Arnstdatter-Olsen Bear Lake MI Verna Randall Everett WA Sidney Christenson LaPuente CA James Leider Jr. Kent WA Hjørdis Foss Seattle WA Carl Rude Reseda CA Åsta Aarnes Dordal Riverside CA Georgia Rosendahl Spring Grove MN Liv Mahlum Seattle WA Aaron Jarnagin Sequim WA Dorothy Johnsen Hardee Issaquah WA Gertrude Vedo Benedict ND Carl Nelson Staughton WI Karen Lee Kleimspehn Edna Rasmussen Hayward CA 5. januar Minneapolis MN 28. desember Fritz Støver Lynnwood WA Valborg Andersen Little Silver NJ Levern Larson Kasson MN Alfred Anderson Finley ND Berit Laila Virding Astrid Bergford Aliso Viejo CA Kåre Dalen Mt. Bethel PA Maple Ridge BC Canada LaVerna Christenson Ledgewood ND Want to see your birthday in the Ole Feste Sioux City IA Dagmar Gubrud Tower City ND Norwegian American Weekly? Gunnar Heistein Santa Clara CA 1. januar Gunhild Hemken Ft. Myers FL Ina Soros New Westminster BC Canada Kristina Dale Lacey WA Anny Motland Hommersvik Norway Email [email protected] or call T. Stamsos Lewistown MT Astri Juul Dominick Kent WA Michael I. Ofjord Minneapolis MN (800) 305-0217. Birthdays must be submitted Irene Stastad Mekinock ND Nils Gimse Tacoma WA Margaret Parsons Edina MN one month in advance. Paul Glugvatshaug Mosjøen Norway Helen Rodi Benson MN NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed Anne Halvorsen Isfjorden Norway Earl Sivesind Claysprings AZ away? Please notify us!

Norsk-Engelsk Kryssord by Ed Egerdahl of the Scandinavian Language Institute

Ed Egerdahl wrote these puzzles for Scandinavian Language Institute’s classes at LODDRETT 54. kjørebane 67. ikke så mye Seattle’s Nordic Heritage Museum. It’s possible a few of the clues will make more 1. handle i butikken 55. en liten ord for en liten butikk 68. voksent hann-menneske sense if you remember that—there may be some Seattle-centric answers. There’s 2. kø, snor, linje 57. vinter jakke 69. ingen forskjell definitely some wacky humor, and if you find yourself uncertain about a two-letter 3. norsk språk guru (er det sant?) 58. det holder buksene oppe 71. liten den av #46 lodd. answer, try “Ed.” 4. det var det! (N) 59. afrikansk land 72. der bordet ender (N) = skriv på norsk. Otherwise, the answers are in English. 5. ikke lenger fersk 61. det vi trenger med diplomati og 74. gikk først 6. en tur styring 75. baseball utstyr som lønner seg å VANNRETT 52. det heler er om meg! 7. høreorgan 62. norsk klasse adjektiv (ikke sant?) bruke så effektivt som mulig 1. vinter transport for barn 53. forstaving med tenner 8. språk industri gigant (hva?) 63. en som vise nye klær til andre 77. Gouda, Jarlsberg (N) 5. ta sjåførens jobb ved rattet 54. grøt ingrediens 9. satt stille og rolig 64. på flere poeng 80. én mindre enn #79 vann. I gamle 10. en du ikke vil være sammen med 55. bruke litt fantasi 10. energetisk dans 65. stor norsk by som er sørøst for Roma 14. sett der ingen kan finne det 56. spionens informasjon 11. nordisk ordmester (ikke igjen?) dens “lille” variasjon som er faktisk 82. være, bli 15. gi en ting for en annen 58. en mørk vinter øl oppkalt etter 12. sende inn mere penger for avisen mindre! 84. veldig bra foran “la-la” i Frankrike 16. nummer to til #81 vann en geit 13. hvor fort båten går 66. spansk ja (se også #76 vann.) 17. lysbryter stilling med strøm 59. arabisk humpete transport 16. der pils serveres 18. Eliot initialer 60. hestegryn 19. ikke lang, ikke høy 20. luft, astmosfære 61. svak, tynn, matt 22. #16 lodd. severingsapparat 21. samling med bare menn 62. ikke mot 25. Heyerdahl flåte 22. negativt svar 63. det vi spiser, takk! (N) 27. komme opp med nok penger – 24. norsk guttenavn (fiolin eller ku?) 64. de vestlige statene etter mange men ikke mere, ikke mindre 26. dramatisk skrek europeisk meninger 28. offisielt godkjennelsesmerke 28. film eller tv personlighet 65. prøver å finne noe 29. svine-, okse-, hval- produkt 29. kom i kontakt med 67. der vi bygger et hus 31. grusomme problemer i både 30. sluttet å sove 68. støvregn ved bittesmå dråper Afghanistan og Iraq 32. elektronisk apparat lyd 69. kom med en melodi fra #83 vann. 32. regnsko 33. ord i kattespråk (N) 33. komme perfekt sammen 34. du er 70. frosent vann 35. tok (med #76 vann. Eller #84 35. prinsen før kysset 73. hjernen bak dette hyggelige lodd.) 36. prinsessens seng problem kryssord 37. lukker døren hardt 37. begynne 74. #59 lodd. er et eksempel 38. et sami telt ligner dette 40. mye med populæritet, lite med 75. Emeril utropsord 39. piknikk kryp temperatur 76. dårlig for én an “yuck” (se også 40. hvor mye du betaler 41. gammeldags kongebolig #84 lodd.) 41. en briller eller fiolin holder 44. briller glass 78. troll i læreklær (vær forsiktig!) 42. leie for lengre tid 45. underdel av en plante 79. én mere enn #80 lodd. (så heldig) 43. gammel ulykket Ford modell 46. laugardagur (lørdag) aktivitet for 81. nummer én til #16 vann. 45. snakke dramatisk negativt om noe barn siden vikingtiden 83. melodien hørte i #69 vann. 46. slengord for dollar 47. norsk kryssord magiker (poof) 85. kjørte på en #1 vann 49. komme sammen på viss plass og 48. leilighet forkortelse 86. norsk målesystem lengde ord tid 49. Halloweens typiske forkledning 87. bære på noe tungt 50. velge, plukke, hente 50. instruks på butikkdøren 51. tyggegummi 51. bil brensel 53. fy, søren! thank you for reading the Weekly! tusen takk norwegian american weekly December 26, 2014 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner In Loving Memory Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Evelyn Jones Died December 8, 2014 The things we love Evelyn Jones, 85, Exeter, N.H., former- Players Ring in Portsmouth, N.H., and was During this Christmas season I that we can enjoy. ly of Saugus and Marshfield, Mass., and Kit- inspired in part by her father Reginald Jones, touched base with a number of old friends. Jesus said that He came to earth so tery and York, Maine, died Monday, Decem- a World War 1 veteran who served in the When I see someone I haven’t seen for a that we might have life and have it abun- ber 8, after a creative and fulfilling life as Signal Corps in France. while, I often ask them, “What have you dantly. As we look forward to a new year a newspaper writer, author, and playwright. Evelyn was an avid genealogist, and her been doing for excitement lately?” I ask we need to find things to do that give us Most importantly, she was a loving children’s musical Nissa was based on folk this question because it often leads people life. Abundant living depends upon us and loved family member. Evelyn was mar- tales from her Norwegian heritage. into talking about the things they love spending time doing the things that we ried to the late Zaven Yardume, and also Anybody who knew Evelyn knew of most. Perhaps they will share something love. I used to ask my confirmation classes cherished her companionship with the late her passion for animals, especially dogs. No about their travels, their latest hobby, or a this question: When God looks down on Thomas Kane. Evelyn leaves behind her matter what she was doing she would stop to good book they’ve read. us would God rather see happy faces or sister, Phyllis Brown of Saugus, Mass.; spend time with the dogs she met (and their I also ask this question because I sad faces? Interestingly enough, children two nieces, Meredith Brown of Saugus and human companions). She took in shelter know how important keeping in touch seem to instinctively know that God wants Sherilyn Brown of Cranston, R.I.; cousins dogs, and was particularly fond of German with the things that we love in this life us to be happy. Karen MacNeill of Canton, Mass., and Paul Shepherds. Her 84th birthday party was a can be. Invariably, when I talk to someone A good new year’s resolution would Mahoney of Bolivia; and family members Dog Party, attended by her canine and hu- who has lost their zest for living, I discov- be for each of us to take an inventory Fred Kelleher of New Hampshire and Mar- man friends alike. er that they have quit doing the things that of the things we are doing that make us tha Emerson of Danvers, Mass. She was a lifelong Unitarian-Univer- used to really interest them. This seems to happy and which we love to do. Then, if Evelyn created the Young Folks Page salist, particularly active in the Norwell and happen more often as we grow older and there aren’t many, we can resolve to find for the Boston Herald Traveler and was a Saugus, Mass., churches. She loved to laugh, our health does not allow us to do some of new things that will give us life and lead member of the Boston Press Club for many and was a good friend to many. The family our favorite things. When this occurs, we us into that abundant life that God wants years. She entertained her newspaper audi- wishes to acknowledge the dedication and need to find new interests and new things for everyone. ences with games, stories, and puzzles, and compassion of the Riverwoods staff in car- family members were often asked to test the ing for Evelyn at the end of her life. Her gen- latest joke or riddle. Later in life she became tle and loving spirit will be greatly missed. a playwright. Her best known play, Not On A Celebration of Life will be held Satur- Community Connections This Night, received the Spotlight on the day, January 24, 11:30 a.m. at Riverwoods, Arts Award for Best Original Script in 2002. the Woods Campus, 7 Riverwoods Drive, Gratulerer med Dagen! Not on This Night was first produced by the Exeter, N.H. Signy Floathe Stornes Happy birthday / August 19, 1916 – December 9, 2014 engagement / etc! The quality of the afterlife for the souls, and canneries in Alaska. When the Germans saints, and angels in heaven has been signifi- invaded Norway in 1940, Signy was unable cantly upgraded. They now have the services to return to her home. She remained on the Your name and of a great massage therapist: Signy Floathe household staff of that family for the next Stornes. several years. special message Signy passed away quietly on Decem- Within a few months of her arrival in ber 9 in her apartment at Brookdale / Emeri- Seattle, she met Hans Floathe, a builder and here! tus in Bellevue, Wash. She celebrated her contractor. They were married the next year. 98th birthday on August 19 with friends and Unfortunately, Hans died in 1953, leav- family. On November 20 she had a wonder- ing Signy with two small children to care For more information, call ful Thanksgiving lunch at Emeritus with for. She met the adversity by immediately us at (800) 305-0217 or email her grandson Jason Smith, and her son and going to work. For eight years she worked [email protected]. daughter-in-law, Maury and Sharon Floathe. on the household staff of a neighbor family. On November 26, she suffered a stroke and, At nights and weekends she studied—first unfortunately, never recovered. English, later anatomy, physiology, and Signy is survived by her daughter Shir- massage therapy. Her studies led to a long ley Smith (Milton), her son Maury Floathe and productive career as a licensed massage Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church (Sharon), her grandsons Brock Smith (Kel- therapist in Seattle. Signy always welcomed lie) and Jason Smith (Cindy), and her grand- work. It empowered her and enabled her to Den Norske Lutherske Minnekirke daughter Sabrina Smith-Delery (Justin), as overcome the obstacles she faced. The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church offers the best venue in Chicago for Norwegians well as her great grandchildren: McKinley She also loved to spend time with fam- and Scandinavians to gather and celebrate Norwegian traditions. We welcome you to our warm and friendly family of members. Unless otherwise noted, all services begin at 11am. Smith, Emerson Smith, Brittany Smith, and ily. Holiday dinners at her home were always Please visit us soon! Tyler Smith. In Norway, she is missed by warm, friendly, and filled with delicious dozens of relatives who knew her as Tante meals prepared following traditional Norwe- Signy. gian recipes. January 2015 On August 19, 1916, Signy was born to In the 1980s Signy became reacquainted Jan. 4 Pastor Carlos Ortiz Severina Pedersdtr Flem and Laurits Andre- with Ivar Stornes. Ivar grew up on the island asson Flem in Haram, Norway. Her family adjacent to Signy’s. As small children, they Jan. 11 Pastor Carlos Ortiz / home was on the island of Flem which is off attended church school together. In 1989 Holy Communion the west coast of Norway, just north of the Signy and Ivar were married—but only after city of Ålesund. She graduated from the Ha- the two of them asked for permission from Jan. 18 Pastor Carlos Ortiz ram Folkeskulen on June 27, 1931. Signy’s adult children Shirley and Maury. Jan. 25 Pastor Carlos Ortiz Signy came to the U.S. in 1938 to visit Signy also loved to travel. She made Holy Communion with her sister, Klara (Flem) Tynes. Klara, several trips to Norway and Canada, and also Annual Congregational Meeting and her husband Sam, sponsored Signy’s visited Hawaii, Spain, China, and the Holy visit. Within a week of Signy’s arrival, her Lands. following service sister had arranged a job for her on the Se- For over 98 years Signy enriched the attle household staff of a successful Norwe- lives of her family members and all who met 2614 North Kedzie Avenue, Chicago, IL 60647 • (773) 252-7335 • www.minnekirken-chicago.org gian family with business interests in fishing and knew her. She is clearly missed by all. 12 • December 26, 2014 norwegian american weekly in your neighborhood < pastries From page 1 with historic instruments and also with Adrian Jacob’s “Bravehearts Band” and the Dakota Short-neck Orchestra featuring man- Photos: Ellen Schafer dolins, violin, ukuleles, and other short-neck Left: The Bravehearts Band entertained at the historic stringed instruments. Prairie Pastry Festival. From left to right: Terry Mastel on octave mandolin, Greg Lord (back), Pastries brought to the event were Adrian Jacobs, Jason Jacobs (back), Trevor judged for prizes before the pastries were Griffin (back), Kriste Erickson (lead vocals, offered to attendees. Entries came from far front), and Megan Griffin on violin. and wide across the prairie, including some Below: Sleigh rides for families were popular on distant boxes of pastries from California and the historic grounds of Buckstop Junction. Roy from Denver to contribute to the fundraising. Bergquest is driving the team of horses with Lar- “Many great pastries were placed before ry Bergquest and son standing at right of photo. me in a blind tasting contest, but one stood out from the rest,” said Jon Lee, owner of Bread Poets Baking Company in Bismarck. Adrian Jacobs, the oldest of ten Jacobs Jon is of Norwegian descent with the original siblings, is a musician, inventor, and com- name of Lie, and is a prominent local baker. munity activist, who organized the event Winner Brian Jacobs glowed with pride through the family’s non-profit organization at winning first prize. “It was wonderful that called “Bravehearts for Kids,” in collabora- a recipe handed down from my maternal tion with other non-profits and Missouri Val- great grandmother took first prize.” ley Historical Society at Buckstop Junction, Marlette Pittman of the Missouri Valley a recreated historic town. Historical Society commented, “We were The story of the Pastry Festival started happy to participate with Bravehearts in their on a farm near the small town of New Eng- inaugural Pastry Festival. Already looking land, N.D. (pop 600), where patriarch Walter forward to next year.” and Lu (Maixner) Jacobs raised ten children Ellen Schafer, legislative advocate for in the love of music, entertainment, story- American Cancer Association in Bismarck, telling, and caring for others. Music was part was in charge of organizing the pastry table. of Sunday afternoons on the porch that over- was published at www.na-weekly.com/ raising event, a night excursion on the Mis- She remarked, “Events like this pastry festi- looked the great expansiveness of the prairie heritage/a-storybook-journey-in-space/). souri River in a tourism paddleboat decorated val bring back so many memories that fami- and river breaks of Western N.D. The Jacobs Bravehearts has a mission to raise with lights—and the Prairie Pastry Festival, lies used to share, like sleigh rides, gathering family organized an annual pastry festival money to support families who have a child a community of non-profits can join in co- around with music and singing, and there is in their community for five years after their with pediatric cancer, with 100% of personal operative fundraising initiatives that reduce something about pastries that brings out the children gradually migrated to urban living. donations raised going directly to families. overhead costs and offer more direct funding best in people. Adrian’s son Jeremy wanted to be an Administrative costs are planned to come to families in the surrounding community. Vicki Olsen, an attendee, noted, “What astronaut and later studied engineering and from grants and an innovative plan for self- Personally, I’ve known the Jacobs fam- a tasty way to help kids and celebrate the became the chief materials engineer on the sufficiency in fund-raising. ily over four generations. The great grandfa- season!” Orion project, now testing for new outer Bravehearts is exploring a new concept ther, Walter, a WWII survivor of the “Battle The Jacobs brothers, Brian and Jason, space explorations. After Jeremy and Amy of event management as a fundraising “co- of the Bulge,” wrote a weekly satire column swept first and second prize with their moth- Jacobs’ daughter Ava Brae was born, she op,” with the intent to fund the non-profit for the community newspaper and made his er’s Bohemian “Boukta” recipe and an entry, was diagnosed at 12 months with a lemon- by creating a “Buffalo Berry” venture that own woodcut illustrations until technology baked onsite, of “Kolaches” with pineapple sized tumor at her brain stem. pays for all administrative costs. This initia- came up with photocopying. He was known and orange marmalade filling. A mystery re- As Jeremy’s work in NASA was associ- tive empowers youth across the state to pick as a “riveting storyteller.” When the great mains about brother Jason’s failure to deliver ated with some medical studies of radiation, bushels of buffalo berries next fall (growing grandparents learned of Ava’s cancer, they Bohemian “Sour Cream Twists,” which had Ava was selected as one of the first test group naturally in ditches and ravines statewide), organized locally the first “chapter” of what been shipped from Denver. In betting circles, to receive experimental post-surgery cancer create collection points regionally, and con- has evolved into Bravehearts. they were projected to win or place. treatments and now, in fourth grade, she is a tract with a production company to process What impresses me the most about Having left the pastries in his freezer class champion soccer player with trophies and package jams, syrups, and other by- Bravehearts for Kids is how one family with 100 miles from Bismarck, his explanation to prove it. During her chemo treatments she products for national marketing. social inventiveness and persistent advocacy was, “I was so rushed to get on the road that was nicknamed Ava Brave by friends and By collaborating with other organiza- over generations can produce new ways to I just plain forgot.” Rumor has it that his kids nurses; hence, the charity name Bravehe- tions, and building on the successes of the create vital services for neighboring families got to the box before he could. arts. (A previous NAW story of “Ava Brave” Parade of Lights—the charity’s first fund- in need in their communities. What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events california Minnesota enue NE. Visit www.flcch.org for more informa- Voyage to the Virtual Freya Lodge Lutefisk & Meatball Dinner “A Don’t Hug Me Christmas Carol” tion and directions. Jan. 24—April 4 Jan. 24, 4:00—7:00 p.m. now—Jan. 4 New York, N.Y. Santa Rosa, Calif. Minneapolis, Minn. new york The first Scandinavia House exhibition dedi- The traditional Norwegian menu will include Back in Minneapolis for its eighth year after sev- Hildur Queen of the Elves & Other Tales cated to digital, moving image, and light-based lutefisk, as well as delectable meatballs in en years of sold-out performances. “A Don’t Hug Jan. 10, 11:00 a.m. Nordic art, Voyage to the Virtual takes the brown gravy and all the trimmings, lefse, al- Me Christmas Carol” is a hilarious northern Min- New York, N.Y. metaphor of “the voyage”—a concept deeply mond cake, and coffee. Cost is $22 for mem- nesota spoof of Charles Dickens’s “A Christmas Some of New York’s most famous storytellers rooted in Nordic identity—as a starting point bers, $25 for non-members, and $6 for kids Carol.” Set in a bar in a small Scandinavian town, bring to life tales of mythical creatures and fan- for an exploration into the ways contempo- six to 14. Mail paid reservations by January 10 bar owner Gunner Johnson is visited by the ghost tastic adventures from the far north. An hour rary artists are expanding on the human per- to Sons of Norway—Lutefisk Dinner: P.O. Box of Christmas past, present, and future. With 17 of trolls, elves, and huldufólk (hidden people), ceptual experience. Combining video, anima- 6558, Santa Rosa, CA 95406. At Norway Hall. original songs including, “I Love You More Than with Bill Gordh and his banjo. Exhibition-related tion, sculpture, light, and interactive media, Visit www.freyalodge.org for more info. Football,” “The Wheel is Turnin’ But the Ham- children’s programming is supported in part by a the exhibition invites viewers on expeditions ster is Dead,” and “Grandma Cut the Christmas grant from The Sonja Foundation. Free. to the far north, travels through time and iowa Cheese.” At New Century Theatre. Call (612) 455- space, and perceptual journeys into the realm Scandinavian Modern Design: Norwegian 9501 or visit www.DontHugMe.com. Edvard Grieg & Frédéric Chopin—A Musical of the virtual. At Scandinavia House. Gallery Enamel Friendship hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 12:00— now—April 19, 2015 Scandinavian Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner Jan. 22, 8:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. and until 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday. Decorah, Iowa Jan. 17 New York, N.Y. Free admission. This exhibition focuses on Norwegian enamel Columbia Heights, Minn. Hear Edvard Grieg’s invigorating 4 Norwegian production (technology, innovation, and busi- Join First Lutheran for the annual Scandinavian Dances, Op. 35 (1880), the charming Lyric Pieces, oregon ness) and design. Artistic and technical in- Lutefisk and Meatball dinner with seatings at Op. 12 (1866-67), and the soulful Ballade in the Lutefisk & Meatball Dinner at Sonja Lodge novations in enamel were Norway’s greatest 12:00, 2:00, 4:00, and 6:00 p.m. Tickets can be Form of Variations on a Norwegian Folksong in G Jan. 24 & Jan. 25 contributions to the Modern Design - move reserved by calling (651) 633-0679. Dinner will minor, Op. 24 (1876), and Frédéric Chopin’s Pol- Eugene, Ore. ment. The exhibition will showcase enamel include lutefisk with melted butter and white ish dance the Mazurka, the fervent Ballade No. Menu includes lutefisk, meatballs, white jewelry, cookware, and tableware from sauce, meatballs, mashed potatoes, lefse, jule- 1 in G minor, Op. 23 (1835-36), and the Grande sauce and melted butter, homemade cole- Vesterheim’s collection and from individuals kake, and more! Tickets are $18, or 50 cents per polonaise brillante in E-flat major, Op. 22 (1831). slaw, lefse, flatbread, and dessert! Reserved and other institutions. year for children up to 10 years. At 1555 40th Av- Cost is $25 or $20 for ASF Members. seatings at 4:00, 4:45, 5:30, 6:15, and 7:00 norwegian american weekly December 26, 2014 • 13 In your neighborhood The Nordic model: successes, challenges & the future Philadelphia discussion digs into the famously prosperous region’s victories and issues

and 58% of Swedes have a high level of trust Michael Kleiner in government. Personal income tax is high Philadelphia, Penn. and corporate tax modest in Norway, Den- mark, and Sweden. There is a standard Value Every year surveys show the Nordic Added Tax of 25% in all four countries. countries—Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and “Part of the Nordic model is pro-gov- Finland—ranking among the world’s best in ernment, but not anti-business,” he said. livability, prosperity, and gender equality. Is “There’s a strong investment in people, edu- there some secret that these countries have cation, child care, making it easier to work. that could be replicated elsewhere? That is characteristic in other European On December 15, the issues were dis- countries. However, one characteristic that cussed in a program: The Nordic Economic is quite different is gender equality. All four Model: Successes, Challenges, and the Fu- countries rank in the top five in OECD Gen- ture, at the Federal Reserve Bank of Phila- der Equality rankings.” delphia. The program was sponsored by Nor- He doesn’t feel the model can be emu- wegian American Chamber of Commerce lated elsewhere without the context of hon- Philadelphia and Global Interdependence esty, trust, integrity in government, and Center, in partnership with The Swedish fairness throughout society. What works for American Chamber of Commerce Philadel- 25,000,000 people may not work in the U.S., phia, Global Philadelphia, and the law firm Photo: Michael Kleiner which has more than 300,000,000 people. Blank Rome Maritime. Panel on the government view, left to right: moderator R. Anthony Salgado, Partner, Blank Rome “They have a fundamentally ingrained Speakers pondered whether there is a Law Firm, which represents Aker Shipping AS; Jukka Pietikäinen, Consul General of Finland in New idea of fairness, that they try to implement model or if particular characteristics pertain York; and Leif Trana, Minister Counsellor for Economic Affairs, Royal Embassy of Norway in Wash- every day and through the government,” he to the four nations, be they cultural or politi- ington. Jarl Frijs-Maden, Consul General of Denmark in New York, was unable to attend. said. “Government size is what we struggle cal. Ambassador Terry Miller, Director of the with in our rankings. There is no one right Center for International Trade and Econom- countries that The Heritage Foundation and a Nordic model?” he posed. “What are the size. It may change. The Nordic model is ics and the Mark A. Kolokotrones Fellow in the Wall Street Journal conduct annually. characteristics? Is it nothing more than wel- conducive to evolution, change, and experi- Freedom, The Heritage Foundation, was the They look at regulatory efficiency, govern- fare states or a form of socialism of high mentation.” keynote speaker. Two panels followed: The ment size, openness of competition, rule of taxes and spending? Is it something else, Trana objected to Norway being classi- Government View featured Leif Trana, Min- law, property rights, intellectual rights, ju- individual and cultural characteristics? What fied a small economy. “We are the 24th big- ister Counsellor for Economic Affairs, Roy- dicial fairness, and tolerance for corruption. is the interplay of culture and government?” gest economy in the world,” he said. “We al Embassy of Norway, Washington; Jukka Denmark ranks 11, Finland 19, Sweden 23, Ambassador Miller found six themes don’t produce everything. Instead we com- Pietikäinen, Consul General of Finland in Norway 27. “You have a conservative think that were prevalent: Honesty, Fairness, Ef- pete for goods made elsewhere. We produce New York; and moderator R. Anthony Sal- tank and the leading business and financial ficiency, Industriousness, Trust In Govern- fewer things, import the rest. The discovery gado, Partner, Blank Rome, while A View newspaper in the United States ranking these ment, Gender Equality, and Cultural Homo- of oil makes Norway different. We have of the Markets included Robert Bergqvist, so-called socialist or welfare-oriented coun- geneity. Low tolerance of corruption scores $850 billion in the sovereign wealth fund. Chief Economist at SEB (Skandinaviska tries in the top 15% of economic freedom, are phenomenal, with Denmark tied for first, Oil drives the economy.” Enskilda Banken); Lars Björk, CEO of Qlik, which is free market capitalism,” Miller said. Finland second, Sweden fourth, Norway Norway also has different character- a business intelligence software company; “Words like socialism and capitalism can ob- fifth. “Norway deserves special commenda- istics than other European countries, such and moderator Kathleen Stephansen, Chief scure, as much as illuminate, what is going tion because no country that relies on oil and as retraining programs for laid off workers Economist at AIG. Jarl Frijs-Madsen, Con- on. When 25,000,000 people on the planet drilling scores that high,” said Miller. when an industry closes, so “workers don’t sul General of Denmark in New York, was are happy, those countries must be doing All the countries score high in business have to be nervous about moving on.” unable to attend. something right.” friendliness and easily accessible capital A collaboration of employers, employees, Ambassador Miller had the difficult Miller’s struggle was in accepting the for entrepreneurs, which fell under Fair- and the government came to an agreement on task of reconciling his conservative views high taxes and government spending in the ness. A higher percentage of people work in changing the retirement age. “We had change with the success of Nordic social policies. Nordic countries. He noted they have not Norway, but work fewer hours; 73% of the without the social unrest and massive strikes He presented a balanced view and discus- been affected by the debt other countries Nordic people work, compared to 65% in de- seen in other countries,” said Trana. sion was respectful. He also brought results with similar policies experienced. “Are the veloped countries. This he categorized as In- of the index of economic freedom for 186 Nordic countries above average because of dustriousness. He found 66% of Norwegians See > economic model, page 16 What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events p.m. on Saturday and 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, 4:00, vermont to the extreme polar environment, and are also Norwegian-American Veterans Theatre 5:00, and 6:00 p.m. on Sunday. Tickets sell out Vermont Ski Dance Weekend an integral part of Greenlandic culture as subsis- Project: The Epiphany quickly so call early and reserve your meal Jan. 29—Feb. 1 tence resources. At the Nordic Heritage Museum. Jan. 22, 7:00 p.m. time. For reservations and information email Fairlee, Vt. Seattle, Wash. [email protected] or call (541) 344- 19th Annual Ski Dance Weekend with outdoor New Years Eve with Normanna Lodge Visit the Nordic Heritage Museum for a staged 1064. Handicapped access parking available. activities include skiing, skating, or snow shoe- Dec. 31 reading of a new play called The Epiphany. Set ing, as well as dance or fiddle instruction. Evening Everett, Wash. in during the Nazi occupa- south dakota dance parties will include sets with music from Celebrate the end of 2014 and the beginning of tion, the play is based on Bruce Olav Solheim’s Forbidden Landscapes: The Secrets of North- and Valdres, traditional Gammaldans, 2015 at Normanna Lodge! There will be cham- family history. The play will feature local ac- ern Norway and music from Sweden. More information avail- pagne toasts, hors d’oeuvres, and party favors. tors and a Norwegian combat veteran who now—Feb. 2 able at skidance.us. At Hulbert Outdoor Center. Cost is $30 per person. has recently served in Afghanistan. A local Sioux Falls, S.D. Seattle hero, Knut Einarsen, who is 100 years Augustana College presents the photography Washington Breidablik Lodge Lutefisk Dinner old, will be honored along with the Norwe- Jan. 11 gian veteran. There will be a reception before of Lars Westvig, professor at the University Imaging the Arctic: Communicating Climate Sci- Kelso, Wash. the performance. of Nordland in Bodø. In 2000 Lars published ence through Art Join Breidablik Lodge 2-027 for their annual fam- his first book of images, Bilda. The majority now—Feb. 22 ily-style lutefisk and meatball dinner with- seat Poulsbo Lodge Lutefisk Dinner of the images on display were taken from his Seattle, Wash. ings at 11:30 a.m., 12:00, 12:30, 1:00, 2:30, 3:00, Jan. 31, 12:00—5:00 p.m. light aircraft. The show is free and open to the This exhibit explores the impact of climate 3:30, and 4:00 p.m. Purchase your tickets for a Poulsbo, Wash. public in the Fantle Building at The Center for change on West Greenland’s ecology and culture specific seating time by calling Larry at (360) 575- Enjoy lutefisk, lefse, Swedish meatballs with Western Studies. Hours are Monday through through the work of three women: marine mam- 1385 or via email at [email protected]. gravy, and more! Tickets are $23 for adults Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Saturday mal biologist Dr. Kristin Laidre, expeditionary art- Adult tickets are $23 and tickets for children 12 and $10 for children under 10. At Grieg Hall. 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. ist Maria Coryell-Martin, and Finnish photogra- and under are $8. Tickets sell out quickly so call For more information, call the lodge at (360) pher Tiina Itkonen. The exhibit will center around early to reserve your meal time. 779-5209. the impact of climate change in the Arctic and sea ice loss on narwhals and polar bears. These iconic species of the Arctic are highly adapted Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! Check www.na-weekly.com/events for complete listings Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. 14 • December 26, 2014 norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Beware Christmastime’s Wild Hunt < Oskoreia Norwegian etymology* provides a link From page 1 to the mythology of the Viking Age. Oskoreia is understood to be a variant of Åsgårdsreia “God’s church” was a monastery and a cen- (literally “Åsgård riders”) in which Åsgard ter of Celtic Christianity. Lindisfarne was is the home of the gods of Viking times. Dia- and still is a tidal island off the northeast lect synonyms of Oskoreia include Julereia coast of England. The raid shook Christen- (literally “Christmas riders”) that suggests dom and triggered the Viking Age. For 300 Christian influence on the myth. years, the Vikings were influential in Europe The warning to the citizenry was clear: and beyond, taking their beliefs and customs prepare to celebrate Christmas least you risk wherever they went. It was the Viking Age being swept along should an Oskoreia or Jul- poets who forged the earliest myths that have ereia come your way. That retributive aerial come down to us in folklore. version persisted through the 19th century. Versions of the Wild Hunt share a com- Norwegian painter Peter Nicolai Arbo’s Ås- mon scenario: a phantasmagoria of dream- gårdreien painting of 1872 (owned by the like images of hunters and the hunted engag- National Gallery in Oslo) shows tortured ing in battle and in pursuit across the sky or souls in battle with cavalry raging across the along the ground. The hunters and the hunted sky. may be alive or dead, real humans or deities, By the 20th century, the mood had be- insignificant or noble, male or female. Oth- come more cheerful. Norwegian painter Nils erwise, the versions vary by society and have Bergslien’s Julereia painting of 1922 shows been modified with time. earthbound trolls and humans, one a fiddler Photo: Wikimedia Commons In Britain, the Peterborough Chronicle riding a reindeer, and many apparently tipsy, Peter Nicolai Arbo’s Åsgårdreien depicts tortured sould battling in the heavens. gave an account of a Wild Hunt that took in a ribald procession through a traditional place in 1127 following the appointment of farmyard. Its message apparently is that be- Julebuk in Norwegian, Juleged in Danish, children, go from door-to-door, singing car- Henry d’Angely as abbot of the monastery ing swept along might be naughty, enjoyable Julbock in Swedish, and Olkipukki in Finn- ols for rewards of sweets. there. Later, a Wild Hunt was believed to in- or both. ish. Originally a Julebuk was a goat slaugh- clude King Arthur, and on winter nights as There are traces of the Wild Hunt or tered for the Christmas feast. With time, the * Norsk Etylmologisk Ordbok by Yann late as the 19th century near Cadbury Castle Oskoreia in other Northern European pre- word also was applied to a Christmas play De Caprona (Oslo, Kagge Forlag 2013, in Somerset, on winter nights the King and Christian myths that have survived to this based on Oskoreia and then to the practice of 1920 pages hardcover, ISBN 978-82-489- his hounds were said to charge down a lane day. The most familiar in the Nordic coun- gå julebuk (“Christmas goat walk”) in which 1054-1) is the contemporary reference of bearing his name. tries is the tradition of the “Christmas goat”: masked and costumed people, now usually choice.

Notable Norwegians With David Moe The Lighter Side Casper Oimoen was born May 8, that has never been duplicated. 1906, in Norway and learned to ski as He won the Theodore Roosevelt with Donald V. Mehus a boy growing up there. He came to Rough Rider Award and in 1963, Minot, North Dakota, in 1923 at the Casper was inducted into the United One sometimes wonders just how well age of 17. He could not compete in the States Skiing Hall of Fame. He was a well-known instances of our popular Christ- 1928 Olympic Games because he was bricklayer by occupation, a trade he mas music—the songs and carols et al.—are not an American citizen, but he did had learned from his uncle in Minot. known around the world. In any case, here compete regionally. During the 1930s, he worked on a is an anecdote apropos the subject, set in the Casper entered the 1932 Olym- crew that built the North Dakota State Russia of not so long ago: pics and placed fifth in skiing and in Capitol Building. He died in 1995. In their Moscow apartment, a couple— 1936, he was named Captain of the Anna and Rudolf—are enjoying their break- U.S. Olympic Ski Team. During his fast one cold, blustery late autumn morning. David Moe was career, he won over 400 medals and born in Minnesota Anna, glancing out the window, exclaims to trophies with a winning record that and graduated from her husband, "Oh, look, it's sleeting!" has not been matched. He won the the University of Rudolf looks out and says, "No, my Northwestern Ski Jumping Champi- Minnesota, Mor- dear, that's rain." Anna insists it's sleet, and a onship nine times in nine entries, the ris in 1964 and lively discussion ensues as to just what kind Montana State Jumping Champion- received his M.A. of precipitation is falling down. ship six times in six entries, the Cen- degree from San Finally, the husband, continuing to in- tral United States Championship ten Francisco State University in 1975. He sist that he is right, asserts firmly to his wife: times, and the United States National spent four years in the Navy and 32 years “Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear.” Ski Jumping Championship three in the insurance business. He is married times. In 1930, he won the Eastern, to his wife, Thordis, and they have two Central, and National Championships, daughters and four grandchildren. They Photo: Anthony Cramp plus eight other first places, something now live in Sun City, California. One imagines a bespectacled reindeer would know a thing or two about rain.

2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 The Scandinavian Hour Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] Celebrating over 50 years on the air! KKNW – 1150 AM Featuring great Nordic products Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats Streaming live on the internet at: and more! www.1150kknw.com Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com norwegian american weekly December 26, 2014 • 15 arts & entertainment Voyage to the Virtual NHM presents Nordic Exhibition of Nordic digital and light-based art opens January 24, 2015 at Scandinavia House Lights Film Festival

Special Release searcher on contemporary practices in digital Films, documentaries, and short films from American-Scandinavian Foundation art. Toft is Curatorial Advisor for Verve Cul- tural in São Paulo where she co-curated the Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden The first Scandinavia House exhibi- second and third SP Urban Digital Festival will screen at SIFF Film Center January 15–18, 2015 tion dedicated to digital, moving image, and at the Galeria de Arte Digital do SESI with light-based Nordic art, Voyage to the Virtual Marilia Pasculli in 2013. She has co-curated features artworks of video, animation, sculp- a number of exhibitions for the Streaming ture, light, and interactive media produced Museum and, in 2013 and 2014, curated between 2005 and 2015. the moving image exhibition and public Voyage to the Virtual takes the metaphor program Nordic Outbreak, which traveled of “the voyage”—a concept deeply rooted in to New York City, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Nordic identity—as a starting point for an Reykjavík, Stavanger, Nuuk, and Umeå. Toft exploration into the ways contemporary art- is a frequent speaker on urban digital art and ists are expanding on the human perceptual has been featured in The Huffington Post, experience. Combining video, animation, Arterritory, and Interview Magazine. sculpture, light, and interactive media, the Toft is a Ph.D. Fellow at the Institute exhibition invites viewers on expeditions to of Arts and Cultural Studies at Copenhagen the far north, travels through time and space, University and has been a visiting scholar at and perceptual journeys into the virtual. Columbia University, GSAPP, New York, Voyage to the Virtual features the work and at Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts of contemporary artists from Denmark, Fin- and Design, Stockholm. She holds a dou- land, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden, includ- ble M.A. in Media Studies from The New ing Katja Aglert, Elina Brotherus, Olafur School and Modern Culture/Urbanity and Eliasson, Jette Gejl Kristensen, Petra Lind- Aesthetics from Copenhagen University, as holm, Ann Lislegaard, Per Platou, Jacob well as a B.A. in Film and Media Studies Tækker, and Anders Weberg, among others. from Copenhagen University. Voyage to the Virtual is curated by Tanya The exhibit will be on display at Scan- Photo: NFI.no Toft and organized by The American-Scan- dinavia House from Jan. 24 to April 4, 2015. The Optimists/Optimestene, a documentary about a volleyball team of women age 66-98, is one of the dinavian Foundation (ASF). The exhibition Admission is free to the 3rd Floor Gallery; films that will be shown at Northern Lights Film Festival. has been made possible by grants from Ny open Tuesday through Saturday from 12:00– Carlsbergfondet, the Nordic Culture Point, 6:00 p.m. (Wednesday until 7:00 p.m.). Special Release was winner of eight awards at the 2014 Ice- the Nordic Culture Fund, and Carl Gustaf Nordic Heritage Museum landic Film Awards. Ehrnrooth. We gratefully acknowledge ad- The American-Scandinavian Foundation is Saturday afternoon includes the family- ditional support from The Consulate General the leading cultural and educational link be- The Nordic Heritage Museum brings film Ragnarok (dir. Mikkel Brænne Sande- of Denmark in New York, the SWEA New tween the United States and the Nordic coun- more than a dozen films from all five Nor- mose), a Norwegian Indiana-Jones-meets- Jersey Chapter, the Office for Contempo- tries. An American nonprofit organization, dic countries to Seattle for the Nordic Lights Jurassic-Park adventure. Saturday concludes rary Art Norway (OCA), FRAME Visual Art the ASF works to build international under- Film Festival on January 15-18, 2015, at with Turist/Force Majeure (dir. Ruben Öst- Finland, the Consulate General of Finland standing through a program of fellowships, SIFF Film Center located at Seattle Center. lund), a critical favorite at the 2014 Cannes in New York, the Royal Norwegian Consul- grants, intern/trainee sponsorship, publish- “The Nordic Lights Film Festival is Film Festival. Turist is a wickedly funny and ate General in New York, and the Consulate ing, and membership offerings. Headquar- one of the Museum’s most compelling pro- precisely observed psychodrama. When an General of Sweden in New York. tered at Scandinavia House, in New York grams,” said Nordic Heritage Museum CEO avalanche suddenly hits a mountainside res- Tanya Toft is a New York City- and City, the ASF celebrated its centennial in Eric Nelson. “By screening films that are both taurant, Swedish father Tomas makes a deci- Copenhagen-based curator, writer, and re- 2011. For more information: amscan.org critically acclaimed and wildly popular in sion that will shake his marriage to its core the Nordic countries, we are able to connect and leave him struggling to reclaim his role our community to this intriguing component as family patriarch. < base stations “We have made investigations over of contemporary Nordic culture.” This is the The final day of the Festival begins with From page 3 several days, using different methods and sixth annual Nordic Lights Film Festival. the Danish documentary Expedition to the technical tools. Our main conclusion is that Presenting feature-length films, documen- End of the World/Ekspeditionen til verdens lice, and operators Telenor and Netcom. it is likely that the findings Aftenposten has taries, and shorts from Denmark, Finland, ende (dir. Daniel Dencik). Expedition to the They initiated cooperation with British, made through their investigations are real,” Iceland, Norway, and Sweden, this year's End of the World follows a motley crew of Czech, and Norwegian research and develop- NSM Director General Kjetil Nilsen said in Festival begins Thursday, January 15, with explorers and artists as they venture into ter- ment company CEPIA Technologies—spe- a statement. a reception at SIFF beginning at 6:00 p.m., ritory only recently accessible due to melting cialists in Applied Cryptology and High Per- The weekend’s news has also prompted hosted by SWEA (Swedish Women’s Educa- polar ice. A series of Sami short films will be formance Computing for Governments and the PST, who has warned mobile subscribers tional Association), followed at 7:00 p.m. by presented at noon on Sunday. The Festival research institutions, the firm says—and the not to reveal confidential information while a screening of The Optimists/Optimistene, a concludes with Waltz for Monica/Monica Z Norwegian security company Aeger Group. speaking, to start an investigation. Norwegian documentary that follows an ex- (dir. Per Fly), a Swedish drama that follows Both firms then used highly-advanced coun- According to PST press spokesperson traordinary volleyball team in Hamar town, a 1960s jazz singer in Stockholm. terespionage equipment (Falcon II, amongst Siv Alsen, their investigation is to “examine consisting of ladies between 66 and 98 years For a full list of the Nordic Lights Film others) to follow the information up. whether the information that has emerged of age. Director Gunhild Westhagen Magnor Festival films, visit the Nordic Lights Film Minister of Justice and Public Security lately surrounding fake base stations con- and cast member Anne-Grethe Westhagen Festival page at nordicmuseum.org. Anders Anundsen declares this type of surveil- cerns illegal intelligence activities for for- will be attending the screening and the open- Festival passes are available for pur- lance method is “completely unacceptable.” eign states’ advantage.” ing reception. chase. Prices are $65 for the general public “The extent of local surveillance in the Who is/are behind the current espionage Friday evening begins with the Danish and $55 for Nordic Heritage Museum and [Norwegian] capital that Aftenposten refers is still undiscovered. The government’s pres- thriller The Shooter/Skytten (dir. Annette SIFF Members. Single-ticket admission is to appears to be sizeable and systematized,” ent mobile data communications encryption K. Olesen), the story of a passionate geo- $8 for Nordic Heritage Museum Members he states in an email. “However, we need to is vulnerable. physicist who takes the Danish government and SIFF Members; $12 for the general pub- know more.” However, security experts tell The For- hostage when legislators break an election lic. Tickets can be purchased by phone or at “The authorities have been, and are eigner that the IMSI catchers used in the cap- promise and authorize drilling for oil in the www.siff.net/cinema. aware that we are vulnerable, and that’s why ital are likely not the most advanced pieces Arctic. Later on Friday, the Nordic Shorts se- we’ve also taken quite a few precautions of equipment, and therefore probably not a ries will present short films from each of the The Nordic Lights Film Festival receives when government members talk with each high-level threat. Nordic countries. support from the Nordic Culture Fund, Scan other. Equipment that allows us to discuss On Saturday morning there will be a sec- Design Foundation by Inger & Jens Bruun, sensitive information in a secure manner is For more on this story, see The Foreigner’s ond screening of The Optimists/Optimistene. and Barbro Osher Pro Suecia Foundation, then used.” in-depth reporting at theforeigner.no/pages/ Saturday also features Metalhead/Malmhau with additional support from SWEA, 4Cul- Norway’s National Security Authority news/oslo-base-stations-are-likely-to-be- (dir. Ragnar Bragason), an Icelandic drama. ture, the Seattle Office of Arts & Cultural (NSM) submitted its report to the Ministry of false-norwegian-security-officials-say and Metalhead is about a tortured soul who may Affairs, and Artsfund. For more information Justice, Ministry of Defense, and the Police theforeigner.no/pages/news/oslo-mobile-es- never be able to let herself off the hook for about the Nordic Lights Film Festival, visit Security Service (PST), Monday, Dec. 15. pionage-probably-not-high-level-threat. her role in her brother's demise. Metalhead nordicmuseum.org/nlff.aspx 16 • December 26, 2014 norwegian american weekly back page < economic model as common Nordic experience,” Bergqvist Norwegian Language Corner From page 13 said. Some of these were cost, real estate, fiscal, banking, and currency crises in the NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES and TROLLS Gender equality in the boardroom, 1980s and 1990s, and common solutions to where 40% of spots must be held by women, those crises. There are also challenges ahead. is finally reaping benefits. “Initially, there “We’re facing challenges of financing were complaints ‘we can’t find qualified the welfare state, an aging population, em- women.’ Ten years later, it’s good. It takes ployment and immigration,” Bergqvist said. a while to get qualified candidates, but you “Nordic countries start from a higher cost Volume 2 have to force the innovation.” level with higher ambitions.” With 21 classic folk tales, fairy tales, and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, “Tuss og Troll” is now Trana and the Swedes agreed that both Pietikäinen painted a different picture of serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the collections countries’ “flat business structure” results in Finland, which is the only Nordic country to of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes Farestveit, and Nana Rise-Lynum. Translated by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad more being accomplished because one man- adopt the euro, leaving the country without Raneng. Illustrated by Solveig Muren Sanden, Jens R. Nilssen, and Ralph A. Styker. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, ager doesn’t have to consult another. control of the currency. designed, and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad. Björk moved the 20-year old company “When we joined the European Union, (Qlik) to the United States eight years ago we gained an image as a schoolmaster lec- because of better competition. “The first turing the poor Southern European countries seven years we were in a small incubator how to deal with the economy,” he said. “We in Sweden and now we’re a $150 million are not in that position any more because our dollar business in the United States,” said own economy is down. If I was giving these Björk. “As a business, we have a Swedish remarks a few years ago, I would be praising soul. We’re consensus driven. We don’t have Finland’s high credit rating. That is no longer to go to another person and another person the case. In the crucial 2008 crisis, we lost to get something done. My experience living 80,000 jobs and our external debt doubled. in this country for eight years is that Swedes Finns stopped looking for work. Finland is in are pragmatic and practical. We built the cul- the unique position between the East and the ture by hiring the very best people, no matter West. We have the largest border with Rus- where they lived in the world. We have ac- sia [in northern Europe]. They are our ma- countability and ambitious targets. We have jor trading partner. With the sanctions, our left the product innovation in Sweden, which exports declined. We import our oil and gas is efficient and cost effective.” from Russia. Turkey has now passed Finland “I’m not sure if we have a model as much as Russia’s favorite tourism spot.”

Høna trippar i berget The hen is out hiking in the del 2 mountain part 2 Keep your heritage “afloat” with our handpainted buoys! — Ja, det vil eg gjerne, sa jenta, for “Oh yes, that I would like,” said the ho kunne nok skjøna korleis det hadde girl, because she knew what had prob- Handpainted with the flag(s) of gått med systrene hennar. Då trollet ably happened to her sisters. When the your choice— made to order! høyrde det, fekk ho gilde klede, dei fin- troll heard this, she was given fine cloth- Makes a great gift! aste ho kunne ynskja seg, og alt ho elles ing, the finest she could have ever wished ville ha, så glad vart han for at ho ville for, and everything else she wanted, so 1.NAW.AstriMyAstri.20March2014.qxp_LayoutContact Erik Østensjö (207) 1 504-4518 3/20/14 6:49 PM - [email protected] Page 1 vera kjærasten hans. happy was he that she wanted to be his Men då ho hadde vore der ei tid, var girlfriend. www.heritagebuoyworks.com det ein dag ho var endå meir stur og still But after she had been there for enn ho pla vera. Så spurde bergmannen some time, she was sadder and quieter kva ho var så sturen for. — Å, sa jenta, than how she normally was. So the troll Astri, My Astri: Norwegian Heritage Stories — det er fordi eg ikkje kan koma heim til asked why she was so sad. “Oh,” said the By Deb Nelson Gourley mor, og ho har ingen hjå seg no lenger. girl, “it is because I cannot go home to • 16 TRUE stories in both English and Norwegian — Ja, gå til henne kan du ikkje få lov mother, and she has no one with her any- • Hardcover, 280 pages, over 350 illustrations til. Men stapp noko mat i ein sekk, så skal more.” • For all ages, 6″ x 9″, 24 pages in full-color eg bera han til henne, sa trollet. Ja, jenta “Well, to go back home to her I can- • = $29.95 with FREE shipping in the USA gjorde det. Men på botnen av sekken not let you do. But shove some food into Astri, My Astri: Norwegian Heritage Stories is a collection of 16 bilingual stories. The stories touch anyone who has hadde ho ei mengd gull og sølv, så la ho a bag, and I will take it to her,” said the an interest in Norwegian heritage, culture, history, geneal- litt mat ovanpå. troll. And this the girl did. But in the bot- ogy or language. The book takes one on a journey from — No er sekken ferdig, sa ho til berg- tom of the bag she had put a mass of gold immigrating in the 1840s to the discovery of an immigrant mannen. Men han måtte slett ikkje sjå and silver, and then she put a little food trunk more than one hundred years later. Topics include 1862 Minnesota Sioux Uprising, 1918 flu epidemic, Sami ned i sekken, og det lova han at han ikkje on the top. above the Arctic Circle, World War II heavy water assault, skulle gjera. Då han gjekk, kika ho etter “The bag is ready now,” said she to rosemaling, bunader, woodcarving, Syttende Mai, stave han i eit lite hol i veggen. Og han var ikkje the mountain troll. But he was absolutely churches, Snowshoe Thompson and Sikkilsdalen. komen langt på vegen før han stogga. not allowed to look into the bag, and this Call, send check or visit website — Denne sekken er så tung, eg vil he promised he would not do. When he Made in America! Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com nok sjå kva som er i han, sa trollet og ville left, she watched him through a hole in Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 til å løysa opp sekkebandet. Men så ropte the wall. And he had not walked far be- 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] jenta: — Eg ser deg nok! fore he stopped. — Det var då fælt til augo i hovudet “This bag is so heavy, I better look to på deg, då, sa trollet, og så torde det ikkje see what is in it,” said the troll and was This is the story of the original Norwegian pioneers who came to prøva på det meir. about to loosen the rope around the bag. America in 1825 on a 54-foot Då bergmannen var komen dit enkja But then the girl called: “I can see you!” sloop, and eventually settled at budde, kasta han sekken inn gjennom “They certainly must be some good the Fox River Settlement near stovedøra. — Der har du mat frå dotter eyes you have in your head then,” said present-day Norway, IL. di. Ho har det godt, så det leitar ikkje på the troll, and dared not try again. The 668-page book, with maps henne, sa han. Den gamle kona vart reint When the mountain troll arrived to and pictures, tells the story of their opp i under då ho fekk sjå alt som var i where the widow lived, he threw the bag journey, the families involved, and sekken. through the front door. “Here you have genealogies of the descendants. some food from your daughter. She has it This specially-commissioned re- well so she does not want for anything,” production of the 1961 original is individually numbered over an said the troll. The old woman was full of embossed seal by the Norwegian wonder when she saw everything that Slooper Society of America. Only was in the bag. a limited number of these beauti- fully gold-embossed hardbound Miss the beginning? Sign up books, with protective dust cover, by J. Hart Rosdail for our digital edition and get “The Sloopers” are available.

access to back issues! Published by: Now available! Collector’s Edition. For more information, $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. $66.30 visit online: SlooperSociety.org www.astrimyastri.com Order through Amazon.com