I109s World Bank Technical Paper Number 280
C/ Tp3Ao _____ __ ~AG. I109S WORLD BANK TECHNICAL PAPER NUMBER 280 Judicial Reform in Latin America Public Disclosure Authorized and the Caribbean Proceedings of a WorldBank Conference Edited by Malcom Rowat, Waleed H. Malik, and Maria Dakolias Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized RECENT WORLD BANK TECHNICAL PAPERS No. 204 Barghouti, Cromwell, and Pritchard, editors, AgriculturalTechnologiesfor Market-Led Development Opportunitiesin the 1990s No. 205 Xie, Kuffner, and Le Moigne, Using WaterEfficiently: Technological Options No. 206 The World Bank/FAO/UNIDO/lndustry Fertilizer Working Group, Worldand RegionalSupply and Demand BalancesforNitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash,1991/92-1997/98 No. 207 Narayan, ParticipatoryEvaluation: Tools for ManagingChange in Waterand Sanitation No. 208 Bindlish and Evenson, Evaluationof the Performanceof T&V Extensionin Kenya No. 209 Keith, PropertyTax: A PracticalManual for AnglophoneAfrica No. 210 Bradley and McNamara, editors, Living with Trees:Policiesfor Forestry Management in Zimbabwe No. 211 Wiebers, IntegratedPest Managementand PesticideRegulation itn Developing Asia No. 212 Frederiksen, Berkoff, and Barber, WaterResources Management in Asia, VolumeI: Main Report No. 213 Srivastava and Jaffee, Best PracticesforMoving Seed Technology:New Approachesto Doing Business No. 214 Bonfiglioli,Agro-pastoralism in Chadas a Strategyfor Survival:An Essayon the Relationshipbetween Anthropologyand Statistics No. 215 Umali, Irrigation-InducedSalinity: A GrowingProblemfor Development and the Environment No. 216 Carr, Improving CashCrops in Africa:Factors Influencing the Productivityof Cotton, Coffee,and TeaGrown by Smallholders No. 217 Antholt, Getting Readyforthe Twenty-FirstCentury: Technical Change and InstitutionalModernization in Agriculture No. 218 Mohan, editor, Bibliographyof Publications:Technical Department, Africa Region,July 1987 to December1992 No. 219 Cercone, Alcohol-RelatedProblems as an Obstacleto the Developmentof HfumanCapital: Issues and PolicyOptions No.
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