School Transfer Proposed and Mrs
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; Papa 10 RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD. Thurs., August 13, 1964 the first week and went to Wild- Mrs. Helen Rawling of Green- RA:;WAY PUBLIC LIBRARY wood and Cape May the sec-ville, and camped at her bunga- Lynn Warburton Married SEMINARY AVE ond week. Neighbors of the low at Rainbow Lake. Mrs Class of 1948s Boleys, Mrs. Helen Ruiz, and RAHWAY tt-d 8-T?- C Town Talk Rawling works for the Green- To Lt.^friHiam Brennan her son, Tom, took care of the ville Daily News. Boley's dog, Augie, while they Mr. and Mrs. William G. Raymond; Warburton, of Alex- ;;. $;.';.^.:-»: First Reunion By Florence Mershon Brennan of 940 Jaqiies Ave.,andria, Va. were away.. The Eggers family also visited have returned from Annapolis, Children of the city have been • • • the Rev. and Mrs. Charles Has- The ceremony was performed ' Plans Started Md., where they attended the in St. Andrew's Catholic Chapel busy with worthwhile projects Mr. and Mrs.- Henry L. Siner tie of Gaylord at their summer ::<••••<$*: A marriage of their son, Lt. At a meeting held on Thurs- during the past week. Three of 1196 Stone St. and Mrs. Sin- on the grounds of the 'United bungalow in Mackinac City for a (J. G.) William J. Brennan to day at the home of Mrs. Kitty carnivals have been held to er's mother, Mrs. Ellen Dan- States Naval Academy, and waji weekend. The Rev. Mr. Hastie Miss' Lynn Rae Warburton, followed by a reception at the Simmons Wight; 918 Stone St., raise funds for the Kennedy dignac of Elizabeth, gave a par- RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD is pastor of the Congregational daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Memorial Library, American ty on Sunday for Mrs. Richard Officer's Club on Aug. 1. a committee was formed to plan Mr. and Mrs. Brennan wen ; Cancer Society and Muscular Schober and children, George Church of Gaylord. I CLARK-COLONIA Merging The Rahway Record, Est 1822 with the Rahway News, Est. 1930 a reunion, first for the Class of AVENEL -ISELIN Dystrophy Fund. Patricia, Jeaine and Nancy, all Second Battalion, Seventh accompanied by their daughter, Robert Lockwood Jones Jr., 1948 of Rahway High School. • • • of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., for- Cavalry, received the award as Kathleen,. who was a brides- A carruvi) for benefit of the maid, and their sons,' Thomaj j Vol. 142, No. 14 Kf^ifi SSSS,"!!" 5SK Rahway.N.J., Thursday, August 20, 1964 Arthur Paulson of Rahway merly of this city. Mrs. Shober son of Mr. and Mrs. Jones of the outstanding company of the 8 Pages l$e 10 cenTs per copy was elected chairman, Mrs. Kennedy Memorial Library was and her children are visiting for 753 Garden St., is combining a and James. ".: held last week on the front First Cavalry Division in the Peggy Crowell Babbitt, also of a few weeks with Mrs. Scho- vacation with a business trip to Mr. and Mrs. Brennan to* Rahway, secretary, and Mrs. lawn of the home of Mr. and Pacific area. The commanding dered a dinner for the wedding I ber's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Europe. He is visiting Ireland, Delores Corey Liss of Carteret, Mrs. W. M. GunaLeO2JJidge Joseph Kelly of Elizabeth. The fiJ the Officer's Club, treasurer. Rd. The project •"vraS'-wganized party, held at the Siner home, Switzerland, France and Spain net!.. :;.. .' following rehearsal on July 31, | '•-• :• • • — Other members of the com- by a group Gf girls, 10 to If included friends among the on his three-week-trip. -— -Among- -the-wedding—guest! years of age, who reside on .Erie-Brachhauseh, son "of Mr. mittee are Mrs. Wight. Mrs. guests. • • • were their son and daughter-io I School Transfer Proposed and Mrs. Maurice Brachhau- Ridge Rd. The.girls are Cliris- law, Mr. and Mrs. John Brennai Florence Farber Abrams, Mrs. Mr.' and Mrs. Jerry Ostrow- sen of 1156 -Bryant St., has tine Gurval, Charlotte Campbell, of Fayetteville, N. O, arid tbeii I Jane Mitchell Hansen, Mrs. Ei- Miss Carol Hudock, daughter sky and son, Allan, and daugh- been named to the dean's^list leen Maurer Tracy, Mrs. Claire and Patty and Bernadelte Ryan. of Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. son-in-law, -Samuel Hannab,al*| ter, Debbie of 161 Cornell Ave. and has been,designated as an Nash to Assume Lincoln School Applegate Hansen, Mrs. Nancy The proceeds, $13.78, will be Hudock of 1197 Kline PI., was Ballston Spa, N. Y. have returned from a-week's va- honor- student for outstanding Moulton Manaker, Mrs. Doris sent to the library. MISS SHEILA SAMMOND guest of honor at a surprise Rahway residents presenl I Plans to Open Schools scholarship at the University of Duties as Head Tract May Be Scout Bogdanfy, rionald Apple- • • • party given in honor of hercation on Cape Cod and in other were Mr. and Mrs. Frederic! A farewell party was given parts of Massachusetts. Illinois College of Engineering, gate, Robert A Castor, Carl A carnival for the benefit of 18th birthday anniversary. The Urbana. Yorke and their daughters, Dunbach, Thomas Murphy and the Muscular Dystrophy Fund for Miss Sheila Ann Samparty- , given by Raymond An- James' Smath of Brunswick, Jeanne and Christine, and son, Of Curriculum Erwin Schwartz. mond, danghter-of—Afr.—and dreskPof 753 Hemlock*"SfTwas" Richard M. Nash, assistant was held on Friday on the ~Thomas~T)wyer, son "oTMr. ThTmasT~Mrv ana Mrs. Paul! On Sept. 9 Announced The Board of "Education" last superintendent of schools -and Preliminary plins tall for the lawns of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mrs. Howard Sammond of held at the Andreski home.and Helen Smath of 1991 Bond St. and Mrs. Jeremiah J. Dwyer Konic _and daughter, Susan; I night announced that it will fake' 688 East Millon Ave. on Mon- TERCENTENARY PRESENTATION — A looii rag having the design of the state's Schedules for the opening of secretary of the Board of Edu- affair to be held on April 24 at Allman of 555 Albermarle St. was-attended by friends. Miss' Mr. Smath, who was on tfie edi- of 1085 Mayfair Dr:, celebrated Mrs. Betty Roediger and daugh-1 nknaryjlggjjfas piesested to-Mayor Robert E. Hendersoa-in behalf-of-the children formal action at its Sept. 1G and_Mrjand Mrs._Glenn R. Pitt- day night in honor of her Hudock is "a counselor at'the tpriaFsfeff"riFThe Kennebec tersT Susan and "Janet; MissT the city's public schools - on :ation, has-beenrassigned~as meeting on a plan "to deeOie a location to be announced <rt myseventh birthday anniversary - of the city .during tbe Recreation Department's program on Thursday night in Roosevelt Sept. 9 were announced yester- head of curriculum, supervision, "TIRST"KENNETH TLBRECHT soFoTSGl AlBermarle St."Tak" enlistriienFuTtfie "Waves of Rahway Y.M.C.A.'s Camp Fair- Journal, Augusta, Me., is on va- Janice Brown, Miss" Regins Lincoln School property to the a future meeting. on Saturday, at a party. Guests ___: SchfiOl undltorium. The presentation was made by Jane Wlchrowski, second-fronv left-. day by Austin L. Singer, super- «s(ruetion~end finance,- it- —The—eonimjtwe-- •»- •enthuiiias- ing part were Joarr -Allmair; Mhe-Uuiled-States-Navy.- wealfier" cation from his"newTulIes'as at the Dwyer home • included Dougherty, Sean • Dougherty, Others shown above are,. left to right,, are Nicholas Deunonaco, general supervisor of the School-AuthmUsUfopeM chyas a silrfonrneTvKahway inlendenti>L5choo!s, _. announced by the board at last .', tic-ally engaged in locating class Cynthia JP.iits on, -Jane.Zahorien- Jliss Sanynond, .will leave -public-—relations—assistant—at TrttyVplaygrmmdsrAnthoirritoccor^orts^ Free PublicLibraryJiuJIding. Miss Becky Anne Hayes Thomas' grandparents, Mr. and" The hours for the elementary night's meeting in the Roose- mates. Several of the graduates ski, Janice Sprofera and Joan's tomorrow for Bainbridge, Md., Miss Joan Altaian, daughter of Bowdoin College, Brunswick. Mrs. Thomas Lombardie of R. Stevens. Miss"Kathjr Teatoi | •director, andAlayor Henderson, j j ; __.._: (PMo fry Kfinpfh M. Loniy). The school, constructed in cousin. Carolyn Wehr of Coving- where she will receive 10 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allman schools will be from 8:45 a.m. elt School auditorium. 1874. was closed by the board have been notified and have ex- Elizabeth, and cousins. of Linden also attended. to 2:45 pjn., which will provide Of Building's Completion •Mr. Nash has been devoting pressed a desire to attend It Weds Kenneth AlbrecM ton, Ky. Games, _a fortune weeks" of basic training. of 555 Albermarle St., left on William C. Waldheim, son of in June and its pupils and teach- Lt. and Mrs. Brennan will most of his time to his duties •SL. teller and refreshment booths Monday Air a Iwo-weekvacation Mr." and Mrs. William H. Wald- Miss Nancy Sherwood, daugh- i full day of classes, Mr. Sin- Austin L. Singer, superinten- ers transferred to other schools. is anticipated tlia* every mem- The marriage of Miss Reeky with a "hapel b-\m and an A June graduate of Railway reside in Newport, R. I., when [ ;er said. Kindergartens will "At thejpjesent time we are as secretary to the board. In wer« included in the carnival High School, Miss Sammond in Covington, KyT, "where she heim of GOO Hamilton St., haster of MrTand MrsTHarold E. 2J58 Children Were Registered Here dent of schools, told the Railway The board is to act next month ber of the class will be HdAnne Hayec, daughter of Mrs. he is attending Officer Destroyer | be conducted from 8:45 to 11:15 not certain but we are contin- his duties this year will become about the event to in-""" ••* Kenneth L AlbreoM t<xik place lace.