A Fishing Guide to Lake Superior and North Shore Trout Streams
AA FishingFishing GuideGuide toto LakeLake SuperiorSuperior andand NorthNorth ShoreShore TTroutrout StreamsStreams LEGEND Stream Information Seasonal Fishing Lake County Boat Launch Sites Miles Miles A. Horseshoe Bay E. Schroeder Town Launch Cook County Above Below Trout Shoreline Miles Miles (DNR) Located one and one-quarter miles east of Hovland. Turn off State Highway 61 east of Cross River on road marked Stream Name Boundary Boundary Species Status Continuous Fishing Above Below Trout Shoreline No gas. Parking. Small boats only. Father Baragas Cross, west side of Temperance River State except for brook trout Stream Name Boundary Boundary Species Status Park. The launch is just left of the dead end. No gas. Small Duluth Baptism River 8.0 1.00 B,Bn,R,C P,G B. Grand Marais boats only. Parking. Picnic area. Baptism River, E. Branch 14.0 0.00 B,Bn P,G (DNR/City) Heading north on State Highway 61 take a Assinika Creek 4.1 0.00 B G Baptism River, W. Branch 14.5 0.00 B,Bn P,G right at the stop lights in Grand Marais. Three blocks to F. Taconite Harbor Bally Creek 5.5 0.00 B G Beaver River 24.1 0.20 B,Bn,R P,G Boat Access Barker Creek 6.5 0.00 B G Beaver River, E. Branch 23.0 0.00 B P,G launch site adjacent to Coast Guard Station. No gas. Parking. (DNR) Turn at public access sign off State Highway 61 west Beaver Dam Creek 5.0 0.00 B P,G Beaver River, W.
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