Kensington, THE CHELSEA Chelsea & WORKSHOP LONDON’S ROLLS-ROYCE Westminster & BENTLEY SPECIALIST Today NELL GWYNN HOUSE DRAYCOTT AVENUE CHELSEA LONDON SW3 3AU T. +44 (0)20 7584 8363 Local news, global views
[email protected] WWW.CHELSEAWORKSHOP.COM ISSUE 0045 OCTOBER 2015 FREE (EXCEPT WHERE SOLD) . at the Science Museum FROM MANSIONS TO STuDIOS LARGE OR SMALL wE SELL AND LET THEM ALL FROM EARTH TO FIND YOuR pERFECT HOME pLEASE CALL: • KNIGHTSBRIDGE • MAYFAIR • CHELSEA • KENSINGTON OFFICES T: 020 7173 6412 HARRODSESTATES.COM Age Birth of the Space Cosmonauts: 4843 HE 88x48 KCW today ad.indd 1 02/04/2015 12:38 Mikhail Solovyov. Collection of the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics of the Memorial Collection Mikhail Solovyov. From the exhibition the exhibition From HIRE A BEAUTIFUL DRESS... HAVE A BEAUTIFUL EVENING 8 CHELSEA MANOR STUDIOS FLOOD STREET, LONDON SW3 5SR T: 020 7352 4848 E:
[email protected] Facebook: BE PROUD SOVIET CITIZENS, BE PROUD SOVIET CITIZENS, THE YOU’VE OPENED THE TO STARS ROAD Amazing discoveries on your doorstep. ICR_Kensington & Chelsea Today_12x260_Discovery.indd 7 25/03/2015 11:29 2 OctoberApril/May 2015 2011 Kensington, Chelsea & Westminster Today Contents & Subscriptions Kensington, Chelsea Editor: Kate Hawthorne Editorial: Fergus Coltsmann, Rosie Quigley, Fahad Redha Art Director, Tim Epps Events: Leila Kooros, Jeanne Griffiths, Fahad Redha & Westminster Today Production & Boating: Food & Flowers: Limpet Barron