825 NE Mul tnomah, 15 00 LCT Portland, OR 97232 phone (503) 8 13-5036 May 22, 2014 Via E-Mail Sean Sheldrake U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 900 M/S ECL-115 Seattle, WA 98101
[email protected] Re: Supplemental RI/FS Work at the River Mile 1 lE Project Area Portland Harbor Superfund Site (PHSS) Transmittal of the Final Porewater Sampling and Analysis Plan Dear Mr. Sheldrake: Attached for your review and approval is the Final Porewater Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) for the River Mile 1 lE Project Area. The Final SAP addresses the final round of comments that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) transmitted to the River Mile (RM) 1 lE on April 25, 2014. To assist with the review of the document, we have attached a copy of the comment table that EPA and the RMl lE Group have been exchanging that denotes (in red) where the SAP has been updated to address each ofEPA's comments. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I Jacqueline Thi ell Wetzsteon RMl lE Project Coordinator ec: River Mile 1 lE Respondents AOC Notice Recipients (Paragraph 97.c through m) Paul Fuglevand Porewater Sampling and Analysis Plan River Mile 11 East Willamette River Portland, Oregon May 2014 Prepared for RM11E GROUP Prepared by Smmc• & Engmnring for th• Environment DALTON OLMSTED FUGLEVAND DOF Water Solutions, Inc. This page intentionally left blank. Porewater Sampling and Analysis Plan Page ii River Mile 11 East - Portland, Oregon May 2014 Contents Section 1.