The tnctependent Farmer Newsletter fer Ensentq Users

"4 Advct nfolges of ()|] er I Operating Systems Articles: Advantztges uf Older Operating S}-"stems Grrrrh H_jel're (irtrrlr lifjrrlte raver I

It wuuld be nice and easy tn say that the latest epe-rating sg,-"stem tier eat.-ti nttty he the rnest eperating systems fer EPSHKSR instrtttnents reliable re use. setne ef the elder nperating Triel; er Treat! were the hest te use — ahsulutel}-". This is the systetns du have certain benefits. FIt‘ir'.' t’t»i'rrrrt=ar;=rrrer'_1t' ...... 3 ease with the Original EPS —- the-re is nu ad- vantage ef using an elder eperating system, Belenv" is a rltart at tnest el“ the uperating sys- sinee the last £2.49} has evervtliing and fises terns that were released taltd nut released} by ever;vthirtg. Enseniq. and a deseriptien nf pessihle usages. Reviews: Reeemntendetl US's fer regular use are in This is net tteeessarily the ease with the held. Basement Tapes: The K't'.tstrrg Tree lti-F'Iu.s er the AER-ltl.-"l-til. Altheuglt the last Betl uf tPrestu|1 lililtl Stet-‘e l”r'rrr'ertt ...... 4 Sampler "t-’ersiun Bleel-ts i'1eseri|"itlen

EPS l.‘~.lI'i I ta? Elli nu use; itttnatltteetl auturnated setlttenrer tnising, added SCSI suppert. EPS 1.35 I ti? Of ne use". stabilised the sf,-"stern: was the Regular Stuff: tnest reliable t}S lie!‘ atvltile BPS 1.411! I ti’? Elf nu use; added a huggv l'."t."}P‘t"' FLt'.lPP"r' Litlf-ll-=1 Randunt Hates ...... 2 ftinetinn The l:1tt=rl1ttre T PIPE 2.49 It}? Reeuntnlendetl fur use; fixes t.'It}P“'i’ l*‘l.Ul‘l"t" IIISK. adds several sest & Sequeneer Classifieds ...... t." fttnetiuns llaeker Tteeteeq l I I

EP5 IE:--Plus I.Il{l I IT" First release. nn advantagres te use |t._ J EPS llfz--Pltts l.lll I E1? Seutiertees.-"5etttrs tiretn Urigitnti EPS liurtnat t_aveids length hug in L3] ______.____ _,‘ EP5 lt':.~-Plus l.lT I IT’ Beta unreleased (J53; adds I13‘.-*1-.I1ll*'|Ll;' event This newsletter is stepping puhlieatien eperatien in Sequencer. Ivlaeres du nut wurle. E‘~leveruher. I999 t_Issue #l?3_t. EPS lfi-Plus 1.lEi‘ I lift P|'ar:tieall_v identical te l.l'i'; nu tlil'ferenees ehserved Issues 1*emaiuing: 4 (3) EPS lfi-Plus L3H I [17 Last [15 release. Adds innturtant Features sueh as M1111 Hank Lead, E-let]|1 If yuur address label indicates mere parameter saved, several ha nrljr sequeneer than 4 issues reraaining. please let us features. Intrudueed Seqltleug length lung. knew if vre need te werk sulnethiug utll lleesn’t inelude l.t'Il.a.lilFll.lfl event eennnant]. with haek issues er sentething.

FtSR— I tlflrll-l l..?.5 IT4 Ellie uf the first releases. nu advantage ta If vuur lahel intlieates less than 3 — nut te werry; a partial-year renewal - ttse. I:I'l1l}“ werlts with Rfilvl BIDS versiun l.ll. netiee will he sent ahuat the same titne AER-lllfrlfi 1.6] ITS Hest US fur daily rtermrrl use withuut as your seeend-tu~last issue. aturliu-'l‘raeI-ts and rkltaifllaland translation. Requires RUIN BIDS 1.5. __ _.\'

[ ISSUE NUMBERiIiili9, $2.50‘ JULY, I999 1 Sampler ‘iiersien ti‘-leel-:s lleseriptien aheve. Enseniq has net mentiettetl attjrthittg aheut the later OS's heing mere efficienttless ASR—l{ltt'li'§ llll 212 Adds Audie-traclts (RAl'’lTt'ttclts and huggv than Disl-tTracltsl. There is a perfertnattce tradeeff in speed ef eperatiens and senic There have been rumers that there are slight- respense in certain situatiens. Larger itt I}-' different versiens ef the lfi-Plusis ROM siee. leatl time is slewer- BIOS; e.g. itla. i.tlf. We tle net knew ef ASR- lllftiitl 2.51 Ell Best tit-i if ff-till need Audie-'l‘raeI-ts titty differences between systems; hewever. hut net Altai-Reland translatien we de ltnew that sente Wttvehey effects lntve ASR-i ll.-‘hit 3.[ltl SS2 Adds Al-ttti.-"lileland translatien. Perhaps sente glitches within early-tnade le-Ptuses slews dewn ttertnal eperatien slightly tpa|'ticularljr in Ettrepel. Perhaps these twe cetnparetl te ltil. net cenfirtned. Adds things are related... The en];.= eperating sys- seaic hug in Pl lASER+P.E'v"ERl3 algeritlttn tetas that rettuire a certain ROM BIOS in the tadds a scratch_1r tenet. Still Ia|'get' in machine are the ASH OS‘s1 hewever. re- sine. tead time is siewer. tnemher that any OS that used the earlier Ah-I?“ Ill.-"SH 3.52 332 Fittc..s lit-IASER. hug. ether atiaer fuactiens BIOS Lil is werth_';.-' ef heing discarded and net tncntieaed. upgraded te at least Lei. Se if veu have ASH-ltiffift 3.53 332 Rest tjtt-i if greu need all the pessihle AER ROM BIOS i.[l. get l.5 fretn an En- t'unctiens. lltifterenees frent 3.52 unitnewn. senit| Service Center!

EPS OS 2.4 trulgt-" intretluced a "virus" ittte certain Enseni-.'.| disl-tettes --- the hug itt the I ltave made all these Operating Sjrstetas Miscellaneous lntermetien COPY FLOPIW fttttctien created the in- ttvailahle ttt the Rtthher lf‘lticlten Sufi- tthilit}-' te edit certaitt files ea the dislt. al- vt-'tt|'e.-Tlticltett S},'stc.tns web site. "t"eu can Netice that all eperating s1-tstems fer the thettgh they ceuld lead and play their find thettt in the l<.'.new1etige Base. article Eh El-‘S's were 16? hlecl-ts. while the ASR OS-is seunds. Se if yea have seunds that perhaps -- www.eltickens1t's.cetn.-"Ith.-"tl2ti.httnl. titt- ceuld and weultl grew itt size. This is likely went threttgh this stage --— check ‘eta ettt. 1 ages fer the Pf? and ivlnc ate available. hecause ef a redesign ef placetneat ef the eperttting sf,-stern and the mattagetaeat ef that Checking veut 05 version end within the taetaery systeni. Ettsenitt decided the ROM BIOS version against the LOr\.DFll.E cetanntnds within the lti-Plus because ef the glitches ef attdie On all Ensenit; satnpiers. press (‘t)lviI'v’lAi‘~tl3- that weuld eccur when an instrutaent weuld attd then deuhle-click en the El‘~l‘v'l buttea. lead. Ensenit] apparently released 2.49 in t-it Seretl up I te tlte 5UF'l'WAlil.E lNFUR?vl.A.- hepes that OS lfitl weuid incltttle. the hack- TIOH page. and press ENTER-YES. ‘r'eu up.-"testere feature that was in tleveleptaent. will see the OS versien first {RAM}. then This weund up en the le-Pitts. hut fer sente press ENTER-YES again. ‘fen will see the reasen Ensenitt never t'e-lettsedtadapted the ROM BEOS tROl'vlt versien. Press ENTER- hacltttp.~"restere featttre fer the Original EPS... YES again. and jveu will see the KEY- Enseniq did recetntaend at the time ef the BOARD versien {net ef an},-" use]. Fer tnere ASl~t 2.ti| release that using l.ti1 weuld he a Hie: ['ittt'tft Hjefte is t'Q'f:'f) tJ_f'Htthht*r' (.'ftt't.‘f:ett infermatiett en the cetatnands ett these geed idea te these whe did net desire the St;5t‘i‘tt'ttr.e f..'r.t., I-‘t*tIIlft‘.f1' is tt'edt'-trite-:1’ tr: t.-‘re jitff pages. click here. aut.lie—tracl-t features. Hewever. as rnentiened .rtt_tntt":-rt eftttltl En.vent'r,r .rrtrtt;tt'cr.v.

RND (ht ) started with the "twe measly issttes“ thing — whatever he sets up. 'w'e’il alse lteep serne that vvtts lies madnesst. {2} The rapidly fall- ether chunks ef the Hntuter site and prehahly St-ate et the Unraveling... ing cash flew areutnl here as the renewal keep sellittg haclt issues fer a while. [Odd checits get staaller and stnaller and the new that ttehetljgfs mentiened the ether thing ‘fee tnight he wentlering aheut the little "4 suhs dwindle dewn te a precieus few. And we've get geing en there...)" en the frent cever ceuntdewn... Eiverv t3t. the fact that we‘te geing te print ever};- vear aheut this time we start te leg with the thing we have left itt that fittttl issue — se Finallv. we’d lilte te peint eut {again} the ad- idea ef having a detthle issue — tnestl}-' due it‘s p-1'tItI_tttlJl]-,' geing te he a fat puppy any- vertisers. There‘s prehahly setne "end ef an te puhlihet hurneut and sunttnet slewdewtt. wa}-‘. tOt at lettst tiny print...) era“ shepping geing en. httt with the tacit; ef well. this veer we figured. "if net new. then new subs the returns have get te he shrinking w!tcn'.i'” Se what we're geing te de is te cuta- Alse. Pat Fianigan has decided te maintain and at least part ef their heirtg here is pure hine Issues #lT2 and #l't'.i. This alse selves setne sert ef en-line Interface after the Herit- charity. We appreciate it and it lteeps the a few ether prehlemsz tit Wltttt te de with er gees awn}-'. Evidetttiv he has te de a little leses dewn te where we cart afferd te finish these suhscrihers wlte fall just ene taeasly site huilding first. ‘we'll iteep yea pested ea this thing eut. We hepe j-reu readers aretft issue shett et the final issue tnew. dea"t get this and httve a linlt en the el' .-'.l'rtt'tier site te putting eff these buying plans... Mere later.

2 bet ROM 39 Pitch Shift in the ASR- ltl. Press the EFFECTS hutten and ge te Eltts l mis Trick or Treott! and cltange it te 99. Oe te Bus 2 and veice 2 velatne and change these numhers te ti. We Brit" Mrrrtrgrrt-rtet'y are geittg te de this in mette fer new. Oe te veice i Pan and he sure it is set te ti. Okay yea are ready. Lead a sample leep inte l"~Ie. l have ttet rushed threugh the last year ef The ttnswer will he at the end ef this paper. tttetttery. Play the reel key. ‘fear sample is the millennium re get te Halluweea. I atu l“s'ew we will ge hack te the article! ttennal. Play the sample ene half step dewn geing te drep serne tricks er tips en yett te frerrt its reel key. Press the EFFECTS hutten help when yen run inte unfaverable situatietts The first itetn we will cever is sentetlting that attd ge te vet SEMl=. change the setting te er yett wattt te ge heyettd the realnt ef year scents te he a hig deal lately. Lct‘s say yen +1. Play the key that is ene whele step dewtt technical kttewledge ert yettr Ensenit] gear. get this new tene meduie er synth and yett fretn the teet key attd adjttst the vct SEMl= are tryittg te use MIDI hetween theta. Yea setting te +2. De the sante thing in the ep- I knew this is geing te seund silly. hut l want cennect the cables attd ttetltittg seetns te pesite dircctien as well. Play the key that is te he sttre that peeple whe are new te MIDI werk. This test is ene that I use te he sure ene half step ltigher and adjttst the ‘v't'."l ttaderstand a few things. MID] dees ttet carry that the Enseniq pteduct is duirtg what it is SEMl= setting re -I. Yea will find that the attdie signal. The aadie eutputs ef each key- sttppesed te he deing. This test can alse werk satttple is staying at the sattte pitch, but play- heard. tette tnedttle er dtuat machine has te fer nett-Ettsettit] gear. irtg at a slewer er faster tetnpe. Tire integrity have its aadie eutpttts cennected te sente ef the sample will stay pretty decent up te -3 pewered meniters er a ntitter attd settrtd sys- We are geing te "trick" the MR.-‘ZR ittte er +4 fretn the eriginal teet key. If yeu want tem te be heard. Headphenes are attetlter ep- tltittking that it is sending MIDI rtete data te te keep the new way the sample seuttds. tien te esercise if the twe previeus eptierts its MIDI eut. and that it is waitittg fer MID] sitttply de a re-santple ef the leep. In case are net availtthle re yen. rtete data te cente inte its MIDI ittpat. "tea yeti de net remember, Press the sample hut- will need ene MIDI cahle. Cennect the MIDI ten and curser te Input Dry and change it te I get this t|uestien fear titrtes this week alette. ettt ef the MRIZR te the MIDI in ef itself. Main Out. l'~lew press Enter 2 titnes. l‘\Iew. “Can I de a sysett dantp frem my Alesis ‘res. we are creating a MIDI leep en the yea can select a new lecatien and centinue synth te my ZR and use the Alesis snunds irt MRtII.R. Select track l itt the I6-track re- the tterntal way ef sampling. tny ZR?“ Nepe. Syses is sltert fer S_t.".s"tt.-‘tit fit"- cerder sectien and pttt a seund en that track. cl‘a.rt‘t-e. The way I rententher it is te remem- New. press the select track btttten. Turtt the Here's a geed ttacstien. "I dewnleaded the her-that the ittferrttatiert is “esclusivc" te that paratneter kneh te get te the MIDI OLIT in- new OS fer my ASR-X attd it wenit werk en particular hrand arttl trtedcl. A sysett message strutnettt. If the cables are cemtected in the nty ntachine. It alse will net werk en nty frem a MR cattttet be sent te a KT. er an manner we. disctrssed. yea can pltty the keys ftiend‘s ASP.-X Pre either. Why deesn’t it SO-I syses message cttnnet he sent te art and hear the MR.-‘ZR seund yeu assigned te werk?" Let me answer the questien irt a ESQ—I. The ettly time this is different is itt track I. I use this test te detertttiae a few- cettple ef parts. Part ene is that the OS fer an the case ef twe units having similar architec- tltings. I de this te detertttine that the lvllllll itt erigittal ASR-X {Black Betti canttet be ture itt the seftware area like the l'vlR fatrtily artd MIDI eut are werking en the unit artd dewnleaded fretn the Interttet. The OS fer an and the ZR er the ESQ-I te the SO-1-ltl er that yeti are sttre that yeu are actually sertd- ASR-X Classic can enly be up-dated via art tnayhe the SO-I er 2 fatnily te the KS-32. ing ttete data ettt ef the MIDI eat en MIDI installatiett ef twe chips. ‘feu can place an The enly ether case that yett cart send syse:-t cltanttel 1. If yeu new ttttplug the side ef the erder fer the chips via the Ensenit] website: te anether uttit that is net the satrte medel er cable that is cennected te the MIDI irtpttt and hrand is with an IZPS.-"lh+ artd the ASR-ltl. cennect it te the MIDI input ef the new wtv w .ettsen it1.cetnt'httttl.’asrte’seftware.htnt These units have sentetltiag called syses medule. all sltettld he werking. If ttet. tlterc recerders. They ltavc the ahility te save may be sente ether settittgs that ttre necessary Be sttre te fill ettt the entire fena and tlten anether unit‘s syscs duntp te a fleppy disk er te adjust itt the receiving device. Be sttre te sultrnit it. Yea catt ttlse call and place an re a hard drive. Even then. that data canttet he check te see that the attdie etttput er head- erder fer the chips hy calling elfl-ti-ti"!-3li3[l leaded inte the santpler fer use ef seunds. it phenes are cennected preperly. Be sure te S551 using a credit card fer the 59.95 ship- is ertly fer steragc ef the data. citeck yea MID] certnectien again attd he ping attd ltandling fee. Dea‘t want re use a sure that yeu are en the rigltt MIDI cltanttel. credit card‘? Then send in a tneney erder ad- Anether thing te retnertther is that if yntt wattt Make sure that there is a settnd selected itt tlresscd te; twe units te "talk" te each ether. they ntust the receiving ttttit. he en the same MIDI chattttel. It is like .ASR-H OS Upgrade watchittg televisien. HBO er SltewTime is "t’eu cart de the satae trick ett etlter synths I55 Great 'v’alley Parkway always playing ll tttevie er settte type ef and satttplers as well. Be sttrc titat the MIDI I'vIalvera Pa. l93.‘iS pregrantrniag. The enly way yett cart get tu in lvlede is set te ntulti and that lecal cetttrttl sec the pregrantming is re centtect the cattlcs is turned eff! l-’art twe ef this t|uestien. “The OS disk I preperly ttttd te have year teievisiett en the dewttleaded frem the Internet will net werl-: santc channel that they are hreadcasting en. Hereis anether test t|uestien. en my ASR-X Pref“ can he easily attswered. If yett wartt year syntlt re play a tette ntedttlc The prehletn nertnally cernes up in twe that is en chattnel 5. then year synth has tn be Ouestien: SIPOIF is an ttctettynt. Wltttt tlees places. Either the persen just cepied the setup te transmit en channel S. S.-"PD I F" stattd fer‘? zipped file te the disk, er they unzipped it te the disk witltetit fellewing directietts en what Letis ltave a test te see what yea knew. t-lev.- we will ge hack te the article! ttas re he dene te "ID" the disk in advance te uttzipping the file. ‘rep, tittte fer anether ette Qnestien: MIDI is an acrenytn. Wltttt dees De sente real-titne time espansiett.-'cemprcs- ef tltese. "In case yett didn't knew" seg- MIDI stand fer‘? siett ert year ASR-ltl! Select the effect nata- tttents. hierntally. when files are pttt up en a

S website, tltey are not in their native form for ill:= Double eliek the file you just downloaded stand for?" many reasons. lvlaybe the deviee the file is {It is ealled ASR-lit Pro D5} intended for does not use the forntat your 1|:=- Cliek “Dl<.'." in the hos that popped up The answer is, Musieal Instrument Digital eomputer does. ln the ease of pre lvlR and 12;» Cliek “Unzip” in the self estraetor bos Interfaee. ASR-Isl Ensoniq produets, they use their own that popped up [El-e sure that the disk we format on floppy disks and hard drives. You just formatted is in the floppy disit drive of Depending on the eapahilities of the key- will need a speeifie utility to write those files your euntputer before you do this step] board. MIDI will not only allow multiple to disk properly {I'll mention that in few l3:> when the estraetor is eomplete, take the keyboards, samplers and drum ntaehines to minutesl. The other reason is that the files are disk out of your eomputer eommunieate with note data and eontrollers. smaller in their zipped stattts attd do ttot take I4:-= Ete sure that your ASR Fro is DFF, insert l'vllDi is also used to transtnit lvtTtI‘ {MIDI up as ntueh memory on the website. the ASRH Pro D-S disk into the floppy disk Time Code}. lvllDl is the medium used to do drive of your ASR-Pt Pro, turtt the ASRK something ealled, Sample Dumps or sonte lf you do not ltave Winaip or Pkttnsip, they Pro UN. people eall it SDS {Sample Dump Standardl. ean downloaded frottt the Internet or pt|r- I52» Press "Enter" when the K Pro asks it‘ you A eousin to SDS is SMIDI tstisittvtttttt. ehased. This website has winzip available? want to update the OS. Hey, as long as we are "aeronyttting"' oursel- http:i’i"www.winzip.eo|ttt. lo:-» Let the 3-rt do its proeedure ves to death, what does SCSI mean...‘i' I knew you all had the answer, Small Computer Sys- lf you follow the direetions below e.rrn~tty as The US vvili not update if you already have tem lnterfaee. they are. you will be able to ereate an ASR-X Ii.[l4 itt your ASR-X Pro. Pro US disk. The seeond question was, "Whitt does The utility that I mentioned earlier for dump- StPDlF stand for?" The answer is, SonytPhil- Creating the ASE-X PRO OS Disk ing files to a disk that your Ensonio produet lips Digital InterFaee. StPDIF is a digital will reeognize is ealled: audio IID. {Can't seem to get away from Windows Computers those aeronyms! ltt] = Input and Dutputjt. Giebler EDE (Ensoniq Disk E:-ttraetorjt amt is The Paris 2, Paris 3 systems and the ASR-ll} 1:»-Put a double sided-high density 3.5 floppy loeated here on our wehsite: use StP[JIF. disk into the floppy drive of your eontputer 13> Douhle eliek on the “lvly Cttrttputer” ieon http;r'.-='wtvv.-'.ensoniq.eomi'binary.=‘edeltlilzip 1 trope this info was helpful for you. Class is 3:» Right eliek on "Floppy" over, get baek out there attd make some 4.-> Choose "Format" For ASR. EPS, TS. ‘JFK, and SD instru- tttusiei As always, be eoot, be funky, make 51> Forntat type should - Fttll atettts. Tltis file enables you to eonvert esist- tttusie, think Ensoniq! — -5:» Label should = ASRHOSDISR ing disk itnage files into diskettes for use in T:-»~ Eliek "Start" in the format window your ENSCINIQ instrument. ‘foo wili need it i:i> Git to the l'ollow'ittg URL: http:ttw'ww.e|t- to use any of the disk itnage files on the Ett- sr:-nie|.eom.='htmli‘asrs p|'ev'asrtt proost|p- soniq website. The file is in zip format. {You Bio: Erik‘ tl»t'r.rrttgrtrtter_y heist tvrt'rtert rrttt.vt't' flit" date.htttt might wattt to eheek the EDE doeutttentatiott I§rt.t'ortiry pt'r.idtter.t'. (.'hrt'stt'ttrt tl-t‘it.vtt* prrrjt*t*t.t' 9> {Tliek on the operating systetn file attd on that site for operational assistanee.i and rnvi solo t'..-',t'.I-"s". Ertt." ts rtotr ti'oi*t'ctrtg on download it tlvlayhe seleet your desktop as his ;'-‘rd .vot'o {TD prri_,iet't art-;t' Atnttt'r-*itttTet'hnrt a loeatiott to save the download to} The earlier question was, "What does lvllDl rrtu.rt't.' _n.rrt_,r'et.'t.

The Kissing Tree Bert of Rrtses tPreston Ktttt J

Lil}: '.-"Pitt Kts.rtrtg Tre-e le} I993 l‘~I.|ik'I‘ras The tt't'.r.~ti'ttg Tree eontittues Preston's adven- age. This is aeeomplished with sitar, dreattty Artist: Bed of Roses tP't"estott l'~'Llik"l tares iitto trippy, unusual, artistie sound- piano, distant-sounding harmottiea, rosiny {Iontaet Info: klil<[email protected]. seapes whieh evoke tt wide range of eello — potentially disparate elements weav- www.divinatiott@aol-eom, emotions from sad to settsuous to esuberant. ing tl tapestry whose eonsisteney is simply wwtv.mes.ttett'-tttsl. But these songs do not simply evoke feel- that they all spring from the same mind and liquipment list: Ensonit] EPS, eellos, ings: they take you plaees, almost geographi- heart {and rooting them in a hypnotie pereus- violins, sitar-guitar, aeoustie and eleetrie eally. lt’s almost like a tranee-travelogue. sion traek doesn’t lturt either}. guitars. harmoniea, parakeet, thonderstortn. Let's review the traeks: L‘. It/letting the Heart at the Strute Btrrlrthd — Preston I-ilik is no stranger to the Basement I, 'It"he Artie Tltrtt Is My Mimi‘ — This song This is a very My Seartet t'.r';‘e-islt sottg. The Tapes column. His tttusie has been reviewed does indeed evoke images attd feelings of hook is a middle-eastern souttding ehant in these pages thriee before with his band My opening a rusty-hiitged trunk of keepsakes itt spoken repetitively like a mantra by Rupert .‘ir'arter t.tyt- t.lanuary lilE1'"i', August iiihft, and alt attie and esposing long-hidden dreams, Gltostswami. A niee raittstiek sample inter- April I993}. This CD, The r't'.'i.r.virt_t,* Tree, was painful memories, bittersweet aneiettt long- spersed with attnospherie syntlt blurps keeps reeorded with a nutnber of MSt_.'.t musieiatts ings, like ghosts set free to fly about the the eastern religion meets teehno vibe going. plus a ttumber of other friends of lvlr. Klik‘s, dusty ehamber for a while, then loeked up From time to time the highly proeessed under the name Herr‘ sy" again when you elose the trunk for another sandpaper bloek pereussion starts in, making

4 you thiitk now we start, but then it stops syitth eltord. A pad droites uttohtrtisively in tempting to touelt the divine. Preston ltlik again- the baekgrotind. while the storm keeps has orehestratetl, masterminded and or- stornting... ganized their offerings into this wonderful, 3. The ihlerty .5}‘tth,stt*r — A dreamy piano evoeative danee. intro segues into an earttest progression. ti. .‘i'peetre — Sampled sound bites remind given even moi'e life with Char Cole l'vlal- me of liiformation Soeiety's use of spoken The Ki.i-.i'i‘rig Tree ends with an untitled traek loy’s violin. Finally, a hip-hoppish beat word samples from a deeade ago, but the whieh is simply the ambient noises of the eomes in to finalize the groove. All the piaito part is elassie l

5 EPSIEPS-1'6tASRtTS Samples Btanit Memory Cards Syntaur MegaDisk 1 5 2 $1 ?.95idisk 256k PCMCIA for E-Prime. KT. MR Rack $79.95 Syntaur Sample Sets, 4 disks per set $29.95tset 512k PCMCIA for E-Prime, KT. MR Rack $97.95 Sample Kee Master Sets, 3 disks per set $24.95tset 32k Memory Card for KS-3ZtSO Series $39.95 Ensoniq AS Sets, 5 disks per set $39.95tset EEPROM Cartridge for Eso-use-so $74.95 Ensoniq SL Sets, 5 disks per set $39.95tset Ensoniq SLT Sets, 19 disks per set $'t'4.95tset Memoryq Output, & SCSi Expanders Syntaur"Supersoniq" CD-ROM or Zip Disk $169.95 8 Meg Memoiy Kit (2 SlMMs} forASR-1lJtTS-1 U $T4.95 Syntaur"Let There Be Phatl" CD-ROM orZip Disk $169.95 EPS-16 Plus 2x expander cartridge $199.95 Ensoniq CDR-2, 3. 5. S, T, 14. 15 $199.95tea SOX-T9 Sequencer Expander Kit $99.95 Ensoniq CDR-S. 9. 19. 11, 12. 13 $99.95tea (for KS-32. SO-1. SQ-2, TS, SD-1‘, and VFX-sci) OEK-Gsr Output Expanderfor EPS-16. ASR-1 O $249.95 MRIZR Sounds K-8 Output Expander for ASR-X $229.95 Ensoniq MRD-1 disk 11130 sounds) $24.95 SCSI Kit for EPS or EPS-16 Plus (incl. manual) $149.95 EXP Expansion Boards Call for pricing Pedals E-Prime/KT Sounds CVP-1 Control Voltage Pedal $29.95 Syntaur KT S911. Bl] sounds on PCMCIA card $199.95 SW-2 Sustain Pedal. plastic $16.95 Syntaur KT Set1.E9 sounds on Mac or IBM disk $34.95 sw-s Damper-style Sustain Pedal. metal $39.95 Ensoniq KTC-3 or KTC-4 ROM card $99.95iea SW-10 Dual Damper-style Pedal. metal $49.95 TS Series Sampling CD9 Syntaur TS Sets 1.2 S 3 (B0 sounds per set) $34.95tset Ensoniq X-Audio Series. Vol. 1, 2. or 3 $49.95 Diesel. classic drum machines $49.95 KS-32;'SQ Series The Low End: Bass Loops, all styles of basses $24.95 Syntaur SO Sets 1. 2 s 3 (BU sounds on disk) $34.95tset Definitive Grooves, the king of hip-hop loops! $?9.95 Any two Syntaur SO Sets on RAM Card $1 09.95 Funky Rhythms You Cant Live Witttout, loops $49.95 Ensoniq SC. ISO. or EX Series ROM cards $99.95iea Old Soul Coitectives. soul drums from the ?9‘s $24.95

VFJOVFX-sdtSD-1 instructional Videos Syntaur VFX Sets 1 s 2 {S9 sounds per set) $29.95iset EVS-1. “Mastering the ASR-10" $19.95 Ensoniq UPC or IPC Series ROM cartridges $59 . 95tea EVS-2, "Jumpin‘ On the DP!-4“ $19.95 Ensoniq VPC or IPC Series disks $29.95iea EVS-3, "TS-10 - Turn it Up. Turn It On" $19.95 Ensoniq VSD Series Disks $29.95tea EVS-4. "TS Sequencer Turned On" $19.95 EVS-6. "KT-?6...Grand Performance" $19.95 ESQ-H89-89 Syntaur Soundsets 1-6 (49 sounds on disk) $1 9.95iset iliianuais is Books Syntaur Soundsets 1 s 2 ROM cartridge $59 .95 Musician's Manual {specify which keyboard) $19.95 Syntaur Soundsets 5 is 6 ROM cartridge $59 .95 Talking Owners Manual. cassette tit disk. EPS-16 $9.95 Ensoniq UPC Master Disk (830 sounds) $9? .95 Talking Owners Manual. cassette at disk. SD-1 $9.95 Ensoniq VSD Master Disk (199 sounds) $49.95 The iliitDi Companion (99 pages, Jeff Rona) $14.95 The Sampling Book (159 pages. Steve DeFuria) $17.95 ntiiragie Vintage Synthesizers (309 pages. lltlark Vail) $22.95 Syntaur Mirage Sets 1-1B (3 disks per set) $24.95iset Ensoniq SLD-A, B, is C sets (10 disks per set) $69.95tset iltlisceiianeous Soundproeess Disks 1-7 (96 sounds per disk!) $1 9.9511’est Syntaur Keyboard Covers (specify which keyboard) $17.95 FMT-2 Mirage Fonnatting Disk $1 7.95 MS-1 Music Stand, for T6 & BS note keyboards $49.95 Gall now for a free catalog! .-

Letters for The lttterface may be sent to any of the following addresses: tl.S. Mail - The Interface. Transoniq llacker. E4112 SW Upland Dr.. Portland. OR 9'i2'2l Electronic mail - Internet: [email protected]. In ntany cases a quick answer can be obtained by posting to our interactive. on-line Interface at our Web site thttp:trwww.transoniq.comtinterface.html} or calling Ensoniq CS at bltl-154?-393fI. This is probably one of the most open forums in the music industry. Letter writers are asked to please keep the vitriol to a minimum. Readem are reminded to take everything with a grain of salt. Resident aiiswer-man is Pat Finnigan {PF}. Letter publication in the printed version of TH is subject to space considerations.

Dear sirs. reliable ‘v'FE} and TS-llltll so hard for the competi- rt-.i'ct_v the tiles jiir tltcsc prrtprictt'try l*'L.5'l'.t'. their tion to beat. Where is the large screen. poly after- iitrtyhe Ettttt lttttr tltent. ttnrl CAN he tttutle ttivrtre of As a longtcrm reader it is sad to hear that the lirtrirer touch. groove-based seqtiencer ttodayis MUST havcl their lni,rtoi'tttrit'e. is closing shop due to the withdrawal of support by and disk drive? l_iil-i should look at the ltorg Trinity liinsttniq-Emu. vs for the future direction of the market. first class Tet l'iii lililiil’ gltttl they've seen fit to trtttittttiiit {ttt samples. physical modelling {via Ill. intlepeiident the l:'tt.t'oitir,r treh ,nre.i'ettr"e. rttttl 1|‘ hj the jttllett ttt Mul- The reason given to the i'-lttttlier for the withdrawal of effects. massive sequeitecr and disk drive all in a verit who STll,l. .i'ttj*tprii‘t the Ensitniu line irith support {incorrect information and poor "in service" single instrument. ii'huiei'er is leti rri-"er. Tlte trugetiy here i.i' tttttttl_,li*ti't. product reviews via readersl letters. etc} is total crap. liowever. its the lrtyrtl ttser httse is ttiiettutetl ttritl hit- The bottom line is that stiles are down. the market is As for the iirtr-tier. it seems that Ensoniq has fol- ter 1|‘.sinr*e nrillting remrtitt.r in Mttlt-*ertt hat irgtlrlt-'er.i' now extremely competitive with few new buyers and lowed the footsteps of all other major manufacturers. jliir .s_tJtlt'e.r,l. ttnrl the En.roitir,i' DEALER ltrtse is le_ll' to many new small lF.uropcait coinpaitics selling impres- The iirn-irer is seen as representing the past. a time jirnil jiir it.ret[t'. its i'li-it tlertler .stt,uprii't reittrtirts _tiir Ett- sive cutting edge virtual analog synths entering the when syittlts were designed to be musical instruments .t'rtiiitj verttlors. My itivn tech tells rite i'tt'ittliitini.sti'rt- market. and support from the manufacturer and third parties tire hrtt'rr.ii" .1-ttii"ie.i', its he r'rrttltln't get the ,urnret' was expected by the consumer. .tjliii:iriei" o_,{jt' of it Crcttti re l.uhs ntitnttget".t' rleslr. its in such a competitive environment ito one wants to the ttiltitiitistrutive hotly t'oitlrlii't retillotvite purl publicize their failures. be they unreliable products Through the Hrs-tier, linsoniq gained a loyal cits- ittiitthet'.v to En.vottii:,i prorlttet jitr ti tveelrs ujler the or pi_ior sales. ll you look at linsoniq reviews in any tomer basc who used the iirtr~i:ei' as a forum for ittkcot‘et'. major keyboard ittagazine. reliability is always ques- leamiitg about aitd discussing their litstrutnentst tioned even if the rest of the review is positive. problems etc. This worldwide community contains a ll"ltielt is why we ntuintuiti that yeah. En.t'ottlt,i large number itf people whit have actually learned to tl'eyhortrrl.i' rtilc. hut it '.r up to US to tnrtintttiri the fu- linsonlq blames everyone except for thetttselves for program their old synths to meet modern sound re- ture of our ltttrrl-_,ti'iught Ert.t'onir_i pureltttser. their current situation. lt seems to ttte that this ittovc quirements and so extend the life of their synths is as a direct result of the general lack of confideitce whilst showing otlters that given the right prograni- Aiirly. tithe gootl erire tutti l‘Tliit'lh'.1'_li'Jt’ _vruir tttire on the felt by the buying public and retailers toward lin- ming. old {'Slls-'1-ltlst sytttlts cart produce today's and iiirttter. . . ,l soniq synths. It has. over the years. been reported totttorrt:-w*s sounds. rotttiiicly in the iirii'il:er and the mass market lllttre .~'l-iorte_v 1!’[email protected]'oitt_l — l httre hurl magazines that linsoniq synths seem to be subject to This is. of course. exactly what the manufacturers do two Eii.niiiit,r pieces by“ t'r,rtii,ttnieiit anti been titi,ri_uy major operating systent btigs. lior exaniple the it-‘tilt - not wttnll irittt hotit. i heiicre lfitmriiq .ri'reii'erl tip hy getting incredible sounds. big screen. easy to un1.lerstand yet ritl ojftite AER-ill’, ttttrl it lot rifrttjt _l‘i‘iettrl.r rtgree. powcrftil sequencer. disk drive ani;l poly aftertoucli — To tltem, syitths and santplers should be seen by the it should have been a world bctttcr if it were itot for consumer as throw away items. very ntiich like PCs. lttith teeliriiitiigy hio.i'.roniiiig on ttie PC _ll"rl'ill with tilt the fact that it was totally unreliable. Is-month lifespans then scrap or sell at a mega loss. of the iitu.ric _ui'r.igi'ruti.v it ii'ti.r only ct ntrttter t=_.t' time llpgrade to the latest model even if. as in the case of |lIt_::,fi',t,l'-1'1’ ri-oiibie lt'tI.l_'i' to set in. i have heen extreittely llowever. the fault was not with the llrti‘i;er aitd the the liizmo. it secitts to ttffer a lot less than the old ltrt_n,ii_v irittt hotii rtf my .ruiii_uler.s. tutti if not jlitr the many other other inagaziites in reporting the situa- SIJ.."'i‘S and SQ transwave and sample based instrti- t'hrin_ee.s til litt.n.ittitj l iivtttttl htty ittore et,ltti_nrttetrt tion. ll is with Iinsonit] for releasing a bug-ridden ments whiclt they replace. jfroitt tlteht. lii'i-.'rtrt'.' rlott't cure for contrril ,itrtrtet' on synth in the first place. They still do -- sonte people .-'l.‘:Tl\l -.'=l. .1,i never leam. ily witltdrawiitg support to the i-liirier. this coin- munity will in many cases move onto other syntlts. This is where I feel the |'ot set in. Many dealers probably the big three — ltorg. Roland. attd ‘ramaha. Tll -- heavily stung by repairs and complaints from the Clf course. linsoniq will he happy as they will not customer refused to stock later Iiitsoniq products. in- have anyone at all reporting probletns. l've been researching computer-based digital multi- stead eoiieeinrating on “i-eliable“ Riirg. Roland. irack systems. and the Paris seems to have some "r'amaha and Akai instruittcttts. I wish you all the very best iit wltatcver venture you loyal and enthusiastic followers. itot to mention some enter inttt next. great advaittages. My question is: How long will litt- So where does this leave i-Insonii-.|'.i‘ soitiq.-"l.intti support this system? if I buy Paris today. liest regards. will I be left high and dry tomorrow‘? l'm posing my Ensoniq would have had a winner with their Andrew hri ntiti ittg qiiestioit to this forum. rather than calling Ensoniq. blacktred groove machine if they had just asked l-lristol. l__ll't for obvious reasons. Any responses‘? themselves what the target market wanted. As it is. the ultimate groove machine comes with ttnly 2 lvteg till-' — Atirlreii'." Thttnir you liroiii till r{.t'u.t'.' et:eryhorl_v Steve ‘iiincent of sample RAM. no onboard editing. MR type in the l:Tn.i-riniu L-'forte ticiiows the ,eri.-rpt-:l of your worrlr. Portent Music. Tacoma. WA sounds. a very small screen and Rtltili. based drum tiiitl i per.roriull_v ri,uprer'ittte your t’it“t'lt.l‘tl't'_'|t in s_vt'- s'[email protected] sets. Cln a inaclt inc aimed at the dance market! lrtlti.r.r. l:l_v the .1-mite titlreit. thetre pier"e.s httre _iu_vt ittriterl to giiltl. Atrts. hr the stutte lriiten. the_v've .l'i':'l" - .':i'tet*e.‘ My li'.lh"£’ ttin'i so stellttr. PAii'i.'.i' is rt They could not have gotten it more wrong. yet had ittrrtetl into _.h:i'ttl mttller tltte to the urttiirttilrtitility of GREAT s'_v.rtettt. but _voti're u.ri:ing _,ti'.=-r .rty"tivui'e* tutti they ditched the MR sounds for the dance upgrade .reri=ii'e. Any sei,f-i't'.i',iter:titi,i,= iiitiritr.titi:ttrrei' irotilti tlo liui'tlivure .t'li_l'Ij'i'i’H'l jiront u t:riritpuny irtio can't even board of the MR series and included a minimum of the .ri,i;ltl' thing rtntl tttttlttittitt .s,itttre.v to .supytorl "The .i'tt,rt,rtl'y .tytrtre.i' _f-.v' their tleftittt't i:ey'hrtttrti rt'it'i.ririi't. l lb Meg of sample RAM with full editing as standard. ireiiterttlr.ut.s- .rtii:‘i'es.i of our ctirrettl ,nrrttlttt't litre. " llul 1-t'i’ll-tlltl he res-it.s.i' if rtutetl iitnytliing less than eetits it would have been a winner. thitt rtirt'i griitttit ttitgtperi fill‘ your siritetl rettsotts". prtrehiis... l1lr’hit-it is irhy .-l.‘i'h‘-itl*.s tire .1-oitl _,iiir ,$.'itill in out‘- linsoniq’s latest offering. the liizmo. may sound gttod itritt-.. .Pzl.lit’l.‘§' is ti root .ry.vtent. hut lrrotririg iirer the iioricriit. but it is only a modern copy of late *SlIls transwave _voti'l'l rertlice there are hut two Iorils thrit technology as found on all Hnsoniq products since Wliir-it is tilt the iiiore i'eti.voit to lzeep .rtte.i'e iito.i't elo- El-’Eli l"li'ill‘.Dl" nttt.rter.r friini. Anil tire front the "v’FJ'-it but without the bits that made the SD-l {the tlttettl of ttttii'liine.i' ii,rterrttionti'l'. -ll" l§it.wiitt't,= pi 1-it'll ll-'i,t;'il_.'-',t;n. rtiitl its rut t.’.r-ertg'ittt*t't' ivliosc _tii‘ittt't',tf=tlt.r

I’ sriiri tire seeri t'rrt‘tt to r'tl-‘Til jirr one qrnrtrtet".t .HL|!t'.i'.t— t'ri_"r priittt in tniting Pt'rtl"oi.tis' is tin.‘ .t@#$ is tiniy ire- why so many Ensoniq users are now leaving and i:ters'. i rt.r.vnt‘e jtrttt titttt t' rt_,t"'-i'irit'it pirrtfirrnt r'nttse it's tire stntttirtrri i;=_v ti'i.=t'r*it nil other i"'r'.-LE rttitiiri ineving to moire supportive eompanies... l think it's yrin rriei'r'e, Pro Toois is tire" .ritt't.-.,i .t_i'.ttent.r tire _iniigeri. Trnst nte. i"ri irire to r.t,oen Date time to show linsoniq might live on until Creative tlirnsitfs irttest CD ttnri rertti “t'ritt.i'tereti on it Fr’lRiS deeides it’s time to pull the plug and now that day iiIt'r'rei: win it'.'n-igit |'tittteit1:rinitt‘[email protected]} — r'tt'- .'_i'_t=.vtetr:" in tite ,ot'orittr'tiott r'reriit.t- Strrttt,t,=er tittngs can't come fast enough for me... ]"I-to lost faith ill the tinttijr. i titini: tire r,ttie.vttrin is t,t'Pat-is ts gritrtg to get‘ itrtre itttfifie*He’ti...i eompany who huilt my Faith on their great keyboards t‘tttlliHiteti .sapprii't after tire "nrerger ,tiittt.t'e 2." For and samplers. t-.'it.rtt it's irrn"tir, tire new gay in t.'irttt'ge rtf Fttris flirt"- _t,*tit tits tnttne. sorry} ttttttie rt FER? riertr strrtentent in TH — ttnd l’m gonna shed tears when a real good group of tin" i*"rtt't'.t neti'.i' titrtt Entuens'rittit,t itrnrr.’ tnrtn_t' guys ealled the Trittisoitti,t tiarriter deeides to pull pitil'i.‘i_iiJ.i' tire Prtris .r_vs'tent. I just had a iew e-mail eonversations hark and forth their own plug and move on in November of 99. with the grrrreat lirie Montgomery than hast}. Iirie Thanits For the good times and 5itJl’Pt'ItH'l'. Some rii.'t'tJ', it .reent.~t it'i:e tire" .vn,tipnrt flit‘ i-‘ttris itrts been tells me that their ‘-?v'lt.t. t*~ttTI‘ BE ANY MORE US things some folks need to learn in this business... intrttiieti i.t_v rit]ffi:=i"t'trt _neo,tit'e, otitet" I -:-.-ntiritt't ex- llPDt't.T[EF- FOE-I 'l‘l[[-I ASH-X. lsn‘t this {iRFtFtlii't.'l' Technology of your products AIN'T Sitllllitfi‘ pitiitr n'it_'i' tttrtst Pttris us-:'t'.v ,trt_i' tire .vn,t1,ttoi't fiat" F’rtri.v l"~l[iWFii [ho he ho]. He tells me that if l’rn not happy without people like me buying and ptilttlieations like t i great tt.e.. orerntgitt e.t't-itnnge oft: rirttttttge*ri rrtrtt with my .-HER-H just sell it and move on. the Hrtrirer making things hetter by helping us little or ,t-ttttriitig oat s,n-:tre tvtntroi trntts witiie reotitrtng rt people out with their teehnieal woes. tIitI1'Ell)H"t’li t'itititEl,t;'t.’ti one etr.'.j. Now foiks. listen up here... i‘m not the Pied Piper hut ENSCINIQ. It was fun while it lastedlt it seems that Ensoniq is tooooo good for its own eas- Hit rt ,tter.rrntr.ri note. t"nt ttot sure wit_v one sirnniri .vrt_i’ tomers these days. It is so sad: how eome products Feel free to write me anytime folks. l'li send a copy titrtt "Ei"'Eii:'l"'B{?Dl" mrt.stet'.t" 1‘ F’) jirntt i-‘t'rttrrrii.i'?’?' like the K-Ifififi from liuraweil stiek around and the of mine and iirie's “little ehats”... l*‘eaee.] ’t'tntt’.r .-nnrit itite sn_w'ng. "Set;iiettriitg oniy nntites eompany supports and nurtures their produet till the srrtse i,t'_voti rise {'nin' l-*'ST" i.|'H'Ht’.i‘. Bat iritrtterer... time eomes when it is fully t;le'v'elo[J-etil and they must l.lJtfTl.~’ttl'~l{l' move on to start a new keyboard. lihliitilsllij Ht) l.tIt‘lt'.‘r’ I 365 3t'+'t§tati|.etitn .‘itt-re. it“ _wnr're interesteri, trtice rt irtrii: tit Ltilthltilil-‘t l3i£i.]t~l‘v'E5t IN 'l‘t[it~i. So they make up es- tr1t'‘rttitiert.t't'tttt.t',ttttt't'.t, ii'itir'it is tire t"ttt‘i.i' ti.'tet‘.s euses about how fast teehnology is... t1tlt.t.H*l#’l"hat ii"ii — #13 rtnyrnte i1:ito'.t_tiiiion"eri this rii'et‘ tire inst __t,’i't1tt,|'i. Mttt'it inyiit |[i.'t' treii t'i'.'i‘ trtiir rtiront "tire itig pit‘- is not it. I'm sorry folks... Look at how ti-lvlti has r*rnr,rtie y'ettrs' itntnt-'s', ire -:'et‘tttiniy titttt't riteet‘ et'et‘_y- titt'e" tirere...i supported their products... eseellently l might add. titing tintt i:'n.nntt'qr tines. However... ii’!-" _ .'ite1*e. Dt’t't’it.' i rtisrt t'rinr'nr iritit iJet‘eir — l‘m ealling for a ‘nan on all l-Insonir.| gearlilill ['m not Erie t't*irintgotrter_v itrts rtiirit_y.r gone '|ti'.*'.l" tint tn" iris i:'nttt'._v ii-'r1RWiN ,s_'t'.ttiet;H rit'rin't rertiiy trtire ri,|fi" ris- some nutty I-tit] mad because he didn't get what he wiry to it£’i_f.i _,riiii:.r in this jinrnnt. iie itris nrtintiiy girett _]'3tittttt'ie|:i, so PrtRi.5' woniti fit _nery‘irt‘tiy into tin.‘ paid for. I'm AN r’=.[Itt.i|.'l" who not only works for the ittt tite ji"t.i"te.t't t‘e.t',ourt.i'e in titre irist.-n'_v of Etrsoniat — ilttrit-Eris-rinir,r ,nt'orittr't iinr. .=’tnti it's rt rerti ,ttitts titrtt largest teleeommunieat ions eompany...... l illil.P Illi- rtnri ite -:'irie_r it on iris rnrn titne. i3'iiT. _vr1n .ritottiri titer itttre .r,ttrtt'e.s rtt'rti'ittirie its ireii its titrtt kinii tn‘ “v'lil.{ItF' t't.t'~lll't lillt Ht‘ti5i IN I-‘Rtfl-tliltttttlvlei for rettit'.'_e titrtt in*'s tin i':''r,i ent_t;tiri_i'ee trrnri t=er_v t'ti;t,ttrit't__iitt' riejii*t'tit't* iiriiiifi _:;Irtt't.t. them... Ml‘. l‘vltnttgorr|e1"_~, doesn't have a eioe as to io_].'ui rttni entittr.~'irt.ttit' rtitrntt tiieir ,tn'otittt't.ti, t-tttti

Dfltl CRIB lases for ElectronicEquipment t

GPTI-CASE, like the great pyramids, huitt to last and proteet.

New available tlireet from factory (eseept in earrent dealer -- areas) our fall line of ATA eases Category I and II i Models available for all Ensoniq keyboards and racks! itifirr

Mention tire (TH) eerie natnriser 839 when inquiring to Shown: 4-spaee raelt with EPS-16 PLUS module, 2-spaee raelt, Eagle-I VFX-sd ease receive oar speeittifnetory -siireet pricing. CALL US AT 1-800-637-6635 The Optimum in 3:50 am to 4:36 pro CT, Mon. - Fri. We aeeept: COD, Visa, Mastereard, Ameriean Ettpress. Pnotection Healer Inquiries Weleome! OPTI-CASE - 1175 CF! 481 West Henderson TX 75654 - FAX: 903-657-6030

B is._."- iirr.*i'c'.t tirittgns ite‘ ,itt.vt tf't‘l."'ti'i"' .rtt_v in iris t‘t.trirtt't't_t' its rt i.tIt'tI'iil."'tiii. i tirt itttt tiiinti tittrt _wttt tiri ittit iiite _rrttit' if. I get enottglt bass to vihrate the walls with F-t’lt'l "t'ttire jiir iftt-rttitiq. " Titts is trtrtt rtyi'et'et‘_t*rttte ttitti tite itl'E' Hi" .E.ll.t'tJ'il'ir;,|'. l"rit.t .»’ti'ii:' ttrtitrg ti iittie r'itiitii.vir tritit people in the place. great highs and lots of power. r'rtiir,rittitieit titey u.'rti'i; _iitt'. iie tirtestt'i set‘ ,ttttiit',i' iii tite “F-:"t*i ,ii'ee tri tvrite tire trttyiittie _,iiiiir.t'- i ‘ii treitri tt Never ltave gone higher than half volume. Unlike a ir§it.rtittit,t Eiiiti ire iitrt_'i' t'J'l" nrtry nrtt ttgree tritir rt'ei'jr t'rt,ti_t' of iiriire ttttti if rt't"'.v 'iittie ritttts '. .. " performance situation these fltlt} people are also riet'is'irtn tiiejr iitrrtke irtnti tt*e'ii _r;ti'rtiirriTti_v ttet'ei' itirritr standing. and singing. 11-iyfr-igj, it“; i,|",titt;t_'e rim"-,itt!'t_* tit rii'rtyi ,t'1r||ti_rirti‘t _,ii'it" stutte- i iitrti i'errii_v tietitirtri tit ireip tite ,riert,riit.’ ttti tite AER-I Jtitirrlrg iii‘ i_;|" iii.-_=_v t'rrit't' int'e,t't iii _,iitt"titer t'it't't-'ir'i_tititr-’tti.t' rr.ret'.v ii-rt ttittii stirttertite iii."e l"t’ii i _vrrri'teti tiriiittt tire This setup heats any l-teyhoard amp I have used or _,iii.l' .vt.tritetirt'tt,e ri.vt.'. titett r't'.r iris JOB ttt tr_v tit tr-t'_t'iittr'tt tttritte iil'.iil'_t,' iiit-"i'~t'. t"»itnr, i rititt't trritrr titt’ titiir: to iit' tit- tried. {it-anted. it is a stationary system. tiris ttt r'tt.rrtiiitet'.~t — tttit‘ tit iitttinttitttit it- it'.t _tii'ett_v t'rti rrri. t'it-.'til" tiirtt i;'rt.~tttitt't,t is irirrtiitg — tritri tiiey ittt iriit,eet' .lames lvl. t‘aehiniak itttt-'-1' tite r'e.rrirti'r'e.r rti strti,tirtr't rtirri tiet'eirip titittgs titr .-"-tit‘ jrtii itere is ir.i' rtrt.~tn'et‘ t,ttie.vtr'rtir.v ttittttti tire gent". ji meacltinittl-:@'ctin1pnserve.ctitm wiry tite_v'ti iiite — iirtt tirese tire tite i'e.rtrit.~.' tit t"~itJ t'J't"ii':' rttir -rtt_'r tittrt i rrtit ttrtt iiriircst rtttti .rtrtrigitt tiE’t'i.1t'itii'i.'t' ttnri iittrriret ttti*n.r tittrr irere rtttttie _vettt'.r ttgri tt'r'rit tiietir. Fritr titrr_v rtrit iiite witttr i itrrre tit .rrt_'|.'. iitrt it iiiii - .iiitt.' tittst tttti t'.tJl't‘tti'iris'it_t', triirtt is tite ttttiitr — ttttti tttti ii_t' iit'it‘- i ie'-v stiii iitt't"t’ ti'}’iitg trijigitt tite is ttrirri triii iict tite it"itiii- i"iite, iiiii-!i.\'rJiiit_f .vtrr'i:.~t ttirti i iittttse .v_v.tteitt I’ i _i1‘iitlt'i__ii_i,{'iii.'iz. ,t.;'t'etti.’ i _t'tr.vt l-1.‘tiil'l' tit iet et‘et'_1.'t.tite irittnt‘ t'tirti_'riie _t'tt.-tr i'ettti'ittit'itg .'t-'|"itl'lt.’i' tiirrt i itrrve iieeit u't‘itiirg ftrrt ii*i* — iittt: iittttse .‘§_v.rient? i'i'eiitt_',l ,'l»fttrrrtit~iiiir*. iiiit trtivire is pi"ttiiititi_t' it _tit'ett_v grtrtti iiiieti rtrr'ir"ie_v _tiit' tite iittciti-'t' jiti‘ rtvtt _t'e‘rti'.t- Nit titre _[.§'e’.ll'[’i't'ti rttie iti iirc ii_vr titttt't iirr_r rrtt_tt tit'rti' tritit tite e-t'r'erit jitt' ".i-.tir*iry" ttitri one tttiter ,tiei'.rttir tstirtrtt trite itieri tiittt "“f_,ti:ttttt'e* tiet=eitt_rinretri.v tire gtiiitg tti itttrire it rtit tire riiiii-X ir.rrt'.r iistt itrts itrtri rt ,rit'riiiieiit tvitii rite. TH. irirrti ytttt wttrti itrt iertttt iritiirtirt rt.'ttii;'.titg tiirrt _wttt'i'r' ’i'irtt yettt'rt rrirti riiri_v tivti ttitt'I:rt'tii't'tiiie t"tJ't'H'i’tl'it_’tit'.'t titi lttitiirg tin ttriitte t'i.rir.r,t — '-:' titiirgs eiirritge ttirri _vrtrt tite. i 'ti itrtrr tit s'rtji' tirrrt ittttst i't1.l‘it*r"t srttitetiiiirg jTi't’J'-'t'i- lt appears that we finally heard some good news in iret'ei' iiiirttr-.. t"titnr. ire rrii tiri tiiitr tti stttiit’ e-tteiit — tire ttn tite ttitti tir_t' irririt etitie. the latest and greatest edition of the iittciter. II-lite of iier'ir, litis tvitttie iiitie iirrr'i:er iiii.sinr.v.r tt'ti.v iirtseti ttit the comments made was that {Fm paraphrasing here] ,-,3,-wry; .;t_.r,rier'irtiirttt.*i rt_ijirtrti'tr t'it;"l'r-’ir'J'fi'titr;'tti.\' irrirti ire i’ti.rtt ti'_v tit .l"t;’tiit-’iit.iIIt_’i' tirrrt i trtit itttt i:'ii.rttiti-qt. i titiii't there was some thought oi possibly continuing the t*ei'ttiiiri_v .w,tttttn'i-;t*ti wiien we jitiiitri tint itrnr tirit"t__e.v,eit tiietir. i titiit't iitriiti tiiettr, i rtniy .rtr,tiptii't titettt. iirtrirer via an on-line site hut the decision will weigh it-err‘ ttit_iititir'rt_t,='t. ititt itt-’_‘|-‘. tirtrt’.r risi: ttttti tittrt's t'i,i'e- Witit pteripie iiite ettriti ttiri “i.ttt‘_t'" i riititti-vi u'i.vit i fairly heavily on I"-'at‘s involvement. l would hope Tire .vry'tttttt'irittg ,oi'ttrr'-:ies" sriiite very tter'e.v.tttt-_v ferti- iitttin't trieti tit iieip rritytiire. that there is strong consideration of this option. l’m itttt-i_-, itttt iiitrt'.v it- .»’t_iier tite .ttt,ttttr1i=irr'itg, we tttrtve tin. sure that many current subscribers would be more tl iiitfi Tii.i‘|t"'iit'.5' trt tire peti,tiie titrrt rrttrtte tri tiry t'e.'t-:'' than willing to pony t-tp some dough to make this a i’..5'. i"iet.'et' iiettrti tit"tt iirtg tit'reitipet' itt;ittt'e...i n'itii Mr. i.-irciriitrt, iitttt let tire itil'tJtt' tiittt switiettrte reality. If Pat needs some persuading. l’nt sttre that tiriirirs iiigiiiy rt_,i'ttte tritri nr}' n'tti'k. Titrriri: _wttt [itii'iir- he can be bribed. l guess the question is: How do we iiiii — i.trt"itiittt.' ti ittr t{t",riett,tiie tvci't'ti’t ittt,rip_r lt'iit’tl l’t.ttt iici_rieti tite tint iriteit i trtts flttiitriteri rtir tite X ntake this happen‘? Since there is only a few issues tire lt'FJt’.vti wits‘ t'rttt'tttittt'eti iritit itti tttit'ttttt'r-' u'rri'ttiitg t.t.vei‘s' iist ttttt. it’ it ritt ii"iLitii,i left. it would be nice if we could try to put our col- tit rierrirazv t‘.iit' t'tt.vtrttitt’r_v- ti/l'tir'e tietttiit' irere ie.t.s lective heads together and make this a reality. Wadda ttttp,t:-_t- tt‘ite'il titert-' 11'{i_"t tttt ttp_ei"tttit-' ptrtit __ii'rtttl' tite i-"'i"it' ya say Pat. are you in‘? in tite lt'F.!t'.~tti- i "tit tit-vt"ui,rtrtirtteti titrtt i:‘tt.vttttt't,t t'.vn't rite Til - strrtte its tite et.trttprttt_v i t'isitt:ri in i vvt . rtitti i tt'rt.'t Delaware litave rtttt'e er,tt.tttii_t' ii riti, triri. iitti tit'rti’.'t tite tierti..- The last issue had an article on keyboard amps. Dlvlusttm'i335@aol .com

_‘y'tt I i'e_v,r,tet"'t,|‘itii_1,' trvi; _'rrtrt tit ,tiie-:t.t't-‘ ii_t,tiil‘t’it ttji ritt i"it'it" l use a TS-I2 For leading worship in a medium sine [Tit — Weii. rtettrtriiy. it w'ri.rii*t tti criiitiniie tite iirrr‘k'- .-l=itiitt_ertirtei'_r ttiiti rrityirrii pt=tt,tiie iritri rerttrriti itt .-'i=itri- chut'ch with drums. guitars. etc. l am running my er - irtttt to rvtnritttre tite itttety'i:tr~r. ttrtti. its sttt-it. it‘.-t verii. 'i'iii:'l" tiitiir't srii i:'iisttiti-:,t to t"i'ertti1'e, not" are '|‘S-I2 through a lvlacltie Rl'vit"il4tl2 tany good small tiii pi'et‘t_v titttrii ttti to Pot. i-rr.vt we iierrrti. ire trtis iri- tire_v l"£’.t]titiit.t'iiiit:' jitr tite iiterger. 'i'ite_t-"i'r _t'ir.rt iiire yritt miser will dot. through a Ell-tlwattt'cltattnel Pea-tey tertr.vteti iii ritiing tiiis. i"t'tti:triiiiy tiiitejitr trtt tt,ntittte...,l irtrti tire ttrtti rtii tite ttriter trrit'irei' iirr.r rtttt tiiere etlziitg power amp into ‘r'amaha wedge monitors that have a ittrt tt itrittg tiii ttttr i:'tt.rrtnit_r _eettt'- i"-'reitittttii_t' titese horn and a I1“ driver. I am also running in stereo. {FF tiiriig-' i'ni tiejiitireiy pittititing ttit i;ee,tiiitg tt_n |i;t,i_1|,1,1r rrtvt _1_{ttt'it_t; tit tt"tii'ir titetii.'t'ei1‘e’.s tittl‘ tt.t'titt-' __ittit. tritti The lvlackie feeds the house hoard for any needed tite iiii[fF_iiif't’-Lift-i.-iiie'. .it.t.~tt iteeti to icrrrn rt iittie tiir-*it u't'ii iJ't* -t;rttt~t-at to trirritiiet‘ tit'pttt'tiitertt tit‘ .tttiit- estra ntttre weir -v'ttt_t_‘]t”.i'tt i tvtn nitrite it t.t retriity. Wiii ireep iittit'ii_t' tii.*t'iiti.‘t'.‘t{:*ti. 'i"iii'-'i'v' ttitrrt .rtt,tipttt'r to 11't' itttreli _vritt tttt.v'tt*ri.,i

i‘v'ri. i pitry tie1"t'i's' ttrit'rtr'trtc ttrtri .iill"tJ'1t' .riittii.' trt tireitt. iirtt ytttt t'trtt t'£’.'t'i rt.r.vtti'eti i rtiii itttrr tin" iiigirt-‘st i"e.vpet't ,fi=tt' ttit_vttnt= ivittt sriii irrtr'i:.r trt it-'it.vttttit,t iitt tit-:’ t'iii't't’il'i srttte qt“ t{iiiiii'.tj iriiri t't-'ttl't’ii'ii1'r-'i',t' tire gitttjr _t'errt'.'i iriteit titey rvtrtiti tiri itti tt'rrtrtg. i:itt,ttt_r tt_t[jI'ir'e.v. Hi guys... l am still looking for tt good used Tl'i- I1 to requests to Sit-til East ?9th Street. Kansas {'ity. l'vltI] t,tiiiet irrtii.r.' rrii ’i'iii:'ii-3 _ii'iettti.v rrre __|;frii'i-["'. ittri, tritti buy. l live in ivlottile.ti.lt1bama attd would drive up to ti titttlifi. Email: ‘iahktihv'|t1. titey't*t' itrii tit titt rite jtiii ttf tite eitrii'e tit*,ritti'trttt-rtt. hours away to check out a keyboard to hay- {ilenn tttttt i:-tr re.~t',ririrt-vt'i.1it-' iii irittrtevet‘ irirrti t'it.rtrtiitt:-'t‘s Normand. tribtl-ti? I -til-‘ltl. l£F'5~'t tI‘lassic for sale! PS Systems 4K es pander. 250+ t't‘tl'itl‘itt‘ jitr t=t'ertt.r ttirti t'.'~' titejr itttti ittt ,t.tttr't itr tit‘ llnppies. with printed listing. of sounds. liscellent con- ttit_v tvttttrrti tirct‘. Wartted: broken [irtsoniq keyboards l'or parts. ("all Sam dition! $51’-‘tt.l. - Will separate wicase. Finale 3 — Nota- at Syntaur liroductionsi =lt'i'il-1-"t-l--1’.Ftit"t- tion Soltware. In bos. Full tlocutnentation. -‘ii"t‘."i obn. firi pietrse gire tiietir tt iireriit: iriteit iite_v't'e grtite. it's" ltleith lvlullin. El?-Ell-'i'2b't' days. ll't‘-224--‘l-[lib ttt'ttr', lit-"e iiere tit tite iiitt"i:ei' trtitriti iiite tit git ritrt irttit For Hale: l~lrand New Esp-3 tlirhan liancel hoard for nights. [email protected] tiigttity — i 'ti iiirt-" to tiriitit ire r'rrii e-rtetttt' tiir _-tttttrc tit linsrtttiq t‘tsr}t.-'P'rti- MR and IR series synths- This is iftt-vriitit,t tviteit tite}-' tttrn tire iigitt tittt ,iiti' tite itrst tititr. the one iolltsi Board and manual 552-tti Fall erases- ttttt. iietr-re rtrti...,i liiih or iimail IItttllingc@aol-ct_im, FFlEE CLASSIFIEDS! ,i-t'irri't‘ii Hjeite tgtrriit'@r"itir-tltt*ttsy.~t.t.'tttit_t — i u"ttt.titiit‘t tats-ts+ 'l'urbo for sale- i-iood condition. ‘With case. rttttirt ttttr ritt tite t’t.‘t'i-.'-it’ t’J'.§' tt,titittte.v, _,ttti- tite Ptvt rtt It-ltl‘s ol' sounds. eiiects. Hip lJrive- sample {‘lTs- Fall Well - within limits. "it-’e’re ot'l'ering free classified ad- i-:'tr.vt. t’t.t iii titt'.v u"i'itiitg. 4.[i ivrts rtntttitiitt'eti iJ'H.i rtttt E15-'.'-iijt.i- tssa. vertising tup to 4t} words} t'or your sampled sounds or i'eieti.veti. it's‘ in tite itrritris of ifititt rritri ttti l1.’t‘il"-ti titr patches. Additional words. or ads for other products or tritetiter it 1.1.'t'ii iir ttrteti trprtit tit‘ tttit. Tire iiirtci: In honor of the service the 'i't'ttitsttttt't,t H'ttt'i:t=r has services. are $[l.Z5.-' word per issue. Unless renewed- ii Sii-it is titiite tri tit tiltttitttes. iiriit'et'ei'- Htttitt---Ii provided to linsonid users over the years. Jack Tttlltt is freebie ads are rem.oved after 2 issues. While you‘re rtl'l'crit‘tg rt tape of original instrumental tnusic tracking welcome to resell copyrighted sounds and programs iiit"r't" t'ht'ttittgtttiter'_t" ifiltiii -=::=-i:'t“'t1'."t'iI.iii't"itf,i' ’i'er'iint'r'tri his linsonit|-llacker career. tkll sounds and musie were that you no longer have any use lor. ads for ettyttittr oi .‘ittpptirt - t‘ve rtt't'et' titttte ritis i3'r-’_fit'i"t.*'t itttt i _t'i'_t:ttt'c it produced ettclusively on the EFL}-l 'l’l.|.l$ 32-voice copyrighted material will not he accepted. Sorry — we wiii ire iity ,iit".vt titrtr. ttttti itt_v itrst. synthesiirer. laek is asking only $5 per tape- Send all can't twe won’t!I| take ad dictation over the phonel

9 I noticed that the second tstfili-Ill I purchased has the jimerebiniak@ctimpt|serve.ctim lley liackers. following minor problem: There is a faint. but very audible background noiset'humm in sounds that t ii"i" — .iitit.' .~'li'_v .‘t'i-It-i riiri titttt jitr" rt iittie iiit. titen it I have a problem with my EPl-i-lI5+-key-bottrd version sample. I have tried moving cables. turning off all grit I-t'r.l.t‘.'i'tt.’ rrnii wtittiri jiirrriijr r't'rrsit rtitri i‘eittitirtii.“.e t_:'rem tlsk-‘ll.-‘kill. When I load instrument-files with other equipment. and comparing it to my first erery rrirtpirt tttittttres rtt tiic gig. i rirtn't irnrnv if ytttrr the tirainstorm tWaveIirty'l effects into it {which l t‘tSR-lI.l. I am almost sttrc that the problem is internal TS itrrs tite srrrttc _tit'riiiietit, ital tite .t'_t*tir,titriittriirtg_v have produced on my Tttrbol-tack-lips|b+t it goes to it- If I didn't own two .-ESE-|I[l's land the liPii- srittitri rt itit iiite iity Si}-i'.r i?tl'iI'tiI't'it‘.i.l'- Hr1f_ii’.lI"e’ _vrttt into some kind et' clicking delay with growing feed- lo+]t. I would have taken it for granted. I-[as anybody r'rtirii' it _t.,’tt.ll'~E’. Irti:r it tri rtir .=lt.itiiriri.".eri t':'tt.rriitit,r .‘:'ei'r- back and the original dry sound isn't even recog- tI'-‘Ii?,1 else run across this problent antl found a flit‘? ire tI.'etitttr rtnri irrtre tiient r'ic‘ritr cver_r t'r.tittrrr'r prtiitt. ni.t.ablc-.- i'iiiiioit cttiiirt rtnti r'rtnttcr'trti" tritit tr I-crrt i'e,viritte llaving an electrical buck ground I was able to figure cieriiier rrirri rtn rtiitiri-tiririitt tiiire iJet'J-rit or t'an you esplain thisor help this to stop‘."i'.“ ottt hotv to Lise the liliii-lt‘t+ and subsequently" the t'_.'i'rtiitrti_vitj- i tiiri tiirrt tri tttv Si)-i rriirttrt titrre ti't:*cir.t ass-ta as a quasi-event can send rrgrt, rrirti it itrt.rn't eveir iitrrperi rtttre. i 'ri rtiiitti-rt jot"- 'l'ltans. out a pulse at predetermined parts of a song. This al- grttteit ittst iitiilli itttprii'trirtt r'rttttrtct ptiittts trerc irntii. lorgen Tel Ier IJI il.l i'l'Iit_'§_i‘tciit1t| lows me to change light patterns on stage lights {or tritit rt rii.~tr'rtntt'ittteti i;'it.rriiriq i-:tt_vitortt'ti. tite rtiiet'itrt- blast log or make puppets dancel at precise locations ttrr is rt I'.'rt.’lt' iirirtrri rtirri rt netr ierrritiitg r''re rtitri rtii i i’F — .irtt'j,=eit.' i'ti tiit[i'l't' to rie,ii*t' trt Itl-"rtt'r.'ittiv ritr tiit'.v in the songs. lt works better than a light man! I am tite rot rtssrtr'irrIt;:'ri |t'iIit tirrtt... tttttt. tt-v i're irever seeit titr'.r iieirrrt'itti' e.rr-epr ttrt itty able to do this by using a pulse out ot' the output es- torn'it'. tritr're i iririti r-ertttiit {.'i.'-' _iiir'.~t tHrtr'- pander when I or the sequencer hits the highest key tfiire titrrt rt tritiri.‘ e.t'fit’t"i to _tirr_t* ytirtr irtrrti tecit rtirotrt ittitetttttti rritri tite i";'(_i' i'*'X rrigrti't'Iittii tiisttir'ts iiirr ltrty preferenceit on my keyboard. "Iitihe|"t l queried trit iirtrtr _iiJi‘ titis _pr'tit"etirrre.i t'i'tt:_r. i\'errrict's?’ i Ensoniq several years ttgo as to how I might ac- cotnplish this using the output espander they were ,lt'tttt-tit iijeite t',ettt'tit@r'itir*i:eiis_vs-r*rtiirl — t§'r'r'trriit not very accommodating tthe word “|Jrop1*ietttt'y" was 'rtt - i t"i-i’itt.v'.v e-ritiiiit titis iieirrrririr n'iIii tite t'.'ir't'riit.'i'tt"ti'iit used}. Ho I did what anyone would do and hooked an r{,fil‘i*t't. i‘It'r.*rii'riittg to ll-’rrt'r*iirt_v, it is rittrf tri tite i';'.‘)'i’ oscilloscope up to it and figured it out for myself. I'm looking l'or a floppy drive for my SDI-32. t-trip, ttnri tiiry tiriti't itttrr ettttttgit t'tgt5'tt'ttttttt'tttt to he t'hicken Systems say they're working to find a rc- rriiie trt pi‘rit*irirt rt trrtt'irrtrrtrtitti. tI',l1'_t‘it’rll"t{’.Il|'i_"t'. t'.'.'t.tirtrrr't tltnyway. it gets sort of tcclmical. but anybody with placemcnt drive for this board but it may tttke a ll"rtt'eitti_t-' or tite rierrict" _rrttr itrtrteitt it __il‘TiIl't — iitt’_‘t' basic electronic knowledge could handle it. ll' any while. lvlayhe someone out there has one that works irrtre rt ,rii'r.tri-viriit_iitr _vttttr' siirtrrtt'tttt. ,1‘ other Ilackers have any interest as to how to do it. let or an old til}-t for parts. .t‘t.ny- help is appreciated. me know. See ya..- And like most everyone else l'nt going to miss the "ll |’.l-i. Wlttit are the chances of keeping a web site or Tll. ehat room open when tor if'it the iirtr'tl'ei‘ goes the I happened to surf by your web site and ttoticed you way of linsoniq...or...why not raise the subscription‘? Thanks. folks are going to stop publication. liorry to hear that- l.'iave lluston !t's been years since I was a subscriber {and write|"t Tltettl'tcowl~@aol .com drdttv' and I've drifted away from usirtg synths thorrorst but have ttlways held a soft spot in my heart for the iifif -- 'i'iterp‘lr'rtiri-' 'i'iie ittttii -vrtttitris iiire rt _[,'i'r.t'llI'lrf ii‘-'i" — iitrve: .‘ir'r-' tJH'i" "fir-'ir'ttt‘r'i i.iiItl.'.s'“ it! r‘riiIitit'i llacker. it's unfortunate that I-I-lvlu ntadc this iririp tit" sttntetititig irrteriirii in your .rer-rtnri .r-t.5'ii'-iii‘. if Tecirerriit - tite_'t' crtir _ii.r tiiese tiir'ng.r. l"iteii' rttice decision since what Tll tloes is unique in the bttsi- it trrtv to be ttitrrti_vt'tt,e erttrrrgit, _t.{i't'r' i:'it.voitir,t rt r'rrii pitrtiir’ ii it-t i'i'fi,’i,,‘iEfi.§iH-'i-'5,--,i rte:-ts. srtoit rrr tfii tl'.r1'i-i ?..i 55'-i Li ttrtti tts"ir_,iitr ttrt i-3-1-i.=l. 'i'itc_v iitrt_v .vtt'ii irrtre enttngit stitti't'.t to t'-ttiirrte tite ,tti'riiiieiii jitr if.ittt'tii ii_t'r*ite lgttt'tii{t§r*itiriteit-v_v.t.t'tiitt_t — titty r'rttit- .-*~.nyway. here's best wishes l'or everyone at Til. _rrttt.' rr.v_,r}tr tite cost. i 'ti tiry"et' to tl-'ift‘ii'l'ti’i’il'. titent on 't'er.'ir;'rtitt: ire sitr',ri_r=-eti iireiit ti tii'ii'e.v. itttri first “,ii.reri" but tiie_v stiii riirin't wririr. 'i'itey "inst" ilrian llost iitterestitrg t’t,lJ_tJiit‘fi.fifi'-ii oftitrt titiif-ti rts rt prrise trig- tite ttrri rititer ririres rttiri serti irriit-ir'iertIir'rri itttri- .it'om tlorp. ger: tterrr seen tiittt titre i'Jtfii'ii'{’..._i criiitprttiiiie iiseie.r.v re_riirtr'r'rneats. iirirriitie sei‘t'ir'e.* bt'rtst@?-ctint-tte.cttm iiiriitertttt.r pitritre rrriis tritit trti t'tliiiit’it‘i{ rtnri iittie in- t"t'ii — Titers proiitti:-i_v wt ii ire srttite ttrirr rt_t"riit-it'ttt: itt- ,ttii'ttiritittit. Titttiri: firtri ,ii"ti' rreriit‘ rrrtrri ,titt_viiteirts — ire ,i Tii -- 'i'itrtttir.v-' it's iJt*e'il_|fi-til-,i tei'_tirr*e. iirtr titt's is tip to i“rit- It-’e'ii irrtre titttrr i'it_tit its itttri to t‘iitii',t,fe'i1rtt‘if to get rtitr ittrtnc_v itrit.'i:. i *itti,eiit* it itrtppr-'rt.v. .l"r”t'tt'tiiI'i'it‘ttri iiteiit rjititrfltt irrtre rtirjr iiistt.tr_v ti-_,t"i'e_rirrii'irr,e ereit tr .ritigir= tirr're- Pitt, tiri yritr i:i'trt'-1' rtfrtrijr rirtr‘ti- llackers: iirri-viitg titr-' ,li.l'it't.' or" ."t't‘iI'i'lt’l‘il'il't_t.fl tiot'.vit't rrtrtritirrttirrtiiy iticttreri t'rt.vtrrttt-rr,tt."‘ I ierrri to tttrire ritriitrv - if _voii'rr-' rione _vttrti' ,rii'ir'ing I would have written before but was only recently t'i,eiit t'tt titejirst pirtcr". citiiet" t'rri.rirt,I-2 it or irnrrriirg it t'iJt‘r.t‘[email protected]'titit — i trtitlzeti trt En-vrtitr't,t f'tr.r- web-enabled- I atn impressed by the support and fel- triii icrrti trt iest-' rrtrint-'_v. .-litti i,f_vrtrti' titrtritet is .vir_tn'i_v trtrtict‘ .'5'et‘t'ir'r' rr r'ott,tiie r{,i'iitriiitirs rtgrt titt titis .rtrii_ier't. lowship affort.Icd to all. I own an ltllifi-lt‘i+ and two- gr_tiiig rt-.rrr_v. _ii,t,'_1.,'iiit_t-I tite ,r:-i't'r'c i.rir't griiitg tri ritrtnge Tiiey st.tggt=.rIcti sentiirtg titeiit s'rtiiteiritei*r-* iir t'-'riii,t‘i'ii‘- t"tl'il{-ll-I's. l bought my lil-‘S—Ifi+ brick in '92 and tite eitri restiit--- ,1’ nirr triierc tirey rrrit iie reiitriil ii_v tite Uiiivf. i'ti have been composing songs in a one-man-band for- t"er'riitttitt.'nti r-ttiiiitg i~;'it-vrtitt't,t {'rt.rtrtritei' .§'rri*t*ir‘e,_iitt* tire mat ever since. l was able to sqttect-'.c drums. bass. rerri .sr'rtrt,ti.,i

gaitars. keyboartls and seqtteaccs onto it and I J-I-‘E I provide esternal vocals and distortion guitar. livery- ii:.'rir' t'rfriiitgttiiier_v i'.'t’ttl'§.i"-i.Iit't'i't‘t"t~'i(,l 'l"er'ititr'r'rri bt_itly- espccts to hear computer music. but are usually I am having a minor lftroblern with my TS-I2 sequen- Fttytipt-ti't — Uri tri rt .vet'rir'e renter rtr. if _vritt _t'i*ei r'rtiii~ impressed when they actually hear it tescept for my cer- _t'iit"trtiiie tritit it, i"r.'titr.tre tire ririre _,t'i'ttiit tite Hi}. if it is vocals and guitarl. rt i“rritrr.rrinit' ririrc, i rtiir rrt rt iriss. i ritt trot irrtre trir_v lt ltas started usittg its own effects for the sequencer. r-otttrtt-t in,tit_,titt- .-“tiitt;t.s'ritlit‘. The reason why I own two t"-.bil\t-Ills t_w"-"i'it_'!*i|l is be- liven though I build a seq ucnce with the one I want cause shortly after purchasing the first ot'te. and mar- and it sounds great tn the time. The nest day a dif- if it is rr iftit'r_t' tii'it'e. ytitt rrtn r'riii .‘:'riit_v iit Srrit .i rise veling at the additional p-ower of cspttndetl ntentory ferent effect is in there that is inapp1'op1‘iate. If I try C'rriij'iii'rtitt rtt i --itllif-'£iZZ-ilt'Ii95i. 'i"iir.'y can t'eiitriii.rit tite and l'it'l'i| on the i"tl'il'l-Ill. I lcartted via llacker that to change it back it doesn't work. In addition to this. tirit*r=,iitt' ttrrtttttti $.‘iti-t'.lt'.l- I-lnsoniq was soon to be histot'y ttoo bat.l]-- llaving the click for the seqttetteer novt. has a horrible stereo written lots of songs.-'ser.||.|ences in the l*Insonit.| l'or- bounce back and forth echo effect with no decay that i irrtre trercr rricri it, iiiit _rritt r'tI'.il rriso ti'_v crriiing mat. I was concerned that if something happened to makes it t|uite useless- .‘t'rtrt_v tri see r]'tite_v ntigitt iie seiiing i‘r’_,iiti'iii.riieri' t'ttfi’i-' it. I would be left high and dry without my band. so I sift]-.-I riri res. Titrrr ttttt_v be rrn rnitiriit trt e.t‘,tiirtt'c if tite bought a backup- l now believe that was a mistake. I have reset the keyboard and this has not Iteiped. ririre is tr i’ttirrr.vttitir'.i seeing as they are now available second-hand {but with Ht'5l'il- latncs lvl. Frebiniak ii’i" --"Iir. tiirtt'rir.v_,tiir tire iicrrtis rip- t'ititei‘s?i

ll] For s=s.e=se Pitts. Sp-ar‘ki'1* SP-l2Ci'Ei -thrns. deep basses. B3 organs. A -Iii. and xi:. --‘ synth sounds of deem. anti way rncre. These 33 instrutnettts vvil load i't a heartbeat. and e"e all

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H, _ _ ‘ u "1 Publisher: Eric Gelelinger Achrertising rates: Please send for rate card. Editrirt: Jane Talisman Hates ioraulhore: Pfease send for writer-info card. Der {somewhat regular] iltustrious hevy of writers includes: Graig Anderton, Hobby Subscriptions: 12 monthly issues. US: E-25_fyear, All others: $34fyear- Eerrnan, Britten Eeisenl"-erz, Math Clifton, Steve Durtln, Anthony Ferrara, Pat E-mail version: $19.-‘year. Payable in US funds. Flnnigan, Jeffrey Fisher, Frank Fortunate. Duane Fryoarger, Garth Hielte. Jeff I -Jetton, Dara -Jones. Johnny ltlonerie, Hay Legnini, E-oh Lang, Sam fvlime, Eric E Montgomery, Phillip Fiogere. Dan Ftohde, J. D. Flyae, Tom Shear. ltirlt Stinltard, Transoniitr Hacker is the independent user's news magazine for Emu-Ensoniq -tlacit Toiin, Tom Tracy, Joe Travo, Steve vincent and Garry Wasyliw. products. Transonfo Hacirer ie not affiliated in any way with Emu-Ensoniq Corp. Ensoniq, Emu and the names of their various products are registered trade- marite of the respective companies. Efpinione eitpreeeed are those of the Copyright 1999. Transoitiq, 1402 SW Uptand Drive, Portland. DR Ei'i"'22t. authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher or anyone else. Phone: tfiti-'3] 22?-E545 {S sin to El prn Pacific West Coast Time). Printed in the United States.

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