The tnctependent Farmer Newsletter fer Ensentq Users "4 Advct nfolges of ()|c] er I Operating Systems Articles: Advantztges uf Older Operating S}-"stems Grrrrh H_jel're (irtrrlr lifjrrlte raver I It wuuld be nice and easy tn say that the latest epe-rating sg,-"stem tier eat.-ti nttty he the rnest eperating systems fer EPSHKSR instrtttnents reliable re use. setne ef the elder nperating Triel; er Treat! were the hest te use — ahsulutel}-". This is the systetns du have certain benefits. FIt‘ir'.' t’t»i'rrrrt=ar;=rrrer'_1t' ....................................... 3 ease with the Original EPS —- the-re is nu ad- vantage ef using an elder eperating system, Belenv" is a rltart at tnest el“ the uperating sys- sinee the last £2.49} has evervtliing and fises terns that were released taltd nut released} by ever;vthirtg. Enseniq. and a deseriptien nf pessihle usages. Reviews: Reeemntendetl US's fer regular use are in This is net tteeessarily the ease with the held. Basement Tapes: The K't'.tstrrg Tree lti-F'Iu.s er the AER-ltl.-"l-til. Altheuglt the last Betl uf Re.ses tPrestu|1 lililtl Stet-‘e l”r'rrr'ertt ........................................... .. 4 Sampler "t-’ersiun Bleel-ts i'1eseri|"itlen EPS l.‘~.lI'i I ta? Elli nu use; itttnatltteetl auturnated setlttenrer tnising, added SCSI suppert. EPS 1.35 I ti? Of ne use". stabilised the sf,-"stern: was the Regular Stuff: tnest reliable t}S lie!‘ atvltile BPS 1.411! I ti’? Elf nu use; added a huggv l'."t."}P‘t"' FLt'.lPP"r' Litlf-ll-=1 Randunt Hates ......................................... .. 2 ftinetinn The l:1tt=rl1ttre T PIPE 2.49 It}? Reeuntnlendetl fur use; fixes t.'It}P“'i’ l*‘l.Ul‘l"t" IIISK. adds several sest & Sequeneer Classifieds ............................................... .. t." fttnetiuns llaeker Tteeteeq l I I EP5 IE:--Plus I.Il{l I IT" First release. nn advantagres te use |t._ J EPS llfz--Pltts l.lll I E1? Seutiertees.-"5etttrs tiretn Urigitnti EPS liurtnat t_aveids length hug in L3] ___ __ ___ .____ _,‘ EP5 lt':.~-Plus l.lT I IT’ Beta unreleased (J53; adds I13‘.-*1-.I1ll*'|Ll;' event This newsletter is stepping puhlieatien eperatien in Sequencer. Ivlaeres du nut wurle. E‘~leveruher. I999 t_Issue #l?3_t. EPS lfi-Plus 1.lEi‘ I lift P|'ar:tieall_v identical te l.l'i'; nu tlil'ferenees ehserved Issues 1*emaiuing: 4 (3) EPS lfi-Plus L3H I [17 Last [15 release. Adds innturtant Features sueh as M1111 Hank Lead, E-let] l.ee|1 If yuur address label indicates mere parameter saved, several ha nrljr sequeneer than 4 issues reraaining. please let us features. Intrudueed Seqltleug length lung. knew if vre need te werk sulnethiug utll lleesn’t inelude l.t'Il.a.lilFll.lfl event eennnant]. with haek issues er sentething. FtSR— I tlflrll-l l..?.5 IT4 Ellie uf the first releases. nu advantage ta If vuur lahel intlieates less than 3 — nut te werry; a partial-year renewal - ttse. I:I'l1l}“ werlts with Rfilvl BIDS versiun l.ll. netiee will he sent ahuat the same titne AER-lllfrlfi 1.6] ITS Hest US fur daily rtermrrl use withuut as your seeend-tu~last issue. aturliu-'l‘raeI-ts and rkltaifllaland translation. Requires RUIN BIDS 1.5. __ _.\' [ ISSUE NUMBERiIiili9, $2.50‘ JULY, I999 1 Sampler ‘iiersien ti‘-leel-:s lleseriptien aheve. Enseniq has net mentiettetl attjrthittg aheut the later OS's heing mere efficienttless ASR—l{ltt'li'§ llll 212 Adds Audie-traclts (RAl'v’lTt'ttclts and huggv than t.st... Disl-tTracltsl. There is a perfertnattce tradeeff in speed ef eperatiens and senic There have been rumers that there are slight- respense in certain situatiens. Larger itt I}-' different versiens ef the lfi-Plusis ROM siee. leatl time is slewer- BIOS; e.g. itla. i.tlf. We tle net knew ef ASR- lllftiitl 2.51 Ell Best tit-i if ff-till need Audie-'l‘raeI-ts titty differences between systems; hewever. hut net Altai-Reland translatien we de ltnew that sente Wttvehey effects lntve ASR-i ll.-‘hit 3.[ltl SS2 Adds Al-ttti.-"lileland translatien. Perhaps sente glitches within early-tnade le-Ptuses slews dewn ttertnal eperatien slightly tpa|'ticularljr in Ettrepel. Perhaps these twe cetnparetl te ltil. net cenfirtned. Adds things are related... The en];.= eperating sys- seaic hug in Pl lASER+P.E'v"ERl3 algeritlttn tetas that rettuire a certain ROM BIOS in the tadds a scratch_1r tenet. Still Ia|'get' in machine are the ASH OS‘s1 hewever. re- sine. tead time is siewer. tnemher that any OS that used the earlier Ah-I?“ Ill.-"SH 3.52 332 Fittc..s lit-IASER. hug. ether atiaer fuactiens BIOS Lil is werth_';.-' ef heing discarded and net tncntieaed. upgraded te at least Lei. Se if veu have ASH-ltiffift 3.53 332 Rest tjtt-i if greu need all the pessihle AER ROM BIOS i.[l. get l.5 fretn an En- t'unctiens. lltifterenees frent 3.52 unitnewn. senit| Service Center! EPS OS 2.4 trulgt-" intretluced a "virus" ittte certain Enseni-.'.| disl-tettes --- the hug itt the I ltave made all these Operating Sjrstetas Miscellaneous lntermetien COPY FLOPIW fttttctien created the in- ttvailahle ttt the Rtthher lf‘lticlten Sufi- tthilit}-' te edit certaitt files ea the dislt. al- vt-'tt|'e.-Tlticltett S},'stc.tns web site. "t"eu can Netice that all eperating s1-tstems fer the thettgh they ceuld lead and play their find thettt in the l<.'.new1etige Base. article Eh El-‘S's were 16? hlecl-ts. while the ASR OS-is seunds. Se if yea have seunds that perhaps -- www.eltickens1t's.cetn.-"Ith.-"tl2ti.httnl. titt- ceuld and weultl grew itt size. This is likely went threttgh this stage --— check ‘eta ettt. 1 ages fer the Pf? and ivlnc ate available. hecause ef a redesign ef placetneat ef the eperttting sf,-stern and the mattagetaeat ef that Checking veut 05 version end within the taetaery systeni. Ettsenitt decided the ROM BIOS version against the LOr\.DFll.E cetanntnds within the lti-Plus because ef the glitches ef attdie On all Ensenit; satnpiers. press (‘t)lviI'v’lAi‘~tl3- that weuld eccur when an instrutaent weuld attd then deuhle-click en the El‘~l‘v'l buttea. lead. Ensenit] apparently released 2.49 in t-it Seretl up I te tlte 5UF'l'WAlil.E lNFUR?vl.A.- hepes that OS lfitl weuid incltttle. the hack- TIOH page. and press ENTER-YES. ‘r'eu up.-"testere feature that was in tleveleptaent. will see the OS versien first {RAM}. then This weund up en the le-Pitts. hut fer sente press ENTER-YES again. ‘fen will see the reasen Ensenitt never t'e-lettsedtadapted the ROM BEOS tROl'vlt versien. Press ENTER- hacltttp.~"restere featttre fer the Original EPS... YES again. and jveu will see the KEY- Enseniq did recetntaend at the time ef the BOARD versien {net ef an},-" use]. Fer tnere ASl~t 2.ti| release that using l.ti1 weuld he a Hie: ['ittt'tft Hjefte is t'Q'f:'f) tJ_f'Htthht*r' (.'ftt't.‘f:ett infermatiett en the cetatnands ett these geed idea te these whe did net desire the St;5t‘i‘tt'ttr.e f..'r.t., I-‘t*tIIlft‘.f1' is tt'edt'-trite-:1’ tr: t.-‘re jitff pages. click here. aut.lie—tracl-t features. Hewever. as rnentiened .rtt_tntt":-rt eftttltl En.vent'r,r .rrtrtt;tt'cr.v. RND (ht ) started with the "twe measly issttes“ thing — whatever he sets up. 'w'e’il alse lteep serne that vvtts lies madnesst. {2} The rapidly fall- ether chunks ef the Hntuter site and prehahly St-ate et the Unraveling... ing cash flew areutnl here as the renewal keep sellittg haclt issues fer a while. [Odd checits get staaller and stnaller and the new that ttehetljgfs mentiened the ether thing ‘fee tnight he wentlering aheut the little "4 suhs dwindle dewn te a precieus few. And we've get geing en there...) t.il" en the frent cever ceuntdewn... Eiverv t3t. the fact that we‘te geing te print ever};- vear aheut this time we start te leg with the thing we have left itt that fittttl issue — se Finallv. we’d lilte te peint eut {again} the ad- idea ef having a detthle issue — tnestl}-' due it‘s p-1'tItI_tttlJl]-,' geing te he a fat puppy any- vertisers. There‘s prehahly setne "end ef an te puhlihet hurneut and sunttnet slewdewtt. wa}-‘. tOt at lettst tiny print...) era“ shepping geing en. httt with the tacit; ef well. this veer we figured. "if net new. then new subs the returns have get te he shrinking w!tcn'.i'” Se what we're geing te de is te cuta- Alse. Pat Fianigan has decided te maintain and at least part ef their heirtg here is pure hine Issues #lT2 and #l't'.i. This alse selves setne sert ef en-line Interface after the Herit- charity. We appreciate it and it lteeps the a few ether prehlemsz tit Wltttt te de with er gees awn}-'. Evidetttiv he has te de a little leses dewn te where we cart afferd te finish these suhscrihers wlte fall just ene taeasly site huilding first. ‘we'll iteep yea pested ea this thing eut. We hepe j-reu readers aretft issue shett et the final issue tnew. dea"t get this and httve a linlt en the el' .-'.l'rtt'tier site te putting eff these buying plans..
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