Leonard Kirk, | 144 pages | 09 Jul 2015 | | 9780785197447 | English | New York, United States Fantastic Four, Volume 4: The End is Fourever by James Robinson

Account Options Sign in. Top charts. New arrivals. Fantastic Four Vol. The internet-wrecking end of the Fantastic Four is here! Meanwhile, the mastermind behind everything unveils his ultimate plan With the villain's plans revealed, the invasion of Earth begins -using Fantastic Four Volume 4: The End is Fourever creatures from the "Franklinverse" as well as corrupted versions of the heroes from Heroes Reborn! Will the Fantastic Four have enough power to fight them on the streets of New York? Meanwhile, Sue, and Jim Hammond travel to the Franklinverse to combat this threat at its source -but find something more terrifying than they expected! And how does all of this add up to Guest-starring the all-new Captain America, the Hulk, and Sleepwalker! Collecting: Fantastic Four Reviews Review Policy. Published on. Original pages. Best for. Web, Tablet. Content protection. Learn more. Learn More. Flag as inappropriate. It syncs automatically with your account and allows you to read online or offline wherever you are. Please follow the detailed Help center instructions to transfer the files to supported eReaders. Fantastic Four: The End Is Fourever #1 - Volume 4 (Issue)

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Fantastic Four Volume 4: The End is Fourever rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Leonard Kirk Illustrations. The internet-wrecking end of the Fantastic Four is here! Meanwhile, the mastermind behind everything unveils his ultimate plan With the villain's plans revealed, the invasion of Earth begins -using the creatur The internet-wrecking end of the Fantastic Four is here! With the villain's plans revealed, the invasion of Earth begins -using the creatures from the "ranklinverse"as well as corrupted versions of the heroes from Heroes Reborn! Will the Fantastic Four have enough power to fight them on the streets of New York? Meanwhile, Sue, Namor and Jim Hammond travel to the Franklinverse to combat this threat at its source -but find something more terrifying than they expected! And how does all of this add up to Guest-starring the all-new Captain America, the Hulk, and Sleepwalker! Collecting : Fantastic Four Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published July 7th by Marvel first published June 30th More Details Original Title. Other Editions 1. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Fantastic Four, Volume 4please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Fantastic Four, Volume 4. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. May 21, Dan Schwent rated it it was amazing Shelves:comics. As the invasion from Franklin's world ravages Earth, the last days of the Fantastic Four are upon us! Here we are, the swan song for the Fantastic Four, at least until it's revival in August I'm proud to say Marvel picked a great singer in James Robinson. The End is Fourever is a summer blockbuster of a trade paperback. While I had high hopes going in, Robinson and Kirk surpassed them. The Fantastic Four are in rough circumstances at the beginning. Reed is held captive by the Quiet Man, who As the invasion from Franklin's world ravages Earth, the last days of the Fantastic Four are upon us! And the Future Foundation are watching Franklin get tortured. Just as Reed himself said, the Fantastic Four's strength is that they rise again. Without going into a ton of detail, there were multiple moments in this issue that I caught myself grinning like a jackass. Bentley and his father, the Wizard, share a tender moment. The Wizard, Thundra, and She-Thing lend a helping hand when the world is on the brink. Hell, Robinson bringing in The Sleepwalker and making him an integral part of the resolution made me think it was again for a brief moment. By the end, everything was back to normal. The Fantastic Four saved the world. As a Fantastic Four Volume 4: The End is Fourever, James Robinson's run was the best 18 issues of the Fantastic Four I've read in a long, long time. If the Fantastic Four had to go on the shelf for a while, this was a great way for them to go out. Five out of five stars. Sep 22, Scott rated it really liked it. Four stars for the original '4' plus kids Franklin and Valeria, as they're certainly relevant to the plot. The four-volume series wraps up the adventures of Marvel's first family with lots of action in a decent enough finale, but the icing on this cake was the quintet of short stories that end the book - Rekindled - Johnny Storm unexpectedly runs into an old flame ha-ha who's got his number. Trash Man! The Real Real - Sue Storm assures her troubled son, amidst the severely-damaged Baxter Building, that their home can be repaired and that family will always take care of family. Time and Tide - Reed Richards gently shows his like-minded daughter how being outdoors during routine family trips to the beach nurtured his lifelong fascination of science and discovery. Anniversary - intrepid Daily Fantastic Four Volume 4: The End is Fourever reporter Ben Urich muses about the impact of the 'FF,' and his brief story features perfect one-panel cameos from damn near all of the heavy-hitters in Marvel. Feb 06, Robert rated it liked it Shelves: marvel. An entertaining F4 volume, ties up the Quiet Man storyline nicely and this really shouldn't count as a spoiler, I imagine the team and the Richards family is reunited at last, with plenty of guest stars, shout outs, Easter eggs and homages throughout to mark the shocking end to the Fantastic Four comics that started all the way back in as a "What the Hell? They might be everyone's fourth-favourite superhero team, but that doesn't mean their adventures won't be An entertaining F4 volume, ties up the Quiet Man storyline nicely and this really shouldn't count as a spoiler, I imagine the team and the Richards family is reunited at last, with plenty of guest stars, shout outs, Easter eggs and homages throughout to mark the shocking end to the Fantastic Four comics that started all the way back in as a "What the Hell? They might be everyone's fourth-favourite superhero team, but that doesn't mean their adventures won't be missed. Fourever, indeed. Bye guys. May 06, Jesse A rated it it was ok Shelves: library-it-upgraphic-novels. What started with some promise ended with a flop. Nov 01, Paul E. Morph rated it it was amazing Shelves: comics-read-in This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Well, it's tough to say anything about the 'end' of the Fantastic Four that hasn't Fantastic Four Volume 4: The End is Fourever been Fantastic Four Volume 4: The End is Fourever and re-stated ad infinitum across the howling planes of the Internet. Suffice it to say that I've been around the block more than a few times with comicbooks and I don't believe for a nanosecond that the FF are gone for good. To even entertain the idea is absurd. If, however, this story had actually been the final FF story 'Fourever', it would have been a worthy ending. I've really enjoyed Robin Well, it's tough to say anything about the 'end' of the Fantastic Four Fantastic Four Volume 4: The End is Fourever hasn't already been stated and re-stated ad infinitum across the howling planes of the Internet. I've really enjoyed Robinson and Kirk's 18 issue run on the Fantastic Four and dearly wished it could have lasted longer. I suppose 18 issues is a pretty long run by today's standards, so I Fantastic Four Volume 4: The End is Fourever complain. I'm so, so happy that the team didn't split up at the end of this volume. I was totally expecting the ending to be tragic and to see the team members go their separate ways. To see Johnny re-powered, Ben's name cleared and the whole family still together at the final curtain left me with a huge grin on my face and a small tear in my eye. This isn't goodbye, guys It's see you around. View all 3 comments. Apr 21, Sesana rated it liked it Shelves: comicssuperhumans. More of the same. A few good moments, some nicely written action, unfortunately used in service of a story I just don't really buy. I guess it's worth pointing out that every last issue of this run was all taken up with the exact same storyline, and that the end result is Right back to status quo. Included in this volume is a story that was published in a special issue for the 75th anniversary of Marvel. And it's actually pretty great. It does go back to the Fantastic Four Volume 4: The End is Fourever origin More of the Fantastic Four Volume 4: The End is Fourever. It does go back to the FF origin, but it does so in a way that made a well-worn story feel fresh. Riffing off the FF's status as Marvel's first family, the actual focus on the story is what other Marvel heroes were doing at the exact moment the FF got their powers. Fantastic Four Volume 4 : The End is Fourever - -

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