Directorate of Intelligence


DI CS 2006-12 Supersedes DI CS 2006-11 December 2006


Information received as of 1 December 2006 has been used in preparation of this directory.

DI CS 2006-12 Supersedes DI CS 2006-11 December 2006


The Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments directory is intended to be used primarily as a reference aid and includes as many governments of the world as is considered practical, some of them not officially recognized by the United States. Regimes with which the United States has no diplomatic exchanges are indicated by the initials NDE.

Governments are listed in alphabetical order according to the most commonly used version of each country’s name. The spelling of the personal names in this directory follows transliteration systems generally agreed upon by US Government agencies, except in the cases in which officials have stated a preference for alternate spellings of their names.

NOTE: Although the head of the central bank is listed for each country, in most cases he or she is not a Cabinet member. Ambassadors to the United States and Permanent Representatives to the UN, New York, have also been included.


Adm. Admiral Govt. Government Admin. Administrative, Administration Intl. International Asst. Assistant Lt. Lieutenant Brig. Brigadier Maj. Major Capt. Captain Mar. Marshal Cdr. Commander Min. Minister, Ministry Chmn. Chairman NDE No Diplomatic Exchange Col. Colonel Org. Organization Del. Delegate Pres. President Dep. Deputy Prof. Professor Dept. Department RAdm. Rear Admiral Dir. Directory Ret. Retired Div. Division Rev. Reverend Dr. Doctor Sec. Secretary Fd. Mar. Field Marshal Sr. Senior Fed. Federal VAdm. Vice Admiral Gen. General VMar. Vice Marshal

iv A President ...... Vice President ...... Ahmad Zia MASOOD Vice President ...... Abdul Karim KHALILI Min. of Agriculture ...... Obaidullah RAMIN Min. of Border & Tribal Affairs ...... Mohammad Karim BRAHAWI Min. of Commerce ...... Mohammad Amin FARHANG Min. of Communications ...... Amirzai SANGIN Min. of Counternarcotics ...... Habibullah QADERI Min. of Defense ...... Abdul Rahim WARDAK Min. of Economy ...... Mohammad Jalil SHAMS Min. of Education ...... Mohammad Hanif ATMAR Min. of Energy, Water, & Power ...... Ismail KHAN Min. of Finance ...... Anwar Ul-Haq AHADY Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Min. of Hajj & Islamic Affairs ...... Niamatullah SHAHRANI Min. of Health ...... Sayed Min. of Higher Education ...... Mohammad Azam DADFAR Min. of Interior ...... Moqbal ZARAR Min. of Justice ...... Mohammad Sarwar DANESH Min. of Martyrs, Disabled, & Social Affairs ...... Nur Mohammad QARQIN Min. of Mines & Industries ...... Ibrahim ADEL Min. of Public Works ...... Surab Ali SAFARI Min. of Refugees ...... Akbar AKBAR Min. of Rural Development ...... Ehsan ZIA Min. of Transportation ...... Niamatullah Ehsan JAWID Min. of Urban Development ...... Yousef PASHTUN Min. of Women’s Affairs ...... Hasan Bano GHAZANFAR Min. of Youth & Culture ...... Abdul Karim KHURAM Chair, Human Rights Commission ...... Sima SAMAR Chief Justice, Supreme Court ...... Abdul AZIMI National Security Adviser ...... Zalmay RASSOUL Governor, Central Bank ...... Nurollah DELAWARI Ambassador to the US ...... Said Tayeb JAWAD Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Ravan A.G. FARHADI

Albania President ...... Alfred MOISIU Prime Minister ...... Sali BERISHA Dep. Prime Min...... Ilir RUSMAJLI Min. of Agriculture ...... Jemin GJANA Min. of Culture & Tourism ...... Bujar LESKAJ Min. of Defense ...... Fatmir MEDIU Min. of Economy & Energy ...... Genc RULI Min. of Education & Science ...... Genc POLLO Min. of Environment & Waters ...... Lufter XHUVELI Min. of Finance ...... Ridvan BODE Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Besnik MUSTAFAJ Min. of Health ...... Maksim CIKULI Min. of Integration ...... Arenca TROSHANI Min. of Interior ...... Sokol OLLDASHI Min. of Justice ...... Aldo BUMCI Min. of Labor & Equal Opportunity ...... Kosta BARKA Min. of Transportation ...... Lulzim BASHA Governor, Bank of Albania ...... Ardian FULLANI Ambassador to the US ...... Aleksander SALLABANDA Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Adrian NERITANI

1 Algeria President ...... Abdelaziz BOUTEFLIKA Prime Minister ...... Abdelaziz BELKHADEM Min. of State for Foreign Affairs ...... Mohammed BEDJAOUI Min. of State for Interior & Local Govts...... Noureddine Yazid ZERHOUNI Min. of State for Justice & Keeper of the Seals ...... Tayeb BELAIZ Min. of State Without Portfolio ...... Boudjerra SOLTANI Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development ...... Said BARKAT Min. of Commerce ...... El-Hachemi DJAABOUB Min. of Communication ...... El-Hachemi DJIAR Min. of Culture ...... Khalida TOUMI Min. of Employment & National Solidarity ...... Djamal Ould ABBAS Min. of Energy & Mining ...... Chekib KHALIL Min. of Finance ...... Mourad MEDELCI Min. of Fisheries & Fishing Resources ...... Smail MIMOUNE Min. of Health, Population, & Hospital Reform ...... Amar TOU Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research ...... Rachid HARRAOUBIA Min. of Housing & Urban Development ...... Mohamed Nadir HAMIMID Min. of Industry ...... Mahmoud KHOUDRI Min. of Labor & Social Security ...... Tayeb LOUH Min. of National Education ...... Boubekeur BENBOUZID Min. of National Defense ...... Abdelaziz BOUTEFLIKA Min. of Participation & Promotion of Investments ...... Abdelhamid TEMMAR Min. of Postal Services & Information & Communication Technologies ..... Boudjemaa HAICHOUR Min. of Public Works ...... Amar GHOUL Min. of Relations With the Parliament ...... Abdelaziz ZIARI Min. of Religious Affairs ...... Bouabdellah GHLAMALLAH Min. of Small & Medium-Sized Enterprises & Handicrafts ...... Mustapha BENBADA Min. of Tourism ...... Noureddine MOUSSA Min. of Transport ...... Mohamed MAGHLAOUI Min. of Urban Planning & the Environment ...... Cherif RAHMANI Min. of Vocational & Educational Training ...... El-Hadi KHALDI Min. of War Veterans (Moudjahidine) ...... Mohamed Cherif ABBAS Min. of Water Resources ...... Abdelmalek SELLAL Min. of Youth & Sports ...... Yahia GUIDDOUM Min. Del. to the Head of Govt. in Charge of Family Affairs & Women’s Issues ...... Nouara Saadia DJAAFAR Min. Del. to the Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development in Charge of Rural Development ...... Rachid BENAISSA Min. Del. to the Min. of Finance in Charge of Financial Reform ...... Karim DJOUDI Min. Del. to the Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research in Charge of Scientific Research ...... Souad BENDJABALLAH Min. Del. to the Min. of National Defense ...... Abdelmalek GUENAIZIA Min. Del. to the Min. of Urban Planning & the Environment in Charge of Urban Environmental Affairs ...... Abderrachid BOUKERZAZA Min. Del. to the Min. of State for Interior & Local Govts. in Charge of Local Govts...... Daho Ould KABLIA Min. Del. to the Min. of State for Foreign Affairs in Charge of Maghreb & African Affairs ...... Abdelkader MESSAHEL Governor, Central Bank ...... Mohamed LEKASASSI Ambassador to the US ...... Amine KHERBI Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Youcef YOUSFI

Andorra Head of Government ...... Albert PINTAT Head of State (Co-Prince) ...... Joan Enric VIVES i SICILIA, Bishop Head of State (Co-Prince) ...... Jacques CHIRAC Min. of Agriculture & Natural Heritage ...... Pere TORRES Min. of Economy ...... Joel FONT Min. of Education & Professional Training ...... Roser BASTIDA

2 Andorra (continued) Min. of Finance ...... Ferran MIRAPEIX Min. of Foreign Affairs, Culture, & Cooperation ...... Juli MINOVES Min. of Health, Welfare, & Family ...... Montserrat GIL Min. of Housing, Youth, Higher Education, & Research ...... Meritxell MATEU Min. of Justice & Interior ...... Josep Maria CABANES Min. of Sports & Volunteering ...... Carles FONT Min. of Territorial Planning ...... Manel PONS Min. of Tourism & Environment ...... Antoni PUIGDELLIVOL Ambassador to the US ...... Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Julia VILA COMA

Angola President ...... Jose Eduardo DOS SANTOS Prime Minister ...... Fernando “Nando” da Piedade Dias DOS SANTOS Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development ...... Gilberto LUTUKUTA Min. of Commerce ...... Joaquim Ekuma MUAFUMUA Min. of Culture ...... Boaventura CARDOSO Min. of Defense ...... Kundi PAIHAMA Min. of Education ...... Antonio Burity DA SILVA Min. of Energy & Water ...... Jose Botelho DE VASCONCELOS Min. of Environment & Urban Development ...... Diakunpuna Sita JOSE Min. of External Relations ...... Joao Bernardo de MIRANDA Min. of Finance ...... Jose Pedro DE MORAIS Min. of Fisheries ...... Salamao XIRIMBIMBI Min. of Geology & Mines ...... Manuel Antonio AFRICANO Min. of Health ...... Sebastiao Sapuile VELSOS Min. of Industry ...... Joaquim Duarte da Costa DAVID Min. of Interior ...... Roberto Leal Monteiro NGONGO Min. of Justice ...... Manuel ARAGAO Min. of Petroleum ...... Desiderio DA COSTA Min. of Planning ...... Ana Dias LOURENCO Min. of Public Administration & Employment ...... Antonio Pitra NETO Min. of Public Works ...... Francisco Higino CARNEIRO Min. of Science & Technology ...... Joao Baptista NGANDAGINA Min. of Social Communication ...... Pedro Henrick Vaal NETO Min. of Social Reintegration ...... Joao Baptista KUSSUMUA Min. of Telecommunications ...... Licinio Tavares RIBEIRO Min. of Territorial Administration ...... Virgilio Fontes PEREIRA Min. of Tourism & Hotels ...... Eduardo Jonatao CHINGUNJI Min. of Transport ...... Andre Luis BRANDAO Min. of Veterans & Ex-Combatants ...... Pedro Jose VAN DUNEM Min. of Women & Family Affairs ...... Candida Celeste DA SILVA Min. of Youth & Sports ...... Jose Marcos BARRICA Min. in the Office of the Presidency, Civil Affairs ...... Jose da Costa e Silva LEITAO Min. in the Office of the Presidency, General Secretariat ...... Jose Mateus de Adelino PEIXOTO Min. in the Office of the Presidency, Military Affairs ...... Manuel Helder DIAS Governor, National Bank of Angola ...... Amadeu MAURICIO Ambassador to the US ...... Josefina Perpetua Pitra DIAKITE Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Ismael Abraao GASPAR MARTINS

Antigua and Barbuda Governor General ...... James B. CARLISLE Prime Min...... Baldwin SPENCER Dep. Prime Min...... Min. of Agriculture Lands, Marine Resources, & Agro-Industries ...... Charlesworth SAMUEL Min. of Barbuda Affairs ...... Baldwin SPENCER Min. of Defense ...... Baldwin SPENCER Min. of Education ...... Bertrand JOSEPH

3 Antigua and Barbuda (continued) Min. of Finance & the Economy ...... Eroll CORT Min. of Foreign Affairs & International Trade ...... Baldwin SPENCER Min. of Health, Sports, & Youth Affairs ...... John Herbert MAGINLEY Min. of Housing, Culture, & Social Transformation ...... Hilson BAPTISTE Min. of Information & Broadcasting ...... Baldwin SPENCER Min. of Justice ...... Colin DERRICK Min. of Labor, Public Administration, & Empowerment ...... Jacqui QUINN-LEANDRO Min. of Legal Affairs ...... Justin SIMON Min. of National Security ...... Baldwin SPENCER Min. of Tourism & Civil Aviation ...... Harold LOVELL Min. of Works, Transportation, & the Environment ...... Wilmoth DANIEL Min. Without Portfolio ...... Aziz FARES Attorney General ...... Justin SIMON Ambassador to the US ...... Lionel HURST Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... John W. ASHE

Argentina President ...... Nestor KIRCHNER Vice President ...... Daniel SCIOLI Chief of Cabinet ...... Alberto FERNANDEZ Min. of Defense ...... Nilda GARRE Min. of Economy & Production ...... Felisa MICELI Min. of Education & Culture ...... Daniel FILMUS Min. of Federal Planning, Public Investment, & Services ...... Julio DE VIDO Min. of Foreign Relations, Intl. Trade, & Worship ...... Jorge TAIANA Min. of Health ...... Gines GONZALEZ GARCIA Min. of Interior ...... Anibal FERNANDEZ Min. of Justice, Security, & Human Rights ...... Alberto IRIBARNE Min. of Labor, Employment, & Social Security ...... Carlos TOMADA Min. of Social Development ...... Alicia KIRCHNER Pres., Central Bank ...... Martin REDRADO Ambassador to the US ...... Jose Octavio BORDON Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Cesar Fernando MAYORAL

Armenia President ...... Robert KOCHARIAN Prime Minister ...... Andranik MARGARYAN Min. Chief of Staff of the Cabinet ...... Manuk TOPUZYAN Min. of Agriculture ...... Davit LOKYAN Min. of Culture & Youth ...... Hasmik POGHOSIAN Min. of Defense ...... Serzh SARGSYAN Min. of Education & Science ...... Levon MKRTCHYAN Min. of Energy ...... Armen MOVSISYAN Min. of Environmental Protection ...... Vardan AYVAZYAN Min. of Finance & Economy ...... Vardan KHACHATRYAN Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Vartan OSKANIAN Min. of Health ...... Norayr DAVIDYAN Min. of Justice ...... David HARUTYUNYAN Min. of Labor & Social Issues ...... Aghvan VARDANYAN Min. of Territorial Administration ...... Hovik ABRAHAMYAN Min. of Trade & Economic Development ...... Karen TCHSHMARITYAN Min. of Transport & Communication ...... Andranik MANUKYAN Min. of Urban Planning ...... Aram HARUTYUNYAN Chmn., National Bank ...... Tigran SARGSYAN Ambassador to the US ...... Tatoul MARKARIAN Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Armen MARTIROSYAN

4 Aruba Governor ...... Fredis REFENJOL Prime Minister ...... Nelson ODUBER Min. of Education ...... Fredis REFENJOL Min. of Finance & Economic Affairs ...... Nilo SWAEN Min. of General Affairs & Utilities ...... Nelson ODUBER Min. of Justice ...... Rudy CROES Min. of Public Health ...... Booshi WEVER Min. of Public Works ...... Marisol TROMP Min. of Sports, Culture, & Labor ...... Ramon LEE Min. of Tourism & Transportation ...... Eddy BRIESEN Attorney General ...... Ruud ROSINGH Pres., Central Bank ...... A.R. CARAM

Australia Governor General ...... Michael JEFFERY, Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Prime Minister ...... John HOWARD Dep. Prime Min...... Mark VAILE Min. for Aging ...... Santo SANTORO Min. for Agriculture, Fisheries, & Forestry ...... Peter MCGAURAN Min. for the Arts & Sport ...... Rod KEMP Min. for Communications, Information Technology, & the Arts ...... Helen COONAN Min. for Defense ...... Brendan NELSON Min. for Education, Science, & Training ...... Julie BISHOP Min. for Employment & Workplace Relations ...... Kevin ANDREWS Min. for the Environment & Heritage ...... Ian CAMPBELL Min. for Families, Community Services, & Indigenous Affairs ...... Mal BROUGH Min. for Finance & Administration ...... Nicholas MINCHIN Min. for Fisheries, Forestry, & Conservation ...... Eric ABETZ Min. for Foreign Affairs ...... Alexander DOWNER Min. for Health & Aging ...... Anthony ABBOT Min. for Human Services ...... Joe HOCKEY Min. for Immigration & Multicultural Affairs ...... Amanda VANSTONE Min. for Industry, Tourism, & Resources ...... Ian E. MACFARLANE Min. for Justice & Customs ...... Christopher ELLISON Min. of Local Government, Territories, & Roads ...... Jim LLOYD Min. for Revenue ...... Peter DUTTON Min. for Small Business & Tourism ...... Fran BAILEY Min. for Trade ...... Warren TRUSS Min. for Transport & Regional Services ...... Mark VAILE Min. for Veterans’ Affairs ...... Bruce BILLSON Min. for Vocational & Technical Education ...... Gary HARDGRAVE Min. for Workforce Participation ...... Sharman STONE Treasurer ...... Peter COSTELLO Special Min. of State ...... Gary NAIRN Attorney General ...... Philip RUDDOCK Governor, Reserve Bank ...... Glenn STEVENS Ambassador to the US ...... Dennis RICHARDSON Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Robert HILL

Austria President ...... Heinz FISCHER Chancellor ...... Wolfgang SCHUESSEL Vice Chancellor ...... Hubert GORBACH Min. for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment, & Water Management ...... Josef PROELL Min. of Defense ...... Guenther PLATTER Min. for Economic Affairs & Labor ...... Martin BARTENSTEIN Min. for Education, Science, & Culture ...... Elisabeth GEHRER Min. of Finance ...... Karl-Heinz GRASSER

5 Austria (continued) Min. for Foreign Affairs ...... Ursula PLASSNIK Min. for Health & Women’s Issues ...... Maria RAUCH-KALLAT Min. of the Interior ...... Liese PROKOP Min. of Justice ...... Karin GASTINGER Min. for Social Security, Generations, & Consumer Protection ...... Ursula HAUBNER Min. for Transport, Innovation, & Technology ...... Hubert GORBACH State Sec. in the Chancellery ...... Franz MORAK State Sec. in the Chancellery ...... Karl SCHWEITZER State Sec. in the Finance Ministry ...... Alfred FINZ State Sec. in the Ministry for Social Security, Generations, & Consumer Protection ...... Sigisbert DOLINSCHEK State Sec. in the Ministry for Transport, Innovation, & Technology ...... Helmut KUKACKA State Sec. in the Ministry for Transport, Innovation, & Technology ...... Eduard MAINONI Pres., Austrian National Bank ...... Klaus LIEBSCHER Ambassador to the US ...... Eva NOWOTNY Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Gerhard PFANZELTER

Azerbaijan President ...... Ilham ALIYEV Prime Minister ...... Artur RASIZADE First Dep. Prime Min...... Abbas ABBASOV Dep. Prime Min...... Elchin EFENDIYEV Dep. Prime Min...... Yaqub EYYUBOV Dep. Prime Min...... Ali HASANOV Dep. Prime Min...... Abid SHARIFOV Min. of Agriculture & Food ...... Ismat ABBASOV Min. of Communications & Information Technology ...... Ali ABBASOV Min. of Culture & Tourism...... Abulfaz GARAYEV Min. of Defense ...... Safar ABIYEV, Col. Gen. Min. of Defense Industry ...... Yavar JAMALOV Min. of Ecology & Natural Resources ...... Huseyngulu BAGIROV Min. of Economic Development ...... Heydar BABAYEV Min. of Education ...... Misir MARDANOV Min. of Emergency Situations ...... Kemmalladin HEYDAROV Min. of Finance ...... Samir SHARIFOV Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Elmar MAMMADYAROV Min. of Health ...... Oqtay SHIRALIYEV Min. of Industry & Energy ...... Natiq ALIYEV Min. of Internal Affairs ...... Ramil USUBOV Min. of Justice ...... Fikret MAMEDOV Min. of Labor & Social Security ...... Fizuli ALEKPEROV Min. of National Security ...... Eldar MAHMUDOV Min. of Sports & Youth ...... Azad RAHIMOV Min. of Taxation ...... Fazil MAMEDOV Min. of Transport ...... Ziya MAMMADOV Chmn., National Bank ...... Elman RUSTAMOV Ambassador to the US ...... Yashar ALIYEV Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ......

B Bahamas, The Governor General ...... Ivy DUMONT, Dame Prime Minister ...... Perry CHRISTIE Dep. Prime Min...... Cynthia PRATT Min. of Agriculture & Marine Resources ...... Leslie MILLER Min. of Education, Science, & Technology ...... Alfred SEARS Min. of Energy & the Environment ...... Marcus BETHEL, Dr. Min. of Finance ...... Perry CHRISTIE Min. of Financial Services & Investments ...... Vincent PEET

6 Bahamas, The (continued) Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Fred MITCHELL Min. of Health & National Insurance ...... B.J. NOTTAGE Min. of Immigration, Labor, & Training ...... Shane GIBSON Min. of Legal Affairs ...... Allyson MAYNARD-GIBSON Min. of Local Government & Consumer Affairs ...... V. Alfred GRAY Min. of National Security ...... Cynthia PRATT Min. of Public Service ...... Fred MITCHELL Min. of Social Services & Community Development ...... Melanie GRIFFIN Min. of Tourism ...... Obie WILCHCOMBE Min. of Transport & Aviation ...... Glenys HANNA-MARTIN Min. of Works & Utilities ...... Bradley ROBERTS Min. of Youth, Sports, & Housing ...... Neville WISDOM Min. of State for Finance ...... James SMITH Attorney General ...... Allyson MAYNARD-GIBSON Governor, Central Bank ...... Julian W. FRANCIS Ambassador to the US ...... Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Paulette A. BETHEL

Bahrain King ...... HAMAD bin Isa al-Khalifa Prime Minister ...... KHALIFA bin Salman al-Khalifa Dep. Prime Minister ...... ABDALLAH bin Khalid al-Khalifa Dep. Prime Minister ...... MUHAMMAD bin Mubarak al-Khalifa Dep. Prime Minister ...... ALI bin Khalifa bin Salman al-Khalifa Min. of King’s Court Affairs ...... ALI bin Isa bin Salman al-Khalifa Min. of Communication ...... ALI bin Khalifa bin Salman al-Khalifa Min. of Defense ...... KHALIFA bin Ahmad al-Khalifa Maj. Gen. Min. of Education ...... Majid bin Ali Hasan al-NUAYMI Min. of Electricity & Water ...... ABDALLAH bin Salman al-Khalifa Min. of Finance & Economy ...... AHMAD bin Muhammad bin Hamad bin Abdallah al-Khalifa Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... KHALID bin Ahmad al-Khalifa Min. of Health ...... Nada bint Abbas HAFADH, Dr. Min. of Public Works & Housing ...... Fahmi bin Ali al-JAWDAR Min. of Industry & Commerce ...... Hasan bin Abdallah al-FAKHRU Min. of Information ...... Muhammad Abd al-GHAFFAR Min. of Interior ...... RASHID bin Abdallah bin Ahmad al-Khalifa Min. of Islamic Affairs ...... ABDALLAH bin Khalid al-Khalifa Min. of Justice ...... Muhammad bin Ali al-SITRI Min. of Labor ...... Majid bin Muhsin al-ALAWI Min. of Municipalities & Agricultural Affairs ...... Ali bin Salih bin Abdallah al-SALIH Min. of Oil ...... ISSA bin Ali al-Khalifa Min. of Social Affairs ...... Fatima bint Ahmad al-BALUSHI Min. of Transportation ...... ALI bin Khalifa al-Khalifa Min. of State for Cabinet Affairs ...... AHMED bin Atiyatallah al-Khalifa Min. of State for Foreign Affairs ...... Muhammad Abd al-GHAFFAR Min. of State for Shura Council Affairs & Parliament ...... Abd al-Aziz bin Muhammad al-FADHIL Attorney General ...... ABD al-Rahman bin Jabir al-Khalifa Director, Bahrain National Security Agency ...... KHALIFA bin Ali bin Rashid Chmn., Bahrain Monetary Agency ...... KHALIFA bin Salman al-Khalifa Governor, Bahrain Monetary Agency ...... Rashid al-MARAJ Ambassador to the US ...... Nasir bin Muhammad al-BALUSHI Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Tawfiq Ahmad Khalil al-MANSUR

Bangladesh President ...... Iajuddin AHMED Prime Minister ...... Khaleda ZIA Min. of Agriculture ...... M. K. ANWAR

7 Bangladesh (continued) Min. of Commerce ...... M. Hafizuddin AHMED Min. of Communications ...... Nazmul HUDA Min. of Defense ...... Khaleda ZIA Min. of Education ...... Osman FARRUK Min. of Energy & Resources ...... Khaleda ZIA Min. of Environment & Forests ...... Tariqul ISLAM Min. of Finance & Planning ...... Mohammad Saifur RAHMAN Min. of Fisheries & Livestock ...... Abdullah Al NOMAN Min. of Food & Disaster Management & Relief ...... Chowdhury Kamal Ibne YUSUF Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... M. Morshed KHAN Min. of Health & Family Welfare ...... Khandaker Mosharraf HOSSAIN Min. of Housing & Public Works ...... Mirza ABBAS Min. of Industries ...... Maulana Matiur Rahman NIZAMI Min. of Information ...... M. Shamsul ISLAM Min. of Jute & Textiles ...... Shahjahan SIRAJ Min. of Law, Justice, & Parliamentary Affairs ...... Moudud AHMED Min. of Local Govt., Rural Development, & Cooperatives ...... Abdul Mannan BHUIYAN Min. of Post & Telecommunication ...... Mohammad Aminul HAQUE Min. of Science & Information & Communication Technology ...... Abdul Moyeen KHAN Min. of Shipping ...... Akbar HOSSAIN Min. of Social Welfare ...... Ali Ahsan Mohammad MUJAHID Min. of Water Resources ...... M. Hafizuddin AHMED Min. of Women & Children Affairs ...... Khurshid Jahan HAQUE Min. Without Portfolio ...... Altaf Hossain CHOUDHURY Min. Without Portfolio ...... Abdul Matin CHOWDHURY State. Min. of Home Affairs ...... Lutfozzaman BABAR State Min. of Labor & Employment ...... Amanuallah AMAN State Min. of Land ...... Ukil Abdus Sattar BHUIYAN State Min. of NGOs ...... Lutfar Rahman Khan AZAD Governor, Central Bank ...... Salehuddin AHMED Ambassador to the US ...... Shamsher Mobin CHOWDHURY Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Iftekhar Ahmed CHOWDHURY

Barbados Governor General ...... Clifford HUSBANDS, Sir Prime Minister ...... Owen ARTHUR Dep. Prime Min...... Mia MOTTLEY Special Envoy to the Prime Min. on Technology, Investment, & Trade ...... Phillip GODDARD Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development ...... Erskine GRIFFITH Min. of the Civil Service ...... Min. of Commerce, Consumer Affairs, & Business Development ...... Lynette EASTMOND Min. of Defense & Security ...... Owen ARTHUR Min. of Economic Affairs & Development ...... Mia MOTTLEY Min. of Education, Youth Affairs, & Sports ...... Anthony WOOD Min. of Energy & Environment ...... Elizabeth THOMPSON Min. of Finance ...... Owen ARTHUR Min. of Foreign Affairs & Foreign Trade ...... Billie MILLER Min. of Health ...... Jerome WALCOTT, Dr. Min. of Home Affairs ...... Dale MARSHALL Min. of Housing & Lands ...... Reginald FARLEY Min. of Information ...... Owen ARTHUR Min. of Labor & Civil Service ...... Rawle EASTMOND Min. of Public Works ...... Gline CLARKE Min. of Social Transformation ...... Trevor PRESCOD Min. of Tourism & International Transport ...... Noel Anderson LYNCH Min. of State for Education ...... Cynthia FORDE Min. of State for Finance ...... Clyde MASCOLL Min. of State for Foreign Affairs & Foreign Trade ...... Kerrie SYMMONDS

8 Barbados (continued) Min. of State in the Prime Min.’s Office ...... Jospeh ATHERLEY, Rev. Attorney General ...... Dale MARSHALL Governor, Central Bank ...... Marion WILLIAMS Ambassador to the US ...... Michael KING Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Christopher HACKETT

Belarus The spellings of names of Belarusian officials reflect widely recognized Russian spellings.

President ...... Aleksandr LUKASHENKO Prime Minister ...... Sergey SIDORSKIY First Dep. Prime Min...... Vladimir SEMASHKO Dep. Prime Min...... Ivan BAMBIZA Dep. Prime Min...... Viktor BURYA Dep. Prime Min...... Andrey KOBYAKOV Dep. Prime Min...... Aleksandr KOSINETS Min. of Agriculture & Food ...... Leonid RUSAK Min. of Architecture & Construction ...... Aleksandr SELEZENEV Min. of Communications & Information Technology ...... Nikolay PANTELEY Min. of Culture ...... Vladimir MATVEYCHUK Min. of Defense ...... Leonid MALTSEV Min. of Economics ...... Nikolay ZAYCHENKO Min. of Education ...... Aleksandr RADKOV Min. of Emergency Situations ...... Enver BARYEV Min. of Finance ...... Nikolay KORBUT Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Sergey MARTYNOV Min. of Forestry ...... Petr SEMASHKO Min. of Energy ...... Aleksandr OZERETS Min. of Health ...... Vasiliy ZHARKO Min. of Housing & Municipal Services ...... Vladimir BELOKHVOSTOV Min. of Industry ...... Anatoliy RUSETSKIY Min. of Information ...... Vladimir RUSAKEVICH Min. of Interior ...... Vladimir NAUMOV Min. of Justice ...... Viktor GOLOVANOV Min. of Labor & Social Security ...... Vladimir POTUPCHIK Min. of Natural Resources & Environmental Protection ...... Leontiy KHORUZHIK Min. of Sports & Tourism ...... Aleksandr GRIGOROV Min. of Statistics & Analysis ...... Vladimir ZINOVSKIY Min. of Taxes & Duties ...... Anna DEYKO Min. of Trade ...... Aleksandr IVANKOV Min. of Transport & Communication ...... Vladimir SOSNOVSKIY Chief, Presidential Administration ...... Gennadiy NYAVIGLAS, Maj. Gen. Chmn., State Committee for Security (BKGB) ...... Stepan SUKHORENKO Prosecutor General ...... Pyotr MIKLASHEVICH State Sec., Security Council ...... Viktor SHEYMAN Chmn., National Bank ...... Petr PROKOPOVICH Ambassador to the US ...... Mikhail KHVOSTOV Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Andrey DAPKYUNAS

Belgium King ...... ALBERT II Prime Minister ...... Guy VERHOFSTADT Dep. Prime Min...... Laurette ONKELINX Dep. Prime Min...... Didier REYNDERS Dep. Prime Min...... Freya VAN DEN BOSSCHE Dep. Prime Min...... Patrick DEWAEL Min. of Budget & Consumer Protection ...... Freya VAN DEN BOSSCHE

9 Belgium (continued) Min. of the Civil Service, Social Integration, Urban Policy, & Equal Opportunity ...... Christian DUPONT Min. of Development Cooperation ...... Armand DE DECKER Min. of Defense ...... Andre FLAHAUT Min. of Economy, Energy, Foreign Trade, & Science Policy ...... Marc VERWILGHEN Min. of Employment ...... Peter VANVELTHOVEN Min. of the Environment & Pensions ...... Bruno TOBBACK Min. of Finance ...... Didier REYNDERS Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Karel DE GUCHT Min. of Interior ...... Patrick DEWAEL Min. of Justice ...... Laurette ONKELINX Min. of the Middle Class & Agriculture ...... Sabine LARUELLE Min. of Social Affairs & Public Health ...... Rudy DEMOTTE Min. of Transport ...... Renaat LANDUYT Sec. of State for Administrative Simplification ...... Vincent VAN QUICKENBORNE Sec. of State for European Affairs ...... Didier DONFUT Sec. of State for the Family & for Disabled Persons ...... Gisele MANDAILA MALAMBA Sec. of State for the Modernization of Finance & for the Battle Against Fiscal Fraud ...... Herve JAMAR Sec. of State for Public Enterprise ...... Bruno TUYBENS Sec. of State for Sustainable Development & Social Economy ...... Els VAN WEERT Governor, National Bank ...... Guy QUADEN Ambassador to the US ...... Franciskus “Frans” VAN DAELE Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Johan VERBEKE

Belize Governor General ...... Colville YOUNG, Sir Prime Minister ...... Dep. Prime Minister ...... John BRICENO Min. of Agriculture & Fisheries ...... Vildo MARIN Min. of Communications ...... Jose COYE Min. of Culture ...... Mark ESPAT Min. of Defense ...... Cordel HYDE Min. of Education ...... Min. of Finance ...... Said MUSA Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Eamon COURTENAY Min. of Foreign Trade ...... Eamon COURTENAY Min. of Information ...... Godfrey SMITH Min. of Health ...... Jose COYE Min. of Home Affairs ...... Ralph FONSECA Min. of Housing ...... Cordel HYDE Min. of Human Development ...... Sylvia FLORES Min. of Labor ...... Francis FONSECA Min. of Local Government ...... Jose COYE Min. of National Development ...... Mark ESPAT Min. of National Emergency Management ...... Godfrey SMITH Min. of Natural Resources & the Environment ...... John BRICENO Min. of Public Utilities ...... Ralph FONSECA Min. of Tourism ...... Godfrey SMITH Min. of Transport ...... Jose COYE Min. of Works ...... Michael ESPAT Min. of Youth & Sports ...... Cordel HYDE Attorney General ...... Francis FONSECA Governor, Central Bank ...... Jorge Meliton AUIL Ambassador to the US ...... Lisa M. SHOMAN Permanent Representative to the UN, New York (Acting) ...... Janine COYE-FELSON

10 Benin President ...... Thomas Yayi BONI Min. of Administrative & Institutional Reform ...... Bio Gounou Idrissou SINA Min. of Agriculture ...... Cossi Gaston DOSSOUHOUI Min. of Civil Service & Labor ...... Emmanuel TIANDO Min. of Commerce & Industry ...... Moudjaidou Issoufou SOUMANOU Min. of Culture, Sports, & Leisure ...... Theophile MONTCHO Min. of Development, Finance, & Economy ...... Pascal KOUPAKI Min. of Environment & Natural Protection ...... Jean Pierre BABATUNDE Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Mariam Aladji Boni DIALLO Min. of Health ...... Flore GANGBO Min. of Higher Education & Professional Training ...... Mathurin NAGO Min. of Justice & Institutional Relations ...... Abraham ZINZINDOHOUE Min. of Mines, Energy, & Water ...... Jocelyn DEGBEY KUADJO Min. of National Defense ...... Issifou Kogui N’DOURO Min. of Primary & Secondary Education ...... Evelyne SOSSOUHOUTO Min. of Public Security & Local Government ...... Edgar ALLIA Min. of Public Works & Transport ...... Richard SENOU Min. of Tourism & Artisans ...... Soumanou Seibou TOLEBA Min. of Urban Development & Social Housing ...... Francois NOUDEGBESSI Min. of Women, Children, & Family ...... Guecadou BAWA YOROU Min. Del. to the Min. of Development, Finance, & Economy in Charge of Budget ...... Albert HOUNGBO Min. Del. to the Min. of Development, Finance, & Economy in Charge of Microfinance & Promotion of Small & Medium Enterprises ...... Sakinatou ABDOU ALFA OROU Min. Del. to the Min. of Foreign Affairs in Charge of African Integration & Relations of the Beninese Diaspora ...... Albert AGOSSOU Min. Del. to the President of the Republic in Charge of Communications & New Technologies ...... Venance GNIGLA Governor, Central Bank ...... Charles Konan BANNY Ambassador to the US ...... Cyrille Segbe OGUIN Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Jean-Marie EHOUZOU

Bermuda (British colony)

Governor ...... John VEREKER, Sir Premier ...... Alex SCOTT Dep. Premier ...... Ewart BROWN Min. of Education ...... Terry LISTER Min. of Environment ...... Neletha BUTTERFIELD Min. of Finance ...... Paula COX Min. of Health & Family Services ...... Patrice PARRIS Min. of Housing, Works, & Engineering ...... Ashfield DEVENT Min. of Justice ...... Larry MUSSENDEN Min. of Labor & Home Affairs ...... Randy NORTON Min. of Legislative Affairs ...... Michael SCOTT Min. of Sports & Community Affairs ...... Dale BULTER Min. of Tourism, Telecommunications, and E-Commerce ...... Renee WEBB Min. of Transport ...... Ewart BROWN Min. of Works, Engineering, Parks, & Housing ...... Alex SCOTT Attorney General ...... Larry MUSSENDEN Cabinet Sec...... Chmn., Bermuda Monetary Authority ......

Bhutan—NDE King ...... Jigme Singye WANGCHUCK Prime Minister ...... Sangay NGEDUP Min. of Agriculture ...... Sangay NGEDUP

11 Bhutan—NDE (continued) Min. of Education ...... Thinley GYAMTSHO Min. of Finance ...... Wangdi NORBU Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Khandu WANGCHUK Min. of Health ...... Jigmi SINGAY Min. of Home & Cultural Affairs ...... Jigme Y. THINLEY Min. of Information & Communication ...... Leki DORJI Min. of Labor & Human Resources ...... Ugyen TSHERING Min. of Trade & Industry ...... Yeshey ZIMBA Min. of Works & Human Settlements ...... Kinzang DORJI Chief Justice ...... Sonam TOBGYE Chmn., Royal Advisory Council ...... Rinzin GYALTSHEN Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Daw PENJO

Bolivia President ...... Juan Evo MORALES Ayma Vice President ...... Alvaro GARCIA Linera Min. of Rural Development and Agriculture ...... Hugo SALVATIERRA Gutierrez Min. of Defense ...... Walker SAN MIGUEL Rodriguez Min. of Economic Development ...... Celinda SOSA Luna Min. of Education ...... Felix PATZI Paco Min. of Finance ...... Luis Alberto ARCE Catacora Min. of Foreign Relations & Worship ...... David CHOQUEHUANCA Cespedes Min. of Government ...... Alicia MUNOZ Ala Min. of Health & Sports ...... Nila HEREDIA Miranda Min. of Hydrocarbons ...... Carlos VILLEGAS Quiroga Min. of Labor ...... Santiago GALVEZ Mamani Min. of Mining & Metals ...... Jose Guillermo DALENCE Min. of the Presidency ...... Juan Ramon QUINTANA Taborga Min. of Services & Public Works ...... Salvador RIC Riera Min. of Planning & Development ...... Hernando LARRAZABAL Min. Without Portfolio for Justice ...... Casimira RODRIGUEZ Romero Min. Without Portfolio for Water ...... Abel MAMANI Marca Presidential Delegate for Political Affairs ...... Presidential Delegate for Public Transparency and Integrity ...... President, Central Bank ...... Ambassador to the US ...... Gustavo GUZMAN Saldana Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ......

Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia’s central government is headed by a tripartite presidency, with one representative of each of the three major ethnic constituencies.

National Government Presidency Chairman (Bosniak/Muslim) ...... Sulejman TIHIC Presidency Member (Serb) ...... Borislav PARAVAC Presidency Member (Croat) ...... Ivo Miro JOVIC Chairman, Council of Ministers ...... Adnan TERZIC Min. of Civil Affairs ...... Safet HALILOVIC Min. of Communication & Transport ...... Branko DOKIC Min. of Defense ...... Nikola RADOVANOVIC Min. of Finance & Treasury ...... Ljerka MARIC Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Mladen IVANIC Min. of Foreign Trade & Economic Relations ...... Dragan DOKO Min. of Human Rights & Refugees ...... Mirsad KEBO Min. of Justice ...... Slobodan KOVAC Min. of Security ...... Barisa COLAK Speaker, House of Representatives ...... Nikola SPIRIC Dep. Speaker, House of Representatives ...... Seflik DZAFEROVIC

12 Bosnia and Herzegovina (continued) Dep. Speaker, House of Representatives ...... Martin RAGUZ Chmn., House of Peoples ...... Mustafa PAMUK Dep. Chmn., House of Peoples ...... Velimir JUKIC Dep. Chmn., House of Peoples ...... Goran MILOJEVIC Governor, Central Bank ...... Kemal KOZARIC Ambassador to the US ...... Bisera TURKOVIC Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Milos PRICA

Federation Government President ...... Niko LOZANCIC Vice President ...... Sahbaz DZIHANOVIC Vice President ...... Desnica RADIVOJEVIC Prime Minister ...... Ahmet HADZIPASIC Dep. Prime Min...... Dragan VRANKIC Dep. Prime Min...... Grahovac GAVRILO Min. of Agriculture, Water Management, & Forestry ...... Marinko BOZIC Min. of Development & Entrepreneurship ...... Mladen CABRILO Min. of Education & Science ...... Zijad PASIC Min. of Energy, Mining, & Industry ...... Vahid HECO Min. of Environment & Tourism ...... Katica CERKEZ Min. of Finance ...... Dragan VRANKIC Min. of Health ...... Vjekoslav MANDIC Min. of Interior ...... Mevludin HALILOVIC Min. of Justice ...... Borjana KRISTO Min. of the Liberation War Veterans & Disabled Veterans Issues ...... Zahid CRNKIC Min. for Refugees & Displaced Persons ...... Edin MUSIC Min. of Social Welfare & Labor ...... Radovan VIGNJEVIC Min. of Trade ...... Maid LJUBOVIC Min. of Traffic & Communications ...... Nedzad BRANKOVIC Min. of Urban Planning ...... Ferid OTAJAGIC Speaker, House of Representatives ...... Muhamed IBRAHIMOVIC Dep. Speaker, House of Representatives ...... Josip MERDZO Dep. Speaker, House of Representatives ...... Dusanka PECENAC Chmn., House of Peoples ...... Slavko MATIC Dep. Chmn., House of Peoples ...... Enes DUVNJAKOVIC Dep. Chmn., House of Peoples ...... Spomenka MICIC

Republika Srpska President ...... Dragan CAVIC Vice President ...... Adil OSMANOVIC Vice President ...... Ivan TOMLJENOVIC Prime Minister ...... Milorad DODIK Min. of Administration & Local Government ...... Nebojsa RADMANOVIC Min. of Agriculture, Forestry, & Water Management ...... Slaven PEKIC Min. of Economic Affairs & Coordination ...... Jasna BRKIC Min. of Economy, Energy, & Development ...... Milan JELIC Min. of Education & Culture ...... Anton KASIPOVIC Min. of Finance ...... Aleksandar DZOMBIC Min. of Health & Social Welfare ...... Ranko SKRBIC Min. of Interior ...... Stanislav CADJO Min. of Justice ...... Omer VISIC Min. of Labor & Veterans ...... Bosko TOMIC Min. of Refugees & Displaced Persons ...... Omer BRANKOVIC Min. of Science & Technology ...... Bakir AJANOVIC Min. of Trade & Tourism ...... Predrag GLUHAKOVIC Min. of Transport & Communications ...... Nedeljko CUBRILOVIC Min. of Urban Planning, Civil Engineering, & Ecology ...... Fatima FETIBEGOVIC Min. Without Portfolio ...... Branislav BORENOVIC Speaker of the Republika Srpska National Assembly ...... Igor RADOJICIC Dep. Speaker of the Republika Srpska National Assembly ...... Sefik HAFIZOVIC Dep. Speaker of the Republika Srpska National Assembly ...... Tomislav TOMLJANOVIC 13 Botswana President ...... Festus Gontebanye MOGAE Vice President ...... Seretse Khama Ian KHAMA Min. of Agriculture ...... Johnny SWARTZ Min. of Communications, Science, & Technology ...... Pelonomi VENSON Min. of Environment, Wildlife, & Tourism ...... Kitso MOKAILA Min. of Education ...... Jacob NKATE Min. of Finance & Development Planning ...... Jacob GAOLATHE Min. of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation ...... Mompati MERAFHE, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Min. of Health ...... Sheila TLOU Min. of Labor & Home Affairs ...... Moeng PHETO, Maj. Gen. Min. of Lands & Housing ...... Ramadeluka SERETSE Min. of Local Government ...... Margaret NASHA Min. of Minerals, Energy, & Water Affairs ...... Charles TIBONE Min. of Presidential Affairs & Public Administration ...... Phandu SKELEMANI Min. of Trade & Industry ...... Daniel Neo MOROKA Min. of Works & Transportion ...... Lesego MOTSUMI Asst. Min. of Agriculture ...... Peter SIELE Asst. Min. of Labor & Home Affairs ...... Oliphant MFA Asst. Min. of Local Government ...... Ambrose MASALILA Attorney General ...... Athalia MOLOKOMME Governor, Bank of Botswana ...... Linah MOHOHLO Ambassador to the US ...... Lapologang Caesar LEKOA Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Samuel OUTLULE

Brazil President ...... Luiz Inacio LULA DA SILVA Vice President ...... Jose ALENCAR Chief of the Civilian Household of the Presidency ...... Dilma ROUSSEFF Min. of Agrarian Development ...... Cuilherme CASSEL Min. of Agriculture (Acting) ...... Luis Carlos GUEDES Min. of Cities ...... Macrio FORTES de Almeida Min. of Communications ...... Helio COSTA Min. of Culture ...... Gilberto GIL Min. of Defense ...... Waldir PIRES Min. of Development, Industry, & Trade ...... Luiz Fernando FURLAN Min. of Education ...... Fernando HADDAD Min. of Environment ...... Marina SILVA Min. of Finance ...... Guido MANTEGA Min. of Foreign Relations ...... Celso AMORIM Min. of Health ...... Jose Agenor DA SLIVA Min. of Institutional Security ...... Jorge Armando FELIX Min. of Justice ...... Marcio Thomaz BASTOS Min. of Labor & Employment ...... Luiz MARINHO Min. of Mines & Energy ...... Silas RONDEAU Min. of National Integration ...... Pedro BRITO Min. of Planning & Budget ...... Paulo BERNARDO Min. of Political Coordination ...... Tarso GENRO Min. of Science & Technology ...... Sergio Macado REZENDE Min. of Social Development & Hunger Alleviation ...... Patrus ANANIAS Min. of Social Security ...... Nelson MACHADO Min. of Sports ...... Orlando SILVA Min. of Tourism ...... Walfrido MARES Guia Min. of Transportation ...... Paulo Sergio PASSOS Pres., Central Bank ...... Henrique MEIRELLES Ambassador to the US ...... Roberto ABDENUR Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Ronaldo Mota SARDENBERG

14 Brunei Sultan ...... HASSANAL Bolkiah, Sir Prime Minister ...... HASSANAL Bolkiah, Sir Min. of Communications ...... Awang ABU BAKAR bin Apong Min. of Culture, Youth, & Sports ...... MOHAMMAD bin Daud, Gen. (Ret.) Min. of Defense ...... HASSANAL Bolkiah, Sir Min. of Development ...... ABDULLAH bin Begawan Min. of Education ...... Abdul RAHMAN bin Mohamed Taib Min. of Energy ...... YAHYA bin Begawan Min. of Finance ...... HASSANAL Bolkiah, Sir Min. of Finance II ...... ABDUL RAHMAN bin Ibrahim Min. of Foreign Affairs & Trade ...... MOHAMED Bolkiah, Prince Min. of Foreign Affairs & Trade II ...... LIM Jock Seng Min. of Health ...... SUYOI bin Osman Min. of Home Affairs ...... ADANAN bin Begawan Min. of Industry & Primary Resources ...... AHMAD bin Jumat, Dr. Min. of Religious Affairs ...... MOHD ZAIN bin Serudin, Dr. Senior Min. in the Prime Minister’s Office ...... Al Muhtadee BILLAH, Crown Prince Ambassador to the US ...... PUTEH ibni Mohammad Alam Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... EMRAN bin Bahar

Bulgaria President ...... Georgi PURVANOV Vice President ...... Angel MARIN Prime Minister ...... Sergei STANISHEV Dep. Prime Min...... Emel ETEM Dep. Prime Min...... Ivaylo KALFIN Dep. Prime Min...... Daniel VULCHEV Min. of Agriculture & Forestry ...... Nihat KABIL Min. of Culture ...... Stefan DANAILOV Min. of Defense ...... Vesselin BLIZNAKOV Min. of Disaster & Accidents ...... Emel ETEM Min. of Economy & Energy ...... Roumen OVCHAROV Min. of Education ...... Daniel VULCHEV Min. of Environment & Waters ...... Djevdet CHAKUROV Min. of European Affairs ...... Meglena KUNEVA Min. of Finance ...... Plamen ORESHARSKI Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Ivaylo KALFIN Min. of Health ...... Radoslav GAIDARSKI Min. of Interior ...... Rumen PETKOV Min. of Justice ...... Georgi PETKANOV Min. of Labor & Social Policy ...... Emilia MASLOROVA Min. of Regional Development ...... Asen GAGAOUZOV Min. of State Administration ...... Nikolai VASSILEV Min. of Transportation ...... Peter MOUTAFCHIEV Chmn., Bulgarian National Bank ...... Ivan Ganchov ISKROV Ambassador to the US ...... Elena POPTODOROVA Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Stefan TAFROV

Burkina Faso President ...... Blaise COMPAORE, Capt. Prime Minister ...... Paramanga Ernest YONLI Min. of Agriculture, Water, & Water Resources ...... Salif DIALLO Min. of Animal Resources ...... Alphonse BONOU Min. of Arts, Culture, & Tourism ...... Mahamoudou OUEDRAGO Min. of Basic Education & Literacy ...... Marie Odile BONKOUNGOU Min. of Civil Service & Institutional Development ...... Lassane SAWADOGO Min. of Commerce ...... Benoit OUTTARA Min. of Defense ...... Kouame LOUGUE

15 Burkina Faso (continued) Min. of Economy & Development ...... Seydou BOUDA Min. of Employment, Labor, & Youth ...... Alain Lodovic TOU Min. of Environment ...... Dakar DJIBRILL Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Youssouf OUEDRAOGO Min. of Health ...... Bedouma Alain YODA Min. of Human Rights Promotion ...... Monique ILBOUDO Min. of Information ...... Raymond Edouard OUEDRAOGO Min. of Infrastructure, Housing, & Transport ...... Hippolyte LINGANI Min. of Justice ...... Boureima BADINI Min. Del. in Charge of Mass Literacy & Informal Education ...... Arsene Armand HIEN Min. of Mines & Energy ...... Abdoulaye Abdoulkader CISSE Min. of Parliamentary Relations ...... Adama FOFANA Min. of Post & Telecommunications ...... Justin Tieba THOMBIANO Min. of Regional Cooperation ...... Jean De Dieu SOMDA Min. of Secondary & Higher Education & Scientific Research ...... Laya SAWADOGO Min. of Security ...... Djibril Yipene BASSOLE Min. of Social & Family Affairs ...... Miriam LAMIZANA Min. of Sports & Leisure ...... Tioundoun SESSOUMA Min. of Territorial Administration & Decentralization ...... Moumouni FABRE Min. Del. in Charge of Transportation ...... Patrice NIKIEMA Min. of Women’s Affairs ...... Gisele GUIGMA Min. Del. in Charge of Youth ...... Daniel OUDRAOGO Governor, Central Bank ...... Boukary OUEDRAOGO Ambassador to the US ...... Tertius ZONGO Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Michel KAFANDO

Burma Chmn., State Peace & Development Council ...... THAN SHWE, Sr. Gen. Vice Chmn., State Peace & Development Council ...... MAUNG AYE, Vice Sr. Gen. Prime Minister ...... SOE WIN, Gen. Secretary One, State Peace & Development Council ...... THEIN SEIN, Lt. Gen. Secretary Two, State Peace & Development Council ...... Min. for Agriculture & Irrigation ...... HTAY OO, Maj. Gen. Min. of Commerce ...... TIN NAING THEIN, Brig. Gen. Min. of Communications, Post, & Telegraph ...... THEIN ZAW, Brig. Gen. Min. of Construction ...... SAW TUN, Maj. Gen. Min. for Cooperatives ...... ZAW MIN, Col. Min. of Culture ...... KHIN AUNG MYINT, Maj. Gen. Min. of Defense ...... THAN SHWE, Sr. Gen. Min. of Education ...... THAN AUNG Min. of Electric Power 1 ...... TIN HTUT, Maj. Gen. Min. of Electric Power 2 ...... KHIN MYAUNG MYINT, Maj. Gen. Min. of Energy ...... LUN THI, Brig. Gen. Min. of Finance & Revenue ...... HLA TUN, Maj. Gen. Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... NYAN WIN, Maj. Gen. Min. of Forestry ...... THEIN AUNG, Brig. Gen. Min. of Health ...... KYAW MYINT, Dr. Min. of Home Affairs ...... MAUNG OO, Maj. Gen. Min. of Hotels & Tourism ...... SOE NAING, Maj. Gen. Min. of Immigration & Population ...... MAUNG MAUNG SWE, Maj. Gen. Min. of Industry 1 ...... AUNG THAUNG Min. of Industry 2 ...... SAW LWIN, Maj. Gen. Min. of Information ...... KYAW HSAN, Brig. Gen. Min. of Labor ...... THAUNG Min. of Livestock Breeding & Fisheries ...... MAUNG MAUNG THEIN, Brig. Gen. Min. of Military Affairs ...... THIHA THURA TIN AUNG MYINT OO, Lt. Gen. Min. of Mines ...... OHN MYINT, Brig. Gen. Min. of National Planning & Economic Development ...... SOE THA

16 Burma (continued) Min. of Progress of Border Areas, National Races, & Development Affairs ...... THEIN NYUNT, Col. Min. of Rail Transport ...... AUNG MIN, Maj. Gen. Min. of Religious Affairs ...... THURA MYINT MAUNG, Brig. Gen. Min. of Science & Industry ...... THAUNG Min. of Social Welfare, Relief, & Resettlement ...... MAUNG MAUNG SWE, Maj. Gen. Min. of Sports ...... THURA AYE MYINT, Brig. Gen. Min. for Transport ...... THEIN SWE, Maj. Gen. Min. in the Office of the Prime Min...... PYI SONE, Brig. Gen. Min. in the Office of the Prime Min...... THAN SHWE Governor, Central Bank of Burma ...... KYAW KYAW MAUNG Ambassador to the US ...... LINN MYAING Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... KYAW TINT SHWE

Burundi President ...... Pierre NKURUNZIZA First Vice Pres...... Martin NDUWIMANA Second Vice Pres...... Marina BARAMPAMA Min. of Agriculture & Livestock ...... Eli VUZOYA Min. of Commerce & Industry ...... Jean BIGIRIMAN Min. of Energy & Mines ...... Herman TUYAGA Min. of External Relations & Cooperation ...... Antoinette BATUMUBWIRA Min. of Finance ...... Denise SINANKWA Min. of Good Governance & General Inspection of the State & Local Administration ...... Venant KAMANA Min. of Information, Communication, & Relations With Parliament & Government Spokesman ...... Ramadhan KARENGA Min. of Interior & Public Security ...... Evariste NDAYISHIMYE, Brig. Min. of Justice & Keeper of the Seals ...... Clotilde NIRAGIRA Min. of National Defense & Former Fighters ...... Germain NIYOYANKANA, Maj. Gen. Min. of National Education & Culture ...... Saidi KIWEA Min. of National Solidarity, Human Rights, & Gender ...... Francoise NGENDAHAYO Min. of Planning & National Reconstruction ...... Dieudonne NGOWEMBONA Min. of Public Health ...... Triphonie NKURUNZIZA, Dr. Min. of Public Service & Social Security ...... Juvenal NGUGWANUGU Min. of Public Works & Equipment ...... Potame NIZIGIRE Min. of Territorial Development, Environment, & Tourism ...... Odette KAITESI Min. of Transport, Posts, & Telecommunications ...... Marie Goreth NIZIGAMA Min. of Youth & Sports ...... Jean-Jacques ENYENIMIGABO Min. at the Presidency in Charge of AIDS ...... Bonhima BARNABE, Dr. Governor, Central Bank ...... Gabriel NTISEZERANA Ambassador to the US ...... Celestin NIYONGABO Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Joseph NTAKARUTIMANA

C Cambodia King ...... Norodom SIHAMONI Pres., National Assembly ...... HENG SAMRIN Prime Minister ...... HUN SEN Dep. Prime Min...... HOR NAMHONG Dep. Prime Min...... KEV PUT REAKSMEI Dep. Prime Min...... LU LAY SRENG Dep. Prime Min...... NHEK BUNCHHAY Dep. Prime Min...... SAR KHENG Dep. Prime Min...... SOK AN Dep. Prime Min...... TEA BANH Min. of Agriculture, Forestry, & Fisheries ...... CHAN SARUN Min. in the Council of Ministers ...... SOK AN Min. of Cults & Religious Affairs ...... KHUN HAING

17 Cambodia (continued) Min. of Culture & Fine Arts ...... Sisowath PANARA SIRIVUDH, Prince Min. of Economy & Finance ...... KEAT CHHON Min. of Education, Youth, & Sport ...... KOL PHENG Min. of Environment ...... MOK MARET Min. of Foreign Affairs & Intl. Cooperation ...... HOR NAMHONG Min. of Health ...... NUTH SOKHOM Min. of Industry, Mines, & Energy ...... SUY SEM Min. of Information ...... KHIEU KANHARITH Min. of Interior ...... SAR KHENG Min. of Justice ...... ANG VONG VATTANA Min. of Labor & Vocational Training ...... VONG SOTH Min. of Land Management, Urbanization, & Construction ...... IM CHHUN LIM Min. of National Defense ...... TEA BANH, Gen. Min. of Planning ...... CHHAY THAN Min. of Posts & Telecommunications ...... SO KHUN Min. of Public Works & Transportation ...... SUN CHANTHOL Min. of Relations With the National Assembly, , & Inspection ...... MEN SAM AN Min. of Rural Development ...... LU LAY SRENG Min. of Social Affairs, War Veterans, & Youth Rehabilitation ...... IT SAM-HENG Min. of Tourism ...... LAY PROHAS Min. of Trade ...... CHAM PRASIT Min. of Water Resources & Meteorology ...... LIM KEAN-HAO Min. of Women’s Affairs ...... UNG KUNTHA PHAVY Governor, State Bank ...... CHEA CHANTO Ambassador to the US ...... EK SEREYWATH Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... CHEM WIDHYA

Cameroon President ...... Paul BIYA Prime Minister ...... Ephraim INONI Dep. Prime Min...... Amadou ALI Secretary General of the Presidency ...... Laurent ESSO Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development ...... Jean NKUTE Min. of Commerce ...... Luc Magloire MBARGA ATANGANA Min. of Communication ...... Ebenezer Njoh MOUELLE Min. of Culture ...... Ferdinand Leopold OYONO Min. of Defense ...... Remy Ze MEKA Min. of Economy & Finance ...... Polycarpe ABAH ABAH Min. of Employment & Professional & Technical Training ...... Zacharie PEREVET Min. of Energy & Water Resources ...... Jean-Bernard SINDEU Min. of Environment & Nature Protection ...... Pierre HELE Min. of External Relations ...... Jean-Marie Antagana MEBARA Min. of Forestry & Wildlife ...... Elvis NGOLLE NGOLLE Min. of Higher Education ...... Jacques Fame NDONGO Min. of Industry, Mines, & Technological Development ...... Charles SALE Min. of Justice ...... Amadou ALI Min. of Labor & Social Security ...... Robert NKILI Min. of Lands & Titles ...... Louis Marie ABOGO NKONO Min. of Livestock & Fisheries ...... Aboubakary SARKI Min. of Plan, Development Planning, & Territorial Development ...... Augustin Fridiric KODOCK Min. of Post & Telecommunications ...... Maigari BELLO BOUBA Min. of Primary Education ...... Haman ADAMA Min. of Public Health ...... Urbain Olanguena AWONO Min. of Public Service & Administrative Reform ...... Emmanuel BONDE Min. of Public Works ...... Bernard Messengue AVOM Min. of Scientific Research & Innovation ...... Madeleine TCHUENTE Min. of Secondary Education ...... Louis BAPES BAPES Min. of Social Affairs ...... Catherine Bakang MBOCK Min. of Sports & Physical Education ...... Augustin EDZOA

18 Cameroon (continued) Min. of Territorial Administration & Decentralization ...... Hamidou Yaya MARAFA Min. of Tourism ...... Baba HAMADOU Min. of Transport ...... Dakole DAISSALA Min. of Urban Development & Housing ...... Colbert TCHATAT Min. of Women & Family Protection ...... Suzanne BOMBACK Min. of Youth ...... Adoum GAROUA Min. in Charge of Special Duties at the Presidency ...... Hamadou MUSTAPHA Min. in Charge of Special Duties at the Presidency ...... Justin NDIORO Min. in Charge of Special Duties at the Presidency ...... Victor MENGOL Min. Del. at the Presidency in Charge of Higher State Control ...... Siegfried Etame MASSOMA Min. Del. at the Presidency in Charge of Relations With Parliament ...... Grigoire OWONA Min. Del. to the Min. of Economy & Finance in Charge of the Budget ...... Lazare Essimi MENYE Min. Del. to the Min. of Economy & Finance in Charge of Programs ...... Daniel Djankouo LAMARE Min. Del. to the Min. of Environment & Nature Protection ...... Nana Aboubakar DJALLO Min. Del. to the Min. of External Relations in Charge of the Commonwealth ...... Joseph Dion NGUTE Min. Del. to the Min. of External Relations in Charge of Relations With the Islamic World ...... Adoum GARGOUM Min. Del. to the Min. of Justice ...... Maurice KAMTO Min. Del. to the Min. of Plan, Development Planning, & Territorial Development ...... Yaoba ABDOULAYE Min. Del. to the Min. of Post & Telecommunications ...... Gervais Mendo ZE Governor, Central Bank ...... Ambassador to the US ...... Jerome MENDOUGA Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Martin BELINGA EBOUTOU

Canada Governor General ...... Michaelle JEAN Prime Minister ...... Min. of Agriculture & Agri-Food ...... Min. of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency ...... Peter MACKAY Min. of Canadian Heritage & Status of Women ...... Min. of the Canadian Wheat Board ...... Chuck STRAHL Min. of Citizenship & Immigration ...... Min. of Democratic Reform ...... Min. of the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec ...... Jean-Pierre BLACKBURN Min. of the Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario ...... Min. of Environment ...... Min. of Finance ...... Min. of Fisheries & Oceans ...... Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Peter MACKAY Min. of Health ...... Tony CLEMENT Min. of Human Resources & Social Development ...... Min. of Indian Affairs & Northern Development & Federal Interlocutor for Metis & Non-Status Canadians ...... Min. of Industry ...... Min. of Intergovernmental Affairs ...... Min. of International Cooperation ...... Josee VERNER Min. of International Trade ...... Min. of Justice & Attorney General ...... Min. of La Francophonie & Official Languages ...... Josee VERNER Min. of Labor ...... Jean-Pierre BLACKBURN Min. of National Defense ...... Gordon O’CONNOR Min. of National Revenue ...... Carol SKELTON Min. of Natural Resources ...... Gary LUNN Min. of the Pacific Gateway & the Vancouver-Whistler Olympics ...... David EMERSON Min. of Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness ......

19 Canada (continued) Min. of Public Works & Government Services ...... Min. of Sport ...... Michael CHONG Min. of Transport, Infrastructure, & Communities ...... Min. of Veterans Affairs ...... Min. of Western Economic Diversification ...... Carol SKELTON Pres., Queen’s Privy Council ...... Michael CHONG Pres., Treasury Board ...... John BAIRD Leader of the Govt. in the House ...... Rob NICHOLSON Leader of the Govt. in the Senate ...... Marjory LEBRETON Governor, Bank of Canada ...... David DODGE Ambassador to the US ...... Michael WILSON Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... John MCNEE

Cape Verde President ...... Pedro PIRES Prime Minister ...... Jose Maria Pereira NEVES Min. of Culture ...... Manuel Monteiro VEIGA Min. of Decentralization, Housing, & Urban Planning ...... Ramiro AZEVEDO Min. of Defense ...... Armindo Cipriano MAURICIO Min. of Economy, Growth & Competitiveness ...... Joao Pereira SILVA Min. of Education & Human Resources ...... Filomena MARTINS Min. of Environment, Agriculture, & Fisheries ...... Maria Madalena NEVES Min. of Finance, Planning, & Development ...... Joao SERRA Min. of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, & Communities ...... Victor BORGES Min. of Health ...... Basilio Mosso RAMOS Min. of Infrastructure & Transport ...... Manuel Inocencio SOUSA Min. of Internal Administration ...... Julio CORREIA Min. of Justice & Local Administration ...... Jose Manuel ANDRADE Min. of Professional Training & Employment ...... Sara Maria Duarte LOPES Min. of State for Reforms & Public Administration ...... Ilidio Alexandre CRUZ Sec. of State for Foreign Affairs ...... Domingos MASCARENHAS Sec. of State for Youth & Sports ...... Americo NASCIMENTO Governor, Central Bank ...... Carlos BURGO Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Fatima Lima VEIGA

Central African Republic President ...... Francois BOZIZE Prime Minister ...... Elie DOTE Min. of Agriculture ...... Parfait MBAYE Min. of Civil Service ...... Jacques BOTI Min. of Defense ...... Francois BOZIZE Min. of Economy ...... Sylvain MALIKO Min. of Education ...... Charles-Armel DOUBANE Min. of Equipment, Transport, & Civil Action ...... Jean-Prospere WODOBODE Min. of Finance & Budget ...... Elie DOTE Min. of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration, & Francophonie Affairs ...... Come ZOUMARA Min. of Interior & Security ...... Michel SALLE Min. of Justice ...... Paul OTTO Min. of Mining & Energy ...... Sylvain NDOUTINGAI Min. of Public Health ...... Bernard Lala KONAMNA Min. of Social Affairs ...... Solange Pagonendji N’DACKALA Min. of Tourism, Development, & Crafts ...... Yvonne MBOISSONA Min. of Trade, Industry, & Small & Medium Size Enterprises ...... Rosalie KOUDOUNGERE Min. of Transport & Equipment ...... Charles MASSI Min. of Youth, Sports, and Culture ...... Desire KOLINGBA Min. of State for Communications, National Reconciliation, Democratic Culture, & Human Rights ...... Jabdoul Karim MECKASSOUA Min. of State for Rural Development ...... Charles MASSI

20 Central African Republic (continued) Min., Office of the Prime Min., & Government Spokesman ...... Aurelian Simplice ZINGAS Governor, Regional Central Bank ...... Alphonse KOYAMBA Ambassador to the US ...... Emmanuel TOUABOY Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Fernand POUKRE-KONO

Chad President ...... Idriss DEBY Prime Minister ...... Pascal YAODIMNADJI Min. of Agriculture ...... Albert Pahimi PADACKE Min. of Civil Service, Labor, & Employment ...... Fatime TCHOMBI Min. of Commerce & Artisans ...... Youssouf ABBASSALLAH Min. of Communications & Culture, & Spokesperson for the Govt...... Hourmadji Moussa DOUMNGOR Min. of Culture ...... Dillah LUCIENNE Min. of Decentralization ...... Oumar BOUKAR Min. of Economy, Plan, & Cooperation ...... Mahamat Ali HASSAN Min. of Environment & Fisheries ...... Emmanuel NDINGAR Min. of Finance ...... Mahamat Ali TOLLI Min. of Foreign Affairs & African Cooperation ...... Ahmad ALLAM-MI Min. of Higher Learning, Scientific Research, & Professional Training ...... Oumar Idriss AL-FAROUK Min. of Justice ...... Abderamane DDJASNABAILLE Min. of Livestock ...... Moucktar MOUSSA Min. of National Defense ...... Bichara Issa DJADALLAH Min. of National Education, Youth, & Sports ...... Moussa KADAM Min. of Petroleum ...... Mahmat Nasser HASSAN Min. of Postal Service, New Technology, & Communications ...... Mahmat GARFA Min. of Public Health ...... Ngarmbatina Carmel SOUIV Min. of Public Security & Immigration ...... Routouang Yoma GOLOM Min. of Rural Waterworks ...... Houa Outhman DJAME Min. of Social Action & Family ...... Ahmat Mahamat ZENE Min. of Solidarity & Micro Credits ...... Mariam Moussa ALI Min. of Territorial Admininstration ...... Ahmat Mahamat BACHIR Min. of Tourism Development ...... Brahim KHOULAMALLAH Min. of Youth & Sports ...... Oumar BOUKAR Min. of State for Infrastructure ...... Adoum YOUNOUSMI Min of State for Mines & Energy ...... Hahamat Ali Abdallah NASSOUR Min. of State for Regional, Urban, & Housing Development ...... Nouradine Delwa Kassire COUMAKOYE Min. in Charge of Decentralization ...... Sauguelni BONIFACE Min. in Charge of General State Control & Moralization ...... Mahamat Bechir OKORMI Min. in Charge of Human Rights ...... Ahmat Abdoulaye OGOUM Min. Sec. Gen. of the Government in Charge of Relations with the National Assembly ...... Kalzeube Payimi DEUBET Min. Del. to the Min. of Agriculture ...... Mahamat Maouloud IZZADINE Min. Del. to the Min. of Finances, in Charge of the Budget ...... Abakar MALLAH Min. Del. to the Min. of Foreign Affairs & African Integration ...... Djidda Moussa OUTMAN Min. Del. to the Min. of Infrastructure ...... Goundoul VIKAMA Min. Del. to the Min. of National Education, in Charge of Literacy ...... Albatoul ZAKARIA Min. Del. to the Min. of Public Health ...... Oumar Boukar GANA Min. Del. to the Min. of Territorial Administration ...... Djerareou BAKITA Min. Del. to the Min. Sec. Gen. of the Government in Charge of Relations with the National Assembly ...... Nadjalta MIRANGAYE Ambassador to the US ...... Ahmat Hassaballah SOUBIANE Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Mahamat Ali ADOUM

Chile President ...... Michelle BACHELET Min. of Agriculture ...... Alvaro ROJAS Min. of Culture ...... Paulina URRUTIA Min. of Defense ...... Vivianne BLANLOT

21 Chile (continued) Min. of Economy ...... Alejandro FERREIRO Min. of Education ...... Yasna PROVOSTE Min. of Finance ...... Andres VELASCO Min. of Foreign Relations ...... Alejandro FOXLEY Min. of Health ...... Maria BARRIA Min. of Housing, Urbanism, & Public Lands ...... Patricia POBLETE Min. of Interior ...... Belisario VELASCO Min. of Justice ...... Isidro SOLIS Min. of Labor & Social Security ...... Osvaldo ANDRADE Min. of Mining ...... Karen PONIACHIK Min. of Planning & Cooperation ...... Clarisa HARDY Min. of Public Works ...... Eduardo BITRAN Min. of State & National Property ...... Romy SCHMIDT Min. of Transportation ...... Sergio ESPEJO Min. of Women’s Affairs ...... Laura ALBORNOZ Min. Sec. Gen. of the Presidency ...... Paulina VELOSO Pres., Central Bank ...... Vittorio CORBO Ambassador to the US ...... Mariano FERNANDEZ Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Heraldo Benjamin MUNOZ Valenzuela

China President ...... HU Jintao Vice President ...... ZENG Qinghong Premier, State Council ...... WEN Jiabao Executive Vice Premier, State Council ...... HUANG Ju Vice Premier, State Council ...... WU Yi Vice Premier, State Council ...... ZENG Peiyan Vice Premier, State Council ...... HUI Liangyu State Councilor, State Council ...... ZHOU Yongkang State Councilor, State Council ...... CAO Gangchuan State Councilor, State Council ...... TANG Jiaxuan State Councilor, State Council ...... HUA Jianmin State Councilor, State Council ...... CHEN Zhili Sec. Gen., State Council ...... HUA Jianmin Chmn., Central Military Commission ...... HU Jintao Min. in Charge of National Defense Science, Technology, & Industry Commission ...... ZHANG Yunchuan Min. in Charge of State Development Reform Commission ...... MA Kai Min. in Charge of State Population & Family Planning Commission ...... ZHANG Weiqing Min. in Charge of State Nationalities Affairs Commission ...... LI Dezhu (a.k.a. LI Dek Su) Min. of Agriculture ...... DU Qinglin Min. of Civil Affairs ...... LI Xueju Min. of Commerce ...... BO Xilai Min. of Communications ...... ZHANG Chunxian Min. of Construction ...... WANG Guangtao Min. of Culture ...... SUN Jiazheng Min. of Education ...... ZHOU Ji Min. of Finance ...... JIN Renqing Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... LI Zhaoxing Min. of Information Industry ...... WANG Xudong Min. of Justice ...... WU Aiying Min. of Labor & Social Security ...... TIAN Chengping Min. of Land & Natural Resources ...... SUN Wensheng Min. of National Defense ...... CAO Gangchuan Min. of Personnel ...... ZHANG Bolin Min. of Public Health ...... GAO Qiang Min. of Public Security ...... ZHOU Yongkang Min. of Railways ...... LIU Zhijun Min. of Science & Technology ...... XU Guanhua

22 China (continued) Min. of State Security ...... XU Yongyue Min. of Supervision ...... LI Zhilun Min. of Water Resources ...... WANG Shucheng Gov., People’s Bank of China ...... ZHOU Xiaochuan Ambassador to the US ...... ZHOU Wenzhong Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... WANG Guangya

Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China) Chief Executive ...... Donald TSANG Yam-kuen Chief Secretary for Administration ...... Rafael HUI Si-yan Sec. for Civil Service ...... Denise YUE Chong-yee Sec. for Commerce, Industry, & Technology ...... Joseph W. P. WONG Sec. for Constitutional Affairs ...... Stephen LAM Sec. for Economic Development & Labor ...... Stephen IP Sec. for Education & Manpower ...... Arthur LI Sec. for Environment, Transport, & Works ...... Sarah LIAO, Dr. Sec. for Finance ...... Henry TANG Sec. for Financial Services & the Treasury ...... Frederick MA Sec. for Health, Welfare, & Food ...... York CHOW Sec. for Home Affairs ...... Patrick HO, Dr. Sec. for Housing, Planning, & Lands ...... Michael M. Y. SUEN Sec. for Justice ...... WONG Yan Lung Sec. for Security ...... Ambrose Siu-kwong LEE Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority ...... Joseph YAM Chief Justice ...... Andrew LI Pres., Legislative Council ...... Rita FAN Commissioner, Independent Commission Against Corruption ...... Raymond WONG Director of Audit ...... Benjamin TANG

Macau (Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China) Chief Executive ...... Edmund HO Hau-wah Sec. for Administration & Justice ...... Florinda Da Rosa Silva CHAN Sec. for Economics & Finance ...... Francis TAM Pak-yuen Sec. for Security ...... CHEONG Kuoc Va Sec. for Social Affairs & Culture ...... Fernando CHUI Sai-on Sec. for Transportation & Public Works ...... AO Man Long Procurator Gen...... HO Chio Meng Pres., Court of Final Appeal ...... SAM Hou Fai Pres., Legislative Council ...... Susana CHOU Commissioner, Audit ...... Fatima Mei-lei CHOI Commissioner, Independent Commission Against Corruption ...... CHEONG U

Colombia President ...... Alvaro URIBE Velez Vice President ...... Francisco SANTOS Calderon Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development ...... Andres Felipe ARIAS Leiva Min. of Commerce, Industry, & Tourism ...... Jorge Humberto BOTERO Min. of Communication ...... Maria del Rosario GUERRA de La Espriella Min. of Culture ...... Elvira CUERVO de Jaramillo Min. of Energy & Mines ...... Hernan MARTINEZ Torres Min. of Environment, Housing, & Territorial Development ...... Juan LOZANO Min. of Finance & Public Credit ...... Alberto CARRASQUILLA Barrera Min. of Foreign Relations ...... Maria Consuelo ARAUJO Castro Min. of Interior & Justice ...... Carlos HOLGUIN Sardi Min. of National Defense ...... Juan Manuel SANTOS Min. of National Education ...... Cecilia Maria VELEZ White Min. of Social Protection ...... Diego PALACIO Betancourt

23 Colombia (continued) Min. of Transportation ...... Andres Uriel GALLEGO Henao Dir., National Planning ...... Carolina RENTERIA Prosecutor General ...... Mario German IGUARAN Arana Pres., Bank of the Republic ...... Jose Dario URIBE Escobar Ambassador to the US ...... Carolina BARCO Isakson Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Maria Angela HOLGUIN Cuellar

Comoros Three main islands have been unified into the Union of Comoros, and the presidency of the Union will rotate between the different islands every four years. Presidential elections were held in May 2006, and each island elected its own president.

President of the Union ...... Ahmad Adbullah SAMBI Vice President for Health, Solidarity & Promotion ...... Ikililou DHOININE Vice President for Transportation, Post & Telecommunications, Communication, & Tourism ...... Idi NADHOIM Min. of Agriculture, Fishing, Industrial Development, Artisan Artifacts, & Environment ...... Siti KASSIM Min. of Defense ...... Mohamed ABDOULWAHABI Min. of Finance, Budget, Economy, & Plans, Responsible for the Promotion of Employment ...... Hassan HAMADI Min. of Foreign Relations & Cooperation, the Diaspora, the Francophone, & the Arab World ...... Ahmed Ben Sa’id JAFFAR Min. of Justice, Public Office, Prison Administration, & Administrative Reforms, & Guard of the Seal ...... M’Madi ALI Min. of Territorial Management, Urbanization, Housing, & Energy ...... Nailane MAHADJI Min. for National Education, Research, Arts & Culture, Youth, & Sports, & Spokesperson for the Government ...... Abdouroihim Sa’id BACAR President of Anjouan ...... Mohamed BACAR President of Grande Comore ...... Abdou Soule el-BAK President of Moheli ...... Mohamed Said FAZUL Permanent Representative to the UN, NY ...... Mahmoud ABOUD

Congo, Democratic Republic of the President ...... Joseph KABILA Vice President ...... Jean-Pierre BEMBA Vice President ...... Arthur Zahidi NGOMA Vice President ...... Azarias RUBERWA Vice President ...... Abdoulaye YERODIA Ndombasi Min. of Agriculture ...... Romain NIMY Min. of Art & Culture ...... Philemon MUKENDI Min. of Budget ...... Francois MWAMBA Min. of Civil Service ...... Charlotte TWAMBA Anzelani Min. of Defense, Demobilization, & War Veterans Affairs ...... Tharcisse HABARUGIRA Min. of Economy ...... Moise NYARUGABO Min. of Energy ...... Augustin Ngozi NGOLU Min. of Environment ...... Elias MULUNGULA Min. of External Trade ...... Chantal Ngalula MULUMBA Min. of Family & Women’s Affairs ...... Faida MWANGILA Min. of Finance ...... Marco BANGULI Min. of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation ...... Raymond RAMAZANI Baya Min. of Health ...... Zacharie KASHONGWE Min. of Higher Education ...... Theo BARUTI Min. of Human Rights ...... Marie-Madeleine KALALA Min. of Humanitarian Affairs & Solidarity ...... Catherine NZUZI Wa Mbombo Min. of Industry, Small & Medium Enterprises ...... Philomene OMATUKU Min. of Interior, Decentralization, & Security ...... Min. of Justice ...... Pierre Ilunga BUNDU wa Biluba Min. of Labor & Social Security ...... Hubert EFOLE

24 Congo, Democratic Republic of the (continued) Min. of Land Affairs ...... Venant TSHIPASA Min. of Mines ...... Mathieu KALELE Kabila Min. of Parastatals ...... Min. of Planning ...... Gerard NTUMBA Min. of Portfolio ...... Balamage NKOLO Min. of Post & Telecommunications ...... Gertrude KITEMBO Min. of Press & Information ...... Henry Mova SAKANYI Min. of Primary & Secondary Education ...... Nyioni BWANAKAWA Min. of Public Works & Infrastructure ...... Benjamin KASAMA Min. of Regional Cooperation ...... Mbusa NYAMWISI Min. of Rural Development ...... Xavier Idi MWANUKE Min. of Scientific Research ...... Gerard KAMANDA Min. of Social Affairs ...... Laurent Otete OMANGA Min. of Tourism ...... Simon TSHITENGE Min. of Transport & Communications ...... Eva MWAKASA Min. of Urban Affairs ...... John TIBASIMA Min. of Women & Family Affairs ...... Faida MWANGILA Min. of Youth & Sports ...... Timothee MUTEBA Governor, Central Bank ...... Jean-Claude MASANGU Mulango Ambassador to the US ...... Faida Maramuke MITIFU Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Atoki Christian ILEKA

Congo, Republic of the President ...... Denis SASSOU-Nguesso Prime Minister ...... Isidore MVOUBA Min. of the Presidency in Charge of National Defense ...... Jacques Yvon NDOLOU, Brig. Gen. Min. of the Presidency in Charge of the Presidential Cabinet & State Control ...... Simon MFOUTOU Min. of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, & Women Affairs ...... Jeanne DAMBENZET Min. of Civil Service & State Reform ...... Gabriel ENTCHA-EBIA Min. of Commerce, Consumption, & Supplies ...... Adelaide MOUNDELE-NGOLO Min. of Communications in Charge of Relations with Parliament ...... Alain AKOUALAT Min. of Construction, Town Planning, Housing, & Land Reform ...... Clause Alphonse NSILOU Min. of Culture, Arts, & Tourism ...... Jean-Claude GAKOSSO Min. of Economy, Finance, & Budget ...... Roger Rigobert ANDELY Min. of Equipment & Public Works ...... Florent NTSIBA, Brig. Gen. Min. of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation, & Relations With Francophone Countries ...... Rodolphe ADADA Min. of Forestry Economy &Environment ...... Henri DJOMBO Min. of Health & Population ...... Alain MOKA Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research ...... Henri OSSEBI Min. of Industrial Development, Small & Medium-Size Enterprises & Handicrafts ...... Emile MABONZOT Min. of Justice, Human Rights, & Keeper of the Seals ...... Jean-Martin MBEMBA Min. of Labor, Employment, & Social Security ...... Andre Okombi SALISSA Min. of Mines, Energy, & Hydraulics ...... Philippe MVOUO Min. of Petroleum Affairs ...... Jean-Baptiste TATI LOUTARD Min. of Planning, Territory Improvement, & Economic Integration ...... Pierre MOUSSA Min. of Posts & Telecommunications ...... Jean DELLO Min. of Primary & Secondary Education in Charge of Literacy ...... Rosalie KAMA Min. of Security & the Police ...... Pierre OBA, Brig. Gen. Min. of Social, Solidarity, Humanitarian Action, Disabled War Veterans, & Family Affairs ...... Emilienne RAOUL Min. of Sports & Youth ...... Marcel MBANI Min. of Technical Education & Professional Training ...... Pierre Michel NGUIMBI Min. of Territory Administration & Decentralization ...... Francois IBOVI Min. of Transports & Privatization in Charge of Government Action Coordination ...... Isidore MVOUBA

25 Congo, Republic of the (continued) Dir., Central Bank ...... Ange Edouard POUNGUI Ambassador to the US ...... Serge MOMBOULI Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Basile IKOUEBE

Cook Islands (Self-governing in free association with New Zealand)

Prime Minister ...... , Dr. Dep. Prime Min...... Min. of Agriculture ...... Min. of Broadcasting ...... Robert WOONTON, Dr. Min. of Civil Aviation ...... Tom MASTERS Min. of Commerce Commission ...... Peri Vaevae PARE Min. of Crown Law ...... Tom MASTERS Min. of Cultural Development ...... Min. of Education ...... Jim MARURAI Min. of Energy ...... Geoffrey HENRY Min. of Environment ...... Tom MASTERS Min. of Finance ...... Geoffrey HENRY Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Robert WOONTON, Dr. Min. of Health ...... Peri Vaevae PARE Min. of Human Resources ...... Jim MARURAI Min. of Immigration ...... Robert WOONTON, Dr. Min. of Information Technology ...... Peri Vaevae PARE Min. of Internal Affairs & Social Services ...... Peri Vaevae PARE Min. of Justice ...... Robert WIGMORE Min. of Marine Resources ...... Robert WIGMORE Min. of Police & Disaster Management ...... Geoffrey HENRY Min. of Shipping ...... Tom MASTERS Min. of Tourism ...... Robert WOONTON, Dr. Min. of Transportation ...... Tom MASTERS Min. of Youth, Sports, & Recreation ...... Peri Vaevae PARE Min. of Works ...... Robert WIGMORE Attorney General...... Tom MASTERS

Costa Rica President ...... Oscar ARIAS Sanchez First Vice Pres...... Laura CHINCHILLA Second Vice Pres...... Kevin CASAS Zamora Min. of Culture, Youth, & Sports ...... Maria Elena CARBALLO Min. of Education ...... Leonardo GARNIER Min. of Environment & Energy ...... Roberto DOBLES Min. of Finance ...... Guillermo ZUNIGA Min. of Foreign Relations ...... Bruno STAGNO Ugarte Min. of Foreign Trade ...... Marco Vinicio RUIZ Min. of Health ...... Maria Luisa AVILA Min. of Housing ...... Fernando ZUMBADO Min. of Justice ...... Laura CHINCHILLA Min. of Labor & Social Security ...... Francisco MORALES Min. of Planning & Economic Policy ...... Kevin CASAS Zamora Min. of the Presidency ...... Rodrigo ARIAS Min. of Production ...... Alfredo VOLIO Perez Min. of Public Security, Government, & Police ...... Fernando BERROCAL Min. of Public Works & Transportation ...... Karla GONZALES Min. of Science & Technology ...... Eugenia FLORES Min. of Tourism ...... Carlos Ricardo BENAVIDES Pres., Central Bank ...... Francisco DE PAUL Gutierrez Ambassador to the US ...... Tomas DUENAS Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Jorge URBINA Ortega

26 Cote d'Ivoire President ...... Laurent GBAGBO Prime Minister ...... Charles Konan BANNY Min. of Agriculture ...... Amadou Gon COULIBALY Min. of Animal Production & Fisheries ...... Alphonse DOUATI Min. of Civil Service, Labor, & Administrative Reform ...... Hubert OULAYE Min. of Cooperation & African Integration ...... Mabri TOIKEUSSE Min. of Communications ...... Charles Konan BANNY Min. of Construction, Urban Development, & Housing ...... Marcel Benoit Amon TANOH Min. of Culture & Francophony ...... Theodore MEL EG Min. of Defense ...... Rene Aphing KOUASSI Min. of Economic Infrastructure ...... Patrick ACHI Min. of Environment, Water Resources, & Forests ...... Daniel Ayissi AKA Min. of Family & Social Security ...... Adjoua Jeanne Brou PEUHMOND Min. of the Fight Against HIV-AIDS ...... Christine ADJOBI Min. of Finance ...... Charles Konan BANNY Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Youssouf BAKAYOKO Min. of Health & Public Hygiene ...... Remi Allah KOUADIO Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research ...... Cisse BACONGO Min. of Human Rights ...... Joel N’GUESSAN Min. of Industry & Private Sector Promotion ...... Marie Tehoua AMAH Min. of Justice ...... Mamadou KONE Min. of Mines & Energy ...... Leon Emmanuel MONNET Min. of National Education ...... Michel Amani N’GUESSAN Min. of National Reconciliation & Institutional Relations ...... Sebastien Dano DJEDJE Min. of Security ...... Joseph Dja BLE Min. of Solidarity & War Victims ...... Louis Andre DAKOURY-TABLEY Min. of State for Planning & Development ...... Antoine Bohoun BOUABRE Min. of State for Reconstruction & Reintegration ...... Guillaume SORO Min. of Technical Education & Vocational Training ...... Youssouf SOUMAHORO Min. of Telecommunications & Information Technology ...... Hamed BAKAYOKO Min. of Territorial Administration ...... Daniel Cheik BAMBA Min. of Tourism & Handicrafts ...... Amadou KONE Min. of Trade & Commerce ...... Moussa DOSSO Min. of Transport ...... Abdel Aziz THIAM Min. of Youth, Civic Education, & Sports ...... Dagobert BANZIO Sec. of State for Civil Protection ...... Noel YAO Sec. of State for Good Governance ...... Ginette YOMAN Ambassador to the US ...... Dago Pascal KOKORA Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Djessan Philippe DJANGONE-BI

Croatia President ...... Stjepan MESIC Prime Minister ...... Ivo SANADER Dep. Prime Min...... Jadranka KOSOR Dep. Prime Min...... Damir POLANEC Min. of Agriculture, Forestry, & Water Management ...... Petar COBANKOVIC Min. of Culture ...... Bozo BISKUPIC Min. of Defense ...... Berislav RONCEVIC Min. of Economy, Labor, & Entrepreneurship ...... Branko VUKELIC Min. of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning, & Construction ...... Marina Matulovic DROPULIC Min. of Family, Veterans Affairs, & Intergenerational Solidarity ...... Jadranka KOSOR Min. of Finance ...... Ivan SUKER Min. of Foreign Affairs & European Integration ...... Kolinda Grabar-KITAROVIC Min. of Health ...... Neven LJUBICIC Min. of the Interioir ...... Marijan MLINARIC Min. of Justice ...... Ana LOVRIN Min. of Science, Education, & Sport ...... Dragan PRIMORAC Min. of the Sea, Tourism, Transport, & Development ...... Bozidar KALMETA

27 Croatia (continued) Governor, National Bank of Croatia ...... Zeljko ROHATINSKI Ambassador to the US ...... Neven JURICA Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ......

Cuba—NDE President of the Council of State ...... Fidel CASTRO Ruz First Vice Pres. of the Council of State ...... Raul CASTRO Ruz, Gen. Vice Pres. of the Council of State ...... Juan ALMEIDA Bosque Vice Pres. of the Council of State ...... Abelardo COLOME Ibarra, Corps Gen. Vice Pres. of the Council of State ...... Carlos LAGE Davila Vice Pres. of the Council of State ...... Esteban LAZO Hernandez Vice Pres. of the Council of State ...... Jose Ramon MACHADO Ventura Min. Sec. of the Council of State ...... Jose M. MIYAR Barruecos Pres. of the Council of Ministers ...... Fidel CASTRO Ruz First Vice Pres. of the Council of Ministers ...... Raul CASTRO Ruz, Gen. Vice Pres. of the Council of Ministers ...... Osmani CIENFUEGOS Gorriaran Vice Pres. of the Council of Ministers ...... Jose Ramon FERNANDEZ Alvarez Vice Pres. of the Council of Ministers ...... Pedro MIRET Prieto Vice Pres. of the Council of Ministers ...... Otto RIVERO Torres Vice Pres. of the Council of Ministers ...... Jose Luis RODRIGUEZ Garcia Sec. of the Council of Ministers ...... Carlos LAGE Davila Min. of Agriculture ...... Min. of Auditing & Control ...... Gladys Maria BEJERANO Portela Min. of Basic Industries ...... Yadira GARCIA Vera Min. of Construction ...... Fidel FIGUEROA de la Paz Min. of Culture ...... Abel PRIETO Jimenez Min. of Domestic Trade ...... Marino MURRILO Jorge Min. of Economy & Planning ...... Jose Luis RODRIGUEZ Garcia Min. of Education ...... Luis I. GOMEZ Gutierrez Min. of Finance & Prices ...... Georgina BARREIRO Fajardo Min. of the Fishing Industry ...... Alfredo LOPEZ Valdes Min. of the Food Industry ...... Alejandro ROCA Iglesias Min. of Foreign Investment & Economic Cooperation ...... Marta LOMAS Morales Min. of Foreign Relations ...... Felipe PEREZ ROQUE Min. of Foreign Trade ...... Raul DE LA NUEZ Ramirez Min. of Higher Education ...... Juan VELA Valdes Min. of Information Science & Communication ...... Ramiro VALDES Menendez Min. of Interior ...... Abelardo COLOME Ibarra, Corps Gen. Min. of Justice ...... Roberto DIAZ Sotolongo Min. of Labor & Social Security ...... Alfredo MORALES Cartaya Min. of Light Industry ...... Jose HERNANDEZ Bernardez Min. of Public Health ...... Jose Ramon BALAGUER Cabrera Min. of the Revolutionary Armed Forces ...... Raul CASTRO Ruz, Gen. Min. of Science, Technology, & Environment ...... Min. of the Steelworking Industry ...... Fernando ACOSTA Santana Min. of the Sugar Industry ...... Ulises ROSALES del Toro, Div. Gen. Min. of Tourism ...... Manuel MARRERO Cruz Min. of Transportation ...... Jorge Luis SIERRA Cruz Min. Without Portfolio ...... Ricardo CABRISAS Ruiz Pres., Central Bank of Cuba ...... Francisco SOBERON Valdes Attorney General ...... Juan ESCALONA Reguera Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Rodrigo MALMIERCA Diaz

Cyprus President ...... Tassos PAPADOPOULOS Min. of Agriculture, Natural Resources, & Environment ...... Fotis FOTIOU Min. of Commerce, Industry, & Tourism ...... Antonis MICHAELIDES Min. of Communications & Works ...... Harris THRASSOU

28 Cyprus (continued) Min. of Defense ...... Nikos SYMEONIDES Min. of Education & Culture ...... Pefkios GEORGIADES Min. of Finance ...... Michalis SARRIS Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Yiorgos LILLIKAS Min. of Health ...... Charis CHARALAMBOUS Min. of Interior ...... Andreas CHRISTOU Min. of Justice & Public Order ...... Sophoclis SOPHOCLEOUS Min. of Labor & Social Insurance ...... Antonis VASSILIOU Under Sec. to the Pres...... Christodoulos PASIARDIS Governor, Central Bank ...... Christodoulos CHRISTODOULOU Ambassador to the US ...... Euripides EVRIVIADES Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Andreas MAVROYIANNIS

Czech Republic President ...... Vaclav KLAUS Prime Minister ...... Mirek TOPOLANEK Dep. Prime Min...... Petr NECAS Min. of Agriculture ...... Milena VICENOVA Min. of Culture ...... Martin STEPANEK Min. of Defense ...... Jiri SEDIVY Min. of Education & Youth ...... Miroslava KOPICOVA Min. of Environment ...... Petr KALAS Min. of Finance ...... Vlastimil TLUSTY Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Alexandr VONDRA Min. of Health ...... Tomas JULINEK Min. of Industry & Trade ...... Martin RIMAN Min. of Informatics ...... Ivan LANGER Min. of Interior ...... Ivan LANGER Min. of Justice ...... Jiri POSPISIL Min. of Labor & Social Affairs ...... Petr NECAS Min. of Regional Development ...... Petr GANDALOVIC Min. of Transportation ...... Ales REBICEK Governor, Czech National Bank ...... Zdenek TUMA Ambassador to the US ...... Martin PALOUS Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Hynek KMONICEK

D Denmark Queen ...... MARGRETHE II Prime Minister ...... Anders Fogh RASMUSSEN Min. of Cultural Affairs ...... Brian MIKKELSEN Min. of Defense ...... Soren GADE Min. of Development Cooperation ...... Ulla TORNAES Min. of Economic Affairs, Business, & Trade ...... Bendt BENDTSEN Min. of Education & Ecclesiastical Affairs ...... Bertel HAARDER Min. of Employment ...... Claus Hjort FREDERIKSEN Min. of Environment & Nordic Affairs ...... Connie HEDEGAARD Min. of Family & Consumer Affairs ...... Lars BARFOED Min. of Finance ...... Thor PEDERSEN Min. of Food, Agriculture, & Fisheries ...... Hans Christian SCHMIDT Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Per Stig MOLLER Min. of Interior Affairs & Health ...... Lars Loekke RASMUSSEN Min. of Justice ...... Lene ESPERSEN Min. of Refugees, Immigration, & Integration ...... Rikke HVILSHOJ Min. of Science, Technology, & Innovation ...... Helge SANDER Min. of Social Affairs & Gender Equality ...... Eva Kjer HANSEN Min. of Taxation ...... Kristian JENSEN Min. of Transport & Energy ...... Flemming HANSEN

29 Denmark (continued) Chairman, Board of Governors, Danish National Bank ...... Nils BERNSTEIN Ambassador to the US ...... Friis Arne PETERSEN Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Ellen Margrethe LOJ

Djibouti President ...... Ismail Omar GUELLEH Prime Minister ...... Mohamed Dileita DILEITA Min. of Agriculture, Livestock, & the Sea ...... Dini Abdallah BILILIS Min. of Commerce, Industry, & Artisans ...... Rifki Abdoulkader BAMAKHRAMA Min. of Communication & Culture ...... Rifki Abdoulkader BAMAKHRAMA Min. of Defense ...... Ougoureh Kifleh AHMED Min. of Economy, Finance, & Privatization ...... Yacin Elmi BOUH Min. of Education ...... Abdi Ibrahim ABSIEH Min. of Employment & National Solidarity ...... Mohamed Barkat ABDILLAHI Min. of Energy & Natural Resources ...... Mohamed Ali MOHAMED Min. of Equipment & Transport ...... Elmi Obsieh WAISS Min. of Foreign Affairs, Intl. Cooperation, & Parliamentary Relations ...... Mahamoud Ali YOUSSOUF Min. of Health ...... Banoita Tourab SALEH, Dr. Min. of Housing, Town Planning, Environment, & National & Regional Development ...... Abdallah Adillahi MIGUIL Min. of Interior & Decentralization ...... Aboulkader Du’ale WAISS Min. of Justice & Penal & Muslim Affairs ...... Ismael Ibrahim HEMED Min. of Presidential Affairs & Investment Promotion ...... Osman Ahmed MOUSSA Min. of Trade & Industry ...... Saleban Omar OUDIN Min. of Urban Planning, Housing, Environment, National, & Regional Development ...... Souleiman Omar OUDINE Min. of Youth, Sports, Leisure, & Tourism ...... Akban Goita MOUSSA Min. Del. to the Prime Min. for Mosque Properties & Muslim Affairs ...... Cheik Mogueh DIRIR Min. Del. to the Prime Min. for the Promotion of Women, Family Well- Being, & Social Affairs ...... Hawa Ahmed YOUSSOUF Governor, Central Bank ...... Mahamoud Haid DJAMA Ambassador to the US ...... Roble OLHAYE Oudine Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Roble OLHAYE Oudine

Dominica President ...... Nicholas J. O. LIVERPOOL Prime Minister ...... Roosevelt SKERRIT Min. of Agriculture & the Environment ...... Colin MCINTYRE Min. for Caribbean Affairs ...... Kelly GRANEAU Min. of Community Development, Gender Affairs, & Information ...... Mathew WALTERS Min. of Education, Human Resources Development, Sports, & Youth Affairs ...... Vince HENDERSON Min. of Finance, Planning, National Security, and Overseas Nationals ...... Roosevelt SKERRIT Min. of Foreign Affairs, Trade, Labor, & Public Service ...... Charles SAVARIN Min. of Health & Social Security ...... John FABIEN Min. of Housing, Lands, Telecommunications, Energy, and Ports ...... Reginald AUSTRIE Min. of Legal Affairs, Labor, & Immigration ...... Ian DOUGLAS Min. of Tourism, Industry, & Private Sector Relations ...... Loreen BANNIS-ROBERTS Attorney General ...... Ian DOUGLAS Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Crispin GREGOIRE

Dominican Republic President ...... Leonel FERNANDEZ Reyna Vice Pres...... Rafael ALBURQUERQUE de Castro Sec. of State for Agriculture ...... Salvador JIMENEZ Sec. of State for the Armed Forces ...... Ramon AQUINO Garcia, Lt. Gen. Sec. of State for Culture ...... Jose RAFAEL Lantigua

30 Dominican Republic (continued) Sec. of State for Education ...... Alejandrina GERMAN Sec. of State for the Environment & Natural Resources ...... Maximiliano PUIG Miller Sec. of State for Finance ...... Vicente BENGOA Albizu Sec. of State for Foreign Relations ...... Carlos MORALES Troncoso Sec. of State for Higher Education, Science, & Technology ...... Ligia AMADA MELO Viuda Cardona Sec. of State for Industry & Commerce ...... Francisco Javier GARCIA Fernandez Sec. of State for Interior & Police ...... Francisco ALMEIDA Rancier Sec. of State for Labor ...... Jose Ramon FADUL Sec. of State for the Presidency ...... Danilo MEDINA Sanchez Sec. of State for Public Health & Social Welfare ...... Bautista ROJAS Gomez, Dr. Sec. of State for Public Works & Communications ...... Manuel de JESUS PEREZ Sec. of State for Sports ...... Felipe PAYANO Sec. of State for Tourism ...... Felix JIMENEZ Jimenez Sec. of State for Women ...... Flavia GARCIA Sec. of State for Youth ...... Manuel CRESPO Administrative Secretary of the Presidency ...... Luis Manuel BONETTI Veras Technical Secretary of the Presidency ...... Juan Temistocles MONTAS Dominguez Sec. of State Without Portfolio ...... Miguel MEJIA, Dr. Sec. of State Without Portfolio ...... Eduardo SELMAN Special Assistant to the President ...... Jose Joaquin BIDO Medina, Dr. Presidential Adviser on Anti-Narcotics ...... Vincio CASTILLO Attorney General ...... Radhames JIMENEZ Pena Governor, Central Bank ...... Hector VALEZ Albizu Ambassador to the US ...... Flavio Dario ESPINAL Jacobo Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Erasmo LARA-PENA

E East Timor President ...... Kay Rala Xanana GUSMAO Prime Minister ...... Jose RAMOS-HORTA First Dep. Prime Min...... Estanislau Maria Alexio DA SILVA Second Dep. Prime Min...... Rui Maria de ARAUJO Min. for Agriculture, Fisheries, & Forestry ...... Estanislau Maria Alexio DA SILVA Min. for Defense ...... Jose RAMOS-HORTA Min. for Development ...... Arcanjo DA SILVA Min. for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, & Sports ...... Rosalia CORTE-REAL Min. for Foreign Affairs & Cooperation ...... Jose Luis GUTERRES Min. for Health ...... Rui Maria de ARAUJO Min. for the Interior ...... Alcino BARIS Min. for Justice ...... Domingos SARMENTO Min. for Labor & Community Reinsertion ...... Arsenio Paixao BANO Min. for Natural Resources, Minerals, & Energy Policy ...... Jose TEIXEIRA Min. for Planning & Finances ...... Maria Madalena Brites BOAVIDA Min. for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers ...... Antoninho BIANCO Min. for Public Works ...... Odete VICTOR Min. for State Admin...... Ana Maria Pessoa Pereira da SILVA Pinto Min. for Transportation & Communications ...... Inacio MOREIRA Ambassador to the US ...... Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ......

Ecuador President ...... Alfredo PALACIO Gonzalez Vice Pres...... Nicanor Alejandro SERRANO Aguilar Min. of Agriculture ...... Pablo RIZZO Pastor Min. of Economy & Finance ...... Jose JOUVIN Vernaza Min. of Education & Culture ...... Raul VALLEJO Min. of Energy & Mines ...... Carlos Ivan RODRIGUEZ Ramos Min. of Environment ...... Anita ALBAN Mora Min. of Foreign Relations ...... Francisco CARRION Mena

31 Ecuador (continued) Min. of Foreign Trade, Industrialization, Fish, & Competitiveness ...... Tomas Juan PERIBONIO Poduje Min. of Government & Policy ...... Antonio ANDRETTA Arizaga Min. of Health ...... Guillermo WAGNER Min. of Labor & Employment ...... Jose SERRANO Salgado Min. of National Defense ...... Marcelo DELGADO Alvear Min. of Public Works & Communications ...... Pedro LOPEZ Torres Min. of Social Welfare ...... Ruben BARBERAN Torres Min. of Tourism ...... Maria Isabel SALVADOR Crespo Min. of Urban Development & Housing ...... Hector VELEZ National Sec. of the Millenium Objectives ...... Guillermo WAGNER National Sec. of Planning & Development ...... Hector ESPINEL Chiriboga National Sec. of Sports, Physical Education, & Recreation ...... Omar CEVALLOS Patino Sec. of Production ...... Joaquin ZEVALLOS Macchiavello Sec. Gen. of Communications ...... Gonzalo PONCE Leiva Sec. Gen. of the Presidency ...... Roosevelt CHICA Zambrano Sec. Gen. of Public Administration ...... Rafael PARRENO Navas Pres., Central Bank ...... Eduardo CABEZAS Molina Ambassador to the US ...... Luis Benigno GALLEGOS Chiriboga Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Diego CORDOVEZ

Egypt President ...... Mohammed Hosni MUBARAK Prime Minister ...... Ahmed Mohamed NAZIF Min. of Agriculture & Land Reclamation ...... Amin ABAZA Min. of Awqaf (Religious Affairs) ...... Mahmoud Hamdy ZAQZOUQ Min. of Civil Aviation ...... Ahmed SHAFIQ Min. of Communications & Information Technology ...... Tarek KAMEL Min. of Culture ...... Farouq HOSNI Min. of Defense ...... Mohamed Hussein TANTAWI, Fd. Mar. Min. of Education ...... Yousri El-GAMAL Min. of Electricity & Energy ...... Hassan Ahmed YOUNIS Min. of Finance ...... Youssef BOUTROS-GHALI Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Ahmed Ali ABOUL GHEIT Min. of Foreign Trade & Industry ...... Rashid Mohamed RASHID Min. of Health & Population ...... Hatem El-GABALI Min. of Higher Education ...... Hani HILAL Min. of Housing, Utilities, & Urban Communities ...... Ahmed El-MAGHRABI Min. of Information ...... Anas El-FIQQI Min. of Interior ...... Habib El-ADLY Min. of International Cooperation ...... Fayza ABOUL NAGA Min. of Investment ...... Mahmoud MOHIELDIN Min. of Irrigation & Water Resources ...... Mahmoud ABU ZEID Min. of Justice ...... Mamdouh MAREI Min. of Legal Affairs & Parliamentary Councils ...... Moufed Mahmoud SHEHAB Min. of Local Development ...... Abdel Salam al-MAHGOUB Min. of Manpower & Immigration ...... Aisha ABDEL HADI Min. of Military Production ...... Mohamed Hussein TANTAWI, Fd. Mar. Min. of Petroleum ...... Sameh FAHMY Min. of Planning ...... Osman Mohammed OSMAN Min. of Public Business Sector ...... Mokhtar KHATTAB Min. of Social Security ...... Ali MOSELHI Min. of Tourism ...... Mohamed Zoheir GARANA Min. of Transport ...... Mohamed Lotfi MANSOUR Min. of State for Administrative Development ...... Ahmed DARWISH Min. of State for Economic Development ...... Osman Mohammed OSMAN Min. of State for Environment Affairs ...... Maged GEORGE Min. of State for Local Development ...... Abdel-Rahim SHEHATA Min. of State for Military Production ...... Sayed MESHAL Min. of State for Scientific Research ...... Hani HILAL

32 Egypt (continued) Governor, Central Bank ...... Faroud Abdel Baky El-OKDA Ambassador to the US ...... Nabil FAHMY Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Maged ABDEL FATTAH

El Salvador President ...... Elias Antonio SACA Gonzalez Vice Pres...... Ana Vilma de ESCOBAR Min. of Agriculture & Livestock ...... Mario SALAVERIA Min. of Defense ...... Alejandro “Otto” ROMERO Orellana Min. of Economy ...... Yolanda Mayora de GAVIDIA Min. of Education ...... Darlyn MEZA Min. of Environment ...... Hugo BARRERA Min. of Finance ...... William HANDAL Min. of Foreign Relations ...... Francisco Esteban LAINEZ Rivas Min. of Government ...... Rene FIGUEROA Min. of Health ...... Jose Guillermo MAZA Brizuela Min. of Labor & Social Welfare ...... Jose Roberto ESPINAL Min. of Public Works ...... David GUTIERREZ Min. of Tourism ...... Luis CARDENAL Min. of Treasury ...... Guillermo LOPEZ Suarez Attorney General ...... Felix Garrid SAFIE Pres., Central Reserve Bank ...... Luz Maria SERPAS de Portillo Ambassador to the US ...... Rene Antonio LEON Rodriguez Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Carmen Maria GALLARDO de Hernandez

Equatorial Guinea President ...... Teodoro OBIANG Nguema Mbasogo, Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Prime Minister ...... Ricardo MANGUE Obama Nfube First Vice Prime Min. in charge of Human Rights ...... Aniceto EBIAKA Mohote Second Vice Prime Min. in charge of the Interior ...... Demetrio ELO Ndong Nsefumu Sec. Gen. of the Government in charge of Administrative Coordination ...... Fortunado OFA Mbo Min. of Agriculture & Forests ...... Teodoro Nguema OBIANG Mangu Min. of Civil Service & Adminstrative Planning ...... Vincente Eate TOMI Min. of Economy, Commerce, & Promotion ...... Jaime Ela NDONG Min. of Education, Science, & Sports ...... Cristobal Menana ELA Min. of Finance & Budget ...... Mercelino Owono EDU Min. of Fishing & the Environment ...... Vincente Rodriguez SIOSA Min. of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation, & Francophone Affairs ...... Pastor Micha Ondo BILE Min. of Health ...... Antonio Martin NDONG Ntutumu Min. of Information, Culture, Tourism, & Government Spokesman ...... Santiago NSOBEYA Efuman Nchama Min. of Infrastructure & Urban Planning ...... Fidel NSUE Micha Min. of Integration ...... Baltasar Engonga EDJO Min. of Interior & Local Corporations ...... Clemente ENGONGA Nguema Onguene Min. of Justice, Culture, & Penitentiary Institutions ...... Mauricio BOKUNG Asumu Min. of Labor & Social Security ...... Evangelina OYO Ebule Min. of Mines, Industry, & Energy ...... Antanasio ELA Ntugu Nsa Min. of National Defense ...... Antonio MBA Nguema, Gen. Min. of National Security ...... Manuel Nguema MBA Ma Mba, Col. Min. of Mines, Industry, & Energy ...... Antanasio Ela NTUGU Nsa Min. of Planning, Economic Development, & Public Investment ...... Jose ELA Oyana Min. of Social Affairs & the Promotion of Women ...... Eulalia ENVO Bela Min. of Transportation, Technology, & Posts & Telecommunications ...... Demetrio Elo Ndong NSEFUMU Min. at the Presidency in charge of Missions ...... Alejandro EVUNA Owono Asangono Min. at the Presidency in charge of Political Affairs & Administration ...... Carmelo MODU Acuse Bindang Min. at the Presidency in charge of Information, Culture, & Tourism ...... Alfonso NSUE Mokuy

33 Equatorial Guinea (continued) Min. in charge of Relations with Parliament ...... Angel MASIE Mibuy Ambassador to the US ...... Purificacion Angue ONDO Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Lino Sima Ekua AVOMO

Eritrea President ...... ISAIAS Afworki Vice President ...... Min. of Agriculture ...... AREFAINE Berhe Min. of Defense ...... SEBHAT Ephrem Min. of Education ...... OSMAN Saleh Min. of Energy & Mines ...... TESFAI Gebreselassie Min. of Finance ...... BERHANE Abrehe Min. of Fisheries ...... AHMED Haj Ali Min. of Foreign Affairs (Acting) ...... MOHAMED Omer Min. of Health ...... SALEH Meki Min. of Information ...... ALI Abdu Min. of Justice ...... FOZIA Hashim Min. of Labor & Human Welfare ...... ASKALU Menkerios Min. of Land, Water, & Environment ...... WOLDEMICHAEL Gebremariam Min. of Maritime Resources ...... AHMED Haj Ali Min. of National Development ...... WOLDAI Futur Min. of Public Works ...... ABRAHA Asfaha Min. of Tourism ...... AMNA Nurhusein Min. of Trade & Industry ...... GERGIS Teklemichael, Dr. Min. of Transport & Communications ...... WOLDENKIEL Abraha Governor, Bank of Eritrea ...... BEYENE Tekie Ambassador to the US ...... GIRMA Asmerom Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... ARAYA Desta

Estonia President ...... Toomas ILVES Prime Minister ...... Andrus ANSIP Min. of Agriculture ...... Ester TUIKSOO Min. of Culture ...... Raivo PALMARU Min. of Defense ...... Jurgen LIGI Min. of Economic Affairs & Communications ...... Edgar SAVISAAR Min. of Education & Science ...... Mailis REPS Min. of Environment ...... Min. of Finance ...... Aivar SOERD Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Urmas PAET Min. of Interior ...... Kalle LAANET Min. of Justice ...... Rein LANG Min. of Regional Affairs ...... Jaan OUNAPUU Min. of Population Affairs ...... Paul-Erik RUUMO Min. of Social Affairs ...... Jaak AAB Pres., Bank of Estonia ...... Andres LIPSTOCK Ambassador to the US ...... Juri LUIK Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Tiina INTELMANN

Ethiopia President ...... GIRMA Woldegiorgis Prime Minister ...... MELES Zenawi Dep. Prime Min...... ADDISU Legesse Dep. Prime Min...... KASSU Ilala Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development ...... ADDISU Legesse Vice Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development ...... BELAY Ejigu

34 Ethiopia (continued) Vice Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development ...... GETACHEW Teklemedhin Vice Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development ...... TEKALIGN Mamo Min. of Cabinet Affairs ...... BERHANU Adelo Min. of Capacity Building ...... TEFERA Walwa Min. of Culture & Tourism ...... MOHAMOUD Dirir Min. of Defense ...... KUMA Demeksa Min. of Education ...... SNTAYEHU Weldemikael Min. of Energy & Mines ...... ALEMAYEHU Tegenu Min. of Federal Affairs ...... SIRAJ Fegisa Min. of Finance & Economic Development ...... SUFIAN Ahmed Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... SEYOUM Mesfin Min. of Health ...... TEWODROS Adhanom Min. of Information ...... BERHAN Hailu Min. of Justice ...... ASEFA Kesito Min. of Labor & Social Affairs ...... HASSAN Abdella Min. of Revenue Collection ...... MELAKU Fenta Min. of Trade & Industry ...... GIRMA Birru Min. of Transport & Communications ...... JUNEDIN Sado Min. of Water Resources ...... ASFAW Dingamo Min. of Women’s Affairs ...... HIRUT Dilebo Min. of Works & Urban Development ...... KASSU Ilala Min. of Youth & Sports ...... ASTER Mamo Governor, National Bank ...... TEKLEWOLD Atnafu Ambassador to the US ...... Samuel ASSEFA Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... DAWIT Yohannes

F Fiji President ...... Josefa ILOILO Vice President ...... Prime Minister ...... Laisenia QARASE Min. for Agriculture, Sugar, & Land Resettlement ...... Jonetani GALUINADI Min. for Commerce, Business Development, & Investment ...... Tomasi VUETILOVONI Min. for Education ...... Teimumu Vuikaba KEPA Min. for Fijian Affairs, Culture, & Heritage ...... Laisenia QARASE Min. for Finance & National Planning ...... Jone KUBUABOLA Min. for Fisheries & Forests ...... Konisi YABAKI Min. for Foreign Affairs & External Trade ...... Kaliopate TAVOLA Min. for Health ...... Solomone NAIVALU Min. for Home Affairs, Immigration, & National Disaster ...... Joketani COKANASIGA Min. for Information, Communications, & Media Relations ...... Simione KAITANI Min. for Justice ...... Qoriniasi BALE Min. for Labor, Industrial Relations, & Productivity ...... Kenneth ZINCK Min. for Lands & Mineral Resources ...... Naiqama Vave LALABALAVU Min. for Local Govt., Housing, Squatter Settlement, & Environment ...... Mataiasi Vave RAGIGIA Min. for Multi-Ethnic Affairs ...... George Shiu RAJ Min. for National Reconciliation & Unity ...... Laisenia QARASE Min. for Public Enterprises & Public Sector Reform ...... Irami MATAIRAVULA Min. for Regional Development ...... Ilaitia TUISESE Min. for Tourism ...... Pita NACUVA Min. for Transport & Civil Aviation ...... Josefa VOSANIBOLA Min. for Women, Social Welfare, & Poverty Alleviation ...... Asenaca CAUCAU Min. for Works & Energy ...... Savenaca DRAUNIDALO Min. for Youth, Employment Opportunities, & Sports ...... Isireli LEWENIQILA Attorney General ...... Qoriniasi BALE Governor, Reserve Bank ...... Savenaca NARUBE Charge d’Affaires to the US ...... Paula NAVUNISARAVI Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Isikia SAVUA

35 Finland President ...... Tarja HALONEN Prime Minister ...... Matti Taneli VANHANEN Dep. Prime Min...... Eero HEINALUOMA Min. of Agriculture & Forestry ...... Juha KORKEAOJA Min. of Culture ...... Tanja SAARELA Min. of Defense ...... Seppo KAARIAINEN Min. of Education ...... Antti KALLIOMAKI Min. of the Environment & Nordic Cooperation ...... Jan-Erik ENESTAM Min. of Finance ...... Eero HEINALUOMA Min. Responsible for Certain Issues in the Ministry of Finance ...... Ulla-Maj WIDEROOS Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Erkki TUOMIOJA Min. of Foreign Trade & Development ...... Paula LEHTOMAKI Min. of Health & Social Services ...... Liisa HYSSALA Min. of Interior ...... Kari RAJAMAKI Min. of Justice ...... Leena LUHTANEN Min. of Labor ...... Tarja FILATOV Min. of Regional & Municipal Affairs ...... Hannes MANNINEN Min. of Social Affairs & Health ...... Tuula HAATAINEN Min. of Trade & Industry ...... Mauri PEKKARINEN Min. of Transport & Communications ...... Susanna HUOVINEN Governor, Bank of Finland ...... Erkki LIIKANEN Ambassador to the US ...... Pekka LINTU Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Kirsti Eeva Helena LINTONEN

France President ...... Jacques CHIRAC Prime Minister ...... Dominique DE VILLEPIN Min. of State ...... Nicolas SARKOZY Min. of Agriculture & Fisheries ...... Dominique BUSSEREAU Min. of the Civil Service ...... Christian JACOB Min. of Culture & Communication ...... Renaud DONNEDIEU DE VABRES Min. of Defense ...... Michele ALLIOT-MARIE Min. of Economy, Finance, & Industry ...... Thierry BRETON Min. of Environment & Sustainable Development ...... Nelly OLIN Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Philippe DOUSTE-BLAZY Min. of Health & Solidarity ...... Xavier BERTRAND Min. of the Interior & Regional Development ...... Nicolas SARKOZY Min. of Justice & Keeper of the Seals ...... Pascal CLEMENT Min. of Labor, Social Cohesion, & Housing ...... Jean-Louis BORLOO Min. of National Education, Higher Education, & Research ...... Gilles DE ROBIEN Min. of Overseas France ...... Francois BAROIN Min. for Small & Medium-Sized Enterprises, Trade, Small-Scale Industry, & the Professions ...... Renaud DUTREIL Min. of Transportation, Capitol Works, Tourism, & Maritime Affairs ...... Dominique PERBEN Min. of Youth, Sports & Associations ...... Jean-Francois LAMOUR Min. Del. for the Budget & Administrative Reform ...... Jean-Francois COPE Min. Del. for Cooperation, Development, & the French-Speaking Countries ...... Brigitte GIRARDIN Min. Del. for Employment, Labor, & State for Youth Employment ...... Gerard LARCHER Min. Del. for Equal Opportunities ...... Azouz BEGAG Min. Del. for European Affairs ...... Catherine COLONNA Min. Del. for Foreign Trade ...... Christine LAGARDE Min. Del. for Higher Education & Research ...... Francois GOULARD Min. Del. for Industry ...... Francois LOOS Min. Del. for Local Govt...... Brice HORTEFEUX Min. Del. for Regional Development ...... Christian ESTROSI Min. Del. for Relations With Parliament ...... Henri CUQ Min. Del. for Social Cohesion & Parity ...... Catherine VAUTRIN Min. Del. for Social Security, the Elderly, the Disabled, & the Family ...... Philippe BAS

36 France (continued) Min. Del. for Tourism ...... Leon BERTAND Min. Del. for Veterans Affairs ...... Hamlaoui MEKACHERA Spokesman for the Govt...... Jean-Francois COPE Governor, Bank of France ...... Christian NOYER Ambassador to the US ...... Jean-David LEVITTE Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Jean-Marc Rochereau DE LA SABLIERE

G Gabon President ...... Bongo Odimba, El Hadj Omar Vice President ...... Di Ndinge, Didjob Divungi Prime Minister ...... Ntoutoume-Emane, Jean-Francois Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Town and Country Planning ...... Metogho, Emmanuel Ondo Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the City ...... Miyakou, Antoine de Padoue Mboumbou Min. of State for Agriculture, Livestock, & Rural Development ...... Moussavou, Pierre claver Maganga Min. of State for Commerce and Industial Development ...... Pendy-Bouyiki, Jean-Remy Min. of State for Economy, Finance, Budget, & Privatization ...... Toungui, Paul Min. of State for Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, & Francophonie Affairs ...... Ping, Jean Min. of State for Housing, Town Planning and Land Register ...... Adiahenot, Jacques Min. of State for Human Rights...... Abessole, Paul Mba Min. of State for Planning and Development Programs...... Oye Mba, Casimir Min. of State for Transportation and Civil Aviation ...... Missambo, Paulette Min. of Civil Service, Administrative Reform, and State Modernization ...... Missongo, Desire Pascal Min. of Communication, Postal Services, and Information Technologies ..... Berre, Andre Dieudonne Min. of Culture and Arts ...... Amoughe Mba, Pierre Min. of Defense ...... Bongo, Ali-Ben Min. of Family, Child Welfare, and Women’s Affairs ...... Ngoma, Angelique Min. of Forest Economy, Water, Fishing, in charge of the Environment ...... Doumba, Emile Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research ...... Boukossou, Vincent Moulengui Min. of Interior, Public Security, and Decentralization ...... Ngari, Idriss Min. of Justice ...... Naki, Honorine Dossou Min. of Labor & Employment ...... Ivala, Clotaire Christian Min. of Merchant Navy ...... Siby, Felix Min. of Mines, Energy, Oil, and Hydraulic Resources ...... Onouviet, Richard Min. of National Education ...... Ono, Daniel Ona Min. in Charge of Relations with Parliament and Government Spokesperson ...... Obiang, Rene Ndemezo Min. of Public Health ...... Boukoubi, Faustin Min. of Public Works, Equipment, and Construction ...... Boundono, Egide Min. of Small Enterprises ...... Biyoghe-Mba, Paul Min. of Social Affairs & National Solidarity ...... Obame, Andre Mba Min. of Tourism and Handicrafts ...... Massima, Jean Min. of Vocational Training and Social Rehabilitation ...... Ndaki, Barnabe Min. of Youth and Sports ...... Mabika, Alfred Dep. Min. of Public Works, Construction, and Equipment ...... Maboumba, Frederoc Massavala Dep. Min. of Economy, Finance, Budget, and Privatization ...... Madoungou, Senturel Ngoma and Ndong, Jean Eyeghe Min. Del. of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, & Francophonie Affairs ...... Ndongou, Jean-Francois Dep. Min. of Planning and Development Programs ...... Assele-Ebinda, Yolanda Dep. Min. to the Prime Minister for State Controls, Inspections, and Fight Against Poverty and Corruption ...... Mabala, Martin Dir., Central Bank ...... Leyimangoye, Jean-Paul Ambassador to the US ...... Boundoukou-Latha, Paul Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Dangue-Rewaka, Denis

Gambia, The Head of State ...... Yahya JAMMEH Vice President ...... Isatou NJIE-SAIDY Sec. of State for Agriculture ...... Kanja SANNEH

37 Gambia, The (continued) Sec. of State for Communications, Information, & Technology ...... Neneh MACDOUALL-GAYE Sec. of State for Education ...... Fatou Lamin FAYE Sec. of State for Finance & Economic Affairs ...... Mousa BALA-GAYE Sec. of State for Fisheries & Natural Resources ...... Yankuba TOURAY Sec. of State for Foreign Affairs ...... Bala Garba JAHUMPA Sec. of State for Forestry & Environment ...... Edward SINGHATEY Sec. of State for Health & Social Welfare ...... Tamsir MBOWE Sec. of State for Interior ...... Baboucarr JATTA, Col. Sec. of State for Local Govt. & Lands ...... Ismaila SAMBOU Sec. of State for Tourism & Culture ...... Angela COLLEY Sec. of State for Trade, Industry, & Employment ...... Susan WAFFA-OGOO Sec. of State for Youth, Sports, & Religious Affairs ...... Sheikh Omar FAYE Attorney General & Sec. of State for Justice & National Assembly Affairs ...... Kebba SANYANG Chief of Defense Staff ...... Assan SARR, Lt. Col. Ambassador to the US ...... Dodou Bammy JAGNE Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Crispin GREY-JOHNSON

Georgia President ...... Mikheil SAAKASHVILI Speaker, Parliament ...... Nino BURJANADZE Prime Minister ...... Zurab NOGHAIDELI Min. of Agriculture ...... Petre TSISKARISHVILI Min. of Culture ...... Giorgi GABASHVILI Min. of Defense ...... Davit KEZERASHVILI Min. of Economics & Infrastructure ...... Giorgi ARVELADZE Min. of Education & Science ...... Kakha LOMAIA Min. of Energy ...... Nikoloz GILAURI Min. of Environment ...... David TKESHELASHVILI Min. of Finance ...... Aleko ALEXISHVILI Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Gela BEZHUASHVILI Min. of Health & Social Welfare ...... Lado CHIPASHVILI Min. of Internal Affairs ...... Vano MERABISHVILI Min. of Justice ...... Gia KAVTARADZE Min. of Refugees ...... Giorgi KHEVIASHVILI State Min. for Conflict Resolution ...... Merab ANTADZE State Min. for Euro-Atlantic Integration ...... Giorgi BARAMIDZE State Min. for National Reconciliation ...... Zinaida BESTAYEVA State Min. for Small & Medium-Size Businesses ...... Kakha BENDUKIDZE Prosecutor General ...... Zurab ADEISHVILI Sec., National Security Council ...... Kote KEMULARIA Chmn., National Bank ...... Roman GOTSIRIDZE Ambassador to the US ...... Vasil SIKHARULIDZE Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Irakli ALASANIA

Germany President ...... Horst KOEHLER Chancellor ...... Angela MERKEL Vice Chancellor ...... Franz MUENTEFERING Min. for Consumer Protection & Agriculture ...... Horst SEEHOFER Min. of Defense ...... Franz Josef JUNG Min. for Economic Cooperation & Development ...... Heide Marie WIECZOREK-ZEUL Min. for Economics & Technology ...... Michael GLOS Min. for Education & Research ...... Annette SCHAVAN Min. for Environment & Nuclear Safety ...... Sigmar GABRIEL Min. for Family, Seniors, Women, & Youth ...... Ursula VON DER LEYEN Min. of Finance ...... Peer STEINBRUECK Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Frank-Walter STEINMEIER

38 Germany (continued) Min. for Health ...... Ulla SCHMIDT Min. of Interior ...... Wolfgang SCHAEUBLE Min. of Justice ...... Brigitte ZYPRIES Min. for Labor & Social Security ...... Franz MUENTEFERING Min. for Transportation, Construction, & Housing ...... Wolfgang TIEFENSEE Min. Without Portfolio & Chancellery Chief ...... Thomas DE MAIZIERE Pres., German Federal Bank ...... Axel A. WEBER Ambassador to the US ...... Klaus SCHARIOTH Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Thomas MATUSSEK

Ghana President ...... John Agyekum KUFUOR Vice President ...... Aliu MAHAMA, Alhaji Senior Minister ...... J. H. MENSAH Min. of Aviation ...... Gloria AKUFFO Min. of Communications ...... Mile OQUAYE Min. of Defense ...... Kwame ADDO-KUFUOR Min. of Education, Science, & Sports ...... Papa Owusu ANKOMAH Min. of Energy ...... Joseph Kofi ADDA Min. of Finance & Economic Planning ...... Kwadwo BAAH-WIREDU Min. of Fisheries ...... Gladys ASMAH Min. of Food & Agriculture ...... Ernest DEBRAH Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Nana AKUFO-ADDO Min. of Health ...... Courage QUASHIGAH, Maj. (Ret.) Min. of Information & National Orientation ...... Kwamena BARTELS Min. of Interior ...... Albert KAN-DAPAAH Min. of Justice ...... Joe GHARTEY Min. of Lands, Forestry, & Mines ...... Dominic FOBIH Min. of Local Govt., Rural Development, & Environment ...... Stephen ASAMOAH-BOATENG Min. of Manpower, Youth, & Employment ...... Boniface SADDIQUE Min. of National Security ...... Francis POKU Min. of Parliamentary Affairs ...... Felix Owusu ADJAPONG Min. of Ports & Railways ...... C. Ameyaw AKUMFI Min. for Public Sector Reform ...... Paa Kwesi NDUOM Min. of Regional Integration & New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) ...... Nana AKUFO-ADDO Min. of Roads & Highways ...... Richard ANANE Min. of Science & Environment ...... Christine CHURCHER Min. of Tourism & Diasporean Relations ...... Jake OBESTSEBI-LAMPTEY Min. of Trade, Industry, Private Sector, & Presidential Special Initiatives .... Alan KYEREMATEN Min. of Transportation ...... Richard ANANE Min. of Water Resources, Works, & Housing ...... Hackman OWUSU-AGYEMAN Min. of Women’s & Children’s Affairs ...... Alima MAHAMA, Hajia Min. of State in the Min. of Education, Youth, & Sports ...... Rashid BAWA Attorney General ...... Joe GHARTEY Governor, Bank of Ghana ...... Paul ACQUAH Ambassador to the US ...... Fritz Kwabena POKU Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Nana EFFAH-APENTENG

Greece President ...... Karolos PAPOULIAS Prime Minister ...... Konstandinos KARAMANLIS Min. of Aegean & Island Politics ...... Aristotelis PAVLIDIS Min. of Culture ...... Yeoryios VOULGARAKIS Min. of Development ...... Demetris SIOUFAS Min. of Employment & Social Protection ...... Savvas TSITOURIDIS Min. of Environment, Physical Planning, & Public Works ...... Yeoryios SOUFLIAS Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Theodora BAKOYIANNI

39 Greece (continued) Min. of Health & Social Solidarity ...... Dimitrios AVRAMOPOULOS Min. of Interior ...... Prokopis PAVLOPOULOS Min. of Justice ...... Anastasios PAPALIGOURAS Min. of Macedonia & Thrace ...... Yeoryios KALANTZIS Min. of Merchant Marine ...... Manolis KEFALOYIANNIS Min. of National Defense ...... Evangelos-Vassilios MEIMARAKIS Min. of National Economy & Finance ...... Yeoryios ALOGOSKOUFIS Min. of National Education & Religions ...... Marietta YIANNAKOU-KOUTSIKOU Min. of Public Order ...... Vyron POLYDORAS Min. of Rural Development & Foods ...... Evangelos BASIAKOS Min. of Tourism ...... Fani PALLI-PETRALIA Min. of Transport & Communications ...... Mihalis LIAPIS Min. of State in Charge of Communication ...... Theodoros ROUSSOPOULOS Governor, Bank of Greece ...... Nikos GARGANAS Ambassador to the US ...... Alexandros MALLIAS Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Adamandios VASILAKIS

Grenada Governor General ...... Daniel WILLIAMS Prime Minister ...... Keith MITCHELL Min. of Agriculture, Lands, Forestry, & Fisheries ...... Claris CHARLES Min. of Communications ...... Gregory BOWEN Min. of Works, Public Utilities, & Transport ...... Gregory BOWEN Min. of Education ...... Augustine JOHN Min. of Finance, Trade, & Planning ...... Anthony BOATSWAIN Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Elvin NIMROD Min. of Health & Environment ...... Clarice MODESTE-CURWEN Min. of Housing, Social Services, Culture, & Cooperatives ...... Brian MCQUEEN Min. of Implementation ...... Joslyn WHITEMAN Min. of Information ...... Keith MITCHELL Min. of International Trade ...... Elvin NIMROD Min. of Labor ...... Elvin NIMROD Min. of Labor & Local Affairs ...... Lawrence JOSEPH Min. of Legal Affairs ...... Elvin NIMROD Min. of Local Government (Carriacou & Petit Martinique Affairs) ...... Elvin NIMROD Min. of Mobilization ...... Keith MITCHELL Min. of National Security ...... Keith MITCHELL Min. of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Women’s Affairs, Social Security, & Culture ...... Brenda HOOD Min. of Youth, Sports, & Community Development ...... Adrian MITCHELL Attorney General ...... Elvin NIMROD Ambassador to the US ...... Denis ANTOINE Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Ruth Elizabeth ROUSE

Guatemala President ...... Oscar BERGER Perdomo Vice President ...... Eduardo STEIN Min. of Agriculture ...... Alvaro AGUILAR Min. of Communication & Public Works ...... Eduardo CASTILLO Min. of Culture & Sports ...... Manuel SALAZAR Tezaguic Min. of Defense ...... Francisco BERMUDEZ Amado, Brig. Gen. Min. of Economy ...... Marcio CUEVAS Posadas Min. of Education ...... Maria ACENA del Carmen Min. of Energy & Mines ...... Luis Romero ORTIZ Pelaez Min. of Environment & Natural Resources ...... Juan Mario DARY Fuentes Min. of External Relations ...... Gert ROSENTHAL Koenigsberger Min. of Finance ...... Hugo BETETA Min. of Government ...... Carlos VIELMAN

40 Guatemala (continued) Min. of Labor ...... Jorge GALLARDO Min. of Public Health & Social Assistance ...... Victor Manuel GUITERREZ Longo Attorney General ...... Juan Luis FLORIDO Solicitor General ...... Luis Alfonso ROSALES Sec. Gen. of the Presidency ...... Jorge Raul ARROYAVE Reyes Pres., Bank of Guatemala ...... Lizardo SOSA Lopez Ambassador to the US ...... Guillermo CASTILLO Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Jorge SKINNER-KLEE Arenales

Guinea President ...... Lansana CONTE, Gen. Prime Minister ...... Min. of Agriculture & Animal Husbandry ...... Jean-Paul SARR Min. of Commerce, Industry, Small & Medium-Scale Enterprise ...... Kazaliou BALDE Min. of Communication ...... Aboubacar SYLLA Min. of Defense ...... Min. of Economy & Finance ...... Madikaba CAMARA Min. of Employment & Public Administration ...... Pierrette TOLNO Min. of Environment ...... Mamadou KEITA Min. of Fishing & Aquaculture ...... Ibrahima Sory TOURE Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Mamady CONDE Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research ...... Ahmed Tidiane SOUARE Min. of International Cooperation ...... Fatoumata Kaba SIDIBE Min. of Justice & Keeper of the Seals ...... Alseny Rene GOMEZ Min. of Mining, Geology, & Environment ...... Ousmane SYLLA Min. of Planning ...... Eugene CAMARA Min. of Posts & Telecommunications ...... Jean-Claude SULTAN Min. of Pre-University & Civic Education ...... Mamadou Bhoye BARRY, Dr. Min. of Public Health ...... Amara CISSEE Min. of Public Works ...... Banha SIDIBE Min. of Security ...... Min. of Social Affairs, Promotion of Women, & Children ...... Fatou Sike CAMARA Min. of Technical Teaching & Professional Training ...... Yazora SOROPOGUI, Dr. Min. of Territorial Administration & Decentralization ...... El Hadj Moussa SOLANO Min. of Tourism, Hotels, & Handicrafts ...... Camara Aminatou BARRY Min. of Transportation ...... Alpha Ibrahima KEIRA Min. of Urban Planning & Housing ...... Blaise Ouo FOROMOU Min. of Water Power & Energy ...... Thierno Habib DIALLO Min. of Youth, Sports, & Culture ...... Kiridi BANGOURA Min. at the Presidency for Economic & Financial Control ...... Mamadou DOUMBOUYA Sec. Gen. of the Government ...... Oury Bailo BAH Sec. Gen. of the Presidency ...... Fode BANGOURA Governor, Central Bank ...... Mohamed Alkhaly DAFFE Charge d’Affaires (Acting) ...... Ibrahima Sory TRAORE Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Alpha Ibrahima SOW

Guinea-Bissau President ...... Joao Bernardo VIEIRA Prime Minister ...... Aristides GOMES Min. of Administrative Reform ...... Jose Braima DAFE Min. of Agriculutre & Agricultural Development ...... Sola N’Quilin NA BITCHITA Min. of Commerce, Industry, & Tradecrafts ...... Pascoal Batica DOMINGOS Min. of Defense ...... Helder PROENCA Min. of Economy ...... Issufo SANHA Min. of Energy ...... Augustus POQUENA Min. of Finance ...... Vitor MANDINGA Min. of Fisheries & Maritime Economy ...... Abdu MANE Min. of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation, & Communities ...... Antonio Isaac MONTEIRO

41 Guinea-Bissau (continued) Min. of Health ...... Odete SEMEDO Min. of Interior ...... Aristides GOMES Min. of International Cooperation ...... Tibna Nawana SAMBA Min. of Justice ...... Namuano Dias GOMES Min. of National Education & Higher Education ...... Tcherno DJALO Min. of Natural Resources ...... Aristides Ocante DA SILVA Min. of Planning & Regional Integration ...... Purna BIA Min. of Public Health ...... Antonia Mendes TEIXEIRA Min. of Public Order ...... Baciro DABO Min. of Public Works ...... Carlos COSTA Min. of Public Works, Construction, & Urbanism ...... Carlitos BARAI Min. of Social Communication ...... Joao DE BARROS Min. of Social Communication & Parliamentary Affairs ...... Rui Dia DE SOUSA Min. of Social Solidarity, Family, & Poverty Eradication ...... Eugenia Araujo SALDANHA Min. of Territorial Administration ...... Braima EMBALO Min. of Tourism & Order of the Territory ...... Francisco Conduto DE PINA Min. of Transportation & Communications ...... Admiro Nelson BELO Min. of Treasury ...... Jose DJO Min. of Veterans ...... Nhasse NA MAN Min. of Youth, Culture, & Sports ...... Mario MARTINS Ambassador to the United States ...... Permanent Rep. to the UN, New York ...... Alfredo Lopes CABRAL

Guyana President ...... Bharrat JAGDEO Prime Minister ...... Samuel HINDS First Vice President ...... Second Vice President ...... Reepu Daman PERSAUD Min. in the Office of the Pres. (Foreign Affairs) ...... Rudolph INSANALLY Min. in the Office of the Pres. (Public Service) ...... George FUNG-ON Min. of Agriculture ...... Robert PERSAUD Min. of Amerindian Affairs ...... Carolyn RODRIGUES Min. of Economic Planning ...... Min. of Education ...... Shaik BAKSH Min. of Finance ...... Ashni SINGH, Dr. Min. of Fisheries, Crops, & Livestock ...... Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Rudolph INSANALLY Min. of Foreign Trade ...... Henry JEFFREY, Dr. Min. of Health ...... Leslie RAMSAMMY, Dr. Min. of Home Affairs ...... Clement ROHEE Min. of Housing & Water ...... Harrinarine NAWBATT Min. of Human Services & Social Security ...... Priya MANICKCHANG Min. of Information ...... Min. of Labor ...... Manzoor NADIR Min. of Legal Affairs ...... Doodnauth SINGH Min. of Local Government ...... Kellawan LALL Min. of Marine Resources ...... Min. of Parliamentary Affairs ...... Reepu Daman PERSAUD Min. of Public Service Management ...... Jennifer WESTFORD, Dr. Min. of Public Works ...... Samuel HINDS Min. of Tourism, Industry, & Commerce ...... Manniram PRASHAD Min. of Transport, Communication, & Hydraulics ...... Robeson BENN Min. of Culture, Youth, & Sports ...... Frank ANTHONY, Dr. Min. Within Local Govt...... Clinton COLLYMORE Head, Presidential Secretariat ...... Roger LUNCHEON Attorney General ...... Doodnauth SINGH Governor, Bank of Guyana ...... Dolly S. SINGH Ambassador to the US ...... Bayney KARRAN Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Rudolph INSANALLY

42 H Haiti President ...... Rene Garcia PREVAL Prime Minister ...... Jacques-Edouard ALEXIS Min. of Agriculture, Natural Resources, & Rural Development ...... Francois SEVERIN Min. of Commerce & Industry ...... Magguy DURCE Min. of Culture & Communication ...... Daniel ELIE Min. of the Economy & Finance ...... Daniel DORSAINVIL Min. of Education & Professional Training ...... Gabriel BIEN-AIME Min. of Environment ...... Jean-Marie Claude GERMAIN Min. of Foreign Affairs & Worship ...... Jean Reynald CLERISME Min. of Haitians Living Abroad ...... Jean GENEUS Min. of Interior & Territorial Collectivities ...... Paul Antoine BIEN-AIME Min. of Justice & Public Security ...... Rene MAGLOIRE Min. of Planning & External Cooperation ...... Jean-Max BELLERIVE Min. of Public Health & Population ...... Robert AUGUSTE, Dr. Min. of Public Works, Transport, & Communications ...... Frantz VERELA Min. of Social Affairs ...... Gerald GERMAIN Min. of Tourism ...... Patrick DELATOUR Min. of Women’s Affairs & Rights ...... Marie-Laurence Jocelyn LASSEGUE Min. of Youth, Sports, & Civic Action ...... Fritz BELIZAIRE Ministerial Delegate to the Prime Min. in Charge of Relations With Parliament ...... Joseph JASMIN Sec. of State for Agriculture ...... Joanas GUAY Sec. of State for Finance ...... Sylvain LAFALAISE Sec. of State for Judicial Reform ...... Daniel JEAN Sec. of State for Literacy ...... Carol JOSEPH Sec. of State for Public Security ...... Luc Eucher JOSEPH Ambassador to the US ...... Raymond JOSEPH Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Leo MERORES

Holy See (Vatican City) Supreme Pontiff, Roman Catholic Church ...... BENEDICT XVI, Pope Secretary of State ...... Tarcisio BERTONE, Cardinal Secretary for Relations With States ...... Dominique MAMBERTI, Archbishop Papal Nuncio to the US ...... Pietro SAMBI, Archbishop Permanent Observer to the UN, New York ...... Celestino MIGLIORE, Archbishop

Honduras President ...... Manuel ZELAYA Rosales Vice Pres...... Elvin Ernesto SANTOS Ordonez Min. of Agriculture & Livestock ...... Hector HERNANDEZ Min. of Culture, Arts, & Sports ...... Rodolfo PASTOR Min. of Defense ...... Aristides MEJIA Min. of Education ...... Rafael PINEDA PONCE Min. of Finance ...... Rebeca SANTOS Min. of Foreign Relations ...... Milton JIMENEZ Puerto Min. of Industry & Commerce ...... Lizzi AZCONA Min. of Government & Justice ...... Jorge Arturo REINA Min. of Labor ...... Ricci MONCADA Min. of Natural Resources & Environment ...... Mayra MEJIA del Cid Min. of the Presidency ...... Yani ROSENTHAL Min. of Public Employees’ Retirement & Pension (INJUPEMP) ...... Lucio IZAGUIRRE Min. of Public Health ...... Orison VELASQUEZ Min. of Public Works, Transportation, & Housing ...... Jose Rosario BONANO Min. of Public Security ...... Alvaro Antonio ROMERO Salgado Min. of Science & Technology ...... Miriam MEJIA Min. of Tourism ...... Ricardo MARTINEZ Min. Without Portfolio (housing sector) ...... Hector BRICENO

43 Honduras (continued) Pres., Central Bank ...... Gabriella NUNEZ de Reyes Ambassador to the US ...... Norman GARCIA Paz Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Ivan ROMERO-MARTINEZ

Hungary President ...... Laszlo SOLYOM Prime Minister ...... Ferenc GYURCSANY Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development ...... Jozsef GRAF Min. of Defense ...... Imre SZEKERES Min. of Economics & Transportation ...... Janos KOKA Min. of Education & Culture ...... Istvan HILLER Min. of Environmental Protection & Water Management ...... Miklos PERSANYI Min. of Finance ...... Janos VERES Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Kinga GONCZ Min. of Health ...... Lajos MOLNAR Min. of Justice & Law Enforcement ...... Jozsef PETRETEI Min. for Local Government & Regional Development ...... Monika LAMPERTH Min. of Social Affairs & Labor ...... Peter KISS Min. in Charge of the Prime Minister’s Office ...... Gyorgy SZILVASY Pres., Hungarian National Bank ...... Zsigmond JARAI Ambassador to the US ...... Andras SIMONYI Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Laszlo MOLNAR

I Iceland President ...... Olafur GRIMSSON Prime Minister ...... Geir H. HAARDE Min. of Agriculture ...... Gudni AGUSTSSON Min. of Communication ...... Sturla BODVARSSON Min. of Education & Culture ...... Thorgedur Katrin GUNNARSDOTTIR Min. of Environment & Nordic Cooperation...... Jonina BJARTMARZ Min. of Finance ...... Arni M. MATHIESEN Min. of Fisheries ...... Einar K. GUDFINNSSON Min. of Foreign Affairs & External Trade ...... Valgerdur SVERRISDOTTIR Min. of Health & Social Security ...... Siv FRIDLEIFSDOTTIR Min. of Industry & Commerce ...... Jon SIGURDSSON Min. of Justice & Church Affairs ...... Bjorn BJARNASON Min. of Social Affairs ...... Magnus STEFANSSON Dir., Central Bank of Iceland ...... David ODDSSON Ambassador to the US ...... Helgi AGUSTSSON Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Hjalmar HANNESSON

India President ...... Abdul KALAM Vice President ...... Bhairon Singh SHEKHAWAT Prime Minister ...... Manmohan SINGH Principal Sec. to the Prime Minister’s Office ...... T. K. A. NAIR National Security Adviser ...... M. K. NARAYANAN Dep. Chmn., Planning Commission ...... Montek Singh AHLUWALIA Min. of Agriculture ...... Sharad PAWAR Min. of Agro & Rural Industries ...... Mahavir PRASAD Min. of Chemicals & Fertilizers ...... Ram Vilas PASWAN Min. of State (Ind. Charge) for Civil Aviation ...... Praful PATEL Min. of Coal ...... Shibu SOREN Min. of Commerce & Industry ...... Kamal NATH Min. of Communications & Information Technology ...... Dayanidhi MARAN Min. of Company Affairs ...... Prem Chand GUPTA Min. of Consumer Affairs, Food, & Public Administration ...... Sharad PAWAR

44 India (continued) Min. of Culture ...... Jaipal REDDY Min. of Defense ...... A. K. ANTONY Min. of Development of North Eastern Region...... Paty Ripple KYNDIAH Min. of Environment & Forests ...... A. RAJA Min. of External Affairs ...... Pranab MUKHERJEE Min. of Finance ...... Palaniappan CHIDAMBARAM Min. of State (Ind. Charge) for Food Processing Industries ...... Subodh Kant SAHAY Min. of Health & Family Welfare ...... Anbumani RAMADOSS Min. of State (Ind. Charge) for Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises ...... Santosh Mohan DEV Min. of Home Affairs ...... Shivraj PATIL Min. of Human Resource Development ...... Arjun SINGH Min. of Information & Broadcasting ...... Priyaranjan DASMUNSI Min. of Labor & Employment ...... Oscar FERNANDES Min. of Law & Justice ...... Hans Raj BHARDWAJ Min. of Local Government ...... Mani Shankar AIYAR Min. of Mines ...... Sis Ram OLA Min. of Minority Affairs ...... A. R. ANTULAY Min. of State (Ind. Charge) for Non-Conventional Energy Sources ...... Vilas MUTTEMWAR Min. of Ocean Development ...... Kapil SIBAL Min. of Overseas Indian Affairs ...... Vayalar RAVI Min. of Panchayati Raj ...... Mani Shankar AIYAR Min. of Parliamentary Affairs ...... Priyaranjan DASMUNSI Min. of Petroleum & Natural Gas ...... Murli DEORA Min. of Power ...... Sushil Kumar SHINDE Min. of Railways ...... Laloo Prasad YADAV Min. of Rural Development ...... Raghuvansh Prasad SINGH Min. of Science & Technology ...... Kapil SIBAL Min. of Shipping, Road Transport, & Highways ...... T. R. BAALU Min. of Small-Scale Industries ...... Mahavir PRASAD Min. of Social Justice & Empowerment ...... Meira KUMAR Min. of State (Ind. Charge) for Statistics & Program Implementation ...... G. K. VASAN Min. of Steel ...... Ram Vilas PASWAN Min. of Textiles ...... Shankersinh VAGHELA Min. of Tourism & Culture ...... Ambika SONI Min. of Tribal Affairs ...... Paty Ripple KYNDIAH Min. of Urban Development ...... Jaipal REDDY Min. of State (Ind. Charge) for Urban Employment & Poverty Alleviation ...... Mumari SELJA Min. of Water Resources ...... Saif-u-Din SOZ Min. of State (Ind. Charge) for Women & Child Development ...... Renuka CHOWDHURY Min. of Youth Affairs & Sports ...... Mani Shankar AIYAR Governor, Reserve Bank of India ...... Y. Venugopal REDDY Ambassador to the US ...... Ranendra SEN Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Nirupam SEN

Indonesia President ...... Susilo Bambang YUDHOYONO Vice President ...... Muhammad Yusuf KALLA Coordinating Min. for Economic Affairs ...... BOEDIONO Coordinating Min. for the People’s Welfare ...... Aburizal BAKRIE Coordinating Min. for Political, Legal, & Security Affairs ...... WIDODO Adi Sutjipto Min. of Agriculture ...... Anton APRIYANTONO Min. for Communication & Information ...... Sofyan A. DJALIL Min. for Cooperatives & Small & Medium Enterprises ...... Suryadharma ALI Min. of Culture & Tourism ...... Jero WACIK Min. of Defense ...... Juwono SUDARSONO Min. for the Development of Disadvantaged Regions ...... SYAIFULLAH Yusuf Min. of Education ...... Bambang SUDIBYO

45 Indonesia (continued) Min. for Energy & Mineral Resources ...... PURNOMO Yusgiantoro Min. for the Environment ...... Rachmat WITOELAR Min. of Finance ...... SRI MULYANI Indrawati Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Noer Hasan WIRAJUDA Min. of Forestry ...... M. S. KABAN Min. of Health ...... Siti Fadilah SUPARI Min. of Home Affairs ...... Muhammad MA’RUF Min. of Industry ...... Andung NITIMIHARJA Min. of Justice & Human Rights ...... HAMID Awaluddin Min. of Manpower & Transmigration ...... Fahmi IDRIS Min. of Maritime Affairs & Fisheries ...... Freddy NUMBERI Min. for National Development Planning ...... Paskah SUZETTA Min. for People’s Housing ...... Mohammad Yusuf ASYARI Min. of Public Works ...... Joko KIRMANTO Min. of Religion ...... Muhammad Maftuh BASYUNI Min. of Research & Technology ...... KUSMAYANTO Kadiman Min. of Social Affairs ...... Bachtiar CHAMSYAH Min. for State Apparatus Reform ...... Taufiq EFFENDI Min. for State-Owned Enterprises ...... SUGIHARTO Min. of Trade ...... Mari Elka PANGESTU Min. of Transportation ...... Hatta RAJASA Min. for Women’s Empowerment ...... Meutia Farida HATTA Swasono Min. for Youth & Sports ...... Adhyaksa DAULT Attorney General ...... Abdul Rahman SALEH Cabinet Secretary ...... Sudi SILALAHI State Secretary ...... Yusril Izha MAHENDRA Director, State Intelligence Agency (BIN) (Acting) ...... Said Ali AS’AT Governor, Bank Indonesia ...... Burhanuddin ABDULLAH Ambassador to the US ...... SUDJADNAN Parnohadiningrat Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Rezlan Ishar JENIE

Iran—NDE Supreme Leader ...... Ali Hoseini-KHAMENEI, Ayatollah President ...... Mahmud AHMADI-NEJAD Speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly (Majles) ...... Qolam Ali HADAD-ADEL Secretary of the Cabinet ...... Masud ZARIBAFAN First Vice Pres...... Parviz DAVUDI Vice Pres. for Atomic Energy ...... Qolam Reza AQAZADEH-Khoi Vice Pres. for Cultural Heritage & Tourism ...... Esfandiar Rahim MASHAIE Vice Pres. for Environmental Protection ...... Fatemeh JAVADI Vice Pres. for Legal & Parliamentary Affairs ...... Ahmad MUSAVI Vice Pres. for Martyrs & War Veterans Affairs ...... Hosein DEHQAN Vice Pres. for Physical Education ...... Mohammad ALI-ABADI Vice Pres. for Management & Planning ...... Farhad RAHBAR Min. of Agricultural Jihad ...... Mohammad Reza ESKANDARI Min. of Commerce ...... Masud MIR-KAZEMI Min. of Communication & Information Technology ...... Mohammad SOLEIMANI Min. of Cooperatives ...... Mohammad NAZEMI-Ardakani Min. of Defense & Armed Forces Logistics ...... Mostafa Mohammad NAJAR Min. of Economic Affairs & Finance ...... Davud DANESH-JAFARI Min. of Education ...... Mahmud FARSHIDI Min. of Energy ...... Parviz FATAH Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Manuchehr MOTAKI Min. of Health ...... Kamran BAQERI-LANKARANI Min. of Housing & Development ...... Mohammad SAIDI-KIA Min. of Industries & Mines ...... Ali Reza TAHMASBI Min. of Intelligence & Security ...... Qolam Hosein MOHSENI-EJEI Min. of Interior ...... Mostafa PUR-MOHAMMADI

46 Iran—NDE (continued) Min. of Islamic Culture & Guidance ...... Mohammad Hosein SAFAR-HARANDI Min. of Justice ...... Jamal KARIMI-RAD Min. of Labor & Social Affairs ...... Mohammad JAHROMI Min. of Petroleum ...... Kazem VAZIRI-Hamaneh Min. of Roads & Transportation ...... Mohammad RAHMATI Min. of Science, Research, & Technology ...... Mohammad Mehdi ZAHEDI Min. of Welfare & Social Security ...... Parviz KAZEMI Governor, Central Bank of Iran ...... Ebrahim SHEIBANI Head of Interest Section in the US ...... Ali JAZINI Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Mohammad Javad ZARIF-Khonsari

Iraq President ...... Jalal TALABANI Dep. President ...... Tariq al-HASHIMI Dep. President ...... Adil ABD AL-MAHDI Prime Minister ...... Nuri al-MALIKI Dep. Prime Min...... Barham SALIH Dep. Prime Min...... Salam al-ZUBAI Min. of Agriculture ...... Yuarib Nadhim al-ABUDI Min. of Communications ...... Muhammad Tawfiq ALLAWI Min. of Culture ...... Asad Kamal al-HASHIMI Min. of Defense ...... Abd al-Qadir al-MUFRIJI Min. of Displacement & Migration ...... Abd al-Samad SULTAN Min. of Education ...... Khudayr al-KHUZAI Min. of Electricity ...... Karim Wahid al-HASAN Min. of Environment ...... Nermin OTHMAN Min. of Finance ...... Bayan JABR Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Hoshyar Mahmud ZEBARI Min. of Health ...... Ali al-SHAMMARI Min. of Higher Education ...... Abid Dhiyab al-UJAYLI Min. of Housing & Construction ...... Bayan DIZAYEE Min. of Human Rights ...... Wijdan Mikhail SALIM Min. of Industry & Minerals ...... Fawzi al-HARIRI Min. of Interior ...... Jawad al-BULANI Min. of Justice ...... Hashim al-SHIBLI Min. of Labor & Social Affairs ...... Mahmud Muhammad Jawad al-RADI Min. of Municipalities & Public Works ...... Riyadh GHARIB Min. of Oil ...... Husayn al-SHAHRISTANI Min. of Planning ...... Ali BABAN Min. of Science & Technology ...... Raid Fahmi JAHID Min. of Trade ...... Abd al-Falah al-SUDANI Min. of Transportation (Acting) ...... Yuarib Nadhim al-ABUDI Min. of Water Resources ...... Latif RASHID Min. of Youth & Sports ...... Jasim Muhammad JAFAR Min. of State for Civil Society Affairs ...... Adil al-ASADI Min. of State for Foreign Affairs ...... Rafi al-ISSAWI Min. of State for National Assembly ...... Safa al-Din al-SAFI Min. of State for National Dialogue ...... Akram al-HAKIM Min. of State for National Security ...... Shirwan al-WAILI Min. of State for Provinces ...... Saad Tahir Abd Khalaf al-HASHIMI Min. of State for Tourism & Antiquities ...... Liwa SUMAYSIM Min. of State for Women’s Affairs ...... Fatin Abd al-RAHMAN Min. of State Without Portfolio ...... Ali Muhammad AHMAD Min. of State Without Portfolio ...... Hasan Radhi Kazim al-SARI Min. of State Without Portfolio ...... Muhammad Abbas al-URAYBI Governor, Central Bank of Iraq ...... Sinan al-SHABIBI Ambassador to the US ...... Samir Shakir al-SUMAYDI Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Hamid al-BAYATI

47 Ireland President ...... Mary MCALEESE Prime Minister ...... Bertie AHERN Dep. Prime Min...... Michael MCDOWELL Min. for Agriculture & Food ...... Mary COUGHLAN Min. for Arts, Sport, & Tourism ...... John O’DONOGHUE Min. for Communications, Marine, & Natural Resources ...... Noel DEMPSEY Min. for Community, Rural, & Gaeltacht Affairs ...... Eamon O’CUIV Min. for Defense ...... Willie O’DEA Min. for Education & Science ...... Mary HANAFIN Min. for Enterprise, Trade, & Employment ...... Micheal MARTIN Min. for Environment, Heritage, & Local Government ...... Dick ROCHE Min. for Finance ...... Brian COWEN Min. for Foreign Affairs ...... Dermot AHERN Min. for Health & Children ...... Mary HARNEY Min. for Justice, Equality, & Law Reform ...... Michael MCDOWELL Min. for Social & Family Affairs ...... Seamus BRENNAN Min. for Transport ...... Martin CULLEN Attorney General ...... Rory BRADY Governor, Central Bank of Ireland ...... John HURLEY Ambassador to the US ...... Noel FAHEY Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... David COONEY

Israel The Prime Minister automatically assumes any ministerial position vacated until the official appointment of another minister.

President ...... Moshe KATZAV Prime Minister ...... Ehud OLMERT Dep. Prime Min...... Tzipora “Tzipi” LIVNI Min. of Agriculture ...... Shalom SIMHON Min. of Communications ...... Ariel ATIAS Min. of Defense ...... Amir PERETZ Min. for Development of the Negev & Galilee ...... Shimon PERES Min. of Education ...... Yael “Yuli” TAMIR Min. of Environment ...... Gideon EZRA Min. of Finance ...... Avraham HERSCHSON Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Tzipora “Tzipi” LIVNI Min. of Health ...... Yaacov BEN YIZRI Min. of Housing & Construction ...... Meir SHEETRIT Min. of Immigrant Absorption ...... Zeev BOIM Min. of Industry, Trade, & Labor ...... Eliyahu YISHAI Min. of Infrastructure ...... Binyamin BEN ELIEZER Min. of Interior ...... Roni BAR-ON Min. of Internal (Public) Security ...... Avraham DICHTER Min. of Justice (Acting) ...... Meir SHEETRIT Min. for Pensioner Affairs ...... Rafael “Rafi” EITAN Min. in Charge of Religious Affairs in the Prime Min.’s Office ...... Yitzhak COHEN Min. of Social Affairs ...... Ehud OLMERT Min. of Science, Culture & Sport ...... Ehud OLMERT Min. of Strategic Affairs ...... Avigdor LIEBERMAN Min. of Tourism ...... Yitzhak HERZOG Min. of Transportation ...... Shaul MOFAZ Min. Without Portfolio ...... Eitan CABEL Min. Without Portfolio ...... Yitzhak COHEN Min. Without Portfolio ...... Yaacov EDRI Min. Without Portfolio ...... Meshulam NAHARI Attorney General ...... Menachem MAZUZ Governor, Bank of Israel ...... Stanley FISCHER Ambassador to the US ...... Danny AYALON Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Danny GILLERMAN

48 Italy President ...... Giorgio NAPOLITANO Prime Minister ...... Romano PRODI Dep. Prime Minister ...... Massimo D’ALEMA Dep. Prime Minister ...... Francesco RUTELLI Under Sec. for the Cabinet ...... Enrico LETTA Min. of Agriculture ...... Paolo DE CASTRO Min. of Communications ...... Paolo GENTILONI Silveri Min. of Cultural Heritage ...... Francesco RUTELLI Min. of Defense ...... Arturo PARISI Min. of Economy & Finance ...... Tommaso PADOA-SCHIOPPA Min. of Education ...... Giuseppe FIORONI Min. of Environment ...... Alfonso PECORARO SCANIO Min. of Equal Opportunity ...... Barbara POLLASTRINI Min. of European Union Affairs ...... Emma BONINO Min. of Family Policy ...... Rosy BINDI Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Massimo D’ALEMA Min. of Govt. Programs ...... Giulio SANTAGATA Min. of Health ...... Livia TURCO Min. of Infrastructure ...... Antonio DI PIETRO Min. of Interior ...... Giuliano AMATO Min. of Justice ...... Clemente MASTELLA Min. of Labor ...... Cesare DAMIANO Min. of Productive Activities ...... Pierluigi BERSANI Min. of Public Works & Innovation ...... Luigi NICOLAIS Min. of Regional Affairs ...... Linda LANZILOTTA Min. of Relations With Parliament & Reform ...... Vannino CHITI Min. of Social Welfare ...... Paolo FERRERO Min. of Transportation ...... Alessandro BIANCHI Min. of Universities & Research ...... Fabio MUSSI Min. of Youth & Sport ...... Giovanna MELANDRI Pres. of the Chamber of Deputies ...... Fausto BERTINOTTI Pres. of the Senate ...... Franco MARINI Governor, Bank of Italy ...... Mario DRAGHI Ambassador to the US ...... Giovanni CASTELLANETA Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Marcello SPATAFORA

J Jamaica Governor General ...... Howard COOKE, Sir Prime Minister ...... Portia SIMPSON-MILLER Min. of Agriculture & Land ...... Roger CLARKE Min. of Defense ...... Portia SIMPSON-MILLER Min. of Education & Youth ...... Maxine HENRY-WILSON Min. of Finance & Planning ...... Omar DAVIES Min. of Foreign Affairs & Foreign Trade...... Anthony HYLTON Min. of Health ...... Horace DALLEY Min. of Housing, Transport, & Works ...... Robert PICKERSGILL Min. of Industry, Science, & Technology (With Energy) ...... Phillip PAULWELL Min. of Information & Development ...... Portia SIMPSON-MILLER Min. of Justice ...... A. J. NICHOLSON Min. of Labor & Social Security ...... Derrick KELLIER Min. of Local Government & Environment ...... Dean PEART Min. of National Security ...... Peter PHILLIPS Min. of Sports ...... Portia SIMPSON-MILLER Min. of Tourism, Entertainment, & Culture ...... Aloun N’dombet ASSAMBA Attorney General ...... A. J. NICHOLSON Governor, Central Bank ...... Derick LATIBEAUDIERE Ambassador to the US ...... Gordon SHIRLEY Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Stafford NEIL

49 Japan Emperor ...... AKIHITO Prime Minister ...... Shinzo ABE Chief Cabinet Sec...... Yasuhisa SHIOZAKI Min. of Agriculture, Forestry, & Fisheries ...... Toshikatsu MATSUOKA Min. of Economy, Trade, & Industry ...... Akira AMARI Min. of Education, Culture, Sport, Science, & Technology ...... Bunmei IBUKI Min. of Environment ...... Masatoshi WAKABAYASHI Min. of Finance ...... Koji OMI Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Taro ASO Min. of Health, Labor, & Welfare ...... Hakuo YANAGISAWA Min. of Internal Affairs & Communications ...... Yoshihide SUGA Min. of Justice ...... Jinen NAGASE Min. of Land, Infrastructure, & Transport ...... Tetsuzo FUYUSHIBA State Min. for Disaster Management ...... Kensei MIZOTE State Min. for Economic & Fiscal Policy ...... Hiroko OTA State Min. for Financial Services ...... Yuji YAMAMOTO State Min. for Okinawa & Northern Territories Affairs, Science & Technology Policy, Innovation, Gender Equality, Social Affairs, & Food Safety ...... Sanae TAKAICHI State Min. for Privatization of the Postal Services ...... Yoshihide SUGA State Min. for Regulatory Reform, Administrative Reform, Civil Service Reform, & Regional Revitalization ...... Genichiro SATA State Min., Japan Defense Agency ...... Fumio KYUMA Chmn., National Public Safety Commission ...... Kensei MIZOTE Governor, Bank of Japan ...... Toshihiko FUKUI Ambassador to the US ...... Ryozo KATO Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Kenzo OSHIMA

Jordan King ...... ABDALLAH II Prime Minister ...... Marouf al-BAKHIT Deputy Prime Minister ...... Ziad FARIZ Min. of Agriculture ...... Akef Al ZOUBI Min. of Awqaf & Islamic Affairs ...... Abdul Fatah SALAH Min. of Culture ...... Adel TOWEISI Min. of Defense ...... Marouf Suleiman BAKHIT Min. of Education ...... Khaled TOUQAN Min. of Energy & Mineral Resources ...... Azmi KHREISAT Min. of the Environment ...... Khalid Al IRANI Min. of Finance ...... Ziad FAREIZ Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Abdelelah Al-KHATIB Min. of Health ...... Saeed DARWAZEH Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research ...... Khaled TOUQAN Min. of Industry & Trade ...... Sharif Al ZUABI Min. of Interior ...... Eid Al FAYEZ Min. of Justice ...... Abed SHAKHANBEH Min. of Labor ...... Bassem Al SALEM Min. of Municipal Affairs ...... Nader THERAT Min. of Planning & International Cooperation ...... Suhair Al ALI Min. of Political Development & Parliamentary Affairs ...... Sabri IRBEIHAT Min. of Public Works & Housing ...... Husni ABU GHEIDA Min. of Social Development ...... Seleiman TARAWNEH Min. of Telecommunications & Information Technology ...... Omar KURDI Min. of Tourism & Antiquities ...... Muneer NASSAR Min. of Transportation ...... Saud NSEIRAT Min. of Water & Irrigation ...... Mohamad Thafer Al ALEM Min. of State for Developing Public Sector ...... Salem KHAZALEH Ambassador to the US ...... Karim Tawfiq KAWAR Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... ZEID Ra’ad Zeid al-Hussein, Prince

50 K Kazakhstan President ...... Nursultan NAZARBAYEV Prime Minister ...... Daniyal AKHMETOV Dep. Prime Min...... Karim MASIMOV Min. of Agriculture ...... Akhmetzhan YESIMOV Min. of Culture & Information ...... Yermukhamet YERTYSBAYEV Min. of Defense ...... Mukhtar ALTYNBAYEV, Gen. Min. of Economy & Budget Planning ...... Aslan MUSIN Min. of Education & Science ...... Byrganym AITIMOVA Min. of Emergency Situations ...... Shalbai KULMAKHANOV Min. of Energy & Mineral Resources ...... Baktykozha IZMUKHAMBETOV Min. of Environmental Protection ...... Nurlan ISKAKOV Min. of Finance ...... Natalya KORZHOVA Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Kasymzhomart TOKAYEV Min. of Health ...... Anatoliy DERNOVOY Min. of Industry & Trade ...... Vladimir SHKOLNIK Min. of Internal Affairs ...... Bauyrzhan MUKHAMETZHANOV Min. of Justice ...... Zagipa BALIYEVA Min. of Labor & Social Protection ...... Gulzhana KARAGUSOVA Min. of Tourism & Sport ...... Temirkhan DOSMUKHANBETOV Min. of Transport & Communications ...... Serik AKHMETOV Chmn., National Bank ...... Anvar SAYDENOV Chmn., National Security Committee (KNB) ...... Amangeldy SHABDARBAYEV Sec., Security Council ...... Marat TAZHIN Ambassador to the US ...... Kanat SAUDABAYEV Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Yerzhan KAZIKHANOV

Kenya President ...... Mwai KIBAKI Vice President ...... Moody AWORI Min. for Agriculture ...... Kipruto arap KIRWA Min. for Cooperative Development & Marketing ...... Peter Njeru NDWIGA Min. for East African & Regional Cooperation ...... John KOECH Min. for Education, Science, & Technology (Acting) ...... Noah WEKESA Min. for Energy (Acting) ...... Henry OBWOCHA Min. for Environment & Natural Resources ...... Kivutha KIBWANA Min. for Finance ...... Amos KIMUNYA Min. for Foreign Affairs ...... Raphael TUJU Min. for Gender, Sports, Culture, & Social Services ...... Maina KAMANDA Min. for Health ...... Charity Kaluki NGILU Min. for Home Affairs ...... Moody AWORI Min. for Housing ...... Soita SHITANDA Min. for Information & Communications ...... Mutahi KAGWE Min. for Justice & Constitutional Affairs ...... Martha KARUA Min. for Labor & Human Resource Development ...... Newton KULUNDU, Dr. Min. for Lands (Acting) ...... Kivutha KIBWANA Min. for Livestock & Fisheries Development ...... Joseph Konzolo MUNYAO Min. for Local Government ...... Musikari Nazi KOMBO Min. for Planning & National Development ...... Henry OBWOCHA Min. for Regional Development Authorities ...... Abdi Mohamed MOHAMED Min. for Roads & Public Works ...... Simeon NYACHAE Min. for Science & Technology ...... Noah WEKESA Min. for Tourism & Wildlife ...... Morris DZORO Min. for Trade & Industry ...... Mukhisa KITUYI Min. for Transport ...... Chirau Ali MWAKWERE Min. for Water Resources ...... Mutua KATUKU Min. of State in the Office of the President for Defense ...... Njenga KARUME Min. of State in the Office of the President for Immigration & Registration of Persons ...... Gideon KONCHELAH

51 Kenya (continued) Min. of State in the Office of the President for Provincial Administration & National Security ...... John Njoroge MICHUKI Min. of State in the Office of the President for Public Service ...... Moses AKARANGA Min. of State in the Office of the President for Special Programs ...... John MUNYES Min. of State in the Office of the Vice President for Home Affairs ...... Min. of State in the Office of the Vice President for National Heritage ...... Suleiman SHAKOMBO Min. of State in the Office of the Vice President for Youth Affairs ...... Mohammed KUTI Attorney General ...... Amos WAKO Governor, Central Bank of Kenya ...... Andrew MULLEI Ambassador to the US ...... Leonard Njogu NGAITHE Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Zachary MUBURI-MUITA

Kiribati President ...... Atone TONG Vice President ...... Teima ONORIO Min. for Commerce, Industry, & Cooperatives ...... Ioteba REDFERN Min. for Communications, Transport, & Tourism Development ...... Naatan TEEWE Min. for Education, Youth, & Sport Development ...... Teima ONORIO Min. for Environment, Lands, & Agricultural Development ...... Martin TOFINGA Min. for Finance & Economic Development ...... Nabuti MWEMWENIKARAWA Min. for Foreign Affairs ...... Atone TONG Min. for Health & Medical Services ...... Natanera KIRATA Min. for Human Resources Development ...... Bauro TONGAAI Min. for Internal Affairs & Social Development ...... Amberoti NIKORA Min. for the Line and Phoenix Islands ...... Tawita TEMOKU Min. for Natural Resources Development ...... Tetabo NAKARA Min. for Public Works & Utilities ...... James TAOM

Korea, North—NDE General Secretary, Korean Workers’ Party (KWP) ...... KIM Jong Il Supreme Cdr. of Korean People’s Army (KPA) ...... KIM Jong Il, Mar. Chmn., National Defense Commission (NDC) ...... KIM Jong Il, Mar. First Vice Chmn., NDC ...... JO Myong Rok, VMar. Vice Chmn., NDC ...... Vice Chmn., NDC ...... RI Yong Mu, VMar. Member, NDC ...... KIM Yong Chun, VMar. Member, NDC ...... KIM Il Chol, VMar. Member, NDC ...... JON Pyong Ho Member, NDC ......

Supreme People’s Assembly (SPA) Presidium Pres., SPA Presidium ...... KIM Yong Nam Vice Pres., SPA Presidium ...... YANG Hyong Sop Vice Pres., SPA Presidium ...... KIM Yong Dae Honorary Vice Pres., SPA Presidium ...... PAK Song Chol Honorary Vice Pres., SPA Presidium ...... KIM Yong Ju Sec. Gen., SPA Presidium ...... CH’OE Yong Rim Member, SPA ...... RYU Mi Yong Member, SPA ...... KANG Yong Sop Member, SPA ...... PAK Thae Hwa Member, SPA ...... HONG Sok Hyong Member, SPA ...... RI Kwang Ho Member, SPA ...... KIM Kyong Ho Member, SPA ...... RYOM Sun Gil Member, SPA ...... SUNG Sang Sop Member, SPA ...... PAK Sun Hui Member, SPA ...... PYON Yong Rip Member, SPA ...... THAE Hyong Chol Member, SPA ...... KANG Chang Uk 52 Korea, North—NDE (continued) Cabinet Premier ...... PAK Pong Ju Vice Premier ...... KWAK Pom Gi Vice Premier ...... RO Tu Chol Vice Premier ...... JON Sung Hun Min. of Agriculture ...... RI Kyong Sik Min. of Chemical Industry ...... RI Mu Yong Min. of City Management ...... CHOE Jong Gon Min. of Commerce ...... RI Yong Son Min. of Construction & Building-Materials Industries ...... TONG Jong Ho Min. of Crude Oil Industry ...... KO Jong Sik Min. of Culture ...... KANG Nung Su Min. of Education ...... KIM Yong Jin Min. of Electronic Industry ...... O Su Yong Min. of Extractive Industries ...... KANG Min Chol Min. of Finance ...... MUN Il Bong Min. of Fisheries ...... RI Song Ung Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... PAEK Nam Sun Min. of Foreign Trade ...... RIM Kyong Man Min. of Forestry ...... SOK Kun Su Min. of Labor ...... JONG Yong Su Min. of Land & Environment Preservation ...... PAK Song Nam Min. of Land & Marine Transport ...... KIM Yong Il Min. of Light Industry ...... RI Ju O Min. of Machine-Building Industry ...... JO Pyong Ju Min. of Metal Industry ...... KIM Sung Hyon Min. of People’s Security ...... JU Sang Song Min. of Post & Telecommunications ...... RYU Yong Sop Min. of Power & Coal Industries ...... JU Tong Il Min. of Procurement & Food Administration ...... CHOE Nam Gyun Min. of Public Health ...... KIM Su Hak Min. of Railways ...... KIM Yong Sam Min. of State Construction Control ...... PAE Tal Jun Min. of State Inspection ...... KIM Ui Sun Chmn., State Planning Commission ...... KIM Kwang Rin Chmn., Physical Culture & Sports Guidance Commission ...... MUN Jae Dok Pres., National Academy of Sciences ...... PYON Yong Rip Pres., Central Bank ...... KIM Wan Su Dir., Central Statistics Bureau ...... KIM Chang Su Chief Sec...... KIM Yong Ho Min. of People’s Armed Forces (is not subordinate to the Cabinet) ...... KIM Il Chol, VMar. Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... PAK Kil Yon

Korea, South The spellings of names of South Korean officials have been changed to reflect widely recognized spellings.

President ...... ROH Moo-hyun Prime Minister ...... HAN Myeong-sook Dep. Prime Min...... KIM Woo-sik Dep. Prime Min...... KWON O-kyu Dep. Prime Min...... Min. of Agriculture & Forestry ...... PARK Hong-soo Min. of Commerce, Industry, & Energy ...... CHUNG Sye-kyun Min. of Construction & Transportation ...... Min. of Culture & Tourism ...... KIM Myong-gon Min. of Education & Human Resources ...... Min. of Environment ...... LEE Chi-beom Min. of Finance & Economy ...... KWON O-kyu

53 Korea, South (continued) Min. of Foreign Affairs & Trade ...... Min. of Gender Equality & Family ...... JANG Ha-jin Min. of Govt. Administration & Home Affairs ...... LEE Yong-sup Min. of Govt. Legislation ...... KIM Sun-wook Min. of Govt. Policy & Coordination ...... CHO Young-taek Min. of Health & Welfare ...... RHYU Si-min Min. of Information & Communication ...... ROH Jun-hyong Min. of Justice ...... KIM Sung-ho Min. of Labor ...... LEE Sang-soo Min. of Maritime & Fisheries ...... KIM Sung-jin Min. of National Defense ...... Min. of Planning & Budget ...... CHANG Byoung-wan Min. of Science & Technology ...... KIM Woo-sik Min. of Unification ...... Chmn., Board of Audit & Inspection ...... JEON Yun-churl Chmn., Civil Service Commission ...... KWON Oh-ryong Chmn., Korea Independent Commission Against Corruption ...... CHUNG Soung-jin Head Commissioner, Presidential Truth Commission on Suspicious Deaths ...... HAN Sang-bum Chmn., Fair Trade Commission ...... KANG Chul-kyu Chmn., Financial Supervisory Commission ...... YOON Jeung-hyun Chmn., Korean Broadcasting Commission ...... NOH Sung-dai Chmn., Presidential Committee on the Northeast Asian Cooperation Initiative ...... LEE Su-hoon Pres., National Human Rights Commission ...... KIM Chang-kuk Chief of Staff, Office of the Pres...... LEE Byung-wan Chief Sec. to the Pres. for National Policy, Office of the Pres...... BYEON Yang-kyoon Chief Sec. to the Pres. for Unification, Foreign, & Security Policy, Office of the Pres...... SONG Min-soon Dir., National Intelligence Service ...... KIM Seung-gyu Governor, Bank of Korea ...... LEE Seong-tae Ambassador to the US ...... LEE Tae-sik Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... CHOI Young-jin

Kuwait Amir ...... SABAH al-Ahmad al-Jabir al-Sabah Prime Minister ...... NASIR al-Muhammad al-Ahmad al-Sabah First Dep. Prime Min...... JABIR Mubarak al-Hamad al-Sabah Dep. Prime Min...... MUHAMMAD al-Sabah al-Salim al-Sabah Dep. Prime Min...... Ismail al-SHATTI Min. of Commerce & Industry ...... Falah al-HAJIRI Min. of Communications ...... Mauma al-MUBARAK Min. of Defense ...... JABIR Mubarak al-Hamad al-Sabah Min. of Education & Higher Education ...... Adil al-TABTABAI Min. of Energy & Oil ...... ALI al-Jarrah al-Sabah Min. of Finance ...... Badr Mishari al-HUMAYDI Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... MUHAMMAD al-Sabah al-Salim al-Sabah Min. of Health ...... AHMAD al-Abdallah al-Ahmad al-Sabah Min. of Information ...... Muhammad al-SANUSI Min. of Interior ...... JABIR Mubarak al-Hamad al-Sabah Min. of Justice ...... Abdallah Abd al-Rahman al-MATUQ Min. of Public Works ...... Badr Nasir al-HUMAYDI Min. of Religious Endowment & Islamic Affairs ...... Abdallah Abd al-Rahman al-MATUQ Min. of Social Affairs & Labor ...... SABAH al-Khalid al-Hamad al-Sabah Min. of State for Administrative Development Affairs ...... Min. of State for Amiri Diwan Affairs ...... NASIR Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah Min. of State for Cabinet Affairs ...... Ismail al-SHATTI Min. of State for Housing Affairs ...... Badr Nasir al-HUMAYDI Min. of State for Municipality Affairs ...... Abdallah Saud al-MUHAILBI

54 Kuwait (continued) Min. of State for National Assembly Affairs ...... Abd al-Hadi al-SALIH Governor, Central Bank ...... SALIM Abd al-Aziz al-Sabah Ambassador to the US ...... SALIM Abdallah al-Jabir al-Sabah Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Abdallah al-MURAD

Kyrgyzstan President ...... Kurmanbek BAKIYEV Prime Minister ...... Feliks KULOV First Dep. Prime Min...... Daniyar USENOV Dep. Prime Min...... Tynychbek TABALDIYEV Min. of Agriculture, Water, & Processing Industries ...... Azim ISABEKOV Min. of Culture ...... Sultan RAYEV Min. of Defense ...... Ismail ISAKOV Min. of Ecology & Emergency Situations ...... Janysh RUSTENBEKOV Min. of Economy & Finance ...... Akylbek JAPAROV Min. of Education, Science, & Youth ...... Dosbol NUR UULU Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Alikbek JEKSHENKULOV Min. of Health ...... Shailoobek NIYAZOV Min. of Internal Affairs (Acting) ...... Omurbek SUVANALIYEV Min. of Justice ...... Marat KAIYPOV Min. of Labor & Social Welfare ...... Yevgeniy SEMENENKO Min. of Trade, Industry, & Tourism ...... Medetbek KERIMKULOV Min. of Transportation & Communications ...... Nurlan SULAYMANOV Sec., National Security Council ...... Toktokuchuk MAMYTOV General Prosecutor ...... Kambaraly KONGANTIYEV Chmn., State Border Service ...... Myrzakan SUBANOV Chmn., National Security Service ...... Murat SUTALINOV Chmn., National Bank ...... Ulan SARBANOV Chmn., State Committee on Migration & Employment ...... Aygul RYSKOVA Chmn., State Property Committee ...... Tursun TURDUMAMBETOV Ambassador to the US ...... Zamira SYDYKOVA Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Nurbek JEENBAYEV

L Laos Lao officials are addressed by the first element in their names.

President ...... CHOUMMALI Saignason, Lt. Gen. Vice President ...... BOUN-GNANG Volachit Prime Minister ...... BOUASONE Bouphavanh Dep. Prime Min...... ASANG Laoli, Maj. Gen. Dep. Prime Min...... DOUANGCHAI Phichit Dep. Prime Min...... SOMSAVAT Lengsavat Dep. Prime Min...... THONGLOUN Sisoulit Min. of Agriculture & Forestry ...... SITAHENG Latsaphone Min. of Commerce ...... SOULIVONG Daravong Min. of Communications, Transport, Posts, & Construction ...... SOMMATH Pholsena Min. of Education ...... SOMKOT Mangnormek Min. of Energy & Mining ...... BOSAIKHAM Vongdala Min. of Finance ...... CHANSY Phosikham Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... THONGLOUN Sisoulit Min. of Industry & Commerce ...... NAM Vignaket Min. of Information & Culture ...... MOUNKEO Olaboun Min. of Justice ...... CHALEUAN Yapaoher Min. of Labor & Social Welfare ...... ONECHANH Thammavong Min. of National Defense ...... DOUANGCHAI Phichit, Maj. Gen. Min. of Public Health ...... PONMEK Dalaloi, Dr. Min. of Public Security ...... THONGBANH Sengaphone

55 Laos (continued) Min. to the Prime Minister’s Office & Head of Public Administration & Civil Authority ...... BOUNPHENG Mounphosay Min. to the Prime Minister’s Office ...... BOUASY Lovansay Min. to the Prime Minister’s Office ...... KHAM-OUANE Bouppha Min. to the Prime Minister’s Office ...... ONNEUA Phommachanh Min. to the Prime Minister’s Office ...... SAISENGLI Tengbliachu Min. & Chairman of National Mekong Committee ...... KHAMLOUAD Sitlakone Min. & Chairman of National Tourism Authority ...... SOMPHONG Mongkhonvilay Min. & Head of Cabinet, President’s Office ...... SOUBANH Sritthirath Min. & Head of Government Secretariats ...... CHEUANG Sombounkhanh Min. & Head of Science, Technology, & Environment Agency ...... BOUNTIEM Phitsamay Chmn. Planning & Investment Committee ...... SOULIVONG Dalavong Chmn. State Control Commission ...... ASANG Laoli, Maj. Gen. Governor, National Bank ...... PHOUPHET Khamphounvong Ambassador to the US ...... PHANTHONG Phommahaxay Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... ALOUNKEO Kittikhoun

Latvia President ...... Vaira VIKE-FREIBERGA Prime Minister ...... Aigars KALVITIS Min. of Agriculture ...... Martins ROZE Min. for Children & Families ...... Ainars BASTIKS Min. of Culture ...... Helena DEMAKOVA Min. of Defense ...... Atis SLAKTERIS Min. of Economy ...... Aigars STOKENBERGS Min. of Education & Science ...... Baiba RIVZA Min. of Environment ...... Raimonds VEJONIS Min. of Finance ...... Oskars SPURDZINS Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Artis PABRIKS Min. of Health ...... Gundars BERZINS Min. of Interior ...... Dzintar JAUNDZEIKARS Min. of Justice ...... Guntars GRINVALDS Min. of Regional Development & Local Government ...... Maris KUCINSKIS Min. for Social Integration ...... Karina PETERSONE Min. for Special Assignments for E-Government ...... Ina GUDELE Min. of Transport ...... Krisjanis PETERS Min. of Welfare ...... Dagnija STAKE Governor, Bank of Latvia ...... Ilmars RIMSEVICS Ambassador to the US ...... Maris RIEKSTINS Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Solveiga SILKALNA

Lebanon President ...... Emile LAHUD Prime Minister ...... Fuad SINIORA Dep. Prime Min...... Elias MURR Min. of Agriculture ...... Talal SAHILI Min. of Culture ...... Tareq MITRI Min. of Defense ...... Elias MURR Min. of Displaced People ...... Nehmeh TOHME Min. of Economy & Trade ...... Sami HADDAD Min. of Education ...... Khaled QABBANI Min. of Energy & Water ...... Mohammed FNEISH Min. of Environment ...... Yacoub SARRAF Min. of Finance ...... Jihad AZOUR Min. of Foreign Affairs & Emigrants ...... Fawzi SALLOUKH Min. of Health ...... Mohammad KHALIFEH Min. of Industry ...... Min. of Information ...... Ghazi ARIDI

56 Lebanon (continued) Min. of Interior & Municipalities ...... Hassan SABAA Min. of Justice ...... Charles RIZK Min. of Labor ...... Trad HAMADEH Min. of National Education ...... Ibrahim DAHER Min. of Public Works & Transport ...... Mohammed SAFADI Min. of Social Affairs ...... Nayla MOUAWAD Min. of Telecommunications ...... Marwan HAMADEH Min. of Tourism ...... Joseph SARKIS Min. of Youth & Sports ...... Ahmad FATFAT Min. of State for Administrative Development ...... Jean OGHASSABIAN Min. of State for Parliamentary Affairs ...... Michel PHARAON Governor, Central Bank ...... Riad SALAMEH Ambassador to the US ...... Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ......

Lesotho King ...... LETSIE III Prime Minister ...... Pakalitha Bethuel MOSISILI Dep. Prime Min...... Archibald Lesao LEHOHLA Min. of Agriculture & Food Security ...... Rakoro PHORORO Min. of Communications, Science, & Technology ...... Thomas THABANE Min. of Defense & National Security ...... Pakalitha Bethuel MOSISILI Min. of Education & Training ...... Mohlabi Kenneth TSEKOA Min. of Employment & Labor ...... Mpeo MAHASE-MOILOA Min. of Finance & Development Planning ...... Timothy THAHANE Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Monyane MOLELEKI Min. of Forestry & Land Reclamation ...... Ralechate MOKOSE Min. of Gender, Youth, Sports, & Recreation ...... Mathabiso LEPONO Min. of Health & Social Welfare ...... Motloheloa PHOOKO Min. of Home Affairs & Public Safety ...... Archibald Lesao LEHOHLA Min. of Justice, Human Rights & Rehabilitation, Law & Constitutional Affairs ...... Refiloe MASEMENE Min. of Local Government ...... Pontso SEKATLE Min. of Natural Resources ...... Mamphono KHAKETLA Min. in the Prime Minister’s Office ...... Rammotsi LEHATA Min. of Public Service ...... Pakalitha Bethuel MOSISILI Min. of Public Works & Transportation ...... Popane LEBESA Min. of Tourism, Environment, & Culture ...... Lebohang NTSINYI Min. of Trade & Industry, Cooperatives & Marketing ...... Mpho MALI MALIE Governor, Central Bank ...... Motlatsi MATEKANE Ambassador to the US ...... Molelekeng Ernestina RAPOLAKI Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Lebohang Fine MAEMA

Liberia President ...... Ellen JOHNSON SIRLEAF Vice President ...... Joseph BOAKAI Min. of Agriculture ...... J. Christopher TOE Min. of Commerce & Industry ...... Olubanke KING-AKERELE Min. of Education ...... Joseph KORTO Min. of Finance ...... Antoinette SAYEH Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... George WALLACE Min. of Gender Development ...... Varbah GAYFLOR Min. of Health & Social Welfare ...... Walter GWENINGALE Min. of Information, Culture, & Tourism ...... Lawrence BROPLEH Min. of Internal Affairs ...... Ambulai JOHNSON Min. of Justice ...... Frances JOHNSON-MORRIS Min. of Labor ...... Samuel Kofi WOODS Min. of Land, Mines, & Energy ...... Eugene SHANNON

57 Liberia (continued) Min. of National Defense ...... Brownie SAMUKAI Min. of Planning & Economic Affairs ...... Toga G. MCINTOSH Min. of Posts & Telecommunications ...... Jackson E. DOE Min. of Public Works (Acting) ...... Luseni DONZO Min. of Rural Development ...... E. C. B. JONES Min. of Transport ...... Jeremiah SULUNETH Min. of Youth & Sport ...... Jamesetta HOWARD-WOLOKOLLIE Min. of State for Financial & Economic Affairs ...... Morris SAYTUMAH Min. of State for Legislative Affairs & Legal Counsel ...... David MENYONGAR Min. of State for Presidential Affairs (Acting) ...... Willis KNUCKLES Governor, National Bank ...... John Mills JONES Ambassador to the US ...... Charles MINOR Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Nathaniel BARNES

Libya Col. Muammar al-Qadhafi has no official title, but he runs Libya and is the de facto chief of state. The Secretary of the General People’s Congress is chief of state in theory but is not treated as such. The Secretary of the General People’s Committee plays the role of prime minister.

Leader ...... Muammar Abu Minyar al-QADHAFI, Col. Sec. of the Gen. People’s Congress ...... Muhammad al-ZANATI Asst. Sec. of the Gen. People’s Congress ...... Ahmad Mohamed IBRAHIM Sec. of the Gen. People’s Committee (Prime Minister) ...... al-Baghdadi Ali al-MAHMUDI Asst. Sec. of the Gen. People’s Committee ...... Muhammad Ali al-HUWAYZ Sec. of the Gen. People’s Committee for Agriculture & Animal & Water Resources ...... Abu Bakr Mabruk al-MANSURI Sec. of the Gen. People’s Committee for Culture & Information ...... Nuri Dhaw al-HUMAYDI Sec. of the Gen. People’s Committee for Economy, Trade, & Investment .... al-Tayyib al-Safi al-TAYYIB Sec. of the Gen. People’s Committee for General Education ...... Abd al-Qadir Muhammad al-BAGHDADI Sec. of the Gen. People’s Committee for Finance ...... Ahmed Abd al-Hamid MUNAYSI Sec. of the Gen. People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison & International Cooperation ...... Abd al-Rahman Muhammad SHALGHAM Sec. of the Gen. People’s Committee for Health & Environment ...... Muhammad Abu Ujaylah RASHID Sec. of the Gen. People’s Committee for Higher Education ...... Ibrahim al-Zarruq al-SHARIF Sec. of the Gen. People’s Committee for Industry, Electricity, & Mines ...... Ahmad Fathi ibn SHATWAN Sec. of the Gen. People’s Committee for Justice ...... Ali Umar al-HUSNAWI Sec. of the Gen. People’s Committee for Planning ...... al-Tahriri al-Hadi al-JUHAYMI Sec. of the Gen. People’s Committee for Public Security ...... Salih Rajab al-MISMARI Sec. of the Gen. People’s Committee for Social Affairs ...... Bakhitah Abd al-Alim al-SHALWI Sec. of the Gen. People’s Committee for Telecommunications & Transport ...... Ali Yusuf ZIKRI Sec. of the Gen. People’s Committee for Tourism ...... Ammar al-Mabruk al-TAYIF Sec. of the Gen. People’s Committee for the Workforce, Training, & Employment ...... Matuq Muhammad MATUQ Sec. of the Gen. People’s Committee for Youth & Sports ...... Mustafa Miftah Bel’id al-DERSI Governor, Central Bank ...... Farhat Omer Ben GDARA Chief, Liaison Office, Washington ...... Ali Suleiman AUJALI Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ......

Liechtenstein Head of State ...... HANS ADAM II, Prince Head of Government (Prime Minister) ...... Otmar HASLER Deputy Head of Government ...... Klaus TSCHUETSCHER Min. for Culture ...... Rita KIEBER-BECK Min. for Economic Affairs ...... Klaus TSCHUETSCHER Min. for Education ...... Hugo QUADERER Min. for Environmental Affairs, Land-Use Planning, Agriculture, & Forestry ...... Hugo QUADERER

58 Liechtenstein (continued) Min. for Family Affairs & Gender Equality ...... Rita KEIBER-BECK Min. for Finance ...... Otmar HASLER Min. for Foreign Affairs ...... Rita KIEBER-BECK Min. for Health ...... Martin MEYER Min. for Interior ...... Martin MEYER Min. for Justice ...... Klaus TSCHUETSCHER Min. for Public Works ...... Otmar HASLER Min. for Social Affairs ...... Hugo QUADERER Min. for Sport ...... Klaus TSCHUETSCHER Min. for Transportation & Telecommunication ...... Martin MEYER Chmn., Liechtenstein State Bank ...... Josef FEHR Ambassador to the United States...... Claudia FRITSCHE Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Christian WENAWESER

Lithuania President ...... Valdas ADAMKUS Prime Minister ...... Gediminas KIRKILAS Min. of Agriculture & Forestry ...... Kazimira PRUNSKIENE Min. of Culture ...... Jonas JUCAS Min. of Defense ...... Juozas OLEKAS Min. of Economy ...... Vytas NAVICKAS Min. of Education & Science ...... Roma ZAKAITIENE Min. of Environment ...... Arunas KUNDROTAS Min. of Finance ...... Zigmantas BALCYTIS Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Petras VAITIEKUNAS Min. of Health ...... Rimvydas TURCINSKAS Min. of the Interior ...... Raimondas SUKYS Min. of Justice ...... Petras BAGUSKA Min. of Social Security & Labor ...... Vilija BLINKEVICIUTE Min. of Transport & Communications ...... Algirdas BUTKEVICIUS Governor, Bank of Lithuania ...... Reinoldijus SARKINAS Charge d’Affaires to the US ...... Kornelija JURGAITIENE Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Dalius CEKUOLIS

Luxembourg Grand Duke ...... HENRI Prime Minister ...... Jean-Claude JUNCKER Vice Prime Min...... Jean ASSELBORN Min. of Agriculture, Viticulture, & Rural Development ...... Fernand BODEN Min. for Communications ...... Jean-Louis SCHILTZ Min. of Culture, Higher Education, & Research ...... Francois BILTGEN Min. of Defense ...... Jean-Louis SCHILTZ Min. for Development Cooperation & Humanitarian Affairs ...... Jean-Louis SCHILTZ Min. of Economy & Foreign Trade ...... Jeannot KRECKE Min. of Environment ...... Lucien LUX Min. of Equality of Opportunity ...... Marie-Josee JACOBS Min. of Family & Integration ...... Marie-Josee JACOBS Min. of Finance ...... Jean-Claude JUNCKER Min. of Foreign Affairs & Immigration ...... Jean ASSELBORN Min. of Health & of Social Security ...... Mars DI BARTOLOMEO Min. of Interior & of Land Management ...... Jean-Marie HALSDORF Min. of Justice ...... Luc FRIEDEN Min. of Labor & Employment ...... Francois BILTGEN Min. of the Middle Class, of Tourism, & of Housing ...... Fernand BODEN Min. of National Education & Professional Training ...... Mady DELVAUX-STEHRES Min. of Civil Service & of Administrative Reform ...... Claude WISELER Min. of Public Works ...... Claude WISELER Min. of Religious Sects ...... Francois BILTGEN

59 Luxembourg (continued) Min. of Sports ...... Jeannot KRECKE Min. of State ...... Jean-Claude JUNCKER Min. of Transportation ...... Lucien LUX Min. of Treasury & the Budget ...... Luc FRIEDEN Min. Del. for Foreign Affairs & Immigration ...... Nicolas SCHMIT Sec. of State for Agriculture, Viticulture, & Rural Development ...... Octavie MODERT Sec. of State for Culture, Higher Education, & Research ...... Octavie MODERT Sec. of State for Relations With Parliament ...... Octavie MODERT Chmn., Luxembourg Central Bank ...... Yves MERSCH Ambassador to the US ...... Joseph WEYLAND Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Jean-Marc HOSCHEIT

M Macedonia President ...... Branko CRVENKOVSKI Prime Minister ...... Nikola GRUEVSKI Dep. Prime Min. for Agriculture & Education ...... Zivko JANKULOVSKI Dep. Prime Min. for Economic Affairs ...... Zoran STAVRESKI Dep. Prime Min. for European Integration ...... Gabriela KONEVSKA-TRAJKOVSKA Dep. Prime Min. for Framework Agreement Implementation ...... Imer SELMANI Min. of Agriculture, Forestry, & Waterways ...... Ace SPASENOVSKI Min. of Culture ...... Ilirjan BEKIRI Min. of Defense ...... Lazar ELENOVSKI Min. of Economy ...... Vera RAFAJLOVSKA Min. of Education ...... Sulejman RUSHITI Min. of Environment ...... Imer ALIU Min. of Finance ...... Trajko SLAVESKI Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Antonio MILOSOSKI Min. of Health ...... Vladimir DIMOV Min. of the Interior ...... Gordana JANKULOVSKA Min. of Justice ...... Mihajlo MANEVSKI Min. of Labor & Social Policy ...... Ljupco MESKOV Min. of Local Self-Government ...... Zoran KONJANOVSKI Min. of Transport & Communications ...... Mile JANAKIESKI Governor, Macedonian National Bank ...... Petar GOSEV Ambassador to the US ...... Ljupco JORDANOVSKI Charge d’Affaires to the UN, New York ...... Jon IVONOVSKI

Madagascar President ...... Marc RAVALOMANANA Prime Minister ...... Jacques SYLLA Min. of Agriculture & Animal Husbandry ...... Harrison ANDRIARIMANANA Min. of Civil Service, Labor, & Social Laws ...... Vola Dieudonne RAZAFINDRALAMBO, Dr. Min. of Commerce & Consumer Affairs ...... Alphonse RALISON Min. of Communication ...... Mamy RAKOTOARIVELO Min. of Decentralization & Territorial Administration ...... Angelin RANDRIANARISON Min. of Defense ...... Petera BEHAJAINA, Gen. Min. of Economy, Finance, & Budget ...... Andriamparany RADAVIDSON Min. of Education ...... Hajanirina RAZAFINJATOVO Min. of Energy & Mines ...... Jacquis RABARISON Min. of Environment ...... Charles Sylvain RABOTOARISON, Gen. Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Marcel RANJEVA, Gen. Min. of Health ...... Andry RASAMINDRAKOTROKA Min. of Higher Education ...... Jean Theodore RANJIVASON Min. of Industrialization, Commerce, & Private-Sector Development ...... Olivier ANDRIANARISON SAHOBISOA Min. of Industry & Handicrafts ...... Mejamirado RAZAFIMIHARY Min. of Interior ...... Andre SOJA Min. of Justice ...... Henriette RATSHIHARIVALA Min. of Labor & Social Affairs ...... Maharavo RODELYS

60 Madagascar (continued) Min. of Population ...... Jacob Felicien ANDRIAMPANJAVA Min. of Posts & Telecommunications ...... Mahazaka CLERMONT Min. of Public Works ...... Jean LAHINIRIKO Min. of Scientific Research ...... Alidina EDOUARD Min. of Technical & Professional Education ...... Zoana BLAISE Min. of Transportation & Public Works ...... Roland RANDIMAMPIONONA Min. of Tourism & Culture ...... Jacques RABENIRINA Min. of Urban & Regional Planning ...... Julien REBOZA Min. of Waters & Forests ...... Alibay Jonshon ONESTE Min. of Youth & Sports ...... Henri Francois RANDRIANJATOVO Sec. of State for Decentralization ...... ENIAVOSOA Sec. of State for Fisheries & Ocean Resources ...... Rarison Ramaroson HIPPOLYTE, RAdm. Sec. of State for Foreign Trade ...... Henri RAKOTONIRAINY Sec. of State for Public Security ...... Lucien Victor RAZAKANIRINA, Gen. Governor, Central Bank ...... Gaston RAVELOJAONA Ambassador to the US ...... Narisoa ANDRIANARIVELO Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Zina ANDRIANARIVELO Razafy

Malawi President ...... Bingu wa MUTHARIKA Vice President ...... Cassim CHILUMPHA Min. of Agriculture & Food Security ...... Uladi MUSSA Min. Responsible for Defense & the Civil Service ...... Davis KATSONGA Min. of Economic Planning & Development ...... David FAITI Min. of Education & Human Resources ...... Anna KACHIKHO Min. of Factories & Technology Development ...... Khumbo CHIRWA Min. of Finance ...... Goodall GONDWE Min. of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation ...... Joyce BANDA Min. of Gender, Child Welfare, & Community Services ...... Kate KAINJA-KALULUMA Min. of Health ...... Marjorie NGAUNJE Min. of Home Affairs & Internal Security ...... Bob KHAMISA Min. of Information, Communications, & Tourism ...... Patricia KALIYATI Min. of Irrigation & Water Development ...... Sadik MIA Min. of Justice & Constitutional Affairs ...... Bazuka MHANGO Min. of Labor & Vocational Training ...... Khumbo KACHALE Min. of Lands, Physical Planning, & Surveys ...... Henry PHOYA Min. of Local Government & Rural Development ...... George CHAPONDA Min. of Mines, Natural Resources, & Environmental Affairs ...... Henry Chimunthu BANDA Min. of Social Development & Persons With Disabilities ...... Clement KHEMBO Min. of State in the Office of the President ...... Richard MSOWOYA Min. of Statutory Corporations & Civil Service ...... Elizabeth AIPIRA Min. of Trade & Private Sector Development ...... Ken LIPENGA Min. of Transport & Public Works ...... Henry MUSSA Min. of Youth, Sports, & Culture ...... Jaffali MUSSA Attorney General ...... Governor, Reserve Bank ...... Victor MBEWE Ambassador to the US ...... Bernard SANDE Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Brown B. CHIMPHAMBA

Malaysia Paramount Ruler ...... Tuanku SYED SIRAJUDDIN ibni Almarhum Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail Dep. Paramount Ruler ...... Sultan MIZAN Zainal Abidin ibni Almarhum Al- Sultan Mahmud Al-Muktafi Billah Shah Prime Minister ...... ABDULLAH bin Ahmad Badawi Dep. Prime Min...... Mohamed NAJIB bin Abdul Razak Min. of Agriculture & Agro-Based Industry ...... MUHYIDDIN bin Mohamed Yassin Min. of Arts, Culture, & Heritage ...... RAIS Yatim

61 Malaysia (continued) Min. of Defense ...... Mohamed NAJIB bin Abdul Razak Min. of Domestic Trade & Consumer Affairs ...... SHAFIE Apdal Min. of Education ...... HISHAMMUDDIN Tun Hussein Min. of Energy, Communications, & Multimedia ...... LIM Keng Yaik Min. of Entrepreneur Development ...... KHALED Nordin Min. of Federal Territories ...... ZULHASNAN Rafique Min. of Finance ...... ABDULLAH bin Ahmad Badawi Second Min. of Finance ...... NOR Mohamed Yakcop Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Syed HAMID bin Syed Jaafar Albar Min. of Health ...... CHUA Soi Led Min. of Higher Education ...... MUSTAPA Mohammed Min. of Home Affairs ...... RADZI Sheikh Ahmad Min. of Housing & Local Government ...... ONG Ka Ting Min. of Human Resources ...... FONG Chan Onn Min. of Information ...... ZAINUDDIN Maidin Min. of Internal Security ...... ABDULLAH bin Ahmad Badawi Min. of International Trade & Industry ...... RAFIDAH binti Abdul Aziz Min. of Natural Resources & the Environment ...... AZMI Khalid Min. of Plantation Enterprises & Commodity ...... Peter CHIN Fah Kui Min. of Rural & Regional Development ...... ABDUL AZIZ Shamsuddin Min. of Science & Technology ...... JAMALUDIN Jarjis Min. of Tourism ...... Tengku ADNAN Tengku Mansur Min. of Transport ...... CHAN Kong Choy Min. of Women, Family, & Community Development ...... SHAHRIZAT binte Abdul Jalil Min. of Works ...... S. Samy VELLU Min. of Youth & Sports ...... AZALINA Othman Said Min. in the Dept. of the Prime Min...... Maximus ONGKILI Min. in the Dept. of the Prime Min...... EFFENDI Norwawi Min. in the Dept. of the Prime Min...... ABDULLAH Mohamed Zain Min. in the Dept. of the Prime Min...... Mohamed NAZRI Abdul Aziz Min. in the Dept. of the Prime Min...... Bernard Giluk DOMPOK Min. in the Dept. of the Prime Min...... ABDULLAH Mat Zin Governor, Central Bank ...... ZETI Akhtar Aziz Ambassador to the US ...... GHAZZALI bin Sheikh Abdul Khalid Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... HAMIDON Ali

Maldives President ...... Maumoon Abdul GAYOOM Min. of Atolls Administration ...... Mohamed Waheed DEEN Min. of Construction & Public Infrastructure ...... Mohamed Mauroof JAMEEL Min. of Defense & National Security ...... Ismail SHAFEEU Min. of Economic Development & Trade ...... Mohamed JALEEL Min. of Education ...... Zaahiya ZAREER Min. of Environment, Energy, & Water ...... Ahmed ABDULLA Min. of Finance & Treasury ...... Gasim IBRAHIM Min. of Fisheries, Agriculture, & Marine Resources ...... Abdulla KAMALUDDEEN Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Ahmed SHAHEED Min. of Gender and Family ...... Aishath Mohamed DIDI Min. of Health ...... Ilyas IBRAHIM Min. of Higher Education, Employment & Social Security ...... Abdulla YAMEEN Min. of Home Affairs ...... Ahmed Thasmeen ALI Min. of Housing & Urban Development ...... Ibrahim RAFEEQ Min. of Information & Arts ...... Mohamed NASHEED Min. of Justice ...... Mohamed Jameel AHMED Min. of Planning & National Development ...... Hamdoon HAMEED Min. of Presidential Affairs ...... Mohamed HUSSAIN Min. of the President’s Office ...... Aneesa AHMED Min. of Tourism & Civil Aviation ...... Mahmood SHAUGEE Min. of Transportation & Communication ...... Mohamed SAEED

62 Maldives (continued) Min. of Youth & Sports ...... Hussain HILMY Min. of State for Foreign Affairs ...... Abdullah SHAHID Attorney General ...... Hassan SAEED Governor, Maldives Monetary Authority (Central Bank) ...... Mohamed JALEEL Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Mohamed LATHEEF

Mali President ...... Amadou Toumani TOURE Prime Minister ...... Ousmane Issoufi MAIGA Min. of Agriculture ...... Seydou TRAORE Min. of Communications ...... Gaoussou DRABO Min. of Culture ...... Cheick Oumar SISSOKO Min. of Defense & Veterans ...... Mamadou Clazier SISSOUMA Min. of Economy & Finance ...... Abou-Bakar TRAORE Min. of Education ...... Mamadou Lamine TRAORE Min. of Employment & Vocational Training ...... Ba Hawa KEITA Min. of Environment ...... Nancoman KEITA Min. of Equipment & Transportation ...... Abodoulaye KOITA Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Moctar OUANE Min. of Health ...... Zeinab Mint Youba MAIGA Min. of Housing & Urbanism ...... Modibo SYLLA Min. of Industry & Commerce ...... Choguel MAIGA Min. of Internal Security & Civil Protection ...... Sadio GASSAMA, Col. Min. of Justice & Keeper of the Seals ...... Fanta SYLLA Min. of Labor, State Reforms, & Relations With the Institutions ...... Badi Ould GANFOUD Min. of Livestock & Fisheries ...... Oumar Ibrahima TOURE Min. of Malians Abroad & African Integration ...... Oumar Hamadoun DICKO Min. of Minerals, Energy, & Water Resources ...... Hamed Diane SEMEGA Min. of Planning & National Development ...... Marimantia DIARRA Min. of Promotion of Investments & Medium & Small Enterprises ...... Ousmane THIAM Min. of Promotion of Women, Child & Family Affairs ...... Diallo N’bodji SENE Min. of Social Development, Solidarity, & the Aged ...... Djibril TANGARA Min. of State Properties & Real Estate Affairs ...... Soumare Aminata SIDIBE Min. of Territorial Administration & Local Communitites ...... Kafougouna KONE, Gen. Min. of Youth & Sports ...... Natie PLEA Ambassador to the US ...... Abdoulaye DIOP Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Cheick Sidi DIARRA

Malta President ...... Edward FENECH ADAMI Prime Minister ...... Lawrence GONZI Dep. Prime Min...... Tonio BORG Min. for Competitiveness & Communications ...... Censu GALEA Min. of Education, Youth, & Employment ...... Louis GALEA Min. for the Family & Social Solidarity ...... Dolores CRISTINA Min. of Finance ...... Lawrence GONZI Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Michael FRENDO Min. for Gozo ...... Giovanna DEBONO Min. of Health, the Elderly, & Community Care ...... Louis DEGUARA Min. for Justice & Home Affairs ...... Tonio BORG Min. for Investment, Industry, & Information Technology ...... Austin GATT Min. for Resources & Infrastructure ...... Ninu ZAMMIT Min. for Rural Affairs & the Environment ...... George PULLICINO Min. for Tourism & Culture ...... Francis ZAMMIT DIMECH Min. for Urban Development & Roads ...... Jesmond MUGLIETT Governor, Central Bank ...... Michael BONELLO Ambassador to the US ...... John LOWELL Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Victor CAMILLERI

63 Marshall Islands President ...... Kessai Hesa NOTE Min. of Assistance to the President ...... Tadashi M. LOMETO Min. of Education ...... Wilfred KENDALL Min. of Finance ...... Michael KONELIOS Min. of Foreign Affairs & Trade ...... Gerald ZACKIOS Min. of Health & Environment ...... Alvin JACKLICK Min. of Internal Affairs ...... Nidel L. LORA Min. of Justice ...... Witten T. PHILIPPO Min. of Public Works ...... Rien R. MORRIS Min. of Resources & Development ...... John SILK Min. of Transportation & Communications ...... Brenson S. WASE Ambassador to the US ...... Banny DE BRUM Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Alfred CAPELLE

Mauritania Chairman, Military Council for Democracy & Justice ...... Ely Ould Mohamed VALL, Col. President ...... Prime Minister ...... Sidi Mohamed Ould BOUBAKAR Min. of Commerce, Artisanal Manufacturing, & Tourism ...... Ba ABDERRAHMANE Min. of Communication ...... Cheikh Ould EBBE Min. of Culture, Youth, & Sport ...... Mehle Mint AHMED Min. of Defense ...... Ely Ould Mohamed VALL, Col. Min. of Economic Affairs & Development ...... Mohamed Ould ABED Min. of Equipment & Transportation ...... Ibrahima Demba BA Min. of Finance ...... Abdellahi Ould Souleymane Ould Cheikh SIDIYA Min. of Fishing & Marine Economy ...... Sidi Mohamed Ould SIDINA Min. of Foreign Affairs & Cooperation ...... Ahmed Ould SID’AHMED Min. of Health & Social Affairs ...... Saadna Ould BAHAIDA Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research ...... Naji Ould Mohamed MAHMOUD Min. of Interior, Post, & Telecommunications ...... Mohamed Lemine Ould MOHAMED AHMED Min. of Justice ...... Mahfoud BETTAH Min. of Literacy, Islamic Affairs, & Original Education ...... Yahya Ould Sid’el MOUSTAPH Min. of Mines & Industry ...... Mohamed Ould Ismael Ould ABEIDNA Min. of Petroleum & Energy ...... Mohamed Ould Sidi Mohamed ALY Min. of Primary & Secondary Education ...... Cheikh Ahmed Ould SID’AHMED Min. of Public Function (Civil Service) ...... Mohamed Ould DJEGUE Min. of Rural Development & Environment ...... Sylli GANDEGA Min. of Water ...... Ely Ould AHMEDOU Min. of Women’s Affairs ...... Nebghouha Mint TLAMID Sec. of State for Civil Registry ...... Abdi Ould HORMA Sec. of State for the Maghreb Arab Union ...... Bissmillah Elih Ould AHMED Sec. of State to the Prime Min. for New Technologies ...... Manyana SOW DEINA Sec. Gen. of Government ...... Saidou Moussa BA Sec. Gen. to the Presidency ...... Habib Ould HEMMET Ambassador to the US ...... Tijani Ould Mohamed EL KERIM Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Mohamed Ould TOLBA

Mauritius President ...... Anerood JUGNAUTH, Sir Prime Minister ...... Navinchandra RAMGOOLAM, Dr. Dep. Prime Min...... Ahmed Rashid BEEBEEJAUN Dep. Prime Min...... Charles Gaetan Xavier Luc DUVAL Dep. Prime Min...... Rama Kirshna SITHANEN Min. of Agro Industry & Fisheries ...... Arvin BOOLELL Min. of Arts & Culture ...... Mahendra GOWRESSOO Min. of Civil Service & Administrative Reforms ...... Navinchandra RAMGOOLAM, Dr. Min. of Defense & Home Affairs ...... Navinchandra RAMGOOLAM, Dr. Min. of Education & Human Resources ...... Dharambeer GOKHOOL

64 Mauritius (continued) Min. of Environment & National Development Unit ...... Anil Kumar BACHOO Min. of Finance & Economic Development ...... Rama Kirshna SITHANEN Min. of Foreign Affairs, International Trade, & Cooperation ...... Murlidhar Madun DULLOO Min. of Health & Quality of Life ...... Satya Veyash FAUGOO Min. of Housing & Lands ...... Mohammed Asraf Ally DULULL Min. of Industry, Small & Medium Enterprises, Commerce, & Cooperatives ...... Rajeshwar JEETAH Min. of Information Technology & Telecommunications ...... Marie Joseph Noel-Etienne Ghislain SINATAMBOU Min. of Justice & Human Rights ...... Jayarama VALAYDEN Min. of Labor, Industrial Relations, & Employment ...... Vasant Kumar BUNWAREE Min. of Local Govt...... James Burty DAVID Min. of Public Infrastructure, Land Transport, & Shipping ...... Ahmed Rashid BEEBEEJAUN Min. of Public Utilities ...... Abu Twalib KASENALLY Min. of Rodrigues & Outer Islands ...... Navinchandra RAMGOOLAM, Dr. Min. of Social Security, National Solidarity, & Senior Citizen Welfare & Reform Institutions ...... Sheilabai BAPPOO Min. of Tourism, Leisure, & External Communications ...... Charles Gaetan Xavier Luc DUVAL Min. of Women’s Rights, Child Development, Family Welfare, & Consumer Protection ...... Indranee SEEBUN Min. of Youth & Sports ...... Sylvio Hock Sheen TANG WAH HING Attorney General ...... Jayarama VALAYDEN Governor, Central Bank ...... Rameswurlall Basant ROI Ambassador to the US ...... Usha JEETAH Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Jagdish KOONJUL

Mexico President ...... Felipe de Jesus CALDERON Hinojosa Sec. of Agrarian Reform ...... Abelardo ESCOBAR Prieto Sec. of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries, & Nutrition ...... Alberto CARDENAS Jimenez Sec. of Communications & Transport ...... Luis TELLEZ Kuenzler Sec. of Economy ...... Eduardo SOJO Garza Aldape Sec. of Energy ...... Georgina KESSEL Martinez Sec. of Environment & Natural Resources ...... Rafael ELVIRA Quezada Sec. of Finance & Public Credit ...... Agustin CARSTENS Carstens Sec. of Foreign Relations ...... Patricia ESPINOSA Cantellano Sec. of Government ...... Francisco Javier RAMIREZ Acuna Sec. of Health ...... Jose Angel CORDOVA Villalobos Sec. of Labor & Social Welfare ...... Javier LOZANO Alarcon Sec. of National Defense ...... Guillermo GALVAN Galvan Sec. of Navy ...... Mariano Francisco SAYNEZ Mendoza Sec. of Public Education ...... Josefina VAZQUEZ Mota Sec. of Public Security ...... Genaro GARCIA Luna Sec. of Public Service ...... German MARTINEZ Cazares Sec. of Social Development ...... Beatriz ZAVALA Peniche Sec. of Tourism ...... Rodolfo ELIZONDO Torres Attorney General ...... Eduardo MEDINA MORA Governor, Bank of ...... Guillermo ORTIZ Martinez Ambassador to the US ...... Carlos Alberto DE ICAZA Gonzalez Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Enrique BERRUGA Filloy

Micronesia, Federated States of President ...... Joseph J. URUSEMAL Vice President ...... Redley KILLION Sec. of Economic Affairs ...... Akillino K. SUSAIA Sec. of Finance & Administration ...... John EHSA Sec. of Foreign Affairs ...... Sebastian ANEFAL

65 Micronesia, Federated States of (continued) Sec. of Health, Education, & Social Affairs ...... Eliuel K. PRETRICK Sec. of Justice ...... Paul E. MCILRATH Sec. of Transportation, Communication, & Infrastructure ...... Akillino K. SUSAIA Ambassador to the US ...... Jesse MAREHALAU Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Masao NAKAYAMA

Moldova President ...... Vladimir VORONIN Speaker of the Parliament ...... Marian LUPU Prime Minister ...... Vasile TARLEV First Dep. Prime Min...... Zinaida GRECIANI Dep. Prime Min...... Andrei STRATAN Dep. Prime Min...... Vitalie VRABIE Min. of Agriculture & Food Industry ...... Anatolie GORODENCO Min. of Culture & Tourism ...... Artur COZMA Min. of Defense ...... Valeriu PLESCA Min. of Economics & Trade ...... Igor DODON Min. of Education, Youth, & Sport ...... Victor TVIRCUN Min. of Environment & Natural Resources ...... Constantin MIHAILESCU Min. of Finance ...... Mihai POP Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Andrei STRATAN Min. of Health & Social Protection ...... Ion ABABII Min. of Industry & Infrastructure ...... Vladimir ANTOSII Min. of Information Development ...... Vladimir MOLOJEN Min. of Internal Affairs ...... Gheorghe PAPUC Min. of Justice ...... Vitalie PIRLOG Min. of Local Public Admin...... Vitalie VRABIE Min. of Reintegration ...... Vasile SOVA Min. of Transport & Roads Management ...... Miron GAGAUZ Sec., Supreme Security Council ...... Ion MOREI Prosecutor General ...... Valeriy BALABAN Dir., Intelligence & Security Service (ISS) ...... Ion URSU Pres., National Bank ...... Leonid TALMACI Ambassador to the US ...... Nicolae CHIRTOACA Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Alexei TULBURE

Monaco Chief of State ...... ALBERT II, Prince Min. of State ...... Jean-Paul PROUST Min. of Economy & Finance ...... Franck BIANCHERI Min. of Environmental Affairs & Town Planning ...... Gilles TONELLI Min. of External Relations ...... Rainier IMPERTI Min. of Social Affairs & Health ...... Denis RAVERA Permanent Representative to the UN ...... Gilles NOGHES

Mongolia President ...... Nambaryn ENKHBAYAR Speaker, State Great Hural ...... Tsend NYAMDORJ Prime Minister ...... Miegombyn ENKHBOLD Dep. Prime Min...... Mendsaikhan ENKHSAIKHAN Chief of Staff ...... Sanjaa BAYAR Chief, Cabinet Secretariat ...... Sunduin BATBOLD Sec., National Security Council ...... Dugerjav GOTOV Min. of Construction & Urban Development ...... Janlav NARANTSATSRALT Min. of Defense ...... Mishig SONOMPIL Min. of Education, Culture, & Science ...... Ulzisaikhan ENKHTUVSHIN Min. of Environment ...... Ichinkhorloo ERDENEBAATAR

66 Mongolia (continued) Min. of Finance ...... Namid BAYARTSAIKHAN Min. of Food & Agriculture ...... Dendev TERBISHDAGVA Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Nymaa ENKHBOLD Min. of Fuel & Energy ...... Badarch ERDENEBAT Min. of Health ...... Lamjav GUNDALAI Min. of Industry & Trade ...... Bazarsad JARGALSAIKHAN Min. of Justice & Home Affairs ...... Dorj ODBAYAR Min. of Roads, Transportation & Tourism ...... Tsegmid TSENGEL Min. of Social Welfare & Labor ...... Luvsan ODONCHIMED Min. in Charge of Disaster Relief ...... Min. in Charge of Professional Inspections ...... Ukhna KHURELSUKH Ambassador to the US ...... Ravdan BOLD Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Baatar CHOISUREN

Montenegro The Union of Serbia and Montenegro was formally dissolved after the Montenegrins voted for independence from Serbia in a referendum on 21 May 2006. Montenegro officially declared itself independent on 3 June 2006.

President ...... Filip VUJANOVIC Prime Minister ...... Zeljko STURANOVIC Dep. Prime Min. for Economic Policy ...... Vujica LAZOVIC Dep. Prime Min. for European Integration ...... Gordana DJUROVIC Min. of Agriculture, Forestry, & Water Management ...... Milutin SIMOVIC Min. of Culture, Sports, & Media ...... Predrag SEKULIC Min. of Defense ...... Boro VUCINIC Min. for Economic Development ...... Branimir GVOZDENOVIC Min. of Education & Science ...... Slobodan BACKOVIC Min. of Finance ...... Igor LUKSIC Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Milan ROCEN Min. of Health, Labor, & Social Insurance ...... Miodrag RADUNOVIC Min. for Human & Minority Rights ...... Fuad NIMANI Min. of Internal Affairs & Public Administration ...... Jusuf KALAMPEROVIC Min. of Justice ...... Miras RADOVIC Min. of Transport, Maritime Affairs, &Telecommunications ...... Andrija LOMPAR Min. of Tourism & Environmental Protection ...... Predrag NENEZIC Min. Without Portfolio ...... Suad NUMANOVIC Ambassador to the US ...... Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Nebojsa KALUDJEROVIC

Morocco King ...... MOHAMED VI Prime Minister ...... Driss JETTOU Min. of Agriculture, Rural Development, & Sea Fisheries ...... Mohand LAENSER Min. of Communications & Government Spokesperson ...... Nabil BENABDALLAH Min. of Culture ...... Mohamed ACHAARI Min. of Employment & Vocational Training ...... Mustapha MANSOURI Min. of Energy & Mines ...... Mohamed BOUTALEB Min. of Equipment & Transport ...... Karim GHELLAB Min. of External Commerce ...... Mustapha MECHAHOURI Min. of Finance & Privatization ...... Fathallah OUALALOU Min. for Foreign Affairs & Cooperation ...... Mohamed BENAISSA Min. of Habous & Islamic Affairs ...... Ahmed TOUFIQ Min. of Health ...... Mohamed Cheikh BIADILLAH Min. of Industry, Trade, & Economic Upgrading ...... Salaheddine MEZOUAR Min. of Interior ...... Chakib BEN MOUSSA Min. of Justice ...... Mohamed BOUZOUBAA Min. of National Education, Higher Education, Staff Training, & Scientific Research ...... Habib EL-MALKI

67 Morocco (continued) Min. in Charge of Public Sector Modernization ...... Mohamed BOUSSAID Min. in Charge of Relations With Parliament ...... Mohamed Saad EL-ALAMI Min. of Social Development, Family, & Solidarity ...... Abderrahim HAROUCHI Min. of Territorial Development, Water, & Environment ...... Mohamed EL-YAZGHI Min. of Tourism, Handicrafts, & Social Economy ...... Adil DOUIRI Min. of State (Without Portfolio) ...... Abbas EL-FASSI Sec. Gen. of the Government ...... Abdessadek RABIAH Min. Delegate to the Interior ...... Fouad Ali EL-HIMMA Min. Delegate to the Min. of Foreign Affairs & Cooperation ...... Taieb FASSI-FIHRI Min. Delegate to the Min. of Foreign Affairs & Cooperation in Charge of Moroccans Resident Abroad ...... Nouzha CHEKROUNI Min. Delegate to the Prime Minister in Charge of the Administration of National Defense ...... Abderrahmane SBAI Min. Delegate to the Prime Minister in Charge of General & Economic Affairs ...... Rachid Talbi EL-AMAMI Min. Delegate to the Prime Minister in Charge of Urbanization & Housing ...... Ahmed Toufiq HEJIRA Sec. of State to the Min. of Agriculture, Rural Development, & Sea Fisheries in Charge of Rural Development ...... Mohamed MOHATTANE Sec. of State to the Min. of Social Development, Family, & Solidarity ...... Yasmina BADDOU Sec. of State to the Min. of Employment & Vocational Training in Charge of Vocational Training ...... Said OUBACHA Sec. of State to the Min. of National Education, Higher Education, Staff Training, & Scientific Research in Charge of Literacy & Informal Education ...... Anis BIROU Sec. of State to the Min. of Territorial Development, Water, & Environment in Charge of Water ...... Abdelkebir ZAHOUD Sec. of State the the Prime Minister in Charge of Youth ...... Mohamed EL-GAHS Gov., Central Bank ...... Abdelatif JOUAHRI Ambassador to the US ...... Aziz MEKOUAR Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Mustapha SAHEL

Mozambique President ...... Armando GUEBUZA Prime Minister ...... Luisa Dias DIOGO Min. of Agriculture ...... Tomas MANDLATE Min. of Coordination of Environmental Action ...... Luciano Andre DE CASTRO Min. of Development & Planning ...... Aiuba CUERENEIA Min. of Education & Culture ...... Aires Bonifacio ALI Min. of Energy ...... Salvador NAMBURETE Min. of Finance ...... Manuel CHANG Min. of Fisheries ...... Cadmiel MUTHEMBA Min. of Foreign Affairs & Cooperation ...... Alcinda ABREU Min. of Health ...... Paulo Ivo GARRIDO Min. of Industry & Commerce ...... Antonio FERNANDO Min. of Interior ...... Jose PACHECO Min. of Justice ...... Min. of Labor ...... Helena TAIPO Min. of Mineral Resources ...... Esperanca BIAS Min. of National Defense ...... Tobias DAI Min. of Public Works & Housing ...... Felicio ZACARIAS Min. of Science & Technology ...... Min. of State Administration ...... Lucas CHOMERA Min. of Tourism ...... Fernando SUMBANA, Jr. Min. of Transport & Communication ...... Antonio Francisco MUNGUAMBE Min. of Veteran’s Affairs ...... Min. of Women & Social Action ...... Virgilia MATABELE Min. of Youth & Sports ...... David SIMANGO Min. in the Presidency for Diplomatic Affairs ...... Francisco Caetano MADEIRA

68 Mozambique (continued) Min. in the Presidency for Parliamentary Affairs ...... Isabel Manuel NKAVADEKA Attorney General ...... Antonio NAMBURETE Governor, Central Bank ...... Adriano Afonso MALEIANE Ambassador to the US ...... Marcos Geraldo NAMASHULUA Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Filipe CHIDUMO

N Namibia President ...... Hifikepunye POHAMBA Prime Minister ...... Nahas ANGULA Dep. Prime Min...... Libertina AMATHILA, Dr. Min. of Agriculture, Water, & Forestry ...... Nickey IYAMBO Min. of Defense ...... Charles NAMOLOH, Maj. Gen. Min. of Education ...... Nangolo MBUMBA Min. of Environment & Tourism ...... Willem KONJORE Min. of Finance ...... Saara KUUGONGELWA-AMADHILA Min. of Fisheries & Marine Resources ...... Abraham IYAMBO Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Marco HAUSIKU Min. of Gender Equality & Child Welfare ...... Marlene MUNGUNDA Min. of Health & Social Service ...... Richard KAMWI Min. of Home Affairs & Immigration ...... Rosalia NGHINDINWA Min. of Information & Broadcasting ...... Netumbo NANDI-NDAITWAH Min. of Justice ...... Pendukeni IIVULA-ITHANA Min. of Labor & Social Welfare ...... Alpheus NARUSEB Min. of Lands & Resettlement ...... Jerry EKANDJO Min. of Mines & Energy ...... Erkki NGHIMTINA Min. of Presidential Affairs ...... Albert KAWANA Min. of Regional & Local Government, & Housing & Rural Development ...... John PANDENI Min. of Safety & Security ...... Peter TSHEEHAMA Min. of Trade & Industry ...... Immanuel NGATJIZEKO Min. of Veterans’ Affairs ...... Ngarikutuke TJIRIANGE Min. of Works, Transport, & Communication ...... Joel KAAPANDA Min. of Youth & National Service ...... John MUTORWA Dir. Gen., National Planning Commission ...... Helmut ANGULA Attorney General ...... Pendukeni IIVULA-ITHANA Governor, Central Bank ...... Tom ALWEENDO Ambassador to the US ...... Leonard IIPUMBU Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Martin ANDJABA

Nauru President ...... Ludwig SCOTTY Min. Assisting the President ...... David ADEANG Min. for Civil Aviation ...... Ludwig SCOTTY Min. for Culture & Tourism ...... Kieren KEKE, Dr. Min. for Customs ...... David ADEANG Min. for Education & Vocational Training ...... Baron WAQA Min. for Finance ...... David ADEANG Min. for Foreign Affairs ...... David ADEANG Min. for Health ...... Kieren KEKE, Dr. Min. for Internal Affairs ...... David ADEANG Min. for Immigration ...... Godfrey THOMA Min. for Island Development & Industry ...... Frederick PITCHER Min. for Justice ...... Godfrey THOMA Min. for Nauru Fisheries & Natural Resources ...... Godfrey THOMA Min. for Public Service ...... Ludwig SCOTTY Min. for Public Works ...... Baron WAQA Min. for Shipping ...... Kieren KEKE, Dr. Min. for Sports ...... Godfrey THOMA

69 Nauru (continued) Min. for Women’s Affairs ...... Kieren KEKE, Dr. Min. for Youth Affairs ...... Baron WAQA Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Marlene Inemwin MOSES

Nepal King ...... GYANENDRA (Bir Bikram Shah Dev) Prime Minister ...... Girija Prasad KOIRALA Dep. Prime Min...... K. P. OLI Dep. Prime Min...... Amik SHERCHAN Min. of Agriculture & Cooperatives ...... Mahanta THAKUR Min. of Defense ...... Girija Prasad KOIRALA Min. of Education & Sports ...... Mangal Siddhi MANANDHAR Min. of Environment, Science, & Technology ...... Man Bahadur BISHWOKARMA Min. of Finance ...... Ram Sharan MAHAT Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... K. P. OLI Min. of Forest & Land Conservation ...... Gopal RAI Min. of Health & Population ...... Amik SHERCHAN Min. of Home ...... Krishna SITAULA Min. of Industry, Commerce, & Supplies ...... Giriraj Mani POKHAREL Min. of Information & Communications ...... Dilendra Prasad BADU Min. of Labor & Transport Management ...... Ramesh LEKHAK Min. of Land Reform & Management ...... Prabhu Narayan CHAUDHARY Min. of Law, Justice, & Parliamentary Affairs ...... Narendra Bikram NEMWANG Min. of Local Development ...... Rajendra PANDEY Min. of Physical Planning & Works ...... Gopal Man SHRESTHA Min. of Royal Palace Affairs ...... Girija Prasad KOIRALA Min. of Tourism, Culture, & Civil Aviation ...... Pradip GYAWALI Min. of Water Resources ...... Gyanendra Bahadur KARAKI Min. of Women, Children, & Social Welfare ...... Urmila ARYAL Governor, Central Bank ...... Ambassador to the US ...... Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Madhu Raman ACHARYA

Netherlands Queen ...... BEATRIX Prime Minister & Min. of General Affairs ...... Jan Peter BALKENENDE Dep. Prime Min...... Laurens Jan BRINKHORST Dep. Prime Min...... Gerrit ZALM Min. of Agriculture, Nature, & Food Quality ...... Cees VEERMAN Min. of Defense ...... Henk KAMP Min. of Development Cooperation ...... Agnes VAN ARDENNE Min. of Economic Affairs ...... Joop WIJN Min. of Education, Culture, & Science ...... Maria VAN DER HOEVEN Min. of Finance ...... Gerrit ZALM Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Bernard BOT Min. of Govt. Reform ...... Atzo NICOLAI Min. of Health, Welfare, & Sport ...... Hans HOOGERVORST Min. of Housing, Spatial Planning, & the Environment ...... Sybilla DEKKER Min. of Immigration & Integration ...... Rita VERDONK Min. of the Interior & Kingdom Relations ...... Johan REMKES Min. of Justice ...... Piet Hein DONNER Min. of Social Affairs & Employment ...... Aart Jan DE GEUS Min. of Transport, Public Works, & Water Management ...... Karla PEIJS State Sec. for Culture & Media ...... Medy VAN DER LAAN State Sec. for Defense ...... Cees VAN DER KNAAP State Sec. for Economic Affairs ...... Karien VAN GENNIP State Sec. for Education ...... Mark RUTTE State Sec. for Housing, Spatial Planning, & the Environment ...... Pieter VAN GEEL

70 Netherlands (continued) State Sec. for Finance (acting) ...... Gerrit ZALM State Sec. for European Affairs (acting) ...... Bernard BOT State Sec. for Health, Welfare, & Sport ...... Clemence ROSS-VAN DORP State Sec. for Social Affairs ...... Henk VAN HOOF State Sec. for Transport, Public Works, & Water Management ...... Melanie SCHULTZ VAN HAEGEN Chief of the Defense Staff ...... D. L. BERLIJN, Gen. President, The Netherlands Central Bank ...... Nout WELLINK Ambassador to the US ...... Boudewijn VAN EENENNAAM Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Franciscus MAJOOR

Netherlands Antilles (The Netherlands Antilles are a self-governing part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.)

Governor ...... Frits GOEDGEDRAG Prime Minister ...... Etienne YS Dep. Prime Min...... Min. of Constitutional & Interior Affairs ...... Richard GIBSON Min. of Economic Affairs & Labor ...... Min. of Education & Cultural Affairs ...... Maritza SILBERIE Min. of Finance ...... Ersilia DE LANNOOY Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Etienne YS Min. of General Affairs ...... Etienne YS Min. of Health & Social Affairs ...... Joan THEODORA-BREWSTER, Dr. Min. of Justice ...... Norberto RIBEIRO Min. of Telecommunications & Transportation ...... Omayra LEEFLANG Min. Plenipotentiary to The Hague ...... Dir., Bank of the Nertherlands Antilles ...... Emsley TROMP

New Zealand Governor General ...... Prime Minister ...... Helen CLARK Dep. Prime Min...... Michael CULLEN Min. of the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) ...... Ruth DYSON Min. of Agriculture ...... Jim ANDERTON Min. of Arts, Culture, & Heritage ...... Helen CLARK Min. of Biosecurity ...... Jim ANDERTON Min. of Broadcasting ...... Steve MAHAREY Min. of Building Issues ...... Clayton COSGROVE Min. of Civil Defense ...... Rick BARKER Min. of Climate Change Issues ...... David PARKER Min. of Commerce ...... Lianne DALZIEL Min. of Communications ...... David CUNLIFFE Min. of Community & Voluntary Sector ...... Luamanuvao Winnie LABAN Min. of Conservation ...... Chris CARTER Min. of Consumer Affairs ...... Judith TIZARD Min. of Corrections ...... Damien O’CONNOR Min. of Courts ...... Rick BARKER Min. of Crown Research Institutes ...... Steve MAHAREY Min. of Customs ...... Nania MAHUTA Min. of Defense ...... Phil GOFF Min. for Disarmament & Arms Control ...... Phil GOFF Min. of Economic Development ...... Trevor MALLARD Min. of Education ...... David BENSON-POPE Min. of Energy ...... David PARKER Min. of the Environment ...... Marian HOBBS Min. of Finance ...... Michael CULLEN Min. of Fisheries ...... Jim ANDERTON Min. of Food Safety ...... Annette KING

71 New Zealand (continued) Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Winston PETERS Min. of Forestry ...... Jim ANDERTON Min. of Health ...... Pete HODGSON Min. of Housing ...... Chris CARTER Min. of Information Technology ...... David CUNLIFFE Min. of Immigration ...... David CUNLIFFE Min. of Industry & Regional Development ...... Trevor MALLARD Min. of Internal Affairs ...... Rick BARKER Min. of Justice ...... Mark BURTON Min. of Labor ...... Ruth DYSON Min. of Local Government ...... Mark BURTON Min. of Maori Affairs ...... Parekura HOROMIA Min. of Pacific Island Affairs ...... Phil GOFF Min. of Police ...... Annette KING Min. for Racing ...... Winston PETERS Min. of Research, Science, & Technology ...... Steve MAHAREY Min. of Revenue ...... Peter DUNNE Min. of Senior Citizens ...... Ruth DYSON Min. of Social Development & Employment ...... David BENSON-POPE Min. of Sports & Recreation ...... Trevor MALLARD Min. of State-Owned Enterprises ...... Trevor MALLARD Min. of State Services ...... Annette KING Min. of Tourism ...... Damien O’CONNOR Min. of Trade ...... Phil GOFF Min. for Trade Negotiations ...... Phil GOFF Min. of Transport ...... Anette KING Min. of Transport Safety ...... Harry DUYNHOVEN Min. in Charge of the Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations ...... Mark BURTON Min of Veterans Affairs ...... Rick BARKER Min. of Women’s Affairs ...... Lianne DALZIEL Min. of State ...... Mahara OKEROA Min. of State ...... Mita RIRINUI Min. of State ...... Dover SAMUELS Attorney General ...... Michael CULLEN Governor, Reserve Bank ...... Alan BOLLARD Ambassador to the US ...... Roy FERGUSON Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Rosemary BANKS

Nicaragua President ...... Enrique BOLANOS Vice President ...... Alfredo GOMEZ Urcuyo Min. of Agriculture & Forestry ...... Jose Augusto “Tuto” NAVARRO Min. of Defense ...... Avil RAMIREZ Min. of Education, Culture, & Sports ...... Miguel Angel GARCIA Min. of Environment & Natural Resources ...... Arturo HARDING Min. of Family ...... Carmen LARGAESPADA Min. of Finance & Public Credit ...... Mario ARANA Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Norman CALDERA Min. of Government ...... Francisco FIALLOS Navarro Min. of Health ...... Magarita GURDIAN Min. of Industry, Development, & Commerce ...... Alejandro ARGUELLO Min. of Labor ...... Virgilio GURDIAN Min. of Tourism ...... Lucia Salazar C. DE ROBELO Min. of Transportation & Infrastructure ...... Pedro SOLORZANO Sec. of the Presidency ...... Leonardo SOMARRIBA Attorney General ...... Victor Manuel TALAVERA Prosecutor General ...... Julio CENTENO Pres., Central Bank ...... Mario ALONSO Ambassador to the US ...... Salvador STADTHAGEN Icaza Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Eduardo SEVILLA Somoza 72 Niger President ...... Mamadou TANDJA Prime Minister ...... Hama AMADOU Min. of Agricultural Development ...... Moussa LABO Min. of Animal Resources ...... Abdoulaye JINA Min. of Basic Education & Literacy ...... Ousame SAMBA Min. of Civil Service & Labor ...... Kanda SIPTEY Min. of Commerce, Industry, & Promotion of the Private Sector ...... Habi Mahamadou SALISSOU Min. of Culture, Arts, & Communication ...... Oumarou HADARI Min. of Defense ...... Hassane SOULEY Min. of Economy & Finance ...... Ali Zeine LAMINE Min. of Equipment ...... Omar SEYNI Min. of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, & African Integration ...... Aichatou MINDAOUDOU Min. of Health & Disease Control ...... Mahamane KABAOU Min. of Interior & Decentralization ...... Mody MUNKAILA Min. of Justice ...... Elhadji Moussa MATTI Min. of Mining & Energy ...... Abdoulahi MOHAMED Min. of Population & Social Work ...... Mamadou Zilla BOUKARI Min. of Privatization & Enterprise Restructuring ...... Lawali Rahamatou GAZOBI Min. of Professional & Technical Training & Youth Employment ...... Daouda ABDOU Min. of Secondary & Higher Education, Research, & Technology ...... Ousmane Dan GALADIMA Min. of Territorial Management & Community Development ...... Moussa MAMANE Min. of Tourism & Handicrafts ...... Amadou NOUHOU Min. of Transport ...... Souleymane KANE Min. of Urban Development, Housing, & Land Registry ...... Aissa Abdoulaye DIALLO Min. of Water Resources, Environment, & Desertification Control ...... Abdou LABO Min. of Women’s Promotion & Child Protection ...... Ousmane Zeinabou MOULAYE Min. of Youth, Sports, & Francophonie Games ...... Seydou ABDOURAHAMANIE Ambassador to the US ...... Aminata Maiga Djibrilla TOURE Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Aboubacar Ibrahim ABANI

Nigeria President ...... Olusegun OBASANJO Vice President ...... Atiku ABUBAKAR Min. of Agriculture ...... Adamu BELLO Min. of Aviation ...... Femi FANI-KAYODE Min. of Commerce ...... Aliyu MODIBO Min. of Communications ...... Obafemi ANIBABA Min. of Cooperation & Integration in Africa ...... Lawan Gana BUBA Min. of Culture & Tourism ...... Babalola BORISHADE Min. of Defense ...... Rabiu KWANKWASO Min. of Education ...... Obiaqeli EZEKWESILI Min. of Environment ...... Helen ESUENE Min. of Federal Capital Territory ...... Nasir EL-RUFAI Min. of Finance ...... Esther NENANDI-USMAN Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Joy OGWU Min. of Health ...... Eyitayo LAMBO Min. of Housing & Urban Development ...... Rahman MIMIKO Min. of Industries ...... Fidelis TAPGUN Min. of Information ...... Frank NWEKE Min. of Intergovernmental Affairs ...... Grace OGWUCHE Min. of Internal Affairs ...... Olu ADENIJI Min. of Justice ...... Bayo OJO Min. of Labor & Productivity ...... Hassan LAWAL Min. of Police Affairs ...... Broderick BOZIMO Min. of Power & Steel ...... Liyel IMOKE Min. of Presidency (Economic Matters) ...... Min. of Presidency (Intergovernmental Affairs) ...... Frank NWEKE Min. of Science & Technology ...... Turner ISOUN Min. of Solid Minerals ...... Lesley OBORA

73 Nigeria (continued) Min. of Sports & Social Development ...... Bala KAOJE Min. of Transport ...... Ojo MADUEKWE Min. of Water Resources ...... Salome JAKANDA Min. of Women & Youth ...... Maryan CIROMA Min. of Works ...... Cornelius ADEBAYO Min. of State for Agriculture ...... Bamidele DADA Min. of State for Communications ...... Min. of State for Defense ...... Thomas AGUIYI-IRONOSI Min. of State for Education ...... Sayyadi Abba RUMA Min. of State for Environment ...... Min. of State for the Federal Capital Territory ...... Min. of State for Finance ...... Nenadi ESTHER-USMAN Min. of State for Foreign Affairs ...... Abubakar TANKO Min. of State for Health ...... Halima ALAO Min. of State for Industries ...... Min. of State for Justice ...... Min. of State for Petroleum Resources ...... Edmund DAUKORU Min. of State for Power & Steel ...... Aliyu Modibo UMAR Min. of State for Science & Technology ...... Min. of State for Transport ...... Mohammed MUSA Min. of State for Water Resources ...... Min. of State for Women & Youth ...... Olufunke ADEDOYIN Min. of State for Works ...... Malam Yahaya ABDULKARIM Governor, Central Bank ...... Charles SOLUDO Ambassador to the US ...... George OBIOZOR Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Aminu Bashir WALI

Norway King ...... HARALD V Prime Minister ...... Jens STOLTENBERG Min. of Culture & Church Affairs ...... Trond GISKE Min. of Defense ...... Anne-Grete STROM-ERICHSEN Min. of the Environment ...... Helen BJORNOY Min. of Equality & Integration ...... Karita BEKKEMELLEM Min. of Finance ...... Kristin HALVORSEN Min. of Fisheries & Coastal Affairs ...... Helga PEDERSEN Min. of Food & Agriculture ...... Terje Riis JOHANSEN Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Jonas Gahr STORE Min. of Health & Social Care ...... Sylvia BRUSTAD Min. of International Development ...... Erik SOLHEIM Min. of Justice & Police ...... Knut STORBERGET Min. of Knowledge ...... Oystein DJUPEDAL Min. of Labor & Social Affairs ...... Bjarne Hakon HANSSEN Min. of Local Govt. & Regional Development ...... Aslaug HAGA Min. of Modernization ...... Heidi Grande ROYS Min. of Petroleum & Energy ...... Odd Roger ENOKSEN Min. of Trade & Industry ...... Dag Terje ANDERSEN Min. of Transport & Communications ...... Liv Signe NAVARSETE Governor, Bank of Norway ...... Svein GJEDREM Ambassador to the US ...... Knut VOLLEBAEK Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Johan Ludvik LOVALD

O Oman Sultan ...... QABOOS bin Said al-Said Special Representative for His Majesty the Sultan ...... THUWAYNI bin Shihab al-Said Prime Minister ...... QABOOS bin Said al-Said Dep. Prime Min. for Cabinet Affairs ...... FAHD bin Mahmud al-Said Min. of the Royal Office ...... Ali Majid bin Mussabagh al-MAMARI, Gen.

74 Oman (continued) Min. of Agriculture & Fisheries ...... Salim bin Hilal bin Ali al-KHALILI Min. of Awqaf & Religious Affairs ...... Abdallah bin Muhammad bin Abdallah al-SALIMI Min. of Civil Services ...... Hilal bin Khalid al-MIWALI Min. of Commerce, Industry, & Minerals ...... Maqbul bin Ali SULTAN Min. of Communications ...... Suhail bin Mustahail al-SHAMAS Min. of Defense ...... QABOOS bin Said al-Said Min. of Diwan of Royal Court ...... SAYF bin Hamad al-Busaidi Min. of Education & Teaching ...... Yahya bin Saud al-SALIMI Min. of Finance ...... QABOOS bin Said al-Said Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... QABOOS bin Said al-Said Min. of Health ...... Ali bin Muhammad bin MUSA, Dr. Min. of Higher Education ...... RAWYA bint Saud al-Busaidi Min. of Housing, Electricity, & Water ...... Khamis bin Mubarak bin Isa al-ALAWI Min. of Information ...... Hamad bin Muhammad al-RASHIDI Min. of Interior ...... SAUD bin Ibrahim al-Busaidi Min. of Justice ...... Muhammad bin Abdallah bin Zahir al-HINAI Min. of Labor ...... Juma bin Ali bin JUMA Min. of Legal Affairs ...... Muhammad bin Ali bin Nasir al-ALAWI Min. of National Economy ...... Ahmad bin Abd al-Nabi al-MAKI Min. of National Heritage & Culture ...... HAYTHIM bin Tariq al-Said Min. of Oil & Gas ...... Muhammad bin Hamad bin Sayf al-RUMHI Min. of Palace Affairs ...... ALI bin Hamud bin Ali al-Busaidi Min. of Regional Municipalities, Environment, & Water Resources ...... Abdallah bin Muhammad bin Abdallah al-RUWAS Min. of Social Development ...... SHARIFA bint Khalfan bin Nasser al-Yahya Min. of Sports ...... Ali bin Masud bin Ali al-SUNAIDI Min. of Tourism ...... Rajiha bint Abd al-Amir bin ALI Min. of Transport & Telecommunications ...... Muhammad bin Abdallah bin Isa al-HARTHI Min. of State & Governor, Muscat ...... SAYID al-Mutasim bin Hamud al-Busaidi Min. Responsible for Defense Affairs ...... BADR bin Saud bin Harib al-Busaidi Min. Responsible for Foreign Affairs ...... Yusuf bin ALAWI bin Abdallah Special Adviser to His Majesty ...... Salim bin Abdallah al-GHAZALI Special Adviser to His Majesty for Culture ...... Abd al-Aziz bin Muhammad al-RUWAS Special Adviser to His Majesty for Economic Planning Affairs ...... Muhammad bin ZUBAYR Special Adviser to His Majesty for Environmental Affairs ...... SHABIB bin Taymur al-Said Special Adviser to His Majesty for External Liaison ...... Umar bin Abd al-Munim al-ZAWAWI Governor, Central Bank ...... QABOOS bin Said al-Said Executive Pres., Central Bank ...... Hamud bin Sangur Hashim al-ZADJALI Ambassador to the US ...... Hunaina bint Sultan bin Ahmad al-MUGHAIRI Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Fuad bin Mubarak al-HINAI

P Pakistan President ...... , Gen. Prime Minister ...... Shaukat AZIZ Min. of Commerce ...... Humayun Akhtar KHAN Min. of Communication ...... Muhammad Shamim SIDDIQUI Min. of Defense ...... Rao Sikandar IQBAL Min. of Defense Production ...... Habibullah Khan WARRAICH Min. of Education ...... Javed ASHRAF Min. of Environment ...... Tahir IQBAL Min. of Finance ...... Shaukat AZIZ Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Mian Khurshid Mahmood KASURI Min. of Health ...... Mohammad Naseer KHAN Min. of Housing & Works ...... Safwanullah SYED Min. of Industries & Production ...... Jehangir Khan TAREEN Min. of Information & Broadcasting ...... Sheikh RASHID Ahmed Min. of Information Technology ...... Awais Ahmad Khan LEGHARI Min. of Interior ...... Aftab Ahmed Khan SHERPAO Min. of Kashmir Affairs & Northern Areas ...... Makhdoom Faisal Saleh HAYAT Min. of Labor, Manpower, & Overseas Pakistanis ...... Ghulam Sarwar KHAN

75 Pakistan (continued) Min. of Law, Justice, & Human Rights ...... Mian Khurshid Mahmood KASURI Min. of Local Govt. & Rural Development ...... Abdur Razzaq THAHEEM Min. of Narcotics Control ...... Ghaus MAHAR Min. of Parliamentary Affairs ...... Sher Afghan Khan NIAZI Min. of Petroleum & Natural Resources ...... Amanullah Khan JADOON Min. of Population Welfare ...... Chaudhry Shahbaz HUSSAIN Min. of Ports & Shipping ...... Babar Khan GHAURI Min. of Privatization & Investment ...... Abdul Hafeez SHAIKH Min. of Railways ...... Mian Shamim HAIDER Min. of Religious Affairs ...... Ijaz ul-HAQ Min. of Science & Technology ...... Nurez SHAKUR Min. of Sports & Culture ...... Muhammad Ajmal KHAN Min. of States & Frontier Regions ...... Yar Muhammad RIND Min. of Textiles ...... Mushtaq Ali CHEEMA Min. of Tourism ...... Ghazi Gulab JAMAL Min. of Water & Power ...... Liaquat Ali JATOI Min. of Women’s Development ...... Zobaida JALAL Attorney General ...... Makhdoom Ali KHAN Governor, State Bank ...... Shamshad AKHTAR Ambassador to the US ...... Jehangir KARAMAT Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Munir AKRAM

Palau President ...... Tommy REMENGESAU, Jr. Vice President ...... Elias Camsek CHIN Min. of Administration & Finance ...... Elbuchel SADANG Min. of Commerce & Trade ...... Otoichi BESEBES Min. of Community & Cultural Affairs ...... Alexander R. MEREP Min. of Education ...... Mario KATOSANG Min. of Health ...... Victor Minoru YANO Min. of Justice ...... Elias Camsek CHIN Min. of Resources & Development ...... Fritz KOSHIBA Min. of State ...... Temmy SHMULL Ambassador to the US ...... Hersey KYOTA Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Stuart BECK

Panama President ...... Martin TORRIJOS Espino First Vice President ...... Samuel LEWIS Navarro Second Vice President ...... Ruben AROSEMENA Valdes Min. of Agricultural & Livestock Development ...... Guillermo SALAZAR Min. of Commerce & Industries ...... Alejandro FERRER Min. of Economy & Finances ...... Ricaurte VASQUEZ Min. of Education ...... Miguel Angel CANIZALES Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Samuel LEWIS Navarro Min. of Government & Justice ...... Olga GOLCHER Min. of Health ...... Camilo ALLEYNE Min. of Housing ...... Balbina HERRERA Min. of the Presidency ...... Ubaldino REAL Min. of Public Works ...... Benjamin COLAMARCO Min. of Social Development ...... Maria del Carmen ROQUEBERT Leon Min. of Youth, Women, Children, & Family Affairs ...... Leonor CALDERON Attorney General ...... Ana MATILDE Gomez Dir., Council for Public Security & National Defense ...... Erick ESPINOSA Concepcion Manager, National Bank of Panama ...... Juan Ricardo DE DIANOUS Ambassador to the US ...... Federico Antonio HUMBERT Arias Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Ricardo Alberto ARIAS

76 Papua New Guinea Governor General ...... Paulius MATANE, Sir Prime Minister ...... Michael SOMARE, Sir Dep. Prime Min...... Moi AVEI, Sir Min. for Agriculture & Livestock ...... Mathew SIUNE Min. for Bougainville Affairs ...... Peter BARTER, Sir Min. for Communications Information...... Ben SEMRI Min. for Correctional Institutional Services (CIS) ...... Posi MENAI Min. for Culture & Tourism ...... David BASUA Min. for Defense ...... Mathew GUBAG Min. for Education ...... Michael LAIMO Min. for Enterprises & Information ...... Temu PUKA Min. for Environment & Conservation...... William DUMA Min. for Finance ...... John HICKEY Min. of Fisheries ...... Ben SIMRI Min. for Foreign Affairs ...... Michael SOMARE, Sir Min. for Forestry ...... Patrick PRUAITCH Min. for Health ...... Melchior PEP Min. for Higher Education, Research, Science, & Technology ...... Brian PULAYASI Min. for Housing ...... Atimeng BUHUPE Min. for Inter-Government Relations ...... Peter BARTER, Sir Min. for Internal Security ...... Bire KIMISOPA Min. for Justice ...... Mark MAIPAKAI Min. for Labor & Industrial Relations...... Roy BIYAMA Min. for Lands & Physical Planning ...... Petrus THOMAS Min. for Mining ...... Sam AKOITAI Min. for National Planning & Monitoring ...... Moses MALADINA Min. for Petroleum & Energy ...... Moi AVEI, Sir Min. for Public Service ...... Sinai BROWN Min. for State Enterprise, Communication, & Information ...... Arthur SOMARE Min. for Trade ...... Michael SOMARE, Sir Min. for Transport & Civil Aviation ...... Don POYLE Min. for Treasury ...... Rabbie NAMALIU, Sir Min. for Welfare & Social Development ...... Carol KIDU, Lady Min. for Works ...... Gabriel KARPIS Attorney General ...... Michael GENE Governor, Central Bank ...... Wilson KAMIT Ambassador to the US ...... Evan PAKI Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Robert AISI

Paraguay President ...... Nicanor DUARTE FRUTOS Vice President ...... Luis CASTIGLIONI Min. of Agriculture & Livestock ...... Ricardo GARAY Arguello Min. of Education & Culture ...... Blanca OVELAR Min. of Finance ...... Ernst BERGEN Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Ruben RAMIREZ Lezcano Min. of Industry & Commerce ...... Jose Maria IBANEZ Min. of Interior ...... Rogelio BENITEZ Min. of Justice & Labor ...... Derlis CESPEDES Min. of National Defense ...... Roberto GONZALEZ Min. of Public Health & Social Welfare ...... Oscar MARTINEZ Doldan Min. of Public Works & Communications ...... Panfilo BENITEZ Estigarribia Presidential Security Adviser ...... Oscar LATORRE Governor, Central Bank ...... Monica PEREZ Ambassador to the US ...... James SPALDING Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Eladio LOIZAGA

77 Peru President ...... Alan GARCIA Perez First Vice Pres...... Luis GIAMPIETRI Rojas Second Vice Pres...... Lourdes MENDOZA del Solar Prime Minister ...... Jorge DEL CASTILLO Galvez Min. of Agriculture ...... Juan Jose SALAZAR Min. of Commerce & Tourism ...... Mercedes ARAOZ Fernandez Min. of Defense ...... Allan WAGNER Tizon Min. of Economy & Finance ...... Luis CARRANZA Ugarte Min. of Education ...... Jose Antonio CHANG Escobedo Min. of Energy & Mines ...... Juan VALDIVIA Romero Min. of Foreign Relations ...... Jose Antonio GARCIA BELAUNDE Min. of Health ...... Carlos VALLEJOS Min. of Housing ...... Hernan GARRIDO Lecca Min. of Interior ...... Pilar MAZZETTI Soler Min. of Justice ...... Maria ZAVALA Min. of Labor ...... Susana PINILLA Cisneros Min. of Production ...... Rafael REY Rey Min. of Transportation & Communications ...... Veronica ZAVALA Min. of Women & Social Development ...... Virginia BORRA Pres., Central Reserve Bank ...... Julio VELARDE Ambassador to the US ...... Felipe ORTIZ de Zevallos Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Jorge VOTO-BERNALES Gatica

Philippines President ...... Gloria MACAPAGAL-ARROYO Vice President ...... Manuel Noli DE CASTRO, Jr. Executive Secretary ...... Eduardo ERMITA Chief of Staff ...... Michael DEFENSOR Sec. of Agrarian Reform ...... Nasser PANGANDAMAN Sec. of Agriculture ...... Arthur YAP Sec. of the Budget & Management ...... Rolando ANDAYA Sec. of Education, Culture, & Sports ...... Jesli LAPUS Sec. of Energy ...... Raphael LOTILLA Sec. of Environment & Natural Resources ...... Angelo REYES Sec. of Finance ...... Margarito Gary TEVES Sec. of Foreign Affairs ...... Alberto ROMULO Sec. of Health ...... Francisco DUQUE III Sec. of Interior & Local Govt...... Ronaldo PUNO Sec. of Justice ...... Raul GONZALEZ Sec. of Labor & Employment ...... Arturo BRION Sec. of National Defense ...... Avelino CRUZ, Jr. Sec. of Public Works & Highways ...... Hermogenes EBDANE, Jr. Sec. of Science & Technology ...... Estrella ALABASTRO Sec. of Social Welfare & Development ...... Esperanza CABRAL Sec. of Socio-Economic Planning ...... Romulo NERI Sec. of Tourism ...... Joseph DURANO Sec. of Trade & Industry ...... Peter FAVILA Sec. of Transportation & Communications ...... Leandro MENDOZA National Security Adviser ...... Norberto GONZALES Governor, Central Bank ...... Amando TETANGCO, Jr. Ambassador to the US ...... Willy GAA Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Lauro BAJA, Jr.

Poland President ...... Lech KACZYNSKI Prime Minister ...... Jaroslaw KACZYNSKI Dep. Prime Min...... Ludwik DORN Dep. Prime Min...... Roman GIERTYCH

78 Poland (continued) Dep. Prime Min...... Zyta GILOWSKA Dep. Prime Min...... Andrzej LEPPER Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development ...... Andrzej LEPPER Min. of Construction ...... Andrzej AUMILLER Min. of Culture & National Heritage ...... Kazimierz UJAZDOWSKI Min. of Economy ...... Piotr WOZNIAK Min. of Education ...... Roman GIERTYCH Min. of Environment ...... Jan SZYSZKO Min. of Finance ...... Zyta GILOWSKA Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Anna FOTYGA Min. of Health ...... Zbigniew RELIGA Min. of Internal Affairs & Administration ...... Ludwik DORN Min. of Justice ...... Zbigniew ZIOBRO Min. of Labor & Social Policy ...... Anna KALATA Min. of Maritime Economy ...... Rafal WIECHECKI Min. of National Defense ...... Radoslaw SIKORSKI Min. of Regional Development ...... Grazyna GESICKA Min. of Science & Higher Education ...... Michal SEWERYNSKI Min. of Sport ...... Tomasz LIPIEC Min. of Transport ...... Jerzy POLACZEK Min. of Treasury ...... Wojciech JASINSKI Min.-Coordinator for Special Services ...... Zbigniew WASSERMANN Chief, Office of the Prime Minister ...... Mariusz BLASZCZAK Pres., Polish National Bank ...... Leszek BALCEROWICZ Ambassador to the US ...... Janusz REITER Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Andrzej TOWPIK

Portugal President ...... Anibal Antonio CAVACO SILVA Prime Minister ...... Jose SOCRATES Min. for Agriculture, Rural Development, & Fisheries ...... Jaime SILVA Min. for Culture ...... Isabel PIRES DE LIMA Min. for Economy & Innovation ...... Manuel PINHO Min. for Education ...... Maria DE LURDES RODRIGUES Min. for Environment, Territorial Planning, & Regional Development ...... Francisco NUNES CORREIA Min. for Health ...... Antonio CORREIA DE CAMPOS Min. for Justice ...... Alberto COSTA Min. for National Defense ...... Nuno SEVERIANO TEIXEIRA Min. for Parliamentary Affairs ...... Agusto SANTOS SILVA Min. for the Presidency ...... Pedro SILVA PEREIRA Min. for Public Works, Transportation, & Communications ...... Mario LINO Min. for Science, Technology, & Higher Education ...... Mariano GAGO Min. for Work & Social Solidarity ...... Jose VIEIRA DA SILVA Min. of State & Finance ...... Fernando TEIXEIRA DOS SANTOS Min. of State & Foreign Affairs ...... Luis AMADO Min. of State & Internal Administration ...... Antonio COSTA Governor, Bank of Portugal ...... Victor CONSTANCIO Ambassador to the US ...... Pedro CATARINO Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Joao SALGUEIRO

Q Qatar Amir ...... HAMAD bin Khalifa al-Thani Prime Minister ...... ABDALLAH bin Khalifa al-Thani First Dep. Prime Min...... HAMAD bin Jasim bin Jabir al-Thani Second Dep. Prime Min...... Abdallah bin Hamad al-ATIYAH Min. of Civil Service Affairs & Housing ...... Sultan Hasan al-Dhabit al-DUSARI Min. of Communications & Transport ...... AHMAD bin Nasir al-Thani Min. of Defense ...... HAMAD bin Khalifa al-Thani

79 Qatar (continued) Min. of Economy & Commerce ...... Yusif Husayn al-KAMAL Min. of Education ...... Shaykha bint Ahmad al-MAHMUD Min. of Electricity & Water ...... Abdallah bin Hamad al-ATIYAH Min. of Endowments & Islamic Affairs ...... Faysal bin Abdallah al-MAHMUD Min. of Energy & Industry ...... Abdallah bin Hamad al-ATIYAH Min. of Finance ...... Yusif Husayn al-KAMAL Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... HAMAD bin Jasim bin Jabir al-Thani Min. of Interior ...... ABDALLAH bin Khalid al-Thani Min. of Justice ...... Hasan bin Abdallah al-GHANIM Min. of Municipal Affairs & Agriculture ...... ABDUL Rahman bin Khalifa bin Abdul-Aziz al- Thani Min. of Public Health ...... Hajar bin Ahmad al-Hajar al-BINALI, Dr. Min. of State ...... HAMAD bin Abdallah bin Muhammad al-Thani Min. of State ...... HAMAD bin Suhaym al-Thani Min. of State for Foreign Affairs ...... Ahmad bin Abdallah al-MAHMUD Min. of State for Interior Affairs ...... ABDALLAH bin Nasir bin Khalifa al-Thani Governor, Central Bank ...... ABDALLAH bin Saud al-Thani Ambassador to the US ...... Nasir bin Hamad bin Mubarak al-KHALIFA Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Nasir bin Abd al-Aziz al-NASIR

R Romania President ...... Traian BASESCU Prime Minister ...... Calin Popescu-TARICEANU Dep. Prime Min. for Business & Small & Medium Enterprises ...... Bogdan PASCU Dep. Prime Min. for Culture, Education, & European Integration ...... Bela MARKO Dep. Prime Min. for Economic Activities ...... Min. of Administration & Interior ...... Vasile BLAGA Min. of Agriculture, Forests, & Rural Development ...... Gheorghe FLUTUR Min. of Communication & Information Technology ...... Zsolt NAGY Min. of Culture & Religious Affairs ...... Adrian IORGULESCU Min. of Defense ...... Sorin FRUNZAVERDE Min. of Economy & Commerce ...... Ioan-Codrut SERES Min. of Education, Youth, & Research ...... Mihail HARDAU Min. of Environment & Water Resources ...... Sulfina BARBU Min. of European Integration ...... Anca BOAGIU Min. of Finance ...... Sebastian VLADESCU Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Mihai Razvan UNGUREANU Min. of Health ...... Eugen NICOLAESCU Min. of Justice ...... Monica Luisa MACOVEI Min. of Labor, Social Solidarity, & Family ...... Gheorghe BARBU Min. of Transport, Construction, & Tourism ...... Radu Mircea BERCEANU Min. Del. of Government Coordination ...... Radu STROE Min. Del. for Implementation of International Funds ...... Cristian DAVID Min. Del. for Parliament ...... Mihai Alexandru VOICU Min. Del. for Public Administration ...... Laszlo BORBELY Min. Del. for Commerce ...... Iuliu WINKLER Governor, National Bank of Romania ...... Mugur ISARESCU Ambassador to the US ...... Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Mihnea MOTOC

Russia President ...... Vladimir Vladimirovich PUTIN Premier ...... Mikhail Yefimovich FRADKOV First Dep. Premier ...... Dimitriy Anatolyevich MEDVEDEV Dep. Premier ...... Sergey Borisovich IVANOV Dep. Premier ...... Aleksandr Dmitriyevich ZHUKOV Min. of Agriculture ...... Aleksey Vasilyevich GORDEYEV Min. of Civil Defense, Emergencies, & Natural Disasters ...... Sergey Kuzhugetovich SHOYGU

80 Russia (continued) Min. of Culture & Mass Communication ...... Aleksandr Sergeyevich SOKOLOV Min. of Defense ...... Sergey Borisovich IVANOV Min. of Economic Development & Trade ...... German Oskarovich GREF Min. of Education & Science ...... Andrey Aleksandrovich FURSENKO Min. of Finance ...... Aleksey Leonidovich KUDRIN Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Sergey Viktorovich LAVROV Min. of Health & Social Development ...... Mikhail Yuryevich ZURABOV Min. of Industry & Energy ...... Viktor Borisovich KHRISTENKO Min. of Information Technology & Communications ...... Leonid Dododzhonovich REYMAN Min. of Internal Affairs ...... Rashid Gumarovich NURGALIYEV Min. of Justice ...... Vladimir Vasilyevich USTINOV Min. of Natural Resources ...... Yuriy Petrovich TRUTNEV Min. of Regional Development ...... Vladimir Anatolyevich YAKOVLEV Min. of Transportation ...... Igor Yevgenyevich LEVITIN Dir., Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) ...... Sergey Nikolayevich LEBEDEV Dir., Federal Security Service (FSB) ...... Nikolay Platonovich PATRUSHEV Head, Government Apparatus ...... Sergey Yevgenyevich NARYSHKIN First Deputy Chmn of the Military-Industrial Commission ...... Vladislav Nikolayevich PUTILIN Sec., Security Council ...... Igor Sergeyevich IVANOV Chmn., Central Bank of Russia ...... Sergey Mikhaylovich IGNATYEV Procurator General ...... Yuriy Yakovlevich CHAYKA Ambassador to the US ...... Yuriy Viktorovich USHAKOV Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Vitaliy Ivanovich CHURKIN

Rwanda President ...... Paul KAGAME Prime Minister ...... Bernard MAKUZA Min. of Agriculture & Animal Resources ...... Anastase MUREKEZI Min. of Commerce, Industry, Investment Promotion, Tourism, & Cooperatives ...... Protais MITALI Min. of Defense & National Security ...... Marcel GATSINZI, Maj. Gen. Min. of Education ...... Jeanne d’Arc MUJAWAMARIYA Min. of Finance & Economic Planning ...... James MUSONI Min. of Foreign Affairs & Cooperation ...... Charles MURIGANDE Min. of Health ...... Jean-Damascene NTAWUKURIRYAYO, Dr. Min. of Infrastructure ...... Stanislas KAMANZI Min. of Internal Security ...... Fazil Musa HARERIMANA Min. of Justice ...... Tharcisse KARUGARAMA Min. of Lands, Environment, Forestry, Water, & Natural Resources ...... Christopher BAZIVAMO Min. of Local Govt., Good Governance, Community Development, & Social Affairs ...... Protais MUSONI Min. of Public Service & Labor ...... Manasseh NSHUTI Min. of Youth, Culture, & Sports ...... Joseph HABINEZA Min. in the Office of the Pres...... Solina NYIRAHABIMANA Min. in the Office of the Pres. in Charge of Science, Technology, & Scientific Research ...... Romain MURENZI Min. in the Office of the Prime Min. in Charge of Gender & Women in Development ...... Valerie NYIRAHABINEZA Min. in the Office of the Prime Min. in Charge of Information ...... Laurent NKUSI Min. of State, Min. of Agriculture & Animal Resources, in Charge of Agriculture ...... Daphrose GAHAKWA Min. of State, Min. of Commerce, Industry, Investment Promotion, Tourism, & Cooperatives, in Charge of Industry & Investment Promotion ...... Vincent KAREGA Min. of State, Min. of Education, in Charge of Primary & Secondary Education ...... Joseph MUREKERAHO Min. of State, Min. of Finance & Economic Planning, in Charge of Economic Planning ...... Monique NSANZABAGANWA

81 Rwanda (continued) Min. of State, Min. of Foreign Affairs & Cooperation, in Charge of Cooperation ...... Rosemary MUSEMINARI Min. of State, Min. of Health, in Charge of HIV/AIDS & Other Epidemics ...... Innocent NYARUHIRIRA, Dr. Min. of State, Min. of Infrastructure, in Charge of Energy & Communications ...... Albert BUTARE Min. of State, Min. of Lands, Environment, Forestry, Water, & Natural Resources, in Charge of Water & Mines ...... Bikoro MUNYANGANIZI Min. of State, Min. of Lands, Environment, Forestry, Water, & Natural Resources, in Charge of Lands & Environment ...... Patricia HAJABAKIGA Min. of State, Min. of Local Govt., Good Governance, Community Development, & Social Affairs, in Charge of Social Community Development Affairs ...... Christine NYATANYI Min. of State, Min. of Publice Service & Labor, in Charge of Labor ...... Angelina MUGANZA Governor, Central Bank ...... Francois MUTEMBEREZI Ambassador to the US ...... Zac NSENGA Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Joseph NSENGIMANA

S Saint Kitts and Nevis Governor General ...... Cuthbert Montraville SEBASTIAN Prime Minister ...... Denzil DOUGLAS, Dr. Dep. Prime Min...... Sam CONDOR Min. of Agriculture, Fisheries, & Consumer Affairs ...... Cedric Roy LIBURD Min. of Education ...... Sam CONDOR Min of Finance ...... Denzil DOUGLAS, Dr. Min. of Foreign Affairs & International Trade ...... Timothy HARRIS Min. of Health ...... Rupert Emmanuel HERBERT Min. of Housing ...... Cedric Roy LIBURD Min. of Immigration & Labor ...... Gerald Anthony Dwyer ASTAPHAN Min. of Industry & Commerce ...... Timothy HARRIS Min. of Justice ...... Gerald Anthony Dwyer ASTAPHAN Min. of Legal Affairs ...... Delano Frank BART Min. of National Security ...... Gerald Anthony Dwyer ASTAPHAN Min. of Public Works, Utilities, Transport, & Posts ...... Earl Asim MARTIN Min. of Sustainable Development ...... Denzil DOUGLAS, Dr. Min. of Technology ...... Denzil DOUGLAS, Dr. Min. of Tourism & Culture ...... Denzil DOUGLAS, Dr. Min. of Youth, Social, & Community Development ...... Sam CONDOR Min. of State in the Office of the Prime Minister With the Responsibility for Finance, Technology, & Sustainable Development ...... Nigel Alexis CARTY Min. of State in the Office of the Prime Minister With the Responsibility for Tourism, Sports, & Culture ...... Richard SKERRIT Attorney General ...... Delano Frank BART Ambassador to the US ...... Izben Cordinal WILLIAMS Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Joseph CHRISTMAS

Saint Lucia Governor General ...... Pearlette LOUISY, Dame Prime Minister ...... Kenny Davis ANTHONY Dep. Prime Min...... Mario MICHEL Min. for Agriculture, Forestry, & Fisheries ...... Calixte GEORGE Min. for Commerce, Tourism, Investment, & Consumer Affairs ...... Philip PIERRE Min. for Communications, Works, Transportation, & Public Utilities ...... Felix FINISTERRE Min. for Education, Human Resource Development, Youth, & Sports ...... Mario MICHEL Min. for External Affairs, International Trade, & Civil Aviation ...... Petrus COMPTON Min. for Finance, International Financial Services, Economic Affairs, & Information ...... Kenny Davis ANTHONY Min. for Health, Human Services, & Family Affairs ...... Damian GREAVES

82 Saint Lucia (continued) Min. for Home Affairs & Gender Relations ...... Min. for Justice ...... Victor LACORBINIERE Min. for Labor Relations, Public Service, & Cooperatives ...... Velon JOHN Min. for Physical Development, Housing, & Environment ...... Ignatius JEAN Min. for Social Transformation, Culture, & Local Government ...... Menissa RAMBALLY Attorney General ...... Victor LACORBINIERE Ambassador to the US ...... Sonia JOHNNY Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Julian HUNTE

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Governor General ...... Frederick Nathaniel BALLANTYNE, Sir Prime Minister ...... Ralph E. GONSALVES Dep. Prime Minister ...... Louis STRAKER Min. of Agriculture, Forestry, & Fisheries ...... Montgomery DANIEL Min. of Education ...... Girlyn MIGUEL Min. of Finance ...... Ralph E. GONSALVES Min. of Foreign Affairs, Commerce, & Trade ...... Louis STRAKER Min. of Grenadine Affairs & Legal Affairs ...... Ralph E. GONSALVES Min. of Health & the Environment ...... Douglas SLATER Min. of Housing, Informal Human Settlements, Physical Planning, & Lands & Surveys ...... Julian FRANCIS Min. of Information ...... Ralph E. GONSALVES Min. of Labor ...... Ralph E. GONSALVES Min. of National Mobilization, Social Development, NGO Relations, Family, Gender Affairs, & Persons with Disabilites ...... Michael BROWNE Min. of Planning & Economic Development ...... Ralph E. GONSALVES Min. of Rural Transformation, Information, Public Service, & Ecclesiastical Affairs ...... Selmon WATERS Min. of Telecommunications, Science, Technology, & Industry ...... Jerrol THOMPSON Min. of Tourism, Youth, & Sports ...... Glen BEACHE Min. of Transportation & Works ...... Clayton BURGIN Min. of Urban Development, Labor, Culture, & Electoral Matters ...... Rene BAPTISTE Attorney General ...... Judith JONES-MORGAN Ambassador to the US ...... Ellsworth JOHN Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Margaret Hughes FERRARI

Samoa Head of State ...... Malietoa, Tanumafili II Prime Minister ...... Tuila’epa, Sailele Malielegaoi Deputy Prime Minister ...... Misa, Telefoni Retzlaff Min. of Agriculture ...... Tuisugaletaua, Sofara Aveau Min. of Commerce, Industry, & Labor ...... Hans, Joachim Min. of Communication & Information Technology ...... Palusalue, Faapo Min. of Education, Sports, & Culture ...... Fiame, Naomi Mata’afa Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Tuila’epa, Sailele Malielegaoi Min. of Health ...... Mulitalo, Siafausa Vui Min. of Justice & Courts Admin...... Min. of Natural Resources & Environment ...... Tagaloa, Sale Tagaloa Min. of Police ...... Ulu, Vaomalo Kini Min. of Revenue ...... Gaina, Tino Min. of Women, Community, & Social Development ...... Tuala, Ainiu Iusitino Min. of Works, Transport, & Infrastructure ...... Faumuina, Liuga Attorney General ...... Heather, Brenda Governor, Central Bank ...... Scanlan, Papali’i Tommy Ambassador to the US ...... Elisaia, Aliioaiga Feturi Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Elisaia, Aliioaiga Feturi

83 San Marino Captain Regent (Co-Head of State) ...... Gian Franco TERENZI Captain Regent (Co-Head of State) ...... Loris FRANCINI Sec. of Budget & Finance ...... Stefano MACINA Sec. of Health & Social Security ...... Fabio BERARDI Sec. of Industry, Trade, & Research ...... Tito MASI Sec. of Interior & Civil Protection ...... Valeria CIAVATTA Sec. of Justice, Information, & Peace ...... Ivan FOSCHI Sec. of Labor ...... Antonello BACCIOCCHI Sec. of Public Education, Culture, & Social Affairs ...... Francesca MICHELOTTI Sec. of State for Foreign & Political Affairs & for Economic Planning ...... Fiorenzo STOLFI Sec. of Territory, Environment, & Agriculture ...... Marino RICCARDI Sec. of Tourism, Telecommunications, Transportation, Economic Cooperation, & Sports ...... Paride ANDREOLI Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Daniele BODINI

Sao Tome and Principe President ...... Fradique DE MENEZES Prime Minister ...... Tome Soares da VERA CRUZ Dep. Prime Min...... Maria TEBUS Min. of Defense & Internal Order ...... Oscar SOUSA Min. of Economy ...... Cristina DIAS Min. of Education, Culture, Youth, & Sports ...... Maria de Fatima LEITE Min. of Foreign Affairs & Cooperation ...... Carlos GUSTAVO Min. of Health ...... Arlindo de CARVALHO Min. of Justice & Parliamentary Affairs ...... Justino VEIGAS Min. of Labor, Solidarity, Women, & Family Affairs ...... Maria da Costa CARVALHO Min. of Natural Resources & Environment ...... Manuel Deus LIMA Min. of Planning & Finance ...... Maria TEBUS Min. of Public Administration, State Reform, & Territorial Administration ...... Armindo AGUIAR Min. of Public Works & Infrastructure ...... Delfim NEVES Min. of Social Communication & Regional Integration ...... Tome Vera CRUZ Governor, Bank of Sao Tome & Principe ...... Ambassador to the US ...... Ovidio Manuel BARBOSA PEQUENO Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Ovidio Manuel BARBOSA PEQUENO

Saudi Arabia King ...... ABDALLAH bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud Prime Minister ...... ABDALLAH bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud Dep. Prime Min...... SULTAN bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud Min. of Agriculture ...... Fahd bin Abd al-Rahman bin Sulayman BALGHUNAYM Min. of Civil Service ...... Muhammad bin Ali FAYIZ Min. of Commerce & Industry ...... Hashim bin Abdallah bin Hashim YAMANI Min. of Communications & Information Technology ...... Muhammad bin Jamil bin Ahmad MULLA Min. of Culture & Information ...... Iyad bin Amin MADANI Min. of Defense & Aviation ...... SULTAN bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud Min. of Economy & Planning ...... Khalid bin Muhammad al-QUSAYBI Min. of Education ...... Abdallah bin Salih al-UBAYD Min. of Finance ...... Ibrahim Abd al-Aziz al-ASAF Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... SAUD al-Faysal bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud Min. of Health ...... Hamad bin Abdallah al-MANAI Min. of Higher Education ...... Khalid bin Muhammad al-ANQARI Min. of Interior ...... NAYIF bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud Min. for Islamic Affairs, Endowment, Call, & Guidance ...... Salih bin Abd al-Aziz bin Muhammad bin Ibrahim al-SHAYKH Min. of Justice ...... Abdallah bin Muhammad bin Ibrahim al-SHAYKH Min. of Labor ...... Ghazi bin Abd al-Rahman al-QUSAYBI

84 Saudi Arabia (continued) Min. of Municipal & Rural Affairs ...... MITIB bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud Min. of Petroleum & Mineral Resources ...... Ali Ibrahim al-NAIMI Min. of Pilgrimage Affairs & Religious Trusts ...... Fuad Abd al-Salam Muhammad al-FARSI Min. of Social Affairs ...... Abd al-Muhsin bin Abd al-Aziz al-AKAS Min. of Transport ...... Jubarah SURAYSRI Min. of Water & Electricity ...... Abdallah al-HUSAYN Min. of State ...... Musaid bin Muhammad al-AYBAN Min. of State ...... Abd al-Aziz bin Abdallah al-KHUWAYTIR Min. of State ...... Mutalib bin Abdallah al-NAFISA Min. of State ...... ABD AL-AZIZ bin Fahd bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud Min. of State ...... Abdallah bin Zainal ALI REZA Pres., Higher Council of Ulema ...... Abdallah bin Ahmad bin Yusif ZAYNAL Governor, Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency ...... Hamad al-SAYARI Ambassador to the US ...... TURKI al-Faysal bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Fawzi bin Abd al-Majid SHUBUKSHI

Senegal President ...... Abdoulaye WADE Prime Minister ...... Macky SALL Senior Min. of Agriculture & Water Resources ...... Farba SENGHOR Min. of Animal Husbandry ...... Oumou Khairy Gueye SECK Min. of Armed Forces ...... Becaye DIOP Min. of Civil Service, Labor, & Professional Organizations ...... Yero DEH Min. of Commerce ...... Mamadou Diop DECROIX Min. of Culture & Communication ...... Birame DIOUF Min. of Decentralization & Regional Planning ...... Aminata TALL Min. of Economy & Finance ...... Abdoulaye DIOP Min. of Education ...... Moustapha SOURANG Min. of Environment & Conservation ...... Thierno LO Min. of Expatriates ...... Abdoul DIOP Min. of Family & National Solidarity ...... Aida MBODJ Min. of Fisheries ...... Djibo LEYTI KA Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Cheikh Tidiane GADIO Min. of Habitat & Construction ...... Omar SA Min. of Health, Hygiene, & Prevention ...... Issa SAMB Min. of Industry & Handicrafts ...... Landing SAVANE Min. of Information & Government Spokesperson ...... Bacar DIA Min. of Information & Pan-African Cooperation ...... Mamadou DIOP Min. of Infrastructure, Public Works, & Transportation ...... Habib SY Min. of Institutional Relations ...... Bineta Samb BA Min. of Interior ...... Ousmane NGOM Min. of Justice ...... Serigne DIOP Min. of Labor ...... Adame SALL Min. of Mining & Energy ...... Madicke NIANG Min. of Planning ...... Opah NDIAYE Min. of Scientific Research ...... Christian Sina DIATTA Min. of Small & Medium-Size Enterprises & Micro-Finance ...... Marie Pierre SARR Min. of Social Development ...... Maimouna Sourang NDIR Min. of Sports ...... Youssoupha NDIAYE Min. of Tourism ...... Ousmane Masseck NDIAYE Min. of Urban & Regional Planning ...... Seydou Sy SALL Min. of Women’s Entrepreneurism ...... Marieme NDIAYE Min. of Youth ...... Aliou SOW Min. With Special Responsibility for the Budget ...... Cheick SOUMARE Min. With Special Responsibility for Children ...... Ndeye DIOP Min. With Special Responsibility for Technical & Professional Teaching .... Georges TENDENG Ambassador to the US ...... Amadou BA Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Paul BADJI

85 Serbia The Union of Serbia and Montenegro was formally dissolved after the Montenegrins voted for independence from Serbia in a referendum on 21 May 2006. Montenegro officially declared itself independent on 3 June 2006.

President ...... Boris TADIC Prime Minister ...... Vojislav KOSTUNICA Dep. Prime Min...... Ivana DULIC-MARKOVIC Min. of Agriculture, Forestry, & Water Management ...... Goran ZIVKOV Min. of Capital Investment ...... Velimir ILIC Min. of Culture ...... Dragan KOJADINOVIC Min. of Defense ...... Zoran STANKOVIC Min. of Diaspora ...... Vojislav VUKCEVIC Min. of Economy ...... Predrag BUBALO Min. of Education & Sport ...... Slobodan VUKSANOVIC Min. of Energy & Mining ...... Radomir NAUMOV Min. of Finance ...... Mladjan DINKIC Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Vuk DRASKOVIC Min. of Health ...... Tomica MILOSAVLJEVIC Min. of Interior ...... Dragan JOCIC Min. of International Economic Relations ...... Milan PARIVODIC Min. of Justice ...... Zoran STOJKOVIC Min. of Labor, Employment, & Social Affairs ...... Slobodan LALOVIC Min. of Public Admininstration & Local Self-Government ...... Zoran LONCAR Min. of Religion ...... Milan RADULOVIC Min. of Science & Environmental Protection ...... Aleksandar POPOVIC Min. of Trade, Tourism, & Services ...... Bojan DIMITRIJEVIC Ambassador to the US ...... Ivan VUJACIC Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Pavle JEVREMOVIC

Seychelles President ...... James Alix MICHEL Vice President ...... Joseph BELMONT Min. of Agriculture & Marine Resources ...... William HERMINIE Min. of Arts, Culture, & Sports ...... Sylvette POOL Min. of Community Development & Youth ...... Vincent MERITON Min. of Education ...... Bernard SHAMLAYE Min. of Environment ...... Ronnie JUMEAU Min. of Finance & Designated Minister ...... Danny FAURE Min. of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation ...... Patrick Georges PILLAY Min. of Health ...... MacSuzy MONDON Min. of Land Use & Habitiat ...... Joel MORGAN Min. of Investment, Industries, & Technology ...... Jacqueline DUGASSE Min. of Internal Affairs, Defense, & Legal Affairs ...... James Alix MICHEL Min. of Public Administration ...... Joseph BELMONT Min. of Social Affairs & Employment ...... Marie-Pierre LLOYD Min. of Tourism & Transport ...... Joseph BELMONT Governor, Central Bank ...... Norman WEBER Ambassador to the US ...... Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Jeremie BONNELAME

Sierra Leone President ...... Ahmad Tejan KABBAH Vice President ...... Solomon BEREWA Min. of Agriculture & Food Security ...... Sama Sahr MONDEH Min. of Country Planning, Forestry, Environment, & Social Welfare ...... Alfred Bobson SESAY Min. of Defense ...... Ahmad Tejan KABBAH Min. of Development & Economic Planning ...... Mohamed B. DARAMY Min. of Education, Science, & Technology ...... Alpha T. WURIE Min. of Energy & Power ...... Lloyd DURING Min. of Finance ...... John BENJAMIN

86 Sierra Leone (continued) Min. of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation ...... Momodu KOROMA Min. of Health & Sanitation ...... Agnes TAYLOR-LEWIS, Dr. Min. of Information & Broadcasting ...... Septimus KAIKAI Min. of Internal Affairs ...... Pascal EGBENDA Min. of Justice ...... Eke Ahmed HALLOWAY Min. of Labor, Industrial Relations, & Social Security ...... Alpha TIMBO Min. of Local Government & Community Development ...... Sidikie BRIMA Min. of Marine Resources ...... Chernor JALLOH Min. of Mineral Resources ...... Mohamed Swarray DEEN Min. of Political & Parliamentary Affairs ...... George Banda THOMAS Min. of Social Welfare, Gender, & Children’s Affairs ...... Shirley Yema GBUJAMA Min. of Tourism ...... Okere ADAMS Min. of Trade & Industry ...... Kadi SESAY Min. of Transport & Communications ...... Prince A. HARDING Min. of Works, Housing, & Technical Maintenance ...... Caiser J. BOIMA Min. of Youth & Sport ...... Dennis BRIGHT Min. of State for Eastern Region ...... Sahr Randolph FILLIE-FABOE Min. of State for Northern Region ...... Alex Alie KARGBO Min. of State for Presidential Affairs ...... Foday YUMKELLA Min. of State for Southern Region ...... S. U. M. JAH Attorney General ...... Eke Ahmed HALLOWAY Governor, Central Bank ...... James ROGERS Ambassador to the US ...... Ibrahim M. KAMARA Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Joe Robert PEMAGBI

Singapore President ...... Sellapan Rama NATHAN Prime Minister ...... LEE Hsien Loong Dep. Prime Min. (Foreign Affairs), Prime Minister’s Office ...... Shunmugam JAYAKUMAR Dep. Prime Min., Prime Minister’s Office ...... WONG Kan Seng Senior Min., Prime Minister’s Office ...... GOH Chok Tong Min. Mentor, Prime Minister’s Office ...... LEE Kuan Yew Coordinating Min. for Security & Defense, Prime Minister’s Office ...... Shunmugam JAYAKUMAR Min. for Community Development, Youth, & Sports ...... Vivian BALAKRISHNAN Min. for Defense ...... TEO Chee Hean, RAdm. (Ret.) Min. for Education ...... Tharman SHANMUGARATNAM Min. for the Environment & Water Resources ...... YAACOB Ibrahim Min. for Finance ...... LEE Hsien Loong Min. for Foreign Affairs ...... George Yong-Boon YEO Min. for Health ...... KHAW Boon Wan Min. for Home Affairs ...... WONG Kan Seng Min. for Information, Communications, & the Arts ...... LEE Boon Yang Min. for Law ...... Shunmugam JAYAKUMAR Min. for Manpower ...... NG Eng Hen Min. in Charge of Muslim Affairs ...... YAACOB Ibrahim Min. for National Development ...... MAH Bow Tan Min. for Trade & Industry ...... LIM Hng Kiang Min. for Transport ...... Raymond LIM Siang Keat Min., Prime Minister’s Office ...... LIM Swee Say Min., Prime Minister’s Office ...... LIM Boon Heng Chmn., Monetary Authority of Singapore ...... GOH Chok Tong Ambassador to the US ...... CHAN Heng Chee Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Vanu Gopala MENON

Slovakia President ...... Ivan GASPAROVIC Prime Minister ...... Robert FICO Dep. Prime Min...... Robert KALINAK

87 Slovakia (continued) Dep. Prime Min...... Jan MIKOLAJ Dep. Prime Min. for European Affairs, Human Rights, & Minorities ...... Dusan CAPLOVIC Dep. Prime Min. for Legislation ...... Stefan HARABIN Min. of Agriculture ...... Miroslav JURENA Min. of Construction & Regional Development ...... Marian JANUSEK Min. of Culture ...... Marek MADARIC Min. of Defense ...... Frantisek KASICKY Min. of Economy ...... Lubomir JAHNATEK Min. of Education ...... Jan MIKOLAJ Min. of Environment ...... Jaroslav IZAK Min. of Finance ...... Jan POCIATEK Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Jan KUBIS Min. of Health ...... Ivan VALENTOVIC Min. of Interior ...... Robert KALINAK Min. of Justice ...... Stefan HARABIN Min. of Labor, Social Affairs, & Family ...... Viera TOMANOVA Min. of Transportation, Post, & Telecommunications ...... Lubomir VAZNY Governor, Central Bank of Slovakia ...... Ivan SRAMKO Ambassador to the US ...... Rastislav KACER Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Peter BURIAN

Slovenia President ...... Janez DRNOVSEK Prime Minister ...... Janez JANSA Min. of Agriculture, Forestry, & Nutrition ...... Marija LUKACIC Min. of Culture ...... Vasko SIMONITI Min. of Defense ...... Karl ERJAVEC Min. of Economic Affairs ...... Andrej VIZJAK Min. of Education & Sports ...... Milan ZVER Min. of Environment & Spatial Planning ...... Janez PODOBNIK Min. of Finance ...... Andrej BAJUK Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Dimitrij RUPEL Min. of Health ...... Andrej BRUCAN Min. of Higher Education, Science, & Technology ...... Jure ZUPAN Min. of Internal Affairs ...... Dragutin MATE Min. of Justice ...... Lovro STURM Min. of Labor, Family & Social Affairs ...... Janez DROBNIC Min. of Public Administration ...... Gregor VIRANT Min. of Transport & Communication ...... Janez BOZIC Minister Without Portfolio for Local Self-Government & Regional Policy ...... Ivan ZAGAR Minister Without Portfolio for Reform ...... Governor, National Bank ...... Mitja GASPARI Ambassador to the US ...... Samuel ZBOGAR Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Roman KIRN

Solomon Islands Governor General ...... Nathaniel WAENA Prime Minister ...... Allan KEMAKESA, Sir Dep. Prime Min...... Snyder RINI Min. of Agriculture & Livestock ...... Enele KWANAIRARA Min. of Commerce, Employment, & Trade ...... Walter NAEZON Min. of Communications, Aviation, & Meteorology ...... Simeon BOURO Min. of Culture & Tourism ...... Trevor OLAVAE Min. of Education & Training ...... Snyder RINI Min. of Finance & Treasury ...... Peter BOYERS Min. of Fisheries & Marine Resources ...... Paul MAENU’U Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Laurie CHAN

88 Solomon Islands (continued) Min. of Forestry, Environment, & Conservation ...... David HOLOSIVI Min. of Health & Medical Services ...... Benjamin UNA Min. of Home Affairs ...... Nelson KILE Min. of Infrastructure Development ...... Bernard GIRO Min. of Lands & Surveys ...... Siriako USA Min. of Mines & Energy ...... Basil MANELEGUA Min. of National Reform & Planning ...... Fred FONO Min. of National Unity, Reconciliation, & Peace ...... James TORA Min. of Police, National Security, & Justice ...... Augustine TANEKO Min. of Provincial Govt. & Rural Development ...... Stephen PAENI Min. of State Assisting the Prime Minister ...... John Martin GARO Governor, Central Bank ...... Rick HOU Ambassador to the US ...... Collin David BECK Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Collin David BECK

Somalia Somalia has lacked any internationally recognized central government since the fall of the Siad Barre regime in 1991. The current Transitional Federal Government is the fifteenth attempt to create a formal state. The country is currently controlled by various political and regional factions as well as local warlords in the south and in two “republics” in the north. The former British colony of Somaliland—consisting of five districts in the northwest—declared independence in 1991, and the northeastern region—known as Puntland—declared autonomy in 1998.

President ...... Abdullahi YUSUF Ahmed Prime Minister ...... Ali Mohamed GEDI Dep. Prime Min...... ABDULLAHI SHEIKH Ismail Min. of Agriculture ...... Abdulkadir Nur ARALE Min. of Air & Land Transport ...... Muhammad Ibrahim HABSADE Min. of Commerce ...... Abdullahi Ahmed AFRAH Min. of Constitutional Affairs ...... ABDULLAHI SHEIKH Ismail Min. of Defense ...... Bare Adan Shire BARRE HIRALE Min. of Demobilization & Militia Training ...... MOHAMMED BOTAN Harankunah Min. of Education ...... Abdirahman ABDI WAARE Min. of Energy ...... ABDULLAHI Yusuf Mohammed Min. of Environment ...... Muhammad Mahamud HAYD Min. of Finance ...... Hasan Mohammed Nur SHATIGADUD Min. of Fisheries & Marine Resources ...... HASSAN ABSHIR Farah Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Ismail Mohammed Hurreh BUBA Min. of Health ...... ABDI AZIZ Sheikh Yusuf Min. of Higher Education ...... HUSSEN MOHAMUD Sheikh Hussen Min. of Industry ...... Muhammad Abdullahi KAAMIL Min. of Information ...... Ali Ahmed Jama JANGALI Min. of Interior ...... Hussein Mohammed Farah AIDEED Min. of Justice ...... Sheikh Adan Mohamed Noor ADAN MADOBE Min. of Labor ...... Salah ALI FARAH Min. of Livestock & Animal Husbandry ...... SALIM ALIYOW Ibrow Min. of Minerals & Water Resources ...... Mahamud SALAD NUR Min. of National Security ...... Abdullahi Abdi GARUUN Min. of Petrol & Electric Power ...... Yusuf Ahmed Mohammed HARARE Min. of Planning ...... Husayn Elabe FAHIYE Min. of Ports & Shipping ...... Ali ISMAIL ABDI Min. of Post & Telecommunications ...... ABDI MOHAMED Tarah Min. of Public Works & Housing ...... Muhammad Mahamud GULEED Min. of Reconciliation ...... Mahamud ABDULLAHI JAMA Min. of Reconstruction & Resettlement ...... SAID HASSAN Shire Min. of Religious Affairs ...... Sheikh Hassan ISMAIL BILE Min. of Sports & Youth Affairs ...... MOWLID Ma’ane Mahamud Min. of Tourism & Wildlife ...... Ali Muhammad MAHAMUD Min. of Women & Family Affairs ...... FOZIA MAHAMED Sheikh Governor, Central Bank ...... Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Elmi Ahmed DUALE

89 South Africa President ...... Thabo Mvuyelwa MBEKI Deputy President ...... Phumzile Gloria MLAMBO-NGCUKA Min. of Agriculture & Land Affairs ...... Angela Thoko DIDIZA Min. of Arts & Culture ...... Pallo JORDAN Min. of Communications ...... Ivy MATSEPE-CASABURRI Min. of Correctional Services ...... Ngconde BALFOUR Min. of Defense ...... Mosiuoa LEKOTA Min. of Education ...... Naledi PANDOR Min. of Environment & Tourism ...... Marthinus VAN SCHALKWYK Min. of Finance ...... Trevor MANUEL Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Nkosazana DLAMINI-ZUMA Min. of Health ...... Manto TSHABALALA-MSIMANG Min. of Home Affairs ...... Nosiviwe MAPISA-NQAKULA Min. of Housing ...... Lindiwe SISULU Min. of Intelligence ...... Ronnie KASRILS Min. of Justice & Constitutional Affairs ...... BridgItte MABANDLA Min. of Labor ...... Membathisi MDLADLANA Min. of Minerals & Energy ...... Lindiwe Benedicta HENDRICKS Min. of Provincial & Local Government ...... Sydney MUFAMADI Min. of Public Enterprises ...... Alexander ERWIN Min. of Public Service & Administration ...... Geraldine FRASER-MOLEKETI Min. of Public Works ...... Stella SIGCAU Min. of Safety & Security ...... Charles NQAKULA Min. of Science & Technology ...... Mosibudi MANGENA Min. of Social Development ...... Zola SKWEYIYA Min. of Sport & Recreation ...... Makenkesi STOFILE Min. of Trade & Industry ...... Mandisi MPAHLWA Min. of Transport ...... Jeffrey Thamsanqa RADEBE Min. of Water & Forestry ...... Buyi SONJICA Min. of the Presidency ...... Essop PAHAD Governor, Reserve Bank ...... Tito MBOWENI Ambassador to the US ...... Barbara MASEKELA Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Dumisani Shadrack KUMALO

Spain Chief of State ...... JUAN CARLOS I, King President of the Government ...... Jose Luis RODRIGUEZ ZAPATERO First Vice President ...... Maria Teresa FERNANDEZ DE LA VEGA Second Vice President ...... Pedro SOLBES Min. of Agriculture, Fisheries, & Food ...... Elena ESPINOSA Min. of Culture ...... Carmen CALVO Min. of Defense ...... Jose Antonio ALONSO Min. of Development ...... Magdalena ALVAREZ Min. of Economy & Finance ...... Pedro SOLBES Min. of Education & Science ...... Mercedes CABRERA Min. of Environment ...... Cristina NARBONA Min. of Foreign Affairs & Cooperation ...... Miguel Angel MORATINOS Min. of Health & Consumer Affairs ...... Elena SALGADO Min. of Housing ...... Maria Antonio TRUJILLO Min. of Industry, Commerce, & Tourism ...... Joan CLOS Min. of Interior ...... Alfredo Perez RUBALCABA Min. of Justice ...... Juan Fernando LOPEZ AGUILAR Min. of Labor & Social Affairs ...... Jesus CALDERA Min. of the Presidency ...... Maria Teresa FERNANDEZ DE LA VEGA Min. of Public Administration ...... Jordi SEVILLA Governor, Bank of Spain ...... Miguel Angel FERNANDEZ ORDONEZ Ambassador to the US ...... Carlos WESTENDORP Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Juan Antonio YANEZ-BARNUEVO

90 Sri Lanka President ...... Mahinda RAJAPAKSE Prime Minister ...... Ratnasiri WICKREMANAYAKE Min. of Agriculture, Irrigation, & Mahaweli Development ...... Maithripala SIRISENA Min. of Child Development & Women’s Empowerment ...... Sumedha JAYASENA Min. of Constitutional Affairs & National Integration ...... D. E. W. GUNASEKARA Min. of Defense ...... Mahinda RAJAPAKSE Min. of Disaster Management & Human Rights ...... Mahinda SAMARASINGHE Min. of Education ...... Susil PREMAJAYANTHA Min. of Enterprise Development & Investment Promotion ...... Rohitha BOGOLLAGAMA Min. of Finance ...... Mahinda RAJAPAKSE Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Mangala SAMARAWEERA Min. of Heathcare & Nutrition ...... Nimal Siripala DE SILVA Min. of Highways ...... Jeyaraj FERNANDOPULLE Min. of Housing & Construction ...... Ferial ASHRAFF Min. of Housing Development ...... A. L. M. ATHAULLA Min. of Industries & Investment Promotions ...... Rohita BOGOLLAGAMA Min. of Infrastructure Development & Fisheries Housing ...... A. L. M. ATHAULLA Min. of Internal Administration ...... Ratnasiri WICKREMANAYAKE Min. of Justice & Law Reforms ...... Amarasiri DODANGODA MIn. of Labor Relations & Foreign Employment ...... Athauda SENAVIRATNE Min. of Local Government & Provincial Councils ...... Janaka B. TENNEKOON Min. of Mass Media & Information ...... Anura Priyadharshana YAPA Min. of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development ...... A. H. M. FOWZIE Min. of Planning & Plan Implementation ...... Keheliya RAMBUKWELLA Min. of Ports & Aviation ...... Mangala SAMARAWEERA Min. of Posts & Telecommunications ...... D. M. JAYARATNE Min. of Power & Energy ...... John SENAVIRATNE Min. of Public Administration & Home Affairs ...... Sarath AMUNUGAMA Min. of Railways & Transport ...... A. H. M. FOWZIE Min. of Rural Economic Development ...... D. M. JAYARATNE Min. of Rural Industries & Self-Employment Promotion ...... S. B. NAVINNA Min. of Science & Technology ...... Tissa VITHARANA Min. of Self-Employment ...... S. B. NAVINNA Min. of Social Services & Social Welfare ...... Douglas DEVANANDA Min. of Tourism ...... Anura BANDARANAIKE Min. of Trade, Commerce, Consumer Affairs, & Marketing Development ...... Jeyaraj FERNANDOPULLE Min. of Urban Development & Water Supply ...... Dinesh GUNAWARDENA Min. of Vocational & Technical Training ...... Piyasena GAMAGE Governor, Central Bank ...... Ajith Nivard CABRAAL Ambassador to the US ...... Bernard GOONETILLEKE Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Prasad KARIYAWASAM

Sudan President ...... Umar Hassan Ahmad al-BASHIR, Fd. Mar. First Vice President ...... Salva KIIR Vice President ...... Ali Osman TAHA Assistant to the President ...... Nafie Ali NAFIE Min. of Agriculture & Forestry ...... Mohammed al-Amin Issa KABASHI Min. of Animal & Resources ...... GALWAK Deng Min. of Cabinet Affairs ...... DENG Alor Kuol Min. of Culture, Youth, & Sport ...... Mohammed Yusuf ABDALLAH Min. of Defense ...... Abdel Rahim Mohammed HUSSEIN Min. of Energy & Mining ...... Awad Ahmed AL-JAZ Min. of Environment & Urban Development ...... Ahmed Babkir NAHAR Min. of Federal Government ...... Abdel Basit Saleh SABDARAT Min. of Finance & National Economy ...... Al-Zubayr Ahmad al-HASAN Min. of Finance & Planning ...... Zubeir Mohammed HASSAN Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... LAM Akol Ajawin

91 Sudan (continued) Min. of Foreign Trade ...... George BORENG Niyami Min. of General Education ...... Hamid Muhammad IBRAHIM Min. of Health ...... Tabita SOKAYA Min. of Higher Education ...... Peter NIYOT Kok Min. of Humanitarian Affairs ...... KOSTI Manibe Min. of Industry ...... Jalal AL-DUGAIR Min. of Information & Communication ...... Zahawi Ibrahim MALEK Min. of Interior ...... Zubeir Beshir TAHA Min. of International Cooperation ...... AL-TIJANI Saleh Hudeib Min. of Investment ...... Malik AGAR Ayar Min. of Justice & Prosecutor General ...... Mohammed Ali AL-MARDI Min. of Labor & Human Resources ...... Alison MANANI Magaya Min. of Parliamentary Affairs ...... Josheph OKELO Min. of the Presidency ...... BAKRI Hassan Saleh Min. of Religious Affairs & Waqf ...... Azhari Al-Tigani Awad AL-SID Min. of Science & Technology ...... Abdalrahman SAID, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Min. of Tourism ...... Josef MALWAL Min. of Transportation ...... KUOL Manyang Ajok Min. of Water Resources ...... Kamal Ali MOHAMMED Attorney General ...... Ali Mohamed Osman YASSIN Governor, Central Bank of Sudan ...... Muhammad al-Hasan SABIR Charge d’Affaires, Washington, DC ...... Khidir HAROUN Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Abdalmahmood Abdalhaleem MOHAMAD

Suriname President ...... Ronald VENETIAAN Vice President ...... Jules Rattankoemar AJODHIA Min. of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, & Fisheries ...... Kermechend RAGHOEBARSINGH Min. of Defense ...... Ivan FERNALD Min. of Education & Human Development ...... Edwin WOLF Min. of Finance ...... Humphrey HILDENBERG Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Lygia KRAAG-KETELDIJK Min. of Health ...... Celcius WATERBERG Min. of Home Affairs ...... Urmila JOELLA-SEWNUNDUN Min. of Interior ...... Maurits HASSANKHAN Min. of Justice & Police ...... Chandrikapersad SANTHOKI Min. of Labor ...... Clifford MARICA Min. of Natural Resources ...... Gregory RUSLAND Min. of Planning & Development Cooperation ...... Rick Van RAVENSWAAY Min. of Public Works ...... Ganeshkoemar KANHAI Min. of Regional Development ...... Michel FELISIE Min. of Social Affairs & Housing ...... Hendrik SETROWIDJOJO Min. of Trade & Industry ...... Min. of Transportation, Communication, & Tourism ...... Guno CASTELEN Min. of Zoning ...... Michael JONG TJIEN FA Pres., Central Bank ...... Andre TELTING Ambassador to the US ...... Henry ILLES Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Ewald Wensley LIMON

Swaziland King ...... MSWATI III Prime Minister ...... Absalom Themba DLAMINI Dep. Prime Min...... Albert SHABANGU Min. for Agriculture ...... Mtiti FAKUDZE Min. for Economic Planning ...... Absalom Muntu DLAMINI, Rev. Min. for Education ...... Constance SIMELANE Min. for Enterprise & Employment ...... Lufto DLAMINI Min. for Finance ...... Majozi SITHOLE

92 Swaziland (continued) Min. for Foreign Affairs & Trade ...... Moses Mathedele DLAMINI Min. for Health ...... Mfomfo NKAMBULE Min. for Home Affairs ...... GABHENI, Prince Min. for Housing & Urban Development ...... Mabili DLAMINI Min. for Justice ...... David DLAMINI, Prince Min. for Natural Resources ...... Dumsile SUKATI Min. for Public Service & Information ...... Themba MSIBI Min. for Public Works & Transport ...... Elijah SHONGWE Min. for Regional Development ...... Sipho SHONGWE Min. for Tourism & Environment ...... Thandie SHONGWE Governor, Central Bank ...... Martin DLAMINI Ambassador to the US ...... Mary Madzandza KANYA Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Phesheya DLAMINI

Sweden King ...... CARL XVI GUSTAF Prime Minister ...... Fredrik REINFELDT Dep. Prime Min...... Maud OLOFSSON Min. of Agriculture, Food, & Fisheries ...... Eskil ERLANDSSON Min. of Culture ...... Lena Adelsohn LILJEROTH Min. of Defense ...... Mikael ODENBERG Min. of Development Aid ...... Gunilla CARLSSON Min. of Education ...... Lars LEIJONBORG Min. of Infrastructure ...... Asa TORSTENSSON Min. for Labor Market Issues ...... Sven Otto LITTORIN Min. of Environment ...... Andreas CARLGREN Min. of European Affairs ...... Cecila MALMSTROM Min. of Finance ...... Anders BORG Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Carl BILDT Min. of Foreign Trade ...... Sten TOLGFORS Min. of Health & Elderly Care ...... Maria LARSSON Min. of Industry ...... Maud OLOFSSON Min. of Integration & Gender Equality Affairs ...... Nyamko SABUNI Min. of Justice ...... Beatrice ASK Min. of Local Government & Financial Markets ...... Mats ODELL Min. of Migration ...... Tobias BILLSTROM Min. of Schools ...... Jan BJORKLAND Min. of Social Affairs ...... Goran HAGGLUND Min. of Social Benefits ...... Cristina Husmark PEHRSSON Governor, Swedish Central Bank ...... Stefan INGVES Ambassador to the US ...... Gunnar LUND Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Anders LIDEN

Switzerland President ...... Moritz LEUENBERGER Vice President ...... Micheline CALMY-REY Chief, Federal Dept. of Defense, Civil Protection, & Sports ...... Samuel SCHMID Chief, Federal Dept. of Economic Affairs ...... Doris LEUTHARD Chief, Federal Dept. of Finance ...... Hans-Rudolf MERZ Chief, Federal Dept. of Foreign Affairs ...... Micheline CALMY-REY Chief, Federal Dept. of Home Affairs ...... Pascal COUCHEPIN Chief, Federal Dept. of Justice & Police ...... Christoph BLOCHER Chief, Federal Dept. of Transportation, Communications, & Energy ...... Moritz LEUENBERGER Federal Chancellor ...... Annemarie HUBER-HOTZ Chmn., Swiss National Bank ...... Jean-Pierre ROTH Ambassador to the US ...... Urs ZISWILER Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Peter MAURER

93 Syria President ...... Bashar al-ASAD Vice President ...... Farouk al-SHARA Prime Minister ...... Muhammad Naji al-UTRI Dep. Prime Min. for Economic Affairs ...... Abdallah al-DARDARI Min. of Agriculture ...... Adil SAFIR Min. of Construction & Housing ...... Hamud al-HUSAYN Min. of Culture ...... Riyad Nasan AGHA Min. of Defense ...... Hassan Ali TURKMANI, Lt. Gen. Min. of Economy & Trade ...... Amir Husni LUTFI Min. of Education ...... Ali SAD Min. of Electricity ...... Ahmad Khalid al-ALI Min. of Environment & Local Government ...... Hilal al-ATRASH Min. of Expatriates ...... Buthaynah SHABAAN Min. of Finance ...... Muhammad al-HUSAYN Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Walid MUALEM Min. of Health ...... Mahir HUSAMI, Dr. Min. of Higher Education ...... Ghiath BARAKAT Min. of Industry ...... Fuad Isa JUNI Min. of Information ...... Muhsin BILAL, Dr. Min. of Interior ...... Basam ABD AL-MAJID, Gen. Min. of Irrigation ...... Nadir al-BUNI Min. of Justice ...... Muhammad al-GHAFRI Min. of Labor & Social Affairs ...... Dayala al-Haj ARIF Min. of Oil ...... Sufiyan al-AW Min. of Presidency Affairs ...... Ghasan LAHAM Min. of Religious Endowments ...... Muhammad Ziyad al-AYUBI Min. of Telecommunications & Technology ...... Amir Nasir SALIM Min. of Tourism ...... Sadallah Agha al-QALA Min. of Transport ...... Yarub Sulayman BADR Min. of State ...... Yusuf Sulayman AHMAD Min. of State ...... Husayn Mahmud FARZAT Min. of State ...... Ghayth JARATLI Min. of State ...... Muhammad Yahya KHARAT Min. of State ...... Hasan al-SARI Min. of State ...... Bashar SHAR Min. of State ...... Yusuf SUWAYD Governor, Central Bank ...... Adib MAYALA Ambassador to the US ...... Imad MUSTAFA Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Bashar al-JAFARI

T Taiwan—NDE President ...... CHEN Shui-bian Vice President ...... Annette LU Pres., Executive Yuan (Premier) ...... SU Tseng-chang Vice Pres., Executive Yuan (Vice Premier) ...... TSAI Ing-wen Sec. Gen., Executive Yuan ...... Arthur IAP Pres., Control Yuan ...... Fredrick CHIEN Pres., Examination Yuan ...... YAO Chia-wen Pres., Judicial Yuan ...... WENG Yueh-sheng Pres., Legislative Yuan ...... WANG Jin-pyng Min. of Economic Affairs ...... Morgan HWANG Ing-san Min. of Education ...... TU Cheng-sheng Min. of Finance ...... LIN Chuan Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Mark CHEN Min. of Health ...... CHEN Chien-jen Min. of Interior ...... SU Jia-chyuan Min. of Justice ...... SHIH Mao-lin Min. of National Defense ...... LI Chieh Min. of Transportation & Communications ...... LIN Ling-san

94 Taiwan—NDE (continued) Min. Without Portfolio ...... CHEN Chi-mai Min. Without Portfolio ...... FU Li-yeh Min. Without Portfolio ...... HU Sheng-cheng Min. Without Portfolio ...... KUO Yao-chi Min. Without Portfolio ...... LIN Ferng-ching Min. Without Portfolio ...... LIN Sheng-Fong Min. Without Portfolio ...... LIN Yi-fu Chmn., Agricultural Council ...... LEE Ching-lung Chmn., Atomic Energy Council ...... OUYANG Min-sheng Chmn., Central Election Commission ...... CHANG Masa Chmn., Consumer Protection ...... YEH Chu-lan Chmn., Cultural Affairs ...... CHEN Chi-nan Chmn., Economic Planning & Development Council ...... HU Sheng-cheng Chmn., Fair Trade Commission ...... HWANG Tzong-leh Chmn., Labor Affairs Council ...... CHEN Chu Chmn., Mainland Affairs Council ...... Joseph WU Chmn., Mongolian & Tibetan Affairs Commission ...... HSU Chih-hsiung Chmn., National Council on Physical Fitness & Sports ...... CHEN Chuan-show Chmn., National Palace Museum ...... SHIH Shou-chien Chmn., National Science Council ...... WU Mau-kuen Chmn., National Youth Commission ...... CHENG Li-chiun Chmn., Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission ...... CHANG Fu-mei Chmn., Public Construction Commission ...... KUO Yao-chi Chmn., Research Development & Evaluation Commission ...... YEH Jiunn-rong Chmn., Veterans Affairs Commission ...... KAO Hua-chu Governor, Central Bank of China...... PERNG Fai-nan Representative to the US ...... David LEE

Tajikistan President ...... Emomali RAHMONOV Prime Minister ...... Oqil OQILOV Dep. Prime Min...... Asadullo GULOMOV Dep. Prime Min...... Khayrinisso MAVLONOVA Min. of Agriculture ...... Voris MADAMINOV Min. of Culture ...... Rajabmad AMIROV Min. of Defense ...... Sherali KHAYRULLOYEV, Col. Gen. Min. of Economy & Trade ...... Hakim SOLIYEV Min. of Education ...... Abdujabbor RAHMONOV Min. of Emergency Situations ...... Mirzo ZIYOYEV Min. of Energy ...... Abdullo YOROV Min. of Finance ...... Safarali NAJMUDDINOV Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Talbak NAZAROV Min. of Grain Products ...... Bekmurod UROQOV Min. of Health ...... Nusratullo FAIZULLOYEV Min. of Internal Affairs ...... Khomiddin SHARIPOV Min. of Industry ...... Zayd SAIDOV Min. of Justice ...... Halifabobo HAMIDOV Min. of Labor, Employment, & Social Welfare ...... Zokir VAZIROV Min. of Land Improvement & Water Economy ...... Abduqohir NAZIROV Min. of Security ...... Khayriddin ABDURAHIMOV Min. of State Revenue & Tax Collections ...... Ghulomjon BOBOYEV Min. of Transport ...... Abdurahim ASHUROV Chmn., State Committee on Construction & Architecture ...... Ismat ESHMIRZOYEV Chmn., State Committee for Environmental Protection & Forestry ...... Abduvohid KARIMOV Chmn., State Committee on Land Resources & Reclamation ...... Davlatsho GULMAHMADOV Chmn., State Committee for Oil & Gas ...... Salamsho MUHABBATOV Chmn., State Committee on Protection of State Borders ...... Saidamir ZUHUROV, Col. Gen. Chmn., State Committee for Radio & Television ...... Asadullo RAHMONOV Chmn., State Committee on Religious Affairs ...... Murodullo DAVLATOV

95 Tajikistan (continued) Chmn., State Committee on State Property ...... Sherali GULOV Chmn., State Committee on Statistics ...... Mirgand SHABOZOV Chmn., National Security Council ...... Amirkul AZIMOV Prosecutor General ...... Bobojon BOBOKHONOV Director, Drug Control Agency ...... Rustam NAZAROV, Lt. Gen. Chmn., National Bank ...... Murodali ALIMARDONOV Ambassador to the US ...... Hamrohon ZARIPOV Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Sirodjiddin ASLOV

Tanzania President ...... Jakaya Mrisho KIKWETE Vice President...... Mohamed Ali SHENI, Dr. Prime Minister ...... Edward LOWASSA Pres. of Zanzibar ...... Amani Abeid KARUME Min. of Agriculture & Cooperatives ...... Joseph MUNGAI Min. of Community Development, Gender, & Children ...... Sophia SIMBA Min. of Defense & National Services ...... Juma KAPUYA Min. of East African Affairs ...... Andrew CHENGE Min. of Education & Vocational Training ...... Margareth SITTA Min. of Energy & Mineral Resources ...... Ibrahim MSABAHA Min. of Finance ...... Zakia MEGHJI Min. of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation ...... Asha-Rose MIGIRO Min. of Health & Social Welfare ...... David MWAKYUSA Min. of Home Affairs ...... John CHILIGATI Min. of Industries, Trade, & Marketing ...... Nazir KARAMAGI Min. of Information, Sports, & Culture ...... Mohamed Seif KHATIBU Min. of Infrastructure Development ...... Basil MRAMBA Min. of Justice & Constitutional Affairs ...... Mary NAGU Min. of Labor, Employment, & Youth Development ...... Jumanne MAGHEMBE Min. of Lands & Human Settlement ...... John MAGUFULI Min. of Livestock Development ...... Shukuru KAWAMBWA Min. of Planning, Economy, & Empowerment ...... Juma NGASONGWA Min. of Public Safety & Security ...... Bakari MWAPACHU Min. of Science, Technology, & Higher Education ...... Peter MSOLLA Min. of Tourism & Natural Resources ...... Anthony DIALLO Min. of Water ...... Stephen WASSIRA Min. of State for Good Governance, President’s Office ...... Philip MARMO Min. of State for Political & Public Affairs, President’s Office ...... Mohammed Seif KHATIB Min. of State for Public Service Management, President’s Office ...... Hawa GHASIA Min. of State for Environment, Vice President’s Office ...... Mark MWANDOSYA Min. of State for Union Affairs, Vice President’s Office ...... Hussein MWINYI Min. of State for Regional Administration & Local Gov’t, Prime Minister’s Office ...... Mizengo PINDA Min. of State for Parliamentary Affairs ...... Juma AKUKWETI Attorney General ...... Johnson MWANYIKA Governor, Central Bank ...... Daudi BALLALI Ambassador to the US ...... Andrew Mhando DARAJA Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Augustine Philip MAHIGA

Thailand Interim Prime Minister Surayut Chulanon was appointed on 1 Oct 2006 and selected an interim cabinet on 9 Oct. Thai officials are addressed by the first element in their names.

King ...... PHUMIPHON Adunyadet Prime Minister ...... SURAYUT Chulanon Dep. Prime Min...... KHOSIT Panpiamrat Dep. Prime Min...... PRIDIYATHON Thewakun Min. of Agriculture & Cooperatives ...... THIRA Sutabut Itsarangkun na Ayutthaya

96 Thailand (continued) Min. of Commerce ...... KROEKRAI Chiraphaet Min. of Culture ...... KHAISI Si-arun Min. of Defense ...... BUNROT Somthat, Gen. Min. of Education ...... WICHIT Sisa-an Min. of Energy ...... PIYASAWAT Ammaranan Min. of Finance ...... PRIDIYATHON Thewakun Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... NIT Phibunsongkram Min. of Industry ...... KHOSIT Panpiamrat Min. of Information & Communication Technology ...... SITTHICHAI Phokhaiya-udom Min. of Interior ...... AREE Wongareeya Min. of Justice ...... CHANCHAI Likhitjittha Min. of Labor ...... APHAI Chanthanajunlaka Min. of Natural Resources & Environment ...... KASEM Sanitwong na Ayutthaya Min. of Public Health ...... MONGKHON na Songkhla, Dr. Min. of Science & Technology ...... YONGYUT Yutthawong Min. of Social Development & Human Security ...... PHAIBUN Wattanasiritham Min. of Tourism & Sports ...... SUWIT Yotmanee Min. of Transport ...... THIRA Haocharoen, Gen. Governor, Bank of Thailand ...... THARISA Watthanaket Ambassador to the US ...... VIRASAK Futrakul Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... LAKSANACHANTHON Laohaphan

Togo President ...... Faure GNASSINGBE Prime Minister ...... Yawovi AGBOYIBO Min. of Agriculture, Animal Breeding, & Fisheries ...... Charles AGBA Min. of Cities ...... Marc AKITEM Min. of Commerce, Industry, & Trades ...... Jean-Lucien Savi de TOVE Min. of Communication & Civic Education ...... Kokou TOZOUN Min. of Culture, Tourism, & Leisure ...... Gabriel DOSSEH-ANYROH Min. of Development & Territorial Management ...... Yendja YENTCHABRE Min. of Economy, Finance, & Privatization ...... Payadowa BOUKPESSI Min. of Environment & Forest Resources ...... Issifou OKOULOU-KANTCHATI Min. of Equipment, Transportation, Posts, & Telecommunications ...... Kokouvi DOGBE Min. of Foreign Affairs & African Integration ...... Zarifou AYEVA Min. of Health ...... Suzanne ASSOUMA Min. of Higher Education & Research ...... Fidel NOUBOUKPO Min. of Human Rights, Democracy & Reconciliation ...... Loreta AKUETE Min. of Justice & Keeper of the Seals ...... Tchessa ABI Min. of Labor, Employment, & Civil Service ...... Yves NAGOU Min. of Mines, Energy, & Water ...... Kokou AGBEMADON Min. of Population, Social Affaire, & Advancement of Women ...... Kangi DIALLO, Dr. Min. of Primary & Secondary Education ...... Komi KLASSOU Min. of Relations With Institutions of the Republic ...... Comlangan D’ALMEIDA Min. of Security ...... Pitalouna-Ani LAOKPESSI, Col. Min. of Social Promotion, Women’s Promotion, & Child Protection ...... Sayo BOYOTI Min. of Technical Education & Professional Training ...... Antoine EDOH Min. of Territorial Administration & Decentralization ...... Katari FOLI-BAZI Min. of Youth & Sports ...... Agouta OUYENGA Min. Del. to the President, in Charge of Defense & Veterans Affairs ...... Kpatcha GNASSINGBE Min. Del. in the Prime Min., in Charge of the Private Sector & the Development of the Free Trade Zone ...... Idrissa DERMANE Min. Del. to the Min. of State, Min. of Foreign Affairs & African Integration ...... Gilbert BAWARA Min. Del. to the Min. of State, Min. of Agriculture, Animal Breeding, Fisheries & Rural Water Management ...... Kassegne ADJONOU Sec. of State to the Mon. for Population, Social Affairs & Advancement of Women ...... Agnele MENSAH

97 Togo (continued) Sec. of State to the Min. for Youth, Sports & Advancement of the Youth .... Gilbert ATSU Dir., Central Bank ...... Ambassador to the US ...... Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ......

Tonga King ...... Siaosi TUPOU V Prime Minister ...... Feleti SEVELE Dep. Prime Min...... Viliami TANGI, Dr. Min. of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries, & Forestry ...... Peauafi HAUKINIMA Min. of Civil Aviation, Marine, & Ports ...... Paul KARALUS Min. of Communication ...... Feleti SEVELE Min. of Defense ...... Sonatane Tu’akinamolahi Taumoepeau TUPOU Min. of Disaster Relief & Activities ...... Feleti SEVELE Min. of Education, Women’s Affairs, & Culture ...... Tevita Hala PALEFAU Min. of Finance ...... Siosiua UTOIKAMANU Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Sonatane Tu’akinamolahi Taumoepeau TUPOU Min. of Health ...... Vailami TANGI, Dr. Min. of Justice ...... Malia Viviena ’Alisi Numia Afeaki TAUMOEPEAU Min. of Labor, Commerce, & Industries ...... Feleti SEVELE Min. of Lands, Survey, Natural Resources, & Environment ...... Siosaia Ma’Ulupekotofa TUITA Min. of Police, Fire Services, & Prisons ...... Taimani SIAOSI ’Aho Min. of Tourism ...... Fineasi FUNAKI Min. of Training, Employment, Youth, & Sports ...... TU’IVAKANO Min. of Works ...... NUKU Attorney General ...... Malia Viviena ’Alisi Numia Afeaki TAUMOEPEAU Governor, National Reserve Bank ...... Siosiua UTOIKAMANU Ambassador to the US ...... Fekitamoeloa ’UTOIKAMANU Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Fekitamoeloa ’UTOIKAMANU

Trinidad and Tobago President ...... George Maxwell RICHARDS Prime Minister ...... Patrick MANNING Min. of Agriculture, Land, & Marine Resources ...... Jarette NARINE Min. of Community Development & Culture ...... Joan YUILLE-WILLIAMS Min. of Education ...... Hazel MANNING Min. of Energy & Energy Industries ...... Lenny SAITH Min. of Finance ...... Patrick MANNING Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Knowlson GIFT Min. of Health ...... John RAHAEL Min. of Housing ...... Anthony ROBERTS Min. of Labor & Small & Micro-Enterprise Development ...... Danny MONTANO Min. of Legal Affairs & Consumer Affairs ...... Christine KANGALOO Min. of Local Government ...... Rennie DUMAS Min. of National Security ...... Martin JOSEPH Min. of Public Administration & Information ...... Lenny SAITH Min. of Public Utilities & the Environment ...... Penelope BECKLES Min. of Science, Technology, & Tertiary Education ...... Mustapha ABDUL-HAMID Min. of Social Development, Social Services Delivery, & Gender Affairs .... Anthony ROBERTS Min. of Sports & Youth Affairs ...... Roger BOYNES Min. of Trade & Industry ...... Kenneth VALLEY Min. of Tourism ...... Howard Chin LEE Min. of Works & Transport ...... Colm IMBERT Min. in the Ministry of Finance ...... Conrad ENILL Min. in the Ministry of Finance ...... Christine SAHADEO Min. in the Ministry of Finance ...... Kenneth VALLEY

98 Trinidad and Tobago (continued) Attorney General ...... John JEREMIE Governor, Central Bank ...... Ewart WILIAMS Ambassador to the US ...... Marina Annette VALERE Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Philip Reuben Arnott SEALY

Tunisia President ...... Zine el Abidine BEN ALI Prime Minister ...... Mohamed GHANNOUCHI Special Adviser to the President, & Spokesman of the Republic ...... Abdelaziz BEN DHIA Min. of Agriculture & Water Resources ...... Habib HADDAD Min. of Communication Technologies ...... Montasser OUAILI Min. of Communications & Relations With the Chamber of Deputies & the Chamber of Counselors ...... Rafaa DEKHIL Min. of Culture & Protection of National Heritage ...... Mohamed Aziz BEN ACHOUR Min. of Development & International Cooperation ...... Mohamed Nouri JOUINI Min. of Education & Vocational Training ...... Sadok KORBI Min. of Employment & Vocational Integration of Youth ...... Chadli LAROUSSI Min. of Environment & Sustainable Development ...... Nadhir HAMADA Min. of Equipment, Housing, & Land Development ...... Samira Khayache BELHAJ Min. of Finance ...... Mohamed Rachid KECHICHE Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Abdelwaheb ABDALLAH Min. of Higher Education ...... Lazhar BOUOUNI Min. of Industry, Energy, & Small- & Medium-Size Enterprises ...... Afif CHELBI Min. of the Interior & Local Development ...... Rafiq BELHAJ KACEM Min. of Justice & Human Rights ...... Bechir TEKKARI Min. of National Defense ...... Kamel MORJANE Min. of Public Health ...... Ridha KECHRID Min. of Public Property & Real Estate Affairs ...... Ridha GRIRA Min. of Religious Affairs ...... Boubaker EL-AKHZOURI Min. of Scientific Research, Technology, & Expertise Development ...... Taieb HADHRI Min. of Social Affairs, Solidarity, & Tunisians Living Abroad ...... Ali CHAOUCH Min. of Tourism ...... Tijani HADDAD Min. of Trade & Handicrafts ...... Mondher ZENAIDI Min. of Transport ...... Abderrahim ZOUARI Min. of Women, Children, & Family Affairs ...... Saloua Ayachi LABBEN Min. of Youth, Sport, & Physical Education ...... Abdallah KAABI Min.-Dir. of the Presidential Cabinet ...... Ahmed Eyadh OUEDERNI Sec. Gen. of the Govt...... Mounir JAIDANE Governor, Central Bank ...... Taoufik BACCAR Ambassador to the US ...... Nejib HACHANA Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Ali HACHANI

Turkey President ...... Ahmet Necdet SEZER Prime Minister ...... Recep Tayyip ERDOGAN Dep. Prime Min...... Abdullah GUL Dep. Prime Min...... Mehmet Ali SAHIN Dep. Prime Min...... Abdullatif SENER Min. of State ...... Besir ATALAY Min. of State ...... Mehmet AYDIN Min. of State ...... Ali BABACAN Min. of State ...... Nimet CUBUKCU Min. of State ...... Mehmet Ali SAHIN Min. of State ...... Abdullatif SENER Min. of State ...... Kursad TUZMEN Min. of Agriculture & Village Affairs ...... Mehmet Mehdi EKER Min. of Culture & Tourism ...... Atilla KOC Min. of Energy & Natural Resources ...... Hilmi GULER

99 Turkey (continued) Min. of Environment & Forestry ...... Osman PEPE Min. of Finance ...... Kemal UNAKITAN Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Abdullah GUL Min. of Health ...... Recep AKDAG Min. of Industry & Trade ...... Ali COSKUN Min. of Interior ...... Abdulkadir AKSU Min. of Justice ...... Cemil CICEK Min. of Labor & Social Security ...... Murat BASESGIOGLU Min. of National Defense ...... Mehmet Vecdi GONUL Min. of National Education ...... Huseyin CELIK Min. of Public Works & Housing ...... Faruk Nafiz OZAK Min. of Transportation ...... Binali YILDIRIM Governor, Central Bank ...... Durmus YILMAZ Ambassador to the US ...... Nabi SENSOY Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Baki ILKIN

Turkmenistan According to the Turkmen Constitution, the President serves as de facto head of the cabinet.

President ...... Saparmurat NIYAZOV Min. of Agriculture ...... Begenc ATAMRADOV Min. of Communication ...... Resulberdi KHOZHAGURBANOV Min. of Culture ...... Enebay ATAYEVA Min. of Defense & Secretary, State Security Council ...... Agagelgy MAMETGELDIYEV Min. of Economics & Finance ...... Atamurad BERDIYEV Min. of Education ...... Shemshat ANNAGULYEVA Min. of Environmental Protection ...... Magtymguly AKMYRADOV Min. of Fairness ...... Asyrgeldi GULGARAYEV Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Rashid MEREDOV Min. of Health & Medical Industry ...... Gurbanguly BERDIMUKHAMEDOV Min. of Industry & Construction Materials ...... Batyr GAYIBOV Min. of Internal Affairs ...... Ahmammet RAHMANOV Min. of National Security ...... Geldymukhammed ASHIRMUKHAMEDOV Min. of Oil & Gas Industry & Mineral Resources ...... Gurbanmurat ATAYEV Min. of Power Engineering & Industry ...... Yusup DAWUDOV Min. of Railways ...... Orazberdi HADAYBERDIYEV Min. of Social Security ...... Orazmurat BEGMURADOV Min. of Textile Industry ...... Dortguly AYDOGDIYEV Min. of Trade & Foreign Economic Relations ...... Gurbangeldi MELEKEYEV Min. of Transport & Roads ...... Baymuhammet KELOV Min. of Water Resources ...... Tekebay ALTYEV Chmn., Central Bank ...... Jumanyyz ANNAORAZOV Ambassador to the US ...... Mered ORAZOV Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Aksoltan ATAYEVA

Tuvalu Governor General ...... Faimalaga LUKA Prime Minister ...... Maatia TOAFA Dep. Prime Min...... Saufatu SOPOANGA Min. for Communications & Transport ...... Saufatu SOPOANGA Min. for Education & Sports ...... Alesana K. SELUKA, Dr. Min. for Finance, Economic Planning, & Industries ...... Bikenibeu PAENIU Min. for Foreign Affairs ...... Maatia TOAFA Min. for Health ...... Alesana K. SELUKA, Dr. Min. for Home Affairs, Rural & Urban Development ...... Leti PELESALA Min. for Labor ...... Maatia TOAFA Min. for Natural Resources ...... Samuelu P. TEO Min. for Works & Energy ...... Saufatu SOPOANGA Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Enele Sosene SOPOAGA

100 U Uganda President ...... Yoweri Kaguta MUSEVENI Vice President ...... Gilbert Balibaseka BUKENYA, Dr. Prime Minister ...... Apollo NSIBAMBI First Dep. Prime Min...... Eriya KATEGAYA Second Dep. Prime Min...... Henry KAJURA Third Dep. Prime Min...... Kirunda KIVEJINJA Min. for Agriculture, Animal Industry, & Fisheries ...... Hillary ONEK Min. for Communication & Information Communication Technology ...... Hamu MULIIRA Min. for Defense ...... Crispus KIYONGA Min. in Charge of East African Affairs ...... Eriya KATEGAYA Min. for Education & Sports ...... Namirembe BITAMAZIRE Min. for Energy & Minerals ...... Daudi MIGEREKO Min. for Finance ...... Ezra SURUMA Min. for Foreign Affairs ...... Sam KUTESA Min. for Gender, Labor, & Social Affairs ...... Syda BUMBA Min. for General Duties, Office of the Prime Min...... Adolf MWESIGE Min. for Health ...... Stephen MALLINGA, Dr. Min. for Information & National Guidance ...... Kirunda KIVEJINJA Min. for Internal Affairs ...... Ruhakana RUGUNDA Min. for Justice & Constitutional Affairs ...... Khiddu MAKUBUYA Min. for Lands, Housing, & Urban Development ...... Omara ATUBO Min. for Local Government ...... Kahinda OTAFIIRE, Maj. Gen. Min. for the Presidency ...... Beatrice WABUDEYA Min. for Public Service ...... Henry KAJURA Min. for Relief & Disaster Preparedness ...... Tarsis KABWEGYERE Min. for Security ...... Amama MBABAZI Min. for Trade & Industry ...... Janat MUKWAYA Min. for Water & Environment ...... Maria MUTAGAMBA Min. for Works ...... John NASASIRA Min. of State for Agriculture ...... Kibirige SSEBUNYA Min. of State for Animal Industry ...... Bright RWAMIRAMA, Maj. Min. of State for Defense ...... Ruth NANKABIRWA Min. of State for Disabilities ...... Sulaiman MADADA Min. of State for Energy ...... Simon D’UJANGA Min. of State for Environment ...... Jessica ERIYO Min. of State for Finance (General Duties) ...... Fred OMACH Min. of State for Fisheries ...... Fred MUKISA Min. of State for Foreign Affairs (International Affairs) ...... Okello ORYEM Min. of State for Gender (Women) ...... Rukia ISANGA Min. of State for Health (General) ...... Richard NDUHURA Min. of State for Higher Education ...... Gabriel OPIO Min. of State for Housing ...... Werikhe KAFABUSA Min. of State for Industry ...... Ephraim KAMUNTU Min. of State for Information Communication Technology ...... Nsambu BALINTUMA Min. of State for Internal Affairs ...... Matia KASAIJA Min. of State for Investement ...... Ssemakula KIWANUKA Min. of State for Justice ...... Fred RUHINDI Min. of State for Labor ...... Mwesigwa RUKUTANA Min. of State for Lands ...... Atwoki KASIRIVU Min. of State for Local Government ...... Hope MWESIGYE Min. of State for Microfinance ...... Salim SALEH Min. of State for Minerals ...... Kamanda BATARINGAYA Min. of State for Planning ...... Omwony OJWOK Min. of State for Primary Education ...... Peter LOKERIS Min. of State for Primary Health Care ...... Otaala EMMANUEL, Dr. Min. of State for Privatization ...... Chekamondo RUKIA Min. of State for Public Service ...... Sezi MBAGUTA Min. of State for Regional Affairs ...... Isaac MUSUMBA Min. of State for Sports ...... Charles BAKABULINDI Min. of State for Tourism ...... Serapio RUKUNDO

101 Uganda (continued) Min. of State for Trade, Tourism, Wildlife, & Antiquities ...... Wambuzi GAGAWALA Min. of State for Transport ...... Simon EJUA Min. of State for Urban Development ...... Urbane TIBAMANYA Min. of State for Water ...... Jenipher NAMUYANGU Min. of State for Works ...... John BYABAGAMBI Min. of State for Youth ...... James KINOBE Min. of State for Karamoja, Office of the Prime Min...... Tom BUTIME Min. of State for Luwero Triangle, Office of the Prime Min...... Nyombi THEMBO Min. of State for Northern Uganda, Office of the Prime Min...... David WAKIKONA Min. of State for Relief & Disaster Preparedness, Office of the Prime Min...... Musa ECWERU Min. of State in the Office of the Vice President ...... James BABA Min. of State for Economic Monitoring, Office of the Vice Pres...... Kagimu KIWANUKA Min. of State for Ethics, Office of the Vice Pres...... Nsabo BUTURO Min. without Portfolio ...... Dorothy HYUHA Chief Whip ...... Kabakumba MASIKO Attorney General ...... Khiddu MAKUBUYA Dep. Attorney General ...... Adolf MWESIGYE Governor, Bank of Uganda ...... Emmanuel TUMUSIIME-MUTEBILE Ambassador to the US ...... Perezi Karukubiro KAMUNANWIRE Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Francis K. BUTAGIRA

Ukraine President ...... Viktor YUSHCHENKO Prime Minister ...... Viktor YANUKOVYCH First Dep. Prime Min...... Mykola AZAROV Dep. Prime Min...... Andriy KLYUYEV Dep. Prime Min...... Volodymyr RYBAK Dep. Prime Min...... Dmytro TABACHNYK Min. of the Cabinet of Ministers ...... Anatoliy TOLSTOUKHOV Min. for Liaison with Parliament & Other State Institutions ...... Ivan TKALENKO Min. of Agriculture ...... Yuriy MELNYK Min. of Architecture & Construction ...... Volodymyr RYBAK Min. of the Coal Industry ...... Serhiy TULUB Min. of Culture & Tourism ...... Yuriy BOHUTSKYY Min. of Defense ...... Anatoliy HRYTSENKO Min. of Economics ...... Volodymyr MAKUKHA Min. of Emergencies (Acting) ...... Volodymyr ANTONETS Min. of Environmental Protection ...... Vasyl DZHARTY Min. of Family, Children, & Sports ...... Yuriy PAVLENKO Min. of Finance ...... Mykola AZAROV Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Borys TARASYUK Min. of Fuel & Energy ...... Yuriy BOYKO Min. of Health ...... Yuriy POLYACHENKO Min. of Industrial Policy ...... Anatoliy HOLOVKO Min. of Internal Affairs ...... Yuriy LUTSENKO Min. of Justice ...... Oleksandr LAVRYNOVYCH Min. of Labor & Social Policy ...... Mykhaylo PAPIYEV Min. of Science & Education ...... Stanislav NIKOLAYENKO Min. of Transport & Communications ...... Mykola RUDKOVSKYY State Sec. of the President ...... Viktor BALOHA Sec., National Security & Defense Council ...... Vitaliy HAYDUK Chmn., Security Services ...... Ihor DRIZHCHANYY Prosecutor General ...... Oleksandr MEDVEDKO Chmn., State Property Fund ...... Valentyna SEMENYUK Chmn., National Bank ...... Volodymyr STELMAKH Ambassador to the US ...... Oleh SHAMSHUR Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Valeriy KUCHYNSKYY

102 United Arab Emirates President ...... KHALIFA bin Zayid al-Nuhayyan Vice President ...... MUHAMMAD bin Rashid al-Maktum Prime Minister ...... MUHAMMAD bin Rashid al-Maktum Dep. Prime Min...... SULTAN bin Zayid al-Nuhayyan Dep. Prime Min...... HAMDAN bin Zayid al-Nuhayyan Min. of Culture, Youth, & Welfare ...... Abd al-Rahman Muhammad al-UWAIS Min. of Defense ...... MUHAMMAD bin Rashid al-Maktum Min. of Economy & Planning ...... LUBNA al-Qasimi Min. of Education ...... Hanif Hassan Ali al-QASIMI Min. of Energy ...... Muhammad bin Dhain al-HAMILI Min. of Environment & Water ...... Muhammad Said al-KINDI Min. of Finance & Industry ...... HAMDAN bin Rashid al-Maktum Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... ABDALLAH bin Zayid al-Nuhayyan Min. of Health ...... Humaid Muhammad Ubayd al-QATAMI Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research ...... NUHAYYAN bin Mubarak al-Nuhayyan Min. of Interior ...... SAIF bin Zayid al-Nuhayyan Min. of Justice ...... Muhammad Nakhira al-DHAHIRI Min. of Labor ...... Ali bin Abdallah al-KABI Min. of Presidential Affairs ...... MANSUR bin Zayid al-Nuhayyan Min. of Public Sector & Development ...... Sultan bin Said al-MANSURI Min. of Public Works ...... HAMDAN bin Mubarak al-Nuhayyan Min. of Social Affairs ...... Mariam Muhammad al-RUMI Min. of State for Cabinet Affairs ...... Muhammad Abdallah al-GARGAWI Min. of State for Finance & Industry ...... Muhammad bin Khalfan al-KHARBASH Min. of State for Foreign Affairs ...... Muhammad Husayn al-SHALI Min. of State for National Council Affairs ...... Anwar Muhammad al-GARGASH Governor, Central Bank ...... Sultan bin Nasir al-SUWAYDI Ambassador to the US ...... Saqr Ghobash Said GHOBASH Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Abd al-Aziz bin Nasir al-SHAMSI

United Kingdom Queen ...... ELIZABETH II Prime Minister & First Lord of the Treasury ...... Tony BLAIR Dep Prime Min. & First Sec. of State ...... John PRESCOTT Chancellor of the Exchequer ...... Gordon BROWN Sec. of State for Community & Local Govt...... Ruth KELLY Sec. of State for Culture, Media, & Sport ...... Tessa JOWELL Sec. of State for Defense ...... Desmond BROWNE Sec. of State for Education & Skills ...... Alan JOHNSON Sec. of State for the Environment, Food, & Rural Affairs ...... David MILIBAND Sec. of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs ...... Margaret BECKETT Sec. of State for Health ...... Patricia HEWITT Sec. of State for the Home Department ...... John REID Sec. of State for International Development ...... Hilary BENN Sec. of State for Northern Ireland ...... Peter HAIN Sec. of State for Trade and Industry ...... Alistair DARLING Sec. of State for Scotland ...... Douglas ALEXANDER Sec. of State for Transport ...... Douglas ALEXANDER Sec. of State for Wales ...... Peter HAIN Sec. of State for Work & Pensions ...... John HUTTON Min. Without Portfolio & Chairman of the Labor Party ...... Hazel BLEARS Leader of the House of Lords ...... AMOS, Baroness President of Council & Leader of the House of Commons ...... Jack STRAW Sec. of State for Constitutional Affairs & Lord Chancellor ...... FALCONER, Lord Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster ...... Hilary ARMSTRONG Chief Secretary to the Treasury ...... Stephen TIMMS Chief Whip & Parliamentary Sec. to the Treasury ...... Jacqui SMITH Governor, Bank of England ...... Mervyn KING Ambassador to the US ...... David MANNING, Sir Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Emyr JONES PARRY, Sir 103 Uruguay President ...... Tabare VAZQUEZ Vice President ...... Rodolfo NIN NOVOA Min. of Agriculture, Livestock, & Fishing ...... Jose MUJICA Min. of Economy & Finance ...... Danilo ASTORI Min. of Education, Sports, & Youth ...... Jorge BROVETTO Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Reinaldo GARGANO Min. of Health ...... Maria Julia MUNOZ Min. of Housing ...... Mariano ARANA Min. of Industry, Energy, & Mines ...... Jorge LEPRA Min. of Interior ...... Jose DIAZ Min. of Labor & Social Welfare ...... Eduardo BONOMI Min. of National Defense ...... Azucena BERRUTTI Min. of Tourism ...... Hector LESCANO Min. of Transportation & Public Works ...... Victor ROSSI President, Central Bank ...... Walter CANCELA Ambassador to the US ...... Carlos GIANELLI Derois Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Alejandro ARTUCIO Rodriguez

Uzbekistan President ...... Islom KARIMOV Chmn., Supreme Assembly (Oliy Majlis) ...... Erkin HALILOV Prime Minister ...... Shavkat MIRZIYAYEV Dep. Prime Min...... Abdullah ARIPOV Dep. Prime Min...... Rustam AZIMOV Dep. Prime Min...... Svetlana INAMOVA Dep. Prime Min...... Rustam KASYMOV Dep. Prime Min...... Nodirkhon KHANOV Dep. Prime Min...... Ergash SHAISMATOV Min. of Agriculture & Water Resources ...... Sayfiddin ISMOILOV Min. of Culture & Sports ...... Rustam KURBANOV Min. of Defense ...... Ruslan MIRZAYEV Min. of Economics ...... Vyacheslav GOLYSHEV Min. of Emergency Situations ...... Bakhtiyor SUBANOV Min. of Finance ...... Rustam AZIMOV Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Vladimir NOROV Min. of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments, & Trade ...... Elyor GANIYEV Min. of Higher & Secondary Specialized Education ...... Rustam QOSIMOV Min. of Internal Affairs ...... Bahodir MATLUBOV Min. of Justice ...... Buritosh MUSTAFAEV Min. of Labor & Social Security ...... Akijan ABIDOV Min. of Public Education ...... Turobjon JORAYEV Min. of Public Health ...... Feruz NAZIROV Sec., National Security Council ...... Murod ATAYEV Chief of Staff, Presidential Administration ...... Zilemkhon HAIDAROV Chmn., State Bank ...... Fayzulla MULLAJANOV Chmn., National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity ...... Rahimov BORIEVICH Chmn., National Security Service (NSS) ...... Rustam INOYATOV, Col. Gen. Ambassador to the US ...... Abdulaziz KAMILOV Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Alisher VOHIDOV

V Vanuatu President ...... Kalkot Matas KELEKELE Prime Minister ...... Ham LINI Dep. Prime Min...... Sato KILMAN Min. of Agriculture, Forestry, & Fisheries ...... Barak SOPE Ma’au Tamate Min. of the Comprehensive Reform Program ...... Isabelle DONALD Min. of Education ...... Joseph NATUMAN Min. of Finance & Economic Development ...... Moana CARCASSES

104 Vanuatu (continued) Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Sato KILMAN Min. of Health ...... Morkin Iatika STEVENS Min. of Internal Affairs ...... Georges Andre WELLS Min. of Lands, Geology, & Mines ...... Willie Jimmy TAPANGARARUA Min. of Ni-Vanuatu Business Development ...... Joshua KALSAKAU Min. of Public Utilities ...... Edward NATAPEI Min. of Trade, Commerce, & Industries ...... James BULE Min. of Youth & Sports ...... Arnold PRASAD Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ......

Venezuela President ...... Hugo CHAVEZ Frias Vice President ...... Jose Vicente RANGEL Vale Min. of Agriculture & Lands ...... Elias JAUA Milano Min. of Basic Industry & Mining ...... Jose KHAN Min. of Culture ...... Francisco de Asis SESTO Novas Min. of Defense ...... Raul Isaias BADUEL, Gen. Min. of Education, Culture, & Sports ...... Aristobulo ISTURIZ Almeida Min. of Energy & Petroleum ...... Rafael Dario RAMIREZ Carreno Min. of Environment & Natural Resources ...... Jacqueline Pineda FARIAS Min. of Finance ...... Nelson Jose MERENTES Diaz Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Nicolas MADURO Moros Min. of Health & Social Development ...... Francisco ARMADA Perez Min. of Higher Education ...... Samuel Reinaldo MONCADA Acosta Min. of Housing & Habitat ...... Ramon Alonzo CARRIZALES Rengifo Min. of Information & Communications ...... Willian Rafael LARA Min. of Infrastructure ...... Jose David CABELLO Rondon Min. of Integration & Foreign Trade ...... Gustavo Adolfo MARQUEZ Marin Min. of Interior & Justice ...... Jesse CHACON Escamillo Min. of Labor ...... Ricardo DORADO Min. of Light Industry & Commerce ...... Maria Cristina IGLESIAS Min. of Nutrition ...... Erika FARIAS Min. of Planning ...... Jorge GIORDANI Min. of Popular Economy ...... Oly MILLAN Campos Min. of Science & Technology ...... Marlene Yadira CORDOVA Min. of Social Development ...... Jorge Luis GARCIA Carneiro, Gen. (Ret.) Min. of Tourism ...... Wilmar CASTRO Soteldo Min., Secretariat of the Presidency ...... Adan CHAVEZ Frias Prosecutor General ...... Isaias RODRIGUEZ Diaz Pres., Central Bank ...... Diego Luis CASTELLANOS Escalona Ambassador to the US ...... Bernardo ALVAREZ Herrera Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Francisco Javier ARIAS Cardenas

Vietnam Vietnamese officials are addressed by the last element in their names.

President ...... Nguyen Minh TRIET Vice President ...... Truong My HOA Prime Minister ...... Nguyen Tan DUNG Dep. Prime Min...... Nguyen Sinh HUNG Dep. Prime Min...... Pham Gia KHIEM Dep. Prime Min...... Truong Vinh TRONG Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development ...... Cao Duc PHAT Min. of Construction ...... Nguyen Hong QUAN Min. of Culture & Information ...... Le Doan HOP Min. of Education & Training ...... Nguyen Thien NHAN Min. of Finance ...... Vu Van NINH Min. of Fisheries ...... Ta Quang NGOC

105 Vietnam (continued) Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Pham Gia KHIEM Min. of Home Affairs ...... Do Quang TRUNG Min. of Industry ...... Hoang Trung HAI Min. of Justice ...... Uong Chu LUU Min. of Labor, War Invalids, & Social Welfare ...... Nguyen Thi HANG Min. of National Defense ...... Phung Quang THANH, Sr. Lt. Gen. Min. of Natural Resources & Environment ...... Mai Ai TRUC Min. of Planning & Investment ...... Vo Hong PHUC Min. of Posts, Telecommunications, & Technology ...... Do Trung TA Min. of Public Health ...... Tran Thi Trung CHIEN, Dr. Min. of Public Security ...... Le Hong ANH Min. of Science & Technology ...... Hoang Van PHONG Min. of Trade ...... Truong Dinh TUYEN Min. of Transportation & Communications ...... Ho Nghia DUNG Chmn., National Assembly ...... Nguyen Phu TRONG Chmn., State Ethnic Minorities Committee ...... Ksor PHUOC Chmn., State Inspection Committee ...... Quach Le THANH Chmn., State Population, Family, and Children Committee ...... Le Thi THU Chmn., State Sports & Physical Training Affairs Committee ...... Nguyen Danh THAI Chmn., Govt. Office ...... Doan Manh GIAO Governor, State Bank ...... Le Duc THUY Chief, People’s Army of Vietnam ...... Phung Quang THANH, Lt. Gen. Ambassador to the US ...... Nguyen Tam CHIEN Permanent Representative to the UN New York ...... Le Luong MINH

Y Yemen President ...... Ali Abdallah SALIH Vice President ...... Abd al-Rab Mansur al-HADI, Maj. Gen. Prime Minister ...... Abd al-Qadir BA JAMAL Dep. Prime Minister ...... Rashid Muhammad al-ALIMI Dep. Prime Min...... Alawi Salah al-SALAMI Dep. Prime Min...... Ahmad Muhammad Abdallah al-SUFAN Min. of Agriculture & Irrigation ...... Jalal Ibrahim FAKAIRA Min. of Cabinet Affairs ...... Salim al-AYDARUS Min. of Civil Service & Social Security ...... Hamud Khalid Naji al-SUFI Min. of Communications & Information Technology ...... Abd al-Malik al-MUALIMI Min. of Construction, Housing, & Urban Planning ...... Abdallah Husayn al-DAFA Min. of Culture ...... Khalid Abdallah Salih al-RUWAYSHAN Min. of Defense ...... Muhammad Nasir Ahmad ALI, Brig. Gen. Min. of Education ...... Abd al-Salman Muhammad Hizam al-JAWFI Min. of Electricity ...... Ali Muhammad al-MUJUR Min. of Expatriate Affairs ...... Abu Bakr Abdallah al-QIRBI Min. of Finance ...... Saif Mahyub al-ASALI Min. of Fisheries ...... Mahmud Ibrahim SAGHIRI Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Abu Bakr Abdallah al-QIRBI Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research ...... Salih Ali BA SURA Min. of Human Rights ...... Khadijah Ahmad al-HAISAMI Min. of Industry & Trade ...... Khalid Rajih SHAYKH Min. of Information ...... Hasan Ahmad al-LAWZI Min. of Interior ...... Rashid Muhammad al-ALIMI Min. of Justice ...... Ghazi Shaif al-AGHBARI Min. of Legal Affairs ...... Adnan Umar Muhammad al-JAFRI Min. of Local Administration ...... Sadiq Amin Husayn ABU RAS Min. of Oil & Minerals ...... Khalid Mahfuz BAHAH Min. of Planning & International Cooperation ...... Abd al-Karim Ismail al-ARHABI Min. of Public Health & Population ...... Abd al-Karim RASI Min. of Public Works & Roads ...... Umar Abdallah al-KURSHAMI Min. of Religious Endowment & Islamic Affairs ...... Hamud Muhammad al-UBAYDI Min. of Social & Labor Affairs ...... Amat al-Razaq Ali HAMAD

106 Yemen (continued) Min. of Supply & Trade ...... Abd al-Aziz al-KUMAYM Min. of Technical Education & Vocational Training ...... Ali Mansur Muhammad bin SAFA Min. of Tourism ...... Nabil Hasan al-FAQIH Min. of Transport ...... Umar Muhsin Abd al-Rahman al-AMUDI Min. of Water & Environment ...... Abd al-Rahman al-IRIYANI Min. of Youth & Sports ...... Abd al-Rahman al-AQWA Min. of State & Sec. Gen. of the Presidency ...... Abdallah al-BASHIRI, Maj. Gen. Min. of State & Cabinet Member ...... Qasim Ahmad al-AJAM Min. of State & Cabinet Member ...... Muhammad Ali al-YASIR Min. of State & Mayor of Sanaa ...... Yahya Muhammad al-SHAIBI Min. of State for Parliamentary & Shura Council Affairs ...... Rashad Ahmad al-RASAS Governor, Central Bank ...... Ahmad Abd al-Rahman al-SAMAWI Ambassador to the US ...... Abd al-Wahab Abdallah al-HAJRI Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Abdallah Muhammad al-SAIDI

Z Zambia President ...... Levy Patrick MWANAWASA Vice President ...... Rupiah BANDA Min. of Agriculture & Cooperatives ...... Ben KAPITA Min. of Commerce, Trade, & Industry ...... Kenneth KONGA Min. of Community Development & Social Services ...... Catherine NAMUGALA Min. of Defense ...... George MPOMBO Min. of Education ...... Geoffrey LUNGWANGA Min. of Energy & Water Development ...... Felix MUTATI Min. of Environment, Natural Resources, & Tourism ...... Kabinga PANDE Min. of Finance & National Planning ...... Ngandu Peter MAGANDE Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Mundia SIKATANA Min. of Gender & Women’s Development ...... Sarah SAYIFWANDA Min. of Health ...... Angela CIFIRE Min. of Home Affairs ...... Ronnie SHIKAPWASHA, Lt. Gen. Min. of Information & Broadcasting Services...... Vernon MWAANGA Min. of Labor & Social Security ...... Min. of Lands ...... Gladys NYIRONGO Min. of Justice ...... George KUNDA Min. of Local Govt. & Housing ...... Sylvia MASEBO Min. of Mines & Mineral Resources ...... Kalombo MWANSA Min. of Science, Technology, & Vocational Training ...... Brian CHITUWO Min. of Sports, Youth, & Child Development ...... Gabriel NAMULAMBE Min. of Transport & Communications ...... Peter DAKA Min. of Works & Supply ...... Kapembwa SIMBAO Permanent Sec., Office of the President ...... Gibson ZIMBA Attorney General ...... George KUNDA Solicitor General ...... Sunday NKONDE Governor, Central Bank ...... Caleb FUNDANGA Ambassador to the US ...... Inonge MBIKUSITA-LEWANIKA Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Tens KAPOMA

Zimbabwe President ...... Robert MUGABE Vice President ...... Joseph MSIKA Vice President ...... Joyce MUJURU Min. of Agriculture ...... Joseph MADE Min. of Defense ...... Sidney SEKERAMAYI Min. of Economic Development ...... Rugare GUMBO Min. of Education, Sport, & Culture ...... Anneas CHIGWEDERE Min. of Energy & Power Development ...... Michael NYAMBUYA Min. of Finance ...... Herbert MURERWA Min. of Foreign Affairs ...... Simbarashe MUMBENGEGWI

107 Zimbabwe (continued) Min. of Health ...... David PARIRENYATWA Min. of Higher & Tertiary Education ...... Stanislaus MUDENGE Min. of Home Affairs ...... Kembo MOHADI Min. of Indigenization & Empowerment ...... Josiah TUNGAMIRAI Min. of Industry & Trade ...... Obert MPOFU Min. of Information & Publicity ...... Tichaona JOKONYA Min. of Legal & Parliamentary Affairs ...... Patrick CHINAMASA Min. of Local Govt...... Ignatius CHOMBO Min. of Mines ...... Amos MIDZI Min. of National Security ...... Didymus MUTASA Min. of Policy Implementation ...... Webster SHAMU Min. of Public Services ...... Nicholas GOCHE Min. of Rural Housing & Social Amenities ...... Emmerson MNANGAGWA Min. of Science & Technology ...... Olivia MUCHENA Min. of Small- & Medium-Scale Enterprises ...... Sithembiso NYONI Min. of State Affairs Responsible for Land & Resettlement Programs ...... Flora BHUKA Min. of State Enterprises, Anti-Monopolies, & Anti-Corruption ...... Paul MANGWANA Min. of Tourism ...... Francis NHEMA Min. of Transport & Communications ...... Chris MUSHOWE Min. of Water Resources & Infrastructural Development ...... Munacho MUTEZO Min. of Women’s Affairs, Gender, & Community Development ...... Oppah MUCHINGURI Min. of Youth Development & Employment ...... Ambrose MUTIHIRI Min. Without Portfolio ...... Elliot MANYIKA Governor, Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe ...... Gideon GONO Ambassador to the US ...... Simbi Veke MUBAKO Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ...... Boniface Guwa CHIDYAUSIKU