Baltimore City Arts & Entertainment District Report
B A LTIMORE’ S A R T S & ENT E R TAINMEN T DIS TRIC T S W ORKIN G G R OUP REP O R T MARCH 2015 BALTIMORE’S ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT DISTRICTS WORKING GROUP REPORT MARCH 2015 MEMBERS CONTENTS City of Baltimore 02 Casey Brent, Special Assistant, Mayor’s Office - Economic Executive Summary and Neighborhood Development Laura Larsen, Budget Management Analyst I 04 Dan Taylor, Central Team Director, Baltimore Develop- I. Introduction ment Corporation 06 Maryland State Arts Council II. Background Pamela Dunne, Program Director, Arts & Entertainment Districts 08 III. The State of Baltimore’s A&E Districts Baltimore Office of Promotion & the Arts Bill Gilmore, Executive Director 18 Krista D. Green, Cultural Affairs Assistant Director IV. Moving Forward Bromo Tower Arts & Entertainment District Priya Bhayana, Director, Bromo Tower Arts & 21 Entertainment District Appendix A: A&E District Profiles Jim French, French Companies Jessica Lanzillotti, Everyman Theatre 29 Jeffrey Kent, Subbasement Studios Appendix B: Memorandum Highlandtown Arts & Entertainment District 32 Chris Ryer, Director, Southeast CDC Appendix C: A&E District Legislation Sandra Abbott, Acting Secretary of ha! Gina Caruso, Creative Alliance Margaret Footner, Creative Alliance Kari Snyder, Southeast CDC Station North Arts & Entertainment District Ben Stone, Executive Director, Station North Arts & Entertainment, Inc. Rebecca Chan, Program Director, Station North Arts & Entertainment, Inc. Jane Brown, Robert W. Deutsch Foundation Marian Glebes, Guppy Management, artist + curator Mike Molla, Maryland Institute College of Art EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Baltimore’s three designated Arts & Entertainment (A&E) Districts lead the city’s cultural renaissance and serve as a national model for cultural districts. The Bromo Tower, Highlandtown, and Station North Arts & Entertainment Districts produce outstanding art installations and performances, host international festivals, convene national conferences, and earn nationally competitive grants for creative placemaking and arts based community development.
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