2011 Pigeon Fun Map Interactive Order Book

The Regional Chamber Of Commerce is ready to print the 2011 Fun Map. Chamber members are being offered the first opportunity to become partners on our map plus they will receive a 50% discount off the support cost. We will print no less than 20,000 copies of which 18,000 will be stuffed into and then distributed in the 2011 Pigeon Lake Visitors Guide which is distributed and accepted at: 1 Pigeon Lake Provincial Park, includes Zeiner Park 2 Leduc 3 Millet 4 Ponoka 5 Red Deer 6 Rimbey 7 Sylvan Lake 8 Wetaskiwin 9 Battle Lake 10 11 Pigeon Lake 12 Twin 13 14 Visitor Centres: Camerose, Sherwood Park, St Albert, Stony Plain Chamber Of Commerce, Aravel , Crows nest Pass, Rocky Visitor Centre 15 Edmonton Tourism and more. 2011 Pigeon Lake Fun Map Interactive Order Book

...aimed at attracting increased awareness and tourism in our area. The map will be expanded to include the Windfield/Buck lake area and while keeping to the same format we will now offer business size card spots on 3.5 of the panel pages. There are only 3 full panels available or 12 business card spots so if you want on, sign up immediately. 1/2 of one panel has been designated for corporate sponsors. The Fun Map will now be printed every year to allow for changes and new members. Chamber Members always get first spot opportunities plus they receive 1/2 price rates. We offer credit card payment options for fast and easy processing, Please send your paytment directly to the Chamber Office or call or fax in your credit card information to Darlene. Your completed application form along with your payment will secure your spot.

There are limited spots available so hurry, secure your spot today Download The Application Form

Fun Map Pricing Structure Option A: Tourist Partner I would like to be a Fun Map Tourist PARTNER • Must be a tourist attraction service • Public should be able to participate some way • Your business will have an appropriate symbol on the map plus your business name, phone # & website URL or E-mail address will be displayed in the Community Partners Directory

Member Price: $100.00 Non-Member Price: $200.00 Option B : Service Partner I would like to be a FunMap Service Partner for 2010 • You offer a product or service to the community that may not qualify as a tourist attraction • Your business name, phone # & website URL or E-mail address will be displayed in the Service Support Directory

Member Price: $50.00 Non-Member Price: $100.00 Option C : Panel Partner I would like to be Fun Map Panel Partner 2011 Pigeon Lake Fun Map Interactive Order Book

• You would like to display your business to the community • You get a full panel that can include your company name, a picture of your facility, your logo a write up about your business and all contact information.

Member Price: $500.00 Non-Member Price: $1000.00 Option D : Business Card Partner I would like to be a Fun Map Business Card Partner for $200.00 • You get an ad the size of a business card • Display your company name, logo, a picture, tag line and contact information

Member Price: $125.00 Non-Member Price: $250.00 Municipal Partner: For Towns/Villages/Hamlets/Counties for $300.00 As an important entity to our region, and to support Tourism in your town, village, hamlet or county you can have one locator symbol on the map, ie: Millet, Summer Village Of Poplar Bay

Member Price: $300.00 Non-Member Price: $600.00 Corporate Partners for $1,000.00 A limited number of corporate partners will be profiled on this Fun Map so if you want to showcase your business with your logo and tag line and to show your support, sign up right now!

Member Price: $600.00 Non-Member Price: $1,200.00 Choose Your Partnership Level then click on the link below to sign up today! Sign Up Online Here


Download Application Form, fill it in and fax it back to us at 780-586-3667

IMPORTANT: Download The Fun Map Business Locator and mark the spot that best shows where your business is located. This form must be returned with your signed application and payment. 2011 Pigeon Lake Fun Map Interactive Order Book

Your payment must be received in our office before we will start work on your ad. Please provide payment with your application either by fax, phone or snail mail. You can pay by cash, cheque, Visa or MasterCard

Quick Re-cap - Please be sure you have sent us your: • Application Form • Business Locator Map • Payment • Thank - You