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A rosette by any other name: species diversity in the (Rhodophyta) along the South African coast

Maggie M. Reddy, Olivier De Clerck, Frederik Leliaert, Robert J. Anderson & John J. Bolton

To cite this article: Maggie M. Reddy, Olivier De Clerck, Frederik Leliaert, Robert J. Anderson & John J. Bolton (2018): A rosette by any other name: species diversity in the Bangiales (Rhodophyta) along the South African coast, European Journal of Phycology, DOI: 10.1080/09670262.2017.1376256 To link to this article:

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Published online: 15 Jan 2018.

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A rosette by any other name: species diversity in the Bangiales (Rhodophyta) along the South African coast Maggie M. Reddy a,c, Olivier De Clerck c, Frederik Leliaert c,d, Robert J. Andersona,b and John J. Boltona aDepartment of Biological Sciences, University of Cape Town, Private Bag X3, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa; bBranch: Fisheries, Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Private Bag X2, Rogge Bay 8012, South Africa; cPhycology Research Group, Biology Department, Ghent University, 9000 Ghent, Belgium; dBotanic Garden Meise, Nieuwelaan 38, 1860 Meise, Belgium

ABSTRACT The Bangiales is an order of Rhodophyta, widely distributed around the globe and best known for its economic value in the nori industry. The morphological simplicity of the group offers limited distinguishing characters for species identification. We therefore delimited species of the Bangiales along the South African coast based on two unlinked loci, the mitochondrial cox1 gene and the plastid rbcL gene, supplemented with additional sequence data from a third gene, the nuclear nSSU. Application of DNA-based species delimitation methods including the Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery (ABGD), General Mixed Yule Coalescent (GYMC) and Poisson Tree Processes (PTP), resulted in the recognition of 10 and three species in South Africa, only three of which had been previously described. Additional species of Bangiales previously recorded along the South African coast were added to our final species list despite not being found in the present study, resulting in an estimate of 14–16 Bangiales species occurring along this shoreline. Most of this extensive genetic diversity has been misidentified as the commonly rosette-forming species P. capensis. The name P. capensis currently refers to a species complex and cannot be attached to any one species with certainty. All species in this complex, confirmed using genetic data, are endemic to South Africa. Our results compare well with other Southern Hemisphere countries, such as Chile and New Zealand, where high genetic diversity, species richness and endemicity have also been found.

ARTICLE HISTORY Received 21 March 2017; Revised 12 July 2017; Accepted 30 July 2017

KEY WORDS Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery (ABGD); Bangiales; cox1; General Mixed Yule Coalescent (GMYC); nSSU; Poisson Tree Processes (PTP); rbcL

Introduction genera, four of which have been named (, Dione, Minerva and Pseudobangia) (Müller et al., The Bangiales are morphologically simple , 2005; Nelson et al., 2005; Sutherland et al., 2011). widely distributed in the marine environment and to Consequently, several species of Porphyra and a lesser extent in brackish and fresh water. These Bangia were transferred into new or resurrected gen- algae are found from the tropics to the poles, but era and a number of undescribed species were high- more commonly occur in temperate regions lighted (Sutherland et al., 2011). A ninth bladed (Sutherland et al., 2011). genus, Neothemis, from the Mediterranean Sea was The order consists of one family, the later added to the order (Sánchez et al., 2014, 2015). and was traditionally classified into two genera based Molecular-assisted alpha from a series of on morphology, the bladed Porphyra and the fila- regional studies thereafter resulted in the recognition mentous Bangia (Engler, 1892; Garbary et al., 1980). of many more (predominantly bladed) species However, early molecular phylogenetic data revealed (Kucera & Saunders, 2012; Mols-Mortensen et al., that these two genera were polyphyletic (Oliveira 2012; Mateo-Cid et al., 2012; Nelson, 2013; Nelson et al., 1995; Müller et al., 1998; Broom et al., 1999). &D’Archino, 2014; Ramírez et al., 2014; Sánchez A re-examination of the Bangiales based on two et al., 2014; Lindstrom et al., 2015a, 2015b; molecular markers (the plastid, ribulose 1,5 bispho- Guillemin et al., 2016). sphatecarboxylase large subunit (rbcL) gene and the The most routinely applied molecular markers for nuclear small subunit rRNA (nSSu) gene) applied to species delimitation in the bladed Bangiales are the 157 taxa sampled worldwide and using type speci- nuclear encoded nSSU gene, the plastid encoded rbcL mens where possible, revealed 15 well-supported gene, and to a lesser extent the mitochondrial clades. These were circumscribed, reinstated or sup- encoded DNA barcoding gene, cytochrome oxidase ported as genera: eight foliose, Boreophyllum, subunit 1 (cox1) (Robba et al., 2006; Brodie et al., Clymene, Fuscifolium, Lysithea, Miuraea, Porphyra, 2008; Kucera & Saunders, 2012; Milstein et al., 2012; Pyropia and Wildemania as well as seven filamentous

CONTACT Maggie M. Reddy [email protected] © 2017 British Phycological Society

Published online 15 Jan 2018 2 M. M. REDDY ET AL.

Mols-Mortensen et al., 2012). A comparison of mar- a distribution range of ~2000 km of coastline (Isaac, kers showed that the mitochondrial encoded cox1 1957; Graves, 1969; Stegenga et al., 1997; Jones et al., performed best at delimiting species while the other 2004). Species of Pyropia (originally described as markers were more useful for phylogenetic analyses Porphyra spp.) are only known to occur along the (Kucera & Saunders, 2012; Ramírez et al., 2014; south-west and west coast (Stegenga et al., 1997; Guillemin et al., 2016). At present, some drawbacks Jones et al., 2004), and Bangia has only rarely been of using the cox1 gene as a routine species-level observed and collected along the west coast of South marker include the deficient database currently avail- Africa (John Bolton personal observation 2016). able for the bladed Bangiales, introns that hamper Bangiales were first reported from the South amplification, and the potential inability to detect African coast by Kützing (1843), who recognized two species using this gene due to hybridization or intro- species of Porphyra, a reniform to cordate form (here- gression. Introns can increase the size of a targeted after termed ‘rosette’) and a linear to lanceolate form amplicon beyond the limits of successful (henceforth termed ‘lanceolate’), both found on the amplification. For this to be resolved, newly designed west coast. The rosette form was named P. capensis primers are required that sit upstream of the intron and the lanceolate form, P. augustinae Kützing nom. insertion point and therefore amplify a smaller ampli- illeg. (see Griffin et al.(1999) for further information con. Introns are particularly prevalent in Pyropia regarding the legitimacy of names). Both species were species, but have also been recorded in other bladed later synonymized by J. Agardh (1883) and the name Bangiales (Wang et al., 2013; Hughey, 2016). P. capensis was conserved. Thereafter, two additional Regarding recently diverging groups, another con- species based on European names, Porphyra vulgaris cern is that two species may share the same cox1 C. Agardh nom. illeg. and Porphyra lacinata var. gene because of introgression or hybridization, such capensis (Kützing) Grunow, were recorded in South as P. umbilicalis Kützing and P. linearis Greville Africa (Delf & Michell, 1921). However, reviews by (Mols-Mortensen et al., 2012). Isaac (1957) and Graves (1969) agreed with Agardh Three DNA-based species delimitation methods, and expressed the opinion that only one morphologi- the Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery (ABGD), cally variable species, Porphyra capensis, occurred in General Mixed Yule Coalescent (GYMC) and South Africa. However, since then, one new species Poisson Tree Processes (PTP) have been widely was described but not named, Porphyra sp. indet. applied recently across a diverse range of organismal (Stegenga et al., 1997), and two new Porphyra (now groups and are also increasingly used in algal studies Pyropia) species were described and named, Py. sal- (Leliaert et al., 2009; Payo et al., 2013; Vieira et al., danhae (Stegenga, J.J. Bolton and R.J. Anderson) J.E. 2014; Guillemin et al., 2016; Jesus et al., 2016; Machín- Sutherland, and Py. aeodis (N.J. Griffin, J.J. Bolton and Sánchez et al., 2016; Montecinos et al., 2016). ABGD R.J. Anderson) J.E. Sutherland (Stegenga et al., 1997; uses DNA sequence data to delimit species by calculat- Griffin et al., 1999; Sutherland et al., 2011). ing the barcode gap from pairwise distances among Additionally, two widely distributed Porphyra (now samples (Puillandre et al., 2012). GMYC estimates Pyropia) species, Pyropia gardneri (G.M. Smith and species boundaries by calculating the shift from Hollenberg) S.C. Lindstrom, and Py. suborbiculata inter-specific to intra-specific branching rates in a (as P. carolinensis) (Kjellman) J.E. Sutherland, H.G. phylogeny by fitting a general mixed Yule-coalescent Choi, M.S. Hwang and W.A. Nelson, and a cosmopo- (GMYC) model on an ultrametric gene tree (Pons litan Bangia species, Bangia cf. fuscopurpurea et al., 2006). PTP estimates species boundaries by (Dillwyn) Lygbye (as B. atropurpurea (Mertens ex modelling the speciation rate directly from the number Roth) C. Agardh) were recorded from South Africa of substitutions in a phylogeny (Zhang et al., 2013). (Stegenga et al., 1997; Griffin et al., 1999; Sutherland More recently, these DNA-based species methods et al., 2011). were applied for the first time to bladed Bangiales, Molecular-aided biodiversity studies on the which often lack apparent morphological characters Bangiales in South Africa are largely lacking and to for identification. The study revealed extensive species date only a preliminary biodiversity assessment of the diversity and endemicity in Chile (Guillemin et al., bladed Bangiales has been conducted. The study sug- 2016). DNA-based species delimitation using unlinked gested high phylogenetic diversity in the bladed gen- loci therefore appears promising in resolving the tax- era (Jones et al., 2004; Sutherland et al., 2011). The onomy of morphologically plastic or cryptic groups aim of this study was to further explore the biodiver- such as the Bangiales. sity of the Bangiales following Jones et al.(2004) but Three bangialean genera occur along the South based on a more extensive collection throughout the African coast: the filamentous Bangia sensu lato known distribution range of these algae along the (used hereafter) and the bladed Porphyra and South African coast. Pyropia. Porphyra occurs from Port St. Johns on the Because it is well known that data from unlinked east coast to Port Nolloth on the west coast, spanning loci can provide more reliable estimates of species EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY 3 boundaries (Knowles & Carstens, 2007; Leliaert et al., For the purposes of this study, sites east of 2014), our study is based on two molecular markers: Suiderstrand to East London were denoted as the cox1 and rbcL, and supplemented with information south coast, sites between and including from a third marker, the nSSU gene. The cox1 and Suiderstrand to the Cape Peninsula were denoted as rbcL genes were sequenced and different algorithmic the south-west coast, and sites north of and including methods for DNA-based species delimitation (ABGD, the Cape Peninsula were denoted as west coast sites GMYC, PTP) applied. Results from these analyses (sensu Stegenga et al., 1997). Additional material were used to first define initial species hypotheses. from samples used in Jones et al.(2004) was acquired Sequences for the nSSU gene were obtained from and amplified for the cox1 gene. However, with the GenBank and used to generate a mulitgene phylo- exception of three Pyropia amplicons that were long geny. Additionally, we also assessed gross morpholo- enough for comparisons, these sequences were half gical variation and distribution ranges of species. The the expected size range (~200–300 bp) and were not species delimited in this study based on DNA- included in our analyses. sequence data have to be regarded as hypotheses As many different blade forms as possible were that should be further tested in future studies using collected from various shore positions and from dif- detailed morphological, anatomical, eco-physiological ferent substrata from 35 sites. Specimens were and distributional data. pressed and preserved as herbarium vouchers, a sec- tion from each specimen was removed for DNA analysis and stored in silica gel, and an additional Materials and methods portion preserved in 5% formalin/seawater for anato- Taxon sampling mical examination. Selected herbarium specimens are deposited in the Bolus Herbarium (BOL) at the Collection sites were selected across the known South University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa, and African distribution range where Bangiales were all others at the Seaweed Research Unit, Department ’ ’’ ’ ’’ found: East London (33°27 .12 S, 27°51 .16.52 E) to of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Cape Town, ’ ’’ ’ ’’ Port Nolloth (29°14 .29.4 S, 16°54 .1.44 E), which South Africa. included several sites where bladed Bangiales were abundant, particularly on the Cape Peninsula and south-west coast of South Africa (Fig. 1). A survey DNA isolation, PCR-amplification and sequencing of Bangiales beyond its known distribution range in South Africa revealed no new records. Blades were Genomic DNA was extracted using a modified pro- collected during 2014–2016 (Supplementary table S1). tocol for the DNeasy® Blood and Tissue or Plant

Fig. 1. Collection sites along the South African coastline. 4 M. M. REDDY ET AL.

Tissue kits (Qiagen Inc.). Approximately 10–20 mg DNA sequence datasets dried algal material was homogenized in liquid nitro- Three datasets were generated: rbcL, cox1anda gen using a micropestle in 200 µl microcentrifuge concatenated dataset including nSSU sequences. In tubes. An initial incubation at 56°C for 45 min fol- addition to the sequences produced during this lowed by 80°C for an additional 15 min ensured study, a representative selection of published higher DNA yields. The quality and quantity of cox1, rbcL and nSSU sequences for the Bangiales DNA was determined using a Nano-Spec® spectro- – was added to the dataset (Supplementary table S5). photometer. DNA concentrations > 20 µg ml 1 were In general, for individual gene trees (rbcL, cox1) diluted 1:10 using distilled water and concentrations – three sequences per species were used except lower than 20 µg ml 1 were diluted 1:2. where less than three samples were available Two partial gene regions were targeted for PCR- (Supplementary table S3; Supplementary figs S1– amplification, (1) The plastid, rbcL and (2) The mito- 4). Where several different studies submitted chondrial, cox1 genes using published, adapted or sequences for a single species, one per study was newly designed primers (Broom et al., 2010; included, therefore n per taxon varied from 3–8. A Saunders & Moore, 2013; Supplementary table S2). global Bangiales phylogeny following Sutherland New primers were designed for two known South et al.(2011), but based on a three-gene (rbcL, African species, Pyropia saldanhae and Py. aeodis cox1 and nSSU) concatenated dataset, and supple- and a few Porphyra samples that were presumed to mented with new species from updated literature contain introns. Primers designed for Porphyra speci- was also reconstructed (Supplementary table S5; mens were based on an existing cox1 dataset. For Fig. 2; Supplementary fig. S5). DNA sequences Pyropia, primers were designed based on the species’ were aligned for each gene separately using the closest relative (Sutherland et al., 2011; Kucera & Clustal W function in BioEdit (Hall, 1999) and Saunders, 2012; Lindstrom & Hughey, 2016) because concatenated for the global phylogeny. introns were present in all Pyropia specimens (Supplementary table S2). PCR-reactions for the rbcL gene contained a final volume of 25 µl, and the concentration of each com- Phylogenetic analyses ponent was as follows: 1× PCR buffer, 0.2 mM dNTP Each genus was analysed separately, as the inter-gen- of each nucleotide, 1 mM MgCl2, 1.25 mM primers, eric variation was too high: Pyropia species were on –1 – 1.25 u Taq, 1 ug µl BSA, 10 30 ng DNA, the volume average 3× more divergent than Porphyra species for was made up to the total by adding PCR-grade water the cox1 gene (~13%) and 2× more divergent for the (Qiagen Inc.). PCR-reactions were run on an Applied rbcL gene (~5%). When Porphyra and Pyropia spp. Biosystems Veritit 96-well thermocycler (Life were initially analysed together, most DNA species Technologies, USA) or a Biometra Product Line, delimitation methods failed to detect many known Professional Thermocycler (Analytik Jena, Porphyra species as distinct. Germany). PCR thermo-cycling parameters for the The best fitting model for evolution under the rbcL gene followed those of Broom et al.(2010) Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) was selected for with the exception of the annealing temperature each dataset in Jmodeltest v 2.1.10 (Posada, 2008). which was set at 50°C. PCR-reactions for the cox1 For the cox1 datasets (Porphyra: GTR+I and Pyropia: gene were the same as above without additional TIM1+I+G) and for the rbcL datasets (Porphyra: MgCl2. The optimal temperature profile for the cox1 TIM1+I+G and Pyropia: GTR+I+G) were implemen- gene used a touchdown PCR protocol, an initial ted in the subsequent phylogenetic analyses. Bayesian denaturation at 94°C for 5 min, 5 cycles of 94°C for inference (BI) and Randomized Accelerated 1 min, annealing at 45°C for 1 min 30 s and an Maximum Likelihood (RAxML) (Stamatakis, 2006) extension at 72°C for 1 min 30 s followed by 94°C analyses were performed using the programs for 1 min, annealing at 50°C for 1 min 30 s, an MrBayes v. 3.2.6 (Ronquist & Huelsenbeck, 2003) extension at 72°C for 1 min 30 s, and a final exten- and RAxML for web servers (Stamatakis et al., sion step at 72°C for 5 min. 2008), respectively. PCR products were cleaned using an enzymatic The MrBayes analyses consisted of two indepen- digestion (ExoCIAP) and sequenced at Macrogen dent runs of 5 million generations thinning every (Macrogen Inc., Seoul, South Korea) or the Central 1000 trees using four chains (two hot and two cold) Analytical Facilities (Stellenbosch, South Africa) to ensure sufficient mixing. Tree parameters were sequence facilities. Sequences were submitted to sampled every 1000 generations and independent – GenBank under the accession numbers KX852772 runs were viewed in Tracer v. 1.5 (Rambaut & – – KX853026, KY814926 KY814952 and KY799110 Drummond, 2014) to assess convergence and to KY799111. determine an appropriate burn-in value which was EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY 5

100 Pyropia sp. ROS125 100 Pyropia sp. 551 93 Pyropia virididentata 96 Pyropia pilcata Pyropia sp. WRO Pyropia sp. SSR091 Pyropia sp. SMR 70 100 Pyropia sp. AKL 100 99 Pyropia cinnamomea Pyropia Pyropia sp. TCH Pyropia aeodis 70 Pyropia sp. CHG 52 52 Pyropia sp. CHH 99 Pyropia sp. FIA 87 Pyropia sp. Antar68 90 66 Pyropia sp. CHJ Pyropia sp. FIC 72 100 100 Wildemania 81 Pyropia orbicularis 89 61 Pyropia sp. CHK 59 "Bangia" 3 Pyropia sp. CHI Pyropia kanakaensis 100 Boreophyllum Pyropia protolanceolata 100 Pyropia sp. 3 99 90 "Bangia" 2 97 Porphyra hiberna Pyropia pseudolanceolata 54 99 Fuscifolium 96 100 Pyropia columbiensis 86 Pyropia montereyensis Pseudobangia kaycoleia 94 Pyropia conwayae 56 96 Pyropia fallax Lysithea adamsiae Pyropia nereocystis 100 69 87 Pyropia bajacaliforniensis 95 Miuraea 98 Pyropia nitida 100 Bangia atropurpurea Pyropia sp. DN001 98 Pyropia njordii 100 Bangia fuscopurpurea 94 Pyropia brumalis 99 100 Pyropia kurogii JP "Bangia" 1b Pyropia cf. crassa 99 74 99 Pyropia kurogii AK 100 Clymene Pyropia peggicovensis 94 Pyropia thulaea 85 92 Neothemis 95 Pyropia pseudolinearis 79 95 Pyropia sp. pseudolinearis 100 98 Pyropia pseudolinearis JP 94 Pyropia sp. DN002 Porphyra Pyropia pseudolinearis KOR 98 95 100 Pyropia abbottiae 100 Pyropia unabbottiae Pyropia torta Dione arcuata 85 Pyropia pulchra 94 Pyropia sp. SSR053 Minerva aenigmata 99 Pyropia francisii 57 Pyropia saldanhae 59 Pyropia sp. FIE 81 Pyropia sp. FID 0.05 82 Pyropia sp. ZLI 100 Pyropia sp. 6POR Pyropia sp. RSAk Pyropia dentata Pyropia haitanensis 90 Pyropia perforata Porphyra dioica 52 Pyropia seriata 98 Porphyra umbilicalis 100 100 Pyropia cf. thuretii Pyropia raulaguilarii 96 Porphyra linearis 95 Porphyra sp. FIH Pyropia sp. GCIII 85 84 54 Porphyra sp. SBA Pyropia spiralis Porphyra sp. FIB 95 Pyropia pendula 69 Porphyra sp. FIG 100 Pyropia hollenbergii Porphyra lucasii 62 Pyropia sp. GCII Porphyra sp. TAS Pyropia gardneri MX 81 Porphyra sp. FO 99 Pyropia sp. spatulata Porphyra sp. GDM 61 Pyropia tenuipedalis Pyropia katadae KOR Porphyra sp. SIR 98 74 Porphyra sp. CHB 98 Pyropia katadae JP 55 Porphyra sp. GRB368 91 Pyropia sp. 2Cal 50 Porphyra sp. GRB287 100 Pyropia sp. STI 92 Porphyra sp. GRB108 100 Pyropia tanegashimensis 98 99 Porphyra sp. GRB145 Pyropia denticulata 93 Porphyra sp. GRB178 66 Pyropia sp. kanyakumariensis Porphyra sp. GRB488 100 Pyropia acanthophora Porphyra sp. MTR 98 Pyropia sp. ARC Porphyra mufordii 100 100 Pyropia vietnamensis Porphyra sp. CHD Pyropia suborbiculata 70 Porphyra sp. CHC 100 Py sp. stamfordensis Porphyra sp. LGD 99 Pyropia pulchella 67 96 Porphyra sp. WLR Pyropia lacerata Porphyra sp. OSK Pyropia moriensis Porphyra sp. ZSM Pyropia elongata Porphyra sp. RSAba 100 Pyropia koreana 100 Porphyra sp. RSAi 100 Py sp. colinsii Porphyra sp. RSAj Pyropia sp. novae-angliae 50 92 Porphyra sp. RSAc 97 Pyropia rakiura 82 Porphyra sp. RSAbb Pyropia sp. DRB 51 Porphyra sp. CHE 100 Pyropia leucosticta Porphyra sp. JBCH26A 82 73 Pyropia fucicola 8476 Porphyra sp. RSAaa Pyropia kinositae Porphyra sp. RSAab 97 95 Pyropia sp. P7 Porphyra sp. RSAg Pyropia sp. P10 Porphyra sp. RSAd 50 Pyropia ishigecola Porphyra sp. RSAac Pyropia yezoensis Porphyra sp. RSAf Porphyra sp. oligospermatangia 93 Porphyra sp. RSAe 100 93 Porphyra sp. RSAh Pyropia onoi

0.05 0.05

Fig. 2. A global phylogenetic gene tree of the Bangiales based on a concatenated dataset (cox1, rbcL and nSSU genes). South African taxa comprised two genera, highlighted in two subtrees. Support values are indicated at nodes and South African taxa are labelled in red.

set at 25%. Trees were summarized to create consen- DNA-based species delimitation methods sus trees and calculate posterior probability values. RAxML was run on the web server RAxML Black Box ABGD analyses were run on the ABGD web server using default parameters and an appropriate evolu- ( using the default tionary model according to Jmodeltest. All trees were parameters except the Kimura K80 distance model rooted on their midpoint. which was implemented over the more simplified 6 M. M. REDDY ET AL.

Jukes-Cantor model and the relative gap width (X) Table 1. Basic phylogenetic information for all samples varied depending on the dataset (Table 2). Prior to used in the present study for the two partial genes. the GMYC and bPTP analyses, sequences were col- Porphyra Pyropia lapsed into unique haplotypes (Supplementary table cox1 rbcL cox1 rbcL Total number of 215/185 133/75 108/18 227/12 S4). For the GMYC analysis, an ultrametric tree was sequences/South constructed in BEAST v. 1.8 (Drummond et al., 2012) African (SA) using an appropriate model as per Jmodeltest and sequences Total number of 74/53 98/35 91/15 206/11 assuming an uncorrelated lognormal relaxed molecu- haplotypes/number lar clock under the constant size coalescent model. of SA haplotypes Uncorrected p-distance (maximum/average) Fifty million generations were implemented for two All sequences 0.14/0.04 0.07/0.02 0.19/0.05 0.11/0.04 independent runs, sampling every 1000 trees. Runs SA sequences 0.07/0.03 0.04/0.02 0.14/0.06 0.07/0.03 were inspected for convergence using Tracer v. 1.5 and trees were summarized from the MCMC analyses after discarding the first 25% of trees generated. GMYC analyses were run using a single threshold Table 2. ABGD species groups inferred from two partial following Fujisawa & Barraclough (2013) using the gene regions for Porphyra and Pyropia. SPLITS package in R (R Core Team, 2016). Trees Porphyra Pyropia constructed with MrBayes were used as the starting cox1 rbcL cox1 rbcL tree for bPTP analyses, which is a Bayesian imple- Number of sequences 216 133 108 227 X (relative gap width) 1.0 0.95 1.0 0.95 mentation of the PTP method, run on the web server Prior maximal distance p = 0.002 p = 0.003 p = 0.005 p = 0.005 Singletons for initial partition Number of ABGD 20 26 41 93 refer to a single species, but it is important to note groups that singletons in haplotypic data may represent sev- SA1ABGD groups 10 7 4 3 eral specimens (see Supplementary table S4). 1SA: South African Haplotype networks were constructed for both genera for both genes for which haplogroups and mutations were noted. Pairwise genetic distances (p- ABGD analyses distances) were calculated in MEGA v. 6.0 (Tamura Twenty ABGD groups were recovered using the cox1 et al., 2013) implemented for 1000 pseudoreplicates. gene for Porphyra, and South African taxa accounted for half of these (Table 2). The ABGD analysis of the rbcL dataset delimited groups that were consistent with Results the six molecularly identified South African Porphyra A total of 283 sequences (203 cox1 and 80 rbcL) of species according to Jones et al.(2004) (ZPP, ZGR, ZBS, South African bladed Bangiales were generated. ZCE, ZIR, ZDR). An additional molecular species Sequences for the cox1 gene were trimmed to 669 (ZSM) from the coast of South Africa identified by bp, except for a few sequences (those presumed to Sutherland et al.(2011) was not supported as a distinct contain introns) that were shorter in length and species but was instead included in an ABGD group trimmed to 350 bp. Intron-containing samples were with a number of other species of Porphyra such as P. amplified with alternative primers and therefore pro- mumfordii, P. linearis and a few undescribed species duced shorter amplicons. Sequences ranged in size (Supplementary fig. S2). The ABGD analysis recovered from 864–1409 bp for the rbcL gene. South African 41 Pyropia groups using the cox1 gene, and 93 ABGD specimens from this study were resolved in two main groups using the rbcL gene. Two taxa were supported as clades, corresponding to two genera: Porphyra (91% distinct using both markers (Py. aeodis, Py. saldanhae). of the cox1, and 85% of the rbcL sequences) and SW1, 6POR and ZLI were included in a single group Pyropia (9% of the cox1 and 15% of the rbcL using the rbcL gene, but the first two were regarded as sequences). distinct species using the cox1 gene. 1032 was consid- ered distinct from Py. aeodis using the cox1genebut included in the Py. aeodis group using the rbcLgene Species delimitation (Table 2). South African taxa were analysed in the context of already described/named or molecularly identified GMYC analyses species obtained from the literature. South African samples, together with GenBank sequences were par- For the cox1 dataset of Porphyra the GMYC model titioned into four datasets, one for each genus was favoured over the null model which is that all (Porphyra and Pyropia) and for each gene (cox1 and sequences belong to a single species (p < 0.01). rbcL) (Table 1). Collectively, 17 clusters and six singletons were EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY 7

Table 3. Porphyra and Pyropia species delimited using cox1 taxa (Table 4). For the genus Pyropia, using the and rbcL gene regions implemented in GMYC using a cox1 gene, 44 clusters were recovered and South single threshold. African taxa accounted for two clusters (Py. saldan- Porphyra Pyropia hae and Py. aeodis) and two singletons (Table 4). cox1 rbcL cox1 rbcL Using the rbcL gene, 111 clusters were delineated, of Likelihood of 538 815 569 1651 null model which three clusters and two singletons consisted of Maximum 543 815 597 1678 South African specimens. likelihood of GMYC model Likelihood ratio 11 ** 0.14 n.s. 6 *** 574 *** Number of ML2 17 (15–22) 25 (1–26) 26 (24–27) 51 (51–54) clusters Final species hypotheses for South African species (95% CI)3 4 SA ML clusters 10 13 4 3 The final species delimitation was based on tabulated Number of 6(5–8) 29 (1–71) 20 (18–21) 54 (45–61) singletons results of the different species inferred from each of (95% CI) the two loci (Table 5). A 50% majority rule, i.e. when SA ML 292 2 singletons two of the three analytical species delimitation meth- 2ML: Maximum Likelihood; 3CI: Confidence Interval; 4SA: South ods (ABGD, GMYC and PTP) were in agreement, African; ** <0.01; *** <0.001; n.s.: not significant. was used to decide on consensus species hypotheses following Guillemin et al.(2016). More specifically, identified. South African samples were resolved into we recognized species clades that received high clade 10 of these clusters and two singletons (Table 3). For support in the cox1, rbcL, and concatenated phyloge- the rbcL dataset of Porphyra, the GMYC model was nies (cox1, rbcL, nSSU) and were supported by spe- not favoured over the null model (p = 0.93); which is cies-level differences in statistical parsimony and reflected by the large confidence interval (95% CI) in genetic distances (Carstens et al., 2013). Additional the number of Maximum Likelihood (ML) clusters: 1 information on morphology and distribution was to 26 species. For the genus Pyropia, the GMYC taken into consideration when resolving species model was favoured over the null model (p < 0.01) with unclear boundaries or conflicting results. using the cox1 gene. Twenty-six clusters and 20 sin- In total, 10 species (RSAa-RSAj) for South African gletons were identified, of which four clusters and Porphyra and four species for South African Pyropia two singletons represented South African taxa (RSAk-RSAn) were recognized using the cox1 gene. (Table 3). Two described South African species (Py. Five were substantiated using the rbcL gene: RSAc-d, aeodis and Py. saldanhae) were further split into two RSAg, RSAi-j and four supported by the nSSU gene: and three groups, respectively. Similarly, for the rbcL RSAa, RSAb, RSAi, RSAe. An additional species, ZSM gene, the GMYC model was favoured over the null was supported by both rbcL and nSSU sequence data. model. A total of 51 clusters and 54 singletons were Although, rbcL clades were congruent with nSSU delineated. South African taxa were resolved into clades there were a number of inconsistencies three clusters and two singletons. between these clades and the other five cox1 species hypotheses (Table 5). The following species hypoth- eses equate to described species: RSAm = Pyropia bPTP analyses aeodis and RSAn = Pyropia saldanhae. RSAn* = the A total of 22 Porphyra clusters were recovered using divergent Py. saldanhae clade. the cox1 gene; South African taxa accounted for seven There was generally high consistency among clusters and two singletons (Table 4). Using the rbcL methods using the cox1 gene for Porphyra except gene, 49 clusters were identified of which eight clus- clades RSAa-b were further split in the GMYC ana- ters and four singletons represented South African lyses (Supplementary fig. S1). In contrast, there was very little congruence between rbcL and cox1 GMYC clades for South African Porphyra (Supplementary Table 4. Results of the bPTP analyses based on the cox1 figs S1, S2; Table 5). However, in general Porphyra and rbcL trees for Porphyra and Pyropia. rbcL clades compared well with at least half the cox1 Porphyra Pyropia clades (Supplementary figs S1, S2). On the other cox1 rbcL cox1 rbcL hand, all Pyropia species hypotheses were generally Acceptance rate 0.44 0.47 0.13 0.25 Estimated number of species 11–42 34–69 40–53 99–124 consistent for both genes and in the concatenated Mean 22 49 44 111 phylogeny, except for RSAl which was consistently SA5 ML6 clusters 7 8 2 3 Singletons 2 4 2 2 recovered as a distinct species using the cox1 gene for SA BI7 clusters 7 8 2 3 all methods, but was included in the species Py. Singletons 2 4 2 2 aeodis using the rbcL gene (Supplementary figs 5SA: South African; 6ML: Maximum Likelihood; 7BI: Bayesian inference S3, S4). 8 M. M. REDDY ET AL.

Table 5. Comparisons of methods and markers and final species delimitation. Final species delimitation Entities (Jones ABGD GMYC PTP ABGD GMYC PTP Phylogeny Concatenated Species hypotheses et al., 2004) cox1 cox1 cox1 rbcL rbcL rbcL nSSU tree Consensus Distribution Morphology Porphyra RSAaa New * L * * * * N/T * * WC rosette Porphyra RSAab ZGR/ZBS L * L L * * * * * SWC lanceolate Porphyra RSAac ZGR/ZBS L L L L * * * * ? WC rosette Porphyra RSAba ZCE L L L L * * * * ? SWC rosette and lanceolate Porphyra RSAb ZDR * S * * S * * * * WC & SWC rosette Porphyra RSAc New * * L L * * N/T * * SWC rosette and lanceolate Porphyra RSAd New * * * L * * N/T * * SWC rosette Porphyra RSAe ZIR * * * L * * * * * WC lanceolate Porphyra RSAf ZIR * * * L L L N/T * * WC lanceolate Porphyra RSAg New * * * L * * N/T * * WC lanceolate Porphyra RSAh ZIR * * * L L L N/T * * WC lanceolate Porphyra RSAi ZPP * * * L * * * * * SC & SWC rosette Porphyra RSAj New * * * L * * N/T * * SC rosette Pyropia RSAk ZLI * * * * * * * * * WC lanceolate to orbicular Pyropia RSAl New * * * L L L N/T * * WC N/A Pyropia RSAm ZAE=Py. aeodis ******* * * WC cordiform Pyropia RSAn ZEK=Py. *S**S** * * WC & SWC lanceolate saldanhae ‘*’ denotes congruence; L: lumped; S: Split; WC: West coast; SWC: Southwest coast

Distribution of species of the bladed Bangiales along species groupings were sustained (Supplementary fig. the South African coast S2). For the rbcL gene, results were also largely con- sistent for known species groupings with some excep- RSAi was the only strictly south coast species, con- tions (Supplementary fig. S3). taining specimens collected from Port Alfred to For the genus Pyropia,whenusingthecox1gene Mossel Bay. RSAj represented the other south/ most known species groupings were sustained south-west coast species and included one specimen (Supplementary fig. S4). For the rbcLgene,group- collected from De Kelders, ~1000 km west of the ings were consistent for some species, grouped into remaining eight East London specimens included in asinglespeciesforothersandsplitintomultiple this cluster. Both species (RSAi and RSAj) did not species for some others and a number of mislabelled overlap in distribution with RSAa-h. All other species taxa were evident. For example, Py. lanceolata hypotheses (RSAa-h) occurred sympatrically mostly (Setchell and Hus) S.C. Lindstrom was found to on the west and south-west coast of South Africa with appear in more than one species group indicating the exception of five specimens (Porphyra sp. CSF 2, that the name has been misapplied (Supplementary KH1, PBB 3,4,6) which were collected on the south fig. S5). Pyropia ishigecola (Miura) N. Kikuchi and coast but were included in one of the west coast M. Miyata, and Py. suborbiculata were considered a species. single species using the ABGD and PTP methods. These species were retained as mostly separate enti- Morphological variation in Porphyra species ties in the GMYC analysis; although the Py. ishige- cola cluster included a sequence labeled Py. Porphyra species predominantly conformed to one of suborbiculata. two morphological forms previously described, rosette or lanceolate (Fig. 3). However, in some cases specimens with a lanceolate form were included in an otherwise predominantly rosette species or vice Genetic distance versa. In some species there was an even split Genetic distance matrices were created for each gene between the number of rosette and lanceolate forms. (cox1 and rbcL) and for each genus after checking that names on GenBank were applied correctly at the generic level. A global comparison including known Global comparison Porphyra and Pyropia species from the literature was Using the cox1 gene for Porphyra, species groupings obtained from GenBank and used to calculate intras- were largely consistent with known species using the pecific genetic distances for each genus respectively ABGD, GMYC or PTP methods (Supplementary fig. (Table 6). For both genera and for both genes, intras- S2). Porphyra umbilicalis and P. linearis for the pecific genetic distances of South African species ABGD, GMYC and PTP analyses were recognized were within range of published distances (Table 6). as a single species for the cox1 gene and all other Similarly mutational steps, in statistical parsimony, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY 9

Fig. 3. Morphological variation in Porphyra species along the South African coast. Scale bar represents 25 mm.

Table 6. Mutational steps calculated from statistical parsi- between South African taxa compared well with dif- mony (SP) and pairwise genetic distance comparisons indi- ferences found in known species. cating the range of differences among species from around the world, based on cox1 and rbcL sequence data for Porphyra and Pyropia. Comparative data for South Discussion African taxa are provided. Statistical parsimony Species diversity in the bladed Bangiales in South Porphyra Pyropia Africa was studied using different methods of DNA- cox1 rbcL cox1 rbcL based species delimitation, and this was interpreted in Global mutational steps 4–84–13 3–91–6 the context of what is known from other Porphyra in SP (range) and Pyropia species. Extensive species diversity and Genetic distances (GD) endemicity was found along this coastline. Porphyra Pyropia Intraspecific genetic distances in South African cox1 rbcL cox1 rbcL % GD range (average) 1–15 (4) 1–2 (2) 4–21 (13) 1–2 (6) bladed Bangiales were within the range found in South African taxa 3–41–211–14 5–7 currently defined species based on molecular data (Sutherland et al., 2011; Guillemin et al., 2016). 10 M. M. REDDY ET AL.

Differences in interspecific genetic distances suggest was some discordance in gene trees for a few speci- Porphyra is a younger clade with more recently mens. Phylogenetic relationships between South radiating species than Pyropia. This may explain the African Porphyra species also varied depending on higher consistency in analytical species delimitation the marker. This may be a result of recent diversifica- methods and congruence in markers for South tion, incomplete lineage sorting, hybridization or African Pyropia species in comparison to Porphyra introgression (Mols-Mortensen et al., 2012; Leliaert species. et al., 2014). Species boundaries in the bladed Bangiales from The GMYC method is known to be influenced by around the globe were largely confirmed in this completeness of taxon sampling, variability in effec- study, although some species displayed high genetic tive population sizes and the ratio of the effective diversity and may consist of multiple species, as has population size to divergence time, as well as occur- been found in other species groups (Lindstrom & rences of rare species (Fujisawa & Barraclough, 2013; Cole, 1992; López-Vivas et al., 2015; Lindstrom Ahrens et al., 2016). The method may also fail to et al., 2015a). In contrast, in some other species, resolve recently diverging taxa in some cases even though morphological and/or ecological species (Hudson & Coyne, 2002; Lohse, 2009; Fujisawa & criteria were fulfilled, e.g. P. umbilicalis and P. line- Barraclough, 2013; Talavera et al., 2013), or conver- aris or Py. ishigecola and Py. suborbiculata, genetic sely, excessively split species (Miralles & Vences, diversity among these species pairs was extremely 2013; Ahrens et al., 2016). The excessive splitting in low. These results may reflect hybridization or intro- some South African species could, therefore, be gression in these species (Mols-Mortensen et al., accounted for by any of the above mentioned 2012). Misapplied names, either taxa that were mis- variables. identified or mislabelled, was another concern when More specifically, for the genus Porphyra,results estimating taxonomic diversity for global for GMYC using the rbcL gene were not statistically comparisons. significant and consisted of a large range (1–26 species). A similar trend was observed for other bladed Bangiales studies as well as for other sea- Comparison of molecular markers and species weeds (Guillemin et al., 2016;Jesuset al., 2016). delimitation methods Similarly, ABGD groups tended to sort known spe- Recent studies have demonstrated the value of the cies into a single species group. Taken together, cox1 gene for delimiting species in the Bangiales as these results may reflect the absence of a sufficient it outperforms other gene markers for this purpose, barcoding gap in this gene, which essentially such as rbcL and nSSU (Robba et al., 2006; Kucera & reduces the taxonomic resolution of species group- Saunders, 2012; Milstein et al., 2012). Although the ings (Meyer & Paulay, 2005;Meieret al., 2008; present study generated information for only two Kucera & Saunders, 2012). Results from the PTP markers, information from a third marker was avail- analysis best reflected species boundaries for able from a previous study (Jones et al., 2004) and Porphyra for the rbcLgenecomparedwiththe this allowed for a comparison of genes. Clearer bar- other delimiting methods. coding gaps were obtained using the cox1 gene com- On the other hand, analytical methods were con- pared with the rbcL and nSSU genes and therefore, gruent using the cox1 gene, except for the GMYC cox1 was the most effective at delimiting species of results for two Porphyra clades and Pyropia saldanhae Porphyra and Pyropia. that were further split despite results being statisti- Many recent efforts have focused on adding to the cally significant. These clades consisted of specimens deficient cox1 database for the Bangiales (Brodie collected from geographically distant sites and the et al., 2008; Kucera & Saunders, 2012; Mols- method may be interpreting some level of population Mortensen et al., 2012, 2014; Vergés et al., 2013; structure (Sukumaran & Knowles, 2017). One other Sánchez et al., 2014, 2015; Milstein et al., 2015; Xie consideration is unresolved nodes that may represent et al., 2015; Guillemin et al., 2016). However, introns real anomalies or methodological artefacts that affect remain a problem and in the present study two both GMYC and PTP results (Tang et al., 2014). In Pyropia species and one Porphyra species were pre- our dataset this is particularly relevant to the afore- sumed to contain introns in the cox1 region. This mentioned cox1 clades (see for example Py. required designing new primers for intron-containing saldanhae). species which successfully amplified the cox1 gene, but with shorter sequence lengths; nevertheless, these Porphyra species – identifying the elusive P. sequences were adequate for comparison. capensis For the genus Porphyra, South African specimens were generally included in the same monophyletic In his initial description, Kützing (1843) referred to species group using nSSU, rbcLorcox1, but there Porphyra capensis as being rosette in form and the EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY 11 type locality was listed as Cap which is regarded as saldanhae has been recognized. The novel species, Caput bonae spei (South Africa). However, in the RSAk shares an almost identical rbcLsequence(a 1800s this referred to anywhere between modern single base pair change) with the entity ZLI from a day Durban and Cape Town. Hypothetically, even if previous study (Jones et al., 2004). All analytical P. capensis was considered to be a typical west coast DNA-based species delimitations in the present species, it leaves three or four (RSA a–d) possible study identified entity ZLI (Jones et al., 2004)as species that fit the original description. These rosette being conspecific with RSAk (this study). However, species typical of the west coast are consistent with this was not reflected in the multigene phylogeny entity ZDR and a sequence labelled ‘P. capensis’ and may be due to the uneven number of gene AY766361 on GenBank (Jones et al., 2004, Milstein regions compared between species (ZLI (rbcL& & Oliveira, 2005). nSSU), RSAk (rbcL&cox1) and the closely related Similarly, the identity of the lanceolate form 6POR (rbcL&cox1)). described as P. augustinae nom. illeg. (Kützing, A divergent lineage in Py. saldanhae, a species that 1843) cannot be confirmed at this time, as the occurs at Rooiels on the eastern shore of False Bay description could refer to any one of the lanceolate (Fig. 1), was found beyond the known distribution west coast Porphyra spp. or Pyropia spp. found in this range of this species. Previously documented from study. These genera are morphologically similar to the Cape Peninsula to Hondeklipbaai (Stegenga one another and can be distinguished largely on et al., 1997), the divergent lineage appears morpho- reproductive anatomy and to a lesser extent on ecol- logically distinct, albeit subtly and will require further ogy: South African Pyropia spp. are monoecious and morphological and anatomical analyses. Although found in the subtidal fringe, only occasionally co- this lineage was genetically distinct, it was insuffi- occurring with Porphyra spp. (personal observation). ciently so to be considered a distinct species, and as The original taxonomic sketches by Kützing (1843) such was consistently recognized as belonging to Py. provide no information on spore type or arrange- saldanhae using tree-based and non-tree-based spe- ment, or details of the ecology or distribution. cies delimitation approaches. Nevertheless, one of the lanceolate species, RSAe-h, A divergent lineage in Py. aeodis, RSAl, acquired is confirmed as consistent with the taxon ZIR (Jones from an earlier study along the South African coast et al., 2004). In addition, RSAi recognized in this (Jones et al., 2004) is represented by only a single study is consistent with entity ZPP in Jones et al. specimen which was not available for morphological (2004). analysis. Furthermore, the length of the cox1 Most other rbcL entities, i.e. ZGR, ZBS and ZCE sequence for this sample was significantly shorter from Jones et al.(2004) were either sorted into multi- than other Py. aeodis specimens. For the rbcL gene, ple species or grouped into a single species (RSAa-j), where a more complete sequence was obtained, this or remained unresolved. An example is the rbcL clade taxon was identified as Py. aeodis. Therefore, despite ZCE nested in the RSAb clade using the cox1 gene. all analytical species delimitation methods and ZSM (Porphyra), a specimen previously collected genetic distances based on the cox1 gene suggesting along the South African coast (Sutherland et al., this may be a new species, we have chosen not to 2011) was not found during this study but was consider it as such until more information is included in the rbcL DNA-based species delimitation obtained. analyses. The species was shown to be distinct based The genus Pyropia appears to have relatively fewer on the consensus majority rule and will be included species and is much less abundant year-round than in our final species inventory. Taken together, the Porphyra in South Africa, so we were only able to name P. capensis, therefore, cannot be tied to a single sample relatively few Pyropia specimens. Intraspecific species and at present refers to a species complex divergence in South African Pyropia species was gen- until the type specimen is sequenced. erally high and it is possible that given a larger dataset, more genetic structure and more species may emerge within this genus. Species boundaries confirmed for two endemic Pyropia species High diversity and regional endemism hidden under Two endemic ‘Porphyra’ species have been common or misapplied names described from among the elusive ‘P. capensis’, and were later transferred into the resurrected For many decades the name Porphyra capensis genus Pyropia (Sutherland et al., 2011): Py. aeodis Kützing (1843) was used as an umbrella species to (Griffin et al., 1999) and Py. saldanhae (Stegenga describe what we now know to be two divergent et al., 1997). In the present study the boundaries of genera (Porphyra and Pyropia) each consisting of both species were confirmed and one new Pyropia several endemic species (Stegenga et al., 1997; speciesaswellasadivergentlineagewithinPy. Griffin et al., 1999; Sutherland et al., 2011; this 12 M. M. REDDY ET AL. study). Although these genera are morphologically et al., 2014; Sánchez et al., 2014, 2015; Guillemin et similar, they are markedly genetically distant (this al., 2016), we suggest that Py. gardneri and Py. sub- study; Sutherland et al., 2011). Even if we did restrict orbiculata were misidentifications of other species the name P. capensis to include only Porphyra species along the South African coast. One other presumed according to the scheme of Sutherland et al.(2011), it cosmopolitan species, Bangia cf. fuscopurpurea, was still conceals extensive species diversity (10 species). identified based on morphology and recorded along These findings are contrary to earlier reviews by Isaac the South African coast. However, no Bangia species (1957) and Graves (1969) that considered South were found in the present study despite several dedi- African bladed Bangiales belonging to a single cated seasonal survey trips. Nevertheless, we can con- species. clude with certainty that at least one ‘Bangia’ sp. Similar trends of high diversity and endemism occurs in South Africa but, its identity and endemi- have also been reported for other regions. For exam- city need to be confirmed (Stegenga et al., 1997). ple, the name Porphyra columbina Montagne (now The concept of widely distributed macroalgal spe- Pyropia columbina (Montagne) W.A. Nelson) and P. cies has been increasingly challenged in recent times, umbilicalis have been widely applied to species in and many studies reveal regional endemism hidden New Zealand and Chile, and concealed several ende- under widely applied names (Leliaert et al., 2009; mic and new species along both these coastlines Payo et al., 2013; Vieira et al., 2014; Guillemin et al., (Broom et al., 1999; Nelson et al., 2001, 2006; 2016; Jesus et al., 2016; Machín-Sánchez et al., 2016). Brodie et al., 2007, 2008; Nelson, 2013; Nelson & In the Bangiales, a few common names, generally for D’Archino, 2014; Ramírez et al., 2014; Guillemin well-studied European species such as P. umbilicalis et al., 2016). Widely applied names in North (Brodie et al., 2008), have been misapplied to many Atlantic bladed Bangiales were also found to conceal species from around the world. Similarly, for example, cryptic taxonomic diversity (Kucera & Saunders, the common European name P. vulgaris nom. illeg. 2012; Mols-Mortensen et al., 2012, 2014). has been applied to South African ‘Porphyra’ (Delf & Michell, 1921). This is understandable because of a lack of discernible morphological characters in the Misapplied names and misleading distribution group, but nevertheless perpetuates the idea of widely ranges distributed bangialean species. All South African bladed Bangiales identified mole- cularly in the current study display regional ende- Bangialean species inventory in South Africa mism based on our sampling. However, critical comparisons are needed from subantarctic regions Our analyses suggest that 14–16 species of Bangiales (Gough Island, Tristan da Cunha and Marion occur along the South African coast, three of which Island, where P. capensis has been recorded), and have been previously described and named from Namibia and southern Angola, where P. capen- (Porphyra capensis, Pyropia saldanhae and Py. aeo- sis, Py. saldanhae and Py. aeodis have been recorded, dis). The name Porphyra capensis cannot be reliably based on morphological characters (Papenfuss, 1964; assigned to a single species and instead refers to a Chamberlain, 1965; Silva et al., 1996; Anderson et al. complex consisting of 10 species. We include the 2012; John Bolton and Robert Anderson pers. obs., Porphyra genetic entity ZMS which was not found 2016). Thus, there is a great need for taxonomic in the present study, but for which molecular clarification of taxa that were previously identified sequences exist (rbcL and nSSU). In addition to based solely on morphology, particularly with regard two species of Pyropia endemic to southern Africa, to species with a wide range of morphological forms a new species of Pyropia is identified, RSAk. and with wide global distribution ranges (Tronholm Therefore, in total 14 species are recognized. The et al., 2010; Mattio & Payri, 2011; Xie et al., 2015). final estimate included two additional species that The widely distributed species, Pyropia gardneri require verification. These were Bangia cf. fuscopur- which was originally described from California, Py. purea and Pyropia cf. suborbiculata, the identity and suborbiculata (as P. carolinensis) initially described generic placements of which, however, need to be from Japan and Bangia fuscopurpurea (as B. atropur- determined. The endemic, Porphyra sp. indet. purea) which was first described from Germany, were (Stegenga et al., 1997), has not been found again not found in the present study based on DNA since its description and it is therefore doubtful that sequence data. Furthermore, Pyropia gardneri this species represents a distinct entity. All three of recorded from South Africa (Stegenga et al., 1997) these species are currently lacking molecular data. morphologically resembles a new endemic South For reasons mentioned above, the widely distributed African bladed Bangiales species (RSAk) and requires Py. gardneri has been tentatively removed from the further study. Therefore, given the difficulty of iden- South African flora until further research is con- tifying these species based on morphology (Ramírez ducted. Earlier taxonomic circumscriptions that EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY 13 were synonymized with P. capensis (P. augustinae anonymous reviewers which helped improve the final nom. illeg., P. vulgaris nom. illeg. and P. lacinata manuscript. var. capensis (Kützing) Grunow) were also excluded from our final inventory. Disclosure statement In conclusion, we found extensive diversity, regio- nal endemism and geographic structure in the No potential conflict of interest was reported by the Bangiales along the South African coast. authors. Phylogenetic diversity was considered in the context of currently accepted species boundaries, using dif- Funding ferent DNA-based species delimiting methods and a multigene phylogeny. The relative efficacies of these This work was supported by the Erasmus-Mundus methods were compared and despite some differ- [INSPIRE, mobility grant]; SANBI via NRF [SeaKeys]. ences, a high level of congruence was found between molecular markers and methods. Our results demon- Supplementary information strate the value of applying a statistical framework The following supplementary material is accessible via the when defining species boundaries in taxonomically Supplementary Content tab on the article’s online page at challenging groups such as the Bangiales; allowing for reproducibility while minimizing the inherent Supplementary table S1. Sample collection dates and sites. subjectivity associated with defining species bound- Supplementary table S2. Information on primers used and aries. Although several established species boundaries designed in this study. from other regions outside South Africa were Supplementary table S3. Accession numbers for all speci- affirmed, our analyses suggest that a high level of mens acquired from GenBank for the cox1 and rbcL gene species diversity is waiting to be discovered. In parti- for trees in fig. S1–4. cular, the South African coast proved to be a reposi- Supplementary table S4. Haplotype list of sequences used tory for undiscovered species and although our study for phylogenetic analyses for both genera, and for both was based on an extensive collection throughout its genes. distribution range, species are known to occur sea- Supplementary table S5. Accession numbers for all speci- sonally and further sampling may result in the recog- mens acquired from GenBank for the cox1, rbcL and nSSU nition of more species from this coastline. In the genes for the global phylogeny in figs 2 and S5. present study, species were based on molecular infor- Supplementary fig. S1. Phylogenetic gene tree based on mation and these species hypotheses need to be the cox1 gene for the genus Porphyra including South further explored using detailed morphological, anato- African sequences generated in this study. mical and distributional data. Our findings provide a Supplementary fig. S2. Phylogenetic gene tree based on good indication of the total number of Bangiales in the rbcL gene for the genus Porphyra. South Africa and largely contribute toward under- Supplementary fig. S3. Phylogenetic gene tree based on standing the biodiversity of the Bangiales on a global the cox1 gene for the genus Pyropia. scale. Furthermore, this study forms the basis for Supplementary fig. S4. Phylogenetic gene tree based on future research on the evolution, ecology and biology the rbcL gene for the genus Pyropia. of this hyper-diverse species complex in the Southern Supplementary fig. S5. Global phylogeny of the Bangiales Hemisphere. Lastly, future work should focus on based on a concatenated dataset (cox1, rbcL and nSSU). identifying commercially important species/strains from South Africa. Author contributions M.M. Reddy: original concept, field work, lab work, data analyses, drafting and editing manuscript; O. De Clerck: Acknowledgements assistance with lab work, data analyses and editing manu- The authors would like to thank SeaKeys via the National script; F. Leliaert: assistance with data analyses, generating Research Foundation, South Africa and Erasmus-Mundus, trees and editing manuscript; J.J. Bolton: original concept, European Union for funding. We thank the Phycology assistance with field work, editing manuscript; R.J. Group at Ghent University for facilitating laboratory Anderson: original concept, assistance with field work; work and for hosting MMR during her stay in Belgium. editing manuscript. Thanks to the following people who assisted in fieldwork or provided additional samples: David Dyer, Lekraj Etwarysing, Mark Rothman, Chris Boothryd and Derek ORCID Kemp. A special thank you to Judy Sutherland for provid- Maggie M. Reddy ing samples previously collected along the South African Olivier De Clerck coast. Lastly, we are grateful for comments from two Frederik Leliaert 14 M. M. REDDY ET AL.

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