Educational Achievement and Economic Self-Sufficiency in Adults After Childhood Bacterial Meningitis
1 Supplementary Online Content Roed C, Omland LH, Skinhoj P, Rothman KJ, Sorensen HT, Obel N. Educational achievement and economic self-sufficiency in adults after childhood bacterial meningitis. JAMA. doi:10.1001/jama.2013.3792 Appendix 1. Description of Registries Appendix 2. Diagnosis Codes for Intrauterine and Birth Asphyxia or Chromosomal Abnormalities Appendix 3. Diagnosis Codes for Meningococcal, Pneumococcal, Or H influenzae Meningitis Appendix 4. Diagnosis Codes for Neuroinfections Other Than Bacterial Meningitis eTable 1. Number of Events in the Study Population and Total Observation Time eTable 2. Estimated Prevalence at Age 35 of Vocational Education, High School, Higher Education, Economic Self‐sufficiency and Disability pension Among Meningitis Patients, Members of the Population Comparison Cohorts, and Their Siblings Without Neonatal Morbidity eFigure 1. Cumulative Incidence of Having Been Economically Self‐sufficient for a Year and of Receiving Disability Pension in the Meningococcal, Pneumococcal and H. influenzae Meningitis Patients (Black), Members of the Population Comparison Cohort (Red), Full Siblings of Patients (Green) and Siblings of Members of the Population Comparison Cohort (Blue) eFigure 2. Cumulative Incidence of Vocational Education, High School and Higher Education for Meningococcal, Pneumococcal and H. influenzae Meningitis Patients (Black), Members of the Population Comparison Cohort (Red), Full Siblings of Patients (Green) and Full Siblings of Members of the Population Comparison Cohort (Blue) Born Before 1980 eFigure 3. Cumulative Incidence of Vocational Education, High School and Higher Education for Meningococcal, Pneumococcal and H. influenzae Meningitis Patients (Black), Members of the Population Comparison Cohort (Red), Full Siblings of Patients (Green) and Full Siblings of Members of the Population Comparison Cohort (Blue) Born After 1980 This supplementary material has been provided by the authors to give readers additional information about their work.
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