Poland Joint Urgent Opinion of the Venice Commission
Strasbourg, 16 January 2020 CDL-PI(2020)002 Opinion No. 977 / 2019 Or. Engl. EUROPEAN COMMISSION FOR DEMOCRACY THROUGH LAW (VENICE COMMISSION) POLAND JOINT URGENT OPINION OF THE VENICE COMMISSION AND THE DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND RULE OF LAW (DGI) OF THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE ON AMENDMENTS TO THE LAW ON THE COMMON COURTS, THE LAW ON THE SUPREME COURT, AND SOME OTHER LAWS on the basis of comments by Mr Richard BARRETT (Member, Ireland) Ms Claire BAZY-MALAURIE (Member, France) Mr Paolo CAROZZA (Member, the United States of America) Mr Philip DIMITROV (Member, Bulgaria) Ms Regina KIENER (Member, Switzerland) Mr Kaarlo TUORI (Member, Finland) Mr Mats MELIN (Expert, DG I) This document will not be distributed at the meeting. Please bring this copy. www.venice.coe.int CDL-PI(2020)002 - 2 - I. Introduction 1. By letter of 30 December 2019, the Marshal of the Senate of the Republic of Poland, Mr Tomasz Grodzki, requested an opinion of the Venice Commission on the amendments to the laws on the judiciary, passed by the Polish Sejm on 20 December 2019 (CDL-REF(2020)002), hereinafter “the Amendments”), from the perspective of judicial independence. In his letter the Marshal indicated that the Senate would like to receive an opinion before the end of the upcoming session of the Senate at which the Amendments have to be discussed (15-17 January 2020). 2. Ms Claire Bazy-Malaurie (member, Vice-President, France), Mr Richard Barrett (member, Ireland), Mr Paolo Carozza (member, United States of America), Mr Philip Dimitrov (member, Vice-President, Bulgaria), Ms Regina Kiener (member, Vice-President, Switzerland) and Mr Kaarlo Tuori (member, Finland) acted as rapporteurs for this Opinion.
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