Volume 2005-2006, No. 3 Winter 2006 The Sunflower Picket www.suvcwks.org Publication of the Department of Kansas, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War DEPARTMENT OFFICERS are authorized to wear the Past Camp Commander IN MEMORIAM badge and use the suffix P.C.C. in conjunction with Commander............................James R. Knopke, PCC their name. This badge shall have the ribbon of the th PDC Kenneth D. Strader 27133 W. 56 St., Shawnee KS 66218-8407 membership badge, without top bar and the drop shall On December 3, 2005, Past Department
[email protected] be the iron cross of the Order, with the insignia of the Commander Kenneth D. Strader answered final muster when he lost his battle with cancer. Brother Order affixed in the center of the iron cross.” Both Sr. Vice Commander ...................... Randal L. Durbin hereditary members and associates may become Camp P.O. Box 306, Overbrook KS 66524-0306 Strader was the grandson of Civil War veteran th Commanders, and, as such, both are eligible to become
[email protected] Sergeant James Monroe Fulton, Co. F, 28 Illinois Infantry, whom he honored with his membership in Past Camp Commanders. The Past Camp Commander badge is classified as a the SUVCW. Jr. Vice Commander ............... James A. Scheidel, Jr. Group B badge. Group B badges have been designated Brother Strader served as the third Commander 1325 Elm St., Andover KS 67002-9025 as a “Badge of the Order.” As such, it may be worn
[email protected] for the Department of Kansas from April 2000 to April 2001.