DON’T LOSE ACCESS TO Vol. 108, No. 4 THE ICLR LAW REPORTS Fall 2016 1 JANUARY 2017. DEADLINE DAY. JOURNAL LIBRARY LAW The ICLR – publisher of the official law reports for L A W England and Wales – is about to disaggregate its law reports from the online services operated by LexisNexis and Thomson Reuters in Australia, L I B R A R Y Canada, New Zealand and the United States. If you are renewing an annual subscription with J O U R N A L LexisNexis or Thomson Reuters in 2016 that includes access to ICLR content, access to that content will end as of 1 January 2017. Vol. 108, No. 4 Fall 2016 Fall 4 108,No. Vol. ARTICLES The Need for Experiential Legal Research Education [2016-26] Thereafter, the ICLR will provide its case law service Alyson M. Drake 511 directly through its established online platform, ICLR Online. Here Come Your New Colleagues: Are They Ready? A Survey of U.S. Library and Information Science Programs’ If you wish to continue to be provided with access Education of Aspiring Law Librarians [2016-27] to The Law Reports, The Weekly Law Reports and Elizabeth Caulfield 535 other ICLR content, it is essential that you contact the Human Subjects Research Review: Scholarly Needs ICLR as soon as possible so we can help to ensure a and Service Opportunities [2016-28] smooth transition of service. To find out more, Sarah E. Ryan 579 including why we are disaggregating, visit Discovering the Knowledge Monopoly of Law Librarianship Under the DIKW Pyramid [2016-29] Alex “Xiaomeng” Zhang 599 Pages 505–740 Pages Third Circuit Court Reports (1789–1879) [2016-30] Joel Fishman 623 Contact
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