Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Electronic Filing System. ESTTA Tracking number: ESTTA1079948 Filing date: 09/04/2020 IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE BEFORE THE TRADEMARK TRIAL AND APPEAL BOARD Proceeding 91255211 Party Plaintiff HCR Franqueadora Ltda - EPP Correspondence SCOTT HOUTTEMAN Address HOUTTEMAN LAW LLC PO BOX 370 MERRIFIELD, VA 22116 UNITED STATES Primary Email:
[email protected] Secondary Email(s):
[email protected] 202-263-0808 Submission Motion for Summary Judgment Yes, the Filer previously made its initial disclosures pursuant to Trademark Rule 2.120(a); OR the motion for summary judgment is based on claim or issue pre- clusion, or lack of jurisdiction. The deadline for pretrial disclosures for the first testimony period as originally set or reset: 01/30/2021 Filer's Name Scott Houtteman Filer's email
[email protected] Signature /Scott Houtteman/ Date 09/04/2020 Attachments Motion.pdf(415834 bytes ) Decl1.pdf(3056337 bytes ) Decl2.pdf(381557 bytes ) IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE BEFORE THE TRADEMARK TRIAL AND APPEAL BOARD HCR FRANQUEADORA LTDA - EPP Opposer-Plaintiff v. Opposition No. 91255211 (parent case) Opposition No. 91255212 HNT CHICKEN, LLC Applicant-Defendant PLAINTIFF’S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT Plaintiff-Opposer, HCR FRANQUEADORA LTDA - EPP (“HCR”), in this consolidation of Opposition No. 91255211 (“Op. ‘211”) and Opposition No. 91255212 (“Op. ‘212”), and through its undersigned counsel, moves for registration refusal as a matter of summary judgement under Fed. R. Civ. P. 56. against Defendant HNT Chicken, LLC (“HNT-C”). SUMMARY OF ARGUMENT Jignesh “Jay” Pandya and Dany Levkovits formed a joint venture.