Four County Departments C·onsider Office Changes Wllhln n fPW monlliH oomr> hullcllng nl Mu11on, tho tiUllo mny The In ham Count offlca dJnngc~ aro h"illfl anlll'i· ho n~slgnorl to tho lllllff of I ho pnlcrl nf tlw r·m1nly lnlilrlin[l. If If f)lf! f'OIIIIIY IIIIWH 11 if'IIHI' 1111 I' c•nunty Hl!hnnl supcrlntcnrlcnt, Ninety-Seventh Year, No, I Ma$Ofl, Michigan, Thursday, January 5, 1956 3 Sections--24 Pages Luns)ng tn1llrli ng fnr t lu• lwnllli sdJofllthnt lwppons niTiccH theon pr·csentlhc thlrrl county floor ·--:-----------.....:..--i---------------------------.------·-----.-;------------- cclll(•r holh fliP Lansing and Mil· rnay lm ell vldnrl hot wacn circuli HOII of'flf'PH of 11!1' )1Pailli rfl'lilll'f· c•nUI'I 111111 llw extension at11ff, No New Babies ment rnny liro r•nnsolldntrrl IIH'I'P Hepnrts lhntnn Immediate mov· Council Thanl<s If the lwall h rfl' pari rnPn I nl fif'rs ing nrn111HI will ha mnrJe ure with· Delivered Here Hospital Board nrc movml 0111 nf 1hr. snlllli wing nut lnunrlalion, snld Super·visor of the tlrsl rlnnr· of the f'OIInly Stnrl1s nre bypassing l\1oson. .fohn Patriarche, Enst Lansing, Policemen With Not n delivery has hccn mndo so Pntl'iarche was c·r~mmlsslolled IEII' In 1!l5G. Awaits Rulings In c·onsult a llrm of architects on 'l'hus there's been no compotl· Volunteers Plan !'OS!H of ('fJilVCI'Iillg II huilcllng at Boosts in Pay linn for liw hnnstlng of Clifford ;ilfl N. Grand, Lnnslng, Into quur·· Waleott on his first gl'nndchlld, On Organizing lt!l'~ for thl' hcaltl1 center and Mason's poiiC'c riPp;tr•t mPnt got t·ho dnughlet• hol'll to the beau· Blue Crutch Sale r·ounty hcailll cle}Hirtment. Tho more thai1 mew apJ.I'!lVnl whr·n leous Patricia In Lr1nslng New Until rulings on legul and tax state hlp,liWIIY depnrtment recent· Pollee Chief llnr ry Clmnc!IPr gave Yeal''s Dny, The h1Ahy Curol .Tcnn nspcc•ls of the M11Sorr Ut!llel'lli hn~· \ ly vamterl lhe offices. They were For Polio Drive his annual report In c'OIIIH'IIIIlell Is the llrst grnndchilrl also of Mr. pllnl situ at ion are received the used for the urea planning de· Monday night, The l'hll'f rct•elvc•cl and Mr·s. George M. Foster, Ens( <!·member lwnrcl Is murl\lng lime, Fln;l ma.Jm· I'VI'nt In 1\lason':; Pfll'tmcnt. an $HfJO annual salary boost. Cap· Lansing. The baby's pnrents lll'C Reorwmlzntlon will be started, 19:i!i Mardi of llimPH will lm d Now lhc 11C'Hilh center Is In a lain Tim Stolz gnt a $7fl0 jump Mr·. ancl Mrs. Robert W. Foster sulci D1·. George R. Clinton, us blue c·r'LIIdl ~1111' l•'l'lday, .rnmlllry rlwelltng on property hought for• and Patrolman Dalla~ Langham nf Lansing. soon as till' way Is c:learerl. 13, ac•c•or·dlng In Nr•ls Jo'I'ITihy, I the use of Lansing's Clvle Center. will be getting 11 $500 inc'll'Hse. On the boar·d now are the for· community campaign chairman. 'I'll!! clwelllng Is clue for dis· mc1· owners, Dr, and Ml'!i, Clinton MemlH!I'S nf ilw Mason Lion•; mantling and sn the health center Chnndler wns gPt tlng $:lGOil c• 't J and Dr. Wllllnm r~. Cl11rl\ and ptus $'too fnr twing c~vtt cil'l'enH·.· clut1 will fll'lp c•onriciC'I tiH' sale as must he mover!, Patrlnrche ex· lrCUI UrOrS Mr·s. Clnri<. !Ill 4 signed over !!hlt~f. llo'll now draw $'1100 plus part nf IIH! nwnlh·long ri1·lve to plalnecl, their holdings In the hospital I'Hise funds fnl' polio vlc·limH and '!'he cstlmnth for· convm·ting the tlw $·100, Stolz will IJP gcttin~ F L L' t hullcllng and equipment without $4000 anrl Langham $:lHflfl '1'111' finance furlhPI' rP:-~earc•h. semnd lloor nf the hLtildlng 111 510 ace ong IS mcclvlng n penny In return. The pay raiHcs WPI'e effect iw ,[;muar~· prasPnt hospital belongs to Lhe 1111 procPc•dH from a lillie• c f N. Gram! will not he available 1 community to he operated us a panealws, sansagP 11111 1 C'Offpc• ;1t fnr next Monday's meeting of the 1 Art Cnlham's twmh11rgPr shop eounly hrmnl, Patriarcl1e salcl. 1. Councllnwn wrre qttll'k lo nwl;c• I Of Court Cases non·protlt <'orporatlon, January Jfl will also tJC•nPfit 1111' WhPn ril'l'Ull court is In session the salary inermsPs aftc•l' Clwncl· Tl1r. Initial step will !10 to en· lc!r submitted flnaiiC'ial ami WDr·i; large the hoarrl to li Ol' 7 mem· Mru·eh nf Dimes funds, t•'!'l'l'ih)' at ~Jason the f'ounty sc:hool su· ,lilllLHII'Y term of circuit court announc·c•rl. JIPrlnlenr!Pnt I~. fon:cd to Elbandon statements of the pollc·e dPpnr: · bers, I'Cfll'escntalivc tJf tile t:om· ment. will hP opened In Muson Monday munlly, said Dr. Clinton. • 1 · I 1 one of his nlfH·cs so It can he 11 0 11 with oru~ Df the hlggest cnlendurs n1iiSOI1 lOIIH'WIV!'S WI · I LISC!rf as a jur·y room. Several The 1fl~:i dty hurigPI I'SfimateH Sevcml gr·oups nncl many in· thrliiSHilciS of nlhPI',, won1C'n years ago SCCUrcd permission pnlice rJepnrtmcnt monthly rr\'1'· In hlstnry. On the printed term dlvlcluals, the cloctor·s said, have thrnuglwul tlw t'OIIllfl' I hiii'Sr!Hy, il~ . c•alenclar arc 738 cases. ., . f · · to LISt' tlw I'CJom when It was not nue nf $~:iR.2:l. Clwnr!IPr saul h•s pledged their support to the new J nnuary "'1 or 11 H' 1111111111 1 mo 11I· I II I I I 11 1 · There are 95 criminal cases lwspilnl organization. ,, . f'i ' mlin a hnusc·to· nccr er JY t w cour . department ms rn Pr LIJl, nn 1111· 0 llstPd, 8G jury civil, 126 non-jury For 10 years the Mnson General frs .~;.~~ ~·tssn fr~r J(Jilo fund~ · The extension staff now has 3 prcsslve $84<1.57 monthly 1ncomr•. civil, 20 non·contcsted chancery, lOLls ' n '· I . · · ronms and an alcove and lws Expenses were rtV!'I' hurlgc•t esli· hospital has been operated by the The anm1.11 Mttson polio dtlll!'e asl\ed for more space, mates by about $300 monthly, hut 1Dfl c·nnlestcd chancery, 75 no· 2 Mason doctors with pmlils from I JH'rJgrcss law and 124 no·progress Is seheritll~rl Frlc!ay, ,January '27, WliCil the county health depart· Chandler estimated that the ric· DUFFY DAUGHERTY, Michigan State university football co~ch, ~nd members of the MSU foot­ operations being plowed back chancery. Into llospilal equipment. BectlUse In I he Leg1nn htulrling. ment was orgnnlzcd the head· partmenl still nPttc•rl rnorl' than ball will be at the American Legion building in M11son Sund11y, Jc1nuary 29, They'll re-tell the FPr1·ihy annnum·cd appoint. quarters was at Mason. A few $1,000 during the past year. .Judge Marvin J. Salmon Is pre­ squ~d !he hospital has been operated as siding judge for the Jnnuury Rose Bowl victory and snow colored movies during a program sponsored by the Men's club of St. a regular corporation it and its ment of 13oh \Vnn• as dant·e c:ha:r. years later the Lansing city Mason policemen passer! nut term. While jury trials are be· man; Bernard Cnrly, patron~; health department was merged 1413 traffic• tir•lwts during- the James church. opemt ions have been taxable. ing conducted· at Mason, non·jury There have heen Income and Cliffnnl Parrish, mnistc•rs; ~"h with the county department. y~ar, 1,006 for moving violation~. trials will he conducted at both In the picture, distributing placards about the MSU coach and team, 11re Donald Taylor·, nrr'!w~lra; llalpl1 Swill<!· Gradually since then the activities Chandler snld he felt lhnt the Vander· proper·ty taxes to pay and even Mason anrl Lansing. Ingham ha~ Veen, Jr., F11ther Paul DeRose and Ed Kehe. VanderVeen and Keho uo co-chairmen, sales taxes on supplies. Under hart, tklwto; ancll\lury Wall, dec· and the staff at the Mason office department has haen lenient with a circuit .fudges-Judge Salmon, orations. have shrunk. Most of the worl\ speeders. Except in r:ongestcrl The program will begin at 8 p.m. A free lunch will follow the pictures, The price is $1. Tick­ the new non·profit setup the hos­ .Judge Charles H. Hayden and pital will be exempt from taxes, Area !'ll[llains fCJr 1111' mCJih<>l':>' Is In the Lansing area and the areas of the city, motorists ha\'<' Judge Louis E. Coash. The posi­ ets c1re 11Vail11ble from club members. marl'h will be 1\lrs. C. N. Smlt 11, stalT is concentrated !hare. hecn given a 10 MPH if'Pway, !;t~ tion of presiding judge rotates Mrs. Fred BurTnughs, lllrs. S. I'. / explained. The Mason officers in· The movie film will show the parade and the g~me with University of C11lifornia at .Los Angeles le1·m by term among the 3. which MSU won 17-14. Moses ancl Mrs. Gordon B,vron. vcstlgated 26 drunk nncl disordl'l'· Jurors for the January term 1 Inghnm county has set a polio Exam.·nat.·on of Jy complaints, 38 juveniiP case' have ber.n summoned to report In Fr11nk Schmidt is chairman of the Legion hall arrangements; Jim Birney, refreshments; Frank Guer­ Council Plans fund goal of $7:i,OOfl.
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