Notes on the Biology of Plagiorchis noblei Park, 1936 (: Plagiorchiidae)

HARVEY D. BLANKESPOOR1 Department of Zoology, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50010 and Iowa Lakeside Laboratory, Milford, Iowa 51351

ABSTRACT: Several aspeets of the parasite-host relationships of larval and adult Plagiorchis noblei were investigated. In the laboratory, eggs and metacercariae were infective for a longer time than had previously been reported. Cercariae of P. noblei from naturally infected lymnaeid showed marked nocturnal periodicity. Examination of more than 4,000 naturally occurring adult Lymnaca stagnaUs and reflexa revealed that the highest prevalence of infection with this plagi- orchiid trematode occurred from August to early October. Prevalence of adult worms in red-winged and yellow-headed blackbirds collected in the same area peaked in late June to early August.

Digenetic trematodes of the Plagior- nated eggs incubated at room temperature in chis Liihe, .1899, are intestinal parasites found filtered lake water. Snails were reared and in nearly every class of vertebrates, but partic- maintained in aquaria on a diet of lettuce, ularly in and mammals. Most known life pellets and oyster shells. histories of Plagiorchis involve lymnaeid snails Cercariae of P. noblei, showing nocturnal and aquatic insects as first and second inter- periodicity, were obtained by first placing in- mediate hosts, respectively. Knowledge of life fected snails under fluorescent light for 24 cycles of members of this genus was summa- hours and then in total darkness for an addi- rized by Buttner and Vacher (1960). tional hour. Various of aquatic insect Plagiorchis noblei was described by Park larvae were exposed to these cercariae. Mos- (1936) from a collection of 20 specimens re- quitoes and certain chironomids were reared covered from the small intestines of red-winged from eggs; other species were collected from blackbirds, Agelaius phoeniceus. Of the more tertiary ponds at the Ames Sewage Plant than 45 species included in the genus Plagior- (Ames, Iowa). Because these ponds contained chis at that time, P. noblei most closely resem- no lymnaeid snails, naturally occurring infec- bled P. maculosus (Rudolphi, 1802) Braun, tions of Plagiorchis were not present. Dragon- 1902, from mice. Certain aspects of the life fly naiads, individually isolated in finger bowls history of Plagiorchis noblei have been studied to prevent cannibalism, were fed small aquatic by Williams (1964a, b), Daniell (1964) and arthropods obtained from the same ponds. Daniell and Ulmer (1964). These studies, Birds used in this study were either reared however, have been published only in the form from eggs under helminth-free conditions of brief abstracts. Additional life cycle data (house sparrows) or were purchased as newly resulting from experimental studies on host- hatched young from suppliers (domestic parasite relationships of P. noblei are presented chicks). Newly hatched birds were placed in in this study. artificial nests and transferred to a simple incu- bator constructed of wire mesh, wood and a Materials and Methods heating pad. Adults were maintained on a Eggs of Plagiorchis noblei were recovered mixture of coarse game-scratch and 26% grain from naturally infected red-winged blackbirds balancer (nonantibiotic). Occasionally, insect (Agelaius phoeniceus). Gravid worms were larvae (Tenebrio molitor and Musca domestica) placed in petri dishes containing boiled lake were used to supplement this diet. water and teased apart to obtain the eggs. Laboratory-reared Stagnicola reflexa and Lym- Summary of Life Cycle naea stagnaUs were exposed to fully embryo- The life cycle of Plagiorchis noblei involves at least two species of snails, Stagnicola reflexa 1 Present address: Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. and Lymnaea stagnaUs. Following ingestion of

Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME 44, NUMBER 1, JANUARY 1977 45


Figure 1. Cercarial emergence of P. noblei from three naturally infected lymnaeid snails at hourly intervals during a continuous 48 hours of natural light and darkness. embryonated eggs, miracidia hatch, penetrate when experimentally fed to yellow-headed the gastropod's digestive tract, then elongate to blackbirds (Daniell, 1964). form mother sporocysts on the outer surface Definitive hosts acquire P. noblei by inges- of the intestine. Daniell (1964) observed fully tion of infected second intermediate hosts. developed miracidia within the eggs two days Experimental hosts include domestic chicks after they were expelled from adult flukes. (Gallus gallus), yellow-headed blackbirds (Xan- Daughter sporocysts produced by mother thocephalus xanthocephalus) and red-winged sporocysts migrate to the hepatopancreas of the blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) (Daniell, and produce large numbers of xiphidio- 1964). Blankespoor (1974) found that at least cercariae approximately 40 days after the egg 17 species of birds and mammals are capable was ingested. Daniell (1964) and Williams of harboring experimental infections of this (1964b) observed nocturnal periodicity of cer- species. cariae shed from Stagnicola rejlexa. Cercariae penetrate and encyst in a variety of aquatic Experimental Results second intermediate hosts including odonates, Egg dipterans, caddisflies, mayflies and amphipocls Data from this study indicate that labora- (Daniell, 1964; Williams, 1964a). tory-reared S. reflexa became infected when According to Daniell and Ulmer (1964), exposed to eggs of P. noblei 84 hours following metacercariae of P. noblei are infective seven extrusion from adult worms. Furthermore, ex- days or less after cercarial penetration into perimental infections could still be established immature insects (damselfly and dragonfly in snails 43 days after eggs had been main- naiads and midge larvae). Williams (1964a), tained in the laboratory at room temperature. working with the same trematode species, found metacercariae to be infective four to six Cercaria days after cercarial penetration of a mosquito, DIEL PERIODICITY: The following investiga- Aedes aegypti. Metacercariae encysted in tion was undertaken to obtain more precise dragonfly naiads for 36 days were still infective information on cercarial emergence of P. noblei

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£ 300- S. REFLEXA oc L. STAGNALIS u L. STAGNALIS ec in U f g 200- O



Figure 2. Cercarial emergence of P. noblei from three naturally infected lymnaeid snails during alter- native three-hour periods of light and darkness.

during alternating periods of light and dark- experiment were again individually isolated in ness. Two days before hourly counts of finger bowls and then subjected to alternating cercarial emergence began, three naturally in- three-hour periods of light and darkness. How- fected lymnaeid snails were individually iso- ever, during this experiment, a constant lated in finger bowls containing lake water temperature of 19-20 C was maintained. and were then maintained under natural con- Cercariae emerged from these snails almost ditions of light and darkness. At hourly in- entirely during periods of darkness (Fig. 2). tervals for two consecutive days, each snail SEASONAL PERIODICITY: During the summer was transferred to another bowl containing and fall of 1969 (June-October), 4,361 snails, fresh water at the same temperature. Cer- representing two lymnaeid species (S. reflexa cariae that had emerged during the previous and L. stagnalis) were collected in nature, in- hour were then fixed in 5% formalin and sub- dividually isolated in the laboratory, and ex- sequently counted. amined for natural infections of P. noblei. As shown in Figure 1, cercariae of P. noblei Twenty-two of 2,691 (0.82%) S. reflexa and exhibit pronounced nocturnal periodicity, but 19 of 1,676 (1.13%) L. stagnalis harbored the time of maximum emergence appears to natural infections of P. noblei. Natural infec- vary with individual gastropod hosts. Of a tions from both species of snails over the entire total of 15,218 cercariae from these snails, period averaged 0.94% (41 of 4,361). Per- 10,957 (72%) were shed between 8:30 PM centages of infection are based, however, on and 5:30 AM. In these experiments, water tem- numbers of snails actually shedding cercariae peratures varied in accordance with ambient and do not take into account all those with temperatures. To determine if declining tem- prepatent infections. Figure 3 summarizes peratures at night relate to nocturnal period- monthly percentages of naturally infected icity, another set of experiments was under- snails. Infections remained below one per cent taken. The three snails used in the above until August and September. Rate of natural

Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME 44, NUMBER 1, JANUARY 1977 47


TIME (MONTHS) Figure 3. Percentage of naturally infected Stagnicola reflexa and shedding cercariae of P. noblei. infection in S. reflexa reached a peak of 1.14% nearly 10 days, whereas those maintained at (6 of 525) in August, whereas 4.33% (16 of temperatures of 16 and 30 C survived for 370) of L. stagnalis harbored infections of P. only 90 and 18 hours, respectively. Cercariae noblei in September. Infections of P. noblei in maintained in water at 4, 16 and 30 C were both species of mollusks declined in late Sep- unable to penetrate second intermediate hosts tember and October. after 38, 18 and 6 hours, respectively. EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE OF LONGEVITY AND INFECTIVITY: Cercariae of P. noblei may live Metacercaria as long as 30 hours in lake water at room tem- perature. However, the ability of cercariae to The range of infectivity of metacercariae of penetrate the cuticle of second intermediate P. noblei in dragonfly naiads (Aeschna) was hosts ceases approximately 12 hours after emerg- shown to vary from 66 hours to at least 80 ing from the snail. In a study to determine days. Domestic chicks (three to seven days the longevity and length of infectivity of these old) served as definitive hosts during this ex- cercariae maintained at various temperatures periment. (4, 16 and 30 C), approximately 250 were isolated in each of three petri dishes containing Adults filtered lake water. Temperature has a very LOCATION OF DEFINITIVE HOST: In nearly all pronounced effect on longevity of these cer- natural and experimental infections of P. noblei, Those maintained at 4 C lived for adults were recovered from the posterior por-

Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME 44, NUMBER 1, JANUARY 1977 49

Table 1. Longevity of experimental infections ol Discussion adult /'. noblei in adult house sparrows (Passer domcsticus).'-' The genus Plagiorchis represents more than 140 species that are cosmopolitan in distribu- Number Days tion. The success of P. noblei, a typical repre- Date of adults post examination recovered exposure sentative of the genus, is based on the relatively long infective periods of the egg and meta- January 21 5 22 January 27 3 28 cercariae, low degree of host specificity of February 2 5 34 larvae and adults, reduced pathogenicity of February 8 0 40 adult worms, and its ability to develop in com- February 14 0 46 monly occurring molluscan, arthropod and February 20 0 53 February 28 12 61 vertebrate hosts. Lymnaeid snails, insects and March 6 0 68 passerine birds, all associated with an aquatic March 13 0 75 environment, serve as first, second, and defini- March 20 0 82 tive hosts, respectively. All exposures made on December 30, 1967. It has been established that light and dark- ness are important factors controlling cercarial emergence of many digenetic trematodes. infected. Monthly percentages of natural in- Macy (1960), working with Plagiorchis vesper- fections of these hosts are shown in Figure 4. tilionis parorchis, concluded that darkness pre- Birds were collected and examined weekly ceded by light was necessary to induce shed- from the time they arrived in northwestern ding of cercariae from the snail. Cercariae of Iowa (April and May) until they migrated Plagiorchis micracanthos from Lymnaea exilis (August and September) to their southern emerge during darkness (Wagenbach and wintering grounds in the fall. Of 19 red- Alldredge, 1974). Similarly, cercariae of P. winged blackbirds examined before May 10, noblei show marked diel and seasonal period- only a single harbored one adult (im- icity. In the present study, nocturnal period- mature) P. noblei. The earliest natural infec- icity of P. noblei was demonstrated by subject- tion with this trematode in yellow-headed ing infected lymnaeid snails to normal diel and blackbirds was recovered on May 25. These to alternating three-hour periods of light and data suggest that birds migrating northward darkness. in the spring are uninfected, and that infec- During the summers of 1967-69, more than tions are acquired at the nesting grounds. In- 4,000 adult Lymnaea stagnalis and Stagnicola fected gastropods (S. reflexa and L. stagnalis) reflexa were examined for natural cercarial in- or overwintering dragonfly naiads harboring fections of P. noblei. These data show that the metacercariae of P. noblei probably serve as incidence of cercarial infections declined from sources of infection in the spring. May to July, but then peaked in August and Percentages of naturally infected blackbirds early September, and suggest that snails that continue to increase through July; all nine harbor over-wintering sporocyst infections shed yellow-headed blackbirds and 12 of 18 red- cercariae in the spring and early summer, but winged blackbirds examined in July were in- die with the advent of warmer temperatures. In fected. This increase probably resulted from the meantime, young snails recruit infections greater consumption of naturally infected during the breeding season of the definitive second intermediate hosts. hosts. In midsummer, these newly acquired infections begin producing cercariae. After July, fewer red-winged and yellow- Although adults of P. noblei show a low headed blackbirds were available for exami- degree of host specificity, the length of time nation. Nearly all of them, having completed they remain in the definitive host varies con- their nesting season by early August, had con- siderably with the host species. In passerine gregated in preparation for fall migration. Be- birds, presumed to be the natural final hosts, cause the summer residence of many of these experimental infections remained for at least birds was unknown, only those in established two months. However, in galliforms, adult territories were collected. worms were never found after ten days post

Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington 50 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IIELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY

exposure. Furthermore, infections of P. noblei chiidae: Trematoda). Am. Midi. Nat. 92: only become established in very young chicks. 415-433. Dogiel et al. (1964) categorized parasites Buttner, A., and C. Vacher. 1960. Recherches of migrating birds into four groups: (1) ubiq- dur le developpement et 1'identification de uitous species parasitizing their host through- Plagiorchis (Multiglandularis) cirratus (Ru- out the year in the southern (wintering grounds) dolphi 1802). I. Etude du cycle evolutif. Ann. Parasit. Hum. Comp. 35: 268-281. and northern (nesting grounds) areas; (2) Daniell, D. L. 1964. Parasites of the yellow- southern forms infecting birds only in the headed blackbird (Xanthocephalus xantho- wintering grounds; (3) northern parasites in- cephalus) and experimental studies on the fecting their hosts only in the nesting habitats; life cycle of the trematode Plagiorchis noblei. and (4) species infecting birds only during mi- Unpublished M.S. Thesis. Library, Iowa State gration flights. It is apparent from the present University of Science and Technology, Ames, study that adults of Plagiorchis noblei fall into Iowa. 84 p. category three. During the summers (1967— , and M. J. Ulmer. 1964. Life cycle of 69), the incidence of natural infections in both Plagiorchis noblei Park, 1936 (Trematoda: Plagiorchiidae) (Abstract). J. Parasit. 50: 46. the red-winged and the yellow-headed black- Dogiel, V. A., Y. I. Polyanski, and E. J. Kheisin. birds continued to rise through July. However, 1964. General Parasitology. Oliver and Boyd, infections decreased in late summer and early Edinburgh, Scotland, ix -f- 516 p. fall. These trends are anticipated because the Macy, R. W. 1960. The life cycle of Plagiorchis blackbirds begin changing their diet from vespertilionis parorchis, n. sp. (Trematoda: arthropods to seeds after the breeding season Plagiorchiidae), and observations on the ef- (July). fects of light on the emergence of cercariae. J. Parasit. 46: 337-345. Acknowledgments Park, J. T. 1936. New trematodes from birds, This study was supported in part by NSF Plagiorchis noblei sp. nov. and humbargari sp. nov. ( H e t e r o p h y t i d a e ) . Trans. grant GB 5465X and NIH Predoctoral Fellow- Am. Micr. Soc. 55: 360-365. ship grant 1-F1-GM-38, 055-01. Appreciation Wagenbach, G. E., and A. L. Alldredge. 1974. is extended to Dr. Martin J. Ulmer for super- Effect of light on the emergence pattern of vising this project and to Drs. W. F. Hollander Plagiorchis micracanthos cercariae from Stag- and W. J. Miller of the Genetics Department nicola exilis. J. Parasit. 60: 782-785. (Iowa State University) for providing mice. Williams, R. R. 1964a. Life cycle of Plagiorchis Finally, thanks are due to Mr. M. L. Williams noblei Park, 1936 (Abstract). J. Parasit. 50: of De Kalb Hatchery of Roland, Iowa for 29. supplying large numbers of chicks. . 1964b. Life history studies on four digenetic trematodes that utilize Lymnaea Literature Cited (Stagnicola-) reflexa (Say) as their first inter- Blankespoor, H. D. 1974. Host-induced varia- mediate host in a temporary pond habitat. tion in PJagiarchis noblei Park, 1936 (Plagior- Dissertation Abstracts 24: 4885.

ANNOUNCEMENT: LIFE MEMBERS At the 500th Meeting of the Society four Life Members were elected. They are: David R. Lincicome Benjamin Schwartz Margaret A. Stirewalt Willard Wright

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