Case Report

Hepatoid of the pancreas combined with serous cystadenoma: a case report and review of the literature

Fadl H. Veerankutty1, Varghese Yeldho1, Shabeer Ali TU1, B. Venugopal1, Krishnan Sarojam Manoj2, C. Vidhya3

1Department of Hepatobiliary Pancreatic and Liver Transplant Surgery, 2Department of Radiodiagnosis, 3Department of Pathology, Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences, Trivandrum, India Correspondence to: Fadl H. Veerankutty. Department of Hepatobiliary Pancreatic and Liver Transplant Surgery, Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences, Trivandrum 695029, India. Email: [email protected].

Abstract: Pancreatic hepatoid carcinoma (HC) is an extremely uncommon of pancreas that resembles (HCC). We report a case of incidentally detected pancreatic HC combined with a serous microcystic cystadenoma, in a 47-year-old man, while he was being evaluated for renal calculi. Contrast enhanced computed tomography (CECT) of abdomen revealed a lesion with mild heterogeneous enhancement in the tail of pancreas and another proximal lesion having moderate enhancement, and a calculus in the neck of gallbladder. Serum chromogranin, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and CA 19-9 levels were within normal limits. He underwent laparoscopic distal with splenectomy and cholecystectomy. Pathologically the distal tumor was encapsulated and characterized by eosinophilic cytoplasm, vesicular nucleus with prominent nucleolus and intranuclear eosinophilic inclusions. The cells were arranged in trabecular pattern separated by sinusoids. Canalicular and intercellular bile plugs were seen. On immunohistochemistry tumor cells were positive for hepatocyte specific antigen and weakly positive for alpha fetoprotein (AFP). The proximal tumor showed features of serous microcystic . Based on these findings, the case was diagnosed as hepatoid tumor of pancreas combined with serous microcystic cystadenoma. Post operative AFP was 1.75 IU/mL. The patient is on follow up for the last eight months and there is no evidence of recurrence.

Keywords: Pancreas; hepatoid carcinoma (HC); serous cystadenoma; alpha fetoprotein (AFP)

Submitted Feb 23, 2015. Accepted for publication May 12, 2015. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2304-3881.2015.05.02 View this article at:

Introduction serous cystadenoma arising from pancreas in a 47-year-old male patient. Hepatoid carcinoma (HC) is a neoplasm exhibiting features of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in terms of morphology and immunohistochemistry which grows outside the liver. Case report Since its first description by Ishikura et al. in the stomach A 47-year-old gentleman was referred to our institute which is the most common location, it has been described in because of an incidentally detected pancreatic mass while different organs such as lung, pancreas, esophagus, papilla being evaluated for renal calculi. He had recurrent left sided of Vater, colon, urinary bladder, renal pelvis, ovaries, biliary loin to groin pain and associated backache for 6 months. tract and the gallbladder (1-9). The true incidence and Physical examinations on admission were unremarkable. exact behavior of pancreatic HC still remain unclear as only Ultrasound of abdomen showed bilateral renal calculi and few case reports are available in the literature. This paper a fairly well defined hypoechoic lesion measuring 2.3 cm × reports a case of incidentally detected HC combined with a 2 cm in relation to the tail of pancreas with mild internal

© HepatoBiliary Surgery and Nutrition. All rights reserved. HepatoBiliary Surg Nutr 2015;4(5):354-362 HepatoBiliary Surgery and Nutrition, Vol 4, No 5 October 2015 355



Figure 1 CECT of patient showing an exophytic lesion with mild heterogeneous enhancement in the tail of pancreas (arrow) and another smaller moderately enhancing lesion proximally (arrow head). CECT, contrast enhanced computed tomography. Figure 3 MRI signal intensity characteristics. (A) Distal tumor (arrow) is mildly hypointense and proximal tumor (arrow head) is A moderate hypointense in VIBE sequence; (B) distal (arrow) tumor isointense and proximal tumor (arrow head) is hyperintense in TRUFI sequence. VIBE, volumetric interpolated breath-hold examination.

B to posterior margin. The margins of lesion demonstrated higher enhancement. MRI also revealed similar findings and a small calculus in the neck of gall bladder. The distal lesion was of size 3.13 cm × 2.98 cm × 2.67 cm and mildly C hypointense in T1W1, nearly isointense in T2W1 image. It showed moderate uniform enhancement in arterial phase, partial washout in portal phase and further wash out in hepatic venous phase (Figure 2). The tumor was mildly hypointense in VIBE (volumetric interpolated breath-hold examination) Figure 2 MR multiphase contrast imaging of pancreas showing sequence, isointense in TRUFI (true fast imaging with enhancement patterns of tumors. (A) Arterial phase; (B) portal steady-state free precession) sequence and minimally phase; (C) venous phase. Distal lesion (arrow) shows moderate hyperintense in diffusion weighted imaging (DWI)-B400 uniform enhancement in arterial phase, washout in portal phase with high apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in the and further wash out in venous phase. The proximal (arrow central part with peripheral areas showing mild restriction in head) lesion has moderate enhancement at periphery and a non ADC images (Figures 3,4). The proximal lesion was of size enhancing area at the center. 1.55 cm × 2.11 cm × 1.57 cm with moderate enhancement at periphery and a central non enhancing area (Figure 2). Laboratory panel showed (our lab’s normal range in brackets); vascularity. Contrast enhanced computed tomography CA 19-9: 13.61 U/mL (0-35 U/mL), carcinoembryonic (CECT) of abdomen showed two morphologically different antigen (CEA): 1.68 ng/mL (0-3 ng/mL), chromogranin lesions in the distal body and proximal tail of pancreas A: 41.35 ng/mL (<100 ng/mL), amylase: 113 U/L (Figure 1). Larger lesion was with well-defined margins and (28-100 U/L) and lipase: 153 U/L (13-60 U/L). With partially exophytic from the tail with mild heterogeneous a possibility of non-functional , enhancement. Smaller lesion was moderately enhancing and patient was taken up for surgery. Laparoscopic distal situated in the junction of body and tail of pancreas close pancreatectomy with splenectomy and cholecystectomy

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Figure 4 MRI signal intensity characteristics. (A) Distal lesion (arrow) has minimal hyperintensity and proximal one (arrow head) is hyperintense in diffusion weighted imaging (DWI)-B400; (B) Figure 6 (A) Immunohistochemical (IHC) staining of the proximal lesion (arrow head) has high apparent diffusion coefficient distal tumor for hepatocyte specific antigen-neoplastic cells (ADC) in ADC image, while the distal lesion (arrow) has high are strongly positive (×100); (B) immunohistochemical (IHC) ADC in the central part with mild restriction in the periphery. staining of the distal tumor for AFP-weakly positive (×200); (C) immunohistochemical (IHC) staining of the distal tumor for chromogranin-negative (×200). A

were done. There was no evidence of any hepatic, peritoneal or lymph node metastasis. Cut section of the distal lesion was well circumscribed, encapsulated and let out bile. Cut section of the proximal B tumor showed tiny cystic spaces. Microscopic examination of the distal tumor revealed an encapsulated neoplasm with features of hepatocellular tissue. It was composed of cells in trabecular pattern separated by sinusoids (Figure 5A). Tumor cells had moderate eosinophilic granular cytoplasm and vescicular nucleus with prominent nucleolus and C intranuclear eosinophilic inclusions. Canalicular and intercellular bile plugs were seen (Figure 5B). There was no bile ductule or portal triad. Kupffer cells were, however, present. Smaller proximal neoplasm had multiple cystically dilated spaces lined by cuboidal cells (Figure 5C). Figure 5 (A) Microscopy of distal tumor showing normal pancreas Peripancreatic lymph nodes showed reactive hyperplasia with a well encapsulated neoplasm composed of cells arranged only. Resection margins were negative for neoplasm. in trabecular pattern and separated by sinusoids (H&E, ×40); Immunohistochemically the distal tumor was strongly (B) tumor cells are polygonal with abundant granular cytoplasm, positive for hepatocyte specific antigen Figure( 6A), glypican centrally placed nucleus with prominent nucleoli. Canalicular 3 (focal) and cytokeratins (AE1/AE3, CK8 and CK18), with and intracellular bile plugs are evident (H&E, ×200); (C) smaller weak positivity for alphafetoprotein (Figure 6B). Tumor proximal lesion showing serous cystadenoma-cystic spaces lined by cells were immunonegative for chromogranin (Figure 6C), cuboidal (H&E, ×100). EMA and CK-7. The liver like tissue showed CD 34

© HepatoBiliary Surgery and Nutrition. All rights reserved. HepatoBiliary Surg Nutr 2015;4(5):354-362 HepatoBiliary Surgery and Nutrition, Vol 4, No 5 October 2015 357 expressing capillarized sinusoids. Gallbladder revealed no prominent nucleoli growing in a perisinusoidal pattern, specific pathology. Based on these findings the distal tumor was along with the demonstration of the presence of bile and an diagnosed as hepatoid tumor of pancreas and the proximal one immunohistochemical profile characteristic of HCC (37). as serous microcystic cystadenoma. Alpha fetoprotein (AFP) Bile production in the tumor as in our case though a rare detected 2 weeks post resection was 1.75 IU/mL (<6.0 IU/mL). finding is more conclusive for hepatoid neoplasm (13). IHC At eighth month of follow up AFP is 3.14 IU/mL and markers used for diagnosis include immunoreactivity with CECT of abdomen shows no evidence of recurrence. polyclonal antibodies against AFP, CEA, and more specific markers like hepatocyte-specific Hep-Par1 antibody and albumin mRNA detected by in situ hybridization (13,20). Discussion Immunohistochemical profiling with cytokeratins HC of the pancreas is an extremely rare neoplasm and (CK) can be helpful in differentiating hepatoid tumours only 23 cases have been reported in the literature so far from HCC. Hepatoid tumors are most often positive (Table 1). The first pancreatic form of HC was reported by for pancytokeratin marker AE1/AE3 (92%), CK 19 Hruban et al. in 1987 (10). The etiology and pathogenesis (94-100%) and CK18, and negative for CK7 (38,39). of pancreatic HC is still not clear and proposed theories CK20 positivity is seen in about 25-47% of hepatoid of its origin mainly revolve around the transdifferentiation (38,39). CK19 and 20 expression is very rarely of pancreatic cells into hepatocytes and the common seen in HCC (38-40). Monoclonal antibody HepPar1 is embryologic foregut derivation of the pancreas and liver expressed by normal and neoplastic hepatocytes, and is (13,23). Though reported ages at presentation range from considered more sensitive than AFP to diagnose HCC. 21 to 80, most patients (16/23, 69%) were above 50 years It is also found to be positive in some cases of HCs, but of age. There is a clear male predominance (14/23, 60%). diffuse positivity for HepPar1 is more consistent with The most common presenting symptom was pain (6/23, HCC than hepatoid neoplasm (20,38,39). HCs can be 26%), either back or epigastric, followed by jaundice and differentiated from other AFP producing tumors like weight loss. Many cases reported in the literature were pancreatoblastoma and acinar cell carcinoma of pancreas by asymptomatic or incidentally discovered (6/23, 26%) their histopathological features and by expression of liver like our patient. More than 50% of Pancreatic HCs were specific proteins on immunohistochemistry. The presence located in the body or tail of the pancreas (13/23). Liver and of small acinar structures, mesenchymal components, or the lymph nodes are the most frequent sites of metastasis (23,31). characteristic squamous corpuscles would favor a diagnosis Preoperative diagnosis is often challenging, even with of pancreatoblastoma and in case of acinar cell carcinoma appropriate imaging and cytological examination. In a immunoreactivity with trypsin, chymotrypsin, or lipase can contrast enhanced CT scan of abdomen HC often reveals be detected. as a heterogeneous mass with irregular enhancement (32) Pancreatic HC can present in pure forms or in as it is observed in this reported case. MR imaging features association with histologically different components such as of pancreatic HC in our case are similar to neuroendocrine or neuroendocrine tumors (20,24). Those tumors, except for mild diffusion signals in the lesion with pure hepatoid or hepatocellular differentiation seem to (Table 2). When diagnosing primary pancreatic HC, it have better survival and recurrence rates than patients with is important to exclude metastatic HCC by clinical and mixed-type tumors (27). In our case it was associated with pathological examination. Serum AFP levels is found to a serous microcystic cystadenoma in an adjacent location. be elevated in most cases and can be used postoperatively Only one out of 23 cases reported in the literature had to assess completeness of resection and extent of response microcystic cystadenoma as an associated component (15) to chemotherapy, and to detect recurrence of the tumor (Table 1). during follow up (24,31,33,34). However, AFP secretion Surgical resection is considered as the mainstay of can also be noticed in other pancreatic tumors like acinar treatment whenever possible. Some authors have advocated and ductal neoplasms, neuroendocrine tumors and adjuvant chemotherapy because of the metastatic potential pancreatoblastomas (13,35,36). Diagnosis mainly depends of the tumor while others have found no added benefit (20). on specific pathological findings. The characteristic A certain degree of response to chemotherapy and multi- pathological features are medium to large polygonal cells target tyrosine kinase inhibitor sorafenib was reported in with eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm, vesicular nuclei and locally unresectable, metastatic or recurrent disease (25).

© HepatoBiliary Surgery and Nutrition. All rights reserved. HepatoBiliary Surg Nutr 2015;4(5):354-362 358 Veerankutty et al. Hepatoid carcinoma of the pancreas combined with serous cystadenoma Died of disease Died of disease Alive, NER Alive, NER Alive, NER Died of disease Alive Alive, NER Outcome Died of disease Died of disease N/A Died of disease 7 3 6 14 22 12 14 48 18 101 N/A 2.75 (months) available Follow up Debulking plus chemotherapy Distal pancreatectomy Distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy plus chemoembolization of hepatic lesions and systemic chemotherapy with Distal pancreatectomy splenectomy Pancreaticoduodenectomy Pylorus-preserving Pylorus-preserving pancreaticodudenectomy Managed by Distal pancreatectomy with Distal pancreatectomy splenectomy plus chemotherapy Total pancreatectomy, pancreatectomy, Total chemotherapy for mets, right lobectomy after 39 months of first surgery Distal pancreatectomy with Distal pancreatectomy splenectomy Pancreaticoduodenectomy Chemotherapy Whipple’s procedure Whipple’s Palliative care Wide-spread Liver No No No Metastasis Liver, died months Liver, Liver (detected after Liver (detected after 12 months) No No, 3 months Liver No node Lymph Ductal adeno-carcinoma Serous cystadenoma No Neuroendocrine Neuroendocrine tumor Associated component No No Ductal adeno-carcinoma Acinar Ductal adeno-carcinoma Ductal adeno-carcinoma Multi-focal Tail Body Tail Head Location Tail Wide- spread Tail Head Tail Head Body-tail E E E E E E N N N N N/A N/A CEA E E E E E E E E N N N N/A AFP Incidental GI bleed Presentation Abdominal and back pain Hypoglycemia loss Weight Asymptomatic Asymptomatic Vomiting, diarrhea, Vomiting, weight loss, skin rash Subcutaneous fat necrosis Jaundice, epigastric pain, vomiting and fever Jaundice and fatigue Epigastric and back pain, weight anorexia, loss sex 64/F 49/F 53/F 61/F 65/F Age/ 70/M 51/M 28/M 32/M 21/M 57/M 57/M First author Lam/2001 (14) (15) Cuilliere/2002 Hughes/2004 (16) Matsueda/ 2006 (17) Paner/2000 (13) Shih/2006 (18) Oh/2006 (19) Hruban/1987 (10) Paner/2000 (13) Gardiner/1992 Gardiner/1992 (6) (11) Tanno/1999 Yano/1999 (12) Yano/1999 Table 1 Review of main features hepatoid the pancreas reported in literature and our case Table Sl No. 7 8 9 10 Table 1 ( continued ) Table 6 11 12 1 5 2 3 4

© HepatoBiliary Surgery and Nutrition. All rights reserved. HepatoBiliary Surg Nutr 2015;4(5):354-362 HepatoBiliary Surgery and Nutrition, Vol 4, No 5 October 2015 359 Alive, NER Died Alive, NER Died of disease Died of disease Alive Alive, NER Alive, NER Alive, NER Alive Outcome Died of disease Alive, NER 3 4 2 8 8 16 12 22 72 27 36 15 (months) available Follow up Pylorus-preserving Pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy. Chemotherapy with sunitinib Chemotherapy Radical pancreaticoduodenectomy Chemotherapy-sorafenib with Distal pancreatectomy splenectomy and gastrectomy with Distal pancreatectomy Completion splenectomy. for residual pancreatectomy Adjuvant chemotherapy tumour. Distal pancreatectomy with Distal pancreatectomy splenectomy with Distal pancreatectomy splenectomy (laparoscopic) Managed by Distal pancreatectomy with Distal pancreatectomy splenectomy Simple tumorectomy and partial Simple tumorectomy transverse colon resection Pancreaticoduodenectomy plus Pancreaticoduodenectomy chemotherapy and transarterial, chemoembolization with Distal pancreatectomy splenectomy No Liver No Liver, lymph node, Liver, lung Infiltrating stomach and left adrenal . Liver metastasis 1 month post surgery Liver metastases detected 22 months after diagnosis No No Metastasis No No Liver No Neuroendocrine tumor No Neuroendocrine Neuroendocrine tumor No No No No Serous cystadenoma Associated component No No Neuroendocrine Neuroendocrine tumor No Head Head Head Body Tail Body-tail Tail Tail Location Tail Head Head Body E E E E N N N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A CEA E E E E N N N N N/A N/A N/A N/A AFP Left upper quadrant pain, jaundice Abdominal mass Incidental Incidental Incidental Presentation Nausea, diarrhea, weight loss Dyspepsia Incidental Epigastric pain Back and flank pain Diabetes Jaundice, abdominal pain sex 61/F 79/F 53/F 41/F Age/ 60/M 37/M 52/M 47/M 80/M 46/M 58/M 56/M Majumder/ 2013 (29) Steen/2013 (30) First author Petrelli/2012 (25) Petrelli/2012 Kai/2012 (26) Kelly/2012 (27) Huang/2012 (28) Our case Liu/2007 (23) Jung/2010 (24) Hameed/2007 (20) (21) Cardona/2007 Kubota/2007 (22) 22 23 Table 1 ( continued ) Table Sl No. 18 19 20 21 24 antigen; NER, no evidence of recurrence. at diagnosis; CEA, carcinoembryonic serum alpha fetoprotein female; E, elevated; N, normal; N/A, not available; AFP, M, male; F, 16 17 13 14 15

© HepatoBiliary Surgery and Nutrition. All rights reserved. HepatoBiliary Surg Nutr 2015;4(5):354-362 360 Veerankutty et al. Hepatoid carcinoma of the pancreas combined with serous cystadenoma

Table 2 MRI signal intensity and contrast characteristics of as very aggressive neoplasms and have an unfavorable pancreatic hepatoid carcinoma in our case prognosis (39). Survival appears to be mainly depends upon Variables Characteristics the extent of the disease and completeness of resection. T1WI Mildly hypointense Longest survival reported with metastatic HC after resection is 8.5 years (13) (Table 1). Steen et al. reported T2WI Nearly isointense, with subtle central more than 5-year survival without any recurrence after high signal complete resection of a HC localized to the tail of pancreas, STIR Mild hyperintense signal without any adjuvant therapy (30). Owing to its rarity TRUFI Isointense further studies and long term follow up are needed to DWI, B50, B400, Mixed signals, central areas more standardize the treatment and to correctly assess prognostic B800 hyperintense features. ADC images High ADC in central part. Mild restriction in the periphery Inphase-outphase Some areas show signal drop Conclusions VIBE Mild hypointense In conclusion, though HC of pancreas is extremely rare it Arterial phase Moderate uniform enhancement should be considered in preoperative differential diagnosis Portal phase Partial washout of pancreatic tumors especially when the lesion is associated Late venous phase Nearly isointense with atypical clinical presentation and image findings. 5 minutes delayed Minimally lower signals than The diagnosis is mainly based on histopathological and parenchyma, homogeneous immunohistochemical features and an early detection is vital as complete resection of the tumor appears to be the STIR, short tau inversion recovery; TRUFI, true fast imaging best option of the treatment. with steady-state free precession; ADC, apparent diffusion coefficient; VIBE, volumetric interpolated breath-hold examination. Acknowledgements


Petrelli et al. reported a case of metastatic HC (mainly to the liver, lymph nodes, and lungs) in a 37-year-old male treated Footnote with the multi-target tyrosine kinase inhibitor sorafenib Conflicts of Interest: The authors have no conflicts of interest (400 mg BD). It provided disease control for 8 to declare. months, which was confirmed by imaging and biochemical data. But they were forced to discontinue the therapy Informed Consent: Informed consent was obtained from because of worsening liver failure (25). In 2012, Karayiannakis the patient for publication of this case report and any et al. reported an overall survival of 20 months in a 60-year- accompanying images. old female patient with hepatoid adenocarcinoma of the gallbladder treated with surgery followed by sorafenib for 15 months until her disease progressed (33). Lucas et al. References reported a case of hepatoid adenocarcinoma of peritoneal 1. Ishikura H, Fukasawa Y, Ogasawara K, et al. An AFP- cavity (which was closely related to colon) treated with producing gastric carcinoma with feature of hepatic FOLFOX (5-fluorouracil, leucovorin and oxaliplatin) after differentiation: a case report. 1985;56:840-8. complete resection of the tumor. They report more than 3 2. Ishikura H, Kanda M, Ito M, et al. Hepatoid years of follow up without any evidence of recurrence (38). adenocarcinoma: a distinctive histological subtype of Successful disease control with a regimen of 5-FU plus alpha-fetoprotein-producing lung carcinoma. Virchows paclitaxel has been reported in a 64-year-old male patient Arch A Pathol Anat Histopathol 1990;417:73-80. with metastatic gastric hepatoid adenocarcinoma by 3. Tochigi N, Kishimoto T, Supriatna Y, et al. Hepatoid Takeyama et al. in 2007 (34). carcinoma of the ovary: a report of three cases admixed HCs of the gastrointestinal tract are generally considered with a common surface epithelial carcinoma. Int J Gynecol

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Cite this article as: Veerankutty FH, Yeldho V, TU SA, Venugopal B, Manoj KS, Vidhya C. Hepatoid carcinoma of the pancreas combined with serous cystadenoma: a case report and review of the literature. HepatoBiliary Surg Nutr 2015;4(5):354- 362. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2304-3881.2015.05.02

© HepatoBiliary Surgery and Nutrition. All rights reserved. HepatoBiliary Surg Nutr 2015;4(5):354-362