University of Cincinnati News Record. Tuesday, November 26, 1968. Vol
University' of Cincinnati NEWS ······RECORD Published Tuesdays and Fridays during the Academic Year except as scheduled, ------------------..----."---------------------- ----..•.....------------,,--_._- '-.- Vol. 56 Cincinnati, Ohio·' Tuesday, November 26, 1968 No,16 ASG Meets In Washington T-o Probe Student Issues, Eight .hundred delegates from legal aspects of student rights, the over f'ou r hundred college cas e, for responsible student campuses- across the nation will government, and the University's convene' ,in Washington, Nov. role in student welfare. 27-Dec. 1, for the Fifth National The, day-long State Department "Conference of the Associated conference, to be' held Nov. ,29, is Student ,Governments of the specifically designed for the United States. ,delegates to .the 1968 ASG The conference, which will be Conference. Service for the 1970's held at the Mayflower Hotel,' will and '80's, and the success of deal with the growing collegiate foreign policy. concern for the United States in S'e min a 1'S and in for m al national and international discussion groups will examine the problems, use of military power in foreign Highlighted by a day-long nations, the development of U.S. session on foreign 'policy, to be foreign policy,' current trends in -c 0 n d u c-t e d b y the U. S . international Communism, and Department of State, and by wiiI be briefed on a~ current addresses from such notables as international trouble spot. Attorney' General Ramsey Clark, Associated Student Senator Fred Harris of Oklahoma, Governments, 'which was founded Assistant' FBI Director William in 1964 with 62, charter member Sullivan, author-journalist :Max schools and has grown to' a Lerner, and.
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