Memorial Hospital Association, Dec. Nos. 10010-A, 10011-A
STATE OF WISCONSIN - BEFORETHE WISCONSINEMPLOYMENT RELATIONS COblMISSION --------------------- : LOCAL,#150, SERVICE & HOSPITAL : E!,lPLOYEESINTERNATIONAL UNION, AFL-CIO, : --Et Al, : : Complainant, : Case VII : No. 14196 Ce-1326 vs. : Decision No. 10010-A : MEMORIALHOSPITAL ASSOCIATION, : Burlington, Wisconsin, : Respondent. : . --------------------- : LOCAL #150, SERVICE & HOSPITAL : EMPLOYEESINTERNATIONAL UNION, AFL-CIO, : --Et Al, : : Complainant, : : Case VIII vs. : No. 14197 Ce-1327 Decision No. 10011-A MEMORIALHOSPITAL ASSOCIATION, Burlington, Wisconsin, : Respondent. : : - - -'-'-r-'----- and Schwartz, Attorneys at Law, by Mr. Jay Schwartz, appearing on behalf of the Complainants. Quarles, Herriott, Clemons, Teschner & Noelke, Attorneys at Law, by Mr.-m-v James C. Mallien, appearing on behalf o,f the Respondent. FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONSOF LAW AND ORDER Complaints of unfair labor practices having been filed with the Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission in the above entitled matters and the Commission having issued an Order l/ consolidating said complaints and appointing George R. Fleischli, a member of the Commission's staff, to act as Examiner, and to make and issue Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as provided in Section 111.07(5) of the Wisconsin Employ- ment Peace Act; and hearing on said complaints having been held at Racine, Wisconsin, on December 21, 1970, and Burlington, Wisconsin, on December 22 and 30, 1970, before the Examiner; and the Examiner having considered the evidence and arguments of Counsel and being fully advised in the premises makes and files the following Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That Local #150, Service and Hospital Employees International Union , AFL-CIO, hereinafter referred to as the Complainant Union, is &/ Memorial Hospital Association (10010, 10011) 11/70 No.
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