A New Relay of Linguistics

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A New Relay of Linguistics Anuario del Seminario de Filologia Wlsca <<julio de Urquijo», 2005-2 A NEW RELAY OF LINGUISTICS Asier Alcazar, Irene Barberia, Rebeca Campos-Astorkiza & Susana Huidobro (eds.) eman ta zabal zazu Gipuzkoako Foro A1dtmdia Universidad Euskal Herriko Diputaeioo Foral de Gipuzkoa del Pars Vasco Unibertsitatea Donosria - San Sebastian Bilbo-Bilbao Anuario del Seminario de Filologia Vasca "Julio de Urquijo" International Journal ofBasque Linguistics and Philology (ASJU) Sortzaileak / Fundadores / Founded by Manuel Agud (t) - Luis Michelena (t) Zuzendariak / Directores / Directors Joseba A. Lakarra (JUMI, UPVIEHU) - Thon Sarasola (JUMI, UPVIEHU) Argitaratzailea / Editor Joseba A. Lakarra (JUMI, UPVIEHU) Idazkaritza / Redacci6n / Board Gidor Bilbao (JUMI, UPVIEHU) Miren Lourdes Ofiederra (JUMI, UPVIEHU) lfiaki Camino (JUMI, UPVIEHU) Javier Ormazabal (JUMI, UPVIEHU) Ricardo G6mez (JUMI, UPVIEHU) ffiigo Ruiz Arzalluz (JUMI, UPVIEHU) Joaquin Gorrochategui (JUMI, UPVIEHU) Blanca Urgell (JUMI, UPVIEHU) Ivan Igartua (mMI, UPVIEHU) Koldo Zuazo (JlTMI, UPVIEHU) " Idazkaritza arduradunak / Coordinadores / Editor's Adjunts Ifiigo Ruiz Arzalluz (JUMI, UPVIEHU) / Blanca Urgell (JUMI, UPVIEHU) Aholku Batzordea / Consejo Asesor / Advisory Board Jacques Allieres (Toulouse) (t) Alazne Landa (UPVIEHU) Patxi Altuna (Deustu, Donostia) (t) Jesus Maria Lasagabaster (Deustu, Donostia) Jesus Antonio Cid (Complutense) Francisco Oroz Arizcuren (Ttibingen) Lyle Campbell (Utah) Jon Ortiz de Urbina (Deustu, Bilbo) Bemard Comrie (Santa Barbara / Max Planck, Leipzig) Befiat Oyhar~abal (Iker, CNRS) Joan Coromines (Barcelona) (t) Jose Antonio Pascual (Carlos In) Maria Teresa Echenique (Valencia) Georges Rebuschi (Paris Ill) Ricardo Etxepare (Iker, CNRS) RudolfP. G. de Rijk (Leiden) (t) Jon Franco (Deustu, Bilbo) Patxi Salaberri (UPNA) Jean Haritschelhar (Bordele Ill) Ifiaki Segurola (Orotariko Euskal Hiztegia) Jose Ignacio Hualde (Urbana, Illinois) Larry Trask (Sussex) (t) Bernard Hurch (Graz) Juan Uriagereka (Maryland) Jon Juaristi (Alcala) Myriam Uribe-Etxebarria (UPVIEHU) Itziar Laka (UPVIEHU) Charles Videgain (Iker / UPPA) ASJU 1954an sortutako Euskal Linguistika eta Filologiazko nazioarteko aldizkaria da, "Julio Urkixo" Euskal Filologi Mintegi­ Institutuak (JUMI) argitaratua, eta iker-eremu horietatik edo horietarako ere interesgarri izan daitezkeenetatik goi mailako artikulu, ohar eta liburu~iruzkinak argitaratzen ditu. Urtero bi zenbaki ateratzen dira (orotara 750 bat orrialde). ASJU-k badu, orobat, GEH1GA­ RRJ sail bat, non artikulu formatuaz gorako lanak argitaratzen diren, epe jakinik gabe (ikus zerrenda zenbakiaren amaieran). Originalei buruzko harremanetarako ikus bitez bukaerako EGILEENTZAKO OHARRAK. Harpidetza eta eskarietarako: Euskal Herri­ ko Unibertsitatea, Argitalpen Zerbitzua, Leioa ([email protected]). ASJU es una revista intemacional de Lingiifstica y Filologia Vasca fundada en 1954 y publicada por el Instituto-Seminario de Filologia Vasca "Julio Urquijo" (JUMI). Se publican en ella articulos, notas y resefias sobre los campos mencionados y afines, y otros de interes para los mismos. En la actualidad es de periodicidad semestral (unas 750 paginas). Sin regularidad preestablecida, ASJU publica en sus ANEJOS trabajos de fonnato superior al de un articulo (vease la lista al final del volumen). Para correspondencia rel~cionada con 10s originales vease la INFORMACI6N PARA LOS AUTORES al final del numero. Para suscrip­ ciones y pedidos: Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad del Pais Vasco (UPVIEHU), Leioa ([email protected]). ASJU is an International Journal of Basque Linguistics and Philology founded in 1954, and published by the "Julio de Urquijo Seminar of Basque Philology" Institute (JUMI). It publishes highquality papers, notes, squibs and reviews about the above mentio­ ned and other related topics in two issues per year (up to a total of 750 pages). Longer works are published as SUPPLEMENTS to the regular issues of the ASJU (see the list at the end of the issue). For corresponde'nce about papers see the INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS at the end of this issue. For subscriptions and order: Servi­ cio de Publicaciones, Universidad del Pais Vasco (UPVIEHU), Leioa ([email protected]). Asier Alcázar, Irene Barberia, Rebeca Campos-Astorkiza & Susana Huidobro (eds.) A NEW RELAY OF LINGUISTS 2006 Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca «Julio de Urquijo» XXXIX: 2 (2005) A NEW RELAY OF LINGUISTS Asier Alcázar, Irene Barberia, Rebeca Campos-Astorkiza & Susana Huidobro (eds.) © Asier Alcázar, Irene Barberia, Rebeca Campos-Astorkiza & Susana Huidobro © The authors © «Julio Urkixo» Basque Philology Seminar «Julio Urkixo» Euskal Filologia Mintegia © Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua ISSN: 0582-6152 Depósito legal / Lege gordailua: BI - Fotocomposición / Fotokonposizioa: Ipar, S. Coop. Particular de Zurbaran, 2-4 (48007 Bilbao) Impresión / Inprimatzea: Itxaropena, S.A. Araba kalea, 45 (20800 Zarautz-Gipuzkoa) INDEX Preface . 1 Introduction: «A new relay of linguists» . 3 ANCHIMBE, Eric A. and ANCHIMBE, Stella A.: «Sociolinguistic variables in the dege- neracy of English in postcolonial (non native) contexts». 13 ANCHIMBE, Eric A.: «Multilingual backgrounds and the identity issue in Came- roon» . 33 ETXEBERRIA, Urtzi: «Quantification and compositional strategies» . 49 FERNÁNDEZ-SALGEIRO, Gerardo and MARLO, Michael R.: «He himself: rediscovering a non-local anaphor». 69 GALLEGO, Ángel J.: «Minimalist edge coordinations» . 79 HADDICAN, Bill: «On verb focalization in central and western Basque». 105 MARUSI|C|, Franc: «What happens when phases get individualistic: On LF-only & PF-only phases» . 121 MAYORAL HERNÁNDEZ, Roberto: «A typological approach to the ordering of adverbials: weight, argumenthood and EPP». 141 MONDOÑEDO C., Aysa: «Nominal participles, a case of categorial alternance: Even- tive nominalizations in -da» . 161 MURGUIA, Elixabete: «Antecedent-Gap relations and locality in verbal ellipsis» . 175 RAVIV, Sofie: «Identifying and processing topicalization in Danish» . 195 ROY, Isabelle: «Predicate nominals in eventive copular sentences». 213 SALZMANN, Martin: «Resumptive pronouns and Matching effects in Zurich German Relative clauses as distributed deletion». 237 WONG, May Lai-Yin: «The compilation of a sample PFR Chinese corpus of Skele- ton-parsed sentences» . 271 PREFACE Many of our colleagues have contributed to make the first BIDE possible, start- ing from the early stages leading to the conference, all the way to the publication of the proceedings in this special volume of ASJU. We would like to take this opportu- nity to acknowledge them all. Jon Franco and Jon Ortiz de Urbina from the University of Deusto deserve a special mention since they were involved in this project from its inception until the editing of the proceedings. Without their help the organization of the conference and the publication of this volume could have never been achieved. Jon Franco and Jon Ortiz de Urbina provided logistics and technical solutions as well as academic and stylistic recommendations. Their contribution goes beyond the encouragement and help developing BIDE, for they are indeed the driving force of the present gen- erations of students in Linguistics at the University of Deusto. Their professional skills and amicable contact with the students have certainly encouraged the latter to pursue careers in linguistics. They have not only mentored students in their profes- sional education, but they have also been a moral support in the difficult moments. Their classes have been suggestive and motivating, and they have always been close, accessible and helpful to their students. We are also grateful to the scientific committee for their help in the review process. These are Alvaro Cerrón-Palomino (University of Southern California), Ricardo Etxe- pare (CNRS/LEHIA), Alexander Fraser (University of Southern California), Carolina González (University of California, Los Angeles), Leyre Goitia (University of Deusto/ University of Nebrija), Nathan Klinedinst (University of California, Los Angeles), Elixabete Murguia (University of Deusto-Bilbao), Iván Ortega (University of Mary- land), Leticia Pablos (University of Maryland), Lara Reglero (University of Connecti- cut), Ana Sánchez Muñoz (University of Southern California) and Carmen Silva-Cor- valán (University of Southern California). For financial and logistic support in hosting the conference, we would like to thank our sponsors. These include the School of Philosophy and Letters and the CIDE Program at the University of Deusto, the Basque Government, Bilbao Biz- kaia Kutxa, Bilbao Iniciativa Turística and the Getxo Tourist Information Office. Finally, we wish to express a special gratitude to Joseba Lakarra from ASJU Press for his guidance in the task of editing and for making possible the publication of this volume. Asier Alcázar Irene Barberia Rebeca Campos-Astorkiza Susana Huidobro INTRODUCTION: A NEW RELAY OF LINGUISTS Asier Alcázar University of Southern California Irene Barberia Universidad de Deusto Rebeca Campos-Astorkiza University of Southern California Susana Huidobro University of the Basque Country/Stony Brook University The papers included in this volume were presented at the first Bilbao-Deusto Stu- dent Conference in Linguistics (BIDE’04), held at the University of Deusto on July 8-10, 2004. BIDE’04 is set within the broader context of other efforts in Europe like the Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe (ConSOLE) and
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