Official Newsletter Of

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Official Newsletter Of REFLECTION—DECEMBER 2016 OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF Hosts of the greatest rally in the south! “THE FAMILY CLUB” Proudly affiliated with the PO BOX 598 Council of Heritage Motor Clubs WAGGA WAGGA NSW NSW Inc, & the NSW 2650 Southern Motoring Association Inc. ESTABLISHED 1967 Find us at (just Google wwvvmcinc) WAGGA WAGGA VETERAN & VINTAGE MOTOR CLUB INC – THE FAMILY CLUB REFLECTION—DECEMBER 2016 REFLECTION NEWSLETTER OF THE WAGGA WAGGA VETERAN AND VINTAGE MOTOR CLUB INCORPORATED ESTABLISHED 1967 INCORPORATED 1987 OFFICE BEARERS PRESIDENT Rob Le Lievre 0269 711 829 [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT Bob Maslin 0269 214 147 [email protected] SECRETARY Janelle Clout 0418 253 010 [email protected] TREASURER Brian Hanson 0269 223 316 [email protected] MAGAZINE EDITOR Sue Kelly 0428 616 921 [email protected] SOCIAL EVENTS DIRECTOR Ian Holgate 0269 219 772 [email protected] REGISTRATION OFFICER Gerald Rainbird 0269 202 379 [email protected] RALLY DIRECTOR Ray Harrison 0407 145 525 [email protected] PROPERTY & LIBRARY OFFICER David Campbell 0428 691 438 [email protected] PUBLICITY OFFICER Julie Rockliff 0269 264 947 [email protected] CLUB GROUNDS OFFICER John Rockliff 0269 264 947 [email protected] SUB - COMMITTEES SOCIAL EVENTS CLUB GROUNDS REGISTRATION MAGAZINE JUNE RALLY Ian Holgate John Rockliff Gerald Rainbird Sue Kelly Ray Harrison Bob Maslin Ian Holgate Peter Billingham Stuart Le Lievre Brian Hanson Craig Kelly Peter Fitzpatrick Ian Holgate Rob Le Lievre Sue Kelly David Campbell Rodney Bredin Wayne Clout Chris Billingham Peter Fitzpatrick Wayne Clout John Rockliff Brian Hanson David Campbell Ian Condon Craig Kelly Stuart Le Lievre MEETINGS Monthly meetings are held at 7.30 pm on the first Friday of each month at the clubrooms, corner of Docker and Morgan Streets, Wagga Wagga. All members, guests and visitors are welcome. CLUB EVENTS Club events are held on various days during the year. Please check the "Coming Events" section of this newsletter for details. For vehicles on “Club Plates”, a copy of the club magazine with the ‘Events calendar’ showing the sanctioned events must be in the member’s vehicle when on these specific events. STATEMENT OF OBJECTS The Club's Statement of Objects is as follows: For the association of persons interested in Veteran, Vintage, Classic and Post Classic motor vehicles. To encourage the restoration, preservation, use and display of these vehicles and associated literature, films, photographs, tape recordings and video tapes. To demonstrate the capabilities of these vehicles by engaging in competitions including economy trials, regularity runs, observation events, motorkhanas, concourse competitions and vehicle rallies. To encourage goodwill, friendship, and communication between members of this Club, and between members of this Club and all other persons, clubs and associations having like Objectives. WAGGA WAGGA VETERAN & VINTAGE MOTOR CLUB INC – THE FAMILY CLUB Page 2 REFLECTION—DECEMBER 2016 MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY MEETING 2nd December 2016 Held at the Clubrooms, Docker & Morgan Sts. Wagga *Charles asked if the amount of days for the log book Wagga will drop. We won’t know until the trial is over. Meeting opened by President R. LeLievre at 7.38pm *REGO: Colleen reported 43 cars and 3 bikes A minutes silence was held on the passing of life registered so far,+ 2 failed inspection member Bill Hanrahan, and Keith Condon. *Some members caught up with Ray Newman (founding member) at Bendigo. Not into cars much PRESENT 29 APOLOGIES:10 anymore VISITORS: 3 *M. Pym has donated some old photos of club cars MINUTES FROM THE PREVIOUS MEETING *Laurie reported that some of his doors are done It was moved by J. Clout seconded C. Kelly that the *Rocky reported his dad turns 100 on the 12th Dec minutes from the Monthly Meeting held on the 4th *Phil will get club stickers made up Nov and as read at the December Meeting be *RALLY: Next meeting 12th Dec The badge design was accepted. Carried shown around. Rules club is the dinner venue. BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES Christmas cards are going out. Info will be on our Jackets: passed over to general website Council: Soil samples have been done on the grounds *Chris B & Colleen showed off the 2 jacket designs. CORRESPONDENCE IN One is $55 and weatherproof the other is $85 *Thank you card from the Petts Family Embroidery is $9. From Hunters Please contact Chris *Invite to Harden Historic Truck & Tractor Day 19th B or check further in for info March *Rob is looking for the top of the gazebo *Invite to Oberon Steam & Vintage Fair 10-11th Feb *Discussion was held about the date for the *50th *Receipt from Premium Printers Anniversary. It was passed to the committee to pick a *Update of Office bearers for Wagga Council Sat night probably in Sept. Looking at hats etc. to *Update from ACMC re CVS registration celebrate. *Minutes from the ½ yearly meeting of CHMC PAST EVENTS *2 inquiries for wedding car hire Members attended *Update from ACMC re CVS Midweek run *Invite to Berrima Rally Social day *Invite to Chryslers on the Murray Rego day CORRESPONDENCE OUT Culcairn Swap *Sympathy card to Trish Butler Movie night *Update to Wagga Council Bendigo swap *Letter to Wagga Pedal Car Club Working bee *Thankyou letters to Woolies & South Wagga Junee show n shine Butchery re donations Ian reported on coming events BUSINESS FROM CORRESPONDENCE Meeting closed at 9.23pm *CHMC: Membership fees for clubs has dropped. Janelle Clout Secretary Some clubs have reported an increase in membership since the log book began TO ALL MEMBERS *The new CVS scheme will commence in Dec. A slight hic up with the club gazebo. If you borrowed Allowance for brakes and safety. it, you still have the top cover. Please return it to the TREASURERS REPORT clubrooms as it is useless without a roof. B. Hanson moved 2nd I. Holgate that the report as tabled be accepted carried MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL, TRAVEL SAFE AND ENJOY COMMITTEE MEETING THE BREAK. SEE YOU IN THE NEW YEAR. *The movie night raised $500. The cheque will be The Committee presented at the Xmas Party to Cerebral Palsy GENERAL BUSINESS *Rob welcomed visitors, Neil & Robyn Cole and Robert Anderson, they have bought a Studebaker WAGGA WAGGA VETERAN & VINTAGE MOTOR CLUB INC – THE FAMILY CLUB Page 3 REFLECTION—DECEMBER 2016 FOR SALE CLUB JACKETS Two Brand new 500 x 20 Lester Tyres Members had the opportunity to try on three Plus 2 new tubes and rust bands to suit. styles of black jackets at our last meeting, which $600 were sourced from Hunters. Contact 0429 313 997 The three styles were BIZ Collection 1. Model J236ML GET WELL WISHES – Black jacket with white piping, warm lined spray type with concealed hood. Suitable for cold June rally type weather. Unisex size. $53.95 We have heard that Barbara Heffernan has not 2. Model J3825 – been well. Sending our warmest wishes from Lighter weight WWVVMC members jacket, more fitted and a bit More recently. Julie Rockliff was admitted to more formal in hospital quite suddenly. Julie, REST UP, look style. Men & after yourself and we are looking forward to Ladies sizes. having you back with us very soon. $84.95 May you both regain your strength and feel better soon. 3. J.B’s Wear – Similar style to number 2, however a slightly different material (Kildare Catholic School jacket) These jackets have now been returned to Hunters, if you wish to try one on, visit Hunters in Fitzmaurice Street and they can order in a sample size for you. If you would prefer a different style, or you may already have a suitable jacket, we will be doing a bulk jacket/embroidery purchase early in 2017. Embroidery $8.80 – design will be based around current logo. Please forward your name and size to [email protected] by February general meeting 3/2/17 WAGGA WAGGA VETERAN & VINTAGE MOTOR CLUB INC – THE FAMILY CLUB Page 4 REFLECTION—DECEMBER 2016 A GREAT ACHIEVMENT As one of the largest family controlled companies Les Rockliff. in the world, the Ford Motor Company has been Born in Wagga Wagga on 12 Dec 1916. in continuous family control for over 100 years. Ford introduced methods for large-scale management of an industrial workforce using elaborately engineered manufacturing sequences typified by moving assembly lines; by 1914 these methods were known around the world as Fordism. Henry Ford was an industrialist, founder of Ford Motor Company and sponsor of the development of the assembly line techniques of mass production. Although Ford did not invent the automobile or the assembly line, he developed and manufactured the first automobile that many middle class Americans could afford. In doing so Ford converted the automobile from an expensive HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, curiosity into a practical conveyance that would Happy birthday to you, profoundly impact the landscape of the 20th Happy birthday dear Les… Century. Happy Birthday to You His intense commitment to systematically Congratulations from the members of the lowering cost resulted in many technical and WWVVMC on reaching the amazing milestone of business innovations, including a franchise 100! system that put dealerships throughout most of North America and in major cities on six AN INTERESTING ARTICLE continents. During the month a wonderful article on the With the help of C Harold Wills, Ford designed, history of Ford in Australia was sent to me. I will built and successfully raced a 26-horsepower start it in this edition of Reflection, but it is quite automobile in October 1901. With this success, long but very interesting – especially for the Ford Murphy and other stockholders in the Detroit fans out there.
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