Congressional Record—House H8387

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Congressional Record—House H8387 July 20, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8387 ‘‘One small step for man, one giant Hopefully we will continue to main- became a means of uniting all of us here on leap for mankind,’’ but I hope we’ll tain the leading edge in space under Earth in a collective adventure of humanity. say, ‘‘Today the Moon, tomorrow the the leadership of President Obama. Moreover, the lessons learned and the tech- stars.’’ I yield back my time, Mr. Speaker. nology developed for John Glenn’s orbital I reserve the balance of my time. Mr. GRAYSON. Mr. Speaker, I want flight and the flight of Apollo 11 to the Moon Mr. POSEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- to note that what the accomplishment spawned countless advances which have di- self such time as I may consume. was here was to make America number rectly contributed to a better quality of life here Mr. Speaker, I would like to com- one in space exploration, and I look on Earth. mend Representative GRAYSON and the forward to the time when we are num- In the decades since, many important tech- nearly 300 cosponsors of H.R. 2245, the ber one in health care, when we are nologies can be traced back to our space pro- New Frontier Congressional Gold number one in education, when we are gram. For even though the goal landing hu- Medal Act. As we know, this legisla- number one in meeting our human mans on the Moon had been attained, NASA tion authorizes the President, on be- needs and making a 21st-century work- went on to undertake world-leading research half of Congress, to issue gold medals force. and development initiatives in Earth and space to Neil Armstrong, Edwin ‘‘Buzz’’ The thing that inspired people from science, aeronautics, and human space flight. Aldrin, Michael Collins and John Glenn President Kennedy’s words was the de- Yet, ultimately it comes down to people— in recognition of their accomplish- sire to be number one, and that’s some- hard-working, dedicated men and women who ments, and pave the way for future thing that we can and will accomplish, made it all possible. missions. not only in this particular part of That is why I am pleased to join my col- As we celebrate the 40th anniversary human endeavor but across the board. leagues in support of legislation to bestow one of the Moon landing, we recognize Mr. GORDON of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, it of the nations highest honors, the Congres- President Kennedy’s vision to support is an honor to support H.R. 2245, the ‘‘New sional Gold Medal, to Neil Armstrong, Buzz the great explorers of our lifetime, like Frontier Congressional Gold Medal Act’’, Aldrin, Michael Collins, and John Glenn. the Christopher Columbuses, the which authorizes the President to award Con- In closing, I want to commend Representa- Magellans and the Marco Polos before gressional Gold Medals to Neil A. Armstrong, tive GRAYSON for introducing this bill, and I them. President Kennedy proved to the Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins, and John Her- urge Members to pass it. world that the free enterprise system schel Glenn, Jr., who took great risks to lead Mr. GRAYSON. Mr. Speaker, I have of the United States of America would our nation and society to new frontiers in outer no further requests for time, and I outperform the socialist Soviet Union space. yield back the balance of my time. in the international challenge of land- Historic moments in space exploration, such The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ing a man on the Moon and returning as the 40th anniversary of the first lunar land- question is on the motion offered by him safely to Earth. ing by humans that we are celebrating this the gentleman from Florida (Mr. GRAY- week, and the first orbiting of the Earth by an One of the highlights of my life was SON) that the House suspend the rules American, inspired a generation of young peo- the opportunity to work on the Apollo and pass the bill, H.R. 2245. ple to devote their careers and lives to the sci- program as a young man when McDon- The question was taken. entific and human exploration of outer space nell Douglas was the contractor for the The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the and created a multiplier effect that has bene- third stage. What a privilege it was to opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being fited American society, including our edu- work alongside the thousands of men in the affirmative, the ayes have it. cational system, our economy, and our na- and women who helped make that his- Mr. POSEY. Mr. Speaker, on that I tional security. toric achievement possible. demand the yeas and nays. The Apollo 11 mission of Neil Armstrong, And you know, from a personal per- The yeas and nays were ordered. Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins and the path- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- spective I will always cherish this lit- finding Mercury mission of John Glenn con- tle medallion that they gave each ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the tinue to spark the excitement and anticipation Chair’s prior announcement, further member of the launch team, the metal of what is possible for our nation as explorers part of which was carried to the Moon proceedings on this motion will be of outer space. postponed. and back by the Apollo 11 astronauts. Mr. Speaker, the Congressional Gold Medal f You know, it’s one of those points in is a fitting recognition of the unique and lasting time where everyone old enough to be imprint that these gentlemen have made on RECESS aware of their surroundings knows society, and I am pleased that so many of my The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- where they were when man took that colleagues in Congress have joined together historic first step. It was before, as ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair in their support. declares the House in recess subject to Congressman GRAYSON said, the largest I thank the gentleman from Florida, Mr. viewing audience in history. I was the call of the Chair. GRAYSON, for his leadership in introducing this Accordingly (at 5 o’clock and 10 min- holding up my 3-month-old daughter in bill. front of the TV so that she might some utes p.m.), the House stood in recess Ms. GIFFORDS. Mr. Speaker, today Con- subject to the call of the Chair. day be the last person living to have gress is considering legislation to honor the witnessed that historic thing. Just Astronauts of Apollo 11 and Mercury Astro- f what a marvelous event it was for all. naut John Glenn with the Congressional Gold b 1832 Let us remember also that their leg- Medal, and as a proud cosponsor, I rise to AFTER RECESS acy continues in today’s exemplary urge support of this bill to recognize the trail- space shuttle workforce, those who blazing accomplishments of these brave The recess having expired, the House safely and efficiently worked to ensure American heroes. was called to order by the Speaker pro the completion of the shuttle’s remain- Their courage and the success of their mis- tempore (Mrs. HALVORSON) at 6 o’clock ing flight manifest. As we hear many sions have become symbols of what we as and 32 minutes p.m. times, America’s space program is the Americans can accomplish when we come to- f only thing for which the United States gether and put all of our energy and hard work NOTICE OF INTENTION TO OFFER is undeniably, unequivocally, and uni- into reaching a goal in which we all believe. versally respected for around this The launch of Sputnik in 1957 initiated the RESOLUTION RAISING A QUES- globe. Space Race of the 1960s between the United TION OF THE PRIVILEGES OF We sometimes take for granted the States and the Soviet Union. Just 12 years THE HOUSE thousands of technological spinoffs we later, this Space Race culminated with Apollo Mr. FLAKE. Madam Speaker, pursu- enjoy from space exploration, but let 11’s historic touchdown on the Moon’s Sea of ant to clause 2(a)(1) of rule IX, I hereby us take a moment to recognize the ex- Tranquility in July of 1969. notify the House of my intention to plorers of our lifetime and appreciate Even though NASA and the goal of landing offer a resolution as a question of the how all of us have been inspired by men on the Moon were in some sense directly privileges of the House. their pursuits and benefited from inspired by Cold War rivalries, the Apollo 11 The form of my resolution is as fol- America’s advances in space. lunar landings and John Glenn’s orbital flight lows: VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:34 Jul 21, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K20JY7.058 H20JYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE.
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