Lovitt Granted Clemency by Va. Governor

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Lovitt Granted Clemency by Va. Governor THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOLUME 40: ISSUE 62 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER30, 2005 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Lovitt granted clemency by Va. governor bought him time on death row Lovitt was slated to be the Approximately 40 Notre Whitewatl!r indnpnndm1t COUIJ­ Notre Dame students - until the day before his 1 OOOth person executed in the Dame students have met Lovitt sel Ken Starr. worked on death row scheduled execution, when United States since the - who was convicted in 1999 FiniPn returned to D.C. this Virginia Gov. Mark Warner, Supreme Court reinstated the of murdering a man with a pair summer as an intern for case, met convict troubled by death penalty in 1976, a dis­ of scissors - while taking Kirkland & Ellis, where he the destruc­ tinction that drew national Professor Tom Kellenberg's spent 10 weeks working on By MADDIE HANNA tion of DNA media coverage in recent capital punishment litigation Lovitt's clemency petition. lie evidence, weeks. course in the Washington had been at Kirkland & Ellis A.o;sociatr News Editor granted "In this case, the actiDns of Program. Two of those stu­ for slightly more than a month Lovitt an agent of the dents, seniors Christin O'Brien when the Supreme Court Convictnd murderer Hobin clemency. Commonwealth, in a manner and Hyan Finlen, have been granted Lovitt a stay on July Lovitt wate- Warner contrary to the express direc­ following Lovitt's case closely 11, his original execution date. lwd wavns of See Also issued a tion of the law, comes at the since meeting him in fall 2004. "We were pretty excited lin Notre Damn statement expense of a defendant facing ''I'm ecstatic," O'Brien said. the office]," Finlen said of the s t u d e n t s "Va. governor T u e s d a y Lovitt society's most severe and final "I think it's definitely the right July 11 decision, which came como and go spares man's !Wening that sanction," Warner said in the decision. They worked tireless­ hours before the scheduled through the commuted Lovitt's sentence to statement. "The ly on that.~. He's a great guy." execution. life" University's life in prison without parole, Commonwealth must ensure Kirkland & Ellis, a D.C. law The Court's Oct. 3 deeision Washington page3 just before his scheduled that every time this ultimate firm headed by double Domer 'not to hear Lovitt's ease came Program Wednesday night execution by sanction is carried out, it is Tom Vannucci, handled Lovitt's while cyclns of legal appeals lethal injection. done fairly." defense, and so did former see LOVITT/page ND offers elective aviation course SEA seeks The course is currently By RYAN SYDLIK taught by Dillon senior Lauren to lovver News Writer Centioli. • • "I got involved my freshman ,;/iy UKE Posters publicizing year when I saw the posters ermss1ons Fundamentals of Aviation - a for NDPI." Centioli said. "Since relatively unknown course [Friel] was graduating that -A CHAMPION offered through the Notre year, the course would have Group joins Campus Dame Pilot Initiative - read ceased to exist if I had not "Fly Like a Champion Today" come around. lie asked me if Cli1nate Challenge 'l~BMV and encourage students to would teach it and I said yes." SPRING 2006 learn to fly for elective credit. Centioli, a certified commer­ OfllraliTO"'t.LMAJi.~a Ak~l.hf< ·, By JOE PIARULLI ~:·· /~.-.:.'· ~~'( ........... ~""' ....... -, ,. .,... --~·- Though the University first cial pilot, flight instructor and offered a ground aviation ground instructor, said the News Writer course in 1973, the course program is an advanced ended in 1977 because no ground school. When it comes to Notrn Holy Cross professor remained to teach it. "Other programs teach you Dame, the word 'admission' But in recent years, the Missions just what you need to know to holds much morn bnaring than ,-, course has returned, thanks to pass the private pilot's exam," the word 'emission.' But the the efforts of former Notre he said. "This class goes above Students for Environmental Dame students and currently and beyond that. The scope is Action (SEA) are trying to give licensed pilots Joe Friel, Jeff beyond that of simply passing the latter more attention. Neweamp and Brian the FM test." SEA co-prnsident Nicholn McCarthy. The purpose of the course is Mitehell recently dnddnd to get While at Notre Dame, the to fulfill one of the major Notre Dame involvnd in men taught the undergraduate requirements for a pilot's Campus Climate Challenge, a PHIL HUDELSONfThe Observer course, under the 'guidance of license, Centioli said. With campaign through U.S. Public Notre Dame sophomore Christine Scacco reads the infor­ Air Force Heserve Officers' Fundamentals of Aviation Interest Hesearch Groups mational sign posted around dorms about the Training Corps (ROTC) profes­ (PIHG), with the hope of rnduc­ Fundamentals of Aviations course offered at the University. sor Col. Michael Zenk. see AVIATION/page 4 ing emissions on campus. Grnenhousn gasns naturally occur in the atmosphere and include water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone. But certain Students begin planning for spring break human activities add to the levels of these naturally occur­ ring gases - and become thn Anthony Travel books students emissions thn Campus Climate Challenge is aiming to control. early for vacation destinations The goal of Campus Climatn Challenge is to get over 500 By LAURA BAUMGARTNER universitiflS to lower thnir News Writer emissions by 2 percent each year below their 2005 levels in Tho holiday season has arrived and order to eliminate global brought with it a cold, snowy South Bend warming pollution. There are wintnr - leaving many students dreaming currently 1 :~9 campuses of sun, sand, surf and 80-degree tempera­ involved nationwide. turns as they make spring break vacation "Energy eonsnrvation is a plans. worldwide initiative right Nearly 100 students have already booknd now," Mitchell said. "Wn have vacations through Anthony Travel, said a very ambitious and intnlli­ Kayleen Carr, lnisurn manager for the gPnt student body and we agmHy eould really make a big ditTI~r­ "Typically wn see about 600 students nnee." hook through us pnr ynar," Carr said. Sonw schools havn gone as Carr said eruisns and destinations in far as SWitching to rPnPWUble Mexico are usually tlw most popular. vaea- PHIL HUDELSONfThe Observer nnergy sourePs, while otlwrs Anthony Travel, the travel agency located in LaFortune Student Center, see BREAK/page 4 already has planned spring break trips for nearly 100 students. sec: CHALLENGE/page: 4 --- --------------------------- page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Wednesday, November 30, 2005 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT ARE YOU DOING FOR SPRING BREAK? All I want for Chrisbnas I can still hear the warnings, the strict advice that I would receive every holiday season as a child. It Patrick Kaiser Jim Bochnowski Nate Origer Gessica Hufnagle Jimmy Wilson Greg Ramsower came from my parents, teachers and virtually every adult I knew, and it sophomore sophomore senior junior freshman sophomore was the art of Fisher Fisher Fisher Walsh Alumni Keough getting every­ Kelly Meehan thing you wanted "What kind of from Santa "I don't know. "Visiting the 'Tll be playing 'Tm going to "Touring with How many question is that Rue McLanahan softball in the Canada with the Glee Club in Clause. Assistant ,, , "If you are a News Editor months away is before Museum. Kia Classic. " some friends. southern bad girl, you will Christmas , get nothing but it?" California. coal from Santa," break?" they scolded me. I could not even escape the questioning from the old man himself, for there is not a child in the world that sits on Santa's lap without him asking if they had, in fact, been a good boy or girl that year. For the first seven years of my life, Santa Clause was pretty much equivalent to God in my mind. I was IN BRIEF constantly told that he was watching my every move, knowing if I had Joseph Antenucci Becherer, been bad or good. I sang songs Ph.D. will give two lectures on about him, baked cookies for him, "Between Silence and Strength, and even wrote long detailed letters the Sculpture of Dietrich to him. I was basically worshipping Klinge." The first will be at 6 the man. p.m. tonight while the second As the years passed, the letters will be at 6:30 p.m. tonight. stopped, I realized I cannot sing and Both will be at the Snite I ate the ChristQ1as cookies that I Museum of Art. baked. I learned that I was a bit naive in first grade when I burst Kevin Ducey, 2004 winner of into tears days before Santa's the Honickman First Book Prize arrival and confided in my mother in Poetry, will read at 7:30 p.m. that I did not believe I had done tonight in the Hospitality Room enough to please this mysterious all of South Dining Hall, Reekers. knowing man to receive the coveted A reception follows. American Girl Doll that I so desired. I learned if I was relatively well NDtv will present the "Mike behaved, I would rip open my gifts Peterson Show Christmas on Christmas morning to find that I Special" Thursday at 10 p.m. at had been deserving of Go-Go My Legends. The Late Night Talk Walking Puppy, a Cabbage Patch Show season-end special will Doll and even Molly, my American include live and taped comedy Girl Doll. segments and will feature the As a college student, however, the campus band Summersaults. holiday season sometimes becomes a jaded time filled with finals and PHIL HUDELSONffhe Observer The Pittsburgh Symphony projects.
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