12324 Supplement to the London Gazette, 4 October, 1919
12324 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 4 OCTOBER, 1919. Lt. Gordon Hutchinson Osmaston, R.E., touch with another division, but found that attd. 42nd (E. La-nc.) Sig. Coy., R.E., T.F., there were still eiiemy on that flank. He attd. H.Q., 211th (E. Lane.) Bde., R.F.A., advanced against them, sniping with his T.F. revolver, which caused them, to retire. He At Briastre on 20th October, 1918. was then able to get in touch with the divi- While acting as signal officer to 42nd Divi- sion on that flank. sional Artillery, he laid and maintained wires under very heavy shell and machine- Lt. (A./Capt.) Frederick Cyril Papworth, gun fire with a complete disregard, for his 2nd Bn., North'n R. personal safety. He successfully maintained He handled his company with the greatest communication with artillery headquarters, skill during an. attack on Auby on 13th which greatly contributed to the complete October, 1918. One of his platoons having success of the operations. become isolated, he immediately went for- ward, under heavy machine-gun fire, and Lt. Gerald Patrick O'Sullivan, R. Dub. readjusted the situation. His personal ., Spec. Res., attd. 2nd Bn. gallantry was conspicuous throughout. As signalling officer on the 17th and 18th October, 1918, north-east of St. Benin, he Lt. Percy Horace Parker, E. Hid. of York showed cool courage and. skill-in maintain- Yeo. and M.G. Corps (Cavalry). ing communication by telephone from batta- (EGYPT) lion headquarters to the companies in the For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to firing line.
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