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SOURCE NAME T*GE 1 mmimmmm TEMPORARY PRELIMINARY DECREE ON MUSSELLSHELL RIVER ABOVE ROWDUP - BASIN «V\ 04/?7/85 INDEX OF CLAIMS BT SOURCE NAME t*GE 1 FLOW PRIORITY . POINT OF DIVERSION . HATS! RiqfT IP lfi£ RATE DATE 8TR SEC SFC Tlf RCg O UT SOURCE MAX OWNER NAME 40* -V-192521-00 ST r 07/19/1883 S2N2 Z7 06M 13E MN USES CREEK SLBtUE RANCHES INC t&^msm—^ -mm wgHBMgg ®&m. SSWM 40* -W-110013-00 IR 2.50 C 05/31/1887 NUSESU 11 QSN 12E S6 ASCS CREEK MCFMLAND WHITE MMCH INC 40* -y-iggwa-pp p" zs.oo 6 .ijQ]'???6 wBag* 32 06N 13E w Ages WEEK AFRICAN FORK RANCH ^ 0T7OT71935SBMM 6u5Ni3fc5GMwEStHEeKIHERZC^ MM -W-198469-00 ST 01/01/1935 NUNENE 11 05* 12E 96 ACNES C*E0< AMERICAN FORK MNCH 40* -W-gg965-00 IS 7.09 C 05/31/1887 SWNHNU 36 QW 096 Wp ALABAUBH CHER 8HAWPE RANCH CO *DR~=W=ZQ3575=DD~IR' *.!/ c o»/iv/ieov NEHBHE~Z5~DBnj§Ewt ALABMWH u<ttK wumot, I>«IIL mwut JNL ZIKMUND ROSE* C 40* -w-go296g-po re 3.18 c OS/DI/IBW NENWSU 27 qtw 09E HE ALABHUBH WEEK gAwce gwcw co *u* -W-iVBJ/1-OU ST TO7T37TBW Sii <!/ l38t WE NE ALAHUUH CUfEK OUNOE MNCfnCO *OA -W-202961-00 IR 4.17 C 10/15/1889 NUNESU Zlt '08H 09E «t ALABAUQH CKEK GRAMRE MMCH CO «OA -U-203576-00 IR .38 C 05/11/1891 NUSENW 30 08N 096. WE ALABAU6H CHEEK T*^JL ""*" """"Bltiy *OA -0-057555-00 ST 06/01/1905 NENENU 28 08* OSt ME X ALABAUGH CREEK US DEPT OF AGRICULTURE RMEST S «Q* ^*jff7}66-pn ST pg/PJ/igg S2SW 23 TOW WE ME ALASAUgj CREEK Ig DEPT OF AglOI-TW. FOgES'. S *0A -U-(B?4i/-0C ST 0670T71905 21 OSM OK HE ALABAUGH CKEER US DEPf OF «6RICU.TURt FUHfcSI T 0/. -«-19835*-00 OH 10.00 G 12/31/1944 SUSESE 22 OtN 09E HE X ALABAUSH CREB: GRANDE RAMCH CO ifflg^ffisair wi\m mk%x&m'&\i!®8!&m ggsiBKSjg 40A -W-196363-00 ST 12/31/1949 NUSUSE 26 08N 09E KE X ALABAUSH CREEK «MMM RANCH CO 4QA -W-198367-00 ST U(j}'1?*l SMNENU 2« Ojft O9E ME X ALABOUGH CREEK CWWE HAIgH CO flK -W-201226-08 ST M/OI /iSS SUNENE i7 07N 13E WH X /fflatl CREEK P«R»JCHES58: " 40A -W-201225-00 ST 08/01/1833 SWNESE 11 OTN 13E WH X ALKMUl CREEK FW RANCHES WC »33fflg£88IT o^-^gj l^£^8«?JiS;:^H^ FMSH-gg 40A -W-201223-00 ST 08/01*1883 NMNUSE 22 07N 13E UN X ALKALI CREEK FOX RANCHES INC *Q* -"-WliQ-QB ST 08/J?l<1g3 Hi1,^ A QZ* 125 w x ALKALI CRBBC EPX MNCHESINC JBA -W-KH233-00 ST otffiuvm SesOsw jo BTK isi MH X ALKALI CREEK i^BwatriNr 40A -U-201235-00 ST 08/01/1S83 SENMNE 22 07N 13E WH X ALKALI CREEK FOX RANCHES INC 4OA -W-2Q123TI-P0 ST 08/01/1883 SENtgW 23 07N 13E MM X ALKALI CREEK FOX RANCHES INC itK -3-201231-00 ST 88/01 HsIS NMSIE & C7N i5e WH X ALKALI CRCEK FOX RANCHES Die 40A -W-201227-00 ST 08/01/1883 SESESE 17 07N 13E WH X ALKALI CREEK FOX RANCHES INC W*. -W-ZQ1266-00 IR ?.Sn C fii/11/1890 NgNENW 15 07N 1» WH It ALKALI CREEK FOX RANCHES IN£ 40A -W-201276-00 IR 2^50 C 01/11/1898 SESESE 15 07N 13E WH ALKALI CREEK FOXRANBSS Bic 40A -W-2O127O-00 IR 1.25 C 02/08/1890 NWNESW 4 OTN 13E WH X ALKALI CREEK FOX RANCHES INC 4QA -W-?01?71-np IR 1.?S C fg/OB/igyO SWixSE 4 07N 13E WH X ALKALI CREEK FOX RANCHES PC . *04 -W-201272-00 IR 1.25 C 02/08/189() MMESW 4 07N 13E WH X ALKALI CREEK FOX RANCHEf W. 40A -W-189761-00 ST 06/15/1897 S2NESE 29 07N 13E WH X ALK/iLI CREEK MARTIN RANCH CO tflA -w-nrvA74-nn ST na/i?/i»g8t NU ?7 OTN I?E MH ALKAI I CRTCK MARTIN BABJQRIE _ n 40A -W-006688-00 ST 08/12/1S98 NENUSW 27 07N 13E UH X ALKALI CREEK MARTIN MARJORIE M" 40A -W-18A51O-OO ST 06/20/1900 NENENE 3« 09N 19E GV X ALKALI CREEK SWIMMING WOMAN RANCH 40A -H-CH57Q3-JCLSI 1?M1/I9on sEwrsu A yw 11F ME X ALKALI CRFF* HOLUP** UW_8_Uy£STQCT. CO 40A -W-?G.'5?9-00 ST 01/31/1909 33 08N 20E GV ALKALI CREEK GARFIELD EMHY L GARFIELD JESS H 4ITA -W-flUWM-nn TR 1.14 C m/?S/191Q SESENE 7 rijjfn 11E ME ALKAI I CRFFK JOLLIMTJJV* S LIVESTOCK. CO 40A -W--030979-00 ST 04/17/1916 SWSWSE * 5w 11E ME X ALKALI CREEK DcStAN JOHN S Ul> OMAN HAX.EY E 4QA -w-nvwa^-cio .ST 04/17/191* NWNFSU A n9N HF HE « ALKAI 1 CRFFK ^_ QUNCAN ;0*i S WILCHAN """" HARLEY E I I *01 Zfo/&4rr&/7fr£Y- TEMPORARY PRELIMINARY DECREE ON iqiwnq«^l RIVER ABOVE ROUNDUP - BASIN tOA 04/27/85 INDEX Of CLAWS BT SOURCE NAME PAGE 2 FLOW PRIORITY . POINT OF DIVERSION . MATER RIfiHT ID USE RATE DATE OTR SFC SEC IMP RfiE CN UT SOURCE NAME OWNER NWC AOA -W-030986-00 ST O5/15/192C SESWNE 1 O9N 10E HE X AUCAU CREEK DUNCAN JOHN S WH.PMAN HARLET E AOA -V-*Lni//-*JU XR S.UU C li/31/192U SESWNW 11 UBN 1JE~BH ALKALI CfttfcK tox RANOfeS INC 40A -W-030961-00 ST 11/10/1925 SVISESE 1 09N 10E ME X ALKALI CREEK DUNCAN JOHN S HIUJHAN HAPLEY E TOA^ c li'iu..9S RERESE I VM iue HE ALKALI utEEK OUNCAN 3flffl 5~ UHJMW HARLEY E *OA -W-O30984-OO ST 11/10/1925 NENESE 1 09N 10E HE ALKALI CREEK DUNCAN JOHN S *CA -W-030985-00 ST 7.00 6 11/10/1925 NENESE 1 09N 10E HE X ALKALI CREEK DUNCAN JOHN S WILDWAN HARLEY E •UA -w-a/ii/i-uuTR .38 C 06/ui/iv^v SHHESE~Z7TJBrT3ETH ALKALI CI!EEK FOSTTDWCHESTSC 4OA -U-01VJA5-00 IR .76 C 06/01/1929 SWNESE 27 08N 13E UH ALKAU CREEK SCANLAN EtMOND € *OA -W-198262-00 ST 05/31/1930 18 08N 2OE 6V ALKALI CREEK gARflEJ EMMY L *OA -VMB26S6-00 ST 12/31/1933 SUSWSE 6 09N 11E HE X ALKALI CREEK DUNCAN JOM S WItJWAN HARLET g ftUA -M-USi6SU-U0 51 12/31/19*5 MMESW 6 OWt HE HE X ALKALI CREEK DOCAN 30TH 5^ UILEHAN HARLEY E »OA -W-198278-00 ST 07/31/1935 W2SE 33 08N 20E 6V ALKALI CREEK SARFIELD JESS H 40A -W-207530-00 ST 08/15/1935 NVMUSW 35 09N 19E 6V X ALKALI CREEK GARFIELD JESS H _ . GARfIELD_ EMMY i, 4OA -M-19824A-OO IR 6.06 f 01/15/1936 NENUNC 4 07N 20E GV ALKALI CNEEK fIRBIAItCRS INC AOA -W-201965-00 ST 12/31/1936 SENESW 21 08N 20E 6V X ALKALI CREEK HCRPESTAD RANCH INC AOA -W-03265S-O0 ST 12/31/1938 SWSESE 1 P9N 10E ME X ALKALI CREEK DUNCAN JOHN S_ AOA -W-198251-00 ST 12/31/1939 NUSENU 32 08N 20E GV X ALKALI CREEK FIREHAMKERS INC *QA -"-189762-QO ST 1lQV.]f*i NEWUWE gg gg 13E W " MJC*Ll CREEK MARTIN RANCH CO AOA -U-l 98243-00 ST 12731719415 SSWSU 24 08N 20E GV X ALKALI CREEK rEREHAHMtRSWC AOA -W-198272-00 ST 07/31/1942 SENUNU 19 08N 20E GV X ALKALI CREEK GARFIELD RMMY L _ __._.. , <?*»g^ap JESS ._.H 40A -W-O1107A-O0 ST 07/15/1944 SESESC 16 07N 20E GV X ALKALI CREEK MONTANA, STATE OF BOARD OF LANb 40A -W-198277-00 ST 05/31/1945 SUSVMU 8 08N 20E GV X ALKALI CREEK GARFIELD EMMY L 40A -W-O0668?-O0"ST 06/65/194$ NESUNE 27 07N 13E UH X ALKALI CREEK MARTIN"" MARJORlE M~ 40A -W-006672-00 ST 06/0S/1945 NENESU 27 07N 13E UH X ALKALI CREEK MARTIN MARJORlE M 4flA -M-19R771-00 ST 07/^1 /194S SUNESF 14 08N 19E GV X ALKALI CREFK GARFIE1D EMMY L_ GARFIELD JESS H 40A -W-198268-00 ST 05/31/1949 SESUSU 7 08N 20E GV X ALKALI CREEK GARFIELD JESS H KAKFIF1 D EMC L 40A -W-198263-00 ST 05/31/1950 7 08N 20E GV ALKALI CREEK GARFIELD JESS H GARrlELD EMMY L 4TIA -W-?m?7«-nn IR -7? C 11/19/19S1 SENFSU ?? 07N 1^E UH X AIKALI KREFK FOX RANCHES INC 40A -W-201274-OO IR 5.00 C 12/31/1951 SHNENH 11 08N 13E UH ALKALI CREEK FOX TANCHES INC ADA -W-110241-00 ST 05/12/1953 SUSUSE 30 08N 20E GV X ALKALI CREEK GARFIELD FORD C 4<TA -w-nn74f>-nrt ST rw/f»/i9S4 NFNFHU 7? OSN ?OE GV AIKAIT TRFFK GARFIELD E«SD_ __ C 40A -W-110242-00 ST 09/16/1954 NENENE 29 08N 20E GV X ALKALI CREEK GARFIELO FORD " "C 40A -W-189763-00 ST 09/30/1961 NUSUSU 29 07N 13E UH X ALKALI CREEK MARTIN RANCH CO 40A -W-inflS7?-On ST 07/?4/196? SENUSF 3 08N 19E GV X ALKALI CREEK BUHJMSTON_MQfi.TH£>>N SWILROAD CO 40A -W-106986-00 ST 08/12/1962 NUNWSU 35 09M 19E GV X ALKALI CREEK BURLINGTON NORTXERU RAILROAD CO | 801 Z7&/f7&/*0/zAvY 801 ZZ&/t7&r&/7/>£Y TEMPORARY PRELIMINARY DECREE ON HUSSELLSMEU.
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