ABSTRACTS Proceedings of the Anaesthetic Research Society Meeting
British Journal of Anaesthesia 105 (5): 707–30P (2010) doi:10.1093/bja/aeq193 ABSTRACTS Proceedings of the Anaesthetic Research Society Meeting The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, July 1–2, 2010 (The name of the author presenting the paper is shown in bold type. *Indicates non-member. All authors have certified that, where appropriate, studies have been conducted with the approval of the relevant Human Ethics Committee or Animal Experimental Review Committee.) Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/bja/article/105/5/707/233898 by guest on 25 September 2021 Evaluation of modified early warning scores as a predictor of outcome in Table 1 ROC curve analysis of direct obstetric admissions (n¼2240). *Specific obstetric MEWS. H, Heart rate; R, respiratory obstetric admissions to critical care units: rate; T, temperature; A, AVPU; U, urine output; B, systolic arterial pressure (B); S, Sp ; D, diastolic arterial pressure secondary analysis of the Intensive Care O2 National Audit and Research Centre Area under 95% CI Parameters included (ICNARC) Case Mix Program (CMP) database ROC curve C. Carle*, J. Johal*, M. Columb and P. Alexander* MEWS 1 0.980 0.967–0.993 H, R, T, A, B, U MEWS 2 0.980 0.967–0.993 H, R, T, A, B, U, S Intensive Care Unit, University Hospital South Manchester, MEWS 3 0.985 0.974–0.995 H, R, T, A, B, U Southmoor Road, Manchester, UK MEWS 4 0.979 0.969–0.990 H, R, T, A, B MEWS 5 0.971 0.952–0.991 H, R, T, A, B, U, S The latest CEMACH report1 recommends the use of modified MEWS 6 0.981 0.969–0.992 H, R, T, A, B, U early warning scores (MEWS) to assist in identifying the obste- MEWS 7* 0.981 0.971–0.992 H, R, T, A, B, U, S tric patient at riskof deterioration.
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