Cornell University ILR School DigitalCommons@ILR Faculty Publications - Human Resource Studies Human Resource Studies Spring 1998 Thomas Robert Malthus: The Economist Vernon M. Briggs Cornell University,
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[email protected] for assistance. Thomas Robert Malthus: The Economist Abstract "As Robert Heilbroner has so aptly observed, economics has produced "a handful of men" whose contributions to mankind have been "more decisive for history than many acts of statesman who basked in brighter glory, often more profoundly disturbing then the shuttling of armies back and forth across frontiers, and more powerful for good and bad than the edicts of kings and legislatures." One such person cited by Heilbroner is Thomas Robert Malthus." Keywords economics, economy, population, scholar, tariff, Europe, market, food, Ricardo, domestic, Britain Disciplines Economics Comments Suggested Citation Briggs, V. M., Jr. (1998). Malthus: The economist. The Social Contract, 8, 206-215. Required Publisher Statement Copyright by The Social Contract. This article is available at DigitalCommons@ILR: A Reprint from THE SOCIAL CONTRACT ISSN 1055-145X Thomas Robert Malthus The Economist by Vernon M.