Iftlai of Funeral Later
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A-6** THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER S, 1953 R. 0. Harsh Dies; Bradford Hawes 111, lltturilittg 53ratt?ii siiflj BHBSI h BUSKA, SARAH. Unveiling ot the JONES, WILLIAM HENRY. On Satur- Noted as Explorer, Bureau of Standards tombstone to the memory of the late day, September 6. 1953. WILLIAM SARAH BURKA will take Place on HENRY JONES of 1018 Fla. ave. n.e. Sunday. September 6. 1953, at 11 am., Notice of funeral later. Arrangements at the Ezras Israel Congregation Ceme- by Jarvis. 6 tery. Engineer, Physicist, THE FAMILY. 5 KEFAUVER, DANIEL WEBSTER. On Writer Ex-Teacher GROBSTEIN. HANNAH. An unveiling Friday. September 4. 1953. DANIEL of a monument to the loving memory WEBSTER KEFAUVER. beloved hus- Richard Oglesby March, 70, Bradford K. Hawes m, 36, wbl rn ippr ’ • of the late HANNAH GROBSTEIN will band of Ruth L. lIF mil Kefauver. father of be held on Sunday. September 6. 1953. Mrs. Mary M. Reamy grandfather civil engineer, explorer and writ- physicist for the Bureau of Jjnß -jffir pljjfe at 4 p.m., at King David National Me- of Lee, Michael J. and Paul S. Reamy. R. HI morial Cemetery. Falls Church. Va. Funeral from the W. K. Huntemann & er, deid yesterday of a heart Standards since 1948, died Friends and relatives invited. 6 Son Funeral Home, 6733 Ga. avec. Thursday at George Washington on Tuesday. September 8, at 8:30 attack at his home in Vero a.m. Requiem mass at the Church Hospital after a brief illness. He utyattka of the Nativity at 9 am. Relatives Beach, Fla. lived at 8210 Custer road, Be- Carfc 0! and friends invited to attend. Inter- Washington ment Cemetery. A native and resi- thesda. iL3v and sons Cedar Hill 7 mm COSVY. ROSA. The husband dent of Chevy Chase, Md., until of the late ROSA COSVY of 414 R st. LANCASTER (ELDER) JOSEPH. On Mr. Hawes taught physics and n.w. wish to take this means of ex- Friday. September 4. 1953. (Elder) JO- four years ago, Mr. Marsh had pressing their sincere appreciation and SEPH LANCASTER of 2429 3rd st. n.e. chemistry at a high school in thanks to relatives, friends, co-workers Notice of funeral Arrangements recently completed for neighbors later. plans Conn., and for their beautiful flow- by Jarvis. 6 Stratford. and worked ers. cards, telegrams, orders and all construction of a hotel shaped expressions sympathy during LANGLEY, ANNIE M. On Friday, Sep- for the General Electric Co. in lif other of 1953, a pyramid near Vero our bereavement. tember 4. ANNIE M. LANGLEY like Beach. Bridgeport, Conn., and Syracuse, SAMUEL COSVY. Sr.. AND SONS. 6 (nee Shepherd) of 1010 C st. n.e.. Mr. Marsh made engineer- wife of the late John 8. Langley, mother had N. Y., bfore coming hefe. While of Mrs Viola L. Sanders, sister of ing and scientific explorations in with GE he helped develop de- Mrs. George H. Moran. Friends may various parts of the world. He BANK OFFICIAL DlES—Al- Spaltja call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. vices recording conditions in and Mass. ave. 52, for BANC.HAM. JAMES. On Friday. Sep- n.e.. where services led the Darien expedition, spon- bert E. Yeatman, sr., will be held on Wednesday, September the upper atmosphere. tember 4. 1953. at the District of Co- p.m. Arlington sored by the Insti- assistant vice president of lumbia General Hospital, JAMES 9. at 1 Interment Smithsonian He was in the electronics divi- BANGHAM of 1 «11 Corcoran st. n.w. National Cemetery. 8 tution, the American Museum of the American Security & Notice of funeral later. Arrangements LAWSON. WALTER On Friday, Sep- sion at the Bureau of Standards by the Frazier Funeral 7 tember 4. 1953. at United States Sol- Natural History and the Univer- Trust Co. and manager of its specialized Home. diers* Home Hospital, WALTER and in heat transfer BANKS. CARRIE E. On Friday. Sep- LAW- sity of Rochester. He wrote a Columbia yes- SON of 816 South Adams st.. Arlington. Branch, died problems in electronic equip- 111 tember 4. 1953. at her residence. 4002 Va.. “The ave. n.w.. BANKS, be- brother of Mrs. Alma Zantoft of book White Indians of terday at Garfield Hospital. 111. CARRIE E Denmark. Friends may call at the ment. loved wife of Samuel M. Banks and Ives Darian.” published in 1934, after He lived at 6403 of Wanstall. Notice Funeral Home. 2847 Wilson blvd.. Third stteet Mr. Hawes was born in Mount eJIIIjBs sister Miss Grace Arlington. the iftlAi of funeral later. Services by the Hines Va.. until 10 a.m. Wednes- Panama trip. N.W. Funeral services will be Vernon,- N. Y. He went to Mount * day. September 9: thence to Arlington iP Funeral Home. National Cemetery, where funeral serv- Explored at 11 a.m. Tuesday Hermon School in Massachusetts BEVERLY. LILLIE R. On Thursday ices will be held at 10:30 a.m. 8 New Market Caves. at St. at residence, and his September 3. 1953. her Le Suddenly, at Mark’s Episcopal Church, received bachelor of arts s.w., BEVERLY, BRETON. DAVID. JR. As a member of the Explorers 317 F st. LILLIE R. Tunis. North degree University. Mk j. : widow of the late J. Alonzo Beverly, Africa. DAVID Le BRE- of New York, he werit on Third and A streets S.E. at Columbia ¦feJSSPii Sterling Pierce TON. 3rd. son of Rear Admiral and Club He mother of the late H. Mrs. David Le Breton (U. S. Navy, expedition Burial will be in Cedar Hill was a member of the Co- and aunt of Harold L. Quivers. She retired). Services held St. the in 1940 to find by will be at University Club, the also is survived other relatives Andrew's Chapel. United States Naval an end to the Endless Caverns Cemetery. lumbia and many friends. Remains may be Academy, pm. Septem- Annapolis, Md., on Tuesday, American Institute of Electrical viewed after 2 Monday. September 8. at a.m. in New Market, Va. The group —Harris-Ewing Photo. Barnes & 11 Interment Engineers of ber 7. at the Matthews Academy Cemetery. 6 and the Institute Funeral Home. 014 4th s.w. Fu- did not find the encf, but they st. Friday, Research Engineers. neral services on Tuesday. September Le COMPTE. ALBERT M. On brought back samples of ; 9. at 11 am., at the Zion Baptist September 4. 1953, at Tysons Corner, blind Survivors are his widow, Anne Church. F st.. between 3rd and 4th Fairfax County, Va., ALBERT M. shrimp and discovered a fourth ] Le COMPTE 1135 Inglewood B. Hawes; two sons, sts. s.w.l Rev. A. Joseph Edwards of- of North to caves and several Marion L. Chapman, Bradford SPECIAL DELlVEßY—Chicago.—Richard Loomis, 24 (second from right), a delivery truck ficiating. Interment Harmony Ceme- st.. Arlington, Va.. beloved husband level the IV, 5, and Duncan, 3; his parents, tery. 7 of the late Cassle Bell Le Compte. unknown “rooms.” Mr. father of Albert Compte, jr., operator, turns over to police a reluctant passenger he captured. Loomis discovered BVSHROD, CARROLL. On Fri- M. Le Mr. and Mrs. Bradford K. Hawes, NETTIE and Mrs. Jacqueline Davis, and brother Mr. Marsh had gone on ex- S3OO worth of merchandise missing from his truck last week and .planned a trap. He parked day. September 4, 1953. NETTIE CAR- of Mrs. Lillian Darden. Friends may Building Adams Center, N. Y„ and a sister, ROLL BUSHROD of 116 44th st. n.e.. plorations Contractor the truck the of call at the Ives Funeral Home. 2847 from Bolivia over the Mrs. Charles R. Atherton, Mount at scene the crime with the back door ajar. When a man entered the truck beloved daughter of James W. and Susie Wilson blvd.. Arlington. Va.. where fu- Andes in Amazon headwaters, Mr. Loomis nearby M. Bushrod. Notice of funeral later. neral services will be held on Tuesday. Gretna, Pa. sprinted from a hiding slammed the door and padlocked U. He Arrangements by McGuire. Inc. 7 September 8, from Peking, China, into at 11 a.m. 7 Mon- Funeral were to be then drove the captive to the police station. The prisoner, who identified himself as Edward CARTER. JULIA I. On Friday. Septem- Le COMPTE. CASSIE BELL. On Frl- 1 golia, and in Arabia, Somaliland, At Rockville, Md. services up 1953, JULIA was again—in ber 4. at her residence. day, September 4. 1953, at Tysons Cor- held at 11 a.m. today at Pum- Harris, 22, locked a cell —AP Wirephoto. I. CARTER of Arlington, Va., beloved ner, Fairfax County. Va., CASSIE BELL Nicaragua. the late William S. Carter, Morocco and Marion L. Chapman, 77, con- phrey’s funeral home, Bethesda, wife of Le COMPTE. beloved wife of the late engineer- mother of Mrs. Dorothy Gnodde. Mrs. Compte. Mr. Marsh had done Mary Mildred Albert M. Le mother of Albert tractor and builder, died Thurs- with burial in Adams Center. Delores Transue and Compte. Jacque- ing work survived by one M. Le Ir.. and Mrs. in Panama and Mex- day at Wahington Sanitarium Carter. She also is may line Davis and sister of Mrs. Bessie grandson. Dirk Gnodde. Friends Hollingsworth. Mrs- Vivian Price and ico as well as the United States. Wainwright to Wounded S. H. Hines Co. Funeral after a five-months illness. A Lie in State Policeman call at the W. c. Richardson. Friends may call He responsible for the de- Home, 2901 J4th st. n.w.. after 3 p.m. at the Ives Funeral Home, 2847 Wilson was Rockville (Md.) resident since Sunday.