Holy Family September 14 – October 11, 2020

“The kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out at dawn to hire laborers for his vineyard.”    Mass Schedule    9/14,   Monday  The Exaltation of the Cross 10/2,   Friday  The Holy Guardian Angels 6:30 p.m. + Robert Kozikowski   7:30 a.m. + Canon John J. Flattery       9:15 a.m. + Geneva Picatto by Carlo Olivero Family  9/15,  Tuesday  Our Lady of Sorrows         7:30 a.m. + Lena Pattarozzi   10/3,   Saturday            4:00 p.m. + Mr. & Mrs. William Warnell Sr. 9/16,  Wednesday  Sts. Cornelius &         7:30 a.m. + Deceased Priest Alumni of Mt.  10/4,  Sunday  27th Sunday in Ordinary Time   Mary’s Seminary   8:00 a.m. For the Parish          11:00 a.m. + Bud and Helen Alleman   9/17,  Thursday  St.        7:30 a.m. + Fr. Thomas Kelly    10/5,   Monday  Blessed Seelos         6:30 p.m.  + Art Hancock by Jim Liner  9/18,  Friday  St. Augustine        7:30 a.m. + Robert and Doris Grusk   10/6,  Tuesday  St. Bruno      by Dom and RuthAnne Rivara 7:30 a.m. + Sharon Towne by a Friend   9:15 a.m. Holy Family Students, Faculty, and Staff              10/7,  Wednesday  Our Lady of the Rosary 9/19,   Saturday  St. Januaris  7:30 a.m. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Rapp and their  4:00 p.m. + John & Dorothy Balzarini    Children                9/20,  Sunday  25th Sunday in Ordinary Time 10/8,  Thursday    8:00 a.m. For the Parish    7:30 a.m. + Frank Rossi by his Family  11:00 a.m. + Dale & Blanche Shawback        10/9,  Friday  St. Denis    9/21,   Monday  St. Matthew    7:30 a.m. + Richard Pattarozzi  6:30 p.m. + Shaun West by Robert Blanco Family 9:15 a.m. + Souls of Purgatory          9/22,  Tuesday          10/10,   Saturday     7:30 a.m. + William “Bebs” Martuzzo   4:00 p.m. Living and Deceased Members of the Furar &        9/23,  Wednesday  St. Pius of Pietrelcina   Polizzi Families    7:30 a.m. + Anne Biolchini           10/11,  Sunday  28th Sunday in Ordinary Time   by The Altar & Rosary Society  8:00 a.m. For the Parish          9/24,  Thursday    11:00 a.m. + Captain William Marshall Price  7:30 a.m. + Gary W. Blake Sr.         Kids Corner 9/25,  Friday     7:30 a.m. + For the Souls of Purgatory 9:15 a.m. + Louis & Julia Snyder           9/26,   Saturday  Sts. Cosmas & Damian 4:00 p.m. + Al Piecha by Darlene & Family        9/27,  Sunday  26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 a.m. + Anne Bukovic by Maureen Keutzer 11:00 a.m. For the Parish          9/28,   Monday  St. Wenceslaus  6:30 p.m. + Patrick O’Kier by his Friends         9/29,   Tuesday  Feast of the ACROSS  DOWN    7:30 a.m. For all 1st Responders    4. People who labor, usually for 1. Coins or bills used to pay for     wages or a salary something  9/30,  Wednesday  St.   6. The place where God lives 2. To give or share freely with 7:30 a.m. + Msgr. Thomas Badovsky  8. A period of time equal to sixty others         minutes  3. To gripe or complain 10/1,  Thursday  St. Therese of the Child Jesus 9. A place where grapes are 5. Not playing by the rules 7:30 a.m. + Norena Dittle    grown  7. Two things that are of the      10. Pay received for working same value are considered ____    Area News & Happenings Mass Time Changes: Effective immediately, please note the following changes to our Mass Schedule.  ◊ Monday weekday Mass time is moving from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. ◊ On Fridays during the school year, Fr. Blake will be offering two morning Masses. The public will be invited to join us at 7:30 a.m., and then our school Mass (which will be for HFS students and faculty only) will be at 9:15 a.m. Fr. Blake will LIVE stream the 9:15 a.m. Mass on Facebook). ◊ We are adding back the 8:00 a.m. Mass on Sundays! The same social distancing guidelines and procedures that have been in place for the Saturday 4:00 p.m. and Sunday 11:00 a.m. Masses will be followed. To guarantee seating, we encourage parishioners to call the parish office for reservations (Monday All Souls Candles: Remember your loved ones on All Souls through Friday from 8:00 a.m.N3:00 p.m.). Our ushers will be Day! Here at Holy Family Church, we will be setting up two happy to find seating for those without reservations provided side altars throughout the month of November to remind us all that we have openings.  to pray for all the Faithful Departed. Purple Vigil Candles for the All Souls Altars may be purchased in remembrance of RCIA: If there is anyone interested in becoming Catholic or loved ones. We are offering either a 7day candle for $8.00 or who perhaps is in need of the Sacrament of Confirmation or a candle that will burn throughout the entire month of who has been away from the church for some time and would November for $32.00. A label with the family name or like to return, please contact the parish office to discuss RCIA individual name will be placed on the vigil candle glass. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). We can arrange Please use the form below. Forms should be submitted to the instructions in person or online.  parish office by mail, or placed in the collection basket by October Holy Hour: Fr. Blake will offer the Holy Hour for Friday, October 23rd.  Vocations on Monday, October 5th from 6:30  7:30 p.m. Join ~ No pictures can be submitted this year. ~ us for Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament!  Description Cost/Candle Qty Requested Total CCD: Our religious education program for 20202021 is getting ready to start in a couple weeks. Families from our 1 Week Candle $8   program last year should have received registration forms by mail. Please return them as quickly as possible. CCD at Holy Candle to burn $32   Family is available for children in grades 17. For questions, all month please contact the parish office at (815) 8838233 or [email protected].    Total Enclosed  Prayer Tree: Our parish can come together in many ways,     Names of Deceased Loved Ones: (PLEASE PRINT) even during a pandemic. And there is no more powerful thing than the voices of many raised in prayer. Parishioners are ______ invited to join our “Holy Family Prayer Tree” group on Facebook and pray for the intentions of our parish community. ______ Names can be added/removed from the list by contacting the Please make checks payable to: Holy Family Church parish office or Deena Pavinato.  In Appreciation: The staff at the Peru Pads wishes to extend Finance Corner   their thanks for the extra meals provided by the volunteers of Contributions received between August 19th  September 8th the St. Martin Society during the shelter’s first two weeks of being open to clients in August. Holy Family volunteers Children’s Envelopes: $63.00    provided six nutritious dinners and enough leftovers for an Adult Envelope Contributions: $12,783.00   additional four lunches! Thank you for the outstanding service Loose Money: $96.00     provided in preparing and serving the meals. God Bless!  Online Giving: $599.00    Assumption, All : $303.00  ADA: Enclosed in our bulletin you will find a letter from Fr. Maintenance: $2,313.00     Blake for the kickoff of the 2020 annual diocesan appeal, as Religious Ed & Evangelization: 13.00 well as, a pledge card. We know these are extraordinary times, Assistance Funds  For the Poor: $195.00   but we are confident that if we come together as a parish, we School Support: $213.00     will be able to meet this financial obligation.  Seminarian Support: $100.00  Readings for Week of September 13  From the Pastor: Sunday: Sirach 27:3028:7; Psalm 103; Romans 14:79; Matthew 18:2135   24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: Numbers 21:4b9; Psalm 78; Philippians 2:611; The message for us this week is pretty clear and very necessary. John 3:1317    The message we have to hear and preach is one of forgiveness. Tuesday: 1 Corinthians 12:1214, 2731a; Psalm 100; John When Peter asked how many times he should forgive his 19:2527    brother, Jesus answered him saying that he should forgive his Wednesday: 1 Corinthians 12:3113:13; Psalm 33; Luke 7:31 brother seventyseven times. It is not an easy thing to do to 35     even forgive once, but Jesus tells us that we should be prepared Thursday: 1 Corinthians 15:111; Psalm 118; Luke 7:3650 to forgive as often as is necessary. Friday: 1 Corinthians 15:1220; Psalm 17; Luke 8:13 Saturday: 1 Corinthians 15:3537, 4249; Psalm 56; Luke 8:4 If we are to survive any relationship, be it on an individual basis 15       or even at a communal level, we must be prepared to forgive  Readings for Week of September 20 those who do us wrong. There can be no limit to our Sunday: 55:69; Psalm 145; Philippians 1:20c24, 27a; forgiveness, even when it seems most difficult to do. Matthew 20:116a  Monday: Ephesians 4:17, 1113; Psalm 19; Matthew 9:913 Saying sorry or asking for forgiveness is not a sign of weakness, Tuesday: Proverbs 21:26, 1013; Psalm 119; Luke 8:1921 as some people might think. What it proves or shows is a Wednesday: Proverbs 30:59; Psalm 119; Luke 9:16 willingness to make right what has gone wrong. I have found Thursday: Ecclesiastes 1:211; Psalm 90; Luke 9:79 such a release when I have taken the time to say I am sorry for a Friday: Ecclesiastes 3:111; Psalm 144; Luke 9:1822 wrong done to someone. How much better I feel knowing that Saturday: Ecclesiastes 11:912:8; Psalm 90; Luke 9:43b45 when I sin and I ask God’s forgiveness that God will forgive  Readings for Week of September 27  me. It feels as if some great burden has been lifted from my Sunday: 18:2528; Psalm 25; Philippians 2:111; shoulder and I feel whole again. Matthew 21:2832  What we are being led to see is that we have to be forgiving of Monday: 1:622; Psalm 17; Luke 9:4650 each other in as much the same way that we would want God to Tuesday: Daniel 7:910, 1314; Psalm 138; John 1:4751 forgive us when we sin. We surely cannot expect God to be Wednesday: Job 9:112, 1416; Psalm 88; Luke 9:5762 merciful to us if we ourselves cannot show mercy to those who Thursday: Job 19:2127; Psalm 27; Luke 10:112 wrong us. God will forgive us when we sin even if we commit Friday: Job 38:1, 1221; 40:35; Psalm 139; Matthew 18:15, the same sin every time. So it is not merely about how much 10     we are willing to forgive but, just as God does not place limits Saturday: Job 42:13, 56, 1217; Psalm 119; Luke 10:1724  on the forgiveness he will give us, we also cannot expect to place limits on each other. In the end what we are to recognize is that God is indeed a merciful God and is prepared to forgive us our sins even if we sin seventyseven times. In our own forgiving of people we cannot set limits on our willingness to forgive but we must try to be merciful and forgiving as God is. In giving forgiveness we bring about reconciliation not only between individuals but also at a community level. The object is to bring about the kind of relationships that reflect the kingdom of God. So how many times should we seek to forgive someone who has done us wrong? Jesus tells us that there should be no limit on our forgiveness, not in number or quality. No doubt we are Join Coadjutor Bishop Lou Tylka and priests, religious, and being asked to do something that is difficult but not impossible. Still, if we want to experience the mercy of God, we must be laity of the diocese in praying for vocations to the priesthood prepared to share that mercy with the people who offend us. If and religious life on the day of our patroness, St. Théresè. we want to be forgiven, then we must be prepared to do the Social distancing will be observed, but there will still be enough same. places in the cathedral for you to come and pray with us! A timely reminder for today which we are encouraged to put * For those that cannot make the trip to Peoria, you are into practice; the effect can only be good in bringing about encouraged to join us LIVE on Facebook (Follow Me  Catholic healing between individuals, communities and even countries. Diocese of Peoria, Office of Priestly Vocations).  We can always learn to be forgiving and merciful by taking the time to approach the one who is pure mercy and forgiveness in St. the defend us in the Confessional. Availing ourselves of this Sacrament helps us battle. Be our protection against the to see how you and I are to treat others as we too approach our Lord, Jesus Christ seeking forgiveness. Currently, Confessions wickedness and snares of the devil. May are being heard from the Rectory Porch (by the kitchen), on God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Saturday and Sunday from 1pm to 2pm. Parishioners may also Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly HostNby call the rectory to make an appointment to go to confession at the Divine Power of GodNthrust into hell, other times if necessary. satan and all the evil spirits, who prowl Have a blessed week! throughout the world seeking the ruin of Father Gary W. Blake, Pastor souls.  Readings for Week of September 13  From the Pastor: Sunday: Sirach 27:3028:7; Psalm 103; Romans 14:79; Matthew 18:2135   24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: Numbers 21:4b9; Psalm 78; Philippians 2:611; The message for us this week is pretty clear and very necessary. John 3:1317    The message we have to hear and preach is one of forgiveness. Tuesday: 1 Corinthians 12:1214, 2731a; Psalm 100; John When Peter asked how many times he should forgive his 19:2527    brother, Jesus answered him saying that he should forgive his Wednesday: 1 Corinthians 12:3113:13; Psalm 33; Luke 7:31 brother seventyseven times. It is not an easy thing to do to 35     even forgive once, but Jesus tells us that we should be prepared Thursday: 1 Corinthians 15:111; Psalm 118; Luke 7:3650 to forgive as often as is necessary. Friday: 1 Corinthians 15:1220; Psalm 17; Luke 8:13 Saturday: 1 Corinthians 15:3537, 4249; Psalm 56; Luke 8:4 If we are to survive any relationship, be it on an individual basis 15       or even at a communal level, we must be prepared to forgive  Readings for Week of September 20 those who do us wrong. There can be no limit to our Sunday: Isaiah 55:69; Psalm 145; Philippians 1:20c24, 27a; forgiveness, even when it seems most difficult to do. Matthew 20:116a  Monday: Ephesians 4:17, 1113; Psalm 19; Matthew 9:913 Saying sorry or asking for forgiveness is not a sign of weakness, Tuesday: Proverbs 21:26, 1013; Psalm 119; Luke 8:1921 as some people might think. What it proves or shows is a Wednesday: Proverbs 30:59; Psalm 119; Luke 9:16 willingness to make right what has gone wrong. I have found Thursday: Ecclesiastes 1:211; Psalm 90; Luke 9:79 such a release when I have taken the time to say I am sorry for a Friday: Ecclesiastes 3:111; Psalm 144; Luke 9:1822 wrong done to someone. How much better I feel knowing that Saturday: Ecclesiastes 11:912:8; Psalm 90; Luke 9:43b45 when I sin and I ask God’s forgiveness that God will forgive  Readings for Week of September 27  me. It feels as if some great burden has been lifted from my Sunday: Ezekiel 18:2528; Psalm 25; Philippians 2:111; shoulder and I feel whole again. Matthew 21:2832  What we are being led to see is that we have to be forgiving of Monday: Job 1:622; Psalm 17; Luke 9:4650 each other in as much the same way that we would want God to Tuesday: Daniel 7:910, 1314; Psalm 138; John 1:4751 forgive us when we sin. We surely cannot expect God to be Wednesday: Job 9:112, 1416; Psalm 88; Luke 9:5762 merciful to us if we ourselves cannot show mercy to those who Thursday: Job 19:2127; Psalm 27; Luke 10:112 wrong us. God will forgive us when we sin even if we commit Friday: Job 38:1, 1221; 40:35; Psalm 139; Matthew 18:15, the same sin every time. So it is not merely about how much 10     we are willing to forgive but, just as God does not place limits Saturday: Job 42:13, 56, 1217; Psalm 119; Luke 10:1724  on the forgiveness he will give us, we also cannot expect to place limits on each other. In the end what we are to recognize is that God is indeed a merciful God and is prepared to forgive us our sins even if we sin seventyseven times. In our own forgiving of people we cannot set limits on our willingness to forgive but we must try to be merciful and forgiving as God is. In giving forgiveness we bring about reconciliation not only between individuals but also at a community level. The object is to bring about the kind of relationships that reflect the kingdom of God. So how many times should we seek to forgive someone who has done us wrong? Jesus tells us that there should be no limit on our forgiveness, not in number or quality. No doubt we are Join Coadjutor Bishop Lou Tylka and priests, religious, and being asked to do something that is difficult but not impossible. Still, if we want to experience the mercy of God, we must be laity of the diocese in praying for vocations to the priesthood prepared to share that mercy with the people who offend us. If and religious life on the day of our patroness, St. Théresè. we want to be forgiven, then we must be prepared to do the Social distancing will be observed, but there will still be enough same. places in the cathedral for you to come and pray with us! A timely reminder for today which we are encouraged to put * For those that cannot make the trip to Peoria, you are into practice; the effect can only be good in bringing about encouraged to join us LIVE on Facebook (Follow Me  Catholic healing between individuals, communities and even countries. Diocese of Peoria, Office of Priestly Vocations).  We can always learn to be forgiving and merciful by taking the time to approach the one who is pure mercy and forgiveness in St. Michael the Archangel defend us in the Confessional. Availing ourselves of this Sacrament helps us battle. Be our protection against the to see how you and I are to treat others as we too approach our Lord, Jesus Christ seeking forgiveness. Currently, Confessions wickedness and snares of the devil. May are being heard from the Rectory Porch (by the kitchen), on God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Saturday and Sunday from 1pm to 2pm. Parishioners may also Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly HostNby call the rectory to make an appointment to go to confession at the Divine Power of GodNthrust into hell, other times if necessary. satan and all the evil spirits, who prowl Have a blessed week! throughout the world seeking the ruin of Father Gary W. Blake, Pastor souls.  231 West Walnut Street 815-883-8662 Donald J. Shields www.MuellerFH.com Jill M. Shields 815.883.8321 Parish Member Parishioners 213 East Walnut St.

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