Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA) 01/01/2017 to 03/31/2017 Bridger-Teton National Forest This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. Expected Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Implementation Project Contact Projects Occurring in more than one Region (excluding Nationwide) Rocky Mountain International - Special use management In Progress: Expected:12/2016 01/2017 Deidre Witsen Stage Stop Sled Dog Race Scoping Start 11/14/2016 307-739-5434 Reauthorization
[email protected] CE Description: This event is a 9 day (7 of which will be on NFS lands) dog sled race with up to 35 teams of dogs and mushers. *NEW LISTING* Each day, one race occurs at a "stage" that is approximately 30 miles long. The teams then travel to the next stage for the next race. Location: UNIT - Kemmerer Ranger District, Greys River Ranger District, Teton Basin Ranger District, Big Piney Ranger District, Pinedale Ranger District, Wind River Ranger District, Evanston-Mountain View RD. STATE - Idaho, Wyoming. COUNTY - Teton, Sublette, Teton, Uinta, Fremont, Lincoln. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Various locations on the Bridger-Teton National Forest, the Caribou-Targhee National Forest, the Shoshone National Forest, and the Wasatch-Cache_Uinta National Forest. See maps with scoping document. Bridger-Teton National Forest, Occurring in more than one District (excluding Forestwide) R4 - Intermountain Region One Year Re-Authorization to - Special use management In Progress: Expected:12/2016 01/2017 Anita DeLong Operate Forest Park and Dell Scoping Start 11/18/2016 307-886-5329 Creek Feedgrounds
[email protected] CE Description: Wyoming Game and Fish Commission purposes to operate and manage the Forest Park and Dell Creek *NEW LISTING* feedgrounds to supplementally feed wintering elk under a one year special use permit.