Maldon District Council – Date April 2010

2010 Air Quality Progress Report for District Council

In fulfillment of Part IV of the Environment Act 1995 Local Air Quality Management

Date: April 2010

Progress Report i Date April 2010 Maldon District Council - England

Local Shirley Hall Authority Officer

Department Maldon District Council Environmental Health Dept.

Address Princes Road Maldon CM9 5DL

Telephone 01621 875817 e-mail [email protected]

Report MAL/PR2010 Reference Draft/copy2/Mar 02 number Date

Report written by:

Paul Hinsley Environment, Strategy and Highways County Council County Hall Essex CM1 1QH

On behalf of the :

Essex Air Quality Consortium Monitoring Network.

ii Progress Report Maldon District Council – England Date April 2010

Executive Summary

The 2010 Progress Report on the monitoring data from 2009 has showed that there have been no exceedence of the NO2 annual mean objective level within the monitoring sites.

Progress Report iii Date April 2010 Maldon District Council - England

Table of contents

1 Introduction 6 1.1 Description of Local Authority Area 6 1.2 Purpose of Progress Report 6 1.3 Air Quality Objectives 6 1.4 Summary of Previous Review and Assessments 8 2 New Monitoring Data 9 2.1 Summary of Monitoring Undertaken 9 2.2 Comparison of Monitoring Results with Air Quality Objectives 12 3 New Local Developments 14 4 Local / Regional Air Quality Strategy 15 5 Planning Applications 16 6 Air Quality Planning Policies 17 7 Local Transport Plans and Strategies 18 8 Climate Change Strategies 20 9 Conclusions and Proposed Actions 21 9.1 Conclusions from New Monitoring Data 21 9.2 Proposed Actions 21 10 References 22

iv Progress Report Maldon District Council – England Date April 2010

Appendices Appendix 1 QA:QC data Appendix 2 Maldon District Council Diffusion Tube Monitoring Data 2009 Appendix 3 Maldon District Council Processes 2009

List of Tables Table 1.1 Air Quality Objectives included in Regulations for the purpose of Local Air Quality Management in England.

Table 2.1 Details of Non- Automatic Monitoring Sites

Table 2.2 Results of Nitrogen Dioxide Diffusion Tubes

List of Figures

Figure 2.1 Map of Diffusion Tubes

Progress Report v Date April 2010 Maldon District Council - England 1 Introduction

1.1 Description of Local Authority Area

Maldon District Council is predominantly rural in character with over 70 miles of coastline, located on the East Coast, approximately 60 miles from London The area encompasses the Peninsula and an area to the north of the Blackwater Peninsula over 36,000 hectares. The main towns are Maldon, Heybridge, , Burnham on Crouch and the District has a population of 62,400 (ONS, 2008).

1.2 Purpose of Progress Report

Progress Reports are required in the intervening years between the three-yearly Updating and Screening Assessment reports. Their purpose is to maintain continuity in the Local Air Quality Management process.

They are not intended to be as detailed as Updating and Screening Assessment Reports, or to require as much effort. However, if the Progress Report identifies the risk of exceedence of an Air Quality Objective, the Local Authority (LA) should undertake a Detailed Assessment immediately, and not wait until the next round of Review and Assessment.

1.3 Air Quality Objectives

The air quality objectives applicable to Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) in England are set out in the Air Quality (England) Regulations 2000 (SI 928), and the Air Quality (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2002 (SI 3043). They are shown in Table 1.1. This table shows the objectives in units of microgrammes per cubic metre g/m3 (for carbon monoxide the units used are milligrammes per cubic metre, mg/m3). Table 1.1. includes the number of permitted exceedences in any given year (where applicable).

6 Progress Report Maldon District Council – England Date April 2010

Table 1.1 Air Quality Objectives included in Regulations for the purpose of Local Air Quality Management in England.

Pollutant Date to be Concentration Measured as achieved by Benzene 16.25 µg/m3 Running annual 31.12.2003 mean 5.00 µg/m3 Running annual 31.12.2010 mean

1,3-Butadiene 2.25 µg/m3 Running annual 31.12.2003 mean Carbon monoxide 10.0 mg/m3 Running 8-hour 31.12.2003 mean Lead 0.5 µg/m3 Annual mean 31.12.2004 0.25 µg/m3 Annual mean 31.12.2008 Nitrogen dioxide 200 µg/m3 not to be 1-hour mean 31.12.2005 exceeded more than 18 times a year 40 µg/m3 Annual mean 31.12.2005

3 Particles (PM10) 50 µg/m , not to be 24-hour mean 31.12.2004 (gravimetric) exceeded more than 35 times a year 40 µg/m3 Annual mean 31.12.2004

Sulphur dioxide 350 µg/m3, not to be 1-hour mean 31.12.2004 exceeded more than 24 times a year 125 µg/m3, not to be 24-hour mean 31.12.2004 exceeded more than 3 times a year 266 µg/m3, not to be 15-minute mean 31.12.2005 exceeded more than 35 times a year

Progress Report 7 Date April 2010 Maldon District Council - England

1.4 Summary of Previous Review and Assessments

Maldon District Council carried out their first round review and assessment of air quality between 1999 and 2000. The first round assessments concluded that air quality objectives for all pollutants would be achieved by their target date, and that no AQMA’s would be necessary at that time.

The second round of review and assessment, the USA, was undertaken from 2003 to 2005 and provided an update with respect to seven LAQM pollutants within the district of Maldon. The USA concluded that objectives would be met by their target dates with no exceedences; however, it was recommended that the diffusion tube monitoring programme be expanded to include receptors close to busy road junctions in order to confirm the findings of the USA with respect to NO2. The 2005 Progress Report (Maldon, 2005) concluded that Maldon Council was continuing to meet the air quality objectives and that detailed assessments were not necessary.

The 2006 USA revised the previous results and again found there was no risk of exceedence of air quality objectives within the Maldon District, and therefore concluded that a Detailed Assessment was not required. In 2007 Maldon District Council undertook a short term monitoring study at Beckingham Business Park to check for exceedences of NO2 resulting from transport activity at the site. NO2 diffusion tubes deployed at the site illustrate concentrations well below the annual mean objective, therefore continued monitoring was considered unnecessary and diffusion tubes were removed at the end of the 2007 financial year.

This was followed by the 2008 Progress Report, which again concluded that there was no risk of exceeding air quality objectives by the relevant target dates, and that there was no requirement for any detailed assessments. The 2009 USA review of 2008 monitoring data, showed that there were no exceedences of the air quality objectives in Maldon in 2008 and no requirement to proceed to a Detailed Assessment for any pollutant.

Report type and date Issue Outcome Progress Report 04 NO2 All objectives achieved Progress Report 05 NO2 All objectives achieved USA 06 NO2 All objectives achieved Progress Report 07 NO2 All objectives achieved Progress Report 08 NO2 All objectives achieved USA 09 NO2 All objectives achieved

8 Progress Report Maldon District Council – England Date April 2010

2 New Monitoring Data 2.1 Summary of Monitoring Undertaken

2.1.1 Automatic Monitoring Sites

Maldon District Council currently has no Automatic Monitoring Site.

2.1.2 Non-Automatic Monitoring

Maldon District Council undertook monitoring at 9 NO2 diffusion tubes sites in 2009 their locations are shown at figure 2.2 and details are presented in table 2.2.

Details of Non- Automatic Monitoring Sites

o The diffusion tubes are supplied and analysed by Environmental Scientific Groups/ Bureau Veritas

o Preparation method : 20% Triethanolamine (TEA) in water

o Accreditation Services (Testing Laboratory number 0023).

WASP – Annual Performance Criteria for NO2 Diffusion Tubes used in Local Air Quality Management (LAQM), 2008 onwards, and Summary of Laboratory Performance in Rounds 103-107. Prepared by AEA on behalf of Defra and the Devolved Administrations.

Table 1 Laboratories that have demonstrated satisfactory performance in the WASP scheme for analysis of NO2 diffusion tubes, Oct 08 – Oct 09.

Laboratory Performance on basis of RPI, OLD Performance on basis of RPI, CRITERIA, best 4 out of the 5 rounds NEW CRITERIA ,best 4 out of 103-107 the 5 rounds 103-107 Beureau Veritas Good Good

o The diffusion tubes and their placement are not part of any co-location study

o Maldon District Council does not operate any continuous NO2 monitoring sites in the city and therefore a local bias adjustment factor cannot be calculated. In the absence of a local bias correction factor, the default bias correction factor for Environmental Scientific Groups analysis using the 20% TEA in water method. This factor, calculated as 0.77 for 2009 based on 1 study and should be used with caution which has been obtained from the University of the West of England (UWE) website1.


Progress Report 9 Date April 2010 Maldon District Council - England

Figure 2.1 Map of Non-Automatic Monitoring Sites

Maldon District Council Diffusion tube locations 2009

10 Progress Report Maldon District Council – England Date April 2010

Table 2.1 Details of Non- Automatic Monitoring Sites

Relevant Distance To Exposure? Kerb Of (Y/N with Site Pollutant In Nearest Location X Y distance No. Monitored AQMA? Road (m) (m) to (N/A if not relevant applicable) exposure)

MAL 1 Chelmsford Rd (A414) 580645 204820 NO2 No Y - 15.9 10.7

MAL 2 Wycke Hill, Maldon 583930 205745 NO2 No Y - 0 19.1

Heybridge Approach, MAL 3 584763 208107 NO2 No Y - 17.9 3.7 Maldon

Heybridge Street/ MAL 4 585465 208071 NO2 No Y - 20.1 1.3 Causeway

Colchester Rd/ MAL 5 585906 208123 NO2 No Y - 15.6 3.9 Heybridge St

Market Hill/ MAL 6 585072 207080 NO2 No Y - 0 2.1 High St

Wantz Rd/ MAL 7 585307 206943 NO2 No Y - 1.9 1.6 High St

Latchingdon Rd/ MAL 8 588575 200492 NO2 No Y - 11.6 0.4 Burnham Rd

MAL 9 The Roothings 585636 208297 NO2 No Y - 7.6 23.4

Progress Report 11 Date April 2010 Maldon District Council - England

2.2 Comparison of Monitoring Results with Air Quality Objectives

2.2.1 Nitrogen Dioxide

Diffusion Tube Monitoring Data

The NO2 diffusion tube data are summarised in the Table 2.4. The full dataset (monthly mean values) are included in Appendix 2. The 2009 diffusion tube results indicate that there are no exceedences of the annual mean AQS objective for NO2 in Maldon. With respect to the hourly NO2 objective, there are no diffusion tubes sites with annual mean NO2 concentrations in excess of 60 g/m3 in Maldon and therefore it is unlikely that there will be any exceedences of the hourly NO2 objective.

Table 2.2 Results of Nitrogen Dioxide Diffusion Tubes

Annual Mean Concentrations ( g/m3) Data Adjusted for Bias Within Capture Location 2007 2008 2009 Site ID AQMA? 2009 (Bias (Bias (Bias Factor % Factor: 0.90) Factor: 0.83) 0.77) MAL 1 Chelmsford Rd (A414) N 100 33.5 31.1 34.46 MAL 2 Wycke Hill, Maldon N 100 35.2 32.6 37.59 Heybridge Approach, MAL 3 N 100 32.3 34.4 Maldon 34.79 Heybridge Street/ MAL 4 N 100 34.5 30.9 Causeway 35.91 Rd/ MAL 5 N 100 30.5 29.7 Heybridge St 31.29 Market Hill/ MAL 6 N 91.7 35.3 35.1 High St 36.19 Wantz Rd/ MAL 7 N 100 32.3 34.8 High St 34.97 Rd/ MAL 8 N 100 31.9 28.2 Burnham Rd 28.84 MAL 9 The Roothings N 91.7 23.7 22.6 23.24

2.2.2 PM10

There is currently no requirement for Maldon District Council to monitor PM10 levels

2.2.3 Sulphur Dioxide

There is currently no requirement for Maldon District Council to monitor PM10 levels

2.2.4 Benzene

There is currently no requirement for Maldon District Council to monitor Benzene levels

12 Progress Report Maldon District Council – England Date April 2010 2.2.5 Other pollutants monitored

There is currently no requirement for Maldon District Council to monitor for other pollutants.

2.2.6 Summary of Compliance with AQS Objectives

Maldon District Council has examined the results from monitoring in the district. Concentrations are all below the objectives, therefore there is no need to proceed to a Detailed Assessment.

Progress Report 13 Date April 2010 Maldon District Council - England

3 New Local Developments

Maldon District Council confirms that there are no new or newly identified local developments which may have an impact on air quality within the Local Authority area.

14 Progress Report Maldon District Council – England Date April 2010

4 Local / Regional Air Quality Strategy

Maldon District Council’, Planning and Licensing Committee on the AGENDA ITEM 16 April 2009 proposed as a draft consultation document the following: MALDON DISTRICT LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK (LDF) PROPOSED REGULATION 25 CORE STRATEGY CONSULTATION

Extract from Page 54:

Environmental impact of new development All new development will have an impact to the environment and it is crucial to prevent and/or mitigate against adverse impacts and monitor all impacts so as to achieve a high sustainability level. The Council will need to ensure that all new developments will genuinely be sustainable and mitigate against climate change impacts irrespective of the size of development. Environmental issues that new development proposals should consider, include but are not restricted to air quality, water consumption and quality, drainage, sewage, energy, noise, light, skyline, waste,contamination, design and building materials. strict%20Local%20Development%20Framework%20-%20APPENDIX%201%E2%80%A6.pdf

Progress Report 15 Date April 2010 Maldon District Council - England

5 Planning Applications

There were planning applications for 2 developments with the potential to impact on air quality submitted during the last year. Maldon District Council is working closely with its planning department to identify those planning applications that may pose a risk to air quality as a result of the development. Any that are considered to be a risk will be required to submit an air quality assessment. These will be reported in the next air quality report submitted to DEFRA.

The 2 developments are:

Aqilla, Causeway Maldon - SOR/MAL/10/0070, this is a scoping document at the moment.

Tesco Stores, Fullbridge Maldon - FUL/MAL/09457

16 Progress Report Maldon District Council – England Date April 2010

6 Air Quality Planning Policies

The following air quality planning policy condition has been published within Maldon District Council’s Replacement Local Plan.

POLICY CON5 Pollution Prevention states that:

‘Development having an adverse impact on the environment by means of pollution release to land, air, water (including groundwater) etc will be refused. All developments will be expected to minimise their impact on the environment by adopting environmental best practice and implementing the necessary pollution prevention measures.’

Progress Report 17 Date April 2010 Maldon District Council - England

7 Local Transport Plans and Strategies

Maldon District is covered by the Essex County Council Local Transport Plan. There are a number of general measures in the Essex LTP which are aimed at reducing the impact of road transport on air quality. Extract from the Environment Strategy 2009 – 2012 version 2.5

Transport: Transport emissions are growing both in absolute terms and as a proportion of total emissions. According to the Environment Agency, road transport in the UK is expected to grow by 33% in the next 20 years. This will pose challenges to maintaining air quality and also to meeting CO emission reduction targets. All 2 combustion processes emit CO , nitrous oxides and small particulate matter. This 2 must be monitored and tightly controlled as, in addition to the impact on climate 14 change, there are proven links between poor air quality and negative health effects .

The County Council consults and works with Maldon District Council on a wide range of matters and now Maldon District Council has greater influence on decisions affecting the local road network. The Essex Air Quality Consortium partnership between the County and District Councils provides a seamless partnership approach to monitoring and controlling road transport emissions.

Public Highway repairs and improvements are financed by Essex County Council. These improvements are both scheduled and reactive to meet specific needs. There is a ‘state of the art’ Traffic Control Centre in use which helps to keep the traffic in Essex moving as freely as possible. Some bus routes are subsidised by the County Council, which also co-ordinates the upkeep of bus shelters across the District.

Through our planning processes, using our powers for Section 106 agreements, we can also specify that transport infrastructure is established or improved when new developments are created. In the past, transport infrastructure improvements such as the Heybridge Approach have been secured through the planning process.

Maldon District Council’s Area Planning Committees are consulted on new traffic flow and safety schemes that are funded by Essex County Council. Maldon District Council also works in partnership with the Maldon and District Council for Voluntary Service who operates the Community Transport Service.

The Maldon District has a limited public transport service, with only one train line operating along the southern border of the District and with limited frequency of bus routes.

18 Progress Report Maldon District Council – England Date April 2010 As a District Council, we currently have no specific highways functions or responsibilities. Essex County Council is the Highway Authority and provides local highways services on an operational basis for the Maldon District. Strategic transport and policy issues are dealt with at County Hall in Chelmsford. We will: • Support local communities in securing appropriate improvement to local transport services. • Participate in local consultations on transport issues relating to development plans. • Develop a Staff Travel Plan to encourage more staff to travel to work and at work in a more sustainable way. • Continue to promote the use of the National Concessionary Travel scheme that allows pensioners and the disabled free bus travel across England.

Progress Report 19 Date April 2010 Maldon District Council - England

8 Climate Change Strategies

Extract from the Environment Strategy 2009 – 2012 version 2.5 nvironment%20Strategy%202009-2012%20-%20APPENDIX%201.pdf

Appendix 1 Maldon District Council’s Declaration on Climate Change Maldon District Council acknowledges that • There is mounting evidence that climate change is occurring; • Climate change has the potential to have far reaching effects to Maldon’s economy, tourist industry, society and environment; • We have a key leadership role to play in shaping the direction of how the District of Maldon addresses climate change; • We must work closely with individuals, businesses and organisations throughout the District to address the cause and impacts of climate change (both positive and negative); • It is important to stay informed and keep updated on key developments relating to climate change policy, research and public opinion to determine the best means to address the issue.

We welcome the • Social, economic and environmental benefits which will come from combating climate change; • Opportunity for Maldon District Council to lead the district’s response to the impacts of climate change by encouraging, engaging and assisting local residents, local businesses and other organisations to reduce energy consumption, to promote energy efficiency measures, to improve the local environment and to deal with fuel poverty; • Chance to develop relationships with local residents, businesses and organisations to further enhance the district’s capacity to address climate change; • Endorsement of this declaration by our Members.

We commit our Council to • Participate in local and regional networks for support on climate change issues; • Taking a proactive approach in tackling climate change; • Achieve a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from our own operations including; energy sourcing and use, travel and transport, waste production and disposal and the purchasing of goods and services; • Consider the environmental impact of key decisions by Maldon District Council and take decisions to limit this impact; • Work closely with local residents, businesses and organisations to reduce the district’s impact upon the environment; • Encourage local businesses and partner organisations to take the opportunity to reduce their own greenhouse gas emissions and to make public their commitment to take action; • Assess climate change risks and the implication of climate change impacts for our services and our communities and report accordingly; • Monitor the progress of our plans against the actions needed and publish reports with particular emphasis on annual performance monitoring on CO reduction and climate change 2 management;

Maldon District Council acknowledges the increasing impact that climate change could have on our st community during the 21 Century and commits to tackling the causes and effects of a changing climate on our district.

20 Progress Report Maldon District Council – England Date April 2010

9 Conclusions and Proposed Actions 9.1 Conclusions from New Monitoring Data

The 2010 Progress Report of new monitoring data, has shown that there are no exceedences of the air quality objectives in Maldon in 2009 .On the basis of the 2009 monitoring data, there is no requirement to proceed to a Detailed Assessment for any pollutant.

9.2 Proposed Actions

The District Council is working in partnership with key stakeholders to ensure that the air quality in Maldon remains below objective limits and continues to improve.

The District Council does not need to carry out any detailed assessment as a result of any findings of the Progress Report. The next air quality report to be prepared and submitted to DeFRA will be the 2011 Progress Report.

Progress Report 21 Date April 2010 Maldon District Council - England

10 References

Defra, 2009a. Local Air Quality Management, Technical guidance LAQM.TG09. Defra, London.

Defra, 2009b. WASP – Annual Performance Criteria for NO2 Diffusion Tubes used in Local Air Quality Management (LAQM), 2008 onwards and Summary of Laboratory Performance in Rounds 103 - 107. AEA October 2009.

Maldon District Council (2003). Local Air Quality Management – Updating and Screening Assessment 2003

Maldon District Council (2006). Local Air Quality Management – Updating and Screening Assessment 2006

Maldon District Council (2008) Local Air Quality Management – Progress Report 2008.

Maldon District Council (2009) Local Air Quality Management – Updating and Screening Assessment 2009

Maldon District Council Environment Strategy 2009 – 2012 version 2.5

22 Progress Report


Appendix 1: QA:QC Data

Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors

o The diffusion tubes are supplied and analysed by Environmental Scientific Groups/ Bureau Veritas

o Preparation method : 20% Triethanolamine (TEA) in water

o United Kingdom Accreditation Services (Testing Laboratory number 0023).

Discussion of Choice of Factor to Use Maldon District Council does not operate any continuous NO2 monitoring sites in the city and therefore a local bias adjustment factor cannot be calculated. In the absence of a local bias correction factor, the default bias correction factor for Environmental Scientific Groups analysis using the 20% TEA in water method. This factor, calculated as 0.77 for 2009 based on 1 study and should be used with caution which has been obtained from the University of the West of England (UWE) website2.

1 5 Analysed By Method Year To undo your selection, To undo your choose (All) from the pop-up Site selection, choose Local Authority list (All) Type

Environmental Scientific Groups 20% TEA in Water 2009 S Chichester DC

Automatic Diffusion Bias Length Monitor Tube Mean Bias Tube Adjustment of Study Mean Conc. 6 Conc. (Dm) (B) Precision Factor (A) (months) (Cm) ( g/m3) (Cm/Dm) ( g/m3) 12 44 33 30.7% G 0.77

QA/QC of diffusion tube monitoring

WASP – Annual Performance Criteria for NO2 Diffusion Tubes used in Local Air Quality Management (LAQM), 2008 onwards, and Summary of Laboratory Performance in Rounds 103-107. Prepared by AEA on behalf of Defra and the Devolved Administrations.

Table 1 Laboratories that have demonstrated satisfactory performance in the WASP scheme for analysis of NO2 diffusion tubes, Oct 08 – Oct 09.

Laboratory Performance on basis of RPI, OLD Performance on basis of RPI, CRITERIA, best 4 out of the 5 rounds NEW CRITERIA ,best 4 out of 103-107 the 5 rounds 103-107 Beureau Veritas Good Good



Appendix 2 : Maldon District Council Diffusion tube monitoring data 2009 site code Location Jan-09 Feb-09 Mar-09 Apr-09 May-09 Jun-09 Jul-09 Aug-09 Sep-09 Oct-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 Chelmsford Rd (MDU1) (A414)Cherry Oak 51 54 44 46 36 51 36 47 50 50 29 43

(MDU2) Wycke Hill, Maldon 77 47 40 57 41 47 32 36 45 C 66 49 Heybridge Approach, (MDT3) Maldon 68 31 40 45 29 41 36 42 missing 52 64 49 Heybridge Street / (MTD4) Causeway 67 57 missing 47 34 50 37 30 47 46 52 46 Colchester Rd / Contamin (MDU5) Heybridge St 58 43 42 36 30 41 ated 40 32 43 missing Missing

(MDU6) Market Hill / High St 54 56 50 41 missing 40 48 48 40 47 45 48

(MDU7) Wantz Rd / High St 71 17 47 47 34 45 44 48 44 49 51 48 Latchingdon Rd / (MDU8) Burnham Rd 49 47 36 38 33 missing 33 29 36 39 30 42

(MDU9) The Roothings 58 37 24 24 18 missing 24 26 25 29 32 35 Annual Bias Location Mean Adjusted Chelmsford Rd (A414)Cherry Oak 44.75 34.458 Wycke Hill, Maldon 48.818 37.59 Heybridge Approach, Maldon 45.182 34.79 Heybridge Street / Causeway 46.636 35.91 Colchester Rd / Heybridge St 40.556 31.228 Market Hill / High St 47 36.19 Wantz Rd / High St 45.417 34.971 Latchingdon Rd / Burnham Rd 37.455 28.84 The Roothings 30.182 23.24

24 Progress Report

Appendix 3: Maldon District Council Processes 2009