
2012 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2095.2012.00963.x ......

1 2 2 1 School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Seward, Alaska, USA; 2 School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, Juneau Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Juneau, Alaska, USA

approaches to meet that demand by enhancing or restoring depressed fisheries (Lorenzen et al. 2010). Progress in crus- We conducted large-scale production trials in Seward, tacean aquaculture has allowed for stock enhancement of Alaska, USA to investigate effects of dietary astaxanthin and species worldwide (Bannister & Addison supplementation on survival, growth and shell colouration 1998; Agnalt et al. 1999; Secor et al. 2002; Davis et al. of recently settled juvenile (C1–C4) red king (Para- 2005a; Zmora et al. 2005; Stevens 2006b; Bartley & Bell lithodes camtschaticus). We supplemented a control diet of 2008; Cheng et al. 2008). Despite this progress, applications commercial feeds with astaxanthin, and fed of hatchery technology to stock enhancement are often lim- these diets to juvenile king crabs at densities of 2000 and ited by challenges including economic feasibility of juvenile À 4000 crabs m 2 for 56 days. We assessed survival and production and post-release survival (Blakenship & Leber growth by counting crabs and individually measuring cara- 1995; Bell et al. 2005; Lorenzen 2008). pace width and weighing crabs at the start and end of the Red (Paralithodes camtschaticus, Tilesius 1815) experiment, and quantified crab colour (hue, saturation, was one of the most important fisheries in Alaska, USA; brightness) in digital photographs. Diets containing asta- however, many populations remain depressed despite fish- xanthin had higher survival, suggesting that astaxanthin ery closures (Stevens et al. 2001; Woodby et al. 2005). may provide nutritional or immune system benefits. Crabs Stock enhancement has been proposed as a possible popu- had lower hue, higher saturation and lower brightness val- lation recovery tool for red king crabs because they are ues when fed diets containing astaxanthin, suggesting that some of the most commercially valuable in the colouration is plastic and responds to diet. world, and recruitment limitation has been proposed to Astaxanthin is likely an important dietary component for explain their lack of recovery in the absence of fishing hatchery or laboratory reared red king crab juveniles, and (Blau 1986). The Alaska King Crab Research Rehabilita- should be considered for aquaculture and other rearing of tion and Biology (AKCRRAB) programme was created in this and possibly other crustacean species. 2006 to assess the feasibility of stock enhancement for king crabs in Alaska and expanded on previous rearing technol- KEY WORDS: astaxanthin, crustacean, Paralithodes camtsch- ogies (Nakanishi & Naryu 1981; Nakanishi 1987, 1988; aticus, red king crab, stock enhancement Epelbaum et al. 2006; Kovatcheva et al. 2006; Stevens 2006a,b). Since its inception, the AKCRRAB programme Received 14 September 2011; accepted 13 March 2012 is the first and only US aquaculture programme to success- Correspondence: Benjamin Daly, School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, fully demonstrate that king crabs can be cultured on a University of Alaska Fairbanks, 201 Railway Avenue, Seward, AK large-scale in a hatchery setting (Daly et al. 2009). 99664, USA. E-mail: [email protected] As king crab stock enhancement through hatchery pro- duction becomes a possibility, it is increasingly important to understand ecological competence of artificially reared juvenile red king crab. Artificial rearing conditions (i.e., The growing global demand for has increased pres- artificial substrate, flow conditions, diet, lighting) may sure on fish stocks (Pauly et al. 1998). Aquaculture and impact behaviour and morphology, or reduce brain devel- stock enhancement have been suggested as possible opment as seen in other crustacean species (Sandeman &


ª 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Sandeman 2000; Davis et al. 2005b). The literature is rich Astaxanthin is ubiquitous in marine environments with examples of behavioural and morphological differ- because it is synthesized by phytoplankton and zooplank- ences between hatchery and wild fish (see Huntingford ton and bio-accumulates throughout the food web (Anders- 2004; Brown & Day 2002 for a review) and crustaceans son et al. 2003; Harmon & Cysewski 2008). Astaxanthin is (Davis et al. 2005b; van der Meeren 2005; Young et al. the predominant carotenoid in many crustaceans (Herring 2008). However, some behavioural or morphological defi- 1972, 1973) and is incorporated into the body tissue as it ciencies may be mitigated through conditioning or moves from the digestive system to the epidermis, which improved rearing conditions (Davis et al. 2005b; van der adds a red hue to the overall shell colour (Chien & Shiau Meeren 2005; Le Vay et al. 2007; Young et al. 2008). 2005; Tlusty 2005; Tlusty & Hyland 2005; Barclay et al. Hatchery-cultured juvenile red king crabs exhibit colour 2006). Wild red king crabs feed on a wide range of inverte- variation and are generally lighter in colour than wild brate, vertebrate and macroalgae species (Feder et al. 1980; crabs, which are deep orange/red (B. Daly & G. Eckert, Jewett & Feder 1982), suggesting that astaxanthin is likely pers. obs.; Fig. 1). Colour of crustaceans is determined a natural dietary component of juvenile red king crab. Spe- through two pathways, including morphological mecha- cific advantages of dietary astaxanthin for red king crab nisms and a physiological change via chromatophores (Rao remains unknown; however, nutritional benefits (i.e., 1985; Tlusty 2005). Morphological colour change includes improved survival, growth and colouration) may exist as adjustments of pigments within the exoskeleton, and tends observed in fish (Torrissen 1990) and other crustacean to occur over a longer period because of variations in the (Bordner et al. 1986; Howell & Matthews 1991; Dall 1995; amount and distribution of pigment and structure of the Merchie et al. 1998) species. cuticle (Rao 1985; Robison & Charlton 2005). Atlantic Commercial crustacean feeds are not specifically formu- rock crab () and European green crab lated for red king crabs and yield varying survival and (Carcinus maenas) juveniles exhibit ranges of colours that growth rates (Daly et al. 2009). Hatchery diets may lack correspond with surrounding benthic habitat (Palma & Ste- critical nutritional components essential to juvenile red king neck 2001; Todd et al. 2006); however, the mechanism for crabs that are otherwise found in natural diets. An this colour variability remain largely unknown. American improved feeding regime and diet may enhance shell col- (Homarus americanus) exhibit short-term colour ouration and optimize survival through superior nutrition, response to environmental cues, such as background colour improved immunity (Babin et al. 2010) or decreased canni- and ultraviolet light in laboratory experiments (Tlusty et al. balism by reducing pressure to seek additional nutrients 2009). In addition, lobster shell pigmentation is controlled (Brodersen et al. 1989; Borisov et al. 2007). The objective by carotenoids that occur naturally in their diet (Tlusty of this study was to test the effects of dietary astaxanthin 2005; Tlusty & Hyland 2005). supplementation on survival, growth and shell colouration of juvenile red king crab under typical indoor hatchery grow-out conditions.

Twenty ovigerous females were captured with baited com- mercial pots in Bristol Bay, Alaska, during November 2008. Crabs were transported to the Alutiiq Pride Shellfish Hatch- ery in Seward, Alaska and placed in 2000 L tanks containing flow through ambient seawater ranging from 3.3 to 8.3 °C (mean ± SE 4.65 ± 0.07 °C), and fed ad libitum [~20 g chopped herring and squid crabÀ1 twice weekÀ1 (~0.4% body weight dayÀ1)]. Once hatching began, larvae from each female were mixed together and raised in 1200 L cylindrical Figure 1 Colour variation observed for hatchery-cultured and wild tanks for 50 days until the first juvenile instar (C1) stage. red king crabs. Photo by G.L. Eckert. Larvae were fed enriched San Francisco Bay strain Artemia


Aquaculture Nutrition ª 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd nauplii daily. Artemia nauplii were enriched with DC DHA (15 000 lggÀ1), resulting in ~380 lg astaxanthin gÀ1 feed Selco® (INVE Aquaculture, Salt Lake City, UT, USA) (dry weight). This dose is comparable with other studies enrichment media in 100 L cylindrical tanks for 24 h. using dietary astaxanthin supplementation with and lobsters (D’Abramo et al. 1983; Barclay et al. 2006; Paibulkichakul et al. 2008). The diet mixtures were bound by cooking and then ground; producing moist particles ~400 We initiated the experiment with 15 000 juvenile (C1) red –1000 lm. Proximate composition of the diets was calcu- king crabs, which were reared over a 56-day period starting lated based on reported manufacturer values (Otohime, on 1 June 2009. First juvenile instars (C1) were collected ZeiglerTM, NatuRoseTM) and values from the scientific liter- from larval rearing tanks shortly after settlement, mixed ature for egg white (Yamamoto et al. 1997) and cuttlebone randomly and placed in containers, hereafter called silos. (Birchall & Thomas 1983) (Table 1). We administered the Each silo is a flat bottomed 58 cm tall by 58 cm diameter control and supplement diets twice weekly, and both treat- cylindrical container (~65 L volume) with a 100 lm mesh ments were fed a maintenance diet on other days of the week. screen on the bottom (~0.25 m2 surface area) (Daly et al. As commercial feeds are not specifically formulated for red 2009). Ten silos were placed in each of two larger 3200 L king crabs and yield varying survival and growth rates (Daly rectangular tanks. All silos were flow-through with water et al. 2009), we used a combination of commercial crusta- entering from the top with a flow rate of ~1.5 L minÀ1 cean feeds as a maintenance diet. The maintenance diet con- (exchange rate hÀ1 = 1.4). Incoming seawater was sourced sisted of alternating Cyclop-eeze® (Argent Chemical from a deep-water (~75 m) intake at ambient temperature Laboratories, Redmond, WA, USA), Otohime B1 and B2, and was filtered to 5 lm, UV sterilized and carbon filtered. frozen enriched San Francisco Bay strain Artemia nauplii Water temperature ranged from 8.2 °C to 12.7 °C and ZeiglerTM shrimp feed. Cyclop-eeze® is a frozen whole (mean ± SE 9.62 ± 0.09 °C). All silos contained equal adult copepod (~800 lm length) high in carotenoids and amounts [~100 g (0.88 m2)] of commercial fishing gillnet omega-3 Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acids (HUFAs), and with a mesh size of 7.6 cm. The gillnet twine consisted of contains 500 g kgÀ1 protein and 350 g kgÀ1 lipid (Argent nine woven nylon monofilaments for a total diameter of Chemical Laboratories). Otohime B1 (200–360 lm) and B2 ~1.0 mm and surface area of 88 cm2 gÀ1. The gillnet pro- (360–620 lm) is a high protein pellet feed developed for mar- vided complex structure with interstitial spaces, and thus ine fish and contains 500 g kgÀ1 protein and 190 g kgÀ1 reduced crab contact with each other. Salinity was stable at lipid (Reed Mariculture). Newly hatched Artemia nauplii 31–32&. Two factors (diet and density) were varied result- (~400 lm length) contain ~500 g kgÀ1 protein and ing in four treatments that were each replicated five times. 190 g kgÀ1 lipid (Browne et al. 1991). Artemia nauplii were Stocking densities tested were 2000 and 4000 crabs mÀ2; enriched with DC DHA Selco® enrichment media for 24 h to the diet treatments are described below. We fed crabs a control diet and one with astaxanthin sup- Table 1 Proximate composition in terms of percentage dry weight plementation. The control diet consisted of two ground (~50 and ingredients for control and astaxanthin diets. The ingredients –400 lm particle size) cuttlebones (~12 g each), the are identical between the two diets with the exception of the addi- TM calcareous internal shell of a cuttlefish mixed with 25 g tion of NatuRose to the astaxanthin diet, which results in small variation in percentage dry weight for the other ingredients ZeiglerTM shrimp feed (Zeigler Bros, Inc., Gardners, PA, USA) and 25 g Otohime B1 (Reed Mariculture, Campbell, Control Astaxanthin

~ À CA, USA), which were bound with two egg whites [ 35 g Proximte composition (g kg 1 dry weight) À1 À1 each, composition: 880 g kg water, 100 g kg proteins, Protein 481 414 20 g kgÀ1 carbohydrates, minerals, lipids (Yamamoto et al. Lipid 84 86 Ash 81 83 1997)]. Cuttlebones contain ~85% calcium carbonate, of Fiber 19 19 which 40% (~34% overall) is pure calcium (Birchall & Ca 105 103 Thomas 1983), for a total of 418 g calcium kgÀ1 feed (dry Astaxanthin 0 0.38 weight). The astaxanthin supplement diet contained the same Ingredients NatuRoseTM 2g combination of feeds and egg whites, as described above, but Cuttlebone 24 g 24 g contained 2 g dry powdered NatuRoseTM (from Haemato- Otohime B1 25 g 25 g TM coccus pluvialis microalgae, Cyanotech Corp., Kailua-Kona Zeigler 25 g 25 g Egg white (wet weight) 70 g 70 g HI, USA), which contains 15 g kgÀ1 pure astaxanthin


Aquaculture Nutrition ª 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd enhance their nutritional quality, and then frozen. The frozen enriched Artemia nauplii (~750 lm length) were negatively buoyant and available for benthic crab consumption. Zei- glerTM PL Redi-Reserve commercial shrimp feed (400– Average (±SE) survival to day 56 across all treatments was 600 lm) is commonly used in crustacean aquaculture (Me- À 20.0 ± 1.5%. Survival varied significantly with astaxanthin ade & Watts 1995) and contains 500 g kg 1 protein and À supplementation but not with stocking density, and there 150 g kg 1 lipid (Zeigler Bros, Inc.). All diets were adminis- were no significant interactions (Table 2, Fig. 2a). Survival tered at a rate of ~2% body weight (dry weight). Uneaten was higher when astaxanthin was included in the diet food was present and evenly dispersed in all treatments indi- (251 ± 17 g kgÀ1) compared with without (150 ± 6gkgÀ1) cating food was not limiting and crabs were fed to satiation. (Table 2, Fig. 2a). Accumulated excess feed and waste were removed with a syphon weekly to optimize water quality. Survival was assessed by counting all crabs within each replicate at the start and end of the experiment (day 1 and At the start of the experiment, C1 crabs were 1.73 ± 0.014 day 56). We assessed growth by individually weighing mm in carapace width and weighed 5.1 ± 0.12 mg. On day (blotted-dry wet weight) and measuring carapace width of 56 crabs were a range of later juvenile instar stages (likely 10 randomly selected crabs from each replicate at the start C2–C4s), with a carapace width of 2.71 ± 0.02 mm and an and end of the experiment. Carapace width was measured average wet weight of 21.1 ± 0.56 mg. The effect of with an ocular micrometre under 409 magnification. Cara- astaxanthin on size of crabs measured by carapace width pace width was measured because the orientation of the varied between density treatments (significant diet 9 density small, motile crabs allowed more consistent measurements interaction, Table 2, Fig. 2b). Crabs supplemented with as- than carapace length. Exuvia were examined to determine taxanthin had larger carapace width at 2000 mÀ2 density when moulting to the next instar stage occurred. (Tukey’s HSD, P < 0.001) but not at 4000 mÀ2 density (Tu- We quantified colour from digital photographs, using key’s HSD, P = 0.468). Overall, crabs had larger carapace methodology similar to Davis et al. (2005b). Five randomly width when fed the astaxanthin diet (2.79 ± 0.04 mm) com- selected crabs from each replicate were photographed on a pared with the control diet (2.63 ± 0.03 mm) (Table 2, white background. A standardized photographic set-up was Fig. 2b, Tukey’s HSD, P < 0.001). Crabs were larger, as established to minimize differences in lighting. Crabs were measured by wet weight, when fed astaxanthin, but this var- placed in a small enclosed white container (~10 L) and ied with density (significant diet 9 density interaction, photographs were taken under identical light conditions, Table 2, Fig. 2c). Crabs had lower wet weight when fed the camera and laboratory location. Photographs were analy- control diet at 2000 mÀ2 density, compared with control diet sed in Adobe Photoshop CS4 by standardizing the white at 4000 mÀ2 density (Tukey’s HSD, P < 0.001) and crabs background and identifying the hue (shade of colour), satu- ration (amount of hue) and brightness (light vs. dark) of five random points on the carapace of each crab. Values were averaged to obtain one value of each colour parame- Table 2 Factorial ANOVA for survival, carapace width and wet weight of red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) juveniles. Bold ter per crab. indicates statistical significance (a  0.05)

Effect SS d.f. MS FP

Survival Diet 0.0797 1 0.0797 35.50 <0.001 Factorial ANOVA and posthoc comparisons (Tukey’s HSD) Density 0.0018 1 0.0018 0.81 0.382 Diet 9 density 0.0031 1 0.0031 1.39 0.256 were used to determine significance in survival, carapace Residual 0.0359 16 0.0023 width, wet weight, hue, saturation and brightness values Carapace Diet 0.0283 1 0.0283 13.42 <0.001 among diet and stocking density treatments (SigmaStat v.4, width Density 0.0002 1 0.0002 0.10 0.755 9 Aspire Software International, Ashburn, VA, USA). Sur- Diet density 0.0147 1 0.0147 6.95 0.009 Residual 0.3990 189 0.0021 vival data were arcsine square root transformed, whereas Wet Diet 0.1220 1 0.1220 6.24 0.013 carapace width wet weight and hue data were log trans- weight Density 0.0218 1 0.0218 1.11 0.294 9 formed to meet assumptions of normality. Significance was Diet density 0.1750 1 0.1750 8.94 0.003 Residual 3.6880 188 0.0196 determined using a = 0.05.


Aquaculture Nutrition ª 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2000 crabs m–2 fed the astaxanthin diet at both densities (Tukey’s HSD, (a) 35 4000 crabs m–2 P = 0.004). The main effect of diet was significant but not 30 b density. Crabs had higher wet weight when fed the astaxan- b 25 thin diet (22.4 ± 0.89 mg) compared with the control diet

20 (19.8 ± 0.94 mg) (Tukey’s HSD, P = 0.012). a a 15

% Survival 10

5 Colour hue varied as a function of astaxanthin supplemen- 0 Control Astaxanthin tation but not density and there was no diet 9 density interaction (Table 3, Fig. 3a). The astaxanthin diet yielded (b) 3.0 lower hue values (20.8 ± 0.40°) compared with the control ± ° < 2.9 b diet (27.2 0.49 ) (Tukey’s HSD, P 0.001). Colour satu- ration varied as a function of astaxanthin supplementation a 2.8 but not density and there was no diet 9 density interaction a 2.7 (Table 3, Fig. 3b). The astaxanthin diet yielded higher sat- a uration values (48.7 ± 0.67%) compared with the control 2.6 diet (46.1 ± 0.87%) (Tukey’s HSD, P = 0.016). Colour Carapace width (mm) brightness varied as a function of astaxanthin supplementa- 2.5 Control Astaxanthin tion and density with a significant diet 9 density interac- tion (Table 3, Fig. 3c). Crabs fed the control diet at (c) 26 2000 mÀ2 density (79.3 ± 1.2%) had lower brightness than b À 24 b at 4000 m 2 density (84.5 ± 0.6%) (Tukey’s HSD, b P < 0.001). Crabs fed the control diet at both densities had 22 higher brightness than crabs fed the astaxanthin diet at 20 a both densities (P < 0.001 for all Tukey’s HSD pairwise

Wet weight (mg) 18 comparisons).


Control Astaxanthin

Figure 2 Mean ± SE for (a) survival, (b) carapace width and (c) The present study demonstrates that dietary astaxanthin wet weight for red king crab fed two diets (control, astaxanthin) supplementation improves survival, growth and colour of and two stocking densities (2000 and 4000 crabs mÀ2). Different hatchery-cultured juvenile red king crabs. Benefits of die- letters indicate statistical significance (Tukey’s HSD, P  0.05). tary astaxanthin are reported for other crustaceans, includ-

Table 3 Factorial ANOVA for hue, saturation and brightness of red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) juveniles. Bold indicates statistical significance (a  0.05)

Effect SS d.f. MS FP

Hue Diet 0.348 1 0.348 107.23 <0.001 Density 0.008 1 0.008 2.53 0.115 Diet x density 0.004 1 0.004 1.26 0.264 Residual 0.312 96 0.003 Saturation Diet 180.096 1 180.096 6.03 0.016 Density 44.890 1 44.890 1.50 0.223 Diet 9 density 64.964 1 64.964 2.17 0.144 Residual 2869.130 96 29.887 Brightness Diet 1536.640 1 1536.640 83.71 <0.001 Density 181.710 1 181.710 9.90 0.002 Diet 9 density 146.894 1 146.894 8.00 0.006 Residual 1762.250 96 18.357


Aquaculture Nutrition ª 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2000 crabs m–2 age, enhance growth and maturation and facilitate oxygen (a) 30 –2 4000 crabs m reserves under anoxic conditions (Torrissen 1990). Subopti- a 28 a mal diets induce increased cannibalism of captive red king

26 crabs, presumably to supplement nutritional deficiencies (Brodersen et al. 1989). Our result of increased growth 24 (higher weight) at higher densities in the control diet but b

Hue (degrees) 22 b not in the astaxanthin diet may suggest that astaxanthin ® 20 supplementation reduces cannibalism. Cyclop-eeze , which was used in all treatments in our study, contains astaxan- 18 À1 Control Astaxanthin thin levels as high as 3000 lgg , and improves survival and astaxanthin content of freshwater (Macrob- (b) 52 rachium rosenbergii) (Nair et al. 2007). However, the level a 50 a ab used in the astaxanthin supplemented diet is more concen- À1 48 trated (15 000 lgg ), suggesting that increased concentra- tions provide nutritional benefits. As such, high levels of 46 b astaxanthin should be included in rearing protocols to % Saturation 44 improve hatchery production and culturing efficiency of 42 juvenile red king crab and possibly other crustaceans.

40 Astaxanthin supplementation improves juvenile red king Control Astaxanthin crab shell pigmentation. As red king crabs cannot synthe- size astaxanthin, it must be acquired through diet. Shrimp (c) 86 b and lobster aquaculture use astaxanthin to manipulate pig- 84 mentation (Yamada et al. 1990; Liao & Chien 1994; Tlusty 82 a et al. 80 & Hyland 2005; Barclay 2006). American lobsters ~ l 78 require a specific amount of astaxanthin ( 100 g pig- ment gÀ1 diet) to maintain their ‘wild’ colour (D’Abramo 76 c % Brightness c 74 et al. 1983; Tlusty & Hyland 2005), whereas insufficient 72 dietary astaxanthin levels result in a blue colouration 70 (D’Agostino 1980; Lim et al. 1997). Tropical spiny lobsters Control Astaxanthin () are also influenced by astaxanthin and

Figure 3 Mean ± SE for (a) hue, (b) saturation and (c) brightness become paler with decreasing dietary levels (Barclay et al. for red king crab fed two diets (control, astaxanthin) and two 2006). Administered astaxanthin levels were higher in the stocking densities (2000 and 4000 crabs mÀ2). Different letters present study (380 lg pigment gÀ1 diet) than those indicate statistical significance (Tukey’s HSD, P  0.05). reported by D’Abramo et al. (1983) and Barclay et al. (2006), thus it is not surprising that astaxanthin supple- ing Kuruma prawns (Marsupenaeus japonicus), tiger prawns ments produced crabs with darker colouration (lower hue ( monodon), Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus van- and brightness values), as red king crabs likely have similar namei) and American lobsters, which may be caused by an mechanisms for pigmentation as other crustaceans includ- enhancement of immunity or salinity, thermal and patho- ing lobsters. Without astaxanthin supplements, hatchery- logical stress resistance (Bordner et al. 1986; Darachai cultured crabs may be obtaining inadequate amounts of et al. 1998; Chien et al. 2003; Chien & Shiau 2005; Niu carotenoids compared with wild crabs resulting in lighter et al. 2009; Pei et al. 2009; Babin et al. 2010). In addition, colour. astaxanthin improves maturation rates and spawning suc- For stock enhancement programmes, improving shell cess of tiger prawns (Paibulkichakul et al. 2008), and pigmentation of hatchery-cultured red king crabs may improves growth of several other and lobster species increase post-release survival. Reducing predator detection (Bordner et al. 1986; Thongrod et al. 1995; Petit et al. is critically important for recently settled red king crab sur- 1997). In fish, astaxanthin is suspected to improve provita- vival. In general, structural complexity facilitates physical min A activity, act as an antioxidant, improve embryonic crypsis by reducing predator encounter rates (Lima & Dill and larval development, protect from photodynamic dam- 1990), whereas camouflage facilitates visual crypsis (Palma


Aquaculture Nutrition ª 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd & Steneck 2001). The darker shell colour may increase tary supplementation in future hatchery production or lab- crypsis by more closely resembling substrates that juvenile oratory rearing. Supplementing commercial feeds with red king crab are typically found, such as rock, cobbles astaxanthin increases survival and yields darker shell pig- and bivalve shells (Loher & Armstrong 2000), whereas the mentation more comparable with wild crabs. While statisti- contrast of relatively lighter shell colour on dark substrates cally significant, it remain unknown if this change in colour may increase vulnerability to visual predators. is biologically meaningful. For example, colour may be Mechanisms for colour change in red king crab remains linked to survivorship in the wild. Future studies should unknown; however, the ability to change shell colour make behavioural and morphological comparisons between through diet suggests that shell colour is plastic and not hatchery-cultured and wild crabs, and investigate suscepti- entirely regulated by a genetic predisposition. Blue crabs bility of hatchery-cultured crabs to predation in the natural () can change shell colour in response to environment. Any morphological deficiencies that may substrate colour within 1 day (Davis et al. 2005b). In gen- increase susceptibility to visual predators, such as pale col- eral, short-term colour change in response to light or back- ouration, may be alleviated prior to release with appropri- ground colour variability occurs in crustaceans with ate dietary supplements improving efficiency of stock chromatophores and translucent shells, which can mobilize enhancement programmes. pigments to change colour (Ghidalia 1985). However, crus- taceans, such as American lobsters that have a thick calci- fied cuticle show colour plasticity in response to background colour (Tlusty et al. 2009). Whether red king This work was funded by a NOAA Aquaculture award to crabs may exhibit colour plasticity in response to varying Alaska Sea Grant College Program, University of Alaska background colour is subject for future study. Fairbanks and Alutiiq Pride Shellfish Hatchery. The Our previous juvenile red king crab hatchery experiments authors would like to thank H. McCarty, R. Painter, J. (Daly et al. 2009) yielded higher overall survival (50–60% Stephan and L. Dochterman for helping with broodstock compared with 15–30%) which can be attributed to a acquisition, J. Christiansen for project assistance and J. shorter rearing duration (42 days compared with 56 days) Hetrick for hatchery logistical support. B. Konar, G. and colder rearing temperatures (7–10 °C compared with 8 Kruse, A. Stoner and several anonymous reviewers pro- –13 °C). The daily mortality rates of the 2000 crabs mÀ2 vided helpful comments which greatly improved the manu- density treatment were 1.3% mortality dayÀ1 in the previ- script. ous study and 1.8% mortality dayÀ1 in this study, which is likely attributed to exacerbated cannibalism from the war- mer rearing temperature (Stoner et al. 2010). The longer Agnalt, A.L., van der Meeren, G.I., Jørstad, K.E., Næss, H., rearing period and warmer rearing temperature in this Farestveit, E., Nøstvold, E., Sva˚sand, T., Korsøen, E. & Yd- study allowed for additional growth. Crabs in the previous stebø, L. (1999) A bio-economic evaluation of a stock enhance- study were 2.05 mm carapace width after 42 days, whereas ment project of European lobster: the simulation model LOBST. crabs in the current study were 2.71 mm carapace width ECO with some preliminary results. In: Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching (Howell, B.R., Moksness, E. & Sva˚sand, T. eds), after 56 days, representing growth rates of 0.007 mm cara- pp. 401–420. Fishing News Books, Oxford. À pace width day 1 compared with 0.017 mm carapace width Andersson, M., Van Nieuwerburgh, L. & Snoeijs, P. (2003) Pig- dayÀ1. These results suggest that rearing conditions were ment transfer from phytoplankton to zooplankton with emphasis on astaxanthin production in the Baltic Sea food web. Mar. good in both studies. Crabs reared at densities of 500, 1000 Ecol. Prog. Ser., 254, 213–224. À2 and 2000 crabs m have increased survival at lower densi- Babin, A., Biard, C. & Moret, Y. (2010) Dietary supplementation ties (Daly et al. 2009), whereas this study reared crabs at with carotenoids improves immunity without increasing its cost À in a crustacean. Amer. Nat., 176, 234–241. 2000 and 4000 crabs m 2 and found similar survival at Bannister, R.C.A. & Addison, J.T. (1998) Enhancing lobster both densities. We expected differential survival rates stocks: a review of recent European methods, results, and future between these two high density treatments, yet the low sur- prospects. Bull. Mar. Sci., 62, 369–387. vival at both densities suggests that 2000 crabs mÀ2 may Barclay, M.C., Irvin, S.J., Williams, K.C. & Smith, D.M. (2006) Comparison of diets for the tropical Panulirus orn- be an upper threshold beyond which densities are subopti- atus: astaxanthin-supplemented feeds and mussel flesh. Aquacult. mal. Nutr., 12, 117–125. Astaxanthin is likely an important dietary component Bartley, D.M. & Bell, J.D. (2008) Restocking, stock enhancement, and sea ranching: arenas of progress. Rev. Fish. Sci., 16, 357–365. for red king crab and should be administered through die-


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