
.J This Tournament Goes To Eleven III: Smell The Glove Hosted by the University oflowa, October 12-13, 2001 La Vie Boheme (by Rob Groves [Wisconsin])

1. He occasionally used the "I Ching" to help him compose. He began his career by experimenting with percussion ensembles and, thanks to his teacher Shoenberg, wrote 12 tone compositions. Quickly, however, he expanded to new experiments beginning with the "prepared piano" (a piano with objects placed on or between the strings) and ultimately record and tape players and radios. FIP, name this avant-garde composer, the force behind "roaratorio", "Imaginary Landscape No.4" and "Four Minutes, 1hirty-1hree seconds."


2. They were thrown together by manager Malcolm Mclaren in 1975 to promote his new clothing store. Their First Single however, was so popular and scandalous, that their label, EMI, dropped them. Featuring Steve Jones, Paul Cook, and John Lyndon (aka Johnny Rotten) and Glen Matlock, who would later be replaced, they soared back now on a VIrgin Label, their next banned by the BBC, FIP, name this plUlk band, whose hits include "Anarchy in the U.K" and "God Save the Queen" and whose most famous member is Sid Vicious.

The Sex Pistols

3. TIlis company stresses the use of winter wheat for their products saying that the starch to protein ratio is perfect for their product. Also stressed is the purity of the water which comes from the Ahus spring in southern Sweden. They also insist that the artists who collaborate to advertise with them do so following an artistic tradition following from Andy Warhol and not out of a financial motivation. FIP, name this liquor famous for its distinctive ads and bottle shape.

Absolut Vodka

4. Despite his extensive filmography, he will likely only be remembered for one role. Recent parts include voices of a raccoon in "Doctor Dolittle" and Lock in "The Nightmare before Christmas," and a part as Derek Foreal in "Blow." He also appeared as an F.B.l agent in "Matilda," Mr. Cobblepot in "Batman Returns," Andrew J. Lansing ill on "Murphy Brown", and the voice of Max in "Flight of the Navigator." FJl>, name the actor whose appearance in Mystery Men" and roles playing hirnselfhave done little to throw off the role of Pee Wee Herman.

Paul Reubens (accept Pee Wee Herman early, as it is the song reference)

5. A popular Mexican and southwestern breakfast, it is easy to prepare. Usually, salsa is pan fried, sometimes with refried beans on top. A fried egg is then placed on a wann tortilla and covered with the salsa, beans, cheese and onions. FIP, name the dish, mentioned in the song, whose name is Spanish for "Rancher's Eggs"

Juevos Rancheros

6. He had a varied career ranging from writing a musical at age 15, to scripts for the television show "Topper" and the movie "The Last of Sheila" with Anthony Perkins. It was his associations with teacher and composer Milton Babbit, and a family friend, Oscar Hammerstein, that helped to shape his career including the musical "Pacific Overtures." FIP, name ~s composer, writer, and lyricist whose credits include "Follies", "A little Night Music", the lyrics to "West Side Story" and "Gypsy" as well as "A Funny TIling Happened on the Way to the Forum."

Stephen Joshua Sondheim

7. He was the son of a wealthy restaurateur, whose property was seized by the communist government in 1948, prompting his stance for the rest of his life. He eventually found ajob as a stagehand, beginning a career in the theatre that would see him become resident playwright of the Theatre of the Balustrade. Due to his involvement in the "Prague Spring", his plays were banned, and his passport confiscated. Four years spent in Jail did not keep him from elected office in both Czechoslovakia and now the Czech Republic. FIP, name this author of "the Garden Party" and "The Memorandwn," the President of his country.

Vaclav Havel

8. According to Phil Spector he died ofan "Overdose of Police", a play on this-rnan's continuous arrests, usually for obscenity charges, but two times for narcotics. Paul Simon asserted he died of an "overdose of hate and bigotry" before Simon performed "A Most Peculiar Man." He decried what he saw as the hypocrisy in all aspects of American life and attacked religious figures by name in his classic bit "Religions, Inc." FJl>, name this American Comedian.

Lenny Bruce or Leonard Schneider ' I 9. Critic Allen Tate defined it as elements that are necessary for a work to be whole or complete. He adopted the term by dropping prefixes from two terms in logic denoting literal and metaphorical meaning. In biology, it refers to any strain or interference that disturbs the fi.uiction of an organism. FIP, identifY the tenn that refers to these as well as the property that, when preceded by surface, lets some insects walk on water.

10. Mentioned in a Chinese herbal from the third millennium BCE, it was described as an analgesic, anesthetic, anti-depressant, and a sedative. In the 19th century, its tips were used to treat gonorrhea and angina pectoris. The International Opium Convention placed it Wlder some controls in 1925 and by the 1960s most countries enforced restrictions on trafficking and use. FIP, what substances medical properties for conditions such as chemotherapy side affects, mUltiple sclerosis, and glaucoma have prompted recent debates on its legalization?

Marijuana (accept Cannabis. Prompt on any street name.)

11 . Genus and Species Required. This species is one of the best examples of Mosaic Evolution. Although it is hard to find an agreed upon date, it may have appeared roughly 400,000 years ago. The fossil remains of an infant and adult at Vertesszolos in HWlgary are likely of a closely related species ifnot a true member and has been given a subspecies classification. FIP, name the genus and species of this organism whose other subspecies include neandel1halis and sapiens.

Homo sapiens

12. Born Ricardo Neftalii Reyes, this author quickly rose to prominence in his own country gaining posts as consul in Europe and Asia. He was recalled from Madrid for outspoken support for the loyalists during the Spanish Civil War; This was his first real introduction to politics, a career which would see him elected a senator in the connnunist party. His literary career stretched from 1921's "La Cancion de la Fiesta" to his 1974 "Canto General de Chile" FIP, name this 1971 Nobel winner, the author of"Twenty Love Poems and A Song of Despair."

Pablo Neruda

13. A true renaissance woman she is a philosopher, writer, filmmaker and essayist. The 1978 essay "Dlness as a metaphor" examines the ways in which cancer is viewed in both literature and in society. "On photography" examines how the art works as a medium. Other works include "Alice in Bed", "Duet for Cannibals" , "I, Electra", and "AIDS and Its Metaphors" She is also well known for her use of the word "camp" and her theory of art. FIP, name the author whose argument against the analysis of art can be found in "Against interpretation"

Susan Sontag

14. She studied psychology Wlder William James before pursuing medical school in Paris. There, she was the hub of an intellectual connnunity with the likes of Picasso and Matisse. Her style was intended to be cubism in words; abandoning fonnalities of grammar and often using words for sOWlds and association in lieu of denotations. "Three lives" with its primitivistic style is one her best and most famous. FIP, name this author who coined the term "The Lost Generation" and wrote the "Autobiography" of her "secretary", Alice B. Toklas.

Gertrude Stein

15. Soon after its beginnings in 1955, it began to award the OBIE awards for excellence in off Broadway productions to "publicly acknowledge and encourage" the smaller productions. Although it can be fOWld online, like most newspapers, it is thoroughly dedicated to the life and lifestyle of New York City. YIP, name this New York City regular, known for its artsy focus.

The Village Voice

16. In 1962, Dlinois became the first state in the union to repeal state laws concerning this, amid vocal support and outrage. Since then 23 state legislatures have followed suit. State supreme courts in 6 more states have decided that such laws are Wlconstitutional, such as Tennessee's which decided their law violated the constitutional right to privacy. Of the remaining 21 states, 6 have laws that only apply to same-sex situations. FIP, identifY the crime, sometimes called "crimes against nature" which can net a guilty man up to 20 years in jail, a word derived from a locale in the book of Genesis.

~ (prompt on equivalents Wltil final clue)

17. DH Lawrence and HD, both practitioners of this "lifestyle", were both members of a prominent literary group, addressed various issues in their works including fragmentation, alienation, religion, war and gender issues. In the rapidly changing world following WWl, these two authors were not alone in either the topics or the lifestyle they explored . FIP, these two authors, along with Ani DiFranco, Mick Jagger, Georgia OKeefe, KD Lang, David Bowie, and Sappho, are considered to be of what orientation, a rating of anywhere between 1 and 5 on the Kinsey scale? ~.,


18. According to rnariy aCCOWlts, his mother, Queen Mahanaya, had a dream that a bodhisattva came down into her womb in the fann of a white elephant with a lotus in its trunk while, at the same time, all of nature rejoiced. His birth too was also Wlique: while grasping a tree, she bore him from her side. Brahma and the other gods annOWlced that it was his final birth after he took only 7 steps. He was married and had a son, Rahu1a, when chariot drivers revealed to the sheltered man the problems of the world and the benefits oflife as an ascetic. FIP, who became enlightened and fOWld solutions to all the world's problems, after 49 days of meditation under the bodhi tree.

Buddha (Accept Siddharta, Gautama or both)

19. Although it can be purchased in paste form, such as the Brand "Patak's", many still make this traditional Goanese sauce the traditional way. First, a number of spices are grOWld together, including cinnamon, cardamom, cumin, peppercorn, black mustard, red chilies, and fenugreek seeds. This mix is added to vinegar sugar, sait, and pureed fired onions. Ginger and garlic are added later and mixed with meat. FIP, name this popu1ar fudian dish which shares its name with a song about rowdy English football fans by Fat Les.

Curry Vindaloo

20. While it is not known specifically who invented them, the first commercial use we know of is from the Greek city ofMiletus, where they were sold by the Greek name "olisbos." Before that we know of representations from Paleolithic art through the present and the first literary mention is in "Lysistrata" where the title character complains that while her husband wou1d be better, the lack of trade allowing one of these is unbearable. Medieval texts also mention a plant called "Cantonese Groin" that when soaked worked as one. FIP, name this device, whose name is from the Italian for to delight, or "diletto."

Dildo (Accept equivalents before "Italian") ------END ROUND------21. As found in the Roman Missal, it is a Latin poem offifty seven lines in accentual, rhymed, non-trochaic meter. It is composed of 19 stanzas, most of which follow the pattern set by the first. That stanza, following the title line, continues "solvet saecu1um in favilla: teste david cum Sibylla." Although it figures prominently in many musical works, one major appearance in the genre of occurs as the basis for the "swing your razor high Sweeney" motif from Sweeney Todd, emphasizing the dark mood. FIP, name this liturgical poem, heard at the beginning of the song, mimicking a traditional roman catholic funeral mass."

Dies Irae (DEE-ays EE-rye but be lenient)

22. The source is John 8:7. Jesus says it in response to a group of scribes and Pharisees who have brought an unnamed woman to the temple, a woman who was caught in the act of adultery. Attempting to corner, Jesus they point out that the laws of Moses proscribe a death sentence for that sin and ask ifhe would change that. Jesus, FIP, responds with what phrase, sparing the woman her death, the latter half of whi ch was changed in "" to the lyrics " .. be the first to condemn La Vie Boheme"

He that is without sin among You' let him first cast a stone at her (accept clear knowledge equivalents as it is translation) (do not accept "let he among us without sin, be the first to condemn ..." as this does not appear in John 8.7)

Bonus Questions

1. "Actual Reality... Fight AIDS!" Answer the following related questions FTSNOP.

A) Its first action was taken March 24, 1987 outside Trinity Church on wall street which demanded immediate release of AIDS drugs to anyone diagnosed, affordable prices, and public education. It resulted in the arrests of seventeen. First ,FIP, name this political activist group, known by its 5 letter acronym.


B.) Next, expand ACf UP. The "T' stands for the preposition "to", you will receive 5 points for two correct letters and 10 for all four.

AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power

c.) On September 14, 1989, seven ACfUP members chained themselves to the VIP balcony of the New York Stock Exchange and informed traders to sell Wellcorne stock. Four days later, Burroughs-Wellcome lowered the price of this AIDS drug to a yearly price of$6,400. Name the drug.

AZr or Aziodthymidine or Zidovudine " 2. "To ...Cheese" IdentifY the following cheeses FIPE.

A) An all American cheese, it was created by a Scottish innnigrant based on the Swiss method, and was named after the California town in which it was created. It is often mixed with jalapenos in Tex-Mex cooking.

Monterey Jack (do not prompt on or accept "Colby Jack" or "Jack" due to the CA town clue)

B.) Derived from the Latin word for Monastery, this cheese was originally produced by medieval monks. It is a semi soft cheese with a white, smooth interior and an often yellow outside whose mellow flavor allows it versatility.


C.) Known as the "pickled cheese" this is soaked in a brine solution, giving it a salty taste. Although in the U.S. it is usually made from cow's milk, sheep and goat milk are the traditional sources of this "mythically good" cheese.

3. "To hand crafted beers made in local breweries ..." IdentifY the following items concerning microbrews FIPE.

A) Some have attempted to set an upper limit on the number of barrels a brewery can produce and still be termed a microbrew, others have decided that larger breweries with a microbrew style should be included and therefore favor this name over microbrew.

Craft beers

B.) One popular "Craft beer" whose volwne prohibits it from being a "microbrew" is this brand whose Boston lager is its most popular beer.

Samuel Adams or Boston Beer Company

C.) A popular Midwestern microbrew is this Chicago based company whose flagship beer is "Honker's Ale" and whose other varieties include Hex Nut Brown and Oatmeal Stout.

Goose Island Brewery

4. IdentifY the common name for the substance on a 30-20-10 basis.

30: Its scientific name is 3-4 methylene-di-oxy-meth-amphetarnine, and it is similar to mescaline, another drug known to cause brain damage. 20: The brain dame it does affects neurons that interact with seratonin, causing changes in mood, aggression, sexual activity, sleep, and sensitivity to pain. 10: Despite this, it is becoming ever more popular with those seeking its power to induce spiritual revelations, increase love for humanity and help get down with the music.

Ecstasy (prompt on MDMA, XTC, and X)

5. "To Choice!" Answer the following questions relating to the legality of abortion, FIPE.

A) Early in the 13th century, Innocent ill decreed that prior to the first time a woman feels the fetus move with her, abortion was not homicide. Name this tenn, adopted into English Canon law and exported to the states, which may be known to fans of the "Highlander" but with a different meaning.

The Quickening

B.) This 1989 case upheld Missouri's right to define the beginning oflife however it chose so long as that definition didn't interfere with a woman's rights as outlined in Roe v. Wade. It also gave the states the right to prohibit abortion of "viable" fetuses.

Webster v. Reproductive Services

C.) This 1992 decision abolished the trimester approach, allowed minors withjudicial approval to bypass parental approval, and reaffirmed an adult woman's right to abort a pre-viable fetus.

Southerut Pennsylvania Planned Parenthood v. Cruey 6. IdentifY the Akira Kurosawa film from a plot description FTPE.

A) Four versions of the same stOl)' are presented each from the point of view ofa defendant in the trial for the rape and murder ofa girl in the forest.


B.) An inspiration for "Star Wars", two peasants attempt to help a general smuggle a princess deep into enemy territOl)' to her home with the treasure to restore her kingdom

The Hidden Fortress or Kakushi Toride No San Akunin

C.) An elderly resident of Nagasaki teaches her children about the bomb and how it killed their grandfather. Richard Gere plays her nephew.

Rhapsodv in August or Hachigatsu no k.voshikvoku

7. "To the Stage!" IdentifY the type of stage from a description FTPE.

A) Associated with the beginnings of drama and English mystery plays, it fell off in popularity by the time of Shakespeare. It began to become more popular in the 1930s, perhaps because it is cheaper to build, maintain, allows for more seating, and requires less scenery, stagehands, and storage space.

Arena Stage (accept Central or Island stage or Theatre in the Round)

B.) Surrounded by audience on three sides, it was the most common in Elizabethan drama and was the type the Globe housed. It allows for much audience/actor interaction, at the expense of effects.

Thrust stage (accept Platform or ~ stage)

C.) Meaning "Before the backdrop", this type of stage was the most popular from the mid 17th through the 20th century and is thus found in most high schools and theatres across the U.S.

Proscenium stage or Proscenium arch

8. IdentifY the term common to several disciplines on a 30-20-10 basis.

30: In data Communications, the higher it is the more frequent signaling errors are. It is directly proportional to noise and bandwidth and inversely proportional to compressibility. 20: In Encryption, it refers to the disorder deliberately put into data for better encryption. 10: In physics, represented by the letter S, it refers to a quantity that measures the extent to which energy ofthe system is available for conversion to work.

9. 30-20-10 IdentifY the Discipline.

30: Ethics associated with It include the five yarnas: non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, chastity, and non-greed, and five niyarnas: purity, contentment, self-discipline, self study, and centering on the divine. 20: Five of the main branches are Raja, Karma, Bhakti, Jnana, and Hatha (the most common in the western world.) It consists ofbreathings, asanas, and pranayamas. 10: The sixth main branch is the Tantra. While normally associated with Hinduism, this is actually a separate discipline and can be traced back to approximately 3000 BCE

10. Answer the following questions relating to the Carmina Burana, FTSNOP.

5: What 20th Century composer wrote it?

Carl Orff 15: The piece is in two languages. 5 for one, 15 for both, name them.

Latin and Middle High German

10: Finally, name any of the three main sections of the piece in Latin or English.

Primo Vere, In Tabema, Cour D' Amour or In the Springtime, In the Tavrn:!, The Court of Love

11. 'To Beans!" Okay, how bout not? So, lets do Jellybeans instead!

A) Most experts believe that jelly beans have their roots in this desert made of sugar, rosewater, and flavoring whose own history extends to the Romans and named for a modem country.

Turkish Delight

B.) The candy coating ofjelly beans is made by a process called panning, which was developed for yet another geographically named candy: Nuts, rocked in a bowl with sugar and syrup. Name this sweet.

Jordan Almonds

C.) Finally, choose one of the following descriptions and identity its Jelly Belly flavor YIP. 1.) white with orangish brown spots Toasted Marshmallow 2. )light green with darker green spots Margarita 3.)orange with reddish spots. Peach

12. Identity the set ofletters. 30-20-10.

30: In "Les Miserables", a group of students and workmen known as the "friends of[these letters]" met in the back of the cafe Musain. The name was a pun on the pronunciation of the 3 letters which sOlIDds the same as "debased" in French. 20: There are two languages that go by this name, both computer languages. One is a method for encoding musical composition for translation to sheet music and MIDI files. The other is intended for general personal computing as a replacement for BASIC. 10: As a network,hosts such as Ted Koppel, Barbara Walters, and Peter Jennings attract millions of viewers

~ (accept [ah-bay-cay] for the first part as it is the French)

13. Identity the following works by a connnon artist YIPE.

A) Common in films about the Vietnam era, almost everyone has heard its chorus of "Everybody must get stoned."

Rainy Day Women #12&35

B.) It begins "Early one morning the sun was shininlifI was laying in bed/Wond'ring is she'd changed at all ..." Name the song, also by Bob Dylan.

Tangled up in Blue

C.) "Tangled Up in Blue" was released on this 1975 album that also features "Simple Twist of Fate", "Lily Rosemary, and the Jack of Hearts" and "Idiot Wmd."

Blood on the Tracks

14. Identity the following unrelated groups FTSNOP.

15: Examples include the pesticides Kepone and EDB as well as the sweetener Cyclamate.


10: Examples include PCP, psylocybin, and Mescaline.

Hallucinogens ,I

5: Examples of those who didn't physically belong to this group but passed themselves off as belonging to it include George Sand and Cunier and Ellis Bell.

Men (accept equivalents)

15. IdentifY the man 30-20-10.

30: From 1939-1945, he was a soloist for Martha Graham's dance company, eventually rejecting her approach. 20: According to John Cage, his style of Choreography broke the previous attachment to a linear narrative or psychological approach and was to the dance world what an abstract painting was the art world. 10: His "Choreography by Chance" method is one his best known creations, as are "Points in Space", "and Westbeth." HE had a great many collaborations with both Cage and Caplan and received the National Medal of the Arts in 1990.

Merce Cunningham

16. IdentifY the behavior. 30-20-10.

30: In one version of the Egyptian Creation, Atum does it to create the universe. 20: It is the second most common sexual behavior behind coitus with 95% of men and 89'1/0 of women reporting participation. 10: From the Latin for "to defile by hand" it came into the spotlight briefly in 1994 thanks to Jocelyn Elders.


17. IdentifY the Ginsberg poem from Lines FfSNOP.

5: 1bis long poem begins "I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked."

10: Released shortly after Howl, this poem's final thought begins: "We're not our skin of grime, we're not our dread bleak dusty imageless locomotive, we're all golden sunflowers inside blessed by our own seed and hairy naked accomplishment. .."

Slmf/ower Sutra

15: Written for and about his insane mother during his "straight" period, this poem contains the lines: "No more flowers in the summer fields of New York, no joy now, no more fear of Louis! and no more of his sweetness and glasses, his high school decades, debts, loves, frightened telephone calls, conception beds, relatives, hands ..."

18. IdentifY the following FfSNOP.

A) Several of her novels deal with her 1930s and 40s youth in Arkansas, including rape at age 8, and motherhood at 16. Others including "How Sheba Sings her Song" celebrate the black experience. FIP, name her.

Maya Angelou

B.) Name any two of Angelou's four autobiographical works F5PE.

I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, Gather Together In My Name, Singing And Swinging And Getting Merry Like Christmas, The Heart orA Woman

C.) Finally, FIP name the poem Angelou read at President Clinton's 1992 inauguration.

On the Pulse o[Moming

19. "Creation" answer the following questions relating to perception of the world's beginnings FIPE

A) 1bis Aztec lady of the skirt of snakes was created in the image of the unknown, and had no orifices. When she was pierced by a knife, she became impregnated with the moon. Coatligue

B.) Odin. ViIi, and Ve made the tmiverse as we know it out of the body of this frost giant.

Ymir (ee-MEER)

C.) One of the first generations of conceived beings, these beings, along with the Cyclopes, and Titans, were the hundred handed sons of Gaia and Uranus. Their most famous member is Briareus.

Hekatoncheires (heck-a-TOHN-kair-ees)

20. IdentifY the movement, a prominent figure of which is a reference. 30-20-10.

30: Prominent Artists include the sculptors Augusta Savage, Richmonde Barthe, And Elizabeth Prophet and painters Archibald Motley, Laura Wheeler Waring, Henry Tanner, and William H Johnson. 20: Some associated musicians include Marion Anderson, Eubie Blake, Louis Armstrong, and Duke Ellington. 10: The movement is best known for its writers including Contee Cullens, Zora Neale Hurston, and Langston Hughes.

Harlem Renaissance