Volume 47 Number I AUTHOR'S HOTE : CIVIL RIGHUS-PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE FredD. Gray CLOSIIG THE COURTHOUSE DOORS Erwfn Chemergnsky lHElFALL OF THE HOUSE OF ZEUs-]ETHCAL IESSUES SURROUNDING THE SCRUGGS CASE INMRISSIISSIPPII Curffs Wfflkffe AMERRCAS POSITION RN THE WORLD /amesAdd som Baker,111 You CAN'TU MAKE UP STUFF LIKE THRS 9 p 2013: March 10-16, Four Seasons Resort, Punta Mita, Mexico 2014: March 2-8, Four Seasons Resort, Wailea, Maui 3nternational &odietp of Parriltern Quartertp Volume 47 2012-2013 Number 1 CONTENTS Author's Note: Civil Rights-Past, Present, and Future ............. 1 Fred D. Gray Closing the Courthouse Doors ..................................... 3 Erwin Chemerinsky The Fall of the House of Zeus-Ethical Issues Surrounding the Scruggs Case in M ississippi ...................................... 25 Curtis Wilkie America's Position in the W orld .................................. 37 James Addison Baker, III You Can't Make Up Stuff Like This ............................... 57 Will Durst Internattonal botietp of larrtterg auarterly, Editor Donald H. Beskind Associate Editor Joan Ames Magat Editorial Advisory Board Daniel J. Kelly John Reed, Editor Emeritus James R. Bartimus, ex officio Editorial Office Duke University School of Law Box90360 Durham, North Carolina 27708-0360 Telephone (919) 613-7085 Fax (919) 613-0096 E-mail:
[email protected] Volume 47 Issue Number 1 2012-2013 The INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF BARRISTERS QUARTERLY (USPS 0074-970) (ISSN 0020- 8752) is published quarterly by the International Society of Barristers, Duke University School of Law, Box 90360, Durham, NC 27708-0360. Periodicals postage is paid in Durham and additional mailing offices. Subscription rate: $10 per year. Back issues and volumes through Volume 44 available from William S.