South Sudanese Community Greatly Contributes to the Many of the Australia South Sudanese Diaspora Have Lived Experiences Betterment of Australian Society
SOUTH SUDAN Migration to Australia 4,105 2,158 INTRODUCTION HISTORICAL CONTEXT OF MIGRATION 886 362 14 The Republic of South Sudan gained its independence from Sudan in South Sudan gained independence after decades of war. There are 3 2011. South Sudan is a country with one of the richest agricultural land generations of South Sudanese who have scarcely experienced peace. in Africa, supporting 10-20 million head of cattle. The country has one To understand today’s South Sudan, it is useful to trace back its history 1951- 1961- 1971- 1981- 1991- 2001- 2006- 2011- After of the world’s largest wetlands, the Sudd, a vast swamp area formed by from colonial time. In 1870 the colony of Equatoria (comprising of what the White Nile in the north central region of South Sudan. During the is most of today’s South Sudan) was established by Samuel Baker in 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2005 2010 2016 2016 rainy season, the wetlands can reach 15% of the country’s total area CIA the name of the Ottoman Khedive of Egypt who claimed the territory. Other Other Other Other Other (2020.a). In 1899, after the Mahdist War, Equatoria was made a state under the country of country of country of country of country of Anglo-Egyptian condominium. During the following decades, Christian migration migration migration migration migration South Sudan is also abundant in natural resources, such as gold, silver, missionaries converted a large part of the population and facilitated the Kenya, Uganda, Uganda, Kenya, Uganda, zinc, limestone, iron ore, copper, and oil.
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