Introduction Central Powder Horn is a resource course designed to Florida Council introduce Scouting’s adult leaders and youth to the exciting program possibilities for their unit. Invites YOU to attend: Contacts: After completing this course, the participants should have sufficient introductory information to: Ed Calish, Course Director Provide a robust outdoor program Email:
[email protected] using a variety of resources
[email protected] Identify local resources & consultants for high-adventure activities Apply the health & safety requirements Mark Spencer, Staff Advisor of the BSA to outdoor programs Email:
[email protected] Apply the rules & regulations of the BSA as they apply to outdoor programs All necessary forms and additional Participants will be exposed to resources & information will be sent to you after the programming in the following areas: receipt of your application. Archery, Shooting Sports, Leave No Trace, Water Sports, Canoeing, Fishing, Orienteering, Geocaching, COPE, Climbing, Caving and much more! BSA (No participant has to participate in any activity High Adventure Resource in which they feel uncomfortable.) Management Course Two Weekends November 11 – 13, 2016 December 16 – 18, 2016 Camp La-No-Che Paisley, FL materials and meals the untrained leader. Total Fee $175 $50 non-refundable deposit due with application Horn Course Final payment for Powder must be received by October 15, 2016. Fees include training Written requests for refunds must be received by November 9, 2016 Early Registration Before October 1, 2016 Full Pre-Paid cost of there is a Discount $160.00 Trained leaders retain 17% more youth than About our Facilities Camp La-No-Che is located in Central Florida about 40 miles north of downtown Orlando.