Acta Universitatis George Bacovia. Juridica - Volume 10. Issue 1/2021 - - Nelu NIȚĂ, Nicoleta-Elena HEGHEȘ Biodiversity conservation and the regime of protected areas Nelu NIȚĂ, PhD George Bacovia University, Bacau, Romania
[email protected] Nicoleta-Elena HEGHEȘ, Ph.D „Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University of Bucharest Bucharest, Romania
[email protected] Abstract: The time has come for us, human beings, intelligent and conscious beings, to understand and remember that no one and nothing can survive without protecting the natural environment in which we live, which has long been not given due "respect". And this, until it is not too late, given that biodiversity is currently under serious threat worldwide, with consequences that are difficult to quantify, including by scientists. Through this study we aimed to raise awareness of the serious consequences of continuous loss of biodiversity worldwide and the need to comply with regulations specific to this area, for our benefit, but especially for future generations, for which we have a great responsibility. In this sense, we consider the synthetic presentation of the international, European and national legislative framework of the broad and complex process that underlies the conservation of biodiversity, aspects that can be useful to all persons interested in protecting the environment around us. Keywords: biodiversity; biodiversity conservation; procedural guidelines; biodiversity strategies; protected areas. Framing subdomain: Internațional Law and EU-Legislation Introduction “Biodiversity” is an increasingly common used term to highlight the richness of the natural environment in which we live and work, consisting of the immense variety of birds, animals and plants, as well as their habitats and genes [1].